64B8-13.005 : Continuing Education for Biennial Renewal - Florida Administrative Rules, Law, Code, Register - FAC, FAR, eRulemaking

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href="/gateway/ruleno.asp?id=64B8-13.0045"> Prev </a> &nbsp; <a href="/gateway/ChapterHome.asp?Chapter=64B8-13"> Up </a> &nbsp; <a href="/gateway/ruleno.asp?id=64B8-13.0051"> Next </a> </span> </h2> <table class="tabHide" summary=""> <tr> <td colspan="3">Rule Title: Continuing Education for Biennial Renewal </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 15%;" class="tdL">Department:</td> <td style="width: 55%;"><a class="FX_Link_header" href="/gateway/department.asp?deptid=" target="department">DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH</a></td> <td width="10%" rowspan="3">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td> <td style="width: 25%; text-align: center;" rowspan="3"> <a class="FX_Link_ID" href="/subscriber/addFavorite.asp?type=R&IID=15304"><img src="/images/Fav_Folder.gif" alt="Add to MyFLRules Favorites" /><br />Add to MyFLRules Favorites</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tdL">Division:</td> <td><a class="FX_Link_header" href="/gateway/organization.asp?divid=331" target="organization"> Board of Medicine</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tdL">Chapter:</td> <td> <a class="FX_Link_header" href="/gateway/ChapterHome.asp?Chapter=64B8-13" target="Chapter"> LICENSE RENEWAL AND REACTIVATION; CONTINUING EDUCATION</a> </td> </tr> </table> <p>Latest version of the final adopted rule presented in Florida Administrative Code (FAC): </p> <p class="line"></p> <table class="tabHide" summary=""> <tr> <td rowspan="3" style="width: 25%;"> <a href="/gateway/readFile.asp?sid=0&amp;tid=28731611&amp;type=1&amp;file=64B8-13.005.doc"> <img src="/images/VIEW_RULE.jpg" alt="VIEW_RULE" /></a> </td> <td style="width: 25%;" class="tdL">Effective Date:</td> <td style="width: 50%;">9/25/2024 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tdL">History Notes:</td> <td> Rulemaking Authority <a href="/gateway/statute.asp?id=456.013(6)" target=statute>456.013(6)</a>, (7), <a href="/gateway/statute.asp?id= 456.031(2)" target=statute> 456.031(2)</a>, <a href="/gateway/statute.asp?id= 456.033" target=statute> 456.033</a>, <a href="/gateway/statute.asp?id= 458.309" target=statute> 458.309</a>, <a href="/gateway/statute.asp?id= 458.319 FS." target=statute> 458.319 FS.</a> Law Implemented <a href="/gateway/statute.asp?id=456.013(6)" target=statute>456.013(6)</a>, (7), <a href="/gateway/statute.asp?id= 456.031(1)(a)" target=statute> 456.031(1)(a)</a>, <a href="/gateway/statute.asp?id= 456.033" target=statute> 456.033</a>, <a href="/gateway/statute.asp?id= 458.319 FS." target=statute> 458.319 FS.</a> History&#8211;New 9-7-86, Amended 11-17-87, 11-15-88, 1-31-90, 9-15-92, Formerly 21M-28.002, Amended 12-5-93, Formerly 61F6-28.002, Amended 3-1-95, 1-3-96, 1-26-97, Formerly 59R-13.005, Amended 5-18-99, 2-7-01, 6-4-02, 10-8-03, 5-4-04, 5-20-04, 4-5-05, 4-25-06, 12-26-06, 1-16-08, 5-6-08, 11-25-08, 7-6-09, 2-23-10, 4-3-12, 3-12-14, 5-15-14, 10-26-14, 2-29-16, 2-26-18, 9-10-18, 4-29-19, 3-2-20, 3-2-22, 3-7-24, 9-25-24. </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tdL" >References in this version: </td> <td> No reference(s). </td> </tr> </table> <span style="font-weight: bolder; font-size: 13px;">History of this Rule since Jan. 6, 2006</span> <table class="tabDisplay" style="table-latyout:fixed;" > <tr> <td colspan="5" class="thLast"></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="patency">Notice /<br>Adopted</th> <th class="Results" style="overflow:hidden;width:100px;word-wrap:break-word;" >Section </th> <th class="Results">Description</th> <th class="Results">ID</th> <th class="Results">Publish<br>Date</th> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=28731611', 'ReadFile296202', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=28731611"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Final<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >Continuing Education for Biennial Renewal</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=28731611"> 28731611</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> Effective:<br>09/25/2024 </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=28616569', 'ReadFile295016', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=28616569"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Proposed<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >To update continuing education requirements to add an additional provider for the controlled prescribing course.</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=28616569"> 28616569</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=4199"> 8/7/2024<br>Vol. 50/154 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=28559242', 'ReadFile294425', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=28559242"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Development<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >The Board propose the rule development to add an additional provider for the controlled prescribing course.</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=28559242"> 28559242</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=4185"> 7/18/2024<br>Vol. 50/140 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=28073272', 'ReadFile289415', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=28073272"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Final<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >Continuing Education for Biennial Renewal</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=28073272"> 28073272</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> Effective:<br>03/07/2024 </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=27869669', 'ReadFile287316', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=27869669"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Proposed<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >The Board is required to review the information regarding the five most misdiagnosed conditions during the previous biennium to be included in the prevention of medical errors course and adds a new provider of the statutorily ....</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=27869669"> 27869669</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=4036"> 12/15/2023<br>Vol. 49/242 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=27816319', 'ReadFile286766', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=27816319"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Development<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >The Board is required to review the information regarding the five most misdiagnosed conditions during the previous biennium to be included in the prevention of medical errors course.