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Spelling in English follows some basic rules and the majority of English words (around 75%) follow these rules. You can learn the rules but there are always exceptions to the rules that need to be learned too.</p><p class="p dp">The main basic spelling rules of English relate to: prefixes and suffixes; spelling and plurals; doubling letters; dropping and adding letters; verb forms. This section focuses on British English but also covers some basic differences in spelling between British and American English.</p><div class="section dsection pr"><div class="cid" id="spelling__5"></div><div class="header dheader"><h2 class="title dtitle">Spelling: prefixes</h2></div><p class="p dp"><span class="target dtarget"/>When there is a prefix, we do not normally add or take away more letters:</p><div class="panel dpnl"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title"/></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b o-x"><table class="table dtable"><span class="colgroup dcolgroup"><col class="col dcol"/><col class="col dcol"/></span><tbody class="tbody dtbody"><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">dis + obey</i> <i class="ti">→ disobey</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">mis + spell</i> <i class="ti">→ misspell</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">dis + satisfied</i> <i class="ti">→ dissatisfied</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">over + hear</i> <i class="ti">→ overhear</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">in + humane</i> <i class="ti">→ inhumane</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">super + human</i> <i class="ti">→ superhuman</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">in + sane</i> <i class="ti">→ insane</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">un + natural</i> <i class="ti">→ unnatural</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">inter + national</i> <i class="ti">→ international</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">un + sure</i> <i class="ti">→ unsure</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">mis + rule</i> <i class="ti">→ misrule</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">under + pass</i> <i class="ti">→ underpass</i></p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div class="section dsection"><div class="header dheader"><h3 class="title dtitle">Prefixes <i class="ti">il-</i>, <i class="ti">im-</i>, <i class="ti">ir-</i></h3></div><p class="p dp">We commonly change the prefix <i class="ti">in-</i> to <i class="ti">il-, im-</i> or <i class="ti">ir-</i> when the first letter of a word is <i class="ti">l, m, p</i>, or <i class="ti">r</i>.</p><div class="panel dpnl"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title"/></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b o-x"><table class="table dtable"><span class="colgroup dcolgroup"><col class="col dcol"/><col class="col dcol"/><col class="col dcol"/></span><tbody class="tbody dtbody"><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">in</i> becomes <i class="ti">il-</i> before <i class="ti">l</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">in</i> becomes <i class="ti">im-</i> before <i class="ti">m</i> or <i class="ti">p</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">in</i> becomes <i class="ti">ir-</i> before <i class="ti">r</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><span class="tb"><i class="ti">il</i></span><i class="ti">legible</i></p><p class="p dp"><span class="tb"><i class="ti">il</i></span><i class="ti">literate</i></p><p class="p dp"><span class="tb"><i class="ti">il</i></span><i class="ti">logical</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><span class="tb"><i class="ti">im</i></span><i class="ti">moral</i></p><p class="p dp"><span class="tb"><i class="ti">im</i></span><i class="ti">mature</i></p><p class="p dp"><span class="tb"><i class="ti">im</i></span><i class="ti">possible</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ir</i></span><i class="ti">relevant</i></p><p class="p dp"><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ir</i></span><i class="ti">responsible</i></p><p class="p dp"><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ir</i></span><i class="ti">replaceable</i></p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div> </div><div class="section dsection pr"><div class="cid" id="spelling__50"></div><div class="header dheader"><h2 class="title dtitle">Spelling and plurals</h2></div><p class="p dp"><span class="target dtarget"/>There are rules for the plurals of regular nouns and the -<i class="ti">s</i> forms of regular verbs.</p><p class="p dp">The general rule is add -<i class="ti">s</i>:</p><div class="panel dpnl"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title"/></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b o-x"><table class="table dtable"><span class="colgroup dcolgroup"><col class="col dcol"/></span><tbody class="tbody dtbody"><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">bring → bring</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">s</i></span> <i class="ti">day → day</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">s</i></span> <i class="ti">ear → ear</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">s</i></span> <i class="ti">smile → smile</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">s</i></span> <i class="ti">speak → speak</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">s</i></span> <i class="ti">town → town</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">s</i></span></p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><p class="p dp">If the ending is pronounced as ‘ch’ <i class="ti"><span class="phonemic dphonemic">/tʃ/</span></i> or ‘s’ <i class="ti"><span class="phonemic dphonemic">/s/</span></i>, we add <i class="ti">-es</i> <i class="ti"><span class="phonemic dphonemic">/ɪz/</span></i>:</p><div class="panel dpnl"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title"/></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b o-x"><table class="table dtable"><span class="colgroup dcolgroup"><col class="col dcol"/><col class="col dcol"/></span><thead class="thead dthead"><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp">noun plurals</p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp">verb <i class="ti">-s</i> forms</p></td></tr></thead><tbody class="tbody dtbody"><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">bu</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">s</i></span> <i class="ti">→ bus</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">es</i></span></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">cross → cross</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">es</i></span></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">church → church</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">es</i></span></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">fetch → fetch</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">es</i></span></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">kiss → kiss</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">es</i></span></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">guess → guess</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">es</i></span></p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><p class="p dp">If a word ends in an -<i class="ti">e</i>, we add an -<i class="ti">s</i>:</p><div class="panel dpnl"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title"/></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b o-x"><table class="table dtable"><span class="colgroup dcolgroup"><col class="col dcol"/></span><tbody class="tbody dtbody"><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">bas</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">e</i></span> <i class="ti">→ base</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">s</i></span> <i class="ti">fac</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">e</i></span> <i class="ti">→ face</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">s</i></span> <i class="ti">judg</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">e</i></span> <i class="ti">→ judge</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">s</i></span> <i class="ti">los</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">e</i></span> <i class="ti">→ lose</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">s</i></span></p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><p class="p dp">If the word ends in a consonant plus -<i class="ti">y</i>, we change -<i class="ti">y</i> to <i class="ti">i</i> and add -<i class="ti">es</i>:</p><div class="panel dpnl"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title"/></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b o-x"><table class="table dtable"><span class="colgroup dcolgroup"><col class="col dcol"/><col class="col dcol"/></span><thead class="thead dthead"><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp">noun plurals</p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp">verb <i class="ti">-s</i> forms</p></td></tr></thead><tbody class="tbody dtbody"><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">baby → bab</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ies</i></span></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">marry → marr</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ies</i></span></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">opportunity → opportunit</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ies</i></span></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">reply → repl</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ies</i></span></p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><p class="p dp">We add <i class="ti">-es</i> to some words ending in -<i class="ti">o</i>:</p><div class="panel dpnl"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title"/></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b o-x"><table class="table dtable"><span class="colgroup dcolgroup"><col class="col dcol"/><col class="col dcol"/></span><thead class="thead dthead"><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp">noun plurals</p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp">noun plurals/verb <i class="ti">-s</i> forms</p></td></tr></thead><tbody class="tbody dtbody"><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">tomato → tomato</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">es</i></span></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">echo → echo</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">es</i></span></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">cargo → cargo</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">es</i></span></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">embargo → embargo</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">es</i></span></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">hero → hero</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">es</i></span></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">go → go</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">es</i></span> (<i class="ti">go</i> [n] = <i class="ti">attempt</i>)</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><p class="p dp">However, some words ending in -<i class="ti">o</i> only require -<i class="ti">s</i>: <i class="ti">videos, discos, pianos, memos, photos</i>.</p><p class="p dp">For some nouns ending in <i class="ti">-f</i> or <i class="ti">-fe</i>, we form the plural by changing the <i class="ti">-f</i> or <i class="ti">-fe</i> to <i class="ti">-ves</i>:</p><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">loaf → loa</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ves</i></span> <i class="ti">shelf → shel</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ves</i></span> <i class="ti">thief → thie</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ves</i></span> <i class="ti">wife → wi</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ves</i></span></p><div class="nav dnav"><p class="p dp">See also: </p><ul class="ul dul"><li class="li dli"><p class="p dp"> <a class="Ref" href="/grammar/british-grammar/nouns-form#nouns-form__24">Forming the plural of nouns </a></p></li></ul></div></div><div class="section dsection pr"><div class="cid" id="spelling__107"></div><div class="header dheader"><h2 class="title dtitle">Spelling: doubling consonants</h2></div><p class="p dp"><span class="target dtarget"/>We often double the final consonant of a word (<i class="ti">b, d, g, l, m, n, p, r, t</i>) when a suffix beginning with a vowel is added (<i class="ti">-ed, -er, -est, -ing</i>):</p><div class="panel dpnl"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title"/></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b o-x"><table class="table dtable"><span class="colgroup dcolgroup"><col class="col dcol"/><col class="col dcol"/></span><tbody class="tbody dtbody"><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">hop + -ed → ho</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">pped</i></span></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">slim + -ing → sli</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">mming</i></span></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">red + -ish → re</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ddish</i></span></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">thin + -er → thi</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">nner</i></span></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">rub + -ed → ru</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">bbed</i></span></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">travel+ -er → trave</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ller</i></span></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">sit + -ing → si</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">tting</i></span></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">wet + -er →</i> <i