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fs-smaller border-top"><span class="font-weight-light">Overview Report</span><br><span class="font-weight-bold">Stampa 3D e produzione additiva</span></a> <a href="/it/research-report/3d-electronics/1003" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Elettronica 3D/Elettronica additiva</a> <a href="/it/research-report/3d-printing-ceramics/834" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">3D Printing Ceramics</a> <a href="/it/research-report/3d-printing-composites/827" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Compositi per stampa 3D</a> <a href="/it/research-report/3d-printing-hardware/853" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Hardware per la stampa 3D</a> <a href="/it/research-report/3d-printing-materials-market/873" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Mercato dei materiali di stampa 3D</a> <a href="/it/research-report/metal-additive-manufacturing/861" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Produzione additiva in metallo</a> <a href="/it/research-report/produzione-additiva-di-polimeri-2023-2033-tecnologia-e-prospettive-di-mercato/891" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Produzione additiva di polimeri</a> <a href="/it/reports/3d-printing/47" class="colour- colour-webtopic47 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm">See all reports on the topic</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="collapse collapse-mod report-menu row mx-0" id="webtopic9_menu"> <div class="col-6 px-0" style="margin-left:3px;"> <div class="list-group mr-0 pb-2"> <a href="/it/reports/5g-6g-rfid-and-telecoms/9" class="colour- colour-webtopic9 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm">5G, 6G, RFID & Telecoms</a> <a href="/it/research-report/5g-market/895" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Mercato 5G</a> <a href="/it/research-report/5g-small-cells/825" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">5G Small Cells</a> <a href="/it/research-report/6g-market/911" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Mercato 6G</a> <a href="/it/research-report/antenna-in-package/989" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Antenna in pacchetto (AiP) per 5G e 6G</a> <a href="/it/research-report/low-loss-materials-for-5g-and-6g/986" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Materiali a bassa perdita per 5G e 6G</a> <a href="/it/research-report/metamaterials-markets/1010" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Metamateriali ottici e a radiofrequenza</a> <a href="/it/research-report/quantum-communication-market/984" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Mercato della comunicazione quantistica</a> <a href="/it/research-report/rfid-forecasts-players-and-opportunities/927" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Previsioni, attori e opportunità RFID</a> <a href="/it/research-report/smart-packaging/931" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Imballaggio intelligente</a> <a href="/it/research-report/software-defined-vehicles/974" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Veicoli definiti dal software, auto connesse e intelligenza artificiale nelle auto</a> <a href="/it/research-report/thermal-management-for-5g/857" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Gestione termica per 5G</a> <a href="/it/reports/5g-6g-rfid-and-telecoms/9" class="colour- colour-webtopic9 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm">See all reports on the topic</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="collapse collapse-mod report-menu row mx-0" id="webtopic77_menu"> <div class="col px-0" style="margin-left:3px;"> <div class="list-group mr-0 pb-2"> <a href="/it/reports/advanced-materials-and-critical-minerals/77" class="colour- colour-webtopic77 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod-top-left list-group-item-action btn-sm">Advanced Materials & Critical Minerals</a> <a href="/it/research-report/aerogels-2025-2035-tecnologia-mercato-previsioni/1076" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Aerogels</a> <a href="/it/research-report/bioplastics-market-2025/1032" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Bioplastiche</a> <a href="/it/research-report/carbon-nanotubes/947" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Nanotubi di carbonio</a> <a href="/it/research-report/copper-demand-for-cars/973" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Rame per automobili</a> <a href="/it/research-report/materiali-critici-per-batterie-2025-2035-tecnologie-attori-mercati-e-previsioni/1075" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Materiali critici per batterie</a> <a href="/it/research-report/critical-material-recovery/1023" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Recupero dei materiali critici</a> <a href="/it/research-report/direct-lithium-extraction/1026" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Estrazione diretta del litio</a> <a href="/it/research-report/electrically-conductive-adhesives/830" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Adesivi elettricamente conduttivi</a> <a href="/it/research-report/emerging-alternative-leathers/980" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Emerging Alternative Leathers</a> <a href="/it/research-report/emi-shielding-for-electronics/961" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Schermatura EMI per elettronica</a> <a href="/it/research-report/gas-separation-membranes/940" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Membrane per la separazione dei gas</a> <a href="/it/research-report/graphene-market-and-2d-materials-assessment/967" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Mercato del grafene e valutazione dei materiali 2D</a> <a href="/it/research-report/helium-for-semiconductors/1025" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Mercato dell'elio</a> <a href="/it/research-report/low-loss-materials-for-5g-and-6g/986" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Materiali a bassa perdita per 5G e 6G</a> <a href="/it/research-report/materials-for-green-hydrogen-production/970" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Materiali per la produzione di idrogeno verde</a> <a href="/it/research-report/materials-for-pem-fuel-cells/987" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Materiali per celle a combustibile PEM</a> <a href="/it/research-report/materials-informatics/990" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Materials Informatics</a> <a href="/it/research-report/metal-organic-frameworks/1004" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOF)</a> <a href="/it/research-report/metamaterials-markets/1010" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Metamateriali ottici e a radiofrequenza</a> <a href="/it/reports/advanced-materials-and-critical-minerals/77" class="colour- colour-webtopic77 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod-bottom-left list-group-item-action btn-sm"></a> </div> </div> <div class="col px-0" style="margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px;"> <div class="list-group mr-0 pb-2"> <a href="/it/reports/advanced-materials-and-critical-minerals/77" class="colour- colour-webtopic77 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod-top-right list-group-item-action btn-sm"></a> <a href="/it/research-report/pfas-2025/1072" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Sostanze per- e polifluoroalchiliche (PFAS) 2025</a> <a href="/it/research-report/pfas-treatment-technologies/1040" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Trattamento PFAS</a> <a href="/it/research-report/quantum-dot-materials-and-technologies/952" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Materiali e tecnologie Quantum Dot</a> <a href="/it/research-report/sustainable-plastics-for-automotive-2025/1066" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Plastica sostenibile per il settore automobilistico</a> <a href="/it/research-report/thermal-interface-materials/1011" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Materiali di interfaccia termica</a> <a href="/it/research-report/white-biotechnology/959" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Biotecnologia bianca</a> <a href="/it/reports/advanced-materials-and-critical-minerals/77" class="colour- colour-webtopic77 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod-bottom-right list-group-item-action btn-sm">See all reports on the topic</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="collapse collapse-mod report-menu row mx-0" id="webtopic8_menu"> <div class="col-6 px-0" style="margin-left:3px;"> <div class="list-group mr-0 pb-2"> <a href="/it/reports/batteries-and-energy-storage/8" class="colour- colour-webtopic8 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm">Batteries & Energy Storage</a> <a href="/it/research/energy-market-intelligence-subscription" class="list-group-item-secondary list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller border-top"><span class="font-weight-light">Subscription</span><br><span class="font-weight-bold">Energy Research Subscription</span></a> <a href="/it/research-report/advanced-li-ion-battery-technologies/1002" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Tecnologie avanzate per le batterie agli ioni di litio</a> <a href="/it/research-report/ai-driven-battery-technology-2025/1049" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Tecnologia delle batterie basata sull'intelligenza artificiale</a> <a href="/it/research-report/batteries-for-stationary-energy-storage/1021" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Batterie per lo stoccaggio stazionario di energia</a> <a href="/it/research-report/battery-markets-in-cam/1008" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Mercati delle batterie nelle macchine per l'edilizia, l'agricoltura e l'estrazione mineraria</a> <a href="/it/research-report/materiali-critici-per-batterie-2025-2035-tecnologie-attori-mercati-e-previsioni/1075" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Materiali critici per batterie</a> <a href="/it/research-report/direct-lithium-extraction/1026" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Estrazione