</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=27816319"> 27816319</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=4024"> 11/29/2023<br>Vol. 49/230 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=25566986', 'ReadFile263577', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=25566986"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Final<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >Continuing Education for Biennial Renewal</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=25566986"> 25566986</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> Effective:<br>03/02/2022 </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=25423814', 'ReadFile262101', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=25423814"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Proposed<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >The Board is required to periodically review the information it has gathered regarding the five most misdiagnosed conditions and revise its rule to address continuing education for the prevention of medical errors.</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=25423814"> 25423814</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=3536"> 1/6/2022<br>Vol. 48/04 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=25386663', 'ReadFile261718', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=25386663"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Development<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >The Board is required to periodically review the information it has gathered regarding the five most misdiagnosed conditions and revise its rule to address continuing education for the prevention of medical errors.</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=25386663"> 25386663</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=3526"> 12/22/2021<br>Vol. 47/246 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=22932854', 'ReadFile236421', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=22932854"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Final<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >Continuing Education for Biennial Renewal</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=22932854"> 22932854</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> Effective:<br>03/02/2020 </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=22781825', 'ReadFile234864', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=22781825"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Proposed<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >The Board is required to periodically review the information it has gathered regarding the five most misdiagnosed conditions and to revise its rule regarding continuing education to address the prevention of medical errors.....</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=22781825"> 22781825</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=3030"> 1/7/2020<br>Vol. 46/04 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=22752046', 'ReadFile234557', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=22752046"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Development<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >The Board is required to periodically review the information it has gathered regarding the five most misdiagnosed conditions and revise its rule to address continuing education for the prevention of medical errors.</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=22752046"> 22752046</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=3021"> 12/23/2019<br>Vol. 45/247 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=21744604', 'ReadFile224171', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=21744604"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Final<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >Continuing Education for Biennial Renewal</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=21744604"> 21744604</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> Effective:<br>04/29/2019 </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=21596582', 'ReadFile222645', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=21596582"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Proposed<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >The proposed rule amendments set forth the additional entities approved by the Board to provide the prescribing controlled substances course.</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=21596582"> 21596582</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=2822"> 3/11/2019<br>Vol. 45/48 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=21539061', 'ReadFile222052', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=21539061"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Development<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >The proposed rule amendments set forth the additional entities approved by the Board to provide the prescribing controlled substances continuing education course for the purpose of biennial licensure renewal.</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=21539061"> 21539061</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=2810"> 2/21/2019<br>Vol. 45/36 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=20830864', 'ReadFile214751', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=20830864"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Final<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >Continuing Education for Biennial Renewal</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=20830864"> 20830864</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> Effective:<br>09/10/2018 </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=20690505', 'ReadFile213304', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=20690505"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Correction<br> 64B8-13.005<br>...... </td> <td >Continuing Education for Biennial Renewal, Requirement for Continuing Education Course on Prescribing Controlled Substances</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=20690505"> 20690505</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=2666"> 7/25/2018<br>Vol. 44/144 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=20658398', 'ReadFile212973', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=20658398"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Proposed<br> 64B8-13.005<br>...... </td> <td >The recently enacted Section 456.0301, F.S., requires the Board to approve continuing education courses for those physicians who prescribe controlled substances. The proposed rule amendments set forth the entities approved ....</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=20658398"> 20658398</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=2659"> 7/16/2018<br>Vol. 44/137 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=20600586', 'ReadFile212377', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=20600586"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Development<br> 64B8-13.005<br>...... </td> <td >The recently enacted Section 456.0301, F.S., requires the Board to approve continuing education courses for those physicians who prescribe controlled substances. The proposed rule amendments set forth the entities approved ....