Literary spaces | Ljubljana, Unescovo mesto literature

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Books included.</h2> </div> </div> </div> <div class="main"><div class="container" id="places"><div class="content"><div class="row groups"><div class="bar"><label class="radio">BOOKSTORES<input type="radio" name="places" id="places-626" value="626" /><span class="checkmark"></span><span class="error" id="places_626-error"></span></label><label class="radio">LIBRARIES<input type="radio" name="places" id="places-627" value="627" /><span class="checkmark"></span><span class="error" id="places_627-error"></span></label><label class="radio">ORGANIZATIONS<input type="radio" name="places" id="places-628" value="628" checked /><span class="checkmark"></span><span class="error" id="places_628-error"></span></label><label class="radio">LITERARY SPACES<input type="radio" name="places" id="places-629" value="629" /><span class="checkmark"></span><span class="error" id="places_629-error"></span></label><label class="radio">PUBLISHERS<input type="radio" name="places" id="places-630" value="630" /><span class="checkmark"></span><span class="error" id="places_630-error"></span></label></div><div class="row short"><div class="left labels"><div class="places" id="places-list-628"><h5>ORGANIZATIONS</h5><ul class="list" data-id="628"><li><ul><li class="active" id="location-1428" data-id="1428">Association of Slovene Publishers</li><li id="location-1424" data-id="1424">Association of Theatre Critics and Researchers of Slovenia</li><li id="location-1434" data-id="1434">Blue-White Bird Union</li><li id="location-1423" data-id="1423">Chamber of Publishing and Bookselling</li><li id="location-645" data-id="645">Divja misel Insitute</li><li id="location-1431" data-id="1431">Literary association IA</li><li id="location-646" data-id="646">Reading Badge of Slovenia Association - ZPMS</li><li id="location-1430" data-id="1430">Republic of Slovenia Public Fund for Cultural Activities (JSKD)</li><li id="location-1433" data-id="1433">Slovene PEN Centre</li><li id="location-1432" data-id="1432">Slovene Section of IBBY</li><li id="location-1427" data-id="1427">Slovene Writers’ Association</li><li id="location-1426" data-id="1426">Slovenian Association of Literary Critics</li><li id="location-1425" data-id="1425">Slovenian Association of Literary Translators</li><li id="location-1429" data-id="1429">Slovenian Book Agency</li></ul></li></ul> <script type="text/javascript"> if ($(window).width() > 767) { var locationID = getURLParameter("l"); $("#places .list").mCustomScrollbar(); if (locationID !== undefined && locationID > 0) { $("#places .list").mCustomScrollbar("scrollTo", "#location-" + locationID); } } </script></div></div><div class="right map"><div id="map-iframe" style="display: block"></div><div id="map" style="display: block"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> function initMap() { var location = {lat: 46.055361, lng: 14.503706}; var zoom = 17; map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), { center: location, zoom: zoom, styles: [{ stylers: [{ saturation: -100 }] }] }); marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: location, map: map, icon: { url: "images/icon_map_marker.png" }, title: "Association of Slovene Publishers" }); } google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, "load", initMap); </script> </div></div></div></div></div><div id="place-description"><div class="container container-black"><div class="content row"><div class="left"><h6>Association of Slovene Publishers</h6><h2>Association of Slovene Publishers<span>Reputation of publishing</span></h2><div class="description">Kersnikova 2<br /> <a href="tel:+ 386 1 306 98 25">+ 386 1 306 98 25</a><br /> <a href=""></a><br /> <a href="" target="_blank">Website</a></div><div class="description">The <strong>Association of Slovene Publishers </strong>(DSZ) was founded in 1993 to bring together publishers from different fields, to promote collaboration among the members and further education in the field of book publishing, while at the same time securing the professional reputation of publishers. <br /> DSZ organises the <strong>Book in Slovenia Congress</strong> and provides an active voice when it comes to social questions involving publishing and reading culture.</div></div><div class="right"><div class="photo"><a style="background-image: url('/e_files/news_pics/društvo-založnikov-3.jpg')"></a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="container" id="places-infos"><div class="content"><div class="infos row"><div class="news column"><div class="row"><div class="left"><h6>ORGANIZATIONS</h6><h2>Association of Slovene Publishers<span>Reputation of publishing</span></h2><p>Kersnikova 2<br /> <a href="tel:+ 386 1 306 98 25">+ 386 1 306 98 25</a><br /> <a href=""></a><br /> <a href="" target="_blank">Website</a></p></div><div class="right photo" style="background-image: url('/e_files/news_pics/društvo-založnikov-3.jpg');"></div></div><div class="description">The <strong>Association of Slovene Publishers </strong>(DSZ) was founded in 1993 to bring together publishers from different fields, to promote collaboration among the members and further education in the field of book publishing, while at the same time securing the professional reputation of publishers. <br /> DSZ organises the <strong>Book in Slovenia Congress</strong> and provides an active voice when it comes to social questions involving publishing and reading culture.