diretta del litio</a> <a href="/it/research-report/flexible-batteries-market/1018" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Mercato delle batterie flessibili</a> <a href="/it/research-report/li-ion-batteries-and-battery-management-systems-for-evs/957" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Pacchi batterie agli ioni di litio e sistemi di gestione della batteria per veicoli elettrici</a> <a href="/it/research-report/li-ion-battery-market-2025/1027" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Mercato delle batterie agli ioni di litio</a> <a href="/it/research-report/li-ion-battery-recycling-market/939" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Mercato del riciclaggio delle batterie agli ioni di litio</a> <a href="/it/research-report/lithium-metal-batteries-2025/1069" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Batterie al litio metallico</a> <a href="/it/research-report/long-duration-energy-storage-market/983" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Tecnologie di accumulo di energia a lunga durata</a> <a href="/it/research-report/materiali-per-celle-e-pacchi-batteria-per-veicoli-elettrici-2025-2035-tecnologie-mercati-previsioni/1057" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Materiali per celle e pacchi batteria per veicoli elettrici</a> <a href="/it/research-report/redox-flow-batteries-market/963" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Mercato delle batterie Redox Flow</a> <a href="/it/research-report/foglio-di-calcolo-delle-previsioni-dello-scenario-materiali-per-celle-e-pacchi-batteria-per-veicoli-elettrici/803" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Foglio di calcolo delle previsioni dello scenario</a> <a href="/it/research-report/second-life-ev-batteries-2025/1056" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Batterie per veicoli elettrici di seconda vita</a> <a href="/it/research-report/silicon-anode-batteries-2025/1052" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Tecnologie e mercati degli anodi di silicio</a> <a href="/it/research-report/sodium-ion-batteries/978" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Batterie agli ioni di sodio</a> <a href="/it/research-report/solid-state-and-polymer-batteries-2025/1070" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Batterie a stato solido e polimeriche</a> <a href="/it/research-report/thermal-energy-storage/1001" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Stoccaggio di energia termica</a> <a href="/it/reports/batteries-and-energy-storage/8" class="colour- colour-webtopic8 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm">See all reports on the topic</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="collapse collapse-mod report-menu row mx-0" id="webtopic2_menu"> <div class="col px-0" style="margin-left:3px;"> <div class="list-group mr-0 pb-2"> <a href="/it/reports/electric-vehicles/2" class="colour- colour-webtopic2 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod-top-left list-group-item-action btn-sm">Electric Vehicles</a> <a href="/it/research/future-mobility-subscription" class="list-group-item-secondary list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller border-top"><span class="font-weight-light">Subscription</span><br><span class="font-weight-bold">Future Mobility Subscription</span></a> <a href="/it/research-report/database-vendite-modelli-e-tecnologie-di-auto-elettriche/824" class="list-group-item-secondary list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller border-top"><span class="font-weight-light">Data & Tools</span><br><span class="font-weight-bold">Database vendite, modelli e tecnologie di auto elettriche</span></a> <a href="/it/research-report/air-taxis-evtol-aircraft/998" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Taxi aerei</a> <a href="/it/research-report/autonomous-trucks/1016" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Autocarri autonomi</a> <a href="/it/research-report/autonomous-vehicles-markets-2025/1045" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Mercato dei veicoli autonomi</a> <a href="/it/research-report/treni-elettrici-a-batteria-e-celle-a-combustibile-a-idrogeno-2023-2043/930" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Treni elettrici a batteria e celle a combustibile a idrogeno</a> <a href="/it/research-report/battery-markets-in-cam/1008" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Mercati delle batterie nelle macchine per l'edilizia, l'agricoltura e l'estrazione mineraria</a> <a href="/it/research-report/battery-swapping-for-evs/868" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Sostituzione batteria per veicoli elettrici</a> <a href="/it/research-report/charging-infrastructure-for-electric-vehicles/1035" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Infrastruttura di ricarica per veicoli elettrici e flotte</a> <a href="/it/research-report/copper-demand-for-cars/973" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Rame per automobili</a> <a href="/it/research-report/electric-buses/1012" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Autobus elettrici e a celle a combustibile</a> <a href="/it/research-report/electric-and-fuel-cell-trucks-2025/1054" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Autocarri elettrici e a celle a combustibile</a> <a href="/it/research-report/electric-boats-and-ships/948" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Barche elettriche e navi</a> <a href="/it/research-report/electric-light-commercial-vehicles-2025/1048" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Veicoli commerciali leggeri elettrici</a> <a href="/it/research-report/electric-motors/1031" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Motori elettrici per veicoli elettrici</a> <a href="/it/research-report/electric-vehicles-in-construction/1022" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Veicoli elettrici in costruzione</a> <a href="/it/research-report/electric-vehicles-in-india/793" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Veicoli elettrici in India</a> <a href="/it/research-report/evs-in-mining/994" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Veicoli elettrici nel settore minerario</a> <a href="/it/research-report/veicoli-elettrici-terra-mare-e-aria-2025-2045/1060" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Veicoli elettrici</a> <a href="/it/research-report/veicoli-commerciali-leggeri-elettrici-ibridi-e-a-celle-a-combustibile-2021-2041/783" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Veicoli commerciali leggeri elettrici, ibridi e a celle a combustibile</a> <a href="/it/reports/electric-vehicles/2" class="colour- colour-webtopic2 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod-bottom-left list-group-item-action btn-sm"></a> </div> </div> <div class="col px-0" style="margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px;"> <div class="list-group mr-0 pb-2"> <a href="/it/reports/electric-vehicles/2" class="colour- colour-webtopic2 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod-top-right list-group-item-action btn-sm"></a> <a href="/it/research-report/fire-protection-materials-for-ev-batteries-2025/1068" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Materiali antincendio per batterie EV</a> <a href="/it/research-report/fuel-cell-boats-and-ships/907" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Barche e navi a celle a combustibile</a> <a href="/it/research-report/veicoli-elettrici-a-celle-a-combustibile-2025-2045-mercati-tecnologie-previsioni/1078" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Veicoli elettrici a celle a combustibile</a> <a href="/it/research-report/future-automotive-technologies/979" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Future Automotive Technologies</a> <a href="/it/research-report/heads-up-displays/991" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Heads-up Display automobilistici</a> <a href="/it/research-report/high-voltage-hybrid-cars-buses-and-trucks/788" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Auto, autobus e camion ibridi ad alta tensione</a> <a href="/it/research-report/li-ion-batteries-and-battery-management-systems-for-evs/957" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Pacchi batterie agli ioni di litio e sistemi di gestione della batteria per veicoli elettrici</a> <a href="/it/research-report/li-ion-battery-market-2025/1027" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Mercato delle batterie agli ioni di litio</a> <a href="/it/research-report/materiali-per-celle-e-pacchi-batteria-per-veicoli-elettrici-2025-2035-tecnologie-mercati-previsioni/1057" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Materiali per celle e pacchi batteria per veicoli elettrici</a> <a href="/it/research-report/micro-evs-2025-2045-veicoli-elettrici-a-due-ruote-tre-ruote-e-microcar/1073" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Micro EVs</a> <a href="/it/research-report/off-grid-charging-for-evs/997" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Ricarica off-grid per veicoli elettrici</a> <a href="/it/research-report/plug-in-hybrid-and-battery-electric-cars/1043" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Auto elettriche</a> <a href="/it/research-report/power-electronics-for-evs/1014" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Elettronica di potenza per veicoli elettrici</a> <a href="/it/research-report/roboshuttles-and-autonomous-buses/1020" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Roboshuttles e autobus autonomi</a> <a href="/it/research-report/foglio-di-calcolo-delle-previsioni-dello-scenario-materiali-per-celle-e-pacchi-batteria-per-veicoli-elettrici/803" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Foglio di calcolo delle previsioni dello scenario</a> <a href="/it/research-report/second-life-ev-batteries-2025/1056" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Batterie per veicoli elettrici di seconda vita</a> <a href="/it/research-report/semiconduttori-automobilistici-2023-2033/921" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Semiconduttori automobilistici</a> <a href="/it/research-report/silicon-anode-batteries-2025/1052" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Tecnologie