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But the idea of manually setting up CRUDs, operations, and all that stuff for customers, deals, and contacts make you run for the hills? Yeah, I feel you. Wel... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2025-03-21">6 days ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Image --> <a class="card-img-top" href="#!"> <!-- Image --> <!-- Shape --> </a> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> What Can You Do with Laravel Middleware? (More Than You Think!) </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Did you ever find yourself writing the same checks in multiple controllers? Like formatting inputs, blocking access, or tracking user activity? It all starts feeling repetitive, right?... and it gets old fast. That’s where middlew... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2025-03-11">2 weeks ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Progress Report: February 2025 </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Wow, another month - February truly is a short one, isn&#039;t it?! This month we&#039;ve still focused on the next version of Backpack... but we... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2025-02-28">3 weeks ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> How to Build a Laravel Dashboard Using Backpack (In No Time) </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Every successful app needs a dashboard. It’s where you keep an eye on the important stuff. However, building one from scratch is time-c... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2025-02-23">1 month ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Mastering Laravel: Where to Put Your Custom Code (And Why) </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Laravel has plenty of built-in features and conventions to keep your code clean. But let’s be real: sooner or later, you’ll need to wri... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2025-02-16">1 month ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Access CRUD subfields via Javascript </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> In a previous tutorial, I talked about the CrudField JavaScript Library. I presented an example on how to change one field as the user... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2025-02-05">1 month ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Progress Report - January 2025 </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> First month of 2025 has already come and gone - wow! We&#039;re working on a few big things, that haven&#039;t seen the light of day yet, so... w... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2025-01-31">1 month ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> How To Install MailPit on Laravel Forge </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> So you have a staging environment set up, and want to catch all emails that go out? You might use MailTrap for that. It&#039;s a great hoste... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2025-01-20">2 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> How to use Backpack Fields on Non-CRUD Laravel Page </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Using Backpack admin panel is always fun with its add-ons and features like Backpack Fields and various Operations, saving a lot of tim... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2025-01-13">2 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Custom @blade directives for your views. </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Blade Directives in Laravel offer a clean way to include content dynamically within your views, which also improves the readability an... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2025-01-11">2 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Progress Report - December 2024 </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> This was a slower month at Backpack HQ. We had burned out our tires last month with the Black Friday rush and security fixes, so it was... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-12-31">2 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Easy HTTPS Setup with Sail and FrankenPHP </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> If you&#039;re developing a Laravel application locally using Laravel Sail (Laravel&#039;s Docker-based development environment), you might notic... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Kidd Tang </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-12-29">2 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Backpack vs Filament </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> So... you need to build an admin panel for your Laravel app, and you&#039;re looking for the best tool to build it. You&#039;re on the right trac... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-12-28">2 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> How to compare two CRUD entities. </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Let&#039;s say I have a lengthy online form related to hiring for a particular position, and I received a good number of applicants. Now, lo... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-12-17">3 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> List and preview data from other sources like APIs. </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> In a recent article, I showed how to set up an Eloquent model for data sources other than DB. In this article, I&#039;ll show how you can li... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-12-10">3 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> How to setup Nested CRUD </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Imagine a blog&#039;s admin who could list all posts in the admin panel. What if the admin wants to see a list of articles posted by a user... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-12-02">3 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Progress Report - November 2024 </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Another busy month at Backpack HQ. This month was dominated by a security issue, our Black Friday promo and our work on Backpack v7. Le... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-11-30">3 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Black Week DISCOUNTS - Hurry Up! </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Are you on the fence on buying Backpack? Have you wanted to upgrade to a bigger plan... but it was too expensive for you? We&#039;ve got GRE... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-11-24">4 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> How to add WebAuthn Passkeys To Backpack For Laravel Admin Panel </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Want to make your Laravel Backpack admin panel more secure with a unique login experience for your admins? I&#039;ll show you how to add Pas... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Kidd Tang </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-11-17">4 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> How To Integrate Cloudflare Turnstile in Laravel Backpack without any package </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Laravel Backpack is one of the most powerful admin panels for building your custom project. Laravel 11, combined with Laravel Backpack... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Kidd Tang </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-11-05">4 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Progress Report - October 2024 </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> New month, new things to share! Hold onto your seats... this one has some very juicy announcements - new features, new add-ons, new bug... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-10-31">4 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> New: Docs AI Answers your Community Questions </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> We have great news! But first, context: last month we launched our experimental AI in our docs. If you have purchased any premium Backp... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-10-31">4 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> 🍣 Sushi — Your Eloquent model driver for other data sources </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> In Laravel projects, we usually store data in databases, create tables, and run migrations. But not every bit of data needs that level... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-10-21">5 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> How to add a custom Livewire form to Backpack </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> One of the biggest headaches in web development is managing frontend and backend interactions. I’m talking about smooth validation resp... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-10-20">5 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Quickest way to setup PHP Environment (Laravel Herd + MySql) </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Setting up a local development environment can be a time taking hassle—whether it&#039;s using Docker or manual installations. Laravel Herd... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-10-07">5 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Progress Report - September 2024 </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Another month of progress here, at Backpack HQ. Most of the things we&#039;ve been working on are under-the-hood, since our current goal is... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-09-30">5 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Backpack vs Laravel Nova </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Trying to decide between Backpack for Laravel and Laravel Nova? Well, grab a cup of coffee (or whatever keeps you going), and let’s di... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-09-30">5 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> New in v6: Turn Multiple CRUD Buttons into a Dropdown </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Do you find yourself drowning in a sea of action buttons in your CRUD table? You&#039;re not alone! Too many buttons can create a cluttered... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-09-27">6 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Best free HTML templates for admin panels in 2024 </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> If you&#039;re looking for a free HTML template to build an admin panel, there are several popular options available. In this article, I&#039;ll... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-09-26">6 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> How to configure User Access Control and Permissions in 10 minutes </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Hey folks! So, picture this: you&#039;re crafting your admin panel and the need for proper access control hits you. Admin panels without rol... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-09-17">6 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Progress Report - August 2024 </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Another good month of progress here at Backpack HQ, despite the summer holidays and all. Again, our current goal is to solidify the cur... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-08-29">6 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Add Engaging Animations To Your Webapp for FREE </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Lottie animations have become a popular choice for adding rich, engaging animations to websites and apps. They’re lightweight, scalable... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-08-25">7 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Make Your WebApp or Admin Panel Installable as a Mobile App </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Ever noticed a little icon or popup on your browser asking you to install the web app you&#039;re currently browsing? It’s a cool feature th... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-08-18">7 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Progress Report - July 2024 </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Another good month of progress here at Backpack HQ. Our current goal is to solidify the current version. We&#039;re doing that by improving... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-07-31">7 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Top 10 PHP Features You Can Use in 2024 </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Hey PHP fans! This article highlights some excellent new features of our favorite scripting language. Whether you&#039;re a seasoned pro or... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-07-23">8 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> How to create an AJAX Operation with Quick Button </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Today, let&#039;s talk about the Quick Button. It&#039;s been around for a while, helping us easily create action buttons. But what if you need a... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-07-16">8 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Laravel Advanced: Top 10 Validation Rules You Didn&#039;t Know Existed </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Do you know all the validation rules available in Laravel? Think again! Laravel has many ready-to-use validation rules that can make yo... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-07-09">8 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Laravel Advanced: Little Known Relationships - hasOneThrough() and hasManyThrough() </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> You&#039;ve probably used hasOne, hasMany, belongsTo, and belongsToMany relationships in your projects. But did you know Laravel also offers... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-07-02">8 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Progress Report - June 2024 </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Another full month here at Backpack. Let&#039;s dig into it: Maintenance This month, Pedro has been working hard on Uploaders, which has an... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-06-30">8 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Laravel Advanced: Caching - Explained Simply </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Caching is like keeping your favorite toy right on top of your toy box, so you can grab it quickly whenever you want to play. Similarly... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-06-20">9 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Huge Discounts to Celebrate 8 Years of Backpack! Go get &#039;em! </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> As I mentioned in my previous article, we&#039;re celebrating Backpack turning 8 years old... with a BANG! If you&#039;ve been with us for a whil... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-06-09">9 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Progress Report - May 2024 </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Another full month here at Backpack. Both Jorge and Antonio have been missing this month, but that doesn&#039;t mean we don&#039;t have anything... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-05-31">9 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Backpack Is 8 Years Old Now 🥳 Here’s Some History </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> I had this realization the other day - and it blew my mind. Eight years is a lot of time! To put that into perspective: 20% of new bus... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-05-27">10 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Laravel Advanced: Lesser-Known, Yet Useful Composer Commands </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Composer is the go-to dependency manager for PHP, and if you&#039;re working with Laravel, you&#039;re already familiar with frequently used comm... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-05-26">10 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Laravel Advanced: Know the sneaky $loop. </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Blade provides directives like @foreach, @while, @for, and @forelse for working with PHP&#039;s loop. Did you know... A handy $loop variable... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-05-19">10 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Choose &#039;Boring&#039; Technology for Long-Term Projects </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Ever chased a tech trend, only to regret it a couple of years down the line? You&#039;re not alone. I&#039;ve been building stuff on the web for... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-05-10">10 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Progress Report: April 2024 </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Another full month here at Backpack. Let&#039;s dig into it: Support It&#039;s been a busy month for Jorge and Karan, but they&#039;ve handled it like... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-04-30">10 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Top 10 Laravel Collection Methods You Have Never Used. </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> In this article series, we go a little deeper into parts of Laravel we all use, to uncover functions and features that we can use in ou... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-04-28">10 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Generate a Laravel CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) in 5 minutes. </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Are you building your App on Laravel? That&#039;s a great choice🎉. You must be planning an Admin panel for it. Well, if you&#039;re building one... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-04-21">11 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> New Addon: Edit Laravel Translations from Your Admin Panel. </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Are you working on a multilingual app? If so, you must be tired of translating your Laravel application. Going through language files i... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-04-13">11 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Language switcher UI for your Laravel App </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Are your admins asking for multi-language support? Do they want a language switcher, to enjoy using their dashboard in their preferred... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-04-07">11 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Progress Report: March 2024 </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Another good month here at Backpack. Let&#039;s dig into it: Maintenance Pedro has been on 🔥 yet another month: All our packages now supp... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-03-30">11 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Laravel Advanced: Top 5 Scheduler Functions You Might Not Know About </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> In this article series, we go a little deeper into parts of Laravel we all use, to uncover functions and features that we can use in ou... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-03-30">11 months ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Receive Slack Notifications from your Laravel App with a 10-minute Setup </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> In the previous article, I introduced a Backpack&#039;s new Menu Dropdown Column component which I use for my e-commerce admin panel. Today,... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-03-22">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> New in v6: A larger layout for your large set of menu items. </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> I&#039;m running an e-commerce website and its admin panel is built on the Backpack. It keeps growing with many CRUDs and features. This als... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-03-17">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> New in v6: Setup Calendar view on your Laravel projects </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Last month, we introduced a new feature in Backpack. It is CalendarOperation, a simple way for your admins to see their database entrie... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-03-08">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Progress Report: February 2024 </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> 2024 has started strong, and February proves it. Many new users this month, so a lot more issues came in, but Jorge and Karan have done... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-02-29">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> New in v6: How to setup multiple views on List operation </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Last month, we launched an operation called CustomViewOperation. This helps to set up multiple custom views for ListOperation, where ea... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-02-25">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> What I missed when building an MVP with Laravel </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> I&#039;ve been building a small app on the side. It&#039;s not for Laravel developers specifically, but if you&#039;re curious... it does one thing -... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-02-20">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> How to access CRUD fields via javascript to manipulate Form </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Hey there! This is a quick tutorial on the CrudField JavaScript Library. I&#039;m trying it for the first time while writing this article. I... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-02-18">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Progress Report: January 2024 </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Happy new year, everyone! This is our first report of 2024, and we can clearly say... this year has started at full speed. A lot more i... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-01-30">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Setup GraphQL in Laravel using Lighthouse </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> So, you&#039;re eager to level up your API game with GraphQL for Laravel? Awesome! In this article, i&#039;m going to help you set up a GraphQL... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-01-28">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Cheers to Lewis and Excel Imports for Backpack! </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Hey there!