Dial-Up Internet Service - High-Speed ISP - Juno
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For low-cost email, web browsing, instant messaging and more, visit"> <meta name="keywords" content="dial up internet, high speed internet, cheap internet service, dial up, dsl"> <meta name="title" content="Dial-Up Internet Service - High-Speed ISP - Juno"/> <noscript><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=/account/"></noscript> <style type="text/css"> /* */ /* FONTS */ /* refer to 00-wr09_template_fonts.png (the UED guide sheet) */ .fontA{ font-family:arial; font-weight:normal; font-size:9px; color:#333; } .fontA a{ color:#004181; text-decoration:none; } .fontA a:hover{ color:#004181; text-decoration:underline; } .fontB{ font-family:arial; font-weight:normal; font-size:9px; color:#004182; } .fontC{ font-family:arial; font-weight:normal; font-size:10px; color:#333; } .fontD{ font-family:arial; font-weight:normal; font-size:10px; color:#004182; } .fontD a{ text-decoration:none; color:#004182; } .fontE{ font-family:arial; font-weight:normal; font-size:11px; color:#bfbfbf; } .fontF{ font-family:arial; 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/* if we have the client_type param (or cookie in the case of a redirect) and we don't have a contrary brand */ if(window.addEventListener){ window.addEventListener('load',rememberJN,false); } else if(window.attachEvent){ window.attachEvent('onload',rememberJN); } } var nz = (location.href.match(/netzero/)); var jn = (pseudo_jn || member.brandCode=='JN'); var env = { 'brand':'JU', 'brandName':'Juno', 'brandLetter':'J', 'acceleratorName':(nz?'HiSpeed':(jn?'Speedband':'Turbo')), 'cancelNumber':(nz?'1-800-638-9376':'1-800-654-5866'), /* bugz 266705 */ 'valpackCancelNumber':(nz?'1-800-638-9376':'1-800-654-5866'), /* per copy doc */ 'wwwServer':'', 'webmailServer':'', 'gamesServer':'', 'registerServer':'' }; function hError(str){ myErrorHandler('CATCH-'+str,location.href,9999); /* log the error so we can investigate */ } /* "preload" on https for subsequent steps, this cuts the uncached requests to 1 rather than 2 */ document.write('<sc'+'ript type="text/javascript" src="https://''/static/store/view/js/resourcesX.js?v=21692"></sc'+'ript>') </script> </head><body><center> <span id="forMSIE927917"></span><!-- create an element for appendChild operations on slow connections to work around MSIE dom problem --> <!-- start: descriptive verbiage/data --> <div id="descriptionData"></div> <!-- end: descriptive verbiage/data --> <!-- start: wrapper header --> <!-- start: header --> <div id="wrapper" style="width:960px;"><table id="palette" class="palette" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width=""><tr valign="top"><td> <table id="paletteMain" width="100%" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" style="margin:0; 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/* prevent exit overlay or abandon */ return true; } function signupToggle(obj){ /* note: cookies need to be enabled to use login in reg path */ if(!areCookiesEnabled()) return false; if(obj.togglestate){ obj.togglestate = 0; obj.src = '/account/view/img/webreg/2009/buttons/button-signin.gif'; s_overlayclose('login-overlay'); } else{ obj.togglestate = 1; obj.src = '/account/view/img/webreg/2009/buttons/button-signin.gif'; overlay(obj, 'login-overlay', 'rightbottom'); document.loginForm.memberId.focus(); } } function overlay(curobj, subobjstr, opt_position){ var subobj=document.getElementById(subobjstr)!="block")? 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z-index:1001; "> <table width="270" height="100" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#ffffff"> <tr> <td width="230" style="padding:3px;font-size:12px;"></td> <td width="20" style="padding-top:3px; padding-right:3px;" ><img src="/account/view/img/webreg/2009/buttons/button-close.gif" onclick="return signupToggle(document.getElementById('signin_button'))" alt="close" border="0" ></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <table width="270" height="75" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#ffffff"> <form method="POST" action="" commandName="login" name="loginForm" autocomplete="off" style="margin:0;display:inline;" onsubmit="return logonValidate(this);"> <script> var step = '/view/juno/signup/includes/category.jsp'; var selectedPrimaryOffer = ''; if(step.match(/store/)){ /* fix problem where login was getting an earlier product already in the order object */ var selectedPrimaryOffer = ''; } if(selectedPrimaryOffer){ document.write('<input type="hidden" name="gotoURL" value="'+selectedPrimaryOffer+'">'); } else{ document.write('<input type="hidden" name="gotoURL" value="'+location.href+'">'); } </script> <input type="hidden" name="captchaId" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="client" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="operation" value="login"> <tr> <td width="20"> </td> <td width="85" class="signin-text" align="left">Member ID</td> <td><input class="text" name="memberId" type="text" size="10" style="width: 153px;" maxlength="64"></td> <td style="padding-right:5px;"> </td> </tr> <tr valign="bottom"> <td style="padding-top:10px;"> </td> <td class="signin-text" align="left">Password</td> <td><input class="text" name="password" type="password" autocomplete="off" size="10" style="width: 153px;" maxlength="64"></td> <td style="padding-right:5px;"> </td> </tr> <tr valign="bottom"> <td> </td> <td colspan="2"> <div style="float:left;padding-top:3px;"> <a class="forgot" target="_top" href="" onclick="window.abandonFlag=false;" style="text-decoration:none;color:#004182;" >Forgot your ID or password?</a> </div> <div style="float:right;padding-bottom:10px;padding-top:3px;"> <input type="submit" id="signin" name="submit" style=" background:#589110; color:#fff; font-weight:bold; font-family:arial, sans-serif; border:1px #ccc outset; font-size:8pt; width:33px; height:19px; " value="GO" type="submit" onclick="window.abandonFlag = false;"> </div> </td> <td> </td> </tr> </form> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> function hideSignInButtonExceptions(){ /* isolate the name space */ var suppressionList = 'free-email'; var offerId = ''.replace(/^(nz|ju)-/,''); /* normalize */ var obj = document.getElementById('sign_button_div'); //alert(suppressionList+'\n'+offerId+'\n'+offerId.match(suppressionList)); if(offerId.length>0 && offerId.match(suppressionList)){ = 'none'; } //prompt('','/view/juno/signup/includes/category.jsp'); var page = '/view/juno/signup/includes/category.jsp'; var suppressionList = 'confirmation|download|captcha' if(page.match(suppressionList)){ = 'none'; } }; hideSignInButtonExceptions(); </script></div> </td> <td width="19"><img src="/account/view/img/spacer.gif" width="19" height="68"></td> </tr> <tr style="background:#295A97;" valign="top"> <td colspan="4"><img src="/account/view/img/spacer.gif" width="1" height="4"></td> </tr> </table> </div><!