</div></div><div class="news column"><div class="row"><div class="left"><h6>ORGANIZATIONS</h6><h2>Association of Theatre Critics and Researchers of Slovenia<span>Valuation of theatre practice</span></h2><p>Mestni trg 17<br /> <a href=""></a><br /> <a href="" target="_blank">Website</a><br /> <a href="" target="_blank">FB page</a></p></div><div class="right photo" style="background-image: url('/e_files/news_pics/dgkts-3.jpg');"></div></div><div class="description">The <strong>Association of Theatre Critics and Researchers of Slovenia</strong> (DGKTS) was established in 1973. A period of stagnation was followed by its revival in 2008. The Association strives to bring forward professional critical valuation of contemporary theatre, keeps pace with development of theatrical practices and theoretical reflection of theatre, among other things.<br /> It also organises professional debates and other events, while its members annually bestow an award for the best theatre performance of the previous season at the occasion of the <strong>Maribor Theatre Festival</strong>.</div></div><div class="news column"><div class="row"><div class="left"><h6>ORGANIZATIONS</h6><h2>Blue-White Bird Union<span>Distributor of publishers with high-quality production</span></h2><p>Ziherlova ulica 6<br /> <a href=""></a><br /> <a href="" target="_blank">Website</a><br /> <a href="" target="_blank">FB page</a></p></div><div class="right photo" style="background-image: url('/e_files/news_pics/zveza-modro-bela-ptica-3.jpg');"></div></div><div class="description"><strong>The</strong> <strong>Union of Cultural-artistic and Literary Associations Modra ptica</strong> (Blue-White Bird) was established with the intent of connecting non-profit and independent associations and publishers in order to facilitate their existence on the market. It runs the online <strong>Blue-White Bird Union Bookshop</strong>. As distributor it connects the most compelling Slovenian publishers with high-quality production of books and magazines. It supports readers by co-organising literary events and projects aimed at promoting reading culture.</div></div><div class="news column"><div class="row"><div class="left"><h6>ORGANIZATIONS</h6><h2>Chamber of Publishing and Bookselling<span>The centre of publishing and bookselling activities</span></h2><p>Dimičeva 13<br /> <a href="tel:+ 386 58 98 337">+ 386 58 98 337</a><br /> <a href=""></a><br /> <a href="" target="_blank">Website</a></p></div><div class="right photo" style="background-image: url('/e_files/news_pics/zbornica-1-3.jpg');"></div></div><div class="description">The<strong> Chamber of Publishing and Bookselling</strong> (ZKZK) is part of the <strong>Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia</strong>. Its mission is to promote the visibility of the publishing-bookselling sector, thus solidifying the function of a book as a key social medium. The chamber focuses on connecting both sectors and strives for the uniformity of their goals and interests.</div></div><div class="news column"><div class="row"><div class="left"><h6>ORGANIZATIONS</h6><h2>Divja misel Insitute<span>Urban solutions in the field of reading culture</span></h2><p>Vodnikova 65<br /> <a href="tel:+ 386 59 037 510">+ 386 59 037 510</a><br /> <a href=""></a><br /> <a href="" target="_blank">The Vodnik Homestead’s FB page</a><br /> <a href="" target="_blank">The Library under the Trees’ website</a><br /> <a href="" target="_blank">The My Streets project’s website</a></p></div><div class="right photo" style="background-image: url('/e_files/news_pics/divja-misel-3.jpg');"></div></div><div class="description">The <strong>Divja misel Institute</strong> conceives programmes that successfully invite different audiences to the field of literature. 15 years ago, the Institute conceived the summer programme <strong>Knjižnica pod krošnjami</strong> (Library under the Treetops), which brought reading to public parks, squares and other public spaces in Slovenia. In 2015 the Institute took over the management of the <strong>Vodnik Homestead</strong>, which has since evolved into an urban literary space, the House of reading, writing and story-telling. Part of the homestead is dedicated to the <strong>Vodnik Homestead Gallery</strong>, which focuses on illustration. Since 2017, the Institute has been running the <strong>Ljubljana UNESCO City of Literature’s office</strong>, which is also located in the Vodnik Homestead.<br /> <br /> The <strong>Moje ulice</strong> (My Streets) project has been established and run for many years in collaboration with the <strong>City Museum of Ljubljana</strong> and based on personal recollections of older inhabitants of the city of Ljubljana.</div></div><div class="news column"><div class="row"><div class="left"><h6>ORGANIZATIONS</h6><h2>Literary association IA<span>Literature and authors live</span></h2><p>Ziherlova ulica 6<br /> <a href=""></a><br /> <a href="" target="_blank">Website</a><br /> <a href="" target="_blank">FB page</a></p></div><div class="right photo" style="background-image: url('/e_files/news_pics/ia-3.jpg');"></div></div><div class="description"><strong>Literary association IA</strong> took its name after the last verse of the famous poem Kons 5 written by Srečko Kosovel. The association has ample experience in organisation of poetry and translation workshops, scientific symposia, seminars, international festivals, readings by authors, tours and other events in the field of international literary activities both in Slovenia and abroad (programmes <strong>Golden Boat, Slavic Bridge, European Bridge and IGNOR Festival</strong>). The association is also active in the field of publishing.