class="ti">we</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">tter</i></span></p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><p class="p dp">When we add a suffix to a word with more than one syllable, we double the consonant only when the word ends in a stressed syllable (the stressed syllable of the base form is in bold):</p><div class="panel dpnl"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title"/></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b o-x"><table class="table dtable"><span class="colgroup dcolgroup"><col class="col dcol"/><col class="col dcol"/></span><tbody class="tbody dtbody"><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">ad</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">mit</i></span> <i class="ti">+ -ing → admi</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">tting</i></span></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">pre</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">fer</i></span> <i class="ti">+ -ed → prefe</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">rred</i></span></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">for</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">get</i></span> <i class="ti">+ -ing → forge</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">tting</i></span></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">trans</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">mit</i></span> <i class="ti">+ -ed → transmi</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">tted</i></span></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">oc</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">cur</i></span> <i class="ti">+ -ence → occu</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">rrence</i></span></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">up</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">set</i></span> <i class="ti">+ -ing → upse</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">tting</i></span></p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><p class="p dp">Compare, however, <i class="ti">visit</i> or <i class="ti">enter</i> where the spoken stress is on the first syllable:</p><div class="panel dpnl"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title"/></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b o-x"><table class="table dtable"><span class="colgroup dcolgroup"><col class="col dcol"/><col class="col dcol"/></span><tbody class="tbody dtbody"><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><span class="tb"><i class="ti">vis</i></span><i class="ti">it → visi</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ting</i></span></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><span class="tb"><i class="ti">en</i></span><i class="ti">ter → enter</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ed</i></span></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15 lmb-20"><p class="p dp">Not: <span class="tdl">visitting</span></p></blockquote></td><td class="td dtd"><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15 lmb-20"><p class="p dp">Not: <span class="tdl">enterred</span></p></blockquote></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><p class="p dp">Note too that in each case the vowel before the last consonant is a short vowel.</p><div class="panel dpnl dpnl-w pad-indent"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title">Warning: </span></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b dpnl-b-wh pad-indent"><p class="p dp">We don’t double the final consonant before a suffix:</p><p class="p dp">– if the word ends in two written consonants, e.g. <i class="ti">expo</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">rt</i></span> <i class="ti">= exported, fi</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">nd =</i></span> <i class="ti">finding, insi</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">st =</i></span> <i class="ti">insisted, li</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ft</i></span> <i class="ti">= lifted, persi</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">st</i></span> <i class="ti">= persistence</i></p><p class="p dp">– if there are two written vowels together in the word, e.g. <i class="ti">m</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ee</i></span><i class="ti">ting, r</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ai</i></span><i class="ti">ned, w</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ea</i></span><i class="ti">ken, tr</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ai</i></span><i class="ti">ner, rep</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ea</i></span><i class="ti">ted</i>.</p></div></div><div class="section dsection"><div class="header dheader"><h3 class="title dtitle">Irregular forms and exceptions</h3></div><div class="panel dpnl dpnl-w pad-indent"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title">Warning: </span></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b dpnl-b-wh pad-indent"><p class="p dp">Some monosyllabic words ending in -<i class="ti">s</i> are irregular. We normally do not double the <i class="ti">-s</i>, although some doubled forms will be seen. For example: <i class="ti">busses</i> and <i class="ti">buses; gasses</i> and <i class="ti">gases</i>. (<i class="ti">Busses</i> and <i class="ti">gasses</i> are not common.)</p><p class="p dp">Some words, several of them ending in <i class="ti">l</i>, with more than two syllables, have a double consonant even though the last syllable is not stressed; for example, <i class="ti">labelling, traveller, equalled, handicapped, programmed</i>.</p><p class="p dp">In American English the single consonant spelling is usually more common: <i class="ti">labeling, traveler</i>.</p></div></div></div></div><div class="section dsection pr"><div class="cid" id="spelling__156"></div><div class="header dheader"><h2 class="title dtitle">Spelling: dropping and adding letters</h2></div><div class="section dsection dsection-f"><div class="header dheader"><h3 class="title dtitle">The final -<i class="ti">e</i></h3></div><p class="p dp"><span class="target dtarget"/>We often drop the final <i class="ti">-e</i> when a suffix beginning with a vowel is added to a word:</p><div class="panel dpnl"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title"/></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b o-x"><table class="table dtable"><span class="colgroup dcolgroup"><col class="col dcol"/><col class="col dcol"/></span><tbody class="tbody dtbody"><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">approve + -al → approval</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">hope + -ing → hoping</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">fame + -ous → famous</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">invite + -ation → invitation</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">hate + -ed → hated</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">note + -able → notable</i></p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div class="panel dpnl dpnl-w pad-indent"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title">Warning: </span></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b dpnl-b-wh pad-indent"><p class="p dp">We keep the -<i class="ti">e</i> in <i class="ti">dyeing</i> (from <i class="ti">dye</i>) and <i class="ti">singeing</i> (from <i class="ti">singe</i>) to differentiate them from similar words e.g. <i class="ti">dying</i> (from <i class="ti">die</i>) and <i class="ti">singing</i> (from <i class="ti">sing</i>).</p></div></div><p class="p dp">When a suffix begins with a consonant (e.g. -<i class="ti">less</i>, -<i class="ti">ful</i>, -<i class="ti">ly</i>, -<i class="ti">ment</i>) we do not normally drop the -<i class="ti">e</i>:</p><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">definitely</i> <i class="ti">excitement</i> <i class="ti">forceful</i> <i class="ti">hopeless</i> <i class="ti">lately</i> <i class="ti">widely</i></p><p class="p dp">Sometimes we do drop the -<i class="ti">e</i>:</p><div class="panel dpnl"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title"/></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b o-x"><table class="table dtable"><span class="colgroup dcolgroup"><col class="col dcol"/><col class="col dcol"/></span><tbody class="tbody dtbody"><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">argue</i> <span class="tb"><i class="ti">→</i></span> <i class="ti">argument</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">true</i> <span class="tb"><i class="ti">→</i></span> <i class="ti">truly</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">due</i> <span class="tb"><i class="ti">→</i></span> <i class="ti">duly</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">whole</i> <span class="tb"><i class="ti">→</i></span> <i class="ti">wholly</i></p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><p class="p dp">Some words have alternative forms with or without an -<i class="ti">e</i>: for example, <i class="ti">acknowledgement</i> or <i class="ti">acknowledgment</i>, and <i class="ti">judgement</i> or <i class="ti">judgment</i>.</p></div> <div id='ad_contentslot_1' class='am-default contentslot'> <script type="text/javascript">iaw.cmd.push(function() { iaw.display('ad_contentslot_1'); });</script> </div> <div class="section dsection"><div class="header dheader"><h3 class="title dtitle">The suffix <i class="ti">-ally</i></h3></div><p class="p dp">The suffix <i class="ti">-ally</i> is added to adjectives ending in <i class="ti">-ic</i> to form adverbs:</p><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">basic → basically</i></p><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">realistic → realistically</i></p><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">tragic → tragically</i></p><div class="panel dpnl dpnl-w pad-indent"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title">Warning: </span></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b dpnl-b-wh pad-indent"><p class="p dp">BUT: <i class="ti">publicly</i></p></div></div></div><div class="section dsection"><div class="header dheader"><h3 class="title dtitle">Changing -<i class="ti">y</i> to -<i class="ti">i</i></h3></div><p class="p dp">When we add a suffix to a word ending in a consonant + -<i class="ti">y</i>, we normally change -<i class="ti">y</i> to <i class="ti">i</i>:</p><div class="panel dpnl"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title"/></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b o-x"><table class="table dtable"><span class="colgroup dcolgroup"><col class="col dcol"/><col class="col dcol"/></span><tbody class="tbody dtbody"><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">amplify + -er → ampli</i><i class="ti">f</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">i</i></span><i class="ti">er</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">happy + -ly → happ</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">i</i></span><i class="ti">ly</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">busy + -ness → bus</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">i</i></span><i class="ti">ness</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">hurry + -s → hurr</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">i</i></span><i class="ti">es</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">day + -ly → da</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">i</i></span><i class="ti">ly</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">purify + -cation → purif</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">i</i></span><i class="ti">cation</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">easy + -ly → eas</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">i</i></span><i class="ti">ly</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">reply + -ed → repl</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">i</i></span><i class="ti">ed</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">fury + -ous → fur</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">i</i></span><i class="ti">ous</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">spy + -s → sp</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">i</i></span><i class="ti">es</i></p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div class="panel dpnl dpnl-w pad-indent"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title">Warning: </span></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b dpnl-b-wh pad-indent"><p class="p dp">Some words with one syllable keep the -<i class="ti">y</i> before a suffix: <i class="ti">dryness, shyness, slyness</i>.</p></div></div><p class="p dp">We keep <i class="ti">-y</i> before <i class="ti">-ing: studying, worrying</i>.</p><p class="p dp">We keep <i class="ti">-y</i> before <i class="ti">’s</i>: <i class="ti">the fly’s wings, Andy’s house</i>.</p><p class="p dp">We usually keep the -<i class="ti">y</i> in most words that end in a vowel + -<i class="ti">y</i>:</p><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">buy → buyer</i></p><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">destroy → destroys</i></p><div class="panel dpnl dpnl-w pad-indent"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title">Warning: </span></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b dpnl-b-wh pad-indent"><p class="p dp">BUT: <i class="ti">day</i> → <i class="ti">daily</i></p></div></div></div> </div><div class="section dsection pr"><div class="cid" id="spelling__220"></div><div class="header dheader"><h2 class="title dtitle">Spelling: <i class="ti">ie</i> or <i class="ti">ei</i><span class="span dspan pad">?