-- start: friendly urls --><!-- NOTES: -build a data structure using the customer-friendly (non-parameterized) urls -during UI generation, the data-driven CPData structure will look for and use customer-friendly url equivalent whenever one is available -these aren't done directly in CPdata because the application requires the parameters to drive decision-making -<UL> and <A> ids here need to match their CPData counterpart for the logic to find and use these details for the data-driven UI --> <style> .productFree{} .product{} .category{} .store_main{} #productLinksData{ display:none; /* the data fragment in this DOM element is used to populate a UI template for presentation */ } </style> <ul id="productLinksData"> <li><a class="store_main" href="" >Products & Services</a> <li><a id="iso_category" class="category" alt="Wireless/Mobile Broadband, DSL Broadband or Dial-up Internet service for all budgets" title="Wireless/Mobile Broadband, DSL Broadband or Dial-up Internet service for all budgets" href="" >Internet Access</a> <ul id="iso_links"> <li><a class="product" alt="Unlimited dial-up Internet service and email at a great price" title="Unlimited dial-up Internet service and email at a great price" href="" >Basic Dial-Up</a> <li><a class="product" alt="Fastest dial-up Internet service with antivirus protection & more" title="Fastest dial-up Internet service with antivirus protection & more" href="" >Accelerated Dial-Up</a> <li><a class="product" alt="Broadband high-speed Internet service" title="Broadband high-speed Internet service" href="" >DSL Broadband</a> <li><a class="product" alt="Mobile Broadband high-speed Internet service" title="Mobile Broadband high-speed Internet service" href="" >Mobile Broadband</a> </ul> <li><a id="securitysuite_category" class="category" href="" >Security / PC Tools</a> <ul id="securitysuite_links"> <li><a class="product" alt="Core protection from viruses, Trojan horses & other online threats" title="Core protection from viruses, Trojan horses & other online threats" href="" >Norton™ AntiVirus</a> <li><a class="product" alt="Advanced protection from viruses, ID theft & the latest online threats" title="Advanced protection from viruses, ID theft & the latest online threats" href="" >Norton™ Internet Security</a> <li><a class="product" alt="Norton 360 - Online Antivirus Security" title="Norton 360 - Online Antivirus Security" href="" >Norton 360™</a> <li><a class="product" alt="One-click computer maintenance tool for PC performance and safety" title="One-click computer maintenance tool for PC performance and safety" href="" >PC Tune-Up</a> </ul> <li><a id="entertainment_category" class="category" alt="Premium services – fun for the whole family" title="Premium services – fun for the whole family" href="" >Entertainment</span> <ul id="entertainment_links"> <li><a class="product" alt="Games, sports, education and more for all ages" title="Games, sports, education and more for all ages" href="" >Entertainment Pack</a> <li><a class="product" alt="Hundreds of games of all types updated monthly" title="Hundreds of games of all types updated monthly" href="" >Games Unlimited</a> </ul> <li><span id="learning_category" class="category" >Educational Fun</span> <ul id="learning_links"> <li><a class="product" alt="Fun educational games and study help for kids and teens" title="Fun educational games and study help for kids and teens" href="" >Learning Edge</a> </ul> <li><span id="pc_category" class="category" >Premium Packages</span> <ul id="pc_links"> <li><a class="product" alt="Three services in one package: Entertainment Pack, Learning Edge, and PC Tune-Up" title="Three services in one package: Entertainment Pack, Learning Edge, and PC Tune-Up" href="" >Value Pack</a> </ul> <li><a id="mm_category" class="category" title="Premium email with extra storage and enhanced features" alt="Premium email with extra storage and enhanced features" href="" >Email Extras</a> <ul id="mm_links"> <li><a class="product" alt="Premium email with 5GB of storage and other enhanced features" title="Premium email with 5GB of storage and other enhanced features" href="" >MegaMail</a> <li><a class="product" alt="Premium email with 5GB of storage, enhanced features & more mail tools" title="Premium email with 5GB of storage, enhanced features & more mail tools" href="" >MegaMail Plus</a> </ul> <li><span class="none" >Free Services <br>Quick, easy signup and no obligation</span> <ul id="free_links"> <li><a class="productFree" alt="Ten hours a month of reliable dial-up Internet access." title="Ten hours a month of reliable dial-up Internet access." target="_blank" href= "/account/" >Free Dial-Up</a> <li><a class="productFree" alt="Free web-based email with mobile access." title="Free web-based email with mobile access." target="_blank" href= "/account/" >Free Email</a> </ul> </ul> <!-- end: friendly urls --> <div style="background-color:#ffffff;"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr valign="top"><td style=" background-image:url(/account/view/img/webreg/2009/menu-graphics/gradient-leftrail-bottom.gif); background-repeat: repeat-y; "><script>window.railIsOn=1;</script> <!-- start: left rail --> <script> /* data structure to drive the categories and products appearing in the store and leftrail centrally */ var brand = 'JU'.toLowerCase(); /* used for name-mangling */ var CPData = {}; /* Categories, and their associated default Products data structure */ /* category hashes: catImg is location of the image relative to /account/view/img/webreg/2009/store-graphics/ (used in the store) catTxt is the text to display in the header (used in store and rail) catUrl is the relative url to the category view (store and rail) (if you use '' for the url, the text will appear, but will not be created as a link) catHeight is to specify which height from the store mockup you want used (store) 27 (the primary offer) 22 (secondary offers) catAlt is for showing alternative text (instead of the url) */ /* products arrays: [0] is the text you want displayed on the product link [1] is the url to the product view (if you use '' for the url, the text will appear, but will not be created as a link) [2] is the optional "target" property for the link (in case you want to open a child window or target a specific frame) [3] is alternate text to show (tooltip) */ function getDefaultOfferId(dealid){ /* need to convert deal id into an offer id so we can make a plan reference note: the deal, offers, and defaults are all managed in resourcesX. */ var offerId = null; var tmparr = default_offers[dealid]; var brand = env.brand.toLowerCase(); for(var i=0; i<tmparr.length; i++){ /* we need to scan the array and find the first match who's brand prefix matches the current session */ if(tmparr[i].indexOf(brand)==0){ offerId = tmparr[i]; i=tmparr.length; } } return offerId; } function getPackageArray(obj){ /* for getting "default" offerIds for a given category, from the centralized category/product object (CPData) as an array */ var arr = obj['products'] var arrItems = []; for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++){ if(arr[i][1]){ var tmp = arr[i][1]; arrItems[arrItems.length] = tmp.match(/offerId=(nz|ju)-([^\&]+)/)[2]; /* extract the generalized portion of the offerId parameter */ } } return arrItems; } CPData['iso'] = { 'catImg':'iso.gif', 'catTxt':'Internet Access', 'catUrl':'/account/', 'catHeight':'10x27', 'catAlt':'Wireless/Mobile Broadband, DSL Broadband or Dial-up Internet service for all budgets', 'products':[ ['Accelerated Dial-Up', '/account/'+getDefaultOfferId(default_offers_by_category['iso-acc'][brand]), '','Fastest dial-up Internet service with antivirus protection & more' ], ['Free Dial-Up', '/account/' + brand + '-free', '','Unlimited dial-up Internet service and email at a great price' ], ['DSL Broadband','/account/'+brand+'-iso-dsl','', 'Broadband high-speed Internet service' ], []] } var accUser = false; /* accelerated users get a price break on some items */ var nis = brand+'-ss-nis-6-95-1monthfree'; if(accUser) nis = brand+'-ss-nis-6-95-1monthfree'; var n360 = brand+'-ss-n360-9-95-fmf'; if(accUser) n360 = brand+'-ss-n360-9-95-fmf'; CPData['securitysuite'] = { 'catImg':'ss.gif', 'catTxt':'Security', 'catUrl':'/account/', 'catHeight':'10x22', 'catAlt':'Internet security and computer maintenance', 'products':[ ['Norton 360™','/account/'+n360,'', 'Advanced protection from viruses, ID theft & the latest online threats' ], ['Norton™ Internet Security','/account/'+nis,'', 'Advanced protection from viruses, ID theft & the latest online threats' ], ['Norton™ AntiVirus','/account/'+brand+'-ss-nav-3-95-1monthfree','', 'Core protection from viruses, Trojan horses & other online threats' ], /* ['PC Tune-Up','/account/'+brand+'-pc-tuneup-6-95-fmf','', 'One-click computer maintenance tool for PC performance and safety' ], */ []] } CPData['entertainment'] = { 'catImg':'entertainment.gif', 'catTxt':'Games Unlimited', 'catUrl':'/account/', 'catHeight':'10x22', 'catAlt':'Premium services - fun for the whole family', 'products':[ ['Games Unlimited','/account/'+brand+'-games895fmf','', 'Hundreds of games of all types updated monthly' ], []] } CPData['learning'] = { 'catImg':'education.gif', 'catTxt':'Educational Fun', 'catUrl':'', 'catHeight':'10x22', 'catAlt':'', 'products':[ ['Learning Edge','/account/'+brand+'-pc-learning-fmf','', 'Fun educational games and study help for kids and teens' ], []] } CPData['pc'] = { 'catImg':'premium.gif', 'catTxt':'Premium Packages', 'catUrl':'', 'catHeight':'10x22', 'catAlt':'', 'products':[ ['Value Pack','/account/'+brand+'-pc-valpack-15-95-fmf','', 'Three services in one package: Entertainment Pack, Learning Edge, and PC Tune-Up' ], []] } CPData['mm'] = { 'catImg':'email.gif', 'catTxt':'Email Extras', 'catUrl':'/account/', 'catHeight':'10x22', 'catAlt':'Premium email with extra storage and enhanced features', 'products':[ ['MegaMail','/account/'+brand+'-mmo-tier1-21-95-annual','', 'Premium email with 2GB of storage and other enhanced features','3018' ], ['Ad-Free Megamail-monthly','/account/'+brand+'-mmo-tier1-adfree-monthly-2-95','', 'Premium email with Adfree feature','3022' ], ['Ad-Free Megamail-yearly','/account/'+brand+'-mmo-tier1-adfree-Annual-34-95','', 'Premium email with Adfree feature','3024' ], ['MegaMail Plus','/account/'+brand+'-mmo-tier2-34-95-annual','', 'Premium email with 5GB of storage, enhanced features & more mail tools','3019' ], ['Ad-Free MegaMail Plus-monthly','/account/'+brand+'-mmo-tier2-adfree-monthly-5-00','', 'Premium email with Adfree feature','3021' ], ['Ad-Free MegaMail Plus-yearly','/account/'+brand+'-mmo-tier2-adfree-annual-60-00','', 'Premium email with Adfree feature','3020' ], ['Ad-Free Megamail Plus-monthly','/account/'+brand+'-mmo-tier2-adfree-bundle-monthly-1-95','', 'Premium email with Adfree feature','3023' ], ] } CPData['free'] = { 'catImg':'free.gif', 'catTxt':'Free Services', 'catUrl':'', 'catHeight':'10x22', 'products':[ ['Free Dial-Up',''+brand+'-free','_blank', /* problem: /free behavior is different for JN. Also, we need the offerID to map for platform exclusion */ 'Ten hours a month of reliable dial-up Internet access.' ], /* existing app_start landing page */ ['Free Email','/account/'+brand+'-free-email','_blank', 'Free web-based email with mobile access.' ], /* existing app_start landing page */ /* if they change their mind, here are the links to the product stubs in webreg */ //['Free Dial-Up','/account/'+brand+'-free'], //['Free Email','/account/'+brand+'-free-email'], []] } </script> <style> .railHeader{ background:#777; color:#fff; margin:0; padding:6px; text-align:center; _eight:32px; border-bottom:1px #A8A8A8 solid; } .railCategory{ background:#E8E8E8; color:#4E4E4E; margin:0; padding:5px; font-weight:bold; margin-top:1px; } .railCategory a{ text-decoration:none; color:#004182; } .railProductBox{ margin:0; padding:0; padding-top:5px; } .railProduct{ color:#004182; margin:0; padding:1px; padding-left:10px; } .railProduct a{ text-decoration:none; } .railProduct a:hover{ text-decoration:none; } .railCategoryBox{ margin:0; padding:0; padding-bottom:5px; background:#F4F4F4; border-bottom:1px #C8C8C8 solid; } .railContainer{ font-family:arial; font-weight:normal; font-size:10px; color:#004182; background-image:url(/account/view/img/webreg/2009/menu-graphics/gradient-leftrail-right.gif); background-repeat:repeat-y; background-position:100%; text-align:left; } .freeServicesBox{ margin:0; padding:0; background-image:url(/account/view/img/webreg/2009/menu-graphics/gradient-button-tab-middle-leftrail.gif); background-repeat:repeat-y; } </style> <div id="leftRailHTML" class="railContainer" style="float:left; margin:0; padding:0; margin-top:2px; z-index:999; width:182px; padding-right:5px; "> <div id="leftRailHeader" style="margin:0;padding:0;"> <div class="fontBb railHeader"> <a href="/" style="text-decoration:none; color:#fff;">Products & Services</a> </div> </div> <script> var brand = 'JU'.toLowerCase(); var isAdFreeDealAllowed = true; var hasMegaMail,hasMegamailPlus,hasAnyIsp = false; function makeRailHeader(img,text,url,height,alt,catType){ /* note: img and height args are throwaway in this context, adding them to allow simple cut/paste between makeRailHeader and makeHeader both of which use the same data struct (arguments str) */ /* determine which category line gets the "this page" right arrow graphic, if any */ var testUrl = url.replace(/\?/,'.'); /* regex match doesn't like the "?" */ var thisPage = (testUrl?location.href.match(testUrl):''); /* add-on: use the seo DOM components inside of productLinksData in the UI instead of the data structure when they exist */ var tobj = document.getElementById(catType+'_category') || new Object(); if(tobj.href){ url = tobj.href; } else if(url.length>0){ /* otherwise use CPData */ url += (url.match(/\?