e mercati degli anodi di silicio</a> <a href="/it/research-report/sustainable-future-aviation-2025/1033" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Aviazione sostenibile del futuro</a> <a href="/it/research-report/thermal-interface-materials/1011" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Materiali di interfaccia termica</a> <a href="/it/research-report/thermal-management-for-evs/1015" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Gestione termica per veicoli elettrici</a> <a href="/it/research-report/thermal-management-for-ev-power-electronics/1000" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Gestione termica per l'elettronica di potenza per veicoli elettrici</a> <a href="/it/research-report/wireless-charging-market-for-evs/896" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Mercato della ricarica wireless per veicoli elettrici</a> <a href="/it/reports/electric-vehicles/2" class="colour- colour-webtopic2 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod-bottom-right list-group-item-action btn-sm">See all reports on the topic</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="collapse collapse-mod report-menu row mx-0" id="webtopic115_menu"> <div class="col-6 px-0" style="margin-left:3px;"> <div class="list-group mr-0 pb-2"> <a href="/it/reports/energy-and-decarbonization/115" class="colour- colour-webtopic115 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm">Energy & Decarbonization</a> <a href="/it/research/energy-market-intelligence-subscription" class="list-group-item-secondary list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller border-top"><span class="font-weight-light">Subscription</span><br><span class="font-weight-bold">Energy Research Subscription</span></a> <a href="/it/research-report/blue-hydrogen-production-and-markets/922" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Produzione e mercati dell'idrogeno blu</a> <a href="/it/research-report/ccus-markets/1017" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Mercati della cattura, utilizzo e stoccaggio del carbonio (CCUS)</a> <a href="/it/research-report/carbon-dioxide-removal/1007" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Rimozione dell'anidride carbonica (CDR)</a> <a href="/it/research-report/carbon-dioxide-utilization/1028" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Utilizzo dell'anidride carbonica</a> <a href="/it/research-report/decarbonization-of-cement-2025/1050" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Decarbonizzazione del cemento</a> <a href="/it/research-report/green-hydrogen-production/992" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Mercato della produzione di idrogeno verde e degli elettrolizzatori</a> <a href="/it/research-report/hydrogen-economy/946" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Economia dell'idrogeno</a> <a href="/it/research-report/hydrogen-internal-combustion-engines/1030" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Motori a combustione interna a idrogeno</a> <a href="/it/research-report/materials-for-green-hydrogen-production/970" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Materiali per la produzione di idrogeno verde</a> <a href="/it/research-report/materials-for-pem-fuel-cells/987" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Materiali per celle a combustibile PEM</a> <a href="/it/research-report/nuclear-small-modular-reactors/934" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Piccoli reattori nucleari modulari (SMR)</a> <a href="/it/research-report/perovskite-photovoltaic-market-2025/1062" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Mercato fotovoltaico in perovskite</a> <a href="/it/research-report/solid-state-and-polymer-batteries-2025/1070" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Batterie a stato solido e polimeriche</a> <a href="/it/research-report/stationary-fuel-cell-markets/1037" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Mercati stazionari delle celle a combustibile</a> <a href="/it/research-report/sustainability-for-data-centers-2025/1064" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Sostenibilità per i data center</a> <a href="/it/research-report/sustainable-biofuels-and-e-fuels-market/1039" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Mercato dei biocarburanti sostenibili e degli e-fuel</a> <a href="/it/research-report/thermal-energy-storage/1001" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Stoccaggio di energia termica</a> <a href="/it/research-report/thin-film-and-flexible-photovoltaics/885" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Oltre il silicio</a> <a href="/it/reports/energy-and-decarbonization/115" class="colour- colour-webtopic115 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm">See all reports on the topic</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="collapse collapse-mod report-menu row mx-0" id="webtopic118_menu"> <div class="col-6 px-0" style="margin-left:3px;"> <div class="list-group mr-0 pb-2"> <a href="/it/reports/food-and-agtech/118" class="colour- colour-webtopic118 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm">Food & AgTech</a> <a href="/it/research-report/agricultural-robots-and-drones/837" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Mercato della robotica agricola</a> <a href="/it/research-report/biostimulants-and-biopesticides/773" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Biostimolanti e biopesticidi</a> <a href="/it/research-report/cultured-meat/913" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Carne coltivata</a> <a href="/it/research-report/genetic-engineering-in-agriculture/750" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Ingegneria genetica in agricoltura</a> <a href="/it/research-report/pfas-treatment-technologies/1040" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Trattamento PFAS</a> <a href="/it/research-report/plant-based-meat/823" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Carne vegetale</a> <a href="/it/research-report/vertical-farming/871" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Agricoltura verticale</a> <a href="/it/reports/food-and-agtech/118" class="colour- colour-webtopic118 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm">See all reports on the topic</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="collapse collapse-mod report-menu row mx-0" id="webtopic110_menu"> <div class="col-6 px-0" style="margin-left:3px;"> <div class="list-group mr-0 pb-2"> <a href="/it/reports/healthcare/110" class="colour- colour-webtopic110 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm">Healthcare</a> <a href="/it/research-report/advanced-wound-care-tech/682" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Tecnologie avanzate per la cura delle ferite</a> <a href="/it/research-report/ai-in-drug-discovery/818" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">AI in Drug Discovery 2021</a> <a href="/it/research-report/ai-in-medical-diagnostics/766" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">AI in Medical Diagnostics</a> <a href="/it/research-report/antiviral-and-antimicrobial-tech/942" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Mercato della tecnologia antivirale e antimicrobica</a> <a href="/it/research-report/biosensors-for-point-of-care-diagnostics/863" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Biosensori per la diagnostica point-of-care</a> <a href="/it/research-report/diabetes-management-2025/1059" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Tecnologie per la gestione del diabete</a> <a href="/it/research-report/digital-health-and-ai/985" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Salute digitale e intelligenza artificiale 2024</a> <a href="/it/research-report/dna-sequencing/887" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Sequenziamento del DNA</a> <a href="/it/research-report/electronic-skin-patches/900" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Cerotti elettronici per la pelle</a> <a href="/it/research-report/flexible-electronics-in-healthcare/731" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Elettronica flessibile nel settore sanitario</a> <a href="/it/research-report/remote-patient-monitoring/890" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Monitoraggio remoto dei pazienti</a> <a href="/it/research-report/skin-sensors/752" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Skin Sensors</a> <a href="/it/reports/healthcare/110" class="colour- colour-webtopic110 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm">See all reports on the topic</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="collapse collapse-mod report-menu row mx-0" id="webtopic124_menu"> <div class="col-6 px-0" style="margin-left:3px;"> <div class="list-group mr-0 pb-2"> <a href="/it/reports/hydrogen/124" class="colour- colour-webtopic124 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm">Hydrogen</a> <a href="/it/research-report/treni-elettrici-a-batteria-e-celle-a-combustibile-a-idrogeno-2023-2043/930" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Treni elettrici a batteria e celle a combustibile a idrogeno</a> <a href="/it/research-report/blue-hydrogen-production-and-markets/922" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Produzione e mercati dell'idrogeno blu</a> <a href="/it/research-report/veicoli-elettrici-a-celle-a-combustibile-2025-2045-mercati-tecnologie-previsioni/1078" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Veicoli elettrici a celle a combustibile</a> <a href="/it/research-report/green-hydrogen-production/992" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Mercato della produzione di idrogeno verde e degli elettrolizzatori</a> <a href="/it/research-report/hydrogen-economy/946" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Economia dell'idrogeno</a> <a href="/it/research-report/hydrogen-internal-combustion-engines/1030" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Motori a combustione interna a idrogeno</a> <a href="/it/research-report/long-duration-energy-storage-market/983" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Tecnologie di accumulo di energia a lunga