</span></h2></div><p class="p dp"><span class="target dtarget"/>If in doubt about <i class="ti">ie</i> or <i class="ti">ei</i>, when the sound of the vowel is as in <i class="ti">brief</i> <i class="ti"><span class="phonemic dphonemic">/i:/</span></i>, we spell it <i class="ti">ie</i>; but after the letter <i class="ti">c</i>, we spell it <i class="ti">ei</i>:</p><div class="panel dpnl"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title"/></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b o-x"><table class="table dtable"><span class="colgroup dcolgroup"><col class="col dcol"/><col class="col dcol"/></span><tbody class="tbody dtbody"><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ie</i></span></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ei</i></span> <span class="tb">after</span> <span class="tb"><i class="ti">c</i></span></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">ach</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ie</i></span><i class="ti">ve</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">c</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ei</i></span><i class="ti">ling</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">bel</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ie</i></span><i class="ti">f</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">conc</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ei</i></span><i class="ti">t</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">d</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ie</i></span><i class="ti">sel</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">dec</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ei</i></span><i class="ti">ve</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">n</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ie</i></span><i class="ti">ce</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">rec</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ei</i></span><i class="ti">pt</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">rel</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ie</i></span><i class="ti">ve</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">perc</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ei</i></span><i class="ti">ve</i></p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><p class="p dp">Words in which -<i class="ti">y</i> has changed to <i class="ti">i</i> end in -<i class="ti">ies</i> even after a <i class="ti">c</i>:</p><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">emergency → emergencies</i></p><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">bureaucracy → bureaucracies</i></p><div class="panel dpnl dpnl-w pad-indent"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title">Warning: </span></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b dpnl-b-wh pad-indent"><p class="p dp">In most words that do not have the pronunciation <i class="ti"><span class="phonemic dphonemic">/i:/</span></i> as in <i class="ti">brief</i>, the usual order is <i class="ti">e</i> before <i class="ti">i</i>, e.g. <i class="ti">neighbour</i>, <i class="ti">leisure, height</i>; <i class="ti">friend</i>, <i class="ti">ancient</i>, <i class="ti">science</i> are common exceptions.</p></div></div></div><div class="section dsection pr"><div class="cid" id="spelling__248"></div><div class="header dheader"><h2 class="title dtitle">Spelling and verb forms</h2></div><div class="section dsection dsection-f"><div class="header dheader"><h3 class="title dtitle">Past and <i class="ti">-ed</i> forms</h3></div><p class="p dp"><span class="target dtarget"/>The past and <i class="ti">-ed</i> forms are the same in regular verbs. The following are the spelling rules for regular verbs.</p><p class="p dp">We add <i class="ti">-ed</i> to the base form of the verb:</p><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">clean → clean</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ed</i></span> <i class="ti">echo → echo</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ed</i></span> <i class="ti">email → email</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ed</i></span> <i class="ti">sail → sail</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ed</i></span></p><p class="p dp">If the word ends in <i class="ti">-e</i>, we add -<i class="ti">d</i> to the base form of the verb:</p><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">agree → agree</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">d</i></span> <i class="ti">dine → dine</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">d</i></span> <i class="ti">love → love</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">d</i></span></p><p class="p dp">If the word ends in a consonant + -<i class="ti">y</i>, we change the -<i class="ti">y</i> to <i class="ti">i</i> before <i class="ti">-ed</i>:</p><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">apply → appl</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">i</i></span><i class="ti">ed</i> <i class="ti">cry → cr</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">i</i></span><i class="ti">ed</i></p><p class="p dp">There are three common exceptions, where we change the -<i class="ti">y</i> to <i class="ti">i</i> after a vowel and just -<i class="ti">d</i> is added:</p><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">pay → paid</i> <i class="ti">say → said</i></p></div> <div id='ad_contentslot_2' class='am-default contentslot'> <script type="text/javascript">iaw.cmd.push(function() { iaw.display('ad_contentslot_2'); });</script> </div> <div class="section dsection"><div class="header dheader"><h3 class="title dtitle"><i class="ti">-ing</i> forms</h3></div><p class="p dp">The general rule is add <i class="ti">-ing</i> to the base form of the verb:</p><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">go → go</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ing</i></span> <i class="ti">hurry → hurry</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ing</i></span> <i class="ti">play → play</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ing</i></span></p><p class="p dp">If the word ends in <i class="ti">-e</i>, we drop the -<i class="ti">e</i> before <i class="ti">-ing</i>:<span class="target dtarget"/></p><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">love → lov</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ing</i></span> <i class="ti">lose → los</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ing</i></span> <i class="ti">write → writ</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">ing</i></span></p><p class="p dp">But if the word ends in <i class="ti">-ee</i>, -<i class="ti">ye</i>, or <i class="ti">-oe</i>, we keep the -<i class="ti">e</i>:</p><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">agree → agre</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">e</i></span><i class="ti">ing</i> <i class="ti">dye → dy</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">e</i></span><i class="ti">ing</i> (compare: <i class="ti">die/dying</i>) <i class="ti">see → se</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">e</i></span><i class="ti">ing</i></p><p class="p dp">If the word ends in -<i class="ti">ie</i>, we change the -<i class="ti">i</i> to -<i class="ti">y</i> and we drop the -<i class="ti">e</i> before -<i class="ti">ing</i>:</p><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">die</i> → <i class="ti">d</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">y</i></span><i class="ti">ing</i> <i class="ti">lie → l</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">y</i></span><i class="ti">ing</i> <i class="ti">tie</i> → <i class="ti">t</i><span class="tb"><i class="ti">y</i></span><i class="ti">ing</i></p></div> </div><div class="section dsection pr"><div class="cid" id="spelling__270"></div><div class="header dheader"><h2 class="title dtitle">Addition of final -<i class="ti">e</i> to indicate long vowel</h2></div><p class="p dp">We use a final silent -<i class="ti">e</i> to indicate that the stressed vowel is long:</p><div class="panel dpnl"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title"/></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b o-x"><table class="table dtable"><span class="colgroup dcolgroup"><col class="col dcol"/><col class="col dcol"/></span><thead class="thead dthead"><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp">long vowel</p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp">short vowel</p></td></tr></thead><tbody class="tbody dtbody"><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">hate, fate</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">hat, fat</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">theme, impede</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">them, fed</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">dine, bite</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">din, bit</i></p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div class="panel dpnl dpnl-w pad-indent"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title">Warning: </span></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b dpnl-b-wh pad-indent"><p class="p dp">There are some common exceptions:</p></div></div><div class="panel dpnl"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title"/></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b o-x"><table class="table dtable"><span class="colgroup dcolgroup"><col class="col dcol"/><col class="col dcol"/><col class="col dcol"/><col class="col dcol"/></span><tbody class="tbody dtbody"><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">come</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">have</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">none</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">there</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">done</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">live</i> (as a verb)</p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">one</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">were</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">give</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">love</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">some</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">where</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">gone</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"/></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"/></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div><div class="section dsection pr"><div class="cid" id="spelling__313"></div><div class="header dheader"><h2 class="title dtitle">British and American English Spelling</h2></div><p class="p dp"><span class="target dtarget"/>Here are some common differences between British and <span class="target dtarget"/>American English spelling. A good learner’s <span class="target dtarget"/>dictionary will give information about other spelling differences:</p><div class="panel dpnl"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title"/></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b o-x"><table class="table dtable"><span class="colgroup dcolgroup"><col class="col dcol"/><col class="col dcol"/></span><thead class="thead dthead"><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp">British English</p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp">American English</p></td></tr></thead><tbody class="tbody dtbody"><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">analyse</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">analyze</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">aeroplane</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">airplane</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">centre</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">center</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">cheque</i> (bank)</p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">check</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">colour</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">color</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">criticise</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">criticize</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">defence</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">defense</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">labour</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">labor</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">neighbour</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">neighbor</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">programme</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">program</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">theatre</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">theater</i></p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div></article></div> <div class="lmb-25 lch0">&nbsp;</div> <div class="lpt-15 lmt-25"> </div> <div id='ad_btmslot' class='am-default '> <script type="text/javascript">iaw.cmd.push(function() { iaw.display('ad_btmslot'); 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'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-chinese-simplified', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Chinese (Simplified)', dataset_search: 'Search English–Chinese (Simplified)', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'chinese-simplified-english', datasetrev_text: 'Chinese (Simplified)&ndash;English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Chinese (Simplified)–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Chinese (Simplified) Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Chinese (Simplified) Dictionary">English&ndash;Chinese (Simplified)</span> <span data-dictCode="chinese-simplified-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_chinese_simplified ? 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'english-chinese-traditional' : 'chinese-traditional-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_chinese_traditional ? 'English&ndash;Chinese (Traditional)' : 'Chinese (Traditional)&ndash;English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_chinese_traditional ? 