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Mario fans may throw their shoes at him.</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div class="featheadline"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Infogrames acquires Cryptic Studios</a> <div class="icon"></div> </div> <p>Infogrames Entertainment, the parent company of Atari, announced Tuesday that will totally acquire Cryptic Studios, a leading publisher of massively multiplayer online (MMO) games.<br/> &#8220;This acquisition is a critical step in the implementation of Atari鈥檚 strategy to become a leading online game developer and publisher,&#8221; said Atari spokeswoman Amy Wisel.<br/> Cryptic is currently developing three [...]</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div class="featheadline"><a href="" rel="bookmark">THQ launches Star Wars Sound Board for iPhone</a> <div class="icon"></div> </div> <p>THQ Wireless has released Star Wars Sound Board, a Lucasfilm-licensed application that allows users to replay sound bites from the Star Wars series, they announced recently.<br/> Quotes from characters such as Darth Vader, Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and C-3PO are included, as well as sound effects including the Lightsaber, R2-D2&#8217;s beeps, Chewbacca&#8217;s growls, and TIE Fighters flying.<br/> Star [...]</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div class="featheadline"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Retro: The original PlayStation 2 launch titles</a> <div class="icon"><span class="galleryThumbnail" style="width:50px;height:50px;"><a href="" onclick="javascript:OpenGallery(3521);return false;"><img src="/web/20081217134445im_/ copy.jpg" alt="Click to open Blast gallery!"/></a></span></div> </div> <p>December 2008. Sony PlayStation 2 has been a viable product for eight years, selling about 140 million units wordwide, more than any other video game console in history.<br/> The fact that we&#8217;re still talking about PlayStation 2 and still talking about new games being made only for the PlayStation 2 in the 2008 holiday season speaks [...]</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div class="featheadline"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Statement from Nyko on PS3 firmware changes</a> <div class="icon"></div> </div> <p>Monday we reported that Guitar Hero guitars worked in Rock Band 2 and that the Nyko FrontMan Guitar now needed to be set to &#8220;Guitar Hero&#8221; mode in order to work in Rock Band 2 &#8212; and indeed it does not work at all in &#8220;Rock Band&#8221; mode set on the guitar&#8217;s receiver.s<br/> We brought this [...]</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div class="featheadline"><a href="" rel="bookmark">What&#8217;s up with Rock Band 2 PS3 guitars?</a> <div class="icon"></div> </div> <p>I&#8217;ll tell you what&#8217;s up: the Guitar Hero guitars work with Rock Band 2 on PlayStation 3.<br/> This was a big conundrum last year when we realized Activision and Harmonix weren&#8217;t going to play nice and let us use their guitars on the competing games.<br/> We&#8217;re looking into what happened, but for sure we know that the [...]</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div class="featheadline"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Feb. 17 for Street Fighter IV, new video released</a> <div class="icon"></div> </div> <p>Friday morning, Capcom officially announced that Street Fighter IV will be coming to North American Xbox 360s and PlayStation 3s on February 17, 2009.<br/> The game will launch in Europe on February 20.</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div class="featheadline"><a href="" rel="bookmark">The Killers to release new music via Guitar Hero</a> <div class="icon"></div> </div> <p>&#8220;When You Were Young&#8221; was one of the most fun songs to play on Guitar Hero III, and we&#8217;re due for more sweet Killers glory in World Tour. [...]</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div class="featheadline"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Moon game pushed back to January &#8212; gallery inside</a> <div class="icon"><span class="galleryThumbnail" style="width:50px;height:50px;"><a href="" onclick="javascript:OpenGallery(5471);return false;"><img src="/web/20081217134445im_/" alt="Click to open Blast gallery!"/></a></span></div> </div> <p>Game developers Mastiff and Renegade Kid, announced Monday that the gfirst-person shooter game &#8220;Moon&#8221; has been pushed back to January 13, 2009.<br/> The Nintendo DS title was originally scheduled for November 18.<br/> Moon is a sci-fi, action-adventure title that takes place on &#8212; obviously &#8212; the lunar surface in the year 2058. Researchers find a [...]</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div class="featheadline"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Free Peggle for Blast readers!