Goran Shibakovski 的个人资料, University St. Paul the Apostle - Peeref
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I have a Ph.D. degree from Sofia University i... <central-modal header="个人简介" content="I am an Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of St. Paul the Apostle in Ohrid, Macedonia, and the Dean of the Faculty of Applied IT. I have a Ph.D. degree from Sofia University in Bulgaria. Also, I am a member of the Editorial Board of the UKH Journal of Social Sciences."> 查看全部 </central-modal> </dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>职位 / 职称</dt> <dd>Assistant Professor</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>个人博客</dt> <dd></dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>LinkedIn</dt> <dd></dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>ORCID</dt> <dd>0000-0003-0273-692X</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>联系地址</dt> <dd>Partizanska b.b., Ohrid, Macedonia</dd> </dl> </div> <div class="follow-btn-groups"> <user-follow-button type="user" uid="wAXPvlbWgO2M" is-follow="" ></user-follow-button> <send-message-button uid="wAXPvlbWgO2M" uname="Goran Shibakovski" ></send-message-button> </div> </div> <div class="panel profile-tip"> <h6 class="profile-tip-tag">最近来访</h6> <div class="profile-tip-user"> <div class="profile-tip-user-item"> <div class="avatar"> <a href="" title="Amin Esmail Khalil"> <img src="" alt="Amin Esmail Khalil"> </a> </div> <dt class="name"> <a href="" title="Amin Esmail Khalil"> Amin Esmail Khalil </a> </dt> <dd class="date"> 5小时前 </dd> </div> <div class="profile-tip-user-item"> <div class="avatar"> <a href="" title="Girley Stravinski Lamont"> <img src="" alt="Girley Stravinski Lamont"> </a> </div> <dt class="name"> <a href="" title="Girley Stravinski Lamont"> Girley Stravinski Lamont </a> </dt> <dd class="date"> 1天前 </dd> </div> <div class="profile-tip-user-item"> <div class="avatar"> <a href="" title="PRASOON CHOUDHARY"> <img src="" alt="PRASOON CHOUDHARY"> </a> </div> <dt class="name"> <a href="" title="PRASOON CHOUDHARY"> PRASOON CHOUDHARY </a> </dt> <dd class="date"> 1周前 </dd> </div> <div class="profile-tip-user-item"> <div class="avatar"> <a href="" title="Hub Captain"> <img src="" alt="Hub Captain"> </a> </div> <dt class="name"> <a href="" title="Hub Captain"> Hub Captain </a> </dt> <dd class="date"> 2周前 </dd> </div> <div class="profile-tip-user-item"> <div class="avatar"> <a href="" title="Paul Svoboda "> <img src="" alt="Paul Svoboda "> </a> </div> <dt class="name"> <a href="" title="Paul Svoboda "> Paul Svoboda </a> </dt> <dd class="date"> 2周前 </dd> </div> <div class="profile-tip-user-item"> <div class="avatar"> <a href="" title="Marco Giuseppe Toma"> <img src="" alt="Marco Giuseppe Toma"> </a> </div> <dt class="name"> <a href="" title="Marco Giuseppe Toma"> Marco Giuseppe Toma </a> </dt> <dd class="date"> 3周前 </dd> </div> <div class="profile-tip-user-item"> <div class="avatar"> <a href="" title="Mukesh Kumar"> <img src="" alt="Mukesh Kumar"> </a> </div> <dt class="name"> <a href="" title="Mukesh Kumar"> Mukesh Kumar </a> </dt> <dd class="date"> 3周前 </dd> </div> <div class="profile-tip-user-item"> <div class="avatar"> <a href="" title="Julia Casado-Carbajo"> <img src="" alt="Julia Casado-Carbajo"> </a> </div> <dt class="name"> <a href="" title="Julia Casado-Carbajo"> Julia Casado-Carbajo </a> </dt> <dd class="date"> 3周前 </dd> </div> <div class="profile-tip-user-item"> <div class="avatar"> <a href="" title="mahdi mahdi"> <img src="" alt="mahdi mahdi"> </a> </div> <dt class="name"> <a href="" title="mahdi mahdi"> mahdi mahdi </a> </dt> <dd class="date"> 4周前 </dd> </div> <div class="profile-tip-user-item"> <div class="avatar"> <a href="" title="Astro Clark"> <img src="" alt="Astro Clark"> </a> </div> <dt class="name"> <a href="" title="Astro Clark"> Astro Clark </a> </dt> <dd class="date"> 4周前 </dd> </div> <div class="profile-tip-user-item"> <div class="avatar"> <a href="" title="Elle O"> <img src="" alt="Elle O"> </a> </div> <dt class="name"> <a href="" title="Elle O"> Elle O </a> </dt> <dd class="date"> 1个月前 </dd> </div> <div class="profile-tip-user-item"> <div class="avatar"> <a href="" title="Alexander Ohnemus"> <img src="" alt="Alexander Ohnemus"> </a> </div> <dt class="name"> <a href="" title="Alexander Ohnemus"> Alexander Ohnemus </a> </dt> <dd class="date"> 1个月前 </dd> </div> </div> </div> </aside> <section class="col-md-8 col-md-pull-4"> <div class="profile-main"> <ul class="profile-main-tabs"> <li class="active"> <a href=""> 评论 </a> </li> <li class=""> <a href=""> 海报 </a> </li> <li class=""> <a href=""> 研讨会 </a> </li> <li class=""> <a href=""> 论文 </a> </li> <li class=""> <a href=""> 徽章 </a> </li> <li class=""> <a href=""> 关注 </a> </li> <li class=""> <a href=""> 粉丝 </a> </li> </ul> <div class="profile-main-list"> <div class="comment-list-item panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <h4 class="badge badge-red">基金</h4> <dt> 评论了 <a href=""> Australian Political Parties for Democracy Program </a> </dt> <dd class="mb-3">I wonder how the Australian Political Parties for Democracy Program evaluates which countries or political parties are eligible for assistance in developing their democratic systems.