</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=20600586"> 20600586</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=2648"> 6/28/2018<br>Vol. 44/126 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=20064855', 'ReadFile206854', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=20064855"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Final<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >Continuing Education for Biennial Renewal</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=20064855"> 20064855</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> Effective:<br>02/26/2018 </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=19901313', 'ReadFile205168', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=19901313"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Proposed<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >The Board is required to periodically review the information it has gathered with regard to the five most misdiagnosed conditions and revise its rule regarding continuing education to address the prevention of medical errors.....</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=19901313"> 19901313</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=2524"> 1/3/2018<br>Vol. 44/02 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=19818572', 'ReadFile204315', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=19818572"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Development<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >The Board is required to periodically review the information it has gathered with regard to the five most misdiagnosed conditions and revise its rule regarding continuing education to address the prevention of medical errors.....</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=19818572"> 19818572</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=2507"> 12/8/2017<br>Vol. 43/236 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=17162227', 'ReadFile176930', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=17162227"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Final<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >Continuing Education for Biennial Renewal</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=17162227"> 17162227</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> Effective:<br>02/29/2016 </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=16974920', 'ReadFile174999', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=16974920"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Proposed<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >The Board is required to periodically review the information it has gathered with regard to the five most misdiagnosed conditions and revise its rule regarding continuing education to address the five most misdiagnosed conditions.....</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=16974920"> 16974920</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=2021"> 1/5/2016<br>Vol. 42/02 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=16910027', 'ReadFile174330', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=16910027"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Development<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >The Board proposes the development of a rule amendment to identify the five most misdiagnosed conditions for the purpose of prevention of medical errors continuing medical education.</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=16910027"> 16910027</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=2011"> 12/18/2015<br>Vol. 41/244 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=15169071', 'ReadFile156382', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=15169071"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Final<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >Continuing Education for Biennial Renewal</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=15169071"> 15169071</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> Effective:<br>10/26/2014 </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=15015035', 'ReadFile154794', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=15015035"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Proposed<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >The proposed rule amendment is intended to clarify the number of hours of continuing medical education (CME) credit a physician may receive for the supervision or monitoring of physicians who are under direct or indirect ....</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=15015035"> 15015035</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=1687"> 9/4/2014<br>Vol. 40/172 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=14953343', 'ReadFile154158', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=14953343"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Development<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >The proposed rule amendment is necessary to clarify the continuing medical education (CME) credit which can be received for those physicians who supervise or monitor physicians who are on probation or who are required to ....</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=14953343"> 14953343</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=1677"> 8/20/2014<br>Vol. 40/162 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=14499965', 'ReadFile149484', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=14499965"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Final<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >Continuing Education for Biennial Renewal</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=14499965"> 14499965</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> Effective:<br>05/15/2014 </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=14357084', 'ReadFile148011', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=14357084"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Proposed<br> <a title="go to Rule Page" class=RuleNumber href=/gateway/ruleNo.asp?id=64B8-13.004>64B8-13.004</a><br>...... </td> <td >: The proposed rule amendment to 64B8-13.004 is intended to delete the reference to a rule which is no longer in effect. The proposed rule amendment to 64B8-13.005 is intended to delete the language with regard to random ....</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=14357084"> 14357084</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=1572"> 3/24/2014<br>Vol. 40/57 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=14226231', 'ReadFile146662', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=14226231"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Final<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >Continuing Education for Biennial Renewal</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=14226231"> 14226231</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> Effective:<br>03/12/2014 </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=14285498', 'ReadFile147273', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=14285498"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Development<br> <a title="go to Rule Page" class=RuleNumber href=/gateway/ruleNo.asp?id=64B8-13.004>64B8-13.004</a><br>...... </td> <td >The proposed rule amendment to 64B8-13.004 is intended to remove an outdated reference in the rule. The proposed amendment to rule 64B8-13.005 removes the language regarding continuing education audits that are no longer ....