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From 01 January 2021 the UK is no longer a member of the EU customs union and becomes a third country with consequences for the movement of goods, people and capital. We support our customers to comply with customs formalities and controls. <ul><li><strong>Customs</strong>: be prepared for customs controls. We can provide you assistance in some customs process you may require. <li><strong>Ferry booking</strong>: additional data will be required in order to get confirmed bookings and green light to ship.</ul></div> </div></div> </div> </div> <div class="block my-section"><div class="container-fluid"><div class="nav-block" data-scrollbar="{'horizontal': true}"><ul class="nav nav-list nav-tabs" role="tablist"><li class="nav-item" role="presentation"><button aria-controls="tabpanel-hauliers--1" aria-selected="true" class="active btn btn--txt btn--txt--colorscheme nav-link show" data-target="#tabpanel-hauliers--1" data-toggle="tab" id="tab-hauliers--1" role="tab" type="button"> Hauliers </button> <li class="nav-item" role="presentation"><button aria-controls="tabpanel-principals--2" aria-selected="false" class="btn btn--txt btn--txt--colorscheme nav-link" data-target="#tabpanel-principals--2" data-toggle="tab" id="tab-principals--2" role="tab" type="button"> Principals </button> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="tab-content tabgroup__tab-content"><div aria-labelledby="tab-hauliers--1" class="active fade show tab-pane" id="tabpanel-hauliers--1" role="tabpanel"><div class="block block--text my-section"><div class="container"><div class="entry"><h3>Hauliers’ check list</h3> <h4>Permits</h4><ul><li><strong>Kent Access Pass</strong> (only when you leave UK). <br>Note: CEMT permits, CEMT certificates &nbsp;and Community permit are not yet confirmed by Authorities </ul><h4>Documents</h4><ul><li><strong>Driver's license</strong> <li><strong>IDcard / passport</strong> (must be valid by at least 6 months)<li><strong>Insurance</strong> (civil liability – green card)<li><strong>Technical inspection</strong><li><strong>Certificates&nbsp;</strong>(certificate of conformity)<li><strong>CMR</strong><li><strong>ATA / EAD / TAD / TIR</strong><li><strong>SPS Certificates</strong> (Sanitary/Phytosanitary/Veterinary)</ul><h4>Documents for Customs Controls</h4><ul><li><strong>EU EORI</strong> <li><strong>GB EORI</strong><li><strong>EU MRN</strong><li><strong>UK MRN</strong><li><strong>Register UK Government Gateway – GVMS – GMR</strong><li><strong>UK Entry Summary Declaration</strong> (ENS – 01/07/2021)<li><strong>EU Entry Summary Declaration</strong> (ENS – 01/01/2021)</ul><h3>Actions to take</h3><p>As with all Customs procedures, it’s necessary to establish <strong>clear lines of communication</strong> between all parties, particularly the Importer, Customs Broker and you.<ul><li><strong>Apply for a EORI number</strong>: Every transport company must apply for a GB EORI number and a EU EORI number. <li><strong>Register with Customs</strong> or contact a Customs Intermediary (customs broker).<li><strong>Check an HGV is ready to cross the border GB to EU.</strong> Hauliers should use the ‘Check an HGV is ready to cross the border’ service to check if they have all the paperwork they need to cross the GB border<li><strong>Kent Access Permit</strong>. Transport companies will need a Kent Access Permit to proceed to the GB border (Dover, Folkestone only when is coming back UK to EU).<li><strong>Check the INCOTERMS</strong> with your principals<li><strong>Ensure drivers have Transport Permits</strong> (bilateral, transit, CEMT) and correct International Driving Permits &amp; Insurance.<li><strong>Check booking portals of ferry companies</strong> for the requested mandatory information in order to get confirmed bookings.<li><strong>ENS (safety&amp;security)</strong>. Check ferry companies &amp; ports regarding mandatory ENS (safety&amp;security) declarations: 01/01/2021 for EU, 01/07/2021 for UK.<li><strong>Register with the Port Inventory Systems in the various ferry ports</strong><li><strong>Apply for a EORI number</strong>: Every transport company must apply for a GB EORI number and a EU EORI number.<li><strong>Register with Customs</strong> or contact a Customs Intermediary (customs broker).