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currentSLD : 'messefrankfurt'; return 'https://api.login.' + apiSLD + '.com'; } const cdcAccWidgetConf = window.cdcAccWidgetConf = { onLogin: function () { window.cdcaccwidget.logoutDone = false; window.cdcaccwidget.isLoggedIn = true; window.accwidget.logoutDone = false; window.accwidget.isLoggedIn = true; // Multiple widgets may run this method. // Below code should only be executed once. if (window.cdcaccwidget.loginDone) return; window.cdcaccwidget.loginDone = true; window.accwidget.loginDone = true; // trigger onLogin function on old MyAccount Widget window.accwidget.onLogin(); window.cdcaccwidget.cdcApiUrl = getCdcApiUrl(); // we need to set MFSSOID within our own domain to make sure the cookie is being sent with the ajax requests. getCookieValue().then(function (mfssoid) { setCookie('MFSSOID', mfssoid); }); getAccountId().then(function (accountId) { if (accountId != null) { if (typeof wt !== 'undefined' && typeof wt_event !== 'undefined') { // write accountId wt.customerId = accountId; wt_event.customerId = accountId; // We need to track if the user was EVER logged in this session. // DO NOT override this value on logout sessionStorage.setItem('loginHappened', true); sessionStorage.setItem('customerId', accountId); } else { console.error('Tracking pixel not defined. No tracking of user ID.'); } } else { console.error('Could not obtain account id. Tracking of account id not possible.'); } }).finally(function () { $(window).trigger('wt', 'login'); window.Eventbus && window.Eventbus.emit('AccWidget.Login'); }); }, onLogout: function () { // if a user was already logged in, // we want a page reload for a clean state. if (window.cdcaccwidget.isLoggedIn) { window.location.reload(); } // reset logged in flag window.cdcaccwidget.loginDone = false; window.cdcaccwidget.isLoggedIn = false; // my account logout window.accwidget.logout(); window.accwidget.loginDone = false; window.accwidget.isLoggedIn = false; // trigger onLogout on old AccountWidget manually window.accwidget.onLogout(); // Multiple widgets may run this method. // Below code should only be executed once. if (window.cdcaccwidget.logoutDone) return; window.cdcaccwidget.logoutDone = true; // delete MFSSOID cookie document.cookie = 'MFSSOID= ; expires = Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT; path=/'; // delete customerId from session storage sessionStorage.removeItem('customerId'); window.Eventbus && window.Eventbus.emit('AccWidget.Logout'); $(window).trigger('wt', 'login'); }, applicationId: 'MF-APP-0000MF', cdcApiKey: '4_yGujYeA_qXv11AJTIilynw', subsidiaryId: 'MF\u002DSUB\u002D000019', eventNumber: 'MF\u002DSUB\u002D000019', loadWebSdkEnabled: false, language: 'en\u002DGB' }; const myAccWidgetConf = window.myAccWidgetConf = { applicationId: 'MF-APP-0000MF', referrerName: 'Messe Frankfurt India', referrer: this.location, myAccountVersion: 2, eventNumber: 'MF\u002DSUB\u002D000019', subsidiaryId: 'MF\u002DSUB\u002D000019', language: 'en\u002DGB' }; setCookie('SUBSIDIARYID', cdcAccWidgetConf.subsidiaryId); $(document).ready(function () { if (!T.Utils.isWechatContext()) { window.cdcaccwidget = new CDCAccountWidget('infobox', cdcAccWidgetConf); // set Login-Url const redirect = encodeURIComponent(window.location.href), loginBaseUrl = getCdcApiUrl() + '/cdc/login'; window.cdcaccwidget.loginUrl = loginBaseUrl + '?startScreen=login&apikey=' + cdcAccWidgetConf.cdcApiKey + '&redirectUrl=' + redirect + '&lang=' + cdcAccWidgetConf.language; window.cdcaccwidget.registrationUrl = loginBaseUrl + '?startScreen=registration&apikey=' + cdcAccWidgetConf.cdcApiKey + '&redirectUrl=' + redirect + '&lang=' + cdcAccWidgetConf.language; // extend open() method to show header when method is called - otherwise the widget sidebar will not be visible const old_open =; = function() { old_open.apply(this, arguments); const headerHiddenClass = "o-cube-header--fix-hidden" const element = document.getElementsByClassName(headerHiddenClass)[0]; if (element) { element.classList.remove(headerHiddenClass); } }; if (typeof MyAccountWidget != "undefined") { window.accwidget = new MyAccountWidget(myAccWidgetConf); // Redirect old MyAccountwidget functions to CDC AccountWidget window.accwidget.toggleWidget = window.cdcaccwidget.toggleWidget; window.accwidget.widgetIsOpen = window.cdcaccwidget.widgetIsOpen; window.accwidget.render = window.cdcaccwidget.render; =; } else { console.warn('Legacy MyAccountWidget not available. Provide dummy MyAccountWidget.'); window.accwidget = {}; window.accwidget.toggleWidget = window.cdcaccwidget.toggleWidget; window.accwidget.widgetIsOpen = window.cdcaccwidget.widgetIsOpen; window.accwidget.render = window.cdcaccwidget.render; =; window.accwidget.login = function () {console.warn('function not available in fallback MyAccountwidget')} window.accwidget.onLogin = function () {console.warn('function not available in fallback MyAccountwidget')} window.accwidget.logout = function () {console.warn('function not available in fallback MyAccountwidget')} window.accwidget.onLogout = function () {console.warn('function not available in fallback MyAccountwidget')} } window.cdcaccwidget.render(); } // EOA Login Link interception // TODO: remove after EOA is migrated to CDC Login function interceptEoaLoginCLick(e) { var href; var target = || e.srcElement; if (target.tagName === 'A' && $(target).parents('.externalApplication').length) { href = target.getAttribute('href'); if (href && href.indexOf('messe-login') > 0) { e.preventDefault();; window.scrollTo(0, 0); } } } //listen for link click events at the document level if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener('click', interceptEoaLoginCLick); } else if (document.attachEvent) { document.attachEvent('onclick', interceptEoaLoginCLick); } }); </script> </body> </html>