durata</a> <a href="/it/research-report/materials-for-green-hydrogen-production/970" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Materiali per la produzione di idrogeno verde</a> <a href="/it/research-report/materials-for-pem-fuel-cells/987" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Materiali per celle a combustibile PEM</a> <a href="/it/research-report/off-grid-charging-for-evs/997" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Ricarica off-grid per veicoli elettrici</a> <a href="/it/research-report/stationary-fuel-cell-markets/1037" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Mercati stazionari delle celle a combustibile</a> <a href="/it/research-report/sustainable-future-aviation-2025/1033" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Aviazione sostenibile del futuro</a> <a href="/it/reports/hydrogen/124" class="colour- colour-webtopic124 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm">See all reports on the topic</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="collapse collapse-mod report-menu row mx-0" id="webtopic116_menu"> <div class="col-6 px-0" style="margin-left:3px;"> <div class="list-group mr-0 pb-2"> <a href="/it/reports/photonics/116" class="colour- colour-webtopic116 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm">Photonics</a> <a href="/it/research-report/advanced-semiconductor-packaging/1042" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Imballaggi avanzati per semiconduttori</a> <a href="/it/research-report/automotive-displays/958" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Display automobilistici</a> <a href="/it/research-report/heads-up-displays/991" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Heads-up Display automobilistici</a> <a href="/it/research-report/lidar-2024-2034/995" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Lidar</a> <a href="/it/research-report/metamaterials-markets/1010" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Metamateriali ottici e a radiofrequenza</a> <a href="/it/research-report/micro-led-displays/968" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Display micro-LED</a> <a href="/it/research-report/silicon-photonics-and-photonic-integrated-circuits-2025/1067" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Fotonica al silicio e circuiti integrati fotonici</a> <a href="/it/reports/photonics/116" class="colour- colour-webtopic116 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm">See all reports on the topic</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="collapse collapse-mod report-menu row mx-0" id="webtopic1_menu"> <div class="col-6 px-0" style="margin-left:3px;"> <div class="list-group mr-0 pb-2"> <a href="/it/reports/printed-and-flexible-electronics/1" class="colour- colour-webtopic1 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm">Printed & Flexible Electronics</a> <a href="/it/research-report/flexible-and-printed-electronics/943" class="list-group-item-secondary list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller border-top"><span class="font-weight-light">Overview Report</span><br><span class="font-weight-bold">Elettronica flessibile e stampata</span></a> <a href="/it/research-report/3d-electronics/1003" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Elettronica 3D/Elettronica additiva</a> <a href="/it/research-report/conductive-inks/1013" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Mercato degli inchiostri conduttivi</a> <a href="/it/research-report/electronic-skin-patches/900" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Cerotti elettronici per la pelle</a> <a href="/it/research-report/flexible-batteries-market/1018" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Mercato delle batterie flessibili</a> <a href="/it/research-report/flexible-electronics-in-healthcare/731" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Elettronica flessibile nel settore sanitario</a> <a href="/it/research-report/flexible-hybrid-electronics/950" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Elettronica ibrida flessibile</a> <a href="/it/research-report/in-mold-electronics-2025/1055" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">In-Mold Electronics</a> <a href="/it/research-report/produzione-di-elettronica-stampata-2023-2033/916" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Produzione di elettronica stampata</a> <a href="/it/research-report/materiali-per-lelettronica-stampata-flessibile-2021-2031-tecnologie-applicazioni-previsioni-di-mercato/785" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Materiali per l'elettronica stampata/flessibile</a> <a href="/it/research-report/perovskite-photovoltaic-market-2025/1062" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Mercato fotovoltaico in perovskite</a> <a href="/it/research-report/elettronica-stampata-e-flessibile-per-applicazioni-automobilistiche-2021-2031-tecnologie-e-mercati/806" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Elettronica stampata e flessibile per applicazioni automobilistiche</a> <a href="/it/research-report/printed-and-flexible-sensors/993" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Sensori stampati e flessibili</a> <a href="/it/research-report/smart-packaging/931" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Imballaggio intelligente</a> <a href="/it/research-report/stretchable-and-conformal-electronics/636" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Elettronica estensibile e conforme</a> <a href="/it/reports/printed-and-flexible-electronics/1" class="colour- colour-webtopic1 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm">See all reports on the topic</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="collapse collapse-mod report-menu row mx-0" id="webtopic122_menu"> <div class="col-6 px-0" style="margin-left:3px;"> <div class="list-group mr-0 pb-2"> <a href="/it/reports/quantum-technologies/122" class="colour- colour-webtopic122 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm">Quantum Technologies</a> <a href="/it/research-report/quantum-communication-market/984" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Mercato della comunicazione quantistica</a> <a href="/it/research-report/quantum-computing-market-2025/1053" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Mercato dell'informatica quantistica</a> <a href="/it/research-report/quantum-sensors-market-2025/1063" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Mercato dei sensori quantistici</a> <a href="/it/research-report/quantum-tech/1005" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Mercato della tecnologia quantistica</a> <a href="/it/reports/quantum-technologies/122" class="colour- colour-webtopic122 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm">See all reports on the topic</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="collapse collapse-mod report-menu row mx-0" id="webtopic99_menu"> <div class="col-6 px-0" style="margin-left:3px;"> <div class="list-group mr-0 pb-2"> <a href="/it/reports/robotics-and-autonomy/99" class="colour- colour-webtopic99 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm">Robotics & Autonomy</a> <a href="/it/research-report/agricultural-robots-and-drones/837" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Mercato della robotica agricola</a> <a href="/it/research-report/automotive-radar-market-2025/1061" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Mercato dei radar automobilistici</a> <a href="/it/research-report/autonomous-trucks/1016" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Autocarri autonomi</a> <a href="/it/research-report/autonomous-vehicles-markets-2025/1045" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Mercato dei veicoli autonomi</a> <a href="/it/research-report/collaborative-robots-2025/1046" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Robot collaborativi</a> <a href="/it/research-report/drone-market-and-industries/787" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Mercato e industrie dei droni</a> <a href="/it/research-report/future-automotive-technologies/979" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Future Automotive Technologies</a> <a href="/it/research-report/in-cabin-sensing-2025-2035-tecnologie-opportunit-e-mercati/1077" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">In-Cabin Sensing</a> <a href="/it/research-report/telecamere-a-infrarossi-ir-per-il-settore-automobilistico-2025-2035-tecnologie-opportunit-previsioni/1029" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Telecamere a infrarossi (IR) per il settore automobilistico</a> <a href="/it/research-report/lidar-2024-2034/995" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Lidar</a> <a href="/it/research-report/mobile-robotics-in-logistics-warehousing-and-delivery/960" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Robotica mobile nella logistica, nel magazzinaggio e nelle consegne</a> <a href="/it/research-report/quantum-communication-market/984" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Mercato della comunicazione quantistica</a> <a href="/it/research-report/roboshuttles-and-autonomous-buses/1020" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Roboshuttles e autobus autonomi</a> <a href="/it/research-report/sensors-for-robotics/908" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Sensori per la robotica</a> <a href="/it/research-report/service-robots/864" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Service Robots</a> <a href="/it/research-report/software-defined-vehicles/974" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Veicoli definiti dal software, auto connesse e intelligenza artificiale nelle auto</a> <a href="/it/research-report/thermal-management-for-adas/875" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Gestione termica per sistemi avanzati di assistenza alla guida (ADAS)</a> <a href="/it/reports/robotics-and-autonomy/99" class="colour- colour-webtopic99 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm">See all reports on the topic</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="collapse collapse-mod report-menu row mx-0" id="webtopic121_menu"> <div class="col px-0" style="margin-left:3px;"> <div class="list-group mr-0 