</a> <div class="icon"></div> </div> <p>Blast readers &#8212; in addition to our free PC gaming headsets that we&#8217;re just tossing at readers like t-shirts at a basketball game &#8212; we have two PopCap games prize packs for you!<br/> You get copy of Peggle, one of the most addictive games ever, a set of PopCap games trading cards, a PopCap games sports [...]</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div class="featheadline"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Godfather 2 Blackhand Brutality trailer released</a> <div class="icon"></div> </div> <p>This game does look good, we have to admit. Sure it&#8217;s another &#8220;free world, lots of violence&#8221; spetacle, but c&#8217;mon, it&#8217;s Godfather 2!<br/> The game is due out in February.</p> <p>After being promoted by Michael Corleone to Don of New York, players expand to new cities, as they build up their families through extorting businesses, monopolizing illegal [...]</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div class="featheadline"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Holiday gaming preview: Gears of War 2 vs Resistance 2</a> <div class="icon"><span class="galleryThumbnail" style="width:50px;height:50px;"><a href="" onclick="javascript:OpenGallery(4716);return false;"><img src="/web/20081217134445im_/ 1.jpg" alt="Click to open Blast gallery!"/></a></span></div> </div> <p>Next-gen first person shooter fans are in for a treat this holiday season. Gears of War 2 and Resistance 2 are quickly on the way, 聽and your urge to kill locust or chimera will be swiftly re-birthed. However, for those of us with two next gen consoles on a tight budget, your choice might not [...]</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div class="featheadline"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Blast Presents: Gaming&#8217;s five toughest franchises</a> <div class="icon"></div> </div> <p>Think Mega Man 9 is tough? Though the ridiculously timed jumps and tricky enemies have been the cause of many broken controlers, but the Blue Bomber only comes in around the halfway mark of our top 5 toughest franchises. [...]</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div class="featheadline"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Obama, Palin to become playable in Mercenaries 2</a> <div class="icon"><span class="galleryThumbnail" style="width:50px;height:50px;"><a href="" onclick="javascript:OpenGallery(5014);return false;"><img src="/web/20081217134445im_/" alt="Click to open Blast gallery!"/></a></span></div> </div> <p>What qualities are important when choosing who will run our country for the next four years? Foreign policy? Diplomacy? The economy? How about how good they are at fending off guerrilla soldiers in the jungles of Venezula?<br/> It was announced on G4TV&#8217;s X-Play this week that Democratic Presidential Nominee Barrack Obama and Republican Vice [...]</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div class="featheadline"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Sony files patent for new &#8220;waggle controller&#8221;</a> <div class="icon"><span class="galleryThumbnail" style="width:50px;height:50px;"><a href="" onclick="javascript:OpenGallery(4960);return false;"><img src="/web/20081217134445im_/" alt="Click to open Blast gallery!"/></a></span></div> </div> <p>Most of the game industry scoffed earlier this year when rumor broke of Sony working on a new &#8220;waggle controller&#8221; similar to the technology used in Nintendo&#8217;s Wii controller. It appears now that the story may be more than just rumor.<br/> Sony filed a patent on October 23 for &#8220;a聽method by which a system could track [...]</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div class="featheadline"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Apple/MTV to bring The Beatles to video games</a> <div class="icon"><span class="galleryThumbnail" style="width:50px;height:50px;"><a href="" onclick="javascript:OpenGallery(4957);return false;"><img src="/web/20081217134445im_/" alt="Click to open Blast gallery!"/></a></span></div> </div> <p>Rumors have persisted for months that perhaps the biggest band in the history of music will be making their way to either the Rock Band or Guitar Hero franchise, finally &#8212; the wait is over and we have an answer.<br/> Kind of.<br/> In a teleconference聽Apple Corps Ltd., Harmonix and MTV Games announced an exclusive partnership to bring [...]</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div class="featheadline"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Atari will publish Ghostbusters</a> <div class="icon"></div> </div> <p>In a huge move for Atari, which had been struggling over the past few years, will publish the highly anticipated and much previewed Ghostbusters game in development by Sierra.<br/> A source with direct knowledge of the situation confirmed for Blast that the New York-based American arm of Infogrames Entertainment will publish the game.