{"title":"Multi-Objective Optimal Design of a Cascade Control System for a Class of Underactuated Mechanical Systems","authors":"Yuekun Chen, Yousef Sardahi, Salam Hajjar, Christopher Greer","volume":161,"journal":"International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering","pagesStart":231,"pagesEnd":238,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/10011222","abstract":"This paper presents a multi-objective optimal design of<br \/>\r\na cascade control system for an underactuated mechanical system.<br \/>\r\nCascade control structures usually include two control algorithms<br \/>\r\n(inner and outer). To design such a control system properly, the<br \/>\r\nfollowing conflicting objectives should be considered at the same<br \/>\r\ntime: 1) the inner closed-loop control must be faster than the outer<br \/>\r\none, 2) the inner loop should fast reject any disturbance and prevent<br \/>\r\nit from propagating to the outer loop, 3) the controlled system<br \/>\r\nshould be insensitive to measurement noise, and 4) the controlled<br \/>\r\nsystem should be driven by optimal energy. Such a control problem<br \/>\r\ncan be formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem such<br \/>\r\nthat the optimal trade-offs among these design goals are found.<br \/>\r\nTo authors best knowledge, such a problem has not been studied<br \/>\r\nin multi-objective settings so far. In this work, an underactuated<br \/>\r\nmechanical system consisting of a rotary servo motor and a ball<br \/>\r\nand beam is used for the computer simulations, the setup parameters<br \/>\r\nof the inner and outer control systems are tuned by NSGA-II<br \/>\r\n(Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm), and the dominancy<br \/>\r\nconcept is used to find the optimal design points. The solution of<br \/>\r\nthis problem is not a single optimal cascade control, but rather a set<br \/>\r\nof optimal cascade controllers (called Pareto set) which represent the<br \/>\r\noptimal trade-offs among the selected design criteria. The function<br \/>\r\nevaluation of the Pareto set is called the Pareto front. The solution<br \/>\r\nset is introduced to the decision-maker who can choose any point<br \/>\r\nto implement. The simulation results in terms of Pareto front and<br \/>\r\ntime responses to external signals show the competing nature among<br \/>\r\nthe design objectives. The presented study may become the basis for<br \/>\r\nmulti-objective optimal design of multi-loop control systems.","references":"[1] C. A. Smith and A. B. Corripio, Principles and practice of automatic\r\nprocess control. Wiley New York, 1985, vol. 2.\r\n[2] Y. Lee, S. Park, and M. Lee, \u201cPid controller tuning to obtain desired\r\nclosed loop responses for cascade control systems,\u201d Industrial &\r\nengineering chemistry research, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 1859\u20131865, 1998.\r\n[3] V. M. Alfaro, R. Vilanova, and O. Arrieta, \u201cTwo-degree-of-freedom\r\npi\/pid tuning approach for smooth control on cascade control systems,\u201d\r\nin 2008 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. IEEE, 2008,\r\npp. 5680\u20135685.\r\n[4] N. B. Almutairi and M. Zribi, \u201cOn the sliding mode control of a ball\r\non a beam system,\u201d Nonlinear dynamics, vol. 59, no. 1-2, p. 221, 2010.\r\n[5] V. Pareto et al., \u201cManual of political economy,\u201d 1971.\r\n[6] Y. H. 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