👋 Today, we&#039;re are not just diving into the code tutorial but taking a moment to appreciate @redsquirrelstudio (aka Lewis).... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-01-21">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> How to Build an Image Slider CRUD - Backpack Basics </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> I was working on a website and I had to allow the admin to create image sliders to place on website pages. Sliders are common and admin... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2024-01-07">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> How I created a custom “webcam” field for Backpack. </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> I have a project which is being used in exhibitions to print ID cards. People come for spot registrations and collect a physical ID bad... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-12-31">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Progress Report - December 2023 </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Ho ho ho! 🎅 Hope you enjoyed your holidays, if you celebrate them! Most of us here do, so it&#039;s been an &quot;light&quot; month for tea... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-12-30">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Top 3 Reasons Why FREE Dependencies are Not Exactly FREE </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> I’ve seen this happen so many times, especially with devs who are newer to PHP, or come from JS. Their composer.json looks is an endles... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-12-18">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> How to create a Trash/Deleted section in Backpack CRUD </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Are you using SoftDeletes on any of your Eloquent models? Do you want the admin to be able to soft delete, hard delete or recover items... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-12-17">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> How to add a tooltip to a field label </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Someone just asked me why &quot;it is not possible in Backpack to add a question icon next to each field, with a tooltip for more info... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-12-14">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> How to build a theme-picker for Backpack admin panel. </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> As a developer who uses Backpack, choosing a different theme is easy. But you can also... let your users change the theme! In fact, we... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-12-10">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Progress Report - November 2023 </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> We&#039;ve been hard at work this month, fixing and polishing - our software, our processes and our services offering. Here&#039;s what&#039;s new, fr... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-11-30">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> How to make custom JavaScript work with Backpack&#039;s List Operation </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Last month, we received a query on our backpack community forum. A user wanted to add custom JS, to show the tooltips for table section... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-11-26">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Many Many Discounts - Black Week, Black Friday, Cyber Monday and more </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> &#039;Tis the season to be jolly! Wait, it&#039;s not Christmas yet. 👀 &#039;Tis the season to be buying! That&#039;s more like it. If you&#039;ve been with us... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-11-19">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> The New Trend in Web Development: Keeping It Simple </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Web development is changing. Again! Here&#039;s how: The Modern Web What people call &quot;the modern web&quot; began to take shape in the e... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-11-17">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Easy Column Links using linkTo() </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Hey there! 👋 Do you want an easy way to deep link your Backpack columns? Well, you&#039;re in luck! Backpack has introduced a new column at... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-11-08">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> New in v6: Granular User Access, using Custom Closures </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> When it comes to building complex applications, controlling access to certain features or actions is paramount. Starting with Backpack... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-10-31">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Progress Report - October 2023 </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Happy to report that we&#039;ve launched two new features this month. Both features make it dead-simple to do stuff that is more complex, bu... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-10-31">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> New in v6: CSS Hooks - Easy CSS Customization for Your Backpack CRUD Panels </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Hey there! 👋 We&#039;ve got just the trick for you! Let&#039;s talk about how you can sprinkle a little bit of your own magic on your CRUD Panel... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-10-26">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> How GraphQL is better than REST APIs. </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Hey there, fellow Laravel developers! If you&#039;ve been hearing about GraphQL and wondering what the buzz is all about, or if you&#039;re just... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-10-13">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> New in v6: How to use Spatie Media Library in Backpack </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Hey there, awesome developers! We&#039;ve got some super exciting news for you! Backpack v6 now comes with super cool, first-party support... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-10-10">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Progress Report - September 2023 </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> This will be a short one. Not because we haven&#039;t done much - we have, but because we&#039;ve been more focused on actually finishing things.... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-09-30">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Question: Would You Buy 1-on-1 Consulting With a Backpack Core Maintainer? </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Hey there! Context for those who don&#039;t know... we also offer web development and UX/UI services. Most of our clients are CTOs and found... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-09-27">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> New in v6: How to change layout for panel &amp; auth views </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Welcome to the world of custom themes for your Backpack v6 project! With the Tabler theme, you can easily change the layout for panel a... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-09-22">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> New in v6: How to enable dark-mode on Backpack 🌑✨ </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Hello fellow developers! Are you ready to embrace the dark side? Starting from Backpack v6, we&#039;ve got you covered with a sleek dark mod... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-09-15">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> New in v6: How to create your own custom theme to Backpack v6 </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Hey devs, are you ready to create your own custom theme to Backpack v6? It&#039;s easier than you might think! Let&#039;s walk through the steps... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-09-08">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Give a discount, get a discount! Introducing Backpack Rewards. </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> We have great news if you have friends... who are still not using Backpack. You can now refer people to Backpack and get rewarded for i... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-09-05">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Spread the word and we&#039;ll share the profit. Become an Affiliate! </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Do you have an audience that is interested in Laravel and/or admin panels? Then we&#039;re a great match, let&#039;s do business together! We&#039;ll... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-09-05">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> New FREE Add-on - Activity Log </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> As we build features for ourselves and our clients, we try to release them to you too. Either as features in our existing products, or... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-09-04">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> New in v6: How to change themes in Backpack v6 </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Hey there! In Backpack v6, we introduced themes so that you can add a bit of personality to your admin panels! Changing themes is a bre... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-09-01">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Progress Report - August 2023 </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> This was a very productive month for us. We&#039;ve not only fixed bugs in our newest software, but we&#039;ve also streamlined our support syste... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-08-31">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> New basset() helper (yes, helper) </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> As part of Backpack v6, we&#039;ve invented a new way of loading assets in Laravel. And we&#039;ve done that as an open-source package - one that... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-08-30">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> New in v6: How to create a Quick Button in BackpackForLaravel </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Hey there, fellow developers! In this article, we&#039;re going to explore the awesome new feature in version 6 of Backpack for Laravel - th... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-08-24">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> New in v6: How to build Custom Form Operation in Backpack v6 </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Hey devs, check out the amazing new feature in Backpack v6 - building custom forms with ease! In the past, creating a custom operation... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-08-17">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> New in v6: How to use Uploaders - Making Upload Fields Easier Than Ever! </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Hey there, my friends! I&#039;ve got some exciting news about Backpack v6 that will make your life as a developer even easier. Introducing a... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-08-10">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> New in v6: How to use Dropzone for Easy File Uploads! </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> Hey there! I&#039;ve got some fantastic news to share with you about Backpack v6! We&#039;ve introduced an amazing new feature called the &quot;D... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Karan Datwani </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-08-02">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Progress Report - July 2023 </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> This was a crazy month for us. After having launched Backpack v6 at the beginning of the month (😱), we had a bit of calm... before the... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-07-31">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> 30% Discount - Backpack v6 Launch Party </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> It&#039;s been a few weeks already since Backpack v6 has been not only launched, but the default version everybody uses. In the past 3 weeks... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-07-21">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Excellent New Theme - Tabler </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> We&#039;re happy to announce our Tabler theme is finally out of beta 🎉 We&#039;ve been working with Tabler for a long time, and it is spectacula... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-07-16">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Progress Report - June 2023 </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> This month our entire team has been working on Backpack v6. And for the first time ever... it felt like we were moving at incredible sp... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-06-30">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-6 d-flex"> <!-- Card --> <div class="card mb-lg-0 shadow lift lift-lg"> <!-- Body --> <a class="card-body" href=""> <!-- Heading --> <h3> Backpack v6 launches this weekend - with a huge discount! </h3> <!-- Text --> <p class="mb-0 text-muted"> We have EXCELLENT news. Thanks to an all-team-effort for the past month, we are very happy with the state of Backpack v6 - our latest a... </p> </a> <!-- Meta --> <a class="card-meta mt-auto" href=""> <!-- Divider --> <hr class="card-meta-divider"> <!-- Avatar --> <div class="avatar avatar-sm mr-2"> <img src="" alt="..." class="avatar-img rounded-circle"> </div> <!-- Author --> <h6 class="text-uppercase text-muted mr-2 mb-0"> Cristian Tabacitu </h6> <!-- Date --> <p class="h6 text-uppercase text-muted mb-0 ml-auto"> <time datetime="2023-06-30">1 year ago</time> </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- / .row --> </div> <!-- / .container --> </section> <section class="pb-12"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col text-left"> <a class="btn btn-outline-info disabled">&laquo; Previous</a> </div> <div class="col text-right"> <a class="btn btn-outline-info" href="" rel="next">Next &raquo;</a> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- SHAPE ================================================== --> <div class="position-relative"> <div class="shape shape-bottom shape-fluid-x svg-shim text-gray-200"> <svg viewBox="0 0 2880 48" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0 48H1437.5H2880V0H2160C1442.5 52 720 0 720 0H0V48Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg> </div> </div> <!-- CTA ================================================== --> <footer class="py-8 py-md-11 bg-gray-200 d-print-none"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="d-none d-lg-block col-md-6 col-lg-4"> <!-- Brand --> <img src="" alt="..." class="footer-brand img-fluid mb-2" style="max-width: 80%; 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