</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=14285498"> 14285498</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=1560"> 3/6/2014<br>Vol. 40/45 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=14064920', 'ReadFile144999', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=14064920"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Proposed<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >The Board is required to periodically review the information it has gathered with regard to the five most misdiagnosed conditions and revise its rule regarding continuing education to address the five most misdiagnosed conditions.....</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=14064920"> 14064920</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=1525"> 1/15/2014<br>Vol. 40/10 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=13985865', 'ReadFile144184', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=13985865"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Development<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >The Board is required to periodically review the information it has gathered with regard to the five most misdiagnosed conditions and revise its rule regarding continuing education to address the five most misdiagnosed conditions.....</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=13985865"> 13985865</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=1513"> 12/30/2013<br>Vol. 39/250 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=11330878', 'ReadFile116813', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=11330878"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Final<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >Continuing Education for Biennial Renewal</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=11330878"> 11330878</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> Effective:<br>04/03/2012 </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=11007868', 'ReadFile113483', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=11007868"> <img src="../images/view_html.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Proposed<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >The Board is required to periodically review the information it has gathered with regard to the five most misdiagnosed conditions and revise its rule regarding continuing education to address the five most misdiagnosed conditions.....</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=11007868"> 11007868</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=1152"> 2/10/2012<br>Vol. 38/06 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=10883126', 'ReadFile112197', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=10883126"> <img src="../images/view_html.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Development<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >The Board is required to periodically review the information it has gathered with regard to the five most misdiagnosed conditions and revise its rule regarding continuing education to address the five most misdiagnosed conditions. ....</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=10883126"> 10883126</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=1148"> 1/13/2012<br>Vol. 38/02 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=8277318', 'ReadFile85333', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=8277318"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Final<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >Continuing Education for Biennial Renewal</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=8277318"> 8277318</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> Effective:<br>02/23/2010 </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=8069544', 'ReadFile83191', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=8069544"> <img src="../images/view_html.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Proposed<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >The proposed rule amendment is intended to set forth the five most misdiagnosed conditions for the purpose of continuing medical education (CME).</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=8069544"> 8069544</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=1040"> 12/24/2009<br>Vol. 35/51 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=7816083', 'ReadFile80578', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=7816083"> <img src="../images/view_html.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Development<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >The Board proposes the development of a rule amendment to address the five most misdiagnosed conditions.</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=7816083"> 7816083</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=1031"> 10/23/2009<br>Vol. 35/42 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=7323129', 'ReadFile75496', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=7323129"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Final<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >Continuing Education for Biennial Renewal</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=7323129"> 7323129</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> Effective:<br>07/06/2009 </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=7112736', 'ReadFile73327', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=7112736"> <img src="../images/view_html.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Proposed<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >The proposed rule amendment is intended to delete credit for serving on the Medical Advisory Committee since the Committee no longer exists.</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=7112736"> 7112736</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=1008"> 5/15/2009<br>Vol. 35/19 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=7022526', 'ReadFile72397', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=7022526"> <img src="../images/view_html.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Development<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >The Board proposes the development of a rule amendment to delete credit for serving on the Medical Advisory Committee since the Committee no longer exists.</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=7022526"> 7022526</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=1004"> 4/17/2009<br>Vol. 35/15 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=6438877', 'ReadFile66380', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=6438877"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Final<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >Continuing Education for Biennial Renewal</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=6438877"> 6438877</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> Effective:<br>11/25/2008 </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=6210345', 'ReadFile64024', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=6210345"> <img src="../images/view_html.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Proposed<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >The proposed rule amendments are intended to address the addition of medical ethics credit for attendance at a Board meeting.