/)?'&':'?')+'leftRail=true'; } var a = '<span alt="'+alt+'" title="'+alt+'">'+text+'</span>'; if(url.length>0 & !thisPage){ a='<a href="'+url+'">'+a+'</a>'; } var html='' +'<div class="fontT railCategory">' +'<img src="/account/view/img/webreg/2009/' +(thisPage && url.length>0 ? 'menu-graphics/arrow-right.gif':'spacer.gif') +'" width="7" height="11" style="margin:0 5px 0 0;">' +a +'</div>' return html } function makeRailProductLinks(list,catType){ if(typeof(plan)=='undefined'){ hError('\nerror: plan failed to resolve'); } hasMegaMail = Boolean(); hasMegaMailPlus = Boolean(); hasAnyIsp = Boolean() || Boolean() || Boolean(); var html='' if(catType == "mm" ){ if(isAdFreeDealAllowed){ if(Boolean(false) && Boolean(false)){ if(hasAnyIsp && hasMegaMailPlus){ for(var i=0;i<list.length;i++){ if(list[i][4] == "3022" || list[i][4] == "3024" || list[i][4] == "3020" || list[i][4] == "3021"){ list.splice(i,1); i=i-1; } } } else{ for(var i=0;i<list.length;i++){ if(list[i][4] == "3023"){ list.splice(i,1); } } } }else{ for(var i=0;i<list.length;i++){ if(list[i][1].indexOf("adfree") != -1){ list.splice(i,1); i--; } } } }else{ for(var i=0;i<list.length;i++){ if(list[i][1].indexOf("adfree") != -1){ list.splice(i,1); i--; } } } } for(var i=0; i<list.length; i++){ if(list[i].length>0){ /* padding the last array item so each row dev will interact with can end with a "," for simple cut/paste changes */ /* bugz: 266352, check the package system to make sure the requested offer isn't unavailable for this platform */ var platform = 'win' var showItem = true; /* assume it's ok by default */ var offerUri = list[i][1]; /* this is a uri currently, we need to scan for the offerId */ var offerId = ''; var paramOfferId = ''; if(offerUri.match(/offerId=/)){ /* just want the actual offerId, ie. "nz-free" */ offerId = offerUri.match(/offerId=[^\&]+/).toString().replace(/offerId=/,''); if(plan[offerId].excludePlatform && plan[offerId].excludePlatform.match(platform)){ showItem = false; /* exclude this one */ } } var disallow = false; if(paramOfferId.match(/^..\-(free|free-email)$/)){ /* hide the arrow-right-small graphic for these in case the user gets to the non-app_start version of the product page */ disallow = true; } if(showItem){ html+='' +'<div class="fontH railProduct">' /* also handle the individual product pages */ +'<img src="/account/view/img/webreg/2009/' +((offerId.length && (offerId == paramOfferId) && !disallow) ? 'menu-graphics/arrow-right-small.gif':'spacer.gif') +'" width="6" height="9" style="margin:0 5px 0 0;">' var href = list[i][1]+(list[i][1].match(/\?/)?'&':'?')+'leftRail=true'; /* add-on: use the seo DOM components inside of productLinksData in the UI instead of the data structure when they exist */ var tobj = document.getElementById(catType+'_links') || new Object(); if(tobj && tobj.getElementsByTagName){ var tarr = tobj.getElementsByTagName('a'); for(var j=0; j<tarr.length; j++){ /* get rid of entities and ext ascii */ var tmp1 = trimExtChars(tarr[j].innerHTML); var tmp2 = trimExtChars(list[i][0]); var nonfmfAndIso = (!fmf && tmp1.match(/Accelerated|Basic/)) || 0; /* for RT 220879 only use the friendly url if it's not the B split */ if(tmp1 == tmp2 && !nonfmfAndIso){ /* if the text in the SEO structure matches the text in the CPData structure, use the anchor properties from the SEO structure */ href = tarr[j].href; } } } if(offerId.length && offerId == paramOfferId){ /* current product being viewed */ html += '' +'<span class="fontJ">'+list[i][0]+'</span>' } else{ /* regular product link */ html += '' +'<a class="fontH" href="'+href+'" ' +(list[i][2]?' target="'+list[i][2]+'"':'') /* if target argument is present include it */ +(list[i][3]?' title="'+list[i][3]+'" alt="'+list[i][3]+'"':'') /* if "alt" is provided include it */ +'>'+list[i][0]+'</a>' } html += '' +'</div>' } } } return html } </script> <!-- start: category + products --> <div class="railCategoryBox"> <script> var catType = 'iso'; var cObj = CPData[catType]; /* tmp ref to the centralized category */ document.write(makeRailHeader(cObj.catImg,cObj.catTxt,cObj.catUrl,cObj.catHeight,cObj.catAlt,catType)); //document.write(makeRailHeader('Internet Access','/account/')); </script> <div class="railProductBox"> <script> var arr=cObj.products; /* tmp ref to the centralized category's products */ //var arr=[ // ['Basic Dial-Up','/account/'+brand+'-iso-pt-monthly'], // ['Accelerated Dial-Up','/account/'+brand+'-iso-acc-monthly'], // ['DSL Broadband','/account/'], //[]]; document.write(makeRailProductLinks(arr,catType)); </script> </div> </div> <!-- end: category + products --> <!-- start: category + products --> <div class="railCategoryBox"> <script> var catType = 'securitysuite'; var cObj = CPData[catType]; /* tmp ref to the centralized category */ document.write(makeRailHeader(cObj.catImg,cObj.catTxt,cObj.catUrl,cObj.catHeight,cObj.catAlt,catType)); //document.write(makeRailHeader('Security / PC Tools','/account/')); </script> <div class="railProductBox"> <script> var arr=cObj.products; /* tmp ref to the centralized category's products */ //var arr=[ // ['Norton™ AntiVirus','/account/'+brand+'-ss-nav-3-95-1monthfree'], // ['Norton™ Internet Security','/account/'+brand+'-ss-nis-6-95-monthly'], // ['PC Tune-Up','/account/'+brand+'-pc-tuneup-6-95-fmf'], //[]]; document.write(makeRailProductLinks(arr,catType)); </script> </div> </div> <!-- end: category + products --> <!-- start: category + products --> <div class="railCategoryBox"> <script> var catType = 'entertainment'; var cObj = CPData[catType]; /* tmp ref to the centralized category */ document.write(makeRailHeader(cObj.catImg,cObj.catTxt,cObj.catUrl,cObj.catHeight,cObj.catAlt,catType)); //document.write(makeRailHeader('Entertainment','/account/')); </script> <div class="railProductBox"> <script> var arr=cObj.products; /* tmp ref to the centralized category's products */ //var arr=[ // ['Entertainment Pack','/account/'+brand+'-pc-entertainment-7-95-fmf'], // ['Games','/account/'], //[]]; document.write(makeRailProductLinks(arr,catType)); </script> </div> </div> <!-- end: category + products --> <!-- start: category + products --> <div class="railCategoryBox"> <script> var catType = 'mm'; var cObj = CPData[catType]; /* tmp ref to the centralized category */ document.write(makeRailHeader(cObj.catImg,cObj.catTxt,cObj.catUrl,cObj.catHeight,cObj.catAlt,catType)); //document.write(makeRailHeader('Email Extras','/account/')); </script> <div class="railProductBox"> <script> var arr=cObj.products; /* tmp ref to the centralized category's products */ //var arr=[ // ['MegaMail','/account/'+brand+'-mmo-tier1-1monthfree'], // ['MegaMail Plus','/account/'+brand+'-mmo-tier2-1monthfree'], //[]]; document.write(makeRailProductLinks(arr,catType)); </script> </div> </div> <!-- end: category + products --> <!