<li><strong>Check an HGV is ready to cross the border GB to EU</strong>. Hauliers should use the ‘Check an HGV is ready to cross the border’ service to check if they have all the paperwork they need to cross the GB border<li><strong>Kent Access Permit</strong>. Transport companies will need a Kent Access Permit to proceed to the GB border (Dover, Folkestone only when is coming back UK to EU).<li><strong>Check the INCOTERMS</strong> with your principals<li><strong>Ensure drivers have Transport Permits</strong> (bilateral, transit, CEMT) and correct International Driving Permits &amp; Insurance.<li><strong>Check booking portals of ferry companies</strong> for the requested mandatory information in order to get confirmed bookings.<li><strong>ENS (safety&amp;security)</strong>. Check ferry companies &amp; ports regarding mandatory ENS (safety&amp;security) declarations: 01/01/2021 for EU, 01/07/2021 for UK.<li><strong>Register with the Port Inventory Systems in the various ferry ports</strong></ul></div> </div> </div> </div> <div aria-labelledby="tab-principals--2" class="fade tab-pane" id="tabpanel-principals--2" role="tabpanel"><div class="block block--text my-section"><div class="container"><div class="entry"><h3>Principals’ check list</h3> <p>As with all Customs procedures, it’s necessary to establish <strong>clear lines of communication</strong> between all parties, particularly the Importer, Customs Broker and you.<ul><li><strong>Apply for an EORI number - Economic Operator Registration and Identification.&nbsp;</strong>The EORI is essential to deal with Customs - you’ll need it for export, import, transit documentation, ATA, TIR carnet. <li><strong>Register as an authorised consignee</strong>, which enables movements to end at traders’ premises.<li><strong>Register with Customs or contact a Customs Intermediary (Customs Broker)</strong> to issue export, import, transit documentation, ATA, and TIR carnet.<li><strong>Apply for a Duty &amp; VAT Deferment Account (If you are an importer or exporter).&nbsp;</strong>Traders who import <br>goods regularly may benefit from having a duty deferment account (DDA). This enables customs <br>charges (including customs duty, excise duty, and import VAT) to be paid once a month through Direct <br>&nbsp; Debit, instead of being paid individually. VAT registered traders can instead &nbsp;account for import VAT on their VAT return using postponed VAT accounting.<li><strong>Additional Actions for Customs, VAT, and Excise processes</strong>. Check eligibility for facilitations that will <br>enable smoother customs processing. Make sure <strong>your invoices contain all necessary details</strong> for customs <br>clearance. Find the right <strong>commodity code (HS)</strong> for your goods. Use the <strong>UK Global Tariff</strong> and the <strong>EU Tariff code</strong> to check tariffs applicable to goods imported from January 1st, 2021.<li><strong>Register with the Port Inventory Systems in all ferry ports</strong></ul><h3>Documents needed</h3><p>Information to be incorporated into your commercial invoice, packing list and any other accompanying documents.</div> </div> </div> <div class="block block--text my-section"><div class="container-fluid mb-3"><div class="row"><div class="col entry"><p><img class="fr-dii fr-fic" src=""> <p><strong>UK Exports – EU Imports</strong><ul><li>Copy Export Invoice and Packing List <li>Exporters EORI Number<li>Vehicle/Trailer Number<li>Port of Export<li>Invoice Number<li>Clear Description of goods<li>Commodity code(s)<li>Consignee Name and Address<li>Country of Destination<li>Country of Origin<li>Number and Type of Packages<li>Net and Gross Weights<li>Value<li>Incoterms Customs<li>Customs Procedure code : reason for import or export<li>Export licencing requirements<li>NCTS Clearance Code Agent/Responsible party for EU Clearance<li>Any Special instructions</ul></div> <div class="col entry"><p><img class="fr-dii fr-fic" src=""> <p><strong>EU Exports – UK Imports</strong><ul><li>Copy Export Invoice and Packing List <li>Importer’s Name and address<li>Importer’s VAT Number/ EORI Number<li>Duty Deferment account if applicable<li>Chosen Method of VAT Payment<li>Vehicle Number<li>Port of Arrival<li>Invoice Number<li>Clear description of goods<li>Commodity code(s)<li>Country of Origin<li>Net and Gross Weight<li>Value<li>Incoterms<li>Freight and Insurance charges<li>Customs procedure code: sale, temporary import etc<li>Number and Type of Packages<li>Import licencing requirements<li>Any special instructions</ul></div></div> </div> </div></div></div></div><div class="block block--text my-section"><div class="container"><div class="entry"><h3>Video Tutorial GVMS/GMR</h3> </div> </div> </div><div class="block--embed my-section"><div class="-container-fluid--entry container-fluid"><div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9"><iframe allow="accelerometer; 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The carnet is to be obtained at the local Chamber of Commerce and allows tax free and duty free cross border movement (export &amp; import) of non-perishable goods.