'Search English&ndash;Chinese (Traditional)' : 'Search Chinese (Traditional)&ndash;English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-chinese-traditional" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_chinese_traditional ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-chinese-traditional', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Chinese (Traditional)', dataset_search: 'Search English–Chinese (Traditional)', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'chinese-traditional-english', datasetrev_text: 'Chinese (Traditional)&ndash;English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Chinese (Traditional)–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Chinese (Traditional) Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Chinese (Traditional) Dictionary">English&ndash;Chinese (Traditional)</span> <span data-dictCode="chinese-traditional-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_chinese_traditional ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'chinese-traditional-english', dataset_text: 'Chinese (Traditional)&ndash;English', dataset_search: 'Search Chinese (Traditional)–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-chinese-traditional', datasetrev_text: 'English&ndash;Chinese (Traditional)', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Chinese (Traditional)'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge Chinese (Traditional)-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge Chinese (Traditional)-English Dictionary">Chinese (Traditional)&ndash;English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_dutch: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_dutch }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_dutch ? 'english-dutch' : 'dutch-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_dutch ? 'English&ndash;Dutch' : 'Dutch&ndash;English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_dutch ? 'Search English&ndash;Dutch' : 'Search Dutch&ndash;English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-dutch" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_dutch ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-dutch', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Dutch', dataset_search: 'Search English–Dutch', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'dutch-english', datasetrev_text: 'Dutch&ndash;English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Dutch–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Dutch Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Dutch Dictionary">English&ndash;Dutch</span> <span data-dictCode="dutch-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_dutch ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'dutch-english', dataset_text: 'Dutch&ndash;English', dataset_search: 'Search Dutch–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-dutch', datasetrev_text: 'English&ndash;Dutch', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Dutch'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Dutch-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Dutch-English Dictionary">Dutch&ndash;English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_french: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_french }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_french ? 'english-french' : 'french-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_french ? 'English&ndash;French' : 'French&ndash;English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_french ? 'Search English&ndash;French' : 'Search French&ndash;English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-french" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_french ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-french', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;French', dataset_search: 'Search English–French', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'french-english', datasetrev_text: 'French&ndash;English', datasetrev_search: 'Search French–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-French Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-French Dictionary">English&ndash;French</span> <span data-dictCode="french-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_french ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'french-english', dataset_text: 'French&ndash;English', dataset_search: 'Search French–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-french', datasetrev_text: 'English&ndash;French', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–French'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to French-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="French-English Dictionary">French&ndash;English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_german: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_german }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_german ? 'english-german' : 'german-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_german ? 'English&ndash;German' : 'German&ndash;English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_german ? 'Search English&ndash;German' : 'Search German&ndash;English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-german" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_german ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-german', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;German', dataset_search: 'Search English–German', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'german-english', datasetrev_text: 'German&ndash;English', datasetrev_search: 'Search German–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-German Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-German Dictionary">English&ndash;German</span> <span data-dictCode="german-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_german ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'german-english', dataset_text: 'German&ndash;English', dataset_search: 'Search German–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-german', datasetrev_text: 'English&ndash;German', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–German'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to German-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="German-English Dictionary">German&ndash;English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_indonesian: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_indonesian }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_indonesian ? 'english-indonesian' : 'indonesian-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_indonesian ? 'English&ndash;Indonesian' : 'Indonesian&ndash;English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_indonesian ? 'Search English&ndash;Indonesian' : 'Search Indonesian&ndash;English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-indonesian" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_indonesian ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-indonesian', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Indonesian', dataset_search: 'Search English–Indonesian', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'indonesian-english', datasetrev_text: 'Indonesian&ndash;English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Indonesian–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Indonesian Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Indonesian Dictionary">English&ndash;Indonesian</span> <span data-dictCode="indonesian-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_indonesian ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'indonesian-english', dataset_text: 'Indonesian&ndash;English', dataset_search: 'Search Indonesian–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-indonesian', datasetrev_text: 'English&ndash;Indonesian', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Indonesian'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Indonesian-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Indonesian-English Dictionary">Indonesian&ndash;English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_italian: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_italian }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_italian ? 'english-italian' : 'italian-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_italian ? 'English&ndash;Italian' : 'Italian&ndash;English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_italian ? 'Search English&ndash;Italian' : 'Search Italian&ndash;English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-italian" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_italian ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-italian', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Italian', dataset_search: 'Search English–Italian', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'italian-english', datasetrev_text: 'Italian&ndash;English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Italian–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Italian Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Italian Dictionary">English&ndash;Italian</span> <span data-dictCode="italian-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_italian ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'italian-english', dataset_text: 'Italian&ndash;English', dataset_search: 'Search Italian–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-italian', datasetrev_text: 'English&ndash;Italian', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Italian'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Italian-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Italian-English Dictionary">Italian&ndash;English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_japanese: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_japanese }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_japanese ? 'english-japanese' : 'japanese-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_japanese ? 'English&ndash;Japanese' : 'Japanese&ndash;English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_japanese ? 'Search English&ndash;Japanese' : 'Search Japanese&ndash;English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-japanese" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_japanese ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-japanese', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Japanese', dataset_search: 'Search English–Japanese', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'japanese-english', datasetrev_text: 'Japanese&ndash;English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Japanese–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Japanese Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Japanese Dictionary">English&ndash;Japanese</span> <span data-dictCode="japanese-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_japanese ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'japanese-english', dataset_text: 'Japanese&ndash;English', dataset_search: 'Search Japanese–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-japanese', datasetrev_text: 'English&ndash;Japanese', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Japanese'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Japanese-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Japanese-English Dictionary">Japanese&ndash;English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_norwegian: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_norwegian }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_norwegian ? 'english-norwegian' : 'norwegian-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_norwegian ? 'English&ndash;Norwegian' : 'Norwegian&ndash;English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_norwegian ? 'Search English&ndash;Norwegian' : 'Search Norwegian&ndash;English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-norwegian" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_norwegian ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-norwegian', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Norwegian', dataset_search: 'Search English–Norwegian', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'norwegian-english', datasetrev_text: 'Norwegian&ndash;English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Norwegian–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Norwegian Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Norwegian Dictionary">English&ndash;Norwegian</span> <span data-dictCode="norwegian-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_norwegian ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'norwegian-english', dataset_text: 'Norwegian&ndash;English', dataset_search: 'Search Norwegian–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-norwegian', datasetrev_text: 'English&ndash;Norwegian', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Norwegian'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Norwegian-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Norwegian-English Dictionary">Norwegian&ndash;English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_polish: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_polish }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_polish ? 'english-polish' : 'polish-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_polish ? 'English&ndash;Polish' : 'Polish&ndash;English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_polish ? 'Search English&ndash;Polish' : 'Search Polish&ndash;English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-polish" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_polish ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-polish', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Polish', dataset_search: 'Search English–Polish', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'polish-english', datasetrev_text: 'Polish&ndash;English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Polish–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Polish Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Polish Dictionary">English&ndash;Polish</span> <span data-dictCode="polish-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_polish ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'polish-english', dataset_text: 'Polish&ndash;English', dataset_search: 'Search Polish–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-polish', datasetrev_text: 'English&ndash;Polish', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Polish'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Polish-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Polish-English Dictionary">Polish&ndash;English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_portuguese: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_portuguese }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_portuguese ? 