-- start: category + products --> <div class="freeServicesBox"> <img src="/account/view/img/webreg/2009/menu-graphics/gradient-button-tab-top-leftrail.gif"> <div _lass="railCategoryBox" style="padding:0px 10px 3px 20px; margin:0;"> <script> var catType = 'free'; var cObj = CPData[catType]; /* tmp ref to the centralized category */ var arr=cObj.products; /* tmp ref to the centralized category's products */ </script> <span class="fontT" style="color:#4E4E4E; font-size:12px;"> <script>document.write(cObj.catTxt)</script> </span> <div class="fontT" style="color:#4E4E4E; font-weight:normal; margin:0; font-size:11px; margin-bottom:5px;"> Quick, easy signup and no obligation </div> <div style="margin:0; padding:0; position:relative; left:-17px;"> <script> var html = makeRailProductLinks(arr,catType); html = html.replace(/Free/g,'» Free'); /* ugh */ document.write(html); </script> </div> </div> <img src="/account/view/img/webreg/2009/menu-graphics/gradient-button-tab-bottom-leftrail.gif" ></div> <!-- end: category + products --> <div style=" background-image:url(/account/view/img/webreg/2009/menu-graphics/gradient-leftrail-bottom.gif); background-repeat: repeat-y; height:10px; "></div></div> <!-- end: left rail --> </td><td width="100%"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"> <tr class="headerTable"> <td width="20"><img src="/account/view/img/spacer.gif" width="20" height="42"></td> <td nowrap> <h1 class="pghd1" id="pghd1" style="margin:0; padding:0; position:relative; left:-2px; padding-top:3px;" role="heading" >Internet Access</h1> </td> <td width="100%" align="right"> <div style="padding-top:3px; padding-right:12px; "> <span id="pageHelpText"></span> </div> </td> <td width="19"><img src="/account/view/img/spacer.gif" width="19" height="42"></td> </tr> </table> <div style="margin:0; padding:0; clear:both; background:#FFF;"><img src="/account/view/img/spacer.gif" width="20" height="2"></div> <div style="margin:0; padding:0; clear:both; background:#E9E9E9"><img src="/account/view/img/spacer.gif" width="20" height="1"></div> <!-- end: header --> <!-- start: dynamic help --> <script> /* this is in shared-global-header.jsp */ var helplink = document.getElementById('helplink'); if (!helplink) { helplink={ target:'', href:'' }; } = ''; /* need to clear the target so it doesn't try to do this in a blank page */ helplink.href = 'javascript:void(DoHelp(\'product\'));'; /* view/page based */ </script> <!-- end: dynamic help --> <div class="content" style="padding:10px 20px 20px 20px;"> <script> packageArray=getPackageArray(CPData['iso']); /* default offers */ </script><!-- start: content --> <!-- start: invalid/unknown cases messaging --> <div class="fontFf">Get Reliable, Affordable Dial-Up</div> <p> <div class="fontY">Choose the plan and the speed that is right for you, and set up your Internet service in just minutes!</div> <!-- end: invalid/unknown cases messaging --> <!-- start: strange use cases (bug 266458) --> <script> function bounceTo(url){ location.replace(url); } /* support IWP traffic */ var IWP = '.' switch(IWP){ case 'ssnis.Y': bounceTo('/account/'+brand+'-ss-nis-2-95-fmf&leftRail=true'); break; case 'ssnis.N': bounceTo('/account/'+brand+'-ss-nis-6-95-1monthfree&leftRail=true'); break; } </script> <!-- end: strange use cases --> <p> <!-- start: sections pegboard --> <style> .boxProduct{ margin:10px 0 0 0; padding:0; border:1px #ccc solid; } .boxHeader{ margin:0; padding:5px; border-bottom:1px #ccc solid; background:#F0F0F0; } .boxContent{ margin:0; padding:5px; } .boxContentMain{padding-top:5px;} </style> <script> function Qs2AnchorParams(){ /* parse query string and include key/value pairs in hidden inputs to preserve for next step */ var tmp =, var html = '' for(var i=0; i<tmp.length; i++){ var kv = tmp[i].split(/=/); html += '&'+kv[0]+'='+kv[1] } return html } function Qs2Inputs(){ /* parse query string and include key/value pairs in hidden inputs to preserve for next step */ var tmp =, var html = '' for(var i=0; i<tmp.length; i++){ var kv = tmp[i].split(/=/); html += '<input type="hidden" name="'+kv[0]+'" value="'+kv[1]+'">' } return html } </script> <script> var brand = 'JU'.toLowerCase(); var href='return hClickSubmitAddToOrder();'; function hClickSubmitAddToOrder(){ /* to do, submitter */ } /* for DSL form */ function AutoTab(inputValue, maxLength, linkItem){ var tn=inputValue; var currentLength = tn.length; if(currentLength== maxLength) { if(linkItem.value=="") { linkItem.focus();; } } } function exceptionForDSL(){ /* the DSL creative is radically different */ var html = '' +'<div style="position:relative; z-index:999; margin-top:10px;">' +'<div style="position:absolute; right:10px;">' +'<form name="phonetest" style="margin:0;position:relative; right:0px;" method="post" action="" onsubmit="return submittheform()">' +'<input type="hidden" name="operation" value="checkServiceAvailabilityWithTN">' +'<input name="phoneAreaCode" autocomplete="off" value="" size="3" maxlength="3" accesskey="v" style="border:1px #ccc solid; width:35px;" onkeyup="AutoTab(this.value, 3,this.form.phonePrefix);"/> - ' +'<input name="phonePrefix" autocomplete="off" value="" size="3" maxlength="3" style="border:1px #ccc solid; width:35px;" onkeyup="AutoTab(this.value, 3,this.form.phoneSuffix);"/> - ' +'<input name="phoneSuffix" autocomplete="off" value="" size="4" maxlength="4" style="border:1px #ccc solid; width:55px;"/>' +'</form>' +'<a href="javascript:void(0);" tabindex="-1" onmouseover="document.getElementById(\'elWhy\').style.display=\'\';"' +' onmouseout="document.getElementById(\'elWhy\').style.display=\'none\';"' +' class="fontB" style="display:block; clear:both; margin:0; padding:0; border-bottom:1px dashed #004182; margin-top:2px;">Why We Need Your Phone Number</a>' +' <div style="position:relative; left:-50px;">' +' <div id="elWhy" style="position:absolute; width:230px; background:#f9f9f9; border:2px #eee solid; padding:5px; display:none;">' +' <b>Why We Need Your Phone Number:</b>' +' <p>We need your home phone number to accurately check the DSL services and pricing available at your location. ' +' Please do not use a mobile phone number.</p> ' +' <p>Juno DSL is committed to safeguarding your privacy online. ' +' For further information about our privacy policies, click the Privacy Statement link.