<strong>&nbsp;</strong><p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">Authorised Consignor / Consignee<p>Authorised consignor/consignee” status enables a trader to start/end movement of goods under transit at their own premises. To apply for authorised consignor status requires a customs comprehensive guarantee. To apply for authorised consignee status requires an approved temporary storage facility.<p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">Authorised Economic Operator (AEO)<p>AEO status is an internationally recognised quality mark that provides quicker access to some simplified customs procedures and, in some cases, the right to fast-track shipments through some customs and safety and security procedures.</div> </div> <div aria-labelledby="tab-b" class="fade tab-pane" id="tabpanel-b" role="tabpanel"><div class="entry py-2"><p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">BIP - GIP – SIVEP <p>Border Inspection Point - Grens Inspectie Post - Service d’Inspection Vétérinaire et Phytosanitaire. Border points where goods are being examined by veterinary doctors, biologists, customs officials etc: fresh fish, meat, products of animal origin, food stuffs and plants.</div> </div><div aria-labelledby="tab-c" class="fade tab-pane" id="tabpanel-c" role="tabpanel"><div class="entry py-2"><p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">CEMT <p>Convention European Ministers of Transport. Transport permit to make an unlimited number of journeys within a calendar year, if you have an annual permit or 30 days of the start date on the permit, if you have a short-term permit. You have to return to your home country after every third journey. CEMT will not be necessary in case of a trade agreement (soft Brexit) but mandatory in case of hard Brexit. Tractor &amp; trailer need to be approved for CEMT.<p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">CFSP<p>Customs Freight Simplified Procedure<p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">Check and HGV is ready to cross the border<p>The Check an HGV is Ready to Cross the Border service is an online service for the roro freight industry in many languages. It will ask questions relating to the expected EU import controls at the border (in France) to ensure the driver has all the necessary documents before they travel. The service will include an online portal for the registration of the movement of goods. The driver will get green (proceed to border), amber (Customs check) or red light. Drivers getting a green light will be issued a digital Kent Access Pass.<p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">CHIEF<p>The Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system processes declarations.<p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">Commodity Code<p>Commodity codes classify goods for import and export. Knowing the correct commodity code for goods is required for filling in declarations and other paperwork. The Trade Tariff Tool can be used to find commodity codes.<p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">Common Transit Convention (CTC)<p>The CTC is used for moving goods between the EU member states, the EFTA countries (Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland) as well as Turkey, Macedonia and Serbia. The UK is set to remain in the Common Transit Convention (CTC) after Brexit, ensuring simplified cross-border trade for UK businesses exporting their goods. T1 forms are used for the transport of non-Union goods, T2-forms are used for the transport of Union goods.<p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">Community System Providers (CSPs)<p>Community Systems Providers (CSPs) are commercial entities that directly interface with HMRC frontier systems including Customs Handling Import &amp; Export Freight (CHIEF), SI Brexit, Portbase, RX-Seaport.