<br/> We announced last year [...]</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div class="featheadline"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Atari to publish new Riddick game</a> <div class="icon"></div> </div> <p>Upswinging game publisher Atari announced Thursday that it will be publishing and distributing a new The Chronicles of Riddick first person shooter called &#8220;Dark Athene&#8221; coming out next spring for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Windows.<br/> &#8220;Previously announced as a remake of hit title The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay with added content, Atari [...]</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div class="featheadline"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Midnight Club: Los Angeles giveaway!</a> <div class="icon"></div> </div> <p>Hey all you wicked street racers.<br/> Blast is giving away a Midnight Club: Los Angeles prize pack that includes a Rockstar Games/Midnight Club license plate frame, a bunch of video game stickers and a &#8220;Speed Limit 245&#8243; sticker to any reader who writes the most decent review of any other video game!<br/> Reviews should be of a [...]</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div class="featheadline"><a href="" rel="bookmark">MotoGP hits the shelves this week</a> <div class="icon"></div> </div> <p>Shipping for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2 and Windows, this is the first MotoGP title released under a 5-year dela with Camcom. The game looked sick at all the trade shows this year</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div class="featheadline"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Call of Duty: World at War to include new Zombie Mode</a> <div class="icon"><span class="galleryThumbnail" style="width:50px;height:50px;"><a href="" onclick="javascript:OpenGallery(4677);return false;"><img src="/web/20081217134445im_/" alt="Click to open Blast gallery!"/></a></span></div> </div> <p>Call of Duty: World at War, launching Novembr 11 for most major gaming platforms and PC is going to sell millions of copies &#8212; it&#8217;s inevitable, but in every preview, every write-up, it seemed to be missing something.聽<br/> Zombies.<br/> Fear not fans of the undead, on the most recent edition of Game Trailers TV, Developer Treyarch revealed [...]</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div class="featheadline"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Penny Arcade Adventures Episode 2 dated</a> <div class="icon"><span class="galleryThumbnail" style="width:50px;height:50px;"><a href="" onclick="javascript:OpenGallery(4588);return false;"><img src="/web/20081217134445im_/" alt="Click to open Blast gallery!"/></a></span></div> </div> <p>The Highly anticipated Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode Two will officially launch in North America on Wednesday, October 29 2008. Priced at $14.95 for Linux, Mac and Windows via Greenhouse and 1,200 Microsoft Points, Penny Arcade Adventures 2 will continue the off-the wall humorous,聽tongue聽in cheek story of Gabe and Tycho [...]</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div class="featheadline"><a href="" rel="bookmark">DBZ Infinite World goes gold</a> <div class="icon"></div> </div> <p>Atari announced that final Dragon Ball Z title for the PlayStation 2, Infinite World, has gone gold and will be released on time November 4 for $29.99. The title was developed by Namco Bandai Games.<br/> &#8220;Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World will boast several special features including &#8216;Dragon Missions&#8217;, new battle types, and dramatic cut scenes [...]</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div class="featheadline"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Majesco announces Left Brain Right Brain sequel</a> <div class="icon"></div> </div> <p>Majesco Entertainment announced Wednesday that it was developing a sequel to the ambidexterity training title Left Brain Right Brain for the Nintendo DS. [...]</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div class="featheadline"><a href="" rel="bookmark">THQ launches Playboy Pool Party for mobile phones</a> <div class="icon"><span class="galleryThumbnail" style="width:50px;height:50px;"><a href="" onclick="javascript:OpenGallery(4347);return false;"><img src="/web/20081217134445im_/ Games Pool Party pack shot - small[4].jpg" alt="Click to open Blast gallery!"/></a></span></div> </div> <p>Playboy Games: Pool Party has launched for mobile phones.<br/> Your mind is now that much dirtier.<br/> This game&#8217;s launch marks the first part of a multi-year, multi-title agreement between Playboy and THQ for developing non-nude but &#8220;Playboy lifestyle-themed&#8221; games that are stacked with mini-games and pseudo wholesome challenges like frisbee throwing, bucking-bronco rides, water balloon fights, [...]