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that these hooks will accept a callback parameter. * @example * app_link.before = function(callback) { * setTimeout(function() { * callback(); * }, 1000); * }; * * @param {object:<platformKey:plaform>} platforms * Data about the App Link per platform. * - {string} platform.app_url * URL Scheme to the app. * - {string} platform.intent_url * Intent URL to the app. * - {string} platform.store_url * URL to find this app in the app store. * - {boolean} platform.supports_qs * True if the App URL supports appending a query-string * - {boolean} platform.supports_path * True if the App URL supports appending a path * - {array} platform.path_whitelist * RegExp strings to filter the query-string path by. * @param {string} fallbackUrl * The URL to route to if we cannot route another way. * * @return {string} * Primary URL that we will attempt to redirect to. */ function app_link (platforms, fallbackUrl) { var isRedirectPage = !!location.href.match("app_link_redirect=true"); // Set variables, allowing before hooks to alter. app_link.platforms = platforms; app_link.fallbackUrl = fallbackUrl; // Exexcute any before hooks. if (app_link.before && !isRedirectPage) { return app_link.before(function() { app_link.before = null; app_link(app_link.platforms, app_link.fallbackUrl); }); } // Add referrer to fallback (Server is unable to do this accurately). var platform = platforms.app_link_platform_fallback; if (platform && platform.supports_qs) { app_link.fallbackUrl = app_link.applyReferrer(app_link.fallbackUrl); } // Determine the user's platform. var platformKey = app_link.getPlatformKey(navigator.userAgent) || app_link.getPlatformKey(navigator.appVersion); platform = platforms[platformKey]; // Display correct store badge in case the redirect fails or user returns to page. var el = platformKey && document.getElementById(platformKey); if (el) { el.className = ""; } // Display correct app icon with link based on platform in case the redirect fails or user returns to page. var logoEl = platformKey && document.getElementById(platformKey + '_logo'); if (logoEl) { logoEl.className = ""; } // If we don't recognize the platform, or have data about the platform -- fallback. if (!platform) { return app_link.fallback(); } // Transform App Urls according to rules. var appUrl = app_link.transformUrl(platform.app_url, platform.supports_qs, platform.supports_path, platform.path_whitelist); var intentUrl = app_link.transformUrl(platform.intent_url, platform.supports_qs, platform.supports_path, platform.path_whitelist); // We have a platform, update fallback to be the store. app_link.fallbackUrl = app_link.transformUrl(platform.store_url, platform.supports_store_qs) || fallbackUrl; var UA = navigator.userAgent; // Android w/ Chrome must use Intents if (platformKey === 'app_link_platform_android' && UA.match(/Chrome/)) { return app_link.directOrIframe(intentUrl); } // Firefox likes direct. else if (platformKey === 'app_link_platform_android' && UA.match(/Firefox/)) { return app_link.directOrIframe(appUrl); } // iOS9 needs middle redirect and confirm handling. // The dialog flow is not pretty - sorry. else if ((platformKey === 'app_link_platform_iphone' || platformKey === 'app_link_platform_ipad') && app_link.getOS(UA) >= 9) { if (isRedirectPage) { return app_link.fallback(); } else { return app_link.ios9(appUrl); } } // iOS8 Chrome prefers directOrIframe trick. else if((platformKey === 'app_link_platform_iphone' || platformKey === 'app_link_platform_ipad') && UA.match(/CriOS/)) { return app_link.directOrIframe(appUrl); } // Most iOS & Android: Prefers hidden iframe trick over direct. else { return app_link.iframe(appUrl); } } /** * Detecting user's platform (their device / operating-system). * * @param {string} UA * Browser userAgent or appVersion (Sometimes we need the version info). * * @return {string} * A key to App Link platforms data that matches user's platform. */ app_link.getPlatformKey = function (UA) { return ( UA.match(/Windows Phone/i) ? 'app_link_platform_windows_phone' : UA.match(/Kindle/i) ? 'app_link_platform_kindle_fire' : UA.match(/Android/i) ? 'app_link_platform_android' : UA.match(/iPhone|iPod/i) ? 'app_link_platform_iphone' : UA.match(/iPad/i) ? 'app_link_platform_ipad' : (UA.match(/Windows NT/) && app_link.getOS(UA) >= 6.2) ? 'app_link_platform_windows' : (UA.match(/OS X/) && app_link.getOS(UA) >= 10.6) ? 