Andy Wardley: Google Map
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Google Map showing some places of interest. </p> <p class="intro"> Big thanks to all our clever friends at Google who make these wonderful toys for us to play with. We <code><kiss/></code> Google! </p> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ function showMap() { if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) { function add_marker(map, lat, lon, name, info) { var marker = new GMarker( new GLatLng(lat, lon) ); GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() { marker.openInfoWindowHtml( '<div class="mapinfo">' + '<h4 class="name">' + name + '</h4>' + '<div class="info">' + info + '</div>' + '</div>' ); }); map.addOverlay(marker); } var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map")); map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl()); map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl()); map.addControl(new GScaleControl()); map.addControl(new GOverviewMapControl(), new GControlPosition(G_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT, new GSize(150, 120))); var params = url_params(); var lat = params["lat"]; var lon = params["lon"]; var zoom = params["zoom"]; lat = lat ? parseFloat(lat) : 51.244966; lon = lon ? parseFloat(lon) : -0.565678; zoom = zoom ? parseInt(zoom) : 14; // alert("lat:" + lat + " lon:" + lon + " zoom:" + zoom); map.setCenter(new GLatLng(lat, lon), zoom, G_SATELLITE_MAP); add_marker(map, 51.506652, -1.081125, 'Wroughton Airfield, Swindon', 'Site of the Swindon Kite Festival.'); add_marker(map, 38.978953, -74.818997, 'Wildwood, New Jersey', 'Site of the Wildwood Kite Festival'); add_marker(map, 50.784294, -1.095629, 'Southsea Common', 'Site of the Portsmouth Kite Festival.'); add_marker(map, 51.490623, -0.246569, 'Chiswick Maternity Hospital', 'I was born here. The hospital moved to a new location in 1975.'); add_marker(map, 50.864722, -0.098512, 'Stanmer Park, Brighton', 'Site of the Brighton Kite Festival.'); add_marker(map, 50.196483, -5.427632, 'Hayle Towans, Cornwall', 'Holidayed here as a teenager with friends.'); add_marker(map, 50.61248, -2.452419, 'Weymouth Beach, Dorset', 'Site of the Weymouth Kite Festival.'); add_marker(map, 52.708687, -2.753277, 'Shrewsbury', 'Sheila grew up here.'); add_marker(map, 43.667872, 3.636475, 'Cap D\'Agde, France', 'Location of the 2005 Freestyle (Kite Flying) World Cup.'); add_marker(map, 51.449701, -0.574843, 'Beaumont, Windsor', 'I worked here when it was "Peritas".'); add_marker(map, 51.481, -0.39065, 'Ash Grove, Heston', 'I used to live here. So did <a href="/about.html#Early_Years">Ritchie Blackmore</a>.'); add_marker(map, 51.240789, -0.540819, 'Guildford, Surrey', 'I live here. Nice place.'); add_marker(map, 51.411085, -0.260721, 'Bakewell Way, New Malden', 'I live here for a couple of years around the age of 6/7.'); add_marker(map, 51.444807, -2.65131, 'Ashton Court, Bristol', 'Site of the Bristol Kite International Festival.'); add_marker(map, 51.414876, -0.266778, 'Coombe Hill School', 'I used to go here.'); add_marker(map, 51.413278, -0.26848, 'Crown Road', 'I lived here for most of my childhood.'); add_marker(map, 51.41145, -0.295258, 'Kingston', 'I used to live in Kingston. Nice place but over-urbanised these days'); add_marker(map, 33.656073, -118.003246, 'Huntington Beach', 'Site of the <a href="/kites/events/kiteparty2004.html">Kite Party</a>.'); add_marker(map, 51.144733, -1.567354, 'Middle Wallop, Hampshire', 'Site of the Middle Wallop Kite Festival.'); add_marker(map, 51.243596, -1.125927, 'Down Grange, Basingstoke', 'Site of the Basingstoke Kite Festival.'); add_marker(map, 51.244966, -0.565678, 'Stoke Park, Guildford', 'My local <a href="/kites/index.html">kite flying</a> spot.'); add_marker(map, 51.416606, -0.745783, 'Bracknell', 'I used to work here. Awful place.'); add_marker(map, 51.399239, -0.262889, 'Park Court, New Malden', 'Chris and I shared a flat here.'); add_marker(map, 40.733356, -74.001803, 'Greenwich Village, NYC', 'The infamous AFU party was somewhere around here'); var overview = document.getElementById("map_overview"); document.getElementById("map").appendChild(overview); } } //]]> </script> <div id="map" style="width:500px; height:400px;"> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer"> <div id="reddit"> <script>reddit_url=''</script> <script language="javascript" src=""></script> </div> <div class="iconset"> <a href="/index.html" class="abw icon" title="Home"><span class="caption">Home</span></a><a href="/computers/index.html" class="computer icon" title="Computers"><span class="caption">Computers</span></a><a href="/computers/tt.html" class="tt2 icon" title="Template Toolkit"><span class="caption">Template Toolkit</span></a><a href="/computers/perl/index.html" class="camel icon" title="Perl Programming"><span class="caption">Perl Programming</span></a><a href="/kites/index.html" class="kite icon" title="Kites"><span class="caption">Kites</span></a><a href="/boards/index.html" class="mboard icon" title="Boards"><span class="caption">Boards</span></a><a href="/graphics/index.html" class="cool icon" title="Graphics"><span class="caption">Graphics</span></a> <br clear="all" /> </div> <div class="copyright"> © Copyright 1995-2009 Andy Wardley. 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