Introducing the new Corporate Membership Program | OpenStreetMap Blog

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We have seen fantastic interest in this scheme, which is a sign that organizations and companies using OpenStreetMap are willing to give back to the project. In the first years of its existence, we also received a lot of feedback on the Corporate Membership as it exists today. Most of all, organizations wanted more flexibility in the amount they want to pay in exchange for their corporate membership.</p> <p>After taking in the feedback, consulting with exisiting and potential Corporate Members as well as the Foundation membership, we have designed a new tiered Corporate Membership program that we believe aligns much more closely with the needs of potential Corporate Members. Your organization can now become a Corporate Member for as little as €500 for &#8216;Supporter&#8217; level, all the way up to €20,000 for &#8216;Platinum&#8217; level. Each level has different benefits, as laid out below. But the biggest benefit of all is the knowledge that your organization is doing its part to support the growth and sustainability of the OpenStreetMap project!</p> <h2>The Corporate Membership Tiers</h2> <p><b>Supporter (€500 / year)</b></p> <ul> <li>Your name on the OSMF web site</li> <li>Show support for the OSM Foundation</li> <li>Attend OSMF General Meetings</li> </ul> <p><b>Bronze (€1,500 / year)</b></p> <p>All supporter level benefits, plus:</p> <ul> <li>First access to SotM sponsorship opportunities</li> <li>Name and logo on OSMF web site.</li> </ul> <p><b>Silver (€4,000 / year)</b></p> <p>All bronze level benefits, plus:</p> <ul> <li>One joint press release annually</li> </ul> <p><b>Gold (€10,000 / year)</b></p> <p>All Silver level benefits, plus:</p> <ul> <li>A seat on the OSMF <a href="">Advisory Board</a></li> </ul> <p><b>Platinum (€20,000 / year)</b></p> <p>All Gold level benefits, plus:</p> <ul> <li>Invite a board member for an in-house presentation about OpenStreetMap (you pay for travel / lodging)</li> </ul> <p>This new program will take effect on Jan 1, 2017. However, if you are interested in becoming a corporate member, please do not hesitate to contact us now, and we can get you set up. If you are currently a Corporate Member, we will be in touch about your transition to the new program.</p> <p class="wpml-ls-statics-post_translations wpml-ls">This post is also available in: <span class="wpml-ls-slot-post_translations wpml-ls-item wpml-ls-item-de wpml-ls-first-item wpml-ls-last-item wpml-ls-item-legacy-post-translations"><a href="" class="wpml-ls-link"><span class="wpml-ls-display icl_lang_sel_translated">German</span></a></span></p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-meta"> This entry was posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Membership</a> on <a href="" title="21:27" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2016-10-27T21:27:49+00:00">October 27, 2016</time></a><span class="by-author"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by Frederik Ramm" rel="author">Frederik Ramm</a></span></span>. </footer><!-- .entry-meta --> </article><!-- #post --> <nav class="nav-single"> <h3 class="assistive-text">Post navigation</h3> <span class="nav-previous"><a href="" rel="prev"><span class="meta-nav">&larr;</span> New Local Chapter: Swiss OpenStreetMap Association</a></span> <span class="nav-next"><a href="" rel="next">Mapbox will match the next €10k of donations! <span class="meta-nav">&rarr;</span></a></span> </nav><!-- .nav-single --> <div id="comments" class="comments-area"> <h2 class="comments-title"> 7 thoughts on &ldquo;<span>Introducing the new Corporate Membership Program</span>&rdquo; </h2> <ol class="commentlist"> <li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="li-comment-115426"> <article id="comment-115426" class="comment"> <header class="comment-meta comment-author vcard"> <img alt="" src=";d=mm&amp;r=g" srcset=";d=mm&amp;r=g 2x" class="avatar avatar-44 photo" height="44" width="44" loading="lazy"/><cite class="fn"><a href="" rel="external nofollow ugc" class="url">scruss</a> </cite><a href=""><time datetime="2016-10-28T00:28:08+00:00">October 28, 2016 at 00:28</time></a> </header><!-- .comment-meta --> <section class="comment-content comment"> <p>So if you can buy a seat on the OSMF board, is there a limit to the number of corporate members to prevent a coup?</p> </section><!-- .comment-content --> <div class="reply"> </div><!-- .reply --> </article><!-- #comment-## --> <ol class="children"> <li class="comment byuser comment-author-harrywood odd alt depth-2" id="li-comment-115427"> <article id="comment-115427" class="comment"> <header class="comment-meta comment-author vcard"> <img alt="" src=";d=mm&amp;r=g" srcset=";d=mm&amp;r=g 2x" class="avatar avatar-44 photo" height="44" width="44" loading="lazy"/><cite class="fn"><a href="" rel="external nofollow ugc" class="url">HarryWood</a> </cite><a href=""><time datetime="2016-10-28T12:23:02+00:00">October 28, 2016 at 12:23</time></a> </header><!-- .comment-meta --> <section class="comment-content comment"> <p>On the <i>advisory board</i> . This is a new thing being set up, separate from the board of directors</p> </section><!-- .comment-content --> <div class="reply"> </div><!-- .reply --> </article><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ol><!-- .children --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li class="pingback even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-115428"> <p>Pingback: <a href="" rel="external nofollow ugc" class="url">OpenStreetMap invites companies to pay up to $20,000 a year to support the ‘Wikipedia for maps’ &#8211; Daily HUSL</a> </p> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li class="pingback odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-115429"> <p>Pingback: <a href="" rel="external nofollow ugc" class="url">OpenStreetMap invites companies to pay up to $20,000 a year to support the &#8216;Wikipedia for&nbsp;maps&#8217; | GamingSoFun</a> </p> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li class="pingback even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-115431"> <p>Pingback: <a href="" rel="external nofollow ugc" 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