'english-portuguese' : 'portuguese-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_portuguese ? 'English&ndash;Portuguese' : 'Portuguese&ndash;English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_portuguese ? 'Search English&ndash;Portuguese' : 'Search Portuguese&ndash;English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-portuguese" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_portuguese ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-portuguese', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Portuguese', dataset_search: 'Search English–Portuguese', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'portuguese-english', datasetrev_text: 'Portuguese&ndash;English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Portuguese–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Portuguese Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Portuguese Dictionary">English&ndash;Portuguese</span> <span data-dictCode="portuguese-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_portuguese ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'portuguese-english', dataset_text: 'Portuguese&ndash;English', dataset_search: 'Search Portuguese–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-portuguese', datasetrev_text: 'English&ndash;Portuguese', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Portuguese'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Portuguese-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Portuguese-English Dictionary">Portuguese&ndash;English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_spanish: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_spanish }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_spanish ? 'english-spanish' : 'spanish-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_spanish ? 'English&ndash;Spanish' : 'Spanish&ndash;English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_spanish ? 'Search English&ndash;Spanish' : 'Search Spanish&ndash;English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-spanish" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_spanish ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-spanish', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Spanish', dataset_search: 'Search English–Spanish', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'spanish-english', datasetrev_text: 'Spanish&ndash;English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Spanish–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Spanish Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Spanish Dictionary">English&ndash;Spanish</span> <span data-dictCode="spanish-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_spanish ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'spanish-english', dataset_text: 'Spanish&ndash;English', dataset_search: 'Search Spanish–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-spanish', datasetrev_text: 'English&ndash;Spanish', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Spanish'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Diccionario Espa&ntilde;ol-ingl&eacute;s" tabindex="0" title="Diccionario Espa&ntilde;ol-ingl&eacute;s">Spanish&ndash;English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_swedish: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_swedish }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_swedish ? 'english-swedish' : 'swedish-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_swedish ? 'English&ndash;Swedish' : 'Swedish&ndash;English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_swedish ? 'Search English&ndash;Swedish' : 'Search Swedish&ndash;English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-swedish" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_swedish ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-swedish', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Swedish', dataset_search: 'Search English–Swedish', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'swedish-english', datasetrev_text: 'Swedish&ndash;English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Swedish–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Swedish Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Swedish Dictionary">English&ndash;Swedish</span> <span data-dictCode="swedish-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_swedish ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'swedish-english', dataset_text: 'Swedish&ndash;English', dataset_search: 'Search Swedish–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-swedish', datasetrev_text: 'English&ndash;Swedish', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Swedish'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Swedish-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Swedish-English Dictionary">Swedish&ndash;English</span> </li> </ul> <div class="tb lmb-5">Semi-bilingual Dictionaries</div> <div class="hul-u tc-d fs16 hlh1_5 lmb-20"> <span data-dictCode="english-arabic" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-arabic', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Arabic', dataset_search: 'Search English&ndash;Arabic', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Arabic Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Arabic 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stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-czech', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Czech', dataset_search: 'Search English&ndash;Czech', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Czech Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Czech Dictionary">English&ndash;Czech</span> <span data-dictCode="english-danish" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-danish', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Danish', dataset_search: 'Search English&ndash;Danish', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Danish Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Danish Dictionary">English&ndash;Danish</span> <span data-dictCode="english-gujarati" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-gujarati', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Gujarati', dataset_search: 'Search English&ndash;Gujarati', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, 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">Adjectives</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Adjectives: forms</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Adjectives: order</span></a><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class="lpl-10"><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Adjective phrases</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Adjective phrases: functions</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Adjective phrases: position</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Adjectives and adjective phrases: typical errors</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class="lpl-10"><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Comparative and superlative adjectives</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Comparison: adjectives (<i>bigger</i>, <i>biggest</i>, <i>more interesting</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Comparison: clauses (<i>bigger than we had imagined</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Comparison: comparisons of equality (<i>as tall as his father</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>As</i> … <i>as</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Adverbs</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Adverbs</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Adverb phrases</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Adverbs and adverb phrases: position</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Adverbs and adverb phrases: typical errors</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Adverbs: forms</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Adverbs: functions</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Adverbs: types</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Comparison: adverbs (<i>worse, more easily</i>)</span></a><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class="lpl-10"><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Degree adverbs</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Fairly</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Intensifiers (<i>very, at all</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Largely</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Much</i>, <i>a lot</i>, <i>lots</i>, <i>a good deal</i>: adverbs</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Pretty</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Quite</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Rather</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Really</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Scarcely</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Very</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class="lpl-10"><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Time adverbs</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>About</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Ago</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Already</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Always</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Early</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Ever</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Hardly ever</i>, <i>rarely</i>, <i>scarcely</i>, <i>seldom</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Next</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>No longer</i>, <i>not any longer</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>No more</i>, <i>not any more</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Now</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Often</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Once</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Soon</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Still</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Then</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Usually</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Eventually</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Adverbs as discourse markers (<i>anyway</i>, <i>finally</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Adverbs as short responses (<i>definitely</i>, <i>certainly</i>)</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Using adjectives and adverbs</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Afraid</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Alike</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Hard</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Long</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Only</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Same, similar, identical</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Likely</i> and <i>unlikely</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>As well (as)</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Even</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Hardly</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Hopefully</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Surely</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Too</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Ultimately</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-10"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Easily confused words</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Above</i> or <i>over?</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Across</i>, <i>over</i> or <i>through</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Advice</i> or <i>advise</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Affect</i> or <i>effect</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>All</i> or <i>every</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>All</i> or <i>whole</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Allow</i>, <i>permit</i> or <i>let</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Almost</i> or <i>nearly</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Alone</i>, <i>lonely</i>, or <i>lonesome</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Along</i> or <i>alongside</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Already</i>, <i>still</i> or <i>yet</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Also</i>, <i>as well</i> or <i>too</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Alternate(ly)</i>, <i>alternative(ly)</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Although</i> or <i>though</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Altogether</i> or <i>all together</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Amount of</i>, <i>number of</i> or <i>quantity of</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Any more</i> or <i>anymore</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Anyone</i>, <i>anybody</i> or <i>anything</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Apart from</i> or <i>except for</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Arise</i> or <i>rise</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Around</i> or <i>round</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Arouse</i> or <i>rouse</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>As</i> or <i>like</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>As</i>, <i>because</i> or <i>since</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>As</i>, <i>when</i> or <i>while</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Been</i> or <i>gone</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Begin</i> or <i>start</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Beside</i> or <i>besides</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Between</i> or <i>among</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Born</i> or <i>borne</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Bring</i>, <i>take</i> and <i>fetch</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Can</i>, <i>could</i> or <i>may</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Classic</i> or <i>classical?