'app_link_platform_mac' : '' ); }; /** * Detect version of OS operating system. * * @param {string} UA * Browser userAgent or appVersion. * * @return {number} * Representing version of operating system. */ app_link.getOS = function (UA) { var version; // Windows version = UA.match(/Windows NT (\d+?.\d+?)/i); if (version) { return version[1] - 0; } // Mac & iOS version = UA.match(/(iPhone.+OS|iPad.+OS|iPod.+OS|OS X) (\d+?[._]\d+?)/i); if (version) { return version[2].replace('_', '.') - 0; } return 0; } /** * Transform a given URL URL. * - Optionally, appending any path with one specified in the path query string. * - Optionally, appending any query-sting. * * @param {string} url * The URL to trnasform * @param {boolean} applyQs * True if the App URL supports appending a query-string * @param {boolean} applyPath * True if the App URL supports appending a path * @param {array} pathWhitelist * RegExp strings to filter the query-string path by. * * @return {string} * The transformed URL. */ app_link.transformUrl = function (url, applyQs, applyPath, pathWhitelist) { if (url && applyPath) { var path = app_link.getQueryParams().path; if (app_link.isPathWhitelisted(path, pathWhitelist)) { url = app_link.applyUrl(url, {pathname: path}); } } if (url && applyQs) { // Pass-Through Query-String values. url = app_link.applyUrl(url, {search:}); // Attempt to set a referrer. url = app_link.applyReferrer(url); } return url; }; /** * Validate that path matches at least one regular expression in a whitelist. * * @param {string} path * The path to validate. * @param {array} whitelist * An array of regular expression strings. * * @return {boolean} * True if a match is found or if whitelist is empty. False otherwise. */ app_link.isPathWhitelisted = function (path, whitelist) { // We must have something to work with. if (!path) { return false; } // If there are no paths to white-list, everything is accepted. if (!whitelist || !whitelist.length) { return true; } // Check each item for a RegEx match. for (var i = 0, item, rx; i < whitelist.length; i++) { // Remove carriage return character (\r) if any from whitelist item. item = whitelist[i].replace(/\r/g, ''); rx = new RegExp(item); if (rx.test(path)) { return true; } } return false; }; /** * Parse Query String parameters. * * @return {object<key:value>} * A map of key values from the query string. */ app_link.getQueryParams = function () { var query = {}; ( || "") // Remove the "?" .substr(1) // Replace space characters .replace(/\+/g, " ") // Grab key-value pairs .replace(/([^&;=]+)=?([^&;]*)/g, function (m, k, v) { // Decode keys and values separately query[decodeURIComponent(k)] = decodeURIComponent(v); }); return query; }; /** * Attaches the referrer to a destination URL. * * @param {string} url * The URL to apply transformation. * * @return {string} * The transformed URL. */ app_link.applyReferrer = function (url) { if (url && document.referrer && url.indexOf("referrer") === -1) { return app_link.applyUrl(url, {search: "referrer=" + encodeURIComponent(document.referrer)}); } return url; }; /** * Apply a query-string to a destination URL. * * @param {string} url * The URL to apply transformation. * @param {object} parts * - {string} pathname: Path to append. * - {string} search: Query String to append. * - {string} hash: Hash String to replace. * * @return {string} * The transformed URL. */ app_link.applyUrl = function (url, parts) { var parser = document.createElement("a"); parser.href = url; if (typeof parts.pathname === "string") { var origin = parser.origin || (parser.protocol + "//" + ( || "")); var pathname = parser.pathname.replace(/^\/+/, "") + parts.pathname.replace(/^\/+/, ""); var search =; var hash = parser.hash; if (origin[origin.length - 1] !== "/") { origin += "/"; } parser.href = origin + pathname; if (search) { = search; } if (hash) { parser.hash = hash; } } if (typeof === "string") { if ([0] === "?") { =; } = ( && ? + "&" + : ( ||; } if (typeof parts.hash === "string") { parser.hash = parts.hash; } return parser.href; }; /** * The browser doesn't tell us if we were successful or not. * Keep a heartbeat to see if the page is still visible. * * @param {function} callback * Called when we failed to do what was exected. * @param {number} wait * Number of Milliseconds before redirecting failure case */ app_link.onFailure = function (callback, wait) { var timerFailed = setTimeout(callback, wait || 2000); // If we know the page is hidden, then