<p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">Customs Comprehensive Guarantee (CCG)<p>A Customs Comprehensive Guarantee is a type of guarantee that can be used to cover multiple customs debts arising from one or more customs procedures. In order to use a CCG, a business needs to be authorised by HMRC and provide a guarantee, generally in the form of an undertaking from an approved financial institution.&nbsp;<strong>&nbsp;</strong></div> </div><div aria-labelledby="tab-d" class="fade tab-pane" id="tabpanel-d" role="tabpanel"><div class="entry py-2"><p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">Duty deferment. <p>Duty deferment allows the payment of charges due to be delayed. This includes for import VAT, customs duties, excise duties and some other charges. More information is available here.</div> </div><div aria-labelledby="tab-e" class="fade tab-pane" id="tabpanel-e" role="tabpanel"><div class="entry py-2"><p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">EAD <p>Export Accompanying Document. The formal proof on paper that an export declaration has been done. It has a unique number/barcode = MRN.The EAD is handed over to the driver who is taking the goods to the outside EU border. The MRN is needed to complete the ferry booking.<p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">ECS<p>Export Control System. The EU system for the control of indirect exports. These are export consignments declared for export at a location in one-member state, that then exit the EU through another member state.<p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">EIdR<p>Entry in declarant’s Records, relevant to CFSP<p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">ENS<p>See S&amp;S (Safety and Security)<p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">EORI number<p>An Economic Operators Registration and Identification number is required for all businesses moving goods into or out of the EU and UK. Further information, including a link to apply for an GB EORI number is available here.&nbsp;<u><a href=""></a></u><p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">EUROTUNNEL &amp; Eurotunnel Border Pass<p><u><a href=""></a></u><p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">EXS<p>Exit Summary declaration is a safety and security declaration for ECS.</div> </div><div aria-labelledby="tab-g" class="fade tab-pane" id="tabpanel-g" role="tabpanel"><div class="entry py-2"><p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">GMR <p>Goods Movement Reference. A GMR number is an overall reference containing the export, import and S&amp;S reference numbers. Before moving goods into or out of the country via a route that is using the Goods Vehicle Movement Service (GVMS), the haulier must get a Goods Movement Reference (gmrID) from HMRC. You must get a new &nbsp;gmrID from HMRC for every goods vehicle crossing over these routes. Without one, vehicles will not be allowed to check-in for their crossing.<p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">GVMS<p>Good Vehicle Movement Service is an IT platform&nbsp;<u>supporting</u> the Pre-lodgement of UK import entries, Safety &amp; Security Declarations and the Kent Access Pass. In order to access GVMS you will need a Government Gateway user ID and password on UK Government Gateway. Before you register to the UK gateway you will need a GB EORI. You can&nbsp;<strong>start to register from 08 December 2020</strong>.&nbsp;<u><a href=""></a></u></div> </div><div aria-labelledby="tab-i" class="fade tab-pane" id="tabpanel-i" role="tabpanel"><div class="entry py-2"><p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">ICS <p>Import Control System. A customs pre-arrival security and safety program. ENS = Entry Notification Summary = Safety &amp; Security data for ICS.<p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">INCO terms<p>International Commercial Terms, published by the International Chamber of Commerce, are used to define the legal responsibilities on the buyer and seller in international transactions.</div> </div><div aria-labelledby="tab-k" class="fade tab-pane" id="tabpanel-k" role="tabpanel"><div class="entry py-2"><p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">KENT ACCESS PASS – KAP <p>The Kent Access Permit is mandatory for all truck drivers (UK and non UK) carrying out international transportation tasks and are heading to Europe via the county of Kent towards Dover or Folkestone. KAP is valid for 24 hr. The driver is subject to a 300 GBP fine when proceeding without KAP.