</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Come</i> or <i>go?</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Consider</i> or <i>regard</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Consist</i>, <i>comprise</i> or <i>compose</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Content</i> or <i>contents?</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Different from</i>, <i>different to</i> or <i>different than</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Do</i> or <i>make</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Down</i>, <i>downwards</i> or <i>downward?</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>During</i> or <i>for?</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Each</i> or <i>every</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>East</i> or <i>eastern</i>; <i>north</i> or <i>northern</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Economic</i> or <i>economical</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Efficient</i> or <i>effective</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Elder</i>, <i>eldest</i> or <i>older</i>, <i>oldest</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>End</i> or <i>finish</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Especially</i> or <i>specially</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Except</i> or <i>except for</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Expect</i>, <i>hope</i> or <i>wait</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Experience</i> or <i>experiment</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Fall</i> or <i>fall down</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Far</i> or <i>a long way</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Farther</i>, <i>farthest</i> or <i>further</i>, <i>furthest</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Fast</i>, <i>quick</i> or <i>quickly</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Fell</i> or <i>felt</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Female</i> or <i>feminine</i>; <i>male</i> or <i>masculine</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Finally</i>, <i>at last</i>, <i>lastly</i> or <i>in the end?</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>First</i>, <i>firstly</i> or <i>at first</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Fit</i> or <i>suit</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Following</i> or <i>the following</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>For</i> or <i>since</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Forget</i> or <i>leave</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Full</i> or <i>filled</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Fun</i> or <i>funny</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Get</i> or <i>go?</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Grateful</i> or <i>thankful</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Hear</i> or <i>listen (to)</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>High</i> or <i>tall</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Historic</i> or <i>historical</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>House</i> or <i>home</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>How is …?</i> or <i>What is … like?</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>If</i> or <i>when</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>If</i> or <i>whether</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Ill</i> or <i>sick</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Imply</i> or <i>infer</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>In the way</i> or <i>on the way</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>It’s</i> or <i>its</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Late</i> or <i>lately</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Lay</i> or <i>lie</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Lend</i> or <i>borrow</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Less</i> or <i>fewer</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Look at</i>, <i>see</i> or <i>watch</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Low</i> or <i>short</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Man</i>, <i>mankind</i> or <i>people</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Maybe</i> or <i>may be</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Maybe</i> or <i>perhaps</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Nearest</i> or <i>next</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Never</i> or <i>not … ever?</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Nice</i> or <i>sympathetic</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>No doubt</i> or <i>without doubt</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>No</i> or <i>not</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Nowadays</i>, <i>these days</i> or <i>today</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Open</i> or <i>opened</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Opportunity</i> or <i>possibility</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Opposite</i> or <i>in front of</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Other</i>, <i>others</i>, <i>the other</i> or <i>another</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Out</i> or <i>out of</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Permit</i> or <i>permission</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Person</i>, <i>persons</i> or <i>people</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Pick</i> or <i>pick up</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Play</i> or <i>game</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Politics</i>, <i>political</i>, <i>politician</i> or <i>policy</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Price</i> or <i>prize</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Principal</i> or <i>principle</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Quiet</i> or <i>quite</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Raise</i> or <i>rise</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Remember</i> or <i>remind</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Right</i> or <i>rightly</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Rob</i> or <i>steal</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Say</i> or <i>tell</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>So that</i> or <i>in order that</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Sometimes</i> or <i>sometime</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Sound</i> or <i>noise</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Speak</i> or <i>talk</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Such</i> or <i>so</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>There</i>, <i>their</i> or <i>they’re</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Towards</i> or <i>toward</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Wait</i> or <i>wait for</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Wake</i>, <i>wake up</i> or <i>awaken</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Worth</i> or <i>worthwhile</i>?</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-10"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Nouns, pronouns and determiners</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Determiners</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>A/an</i> and <i>the</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Determiners (<i>the</i>, <i>my</i>, <i>some</i>, <i>this</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Determiners and types of noun</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Determiners: position and order</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Determiners: typical errors</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Determiners used as pronouns</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Every</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Possession (<i>John’s car</i>, <i>a friend of mine</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Such</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>This</i>, <i>that</i>, <i>these</i>, <i>those</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Whole</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Nouns</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Nouns</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Nouns: form</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Nouns and prepositions</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Nouns: compound nouns</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Nouns: countable and uncountable</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Nouns: forming nouns from other words</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Nouns: singular and plural</span></a><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class="lpl-10"><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Uncountable nouns</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Accommodation</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Equipment</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Furniture</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Information</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Luck</i> and <i>lucky</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>News</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Progress</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Weather</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Noun phrases</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Noun phrases: dependent words</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Noun phrases: order</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Noun phrases: uses</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Noun phrases: noun phrases and verbs</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Noun phrases: two noun phrases together</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Pronouns</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Pronouns</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Each other</i>, <i>one another</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Everyone</i>, <i>everybody</i>, <i>everything</i>, <i>everywhere</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>It</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Gender</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>No one</i>, <i>nobody</i>, <i>nothing</i>, <i>nowhere</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>One</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>One</i> and <i>one’s</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Pronouns: personal (<i>I, me</i>, <i>you</i>, <i>him</i>, <i>it</i>, <i>they</i>, etc.)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Pronouns: possessive (<i>my</i>, <i>mine</i>, <i>your</i>, <i>yours</i>, etc.)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Pronouns: reflexive (<i>myself</i>, <i>themselves</i>, etc.)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Pronouns: indefinite (-<i>body</i>, -<i>one</i>, -<i>thing</i>, -<i>where</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Pronouns: <i>one</i>, <i>you</i>, <i>we</i>, <i>they</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Relative pronouns</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Questions: interrogative pronouns (<i>what</i>, <i>who</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Someone</i>, <i>somebody</i>, <i>something</i>, <i>somewhere</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>That</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Quantifiers</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>A bit</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>All</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Any</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Both</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Either</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Enough</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Least</i>, <i>the least</i>, <i>at least</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Less</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Little</i>, <i>a little</i>, <i>few</i>, <i>a few</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Lots</i>, <i>a lot</i>, <i>plenty</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Many</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">More</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Most</i>, <i>the most</i>, <i>mostly</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Much</i>, <i>many</i>, <i>a lot of</i>, <i>lots of</i>: quantifiers</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>No</i>, <i>none</i> and <i>none of</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Plenty</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Some</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Some</i> and <i>any</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Question words</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>How</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>What</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>When</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Where</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Which</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Who</i>, <i>whom</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Whose</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Why</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Using nouns</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Piece