</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div class="featheadline"><a href="" rel="bookmark">No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle TGS teaser</a> <div class="icon"></div> </div> <p>One of 2007&#8217;s most original and stylized Wii games is officially getting a sequel. At this year&#8217;s Tokyo Games Show, Grasshopper Entertainment and Suda 51 gave the world its first official look at No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle with this teaser trailer.</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div class="featheadline"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Exclusive: A Stroke of Fate interview and review</a> <div class="icon"><span class="galleryThumbnail" style="width:50px;height:50px;"><a href="" onclick="javascript:OpenGallery(4121);return false;"><img src="/web/20081217134445im_/" alt="Click to open Blast gallery!"/></a></span></div> </div> <p>The first American review.</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div class="featheadline"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Akella&#8217;s bookmark list for Stroke of Fate research</a> <div class="icon"></div> </div> <p>Here&#8217;s the research they did for A Stroke of Fate.</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div class="featheadline"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Latest Stroke of Fate screens</a> <div class="icon"></div> </div> <p>The latest art releases from Akella.</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div class="featheadline"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Fallout 3 goes gold</a> <div class="icon"><span class="galleryThumbnail" style="width:50px;height:50px;"><a href="" onclick="javascript:OpenGallery(4195);return false;"><img src="/web/20081217134445im_/" alt="Click to open Blast gallery!"/></a></span></div> </div> <p>Fallout 3, one of the year&#8217;s most anticipated games has officially gone gold. The apocalyptic shooter from Bethesda Game Studios, most famous for 2006 Game Of The Year The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion will be available for the XBox 360, PlayStation 3 and Windows PC on October 28 in North America, with the Europe and [...]</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div class="featheadline"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Nintendo unveils new DSi system, oh and Punch Out! too.</a> <div class="icon"><span class="galleryThumbnail" style="width:50px;height:50px;"><a href="" onclick="javascript:OpenGallery(3934);return false;"><img src="/web/20081217134445im_/" alt="Click to open Blast gallery!"/></a></span></div> </div> <p>At a press conference in Japan this week, Nintendo confirmed what everyone already knew: the DS is getting a touch-up. Officially called the Nintendo DSi, the new system will feature sharper visuals, crisper audio and will allow users to listen to their music library and snap photos with a built in 3 mega pixel camera. [...]</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <h3><em><a href="/web/20081217134445/">Browse all articles in the Technology section</a></em></h3> </div> <!-- begin l_sidebar --> <div id="l_sidebar"> <h2>Latest Reviews</h2> <h3><a href="" rel="bookmark">iPod Nano 4G reviewed</a></h3> <h3><a href="" rel="bookmark">Mod squad: Orb Audio</a></h3> <h3><a href="" rel="bookmark">Marantz SA8003</a></h3> <h3><a href="" rel="bookmark">Logitech Squeezebox Boom</a></h3> <h3><a href="" rel="bookmark">Meridian F80</a></h3> <em><a href="/web/20081217134445/">More</a></em> <h2>Merch</h2> <iframe src=";o=1&amp;p=14&amp;l=bn1&amp;mode=videogames&amp;browse=468642&amp;fc1=000000<1=_blank&amp;lc1=0E3B6F&amp;bg1=FFFFFF&amp;f=ifr" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" width="160" height="600" border="0" frameborder="0" style="border:none;" scrolling="no"></iframe> <h2>Browse the Magazine</h2> <ul> <li class="cat-item cat-item-2369"><a href="" title="Internal news. 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Fireplace dangers?</a></h3> <h3><a href="" rel="bookmark">Lesbian legal rights historically passed by Australian Senate</a></h3> <h3><a href="" rel="bookmark">Why we love Boston</a></h3> <h3><a href="" rel="bookmark">No losers at 2008 Boston Music Awards</a></h3> <h2>The usual suspects</h2> We review everything, but some of us specialize<ul> <li><a href="/web/20081217134445/">Playstation 3</a> -- <a href="/web/20081217134445/">Bradley Ouellette</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20081217134445/">Xbox 360</a> -- <a href="/web/20081217134445/">Joe Sinicki</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20081217134445/">PC Games</a> and <a href="/web/20081217134445/">A/V</a> -- <a href="/web/20081217134445/">John Guilfoil</a></li> <li>Action Games -- <a href="/web/20081217134445/">Rick Fisk</a></li></ul> <h2>Write for Blast</h2> <p>Blast Magazine relies on knowledgeable writers, gamers and the tech-savvy. 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