</dd> <small data-iso="2024-11-23T15:07:25.000000Z" class="text-muted"></small> </div> </div> <div class="comment-list-item panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <h4 class="badge badge-pink">讨论圈</h4> <dt> 评论了 <a href=""> Art of Science: Peeref 2024 </a> </dt> <dd class="mb-3">What are the main themes or concepts participants should focus on when submitting their artwork for the Peeref 2024 Artwork Competition?</dd> <small data-iso="2024-11-23T15:03:50.000000Z" class="text-muted"></small> </div> </div> <div class="comment-list-item panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <h4 class="badge badge-pink">讨论圈</h4> <dt> 评论了 <a href=""> Humanities and Social Sciences Publishing </a> </dt> <dd class="mb-3">I am pleased to invite you to apply for the Józef Tischner Junior Visiting Fellowship at the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM). This fellowship is open to scholars in the humanities and social sciences, offering a unique opportunity to pursue research projects related to the IWM's fields of study. Applications at</dd> <small data-iso="2024-11-23T14:57:55.000000Z" class="text-muted"></small> </div> </div> <div class="comment-list-item panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <h4 class="badge badge-pink">讨论圈</h4> <dt> 评论了 <a href=""> Postdoctoral positions 2023 - 2024 </a> </dt> <dd class="mb-3">The Eugen Ionescu Doctoral and Postdoctoral Research Scholarships offer a three-month research period, which allows for valuable academic and cultural exchange in Romania. It is a unique chance to gain international experience and collaborate with Romanian institutions, enriching their academic and cultural perspectives. Call for applications:</dd> <small data-iso="2024-11-22T12:54:36.000000Z" class="text-muted"></small> </div> </div> <div class="comment-list-item panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <h4 class="badge badge-pink">讨论圈</h4> <dt> 评论了 <a href=""> Regulation of AI </a> </dt> <dd class="mb-3">The Senior Associate position in AI Governance at The Future Society looks like an excellent opportunity for someone with a strong background in AI policy. In my opinionn the remote nature of the job adds flexibility, making it accessible to a wider range of candidates. More info at</dd> <small data-iso="2024-11-22T00:43:59.000000Z" class="text-muted"></small> </div> </div> <div class="comment-list-item panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <h4 class="badge badge-pink">讨论圈</h4> <dt> 评论了 <a href=""> Cybersecurity Hub </a> </dt> <dd class="mb-3">The Hague Program on International Cyber Security offers 1 to 3-week fellowships at Leiden University’s The Hague Campus, covering travel and accommodation. It's a great chance to work with experts and advance your career in cyber security. Applications are due by November 30, 2024, for Spring 2025, and May 31, 2025, for Fall 2025. Apply at</dd> <small data-iso="2024-11-22T00:39:12.000000Z" class="text-muted"></small> </div> </div> <div class="comment-list-item panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <h4 class="badge badge-pink">讨论圈</h4> <dt> 评论了 <a href=""> Expertise and expert activities </a> </dt> <dd class="mb-3">This initiative by BIRN Albania and SCiDEV is a positive step towards improving journalism in Albania. Focusing on strategic planning, financial procedures, and journalist safety, it addresses key challenges faced by local media. This initiative is beneficial for experts, offering them an opportunity to contribute to meaningful improvements in Albania's media landscape. CfE:</dd> <small data-iso="2024-11-21T09:28:30.000000Z" class="text-muted"></small> </div> </div> <div class="comment-list-item panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <h4 class="badge badge-pink">讨论圈</h4> <dt> 评论了 <a href=""> International Student Mobility </a> </dt> <dd class="mb-3">The Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme ( offers full scholarships for international students to study in Hungary. Applications for the 2025/2026 academic year are open until January 15, 2024. The scholarship covers tuition, accommodation, and living expenses. I think this is a fantastic opportunity for students to gain international experience and access quality education without financial burden.</dd> <small data-iso="2024-11-20T21:31:26.000000Z" class="text-muted"></small> </div> </div> <div class="comment-list-item panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <h4 class="badge badge-crimson">海报</h4> <dt> 评论了 <a href=""> The effectiveness of health education interventions methods to improve contraceptives knowledge, attitude, and uptake among reproductive age group women </a> </dt> <dd class="mb-3">Changing mindsets and raising awareness are crucial aspects of the health education interventions discussed in the poster.