words and group words</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Comparison: nouns (<i>more money</i>, <i>the most points</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Nouns and gender</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Reported speech: reporting nouns</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Age</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Half</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Holiday</i> and <i>holidays</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Mind</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Opinion</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Promise</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Reason</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Sort</i>, <i>type</i> and <i>kind</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Thing</i> and <i>stuff</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>View</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Way</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Work</i> (noun)</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-10"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Prepositions and particles</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn ">Prepositions</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn ">Prepositional phrases</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Above</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>After</i>, <i>afterwards</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Against</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Among</i> and <i>amongst</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>As</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>At</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>At</i>, <i>in</i> and <i>to</i> (movement)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>At</i>, <i>on</i> and <i>in</i> (place)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>At</i>, <i>on</i> and <i>in</i> (time)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Below</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Beneath</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Beyond</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>By</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>During</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>For</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>For</i> + <i>-ing</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>From</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>In front of</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>In spite of</i> and <i>despite</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>In, into</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Near</i> and <i>near to</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Of</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>On</i>, <i>onto</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Over</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>To</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Under</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Until</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>With</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Within</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Without</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-10"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Using English</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn ">Collocation</span></a><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Functions</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Commands and instructions</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Commentaries</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Invitations</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Offers</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Requests</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Greetings and farewells: <i>hello</i>, <i>goodbye</i>, <i>Happy New Year</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Suggestions</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Telephoning</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Warnings</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Numbers</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Dates</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Measurements</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Number</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Time</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">People and places</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Geographical places</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Names and titles: addressing people</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Nationalities, languages, countries and regions</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Place names</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Place and movement</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Abroad</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Away</i> and <i>away from</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Back</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Inside</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Nearby</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Outside</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Up</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn ">Politeness</span></a><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Reported speech</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Reported speech</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Reported speech: direct speech</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Reported speech: indirect speech</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn ">Sexist language</span></a><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Spoken English</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Pronunciation</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Intonation</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Politeness</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Interjections (<i>ouch, hooray</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Tags</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Chunks</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Ellipsis</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Headers and tails</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Hyperbole</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Vague expressions</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Downtoners</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Hedges (<i>just</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Substitution</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>All right</i> and <i>alright</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Please</i> and <i>thank you</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Here</i> and <i>there</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Just</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Kind of</i> and <i>sort of</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Oh</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>So</i> and <i>not</i> with <i>expect</i>, <i>hope</i>, <i>think</i>, etc.</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>So</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Yes</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Anyway</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Discourse markers (<i>so, right, okay</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>In fact</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Okay</i>, <i>OK</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Well</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>You know</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>You see</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Types of English</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">British and American English</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Dialect</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Double negatives and usage</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Formal and informal language</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Newspaper headlines</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Register</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Slang</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Standard and non-standard language</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Swearing and taboo expressions</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Useful phrases</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>According to</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Actual</i> and <i>actually</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Approximations (<i>around four o’clock</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>At all</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Else</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Hear that</i>, <i>see that</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>However</i>, <i>whatever</i>, <i>whichever</i>, <i>whenever</i>, <i>wherever</i>, <i>whoever</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>It’s time</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>May as well</i> and <i>might as well</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>More</i> <i>or</i> <i>less</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Of course</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Point of view</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Writing</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Apostrophe (’)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Apposition</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Contractions</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Contrasts</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Detached impersonal style</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Internet discourse and text messages</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>It</i>, <i>this</i> and <i>that</i> in paragraphs</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Paragraphs</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Punctuation</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Speech into writing</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tb ">Spelling</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Such as</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-10"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Verbs</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Tenses and time</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class="lpl-10"><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Past</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Past simple (<i>I worked</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Past continuous (<i>I was working</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Past continuous or past simple?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Past simple or present perfect?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Used to</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Past perfect simple (<i>I had worked</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Past perfect continuous (<i>I had been working</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Past perfect simple or past perfect continuous?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Past perfect simple or past simple?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Past verb forms referring to the present</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Past: typical errors</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class="lpl-10"><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Present</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Present continuous (<i>I am working</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Present perfect continuous (<i>I have been working</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Present perfect simple (<i>I have worked</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Present perfect simple or present perfect continuous?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Present perfect: typical errors</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Present simple (<i>I work</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Present simple or present continuous?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Present: typical errors</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Present verb forms referring to the past</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class="lpl-10"><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Future</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Future: <i>will</i> and <i>shall</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Future: <i>be going to</i> (<i>I am going to work</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Future: other expressions to talk about the future</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Future continuous (<i>I will be working</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Future in the past</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Future perfect continuous (<i>I will have been working here ten years</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Future perfect simple (<i>I will have worked eight hours</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Future: present continuous to talk about the future (<i>I’m working tomorrow</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Future: present simple to talk about the future (<i>I work tomorrow</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Future: typical errors</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Going to</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Verb forms</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Finite and non-finite verbs</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Imperative clauses (<i>Be quiet!