pb-2"> <a href="/it/reports/semiconductors-computing-and-ai/121" class="colour- colour-webtopic121 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod-top-left list-group-item-action btn-sm">Semiconductors, Computing & AI</a> <a href="/it/research-report/advanced-semiconductor-packaging/1042" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Imballaggi avanzati per semiconduttori</a> <a href="/it/research-report/ai-chips/937" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Chip AI</a> <a href="/it/research-report/ai-chips-for-edge-applications/956" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Chip di intelligenza artificiale per applicazioni edge</a> <a href="/it/research-report/ai-in-drug-discovery/818" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">AI in Drug Discovery 2021</a> <a href="/it/research-report/ai-in-medical-diagnostics/766" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">AI in Medical Diagnostics</a> <a href="/it/research-report/antenna-in-package/989" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Antenna in pacchetto (AiP) per 5G e 6G</a> <a href="/it/research-report/chiplet-technology-2025/1041" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Tecnologia Chiplet</a> <a href="/it/research-report/co-packaged-optics/1019" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Ottica co-confezionata (CPO)</a> <a href="/it/research-report/electrically-conductive-adhesives/830" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Adesivi elettricamente conduttivi</a> <a href="/it/research-report/flexible-hybrid-electronics/950" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Elettronica ibrida flessibile</a> <a href="/it/research-report/hardware-for-hpc-and-ai-2025/1058" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Hardware per HPC e AI</a> <a href="/it/research-report/in-cabin-sensing-2025-2035-tecnologie-opportunit-e-mercati/1077" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">In-Cabin Sensing</a> <a href="/it/research-report/materials-and-processing-for-advanced-semiconductor-packaging/1044" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Materiali e lavorazione per l'imballaggio avanzato di semiconduttori</a> <a href="/it/research-report/materials-informatics/990" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Materials Informatics</a> <a href="/it/research-report/quantum-communication-market/984" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Mercato della comunicazione quantistica</a> <a href="/it/research-report/quantum-computing-market-2025/1053" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Mercato dell'informatica quantistica</a> <a href="/it/research-report/quantum-tech/1005" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Mercato della tecnologia quantistica</a> <a href="/it/research-report/semiconduttori-automobilistici-2023-2033/921" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Semiconduttori automobilistici</a> <a href="/it/research-report/silicon-photonics-and-photonic-integrated-circuits-2025/1067" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Fotonica al silicio e circuiti integrati fotonici</a> <a href="/it/reports/semiconductors-computing-and-ai/121" class="colour- colour-webtopic121 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod-bottom-left list-group-item-action btn-sm"></a> </div> </div> <div class="col px-0" style="margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px;"> <div class="list-group mr-0 pb-2"> <a href="/it/reports/semiconductors-computing-and-ai/121" class="colour- colour-webtopic121 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod-top-right list-group-item-action btn-sm"></a> <a href="/it/research-report/sustainability-for-data-centers-2025/1064" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Sostenibilità per i data center</a> <a href="/it/research-report/sustainable-electronics-and-semiconductor-manufacturing-2025/1065" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Produzione sostenibile di elettronica e semiconduttori</a> <a href="/it/research-report/thermal-management-for-5g/857" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Gestione termica per 5G</a> <a href="/it/research-report/thermal-management-for-data-centers/1036" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Gestione termica per i data center</a> <a href="/it/research-report/thermal-management-for-ev-power-electronics/1000" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Gestione termica per l'elettronica di potenza per veicoli elettrici</a> <a href="/it/reports/semiconductors-computing-and-ai/121" class="colour- colour-webtopic121 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod-bottom-right list-group-item-action btn-sm">See all reports on the topic</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="collapse collapse-mod report-menu row mx-0" id="webtopic95_menu"> <div class="col-6 px-0" style="margin-left:3px;"> <div class="list-group mr-0 pb-2"> <a href="/it/reports/sensors-haptics-and-displays/95" class="colour- colour-webtopic95 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm">Sensors, Haptics & Displays</a> <a href="/it/research-report/brain-computer-interfaces/1024" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Brain Computer Interfaces</a> <a href="/it/research-report/displays-for-virtual-augmented-and-mixed-reality/955" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Display per la realtà virtuale, aumentata e mista</a> <a href="/it/research-report/emerging-image-sensor-technologies/965" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Tecnologie emergenti per sensori di immagine</a> <a href="/it/research-report/environmental-gas-sensor-market/964" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Mercato dei sensori di gas ambientali</a> <a href="/it/research-report/haptics-market-2025/1034" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Haptics</a> <a href="/it/research-report/heads-up-displays/991" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Heads-up Display automobilistici</a> <a href="/it/research-report/in-cabin-sensing-2025-2035-tecnologie-opportunit-e-mercati/1077" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">In-Cabin Sensing</a> <a href="/it/research-report/telecamere-a-infrarossi-ir-per-il-settore-automobilistico-2025-2035-tecnologie-opportunit-previsioni/1029" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Telecamere a infrarossi (IR) per il settore automobilistico</a> <a href="/it/research-report/lidar-2024-2034/995" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Lidar</a> <a href="/it/research-report/micro-led-displays/968" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Display micro-LED</a> <a href="/it/research-report/printed-and-flexible-sensors/993" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Sensori stampati e flessibili</a> <a href="/it/research-report/quantum-sensors-market-2025/1063" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Mercato dei sensori quantistici</a> <a href="/it/research-report/quantum-tech/1005" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Mercato della tecnologia quantistica</a> <a href="/it/research-report/sensor-market/1038" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Mercato dei sensori</a> <a href="/it/research-report/sensors-for-robotics/908" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Sensori per la robotica</a> <a href="/it/research-report/skin-sensors/752" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Skin Sensors</a> <a href="/it/research-report/thermal-management-for-adas/875" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Gestione termica per sistemi avanzati di assistenza alla guida (ADAS)</a> <a href="/it/research-report/wearable-sensors-market-2025/1051" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Mercato dei sensori indossabili</a> <a href="/it/reports/sensors-haptics-and-displays/95" class="colour- colour-webtopic95 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm">See all reports on the topic</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="collapse collapse-mod report-menu row mx-0" id="webtopic120_menu"> <div class="col-6 px-0" style="margin-left:3px;"> <div class="list-group mr-0 pb-2"> <a href="/it/reports/sustainability/120" class="colour- colour-webtopic120 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm">Sustainability</a> <a href="/it/research-report/bioplastics-market-2025/1032" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Bioplastiche</a> <a href="/it/research-report/ccus-markets/1017" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Mercati della cattura, utilizzo e stoccaggio del carbonio (CCUS)</a> <a href="/it/research-report/carbon-dioxide-removal/1007" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Rimozione dell'anidride carbonica (CDR)</a> <a href="/it/research-report/carbon-dioxide-utilization/1028" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Utilizzo dell'anidride carbonica</a> <a href="/it/research-report/chemical-recycling/1009" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Riciclaggio chimico e dissoluzione della plastica</a> <a href="/it/research-report/cultured-meat/913" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Carne coltivata</a> <a href="/it/research-report/decarbonization-of-cement-2025/1050" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Decarbonizzazione del cemento</a> <a href="/it/research-report/emerging-alternative-leathers/980" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Emerging Alternative Leathers</a> <a href="/it/research-report/pfas-2025/1072" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Sostanze per- e polifluoroalchiliche (PFAS) 2025</a> <a href="/it/research-report/pfas-treatment-technologies/1040" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Trattamento PFAS</a> <a href="/it/research-report/sustainability-for-data-centers-2025/1064" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Sostenibilità per i data center</a> <a href="/it/research-report/sustainable-biofuels-and-e-fuels-market/1039" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Mercato dei biocarburanti sostenibili e degli e-fuel</a> <a