</div> </div><div aria-labelledby="tab-m" class="fade tab-pane" id="tabpanel-m" role="tabpanel"><div class="entry py-2"><p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">MRN <p>Master (Movement) Reference Number. A unique number in figures and in barcode attributed by Customs authorities to every customs document: export, import, transit.</div> </div><div aria-labelledby="tab-p" class="fade tab-pane" id="tabpanel-p" role="tabpanel"><div class="entry py-2"><p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">PORT COMMUNITY SYSTEMS – PCS <p>A PCS is an electronic platform which connects the multiple systems operated by a variety of organizations that make up a sea port community. It is shared in the sense that it is set up, organized and used by firms in the same sector – in this case, a port community. A PCS optimizes, manages and automates port and logistics processes through a single submission of data and connecting transport and logistics chains. Portbase for Dutch ports, RX-Seaport for Belgian ports.<p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">Postponed VAT accounting<p>Businesses registered for VAT in the UK are able to account for import VAT on their VAT Return. This means accounting for import VAT on the VAT Return instead of paying when the goods arrive at the UK border.<p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">Pre-lodgement model<p>An alternative for ports that may not have the space and infrastructure to operate temporary storage. Border locations receiving goods that are moving into the UK from the EU will be able to choose to use a pre-lodgement model, where goods arriving will be required to have submitted a customs declaration in advance of boarding on the EU side. HMRC are developing a new IT platform to support the prelodgement model. However, its use will not be mandatory and the choice between using a Temporary Storage and a pre-lodgement model will be a commercial decision for operators.</div> </div><div aria-labelledby="tab-s" class="fade tab-pane" id="tabpanel-s" role="tabpanel"><div class="entry py-2"><p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">Safety &amp; Security (S&amp;S) Declarations <p>Also known as an Entry Summary declaration (ENS) when importing into the UK or EU and an Exit Summary Declaration when exporting to the UK or EU, S&amp;S declarations provide advanced data on consignments to customs authorities for risk analysis. De data for Exit (export) summary declarations are included in and produced by the export declaration (MRN). The ENS (Entry/Import summary declaration) is done by the ferry companies for all Belgian and Dutch routes for both accompanied and unaccompanied traffic. For the French routes it remains the responsibility of the haulier. GVMS allows the haulier to declare S&amp;S free of charge. In France you need to purchase specific software for the S&amp;S declarations.<p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">SI BREXIT<p>The SI Brexit system is an interface between the ferry companies at French Ports and the Eurotunnel terminals and the French customs declaration service. The “envelope” function within SI Brexit allows traders and hauliers to consolidate multiple (MRN) consignments under a single “declaration” and allow the haulier to present one single MRN.<p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">SPS certificate<p>Sanitary and PhytoSanitary certificates including veterinary certificates certifying that goods are compliant with the phytosanitary regulations of the EU. It is required when importing animals, animal based products, animal feedstock and plant products. It must be obtained in the exporting country.</div> </div><div aria-labelledby="tab-t" class="fade tab-pane" id="tabpanel-t" role="tabpanel"><div class="entry py-2"><p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">TAD <p>Transit Accompanying Document. The formal proof on paper that a transit has been issued and which the driver should carry with him. The TAD will be issued by the office of departure or authorised consignor when the transit movement is started. It will show a barcode and the movement reference number that will match your transit declaration. It must accompany your goods under transit from the point they start their journey until the transit journey is ended.