</p> ' +' </div>' +' </div>' +'</div>' +'</div>' +'<div style="position:absolute; bottom:0; right:0; width:100%;">' +' <div style="float:right;padding:10px;">' +getButtonHTMLstyle1('Get Started','document.phonetest.submit();return false;','10x26',120,'center','',false) +' </div>' +' <div style="position:absolute; bottom:15px; right:140px;">' +' <img src="/account/view/img/webreg/2009/menu-graphics/arrow-right-small.gif"> ' +' <a href="/account/'+brand+'-iso-dsl" style="text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; font-size:11px;">More Info</a>' +' </div>' +'</div>' return html } function exceptionForWls(){ /* the Wireless/Mobile creative is radically different */ var href = 'location.replace(\'\');return false;'; var html = '' +'<div style="position:relative; z-index:999; margin-top:25px;">' +'<div style="position:absolute; right:10px;">' +'<b class="fontJ">Plans as low as</b>' +'<div class="fontAB" style="color:#666; margin:0; padding:0;">' +'<span style="position:relative; left:10px;">' +'<span style="font-size:13px; color:#000; position:relative; top:-5px;">$</span>' +'<b>' +'<span class="fontGg" style="">9' +'<span style="color:#000; font-size:13px; position:relative; top:-6px;">95</span>' +'</span>' +'</b><span style="position:relative; top:2px; left:-15px;">a month</span>' +'</span>' +'<div class="fontG">No contract required</div>' +'</div>' +'<div style="position:absolute; bottom:0; right:0; width:100%;">' +'</div>' +'</div>' +'</div>' +'<div style="position:absolute; bottom:0; right:0; width:100%;">' +' <div style="float:right;padding:10px;">' +getButtonHTMLstyle1('Get Started',href,'10x26',120,'center','',false) +' </div>' +' <div style="position:absolute; bottom:15px; right:140px;">' +' <img src="/account/view/img/webreg/2009/menu-graphics/arrow-right-small.gif"> ' +' <a href="" style="text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; font-size:11px;">More Info</a>' +' </div>' +'</div>' return html } function makeProductChunk(offerId,numberOfItems){ var p = plan[offerId]; if(!p){ hError('Error: couldn\'t resolve '+offerId); return ''; } var namekey = offerId.replace(/-/gim,''); var chunkWidthMap = { '2':'352', '3':'225', '4':'352' /* 2 rows of 2 per mockup for n360 */ } try{ var desc = p.description3.replace(/<[^>]*>/gim,''); /* no HTML in these, or we can't impose character limits from ued spec req */ /* not imposing the 160 char limit from the wr09_specs_templates document for now. */ //var maxlen = 160; //if(desc.length>maxlen){ // desc = desc.substr(0,maxlen-1) + '…'; /* need to get descriptions that confirm to this before we arbitrarily impose this length */ //} if( ( && == 'Juno DSL Broadband') || (p.categoryName && p.categoryName == 'Mobile Broadband') ){ var html = ''; }else{ var html = '' // +'<div class="boxProduct fontL" style="position:relative; width:'+parseInt((100/numberOfItems)-5)+'%; float:left; margin-right:10px; height:250px;">' +'<div class="boxProduct fontL" style="position:relative; width:350px; float:left; margin-right:10px; height:218px;">' +' <div class="boxHeader fontZ">'+(p.categoryName?'</div>' +' <div class="boxContent">' +' <img src="'+p.offerImage+'">' +' <div class="boxContentMain">'+desc+'</div>' if(offerId.match(/dsl/)) html += exceptionForDSL() else if(offerId.match(/wls/)) html += exceptionForWls() else { if(offerId.match(/games/)){ var href='location.replace(\'/account/\');return false;'; } else if(offerId.match(/wls/)){ var href = 'location.replace(\'/account/\');return false;';} else{ var href = 'document.offerForm'+namekey+'.submit();return false;'; } var regex = p.price.match(/([^\.]+)\.(.+)/); var dollars = regex[1]; var cents = regex[2]; html += '' +'<div align="right" style="position:absolute; bottom:45px; right:20px;">' +((p.callout && p.callout.match(/ea[^s]/))?'<b class="fontCallout">'+p.callout+'</b> '+(p.callout4?'<div class="fontCallout4">'+p.callout4+'</div>':''):'<b class="fontJ">'+p.callout+'</b>' +'<div class="fontAB" style="color:#666; margin:0; padding:0;">' +'<span style="position:relative; left:10px;">' +((p.callout && p.callout.match(/onth[^s]/))?'<span style="position:relative; top:-9px;font-size:9px;">then</span> ':'') +'<span style="font-size:13px; color:#000; position:relative; top:-5px;">$</span>' +'<b><span class="fontGg" style="">'+dollars +'<span style="color:#000; font-size:13px; position:relative; top:-6px;">'+cents+'*</span>' +'</span></b> ' +'<span style="position:relative; top:2px; left:-15px;">'+p.recurrence+'</span>' +'</span>') +(p.callout2?'<div class="fontG">'+p.callout2+'</div>':'') +'</div>' +'</div>' +'<div style="position:absolute; bottom:0; right:0; width:100%;">' +' <div style="float:right;padding:10px;">' +' <form name="offerForm'+namekey+'" id="offerForm'+namekey+'" method="POST" action="/account/" style="margin:0;">' +' <input type="hidden" name="offerId" value="'+offerId+'" />' +Qs2Inputs() +' </form>' +getButtonHTMLstyle1('Order Now',href,'10x26',120,'center','',false) +' </div>' +' <div style="position:absolute; bottom:15px; right:140px;">' +' <img src="/account/view/img/webreg/2009/menu-graphics/arrow-right-small.gif"> ' +' <a href="/account/'+offerId+'&leftRail=true'+Qs2AnchorParams()+'" ' +' style="text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; font-size:11px;">More Info</a>' +' </div>' +'</div>' } html += '' +' </div>' +'</div>' } } catch(e){ hError('<br>Error resolving a property of '+offerId+', '+e); return ''; } return html } var platform = 'win' /* bugz: 266352, enforce platform exclusion doing this as a pre-scan to alter the array because it's .length is used to help dynamically size the width of the offer boxes ie. 3 columns (width=33%) vs. 2 columns (width=50%) */ var tempPackageArray = packageArray.slice(0); for(var i=0; i<tempPackageArray.length; i++){ var offerId = brand+'-'+tempPackageArray[i]; if(plan[offerId].excludePlatform && plan[offerId].excludePlatform.match(platform)){ if(platform == 'mac' || platform == 'lnx' || platform == 'unx' || platform == 'Chrome') { for(var r = 0; r < packageArray.length; r++) { if(brand+'-'+packageArray[r] === offerId) { packageArray.splice(r,1); break; } } } /*if(platform == 'lnx' || platform == 'unx' || platform == 'Chrome')// Per RT#386623 skipping specified offers based on OS. { var r = packageArray.splice(i,2); } skip this offerId */ } } var html = '' for(var i=0; i<packageArray.length; i++){ var offerId = brand+'-'+packageArray[i]; html += makeProductChunk(offerId,packageArray.length) } document.write(html); </script> <!-- end: sections pegboard --> <!-- start: fine_print example --> <div style="clear:both;"><div id="actualFinePrint" style="display:none;clear:both;"><div class="disclaimer" style="text-align:left;"> * <span class="fontH" id="toggle_default" onclick="return myToggle(this);" onfocus="blur();" style="border-bottom:1px #004182 dashed; color:#004182; cursor:pointer;" >More details and limitations</span> <span class="fontH" id="toggle_toggle" onclick="return myToggle(this);" onfocus="blur();" style="border-bottom:1px #004182 dashed; color:#004182; cursor:pointer; display:none;" >More details and limitations</span> <img id="toggle_arrow" src="/account/view/img/webreg/2009/toggle-down.gif"> </div> <div style="display:none; padding-left:7px; text-align:left;" id="fine_print" class="disclaimer"> <!