href="/it/research-report/sustainable-electronics-and-semiconductor-manufacturing-2025/1065" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Produzione sostenibile di elettronica e semiconduttori</a> <a href="/it/research-report/sustainable-packaging-market/929" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Mercato degli imballaggi sostenibili</a> <a href="/it/research-report/sustainable-plastics-for-automotive-2025/1066" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Plastica sostenibile per il settore automobilistico</a> <a href="/it/reports/sustainability/120" class="colour- colour-webtopic120 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm">See all reports on the topic</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="collapse collapse-mod report-menu row mx-0" id="webtopic123_menu"> <div class="col-6 px-0" style="margin-left:3px;"> <div class="list-group mr-0 pb-2"> <a href="/it/reports/thermal-management/123" class="colour- colour-webtopic123 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm">Thermal Management</a> <a href="/it/research-report/fire-protection-materials-for-ev-batteries-2025/1068" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Materiali antincendio per batterie EV</a> <a href="/it/research-report/thermal-interface-materials/1011" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Materiali di interfaccia termica</a> <a href="/it/research-report/thermal-management-for-5g/857" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Gestione termica per 5G</a> <a href="/it/research-report/thermal-management-for-adas/875" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Gestione termica per sistemi avanzati di assistenza alla guida (ADAS)</a> <a href="/it/research-report/thermal-management-for-data-centers/1036" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Gestione termica per i data center</a> <a href="/it/research-report/thermal-management-for-evs/1015" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Gestione termica per veicoli elettrici</a> <a href="/it/research-report/thermal-management-for-ev-power-electronics/1000" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Gestione termica per l'elettronica di potenza per veicoli elettrici</a> <a href="/it/reports/thermal-management/123" class="colour- colour-webtopic123 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm">See all reports on the topic</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="collapse collapse-mod report-menu row mx-0" id="webtopic52_menu"> <div class="col-6 px-0" style="margin-left:3px;"> <div class="list-group mr-0 pb-2"> <a href="/it/reports/wearable-technology/52" class="colour- colour-webtopic52 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm">Wearable Technology</a> <a href="/it/research-report/wearable-technology-forecasts/928" class="list-group-item-secondary list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller border-top"><span class="font-weight-light">Overview Report</span><br><span class="font-weight-bold">Previsioni sulla tecnologia indossabile</span></a> <a href="/it/research-report/advanced-wound-care-tech/682" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Tecnologie avanzate per la cura delle ferite</a> <a href="/it/research-report/brain-computer-interfaces/1024" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Brain Computer Interfaces</a> <a href="/it/research-report/digital-health-and-ai/985" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Salute digitale e intelligenza artificiale 2024</a> <a href="/it/research-report/displays-for-virtual-augmented-and-mixed-reality/955" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Display per la realtà virtuale, aumentata e mista</a> <a href="/it/research-report/e-textiles-and-smart-clothing-markets/925" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Mercati dei tessuti elettronici e dell'abbigliamento intelligente</a> <a href="/it/research-report/electronic-skin-patches/900" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Cerotti elettronici per la pelle</a> <a href="/it/research-report/optics-for-virtual-augmented-and-mixed-reality/969" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Ottica per la realtà virtuale, aumentata e mista</a> <a href="/it/research-report/vr-and-ar-headsets/889" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller">Realtà virtuale, aumentata e mista</a> <a href="/it/research-report/wearable-sensors-market-2025/1051" class="list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm pl-2 fs-smaller bg-stripe">Mercato dei sensori indossabili</a> <a href="/it/reports/wearable-technology/52" class="colour- colour-webtopic52 text-white list-group-item list-group-item-mod list-group-item-action btn-sm">See all reports on the topic</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </header> <section class="content maincontent"> <div class="contentholder"> <div class="container-fluid"> <div id="lhs" class="lhscontainer"> <nav><ul class="nav navlhs"><li class="nochildren"><a href="/it/consultancy">Areas of 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tech-14" data-tagid="14">Electric Vehicles</div><div class="filter tech-21" data-tagid="21">Energy Harvesting</div><div class="filter tech-19" data-tagid="19">Energy Storage</div><div class="filter tech-40" data-tagid="40">Functional films</div><div class="filter tech-47" data-tagid="47">Green Technology</div><div class="filter tech-45" data-tagid="45">Healthcare</div><div class="filter tech-41" data-tagid="41">Inks</div><div class="filter tech-38" data-tagid="38">Nanomaterials</div><div class="filter tech-48" data-tagid="48">Photonics</div><div class="filter tech-44" data-tagid="44">Photovoltaics</div><div class="filter tech-43" data-tagid="43">Piezoelectrics</div><div class="filter tech-1" data-tagid="1">Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics</div><div class="filter tech-36" data-tagid="36">Sensors and Haptics</div><div class="filter tech-42" data-tagid="42">Thermoelectrics</div><div class="filter tech-34" data-tagid="34">Wearable Technology</div></div> </div> <div class="consultancies"> <div class="consultancy" data-tagids="47"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-47">Green Technology</div> <h2 class="title">Carbon dioxide removal commercial landscape</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>IDTechEx provided an appraisal of the carbon dioxide removal commercial landscape. The goal was to identify investment opportunities in this sector for an energy company. Leveraging IDTechEx's vast decarbonization expertise, early-stage players were identified and interviewed. Extensive company profiles were completed, examining patent portfolios, technology USP, technology readiness levels, business models, and markets. The various players were benchmarked on key parameters including CO2 sequestration and carbon credit selling price. IDTechEx additionally provided SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis alongside a bespoke IDTechEx Index assessment to pinpoint promising investment opportunities.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="32,19"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-19">Energy Storage</div> <h2 class="title">Due diligence and independent appraisal of a battery electrode material</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>IDTechEx provided an independent analysis on a new electrode material being developed for Li-ion batteries, incorporating commentary on the competitiveness and opportunity for the new electrode material based on performance, cost, and manufacturability, amongst other aspects. IDTechEx also provided an overview of the battery market, including the performance of current batteries and materials, promising battery material developments, forecasted addressable market size, and players involved in developing, investing in, and commercializing new battery materials and technologies. Finally, IDTechEx delivered a short go-to-market strategy to the developer of the battery material.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-32" title="Advanced Materials"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="19"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-19">Energy Storage</div> <h2 class="title">Due diligence on a new energy storage technology</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>IDTechEx provided an appraisal of a start-up company's technology. The goal was to assist in appraising the technology being developed and to expand their knowledge on the development and commercialization of energy storage technology. IDTechEx provided a critical appraisal of the energy storage device that had been under development, including a validation of the underlying principle and design of the company's devices. Market opportunities and risks to commercialisation were outlined, while the strengths and weaknesses of the device were evaluated against competing technologies on parameters including energy density, cost, safety, and stage of development.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="19"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-19">Energy Storage</div> <h2 class="title">Assessment of a redox flow battery technology</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>IDTechEx provided a study on a class of redox flow batteries (RFB) to provide a market landscape, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the RFB technology, and highlight obstacles to commercialisation. The study incorporated an overview and analysis of the companies currently developing the RFB technology, a review of relevant academic research, cost analyses and comparisons to Li-ion batteries and other stationary battery chemistries.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="48"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-48">Photonics</div> <h2 class="title">Identification of M&A opportunities within AR/VR optics</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A well-established materials company wished to assess the technological trends within the AR/VR optics space, specifically AR combiners and VR lenses. IDTechEx benchmarked the competing technologies, forecasting how their adoption proportion would evolve over the next 15 years. Along with other metrics such as IP position and financial strength, this understanding of the technological landscape informed the benchmarking and ranking of multiple early-stage companies. This project provided our client with a much clearer picture of the prospects of competing AR/VR optics technologies, and facilitated their M&A target identification process.