</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=6210345"> 6210345</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=976"> 10/3/2008<br>Vol. 34/40 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=6084148', 'ReadFile62723', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=6084148"> <img src="../images/view_html.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Development<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >The Board proposes the development of a rule amendment to address addition of medical ethics for attendance at a Board meeting.</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=6084148"> 6084148</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=972"> 9/5/2008<br>Vol. 34/36 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=5558408', 'ReadFile57303', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=5558408"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Final<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >Continuing Education for Biennial Renewal</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=5558408"> 5558408</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> Effective:<br>05/06/2008 </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=5346366', 'ReadFile55117', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=5346366"> <img src="../images/view_html.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Proposed<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >The proposed rule amendment is intended to address written concerns of the staff of the Joint Administrative Procedures Committee.</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=5346366"> 5346366</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=947"> 3/14/2008<br>Vol. 34/11 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=5235107', 'ReadFile53970', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=5235107"> <img src="../images/view_html.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Development<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >The Board proposes the development of a rule amendment to address addition of the word “or”.</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=5235107"> 5235107</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=943"> 2/15/2008<br>Vol. 34/07 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=5111432', 'ReadFile52695', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=5111432"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Final<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >Continuing Education for Biennial Renewal</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=5111432"> 5111432</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> Effective:<br>01/16/2008 </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=4915686', 'ReadFile50677', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=4915686"> <img src="../images/view_html.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Proposed<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >The proposed rule amendment is intended to address the current five most mis-diagnosed medical conditions.</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=4915686"> 4915686</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=931"> 11/21/2007<br>Vol. 33/47 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=4758837', 'ReadFile49060', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=4758837"> <img src="../images/view_html.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Development<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >The Board proposes the development of a rule amendment to address the current five most mis-diagnosed medical conditions.</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=4758837"> 4758837</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=927"> 10/26/2007<br>Vol. 33/43 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=3304419', 'ReadFile34066', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=3304419"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Final<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >Continuing Education for Biennial Renewal</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=3304419"> 3304419</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> Effective:<br>12/26/2006 </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=3052316', 'ReadFile31467', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=3052316"> <img src="../images/view_html.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Proposed<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >The proposed rule amendments are intended to set forth revised criteria for licensure renewal to comply with recent legislation.</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=3052316"> 3052316</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=148"> 10/27/2006<br>Vol. 32/43 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=620817', 'ReadFile6400', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=620817"> <img src="../images/view_html.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Development<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >The Board proposes the development of rule amendments to address recent legislative changes with regard to continuing education for licensure renewal.</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=620817"> 620817</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=141"> 9/8/2006<br>Vol. 32/36 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=2415705', 'ReadFile24904', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=2415705"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Final<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >Continuing Education for Biennial Renewal</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=2415705"> 2415705</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> Effective:<br>04/25/2006 </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=120685', 'ReadFile1244', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=120685"> <img src="../images/view_html.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Proposed<br> 64B8-13.005 </td> <td >The proposed rule amendment is intended to clarify the requirements for continuing education.</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=120685"> 120685</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=114"> 3/3/2006<br>Vol. 32/09 </a> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <!-- clear folat --> <div class="footer"> <ul class="footerLink"> <li><a href="/default.asp" name="Home" alt="Home" >Home</a> </li> <li><a href="/gateway/search.asp" name="AdvancedSearch" alt="Advanced Search" title="Advanced Search">Advanced Search</a> </li> <li><a href="/Subscriber/subscriberview.asp" name="MyFLRules" alt="MyFLRules" title="MyFLRules">MyFLRules</a> </li> <li><a href="/notice/QuickResult.asp?P0=Stat_Comm_All&P1=0" name="Comment" alt="Comment" title=" Rules Open for Comments ">Rules Open for Comments</a> </li> <li><a href="/about_us.asp" name="About Us" alt="About Us" title="About Us">About Us</a> </li> <li><a href="/contact_us.asp" name="Contact Us" alt="Contact Us" title="Contact Us">Contact Us</a> </li> <li class="last"><a 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