<br /> <br /> The association includes the renowned artistic music-literary collective <strong>IGNOR</strong>, which focuses on the development of an independent platform for literature, production of sound, visual and performance arts, additionally opening the space for young authors by publishing their debut poetry.</div></div><div class="news column"><div class="row"><div class="left"><h6>ORGANIZATIONS</h6><h2>Reading Badge of Slovenia Association - ZPMS<span>Taking care of reading literacy</span></h2><p>Dimičeva 9<br /> <a href="tel:+ 386 1 430 05 57">+ 386 1 430 05 57</a><br /> <a href=""></a><br /> <a href="" target="_blank">Website</a><br /> <a href="" target="_blank">FB page</a></p></div><div class="right photo" style="background-image: url('/e_files/news_pics/bralna-značka-3.jpg');"></div></div><div class="description">The <strong>Bralna značka</strong> (Reading Badge) of Slovenia Association - ZPMS has been an independent association since 2002, although it still works within the frameworks of the national programme run by the <strong>Slovenian Association of Friends of Youth </strong>(ZPMS). It promotes reading as a leisure time activity and works toward enhancing reading literacy. <br /> <br /> The Reading Badge is based on working with the young generation, and has been run by expert mentors in schools, kindergartens and libraries from the very beginning. The pre-school Reading Badge has become increasingly popular in recent years, encouraging parents to read to their children. Intergenerational Readings are connecting different generations through reading and also gaining in popularity. The Association organises the annual Reading Marathon, which takes place all over Slovenia as part of the Reading Together programme. In addition, the Association organises various seminars, publishes educational materials for mentors and issues reading recommendations. It publishes the Gold Reader collection, gift books for the best Slovenian readers from all of Slovenia and abroad, who have completed the annual Reading Badge throughout their primary education.<br /> <br /> <em>The movement has been part of the <strong>national register of the intangible cultural heritage</strong> since March 2019.</em></div></div><div class="news column"><div class="row"><div class="left"><h6>ORGANIZATIONS</h6><h2>Republic of Slovenia Public Fund for Cultural Activities (JSKD)<span>More than just amateur culture</span></h2><p>Štefanova ulica 5<br /> <a href="tel:+ 386 1 230 05 70">+ 386 1 230 05 70</a><br /> <a href=""></a><br /> <a href="" target="_blank">Website</a><br /> <a href="" target="_blank">FB page</a></p></div><div class="right photo" style="background-image: url('/e_files/news_pics/jskd-1-3.jpg');"></div></div><div class="description"><strong>JSKD</strong> publishes the well-established <strong>Mentor</strong> magazine of longstanding tradition, the <strong>Prvenke</strong> (First-timers) collection featuring literary debuts by winners of the <strong>Urška</strong> literary competition, the <strong>V zavetju</strong> (In the Shelter) collection, a multilingual publication <strong>Paralele</strong> (Parallels), as well as translations stemming from annual translation workshops called <strong>Prevajalnice</strong> (Translation Spots).</div></div></div><button type="button" class="toggle" data-id="628"></button></div></div> <script type="text/javascript"> var limitStart = 8 </script></div> <div class="container" id="footer"> <div class="content separator-top row"> <div class="column" id="sponsor"> <table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width:100%;"> <tbody> <tr> <td><img alt="" height="93" src="/e_files/content/logos_city_copy2.jpg" width="161" /><br /> <img alt="" height="92" src="/e_files/content/unesco.jpg" width="161" /></td> <td><br /> <strong>CONTACT</strong><br /> <br /> Ljubljana UNESCO City of Literature office<br /> <br /> Vodnikova domačija<br /> Vodnikova cesta 65, 1000 Ljubljana<br /> <br /> Office hours: every Wednesday</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="column" id="contact"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td><br /> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Tina Popovič</span> <script>mail("tina.popovic", "divjamisel", 1,"")</script><br /> <br /> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Damjan Zorc</span> <script>mail("damjan", "ljubljanacityofliterature", 0,"")</script><br /> <br /> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Andrej Hočevar</span> <script>mail("andrej", "ljubljanacityofliterature", 0,"")</script><br /> <br /> Ljubljana, UNESCO City of Literature programmes are coordinated by Divja misel in conjunction with the City of Ljubljana’s Department for Culture.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> <div id="popup"> </div> <!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics --> <script async src=""></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'UA-30093115-20'); </script> </form> </div> </body> </html>

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