</dd> <small data-iso="2024-11-18T22:46:50.000000Z" class="text-muted"></small> </div> </div> <div class="comment-list-item panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <h4 class="badge badge-pink">讨论圈</h4> <dt> 评论了 <a href=""> Research4Ukraine </a> </dt> <dd class="mb-3">The EU-funded SAFE project is a vital initiative that protects at-risk researchers, allowing them to continue their work in a safe environment. This initiative is a powerful reminder of the role that international cooperation can play in upholding the principles of freedom and progress in academia. Info:</dd> <small data-iso="2024-11-18T22:40:41.000000Z" class="text-muted"></small> </div> </div> <div class="comment-list-item panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <h4 class="badge badge-cyan">期刊</h4> <dt> 评论了 <a href=""> Blockchain-Research and Applications </a> </dt> <dd class="mb-3">For anyone interested in blockchain and cryptocurrencies, the Bitcoin Hub delves into how Bitcoin functions within the current and future usury-industry complex, examining the roles and actions of all involved parties. This exploration includes understanding the implications of Bitcoin on traditional financial practices and its potential to reshape the landscape of interest and lending:</dd> <small data-iso="2024-11-18T10:27:20.000000Z" class="text-muted"></small> </div> </div> <div class="comment-list-item panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <h4 class="badge badge-cyan">期刊</h4> <dt> 评论了 <a href=""> Blockchain-Research and Applications </a> </dt> <dd class="mb-3">Here is the link for submitting and managing manuscripts for the journal:</dd> <small data-iso="2024-11-18T10:23:27.000000Z" class="text-muted"></small> </div> </div> <div class="comment-list-item panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <h4 class="badge badge-pink">讨论圈</h4> <dt> 评论了 <a href=""> Leadership in Higher Education & Research </a> </dt> <dd class="mb-3">The EIT HEI Initiative Call for Proposals 2024 ( is an excellent opportunity for educational leaders. It provides substantial funding and encourages collaboration with business partners, which can significantly enhance the innovation and entrepreneurship capabilities of their institutions.</dd> <small data-iso="2024-11-18T08:39:07.000000Z" class="text-muted"></small> </div> </div> <div class="comment-list-item panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <h4 class="badge badge-pink">讨论圈</h4> <dt> 评论了 <a href=""> Bitcoin </a> </dt> <dd class="mb-3">For purely academic research on Bitcoin, I suggest the Stanford Center for Blockchain Research, which is dedicated to scholarly studies and peer-reviewed publications. Info at</dd> <small data-iso="2024-11-17T19:36:04.000000Z" class="text-muted"></small> </div> </div> <div class="comment-list-item panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <h4 class="badge badge-pink">讨论圈</h4> <dt> 评论了 <a href=""> Bitcoin </a> </dt> <dd class="mb-3">The Bitcoin Research Lab at primarily focuses on providing onchain analysis and metrics for Bitcoin, which can be used by both academic researchers and industry professionals. It offers valuable data and tools for research, but it is not exclusively an academic institution.</dd> <small data-iso="2024-11-17T19:33:39.000000Z" class="text-muted"></small> </div> </div> <div class="paginate-nav"> <ul class="pagination"> <li class="disabled"><span>«</span></li> <li class="active"><span>1</span></li> <li><a href="">2</a></li> <li><a href="">3</a></li> <li><a href="">4</a></li> <li><a href="">5</a></li> <li><a href="">6</a></li> <li><a href="">7</a></li> <li><a href="">8</a></li> <li class="disabled"><span>...</span></li> <li><a href="">49</a></li> <li><a href="">50</a></li> <li><a href="" rel="next">»</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> <back-top-button></back-top-button> </main> <div class="container"> <div class="footer"> <div class="col-md-10"> <div class="d-flex flex-wrap" style="font-size: 15px;"> <a href="" class="mx-3 px-2"> 研讨会 </a> <a href="" class="mx-3 px-2"> 海报 </a> <a href="" class="mx-3 px-2"> 问题 </a> <a href="" class="mx-3 px-2"> 讨论圈 </a> <a href="" class="mx-3 px-2"> 基金 </a> <a href="" class="mx-3 px-2"> 期刊 </a> <a href="" class="mx-3 px-2"> 论文 </a> <a href="" class="mx-3 px-2"> 科研社交 </a> <a href="" class="mx-3 px-2"> 资讯集成 </a> <a href="" class="mx-3 px-2"> 审稿人 </a> <a href="" class="mx-3 px-2"> 关于我们 </a> <a href="" class="mx-3 px-2"> 常见问题 </a> <a href="" class="mx-3 px-2"> 移动App </a> <a href="" class="mx-3 px-2"> 隐私条款 </a> <a href="" class="mx-3 px-2"> 使用条款 </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-2"> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class="sns"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <i class="ivu-icon ivu-icon-logo-facebook"></i> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"> <i class="ivu-icon ivu-icon-logo-twitter"></i> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="copyright"> © Peeref 2019-2024. 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