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Failure to pay the full invoice balance may result in temporary suspension or cancellation of your subscription. Click <a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" class=\"past_due_pay_link\">here<\/a> to pay or click <a href=\"\">here<\/a> for support.", "billing.pastdue.balance_new":"Your account has an outstanding balance of {0}{1}.", "billing.pastdue.terminate_time":"If you do not pay your balance you will revert to a Basic plan on {0}.", "billing.pastdue.terminate_soon":"If you do not pay your balance you will revert to a Basic plan.", "billing.pastdue.will_loose":"If you do not pay your balance, you will lose access to all paid features and cloud recordings.", "billing.pastdue.this_means":"This means that you will lose many of the features you currently have.", "billing.pastdue.pay_online":"<a href=\"/billing/report\" onClick=\"ga(\'send\', \'event\', \'billing\', \'click-pastdue-paynow-link\', \'Past Due Notification Pay Now Link\');\">Click here<\/a> to pay your outstanding invoice(s) or call us at 1.888.799.9666 to avoid a service interruption.", "billing.pastdue.pay_online_autopay":"Click <a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" class=\"past_due_pay_link\">here<\/a> to pay your outstanding invoice(s) or click <a href=\"\">here<\/a> for support.", "billing.pastdue.contact_sales":"<a href=\"/billing/contactus\" target=\"_blank\">Contact sales<\/a> or call us at 1.888.799.9666 to avoid a service interruption.", "billing.payment.ach.verify.failed":"Your payment method was not successfully verified. Please navigate to <a href=\"/billing/payment\">Billing Information<\/a> to update your payment method.", "billing.payment.ach.verify.pending.error":"You are unable to complete this payment since your payment method is pending verification. Please go to <a href=\"/billing/payment\">Billing Information<\/a> and complete verification then retry.", "billing.tax_exemption.label":"Tax Status", "":"Verify Tax Exemption Status", "billing.tax_exemption.link_desc":"You will be taken to ECMS to validate your tax exemption status.<br/>Please make sure pop-ups aren\'t blocked.", "billing.tax_exemption.in_progress_title":"Tax Exemption Verification in Progress", "billing.tax_exemption.in_progress_desc":"Please complete your tax exemption verification on our partner website. When you have finished verifying your tax status you will return here to complete your order.<br/><br/>Please do not make any changes to this page or close out until the verification is complete. If you no longer need to proceed with tax exemption you may close and continue placing your order.", "billing.tax_exemption.in_progress_close_button":"Close", "billing.tax_exemption.quit_progress_title":"Are you sure?", "billing.tax_exemption.quit_progress_desc":"Are you sure you want to abandon tax exemption verification and proceed as tax eligible?", "billing.tax_exemption.quit_progress_confirm":"Yes, Abandon", "billing.tax_exemption.quit_progress_cancel":"No, Continue", "billing.tax_exemption.status_incomplete":"Verification incomplete, please click again if you wish to be tax exempt", "billing.tax_exemption.status_exempt":"Tax Exempt", "billing.tax_exemption.status_exempt_short":"Exempt", "billing.tax_exemption.status_pending":"Pending", "billing.tax_exemption.status_pending_desc":"Your tax exemption status is currently under review. 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Get an overview of all the new and updated features in our <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">support article<\/a>", "billing.new_menu_tips_free.title": "Plans and Billing has moved", "billing.new_menu_tips_free.content": "Upgrade your plan in Plan Management to access new features!", "": "Set up your Zoom Phone plan", "": "Complete the initial setup guide to activate your Zoom Phone and unlock key features.", "billing.cstp.zop.reminder1.title": "Set up your Zoom One Pro plan", "billing.cstp.zop.reminder1.content": "Complete the initial setup guide to get your new plan up and running.", "billing.cstp.zob.reminder1.title": "Set up your Zoom One Business plan", "billing.cstp.zobp.reminder1.title": "Set up your Zoom One Business Plus plan", "billing.cstp.zobp.reminder1.content": "Complete the initial setup guide to activate Zoom Phone and get your plan up and running.", "billing.cstp.multiple_products.reminder1.title": "Set up your new Zoom plans", "billing.cstp.multiple_products.reminder1.content": "Complete the initial setup guides to get your new plans up and running.", "": "Complete your Zoom Phone setup", "billing.cstp.single_product.reminder2.content": "Finish the remaining tasks to start enjoying all of the benefits of your new plan.", "billing.cstp.zop.reminder2.title": "Complete your Zoom One Pro setup", "billing.cstp.zob.reminder2.title": "Complete your Zoom One Business setup", "billing.cstp.zobp.reminder2.title": "Complete your Zoom One Business Plus setup", "billing.cstp.multiple_products.reminder2.title": "Complete setting up your new Zoom plans", "billing.cstp.multiple_products.reminder2.content": "Finish the remaining tasks to start enjoying all of the benefits of your new plans.", "billing.cstp.zopp.reminder1.title": "Set up your Zoom Workplace Pro Plus plan", "billing.cstp.zopp.reminder2.title": "Complete your Zoom Workplace Pro Plus setup", "billing.cstp.zopp.reminder1.content": "Complete the initial setup guide to activate Zoom Phone and get your plan up and running.", }); </script> <script nonce="MesGSOlIRoWnafU8cEDMSQ" src=""></script> <script nonce="MesGSOlIRoWnafU8cEDMSQ" type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script nonce="MesGSOlIRoWnafU8cEDMSQ" src=""></script> <script nonce="MesGSOlIRoWnafU8cEDMSQ" type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ var joinInput = $("#join-confno"); if ((joinInput.length > 0 && joinInput.val().length === 0)) { disableJoinBtn(); } else { enableJoinBtn(); } joinInput.bind("change keyup input",function() { if ((joinInput.length > 0 && joinInput.val().length === 0)) { disableJoinBtn(); return; } var confno = $.trim(joinInput.val()); if (SB.isDigit(confno.charAt(0))) { confno = confno.replace(/[^\d]/g, ''); var meetingNumber9 = 9; var meetingNumber10 = 10; var meetingNumber11 = 11; if (confno.length !== meetingNumber9 && confno.length !== meetingNumber10 && confno.length !== meetingNumber11) { disableJoinBtn(); return; } enableJoinBtn(); }else{ if (confno.length < 5) { disableJoinBtn(); }else{ enableJoinBtn(); } } }); }) function disableJoinBtn(){ $('#btnSubmit').attr('disabled', true); $('#btnSubmit').css("background-color", "rgba(82, 82, 128, 0.09)"); $('#btnSubmit').css("border-color", "#fff"); $('#btnSubmit').css("color", "#909096"); } function enableJoinBtn(){ $('#btnSubmit').attr('disabled', false); $('#btnSubmit').css("background-color", "#0E71EB"); $('#btnSubmit').css("border-color", "#0E71EB"); $('#btnSubmit').css("color", "#fff"); } </script> <script nonce="MesGSOlIRoWnafU8cEDMSQ" type="text/javascript"> $.i18n.load({ "error.meeting.invalid_id":"Invalid meeting ID.", "join.invalid_vurl":"This personal link name is not valid. 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