WAI-DA Update #5

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Getting Started: Making a Web Site Accessible</h2> This page, currently available in 14 languages, provides a quick overview of resources helpful to people who are new to Web accessibility and interested in making Web sites accessible.<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;<br> <h2><a name="2"></a>2. Implementation Planning Resource Suite</h2> This resource suite includes an outline of planning steps to consider when implementing Web accessibility in Web sites of any size organization. Sub-pages include "Selecting and Using Authoring Tools for Web Accessibility" and "Developing Organizational Policies on Web Accessibility."<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;<br> <h2><a name="3"></a>3. Evaluation Resource Suite</h2> This resource suite explains the process of evaluating Web sites for accessibility. It describes a preliminary review process, and a process for more comprehensive evaluation of conformance to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0. Sub-pages include an evaluation template, a list of evaluation tools, and recommendations for forming teams for evaluating Web site accessibility.<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;<br> <h2><a name="4"></a>4. Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0</h2> This suite of documents provides detailed coding examples and explanations of how to implement the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0. It includes "Core Techniques"; "HTML Techniques"; and "CSS Techniques."<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;<br> <h2><a name="5"></a>5. Curriculum for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0</h2> This online slide set introduces the checkpoints from Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 and provides examples of conforming markup. Many of the examples are illustrated and accompanied by practical implementation suggestions.<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;<br> <h2><a name="6"></a>6. About W3C, WAI, and the WAI-DA Project<br> </h2> <ul> <li>The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international forum which develops interoperable technologies (specifications, guidelines, software, and tools) to lead the Web to its full potential. </li> <li>W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) addresses accessibility of the Web for people with disabilities through a variety of activities, including technical and guidelines development and educational work. </li> <li>WAI Design for All (WAI-DA) is a project of WAI, funded by the EC Information Society Technologies (IST) Programme, to increase awareness and outreach on Web accessibility in Europe.</li> </ul> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; W3C: &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; WAI: &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; WAI-DA Project: &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;<br> <h2><a name="7"></a>6. Subscription, removal, circulation, and online access information for the WAI-DA Update</h2> The WAI-DA Update is a periodic electronic mailing and Web posting containing information relating to Web accessibility in Europe. It is being superseded by the WAI-TIES Update.<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; SUBSCRIPTION: If you would like to help post the WAI-TIES Update to a relevant mailing list within Europe, please inform Pierre Guillou &lt;; about the mailing list to which you have access.<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; REMOVAL: If you received this mailing directly from Pierre Guillou, you can be removed by notifying him at &lt;;. If you received this mail forwarded from another list, he will not be able to remove your address; please contact the person or manager of the list from which you received it.<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; CIRCULATION: Please circulate to other mailing lists as appropriate, avoiding cross-postings where possible.<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ONLINE ACCESS: The WAI-DA Update is available online at following.<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;<br> <br> Regards,<br> Pierre Guillou for the WAI-DA Project<br> and<br> Judy Brewer, W3C Web Accessibility Initiative<br> <p> </p> <hr> <p> Last updated 30 June 2003 by Judy Brewer ( </p> <div class="policyfooter"> <a href="/Consortium/Legal/ipr-notice.html#copyright">Copyright</a>&nbsp; &copy;&nbsp; 1994 - 2003 <a href="/WAI/EO/Overview.html">W3C</a> (<a href="">MIT</a>, <a href="">ERCIM</a>, <a href="">Keio</a> ), All Rights Reserved. W3C <a href="/Consortium/Legal/ipr-notice.html#legal_disclaimer">liability,</a> <a href="/Consortium/Legal/ipr-notice.html#w3c_trademarks">trademark</a>, <a href="/Consortium/Legal/copyright-documents.html">document use </a>and <a href="/Consortium/Legal/copyright-software.html">software licensing </a>rules apply. Your interactions with this site are in accordance with our <a href="/Consortium/Legal/privacy-statement.html#public">public</a> and <a href="/Consortium/Legal/privacy-statement.html#members">Member</a> privacy statements. </div> <br> <br> <br> </body> </html>

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