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-1">Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics</div> <h2 class="title">Opportunity analysis for a new sensor readout technology</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>An early-stage company wanted to investigate whether its existing transistor technology could be utilized to enable active-matrix readout from printed/flexible sensors. IDTechEx's strategy was to interview players developing large-area printed/flexible sensors to ascertain their current readout technology, future plans, and how application requirements were likely to evolve. By combining this insight with a forecast of the addressable market, IDTechEx was able to quantify the opportunity and recommend which printed/flexible sensor types would be the most promising targets for the client's active-matrix readout technology.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="14"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-14">Electric Vehicles</div> <h2 class="title">Benchmarking and Opportunities for an Electric Motor Technology</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A manufacturer of electric motors for electric vehicles approached IDTechEx to provide an independent assessment of their technology and compare it to the options available on the market currently. This had the goal of assisting with their upcoming investment funding rounds. IDTechEx analysed parameters including performance (power, torque density, efficiency etc.), costs and environmental impact. The motor technology was also evaluated against competing market options within relevant vehicle segments (cars, trucks etc.). An overview of the relevant patent landscape was provided along with total market forecasts and a specific addressable market forecast for the technology.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,39"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-39">Display and Lighting</div> <h2 class="title">Roll-to-roll OLED lighting production</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>Assessment of commercially viability and production method: A major Asian company was exploring OLED lighting production. It needed to make difficult decisions about the choice of its production technology: sheet-to-sheet vs roll-to-roll. First, we developed cost and performance benchmarks for OLED lighting to be commercially viable compared to alternative solutions on the market. We provided a detailed overview of the process steps involved in OLED lighting production. For each layer in the OLED lighting device, we considered all the material and process options available to enable R2R production of flexible OLED lighting sheets. This included all the options for encapsulation, transparently conductors, active materials, substrates, etc. We offered a detailed analysis of all the choices that had to be made when selecting each option. We then developed multiple cost model scenarios considering CapEx, bill of materials, TACT time, web width, web speed, etc. Our model was constructed using realistic parameters of what is and what might be possible. We then compared R2R vs S2S in terms of cost and performance. We also offered a candid assessment of all the technical hurdles that had to be overcome to enable R2R production of complex OLEDs. Our model scenarios enabled us to define specific achievement milestones to turn OLED lighting into a commercially viable proposition. These milestones include production parameters, material costs, and performance targets. Our analysis served as our client's technology and market roadmap.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="32,1"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-32">Advanced Materials</div> <h2 class="title">Analysis of an emerging touch film technology for large area touch screens</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>An Asian spin-out wanted to commercialize an emerging touch sensor film technology aimed at large-area capacitive touch screens used in educational, corporate, and commercial outdoor environments. We helped the client evaluate the merits of its technology, critically comparing it with all the other existing and emerging technology options and players worldwide. This helped the clients better define its value proposition and target markets. Next, we helped the client evaluate the short- and medium-term commercial opportunities and to develop a strong understanding of the value chain. Our client used our analyses and advice in its fund-raising activities.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="14,32,41"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-32">Advanced Materials</div> <h2 class="title">Novel die attach material opportunities in automotive power electronics</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A major Asian electronics company wanted to develop novel die attach paste materials for automotive power electronic applications. We first developed a detailed assessment of the automotive power electronic market and technologies. In particular, we constructed a detailed model projecting the power electronic market in terms of semiconductor die area. We accounted for all functionalities utilizing a power electronic module in many electric vehicle categories including pure EV cars, hybrid (plug-in and non-plug in) cars, mild hybrid, buses, forklifts, drones, scooters, motorbikes, etc. We also considered shifts in technology from Si to SiC and how that would affect circuit design and die area. We also estimated, based on teardowns, the total substrate to die area ratio in the modules. Subsequently, we considered technology trends pushing towards high-temperature materials and identified scenarios in which the current low-cost lead-free solders could not provide sufficient thermal performance or reliability. We provided a comprehensive worldwide view of the companies who had developed or commercialized solutions with solder alternatives. We also provided a detailed review of all suppliers of solder alternatives to this market. Finally, we provided our forecasts for the potential market opportunity for solder alternatives segmented by technology, including metal sintering in area as well as value terms. Our client made its commercialization decisions based on our input.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-14" title="Electric Vehicles"></span><span class="related-tag tech-41" title="Inks"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="32"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-32">Advanced Materials</div> <h2 class="title">Impact of emerging conductor technologies on global copper supply</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>Our client - a major body in the copper business- wanted to evaluate the impact of emerging conductor technologies on the long-term future supply of copper. In particular, it wanted to evaluate whether nanocarbon-based conductors or low-temperature superconductors could have an impact. We developed a detailed quantitative technology roadmap for superconductors and all types of nanocarbon materials and forms such as yarns. Our roadmap highlighted previous performance evolutions as a function time and provided future performance projections based on realistic assessments of technology development challenges, trends and timescales. This may we provided a roadmap of performance and cost for emerging conductor technologies against which copper could be benchmarked for use in different markets, including cables. This allowed our customers to develop a realistic insight into the long-term potential emerging competing technologies that could one day affect its core business.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="32"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-32">Advanced Materials</div> <h2 class="title">Advanced material opportunities in the 5G era</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A global material supplier wanted to identify and evaluate emerging market opportunities for 5G. We first developed a market and technology roadmap for 5G. Here, we developed models forecasting market roll-out of 5G base stations by frequency, by region, by size (marco, micro, femto, etc.), and the size of the active antenna array, e.g., MIMO. We then developed technology roadmaps showing how the RF Front End Module (RFFE) will evolve with the rise of large active antenna arrays. In particular, we considered how massive antennas can affect the output power requirements of the power amplifiers, changing the semiconductor technology of choice and as a result affecting the degree of on-chip or in-package system integration. We then forecast the numbers of RFFE by semiconductor technology. Next, we considered material-related consequences of the shifts in frequency, highlighting opportunities for materials that enable low-loss transmission at cm- and mm-wave frequencies at package and board levels.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="36,37"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-36">Sensors and Haptics</div> <h2 class="title">mmWave radars: technology and market trends</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A major global firm wanted to evaluate existing and emerging opportunities in automotive mmWave radars. In this project, we first examined the technology trends in automotive mmWave radars. We considered changes in device packaging going from chip-on-board towards wafer-level packaging. We also considered changes in board designs and materials, going from separate RF and digital boards towards integrated multilayer hybrid boards. Next, we examined semiconductor technology trends and shifts. Here, we also assessed chip scale integration trends, including latest trends to integrate even the DSP and uC units within a single Si chip. We then looked at existing and future use cases of mmWave radars in automotive, considering how trends to higher levels of ADAS and autonomy would affect the number and type of sensors per vehicle. We developed detailed models forecasting the market in unit numbers and market value, finally translating this into market needs and trends for various board and package level materials.