-- This container needs to be filled dynamically by the disclaimer system --> <b>Price</b> <br>Please note that, depending on the numbers you choose, your location, and your calling plan, you may incur long distance or toll charges in excess of your local service charges on your telephone bill. For a list of access numbers and their locations, <a href="" target="_new">click here</a>. To find out whether or not you will incur any charges, and if so, the amounts of such charges, please contact your local telephone company. Live telephone technical support is available for a fee of $25 per incident. You are responsible for all telephone charges and any technical support charges incurred even during any free or discounted periods. You will be charged the applicable subscription fees unless you cancel your service before the end of any free or discounted periods. All plans except free ISP plans are continuous service plans and will auto-renew unless canceled. All plans will auto-renew at the end of your term for the same program at the then current price. To cancel your service, please call 1-800-654-5866. Juno reserves the right to impose hourly usage limitations. See Terms of Service for details. Service not available in all areas. Unless otherwise indicated, all prices are in United States dollars. Not all viruses can be detected or cleaned. As described in the terms of service, you are responsible for any damages caused by your decision to download email or attachments. <p><b>Fastest Dial-Up</b> <br>Speed reference based upon comparison to nationally available dial-up ISPs, set at maximum acceleration. Juno <script>document.write(env.acceleratorName);</script> Accelerated Dial-Up accelerates certain web page text and graphics when compared to standard dial-up Internet service. Actual results may vary. Some web pages such as secure or encrypted web pages will not be accelerated. Juno <script>document.write(env.acceleratorName);</script> Accelerated Dial-Up is not a broadband service and actual data transmission rates are not faster than standard dial-up Internet service. Juno <script>document.write(env.acceleratorName);</script> Accelerated Dial-Up may not be compatible with proxy based software or services such as content filters or firewalls Available only for Windows.</div> </div> <script> if(parent && parent.document){ window.isOverlay = parent.document.getElementById('overlayL'); if(window.isOverlay){ /* remember the initial height */ window.isOverlay.orgHeight =; /* also, resize the fine print to fit the overlay */ var w = window.isOverlay.offsetWidth if(w && w>30){ document.getElementById('fine_print').style.width = w-50; } } } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> function myToggle(obj){ /* un|hide the disclaimer container and associated UI */ tobj_link_default = document.getElementById('toggle_default'); tobj_link_toggle = document.getElementById('toggle_toggle'); tobj = document.getElementById('fine_print'); grobj = document.getElementById('toggle_arrow'); if(obj.togglestate){ tobj_link_default.togglestate = 0; tobj_link_toggle.togglestate = 0; = 'none'; grobj.src='/account/view/img/webreg/2009/toggle-down.gif'; if ( == 'none') { = 'inline'; = 'none'; } else { = 'none'; = 'inline'; } if(window.isOverlay && window.isOverlay.orgHeight){ /* if we don't know the original height, don't attempt to reset this */ = window.isOverlay.orgHeight; } } else{ tobj_link_default.togglestate = 1; tobj_link_toggle.togglestate = 1; = ''; grobj.src='/account/view/img/webreg/2009/toggle-up.gif'; if ( == 'none') { = 'inline'; = 'none'; } else { = 'none'; = 'inline'; } if(window.isOverlay){ = '1000px'; } } return false; } </script> </div> <p><div id="inPageFinePrintPlaceholder" class="disclaimer" style="width:700px; clear:both;"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> window.moveFinePrintIntoTemplate = function(){ /* move this into the template for this use case */ if(!this.moveFinePrintDone){ this.moveFinePrintDone = 1; } else{ return; } var sObj = document.getElementById('actualFinePrint'); // var tObj = document.getElementById('templateFinePrintPlaceholder'); var tObj = document.getElementById('inPageFinePrintPlaceholder'); tObj.innerHTML = sObj.innerHTML; sObj.innerHTML = ''; } if(window.addEventListener){ window.addEventListener('load',window.moveFinePrintIntoTemplate,false); } else if(window.attachEvent){ window.attachEvent('onload',window.moveFinePrintIntoTemplate); } else{ window.onload = window.moveFinePrintIntoTemplate; } </script> <!-- end: fine_print example --> <!-- end: content --> </div> <script> function popup(url,target,settings){,target,settings); return false; } function rights () { var popURL = "" popup(popURL,'Rights','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,resizable=no,copyhistory=no,scrollbars=auto,left=10,top=100,width=425,height=400'); } </script> </td></tr></table></td></tr><tr valign="bottom"><td style="padding:0;"></td></tr></table><!-- start: wrapper footer --> <table align="center" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="margin-top:10px;"> <tr> <td><div id="templateFinePrintPlaceholder" class="disclaimer" style="width:700px;"></div></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td> <div id="descriptionNewUI" class="fontC"><!-- need the contextual data here --></div> <script> function updateDescriptionDataUI(){ var sobj = document.getElementById('descriptionData'); var tobj = document.getElementById('descriptionNewUI'); if(sobj && tobj) tobj.innerHTML = sobj.innerHTML; }; updateDescriptionDataUI(); </script> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="footer"> <table align="center" style="margin-top:10px;"> <tr> <td class="footer"> <a class="footerLink" href="" target="_blank" >Privacy Policy</a> | <a class="footerLink" href="">Your Privacy Rights: Do Not Sell My Info</a></a> | <a class="footerLink" href="" target="_blank" >Terms of Service</a> </td> </tr> <tr><td height="5"></td></tr> </table> <div align="center"> © 1995-2025 Juno Online Services, Inc. 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";expires=" + expires_date.toGMTString() : "" ) + ( ( path ) ? ";path=" + path : "" ) + ( ( domain ) ? ";domain=" + domain : "" ) + ( ( secure ) ? ";secure" : "" ); } // this function gets the cookie, if it exists function Get_Cookie( name ) { //console.log(document.cookie); var start = document.cookie.indexOf( name + "=" ); var len = start + name.length + 1; if ( ( !start ) && ( name != document.cookie.substring( 0, name.length ) ) ) { return null; } if ( start == -1 ) return null; var end = document.cookie.indexOf( ";", len ); if ( end == -1 ) end = document.cookie.length; return unescape( document.cookie.substring( len, end ) ); } </script><div id="reqParams" style="display:none;">leftRail=true&categoryId=iso&</div> <script> if (!env.registerServer) { if (minisite == 'true') { env.registerServer = ""; } else{ env.registerServer = ""; } } if (!session || !session.tid) { var session = { 'tid':function(){ var transferid = unescape(document.cookie).match(/tid=[^;]+/); /* some cases don't have a jsession, avoid triggering an error by testing after match */ if(transferid) transferid = transferid.toString().replace(/tid=/,''); return transferid }, 'sid':function(){ var jsession = unescape(document.cookie).match(/JSESSIONID=[^;]+/); /* some cases don't have a jsession, avoid triggering an error by testing after match */ if(jsession) jsession = jsession.toString().replace(/JSESSIONID=/,''); return jsession; }, 'aid':function(){ /* asessionid survives ssl bounce whereas jsessionid doesn't working with... unescaped: asessionid%211662264%7C escaped: asessionid!1662264| */ var asession = unescape(document.cookie).match(/asessionid![^|]+/); if(asession) asession = asession.toString().replace(/asessionid!