{"title":"The National Security Assurance of the Republic of Kazakhstan","authors":"Sholpan Zhandossova, Erden Ordabek, Yelbolsyn Nazarov","volume":64,"journal":"International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences","pagesStart":480,"pagesEnd":483,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/15745","abstract":"<p>the article analyzes the national security as a scientific and practical problem, characterized by the state&#39;s political institutions to ensure effective action to maintain optimal conditions for the existence and development of the individual and society. National security, as a category of political science reflects the relationship between the security to the nation, including public relations and social consciousness, social institutions and their activities, ensuring the realization of national interests in a particular historical situation. In national security are three security levels: individual, society and state. Their role and place determined by the nature of social relations, political systems, the presence of internal and external threats. In terms of content in the concept of national security is taken to provide political, economic, military, environmental, information security and safety of the cultural development of the nation.<\/p>\r\n","references":"[1] Ahmetgaliev B. 10 years: Kazakhstan and integration. - Almaty, 2001. -\r\nP.20.\r\n[2] The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan \u00abNational Security of the\r\nRepublic of Kazakhstan\u00bb, dated 26 June 1998. \u00d4\u00e4\u00fb233-I3 \/\/ Electronic\r\nsystem \u00abLawyer\u00bb.\r\n[3] Nazarbayev N.A. Critical Decade. Atamura, 2003. - P. 170.\r\n[4] National security. Results of the decade. \"Elorda.\" Astana, 2001. - P.\r\n463.\r\n[5] Dubovtsev G. Military construction priorities. \/ \/ Continent. - 2002. - \u00d4\u00e4\u00fb\r\n5. - P. 16-17.","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 64, 2012"}