</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Infinitives with and without <i>to</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Infinitive: active or passive?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Perfect infinitive with <i>to</i> (<i>to have worked</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Verbs: basic forms</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Verbs: formation</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Verb patterns</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Hate</i>, <i>like</i>, <i>love</i> and <i>prefer</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Hear</i>, <i>see</i>, etc. + object + infinitive or -<i>ing</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Help somebody (to) do</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Look forward to</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Stop</i> + <i>-ing</i> form or <i>to</i>-infinitive</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Verb patterns: verb + infinitive or verb + -<i>ing</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Verb patterns: verb + <i>that</i>-clause</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Verb patterns: with and without objects</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Would like</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Would rather</i>, <i>would sooner</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn ">Phrasal verbs and multi-word verbs</span></a><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Passive voice</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Get</i> passive</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Have something done</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Passive: forms</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Passives with and without an agent</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Passive: uses</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Passive: other forms</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Passive: typical errors</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Modal verbs and modality</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Can</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Could</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Could</i>, <i>may</i> and <i>might</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Dare</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Had better</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>May</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Might</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Modality: forms</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Modality: meanings and uses</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Modality: tense</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Modality: other verbs</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Modality: other modal words and expressions</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Must</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Need</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Ought to</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Shall</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Should</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Will</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Would</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Conditionals and wishes</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Conditionals</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Conditionals: <i>if</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Conditionals: other expressions (<i>unless, should, as long as</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Conditionals: typical errors</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>If only</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>In case (of)</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Suppose</i>, <i>supposing</i> and <i>what if</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Wish</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Using verbs</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Verbs: types</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Verb phrases</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Verbs and verb phrases: typical errors</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Appear</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Ask</i> and <i>ask for</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Be</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Be</i> expressions (<i>be able to</i>, <i>be due to</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Come</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Do</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Enable</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Enjoy</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Explain</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Get</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Go</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Happen</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Have</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Have got</i> and <i>have</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Hope</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Know</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Let</i>, <i>let’s</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Like</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Look</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Made from</i>, <i>made of</i>, <i>made out of</i>, <i>made with</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Make</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Marry</i> and <i>divorce</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Matter</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Mean</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Miss</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Prefer</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Put</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>See</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Seem</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Suggest</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Take</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Think</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Want</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn ">Table of irregular verbs</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-10"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Words, sentences and clauses</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn ">Word classes and phrase classes</span></a><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Word formation</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Word formation</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Prefixes</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Suffixes</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Compounds</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Abbreviations, initials and acronyms</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>-ish</i> and <i>-y</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Diminutives (-<i>let</i>, -<i>y</i> and <i>mini-</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Hyphens</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Word order and focus</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Word order and focus</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Word order: structures</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Cleft sentences (<i>It was in June we got married</i>.)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Fronting</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Inversion</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>No sooner</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Not only … but also</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Conjunctions and linking words</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>And</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>As if</i> and <i>as though</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>As long as</i> and <i>so long as</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Because</i>, <i>because of</i> and <i>cos</i>, <i>cos of</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Before</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">But</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Conjunctions</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Conjunctions: adding</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Conjunctions: causes, reasons, results and purpose</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Conjunctions: contrasting</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Conjunctions: time</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Either</i> … <i>or</i>…</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>If</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>In order to</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Or</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Since</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Unless</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Whereas</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Whether</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>While</i> and <i>whilst</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Yet</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Clauses and sentences</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Adjuncts</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Clauses</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Clauses: finite and non-finite</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Clause types</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Complements</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Dummy subjects</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Exclamations</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Heads</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Objects</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Sentences</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Subjects</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Subject complements</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Subject–verb agreement</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Relative clauses</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Relative clauses</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Relative clauses referring to a whole sentence</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Relative clauses: defining and non-defining</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Relative clauses: typical errors</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Negation</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class="lpl-10"><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Negation</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Neither, neither … nor</i> and <i>not … either</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Not</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Neither, neither … nor</i> and <i>not … either</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Not</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Forming negative statements, questions and imperatives</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Negation: two negatives</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Negative clauses with <i>any</i>, <i>anybody</i>, <i>anyone</i>, <i>anything</i>, <i>anywhere</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Negation in non-finite clauses</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Negative prefixes and suffixes</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Negative adverbs: <i>hardly</i>, <i>seldom</i>, etc. </span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Negation: emphasising </span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Negation of <i>think</i>, <i>believe</i>, <i>suppose</i>, <i>hope</i> </span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Questions</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Questions: alternative questions (<i>Is it black or grey?</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Questions: statement questions (<i>you’re over 18?</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Questions: two-step questions</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Questions: typical errors</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Questions: <i>wh-</i>questions</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Questions: <i>yes-no</i> questions (<i>Are you feeling cold?</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Questions: follow-up questions</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Questions: echo and checking questions</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Questions: short forms</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion></div></section></amp-accordion></div> </div> </div> </amp-sidebar> <amp-state id="stateSidebarWordList"> <script type="application/json"> { "wordlist_id": "", "word": "", "wordlist": "", "dictCode": "british-grammar", "url": "", "expended": false } </script> </amp-state> <amp-state id="stateSidebarWordListItems" [src]="'/plus/getWordlists?foo=' + stateSidebarWordList.wordlist_id" credentials="include"> <script type="application/json"> [] </script> </amp-state> <amp-sidebar id="sidebarWordList" layout="nodisplay" side="left" class="bw cm-f" amp-access-hide> <div class="pr hdf 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