/,''); return asession; }, 'cf':function(){ /* RT 221964 - need to preserve and retrieve cf */ var cf = unescape(''); if(cf == 'null'){ cf = ''; } if(!cf){ /* no? try from cookie */ cf = unescape(document.cookie).match(/cf=[^;]+/); if(cf){ cf = cf.toString().replace(/cf=/,''); if(cf == 'null'){ cf = ''; } } if(!cf){ /* no?, try from previously set value */ cf = unescape(document.cookie).match(/scf=[^;]+/); if(cf){ cf = cf.toString().replace(/scf=/,''); if(cf == 'null'){ cf = ''; } } if(!cf){ /* sorry, no cf */ } } } if(cf == 'null'){ cf = ''; } if(cf){ setCookieValue('scf',cf,'session'); /* remember it for a later step */ } else{ cf = ''; /* we don't want "null" */ } return cf; } }; } </script> <script> window.trkEvent = function(eventType,pagename,notes){ /* event tracking */ if(!notes) notes=''; var jsession = unescape(document.cookie).match(/tid=[^;]+/); /* some cases don't have a jsession, avoid triggering an error by testing after match */ if(jsession) jsession = jsession.toString().replace(/tid=/,''); if(!pagename) pagename = window.pagename; if(env.brand != 'BL'){ var url = ''+location.protocol+'//'+env.registerServer +'/account/' +'?jsessionidVal='+jsession +'&refcd='+window.myRefcd +'&pagename='+escape(pagename) +'&event='+(eventType?eventType:'pageview') +'&brand='+env.brand +'&memberId='+window.memberId +'&requestParams='+escape(location.href) /* params2Str */ +'&referrer='+escape(document.referrer) +'&paymentType='+order.paymentType +'&promocd='+order.promocd +'¬es='+notes +'&random='+Math.random()*1000; var el=document.createElement('img'); el.src=url; el.width = '1'; el.height='1';'none'; var obj = document.getElementById('forMSIE927917'); if(obj && obj.appendChild) obj.appendChild(el); /* work around msie dom issue */ } } /* end: event tracking */ /* global tracking vars */ var params2Str = escape(document.getElementById('reqParams').innerHTML.replace(/\s/gim,'')); /* using the div to normalize any chars that might not be syntax friendly */ var temp="/"; temp = temp.match(/([a-zA-Z]+)\.do/); var servlet='unknown'; if(temp.length) servlet = temp[1]; var pagename = '/view/juno/signup/includes/category.jsp'; pagename = pagename.replace(/\.jsp/,''); if(pagename.length<1) pagename='unknown'; /* retain in case we want to reuse */ var refcd=window.myRefcd; var cf=unescape(""); var flowid="" var serverType=""; var omEnv="production"; </script> <script> var trackSpecialID = (typeof mySpecialCode != 'undefined'?'-wls-'+mySpecialCode:''); </script> <script> var trackWirelessProviderId = "", trackHomePlans = ""; </script> <script> /* */ var pname = '/view/juno/signup/includes/category.jsp'; var track = false; var pagesToTrack = ['wirelessDevices','wirelessOffers','confirmation']; for (var i=0; i<pagesToTrack.length;i++) { if (pname.indexOf(pagesToTrack[i]) != -1) { track = true; } } if (trackSpecialID.length > 0) { // console.log('tracking new page view...') window.trkEvent('pageview',pname + trackWirelessProviderId + trackHomePlans + trackSpecialID); } else if (track == true) { // console.log('lets track '+pname); var offer = ''; var device = ''; var notes = ''; notes = offer + (device.length>0?'|':'') + device; window.trkEvent('pageview',pagename + trackWirelessProviderId + trackHomePlans,notes); } else { // console.log('tracking generic page name'); window.trkEvent('pageview',pagename + trackWirelessProviderId + trackHomePlans); } </script> <!-- start: logpv --> <script> /* based on pageview.js functionality -update to create img pixel calls via appendChild, (also taking into account MSIE 927917) -include function inline to avoid dev/QA env errors due to self-signed ssl certs */ function testForMSIE927917(){ var obj = document.getElementById('forMSIE927917'); /* app-store */ if(!obj){ document.write('<div id="forMSIE927917" style="display:none;"></div>'); } }; testForMSIE927917(); /* make sure there's a container */ function logPageView(application, page, sid, server, comefrom) { if(typeof server == "undefined") server = ''; if(typeof sid == "undefined") sid = 'default'; if(!sid) sid = 'default'; /* defined (aka, passed as an argument) but null */ if(typeof comefrom == "undefined") comefrom = ''; var url = server+'/s/pv?s=999999&a='+application+'&p='+page+'&d=unknown&i='+sid+'&cf='+comefrom+'&srt=0&crt=0&'; var el=document.createElement('img'); el.src=url; el.width = '1'; el.height='1';'none'; var obj = document.getElementById('forMSIE927917'); if(obj && obj.appendChild) obj.appendChild(el); /* work around msie dom issue */ } logPageView(servlet,pagename+trackWirelessProviderId + trackHomePlans,session.tid(),'',; /* session.(sid|cf) defined in shared-packages-isp-ALTERNATE */ </script> <!-- end: logpv --> <!-- start: google analytics --> <script language="JavaScript"> var gpname = '/view/juno/signup/includes/category.jsp'; gpname = gpname.replace(/\.jsp/,''); if(gpname.length<1) gpname='unknown'; var selectedPlan = '-' + ''; var selectedDevice = '-' + ''; var isWireless = selectedPlan; var wlsDSF = 'a'; if (gpname.match(/confirmation/)) { gpname = '/view/juno/signup/includes/category.jsp'; gpname = gpname.replace(/\.jsp/,''); if ("" == "false") { gpname += '-test2'; } } if (isWireless.match(/wls/) && (gpname.match(/billing/) || gpname.match(/confirmation/))) { isWireless = '-wireless'; } else { isWireless = ''; selectedDevice = ''; } if (isWireless.match(/wireless/)) { gpname+=isWireless; gpname+=trackWirelessProviderId; gpname+=trackHomePlans; gpname+=selectedDevice; gpname+=selectedPlan; // gpname+= '-' + wlsDSF; } else { // not one of the pages we are matching for, but still could be wireless flow gpname+=trackWirelessProviderId; gpname+=trackHomePlans; } gpname+=trackSpecialID; /* we will assign an integer value to each path for wireless. This will be written / read from cookie and then appended to the page name on the google tracking. */ var selectedOffer = ''; if (gpname.match(/wireless/) || (selectedOffer.match(/wireless/))) { var wirelessFlow = Get_Cookie('wFlow'); if (wirelessFlow != null) { gpname+= ('-' + wirelessFlow ); } else { // don't have any value here, so let's assume it is a direct link to plans page Set_Cookie('wFlow','10','','/','',''); wirelessFlow = Get_Cookie('wFlow'); //alert(wirelessFlow); gpname+= ('-' + wirelessFlow ); } } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? 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