An Overview of the Advice Process and the Scientific Production of the AdviserAdvised Relationship in the Areas of Engineering

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <article key="pdf/10008020" mdate="2017-08-01 00:00:00"> <author>Tales H. J. Moreira and Thiago M. R. Dias and Gray F. Moita</author> <title>An Overview of the Advice Process and the Scientific Production of the AdviserAdvised Relationship in the Areas of Engineering</title> <pages>2410 - 2414</pages> <year>2017</year> <volume>11</volume> <number>10</number> <journal>International Journal of Educational and Pedagogical Sciences</journal> <ee></ee> <url></url> <publisher>World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology</publisher> <abstract>The adviseradvised relationship, in addition to the evident propagation of knowledge, can provide an increase in the scientific production of the advisors. Specifically, in postgraduate programs, in which the advised submit diverse papers in different means of publication, these end up boosting the production of their advisor, since in general the advisors appear as coauthors, responsible for instructing and assisting in the development of the work. Therefore, to visualize the orientation process and the scientific production resulting from this relation is another important way of analyzing the scientific collaboration in the different areas of knowledge. In this work, are used the data of orientations and postgraduate supervisions from the Lattes curricula, from the main advisors who work in the Engineering area, to obtain an overview of the process of orientation of this group, and even, to produce Academic genealogical trees, where it is possible to verify how knowledge has spread in the diverse areas of engineering.</abstract> <index>Open Science Index 130, 2017</index> </article>