<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE ArticleSet PUBLIC "-//NLM//DTD PubMed 2.7//EN" ""> <ArticleSet> <Article> <Journal> <PublisherName>Kharazmi University</PublisherName> <JournalTitle>International Journal of Supply and Operations Management</JournalTitle> <Issn>23831359</Issn> <Volume>11</Volume> <Issue>1</Issue> <PubDate PubStatus="epublish"> <Year>2024</Year> <Month>02</Month> <Day>01</Day> </PubDate> </Journal> <ArticleTitle>Bottled Water Purchase Decisions: A Study of Brand Image as a Green Marketing Medium in Purchase Decisions</ArticleTitle> <VernacularTitle></VernacularTitle> <FirstPage>83</FirstPage> <LastPage>99</LastPage> <ELocationID EIdType="pii">2927</ELocationID> <ELocationID EIdType="doi">10.22034/ijsom.2023.110194.2961</ELocationID> <Language>EN</Language> <AuthorList> <Author> <FirstName>Agus</FirstName> <LastName>Wibowo</LastName> <Affiliation>Entrepreneurship, STEKOM University</Affiliation> <Identifier Source="ORCID">0000-0001-8239-7571</Identifier> </Author> <Author> <FirstName>Joseph</FirstName> <LastName>Teguh Santoso</LastName> <Affiliation>Computer System, STEKOM University, Semarang, Indonesia</Affiliation> </Author> </AuthorList> <PublicationType>Journal Article</PublicationType> <History> <PubDate PubStatus="received"> <Year>2023</Year> <Month>10</Month> <Day>03</Day> </PubDate> </History> <Abstract>This study aims to examine the direct influence of green marketing on the purchase choices of packaged drinking water (AMDK). Furthermore, the study seeks to analyze the immediate effect of green marketing on the brand image of bottled water goods as well as the direct correlation between brand image and consumers&#039; purchase choices of bottled water products. The study seeks to examine the indirect impact of green marketing on brand image-mediated purchase choices for bottled drinking water products. The influence of green marketing on the consumer&#039;s choice to purchase bottled drinking water (AMDK) is both direct and indirect, with the brand image serving as a mediating factor. The present study employs a quantitative/positivistic research approach, which is grounded in the belief that symptoms can be categorized and that their relationships can be understood in terms of cause and effect. Consequently, researchers may effectively investigate the phenomenon by concentrating on a limited number of factors. The research shows green marketing has a positive and significant effect on brand image, green marketing has a positive and significant effect on buyer satisfaction, and brand image has a positive and significant effect on buyer satisfaction. The perception of a firm plays a crucial role in influencing purchasing decisions through green marketing. When a company uses good green marketing, it will not only affect people&#039;s decisions to buy, but it will also affect how people think of the brand, which will have an indirect effect on people&#039;s decisions to buy. This study investigates how green marketing theory and brand image affect customers&#039; bottled drinking water (AMDK) purchases, which is important for theoretical understanding. This guideline helps AMDK producers embrace green marketing methods to maintain their product brand image. The value of the study lies in the research object, namely bottled drinking water products, especially those that have implemented environmentally friendly products and green marketing as their marketing strategy. Brand image is placed as a mediating variable, which is also a novelty of research, especially for environmentally friendly product brands.</Abstract> <ObjectList> <Object Type="keyword"> <Param Name="value">Green Marketing</Param> </Object> <Object Type="keyword"> <Param Name="value">Brand Image</Param> </Object> <Object Type="keyword"> <Param Name="value">Keputusa Pembelian</Param> </Object> <Object Type="keyword"> <Param Name="value">Air Minum Dalam Kemasan (AMDK)</Param> </Object> </ObjectList> <ArchiveCopySource DocType="pdf"></ArchiveCopySource> </Article> </ArticleSet>