<p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">Temporary Storage &amp; Temporary Storage Model<p>Temporary storage is when goods imported from outside the UK are temporarily stored under customs control before they are placed under a special procedure, released to free circulation or exported outside the UK.<p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">TIR carnet<p>TIR Carnet is a customs transit document used to prove the existence of the international guarantee for duties and taxes for the goods transported under the TIR system formalized by &nbsp;the TIR Convention. It is a document issued pursuant to the&nbsp;<em>TIR</em> (Transport International Routier) permitting&nbsp;<u>sealed</u> road transport shipments to drive through European&nbsp;<em>TIR</em>-members countries without undergoing customs inspection until reaching the destination country. Each&nbsp;<em>TIR Carnet</em> has a unique reference number.<p class="glossaryitem_content glossaryitem_title mb-0 t2">TRANSIT<p>There is internal transit and external transit. The internal transit procedure allows the movement of Union goods from one point in the EU to another point in the EU passing through the territory of a third country without any change in the customs status: Document T2. This will be used to move goods to Ireland passing the territory of Britain. The external transit procedure allows the movement of non-Union goods to and from the EU: Document T1</div> </div></div> </div><div class="container-fluid"><div class="mb-section separator"></div> </div></div></div><footer class="main-footer"><div class="block block--contactus mb-section"><div class="container-fluid opening"><div class="contactus__content"><h3 class="m-0 t1"> Trust our experience </h3> <div class="btn-dotwrapper"><svg class="btn-dotwrapper__dot" height="96" width="96"><circle cx="48" cy="48" fill="#000000" r="48"></circle> </svg> <a class="btn btn--colorscheme btn--small" href=""> Contact Us </a></div></div> <div class="fullwidth-xs lottieweb-wide"><div class="lottieweb-wrapper lottieweb-wrapper--perc perc--40" data-lottieweb="" data-lottieweb-loop="" data-lottieweb-title="Trust our experience"></div> </div></div> </div> <div class="container-fluid"><div class="mb-2 row"><div class="col-md-4 footer-info-text"><a class="footer-logo" href=""><svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" class="ths-pay-logo" height="33" width="134"><defs><path d="M.565.302h70.308v29.83H.565z" id="a"></path><path d="M0 .083h56.105v31.335H0z" id="c"></path></defs><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g transform="translate(62.255 1.081)"><mask fill="#fff" id="b"><use xlink:href="#a"></use></mask><path d="M12.043 19.007c6.151 0 10.171-3.256 10.171-9.328 0-6.17-4.02-9.377-10.17-9.377H.564v29.83h5.037V19.007h6.441zm5.183-9.328c0 2.866-1.792 4.955-5.28 4.955H5.603v-9.96h6.345c3.487 0 5.279 2.041 5.279 5.005zM31.769.302l-11.43 29.83h5.086l3.051-8.259h11.382l3.05 8.26h5.135L36.613.302h-4.844zm2.373 6.17L38.211 17.5h-8.137l4.068-11.027zm23.558 7.19L49.806.303h-5.474L55.084 18.23v11.903h4.989V18.23L70.873.302h-5.327L57.7 13.662z" fill="#8496A0" mask="url(#b)"></path></g><g transform="translate(0 .5)"><mask fill="#fff" id="d"><use xlink:href="#c"></use></mask><path d="M40.56.083c-1.465 0-2.882.203-4.225.582L34.24 4.368l2.823 3.642a8.08 8.08 0 013.497-.79c4.492 0 8.131 3.65 8.131 8.156 0 4.505-3.64 8.157-8.131 8.157a8.09 8.09 0 01-2.719-.467l-.02.03c.252-.971.398-1.996.398-3.072 0-5.648-3.936-10.196-9.915-10.645-.25 0-.548.05-.747.099L32.788.232h-8.52l-6.427 11.145c-.509.868-.938 1.66-1.302 2.406a13.26 13.26 0 00-2.587-1.456L20.592.232H.148v6.897h9.964l-4.8 9.536c4.085-.25 7.69 1.06 7.69 4.358 0 2.549-1.744 3.848-4.732 3.848-2.94 0-5.88-1.249-8.27-3.399v7.348c2.14 1.499 4.88 2.598 9.116 2.598 3.529 0 6.712-1.26 8.797-3.566v.005c2.096 2.222 5.137 3.561 8.646 3.561 2.575 0 4.883-.714 6.756-1.958l-.008.011a15.431 15.431 0 007.252 1.798c8.585 0 15.545-6.981 15.545-15.594 0-8.612-6.96-15.592-15.545-15.592m-14 24.39c-2.49 0-4.384-1.9-4.384-4.45 0-2.499 1.893-4.497 4.384-4.497 2.592 0 4.434 1.998 4.434 4.498 0 2.548-1.842 4.448-4.434 4.448" fill="#8496A0" mask="url(#d)"></path></g></g></svg> </a> <p><strong>360 Payment Solutions S.p.A.</strong> <br>Registered Address: Via Quintino Sella 3 - 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