LKML: Jan Hudec: Re: Kernel SCM saga..

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I would suggest<br />&gt; &gt;following for closer look on:<br />&gt; &gt;<br />&gt; &gt;1) GNU Arch/Bazaar. They use the same archive format, simple, have the<br />&gt; &gt; concepts right. It may need some scripts or add ons. When Bazaar-NG<br />&gt; &gt; is ready, it will be able to read the GNU Arch/Bazaar archives so<br />&gt; &gt; switching should be easy.<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Arch isn't a sound example of software design. Quite contrary to the <br /><br />I actually _do_ agree with you. I like Arch, but it's user interface<br />certainly is broken and some parts of it would sure needs some redesign.<br /><br />&gt; random notes posted by it's author the following issues did strike me <br />&gt; the time I did evaluate it:<br />&gt; <br />&gt; The application (tla) claims to have "intuitive" command names. However<br />&gt; I didn't see that as given. Most of them where difficult to remember<br />&gt; and appeared to be just infantile. I stopped looking further after I <br />&gt; saw:<br />&gt; <br />&gt; tla my-id instead of: tla user-id or oeven tla set id ...<br />&gt; <br />&gt; tla make-archive instead of tla init<br /><br />In this case, tla init would be a lot *worse*, because there are two<br />different things to initialize -- the archive and the tree. But<br />init-archive would be a little better, for consistency.<br /><br />&gt; tla my-default-archive john&#64;<br /><br />This one is kinda broken. Even in concept it is.<br /><br />&gt; No more "My Compuer" please...<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Repository addressing requires you to use informally defined<br />&gt; very elaborated and typing error prone conventions:<br />&gt; <br />&gt; mkdir ~/{archives}<br /><br />*NO*. Usng this is name is STRONGLY recommended *AGAINST*. Tom once used<br />it in the example or in some of his archive and people started doing it,<br />but it's a compelete bogosity and it is not required anywhere.<br /><br />&gt; tla make-archive john&#64; <br />&gt; ~/{archives}/2005-VersionPatrol<br />&gt; <br />&gt; You notice the requirement for two commands to accomplish a single task <br />&gt; already well denoted by the second command? There is more of the same<br />&gt; at quite a few places when you try to use it. You notice the triple<br />&gt; zero it didn't catch?<br /><br />I sure do. But the folks writing Bazaar are gradually fixing these.<br />There is a lot of them and it's not that long since they started, so<br />they did not fix all of them yey, but I think they eventually will.<br /><br />&gt; As an added bonus it relies on the applications named by accident<br />&gt; patch and diff and installed on the host in question as well as few <br />&gt; other as well to<br />&gt; operate.<br /><br />No. The build process actually checks that the diff and patch<br />applications are actually the GNU Diff and GNU Patch in sufficiently<br />recent version. It's was not always the case, but now it does.<br /><br />&gt; Better don't waste your time with looking at Arch. Stick with patches<br />&gt; you maintain by hand combined with some scripts containing a list of <br />&gt; apply commands<br />&gt; and you should be still more productive then when using Arch.<br /><br />I don't agree with you. Using Arch is more productive (eg. because it<br />does merges), but certainly one could do a lot better than Arch does.<br /><br />-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> Jan 'Bulb' Hudec &lt;bulb&#64;;<br />[unhandled content-type:application/pgp-signature]</pre></td><td width="32" rowspan="2" class="c" valign="top"><img src="/images/icornerr.gif" width="32" height="32" alt="\" /></td></tr><tr><td align="right" valign="bottom"> 聽 </td></tr><tr><td align="right" valign="bottom">聽</td><td class="c" valign="bottom" style="padding-bottom: 0px"><img src="/images/bcornerl.gif" width="32" height="32" alt="\" /></td><td class="c">聽</td><td class="c" valign="bottom" style="padding-bottom: 0px"><img src="/images/bcornerr.gif" width="32" height="32" alt="/" /></td></tr><tr><td align="right" valign="top" colspan="2"> 聽 </td><td class="lm">Last update: 2005-04-09 10:37 聽聽 [from the cache]<br />漏2003-2020 <a href=""><span itemprop="editor">Jasper Spaans</span></a>|hosted at <a href="">Digital Ocean</a> and my Meterkast|<a href="">Read the blog</a></td><td>聽</td></tr></table><script language="javascript" src="/js/styleswitcher.js" type="text/javascript"></script></body></html>

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