we did not fail. // Cancel the failure and attempt to close out. var timerHeartbeat = setInterval(function () { if (document.webkitHidden || document.hidden) { clearInterval(timerHeartbeat); clearTimeout(timerFailed); window.close(); } }, 100); }; /** * Redirect. If it fails, try iframe trick. * * @param {string} url * The URL to direct to. * * @return {string} * The URL directed to. */ app_link.directOrIframe = function (url) { if (!url) { return app_link.fallback(); } // If we're still here, try the iframe trick. var timerFailed = setTimeout(function () { if (document.webkitHidden || document.hidden) { clearTimeout(timerFailed); window.close(); } else { app_link.iframe(url); } }, 30000); document.location = url; return url; }; /** * Redirect. If it fails, redirect to temp page with the store. * * @param {string} url * The URL to direct to. * * @return {string} * The URL directed to. */ app_link.ios9 = function (url) { if (!url) { return app_link.fallback(); } // Need a timeout for images to successfully load. setTimeout(function() { // If we're still here, try the iframe trick. app_link.onFailure(function() { // The secondary redirect must be to http - not ios9 app store. if (app_link.fallback.substr(0, 4) !== 'http') { var href = location.href; document.location = href + (href.match(/\?/) ? "&" : "?") + "app_link_redirect=true"; } else { document.location = app_link.fallback; } }, 30000); document.location = url; }, 500); return url; }; /** * A lot of Androids, like the hidden iframe trick. * * @param {string} url * The URL to direct to. * * @return {string} * The URL directed to. */ app_link.iframe = function (url) { if (!url) { return app_link.fallback(); } // If we're still here, then give up and go to fallback. app_link.onFailure(app_link.fallback); var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); = "none"; = "1px"; = "1px"; iframe.onload = app_link.fallback; iframe.onerror = app_link.fallback; iframe.src = url; document.body.appendChild(iframe); return url; }; /** * Fallback if they don't have app installed. * Unless, PageVisiblityAPI has hidden the page. */ app_link.fallback = function () { if (!document.webkitHidden && !document.hidden) { // Removing query string from fallbackUrl. app_link.fallbackUrl = app_link.fallbackUrl.split("?")[0]; window.location = app_link.fallbackUrl; return app_link.fallbackUrl; } else { window.close(); } return ""; }; </script> <script> <!--//--><![CDATA[//><!-- mixpanel_flat_q=window.mixpanel_flat_q||[];mixpanel_flat_q.push(["952fc4e1a5cf40a16e840dc85932a615",{"loaded":"nbc_applink_mixpanel_track"}]) //--><!]]> </script> <script src=""></script> <script> var PLATFORMS = {"app_link_platform_windows_phone":{"app_url":"","store_url":"","supports_qs":0,"supports_path":0,"path_whitelist":[]},"app_link_platform_iphone":{"app_url":"nbctve:\/\/live","store_url":"https:\/\/\/web\/20170120033629\/http:\/\/\/12a36ee3-5c48-4e12-a3bb-f9399f1eeddf\/xo144hdr\/i\/442839435","supports_qs":0,"supports_path":0,"path_whitelist":[]},"app_link_platform_kindle_fire":{"app_url":"nbctve:\/\/live","store_url":"","supports_qs":0,"supports_path":0,"path_whitelist":[]},"app_link_platform_fallback":{"fallback_url":"https:\/\/\/web\/20170120033629\/http:\/\/\/live","supports_qs":0,"supports_path":0,"path_whitelist":[]},"app_link_platform_ipad":{"app_url":"nbctve:\/\/live","store_url":"https:\/\/\/web\/20170120033629\/http:\/\/\/12a36ee3-5c48-4e12-a3bb-f9399f1eeddf\/xo144hdr\/i\/442839435","supports_qs":0,"supports_path":0,"path_whitelist":[]},"app_link_platform_android":{"app_url":"nbctve:\/\/live","intent_url":"intent:\/\/live#Intent;scheme=nbctve;package=com.nbcuni.nbc;end","store_url":"https:\/\/\/web\/20170120033629\/http:\/\/\/12a36ee3-5c48-4e12-a3bb-f9399f1eeddf\/xo144hdr\/g\/com.nbcuni.nbc","supports_qs":0,"supports_path":0,"path_whitelist":[]}}; var FALLBACK_URL = "https:\/\/\/web\/20170120033629\/http:\/\/\/live"; app_link(PLATFORMS, FALLBACK_URL); </script> <script type="text/javascript">window.NREUM||(NREUM={});{"beacon":"","licenseKey":"fb1e76f207","applicationID":"19466115","transactionName":"bgdTMhRZWhcAAkZYWldNcAUSUVsKTgBCQWpVC18NOVpbEQ8CVw==","queueTime":0,"applicationTime":140,"atts":"QkBQRFxDSRk=","errorBeacon":"","agent":""}</script></body> </html> <!-- FILE ARCHIVED ON 03:36:29 Jan 20, 2017 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 07:58:08 Dec 13, 2024. 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