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-37" title="Automotive"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="39,1"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-39">Display and Lighting</div> <h2 class="title">Novel color converter technology</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A major Asia electronic company wanted to evaluate the technology landscape for existing and emerging inorganic and organic color converters. In this study, we conducted an in-depth analysis of quantum dot technologies as well as many classes of organic color converters. We then benchmarked the technology options considering FWHM, temperature stability, color shift, compatibility with other material systems, and so on. This allowed the client to narrow an extremely wide technology choice menu and select the right choices which suited their short- and long-term requirements. Furthermore, we identified potential as well as leading suppliers, seeking to accelerate the business development process.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="32,1,39"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-39">Display and Lighting</div> <h2 class="title">Quantum dot technology</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A global electronics company wanted to evaluate the quantum dots technology and commercial landscape. We supported the client in identifying, profiling, and assessing all the key quantum dot firms working across all material compositions (Cd, InP, perovskite, etc.) and applications (displays, lighting, SWIR sensing, etc.). Furthermore, we identified all the existing technology challenges facing the development of SWIR sensors and emissive QLED technology. On the latter, we examined the challenge of EQE for toxicant-free QDs, low luminance, lack of suitable blue materials, band alignment in stack materials and charge efficiency, printing or other production techniques, and so on. We conducted a review to outline all strategies being pursued to overcome these challenges. Our analysis supported the client in developing a deep understanding of the landscape and in identifying what will need to be achieved to commercialize QLEDs in particular.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-32" title="Advanced Materials"></span><span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="32"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-32">Advanced Materials</div> <h2 class="title">Graphene</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>An Asian petrochemical company was exploring an investment opportunity into a start-up graphene producer with a novel high-yield method to directly exfoliate pristine single-layer graphene. The client first wanted to understand the competitive landscape and the future market prospects. We developed a detailed study of the market, considering production capacity by player, prices per Kg by material type and supplier, revenue and P/L by player, and application pipeline and potential revenue forecasts segmented by sector. Next, the client wanted a due diligence on the target firm, especially focusing on whether the technology was sufficiently differentiated and on the company's short- and long-term commercial prospects. We offered a detailed analysis and benchmarking of the company's technology, placing it within the global context, and offer our insights and recommendations regarding potential commercial prospects and required activities.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="19"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-19">Energy Storage</div> <h2 class="title">Assessing the Market Opportunity for a Novel Battery Module</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A multi-million-dollar technology and research company approached IDTechEx for commercialising a novel battery module with unique thermal management capabilities. IDTechEx validated the cost advantages of the module in different environments and leveraged an extensive network to carry out an assessment of the competitive and market landscape. A detailed analysis on pricing, technology choices, battery system structure and typical cooling techniques were provided, allowing the company to position their product more effectively on the market.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="45"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-45">Healthcare</div> <h2 class="title">Trends in healthcare</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A multinational technology company came to IDTechEx to obtain an independent analysis of the ongoing trends in the healthcare industry. IDTechEx conducted a systematic review of over 40 industry reports spanning trends in medical technology, healthcare spending and consumer attitudes to create a report for our client.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="19"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-19">Energy Storage</div> <h2 class="title">Demand for critical metals in energy storage</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>An international association wanted to assess the future demand for copper within the rapidly growing energy storage market. IDTechEx carried out an in-depth analysis for the material intensities within the major components and evaluated the key technology and market trends that will influence this. IDTechEx developed a granular market forecast for copper demand in each energy storage applications providing the association with an outlook to how this will impact global copper-demand over the future 10-year period.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="45"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-45">Healthcare</div> <h2 class="title">Assessment of protein design software and protein expression technologies</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>IDTechEx worked with a leading automotive company which wished to understand the state-of-the-art in protein design and production for the creation of novel biosensors and actuators. The company wanted a landscape analysis and recommendation of software and academic groups in computational protein design, and a database of key research in protein expression technology. IDTechEx provided detailed analysis of over a hundred software programs and research articles for the client, as well as recommendations on future academic collaborators.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="32,36,34"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-34">Wearable Technology</div> <h2 class="title">Strategy development for new human interface technologies</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>IDTechEx worked with a leading global automotive company to develop a strategy for developing human interface technology, both for potential use in a vehicle but also beyond into other products. IDTechEx worked with the client over a period of five months to characterise hundreds of companies spanning several key technology areas. These included many different types of both wearable and remote sensors, actuators and flexible/conformal electronic systems. IDTechEx also investigated future opportunities around feedback systems that could exist between humans and machines, using technology to characterise features such as emotion, arousal and other physiological parameters, including brain-computer interfaces. The project concluded with IDTechEx recommending clear areas of opportunity, allowing the client to direct ongoing R&D and business development efforts.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-32" title="Advanced Materials"></span><span class="related-tag tech-36" title="Sensors and Haptics"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="30,1,32"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-30">3D Printing</div> <h2 class="title">Product opportunity assessment in the 3D printing software industry</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A multi-billion Asian company wished to obtain an overview of the 3D printing industry, focusing on the 3D printing software market. IDTechEx identified all key suppliers in the market and profiled key contacts across the value chain to gain insight into key challenges facing end users of 3D printing software, both current and long-term. We identified multiple potential product opportunities for our client and developing corresponding strategies for entry.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span><span class="related-tag tech-32" title="Advanced Materials"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="41,1"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-41">Inks</div> <h2 class="title">IDTechEx sized the conductive ink market</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A multi billion Dollar Japanese company came to IDTechEx to size the conductive ink market. Our Client was looking to understand the real size and make up of applications in order to decide if it was a segment where they would make further investment.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,32"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-1">Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics</div> <h2 class="title">IDTechEx provided a roadmap study to a Government funded organization</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>IDTechEx provided a roadmap study to a Government funded organization. They wanted to understand the technology development that could be expected over the next five years to align their funding and research activities to fit.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-32" title="Advanced Materials"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="32"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-32">Advanced Materials</div> <h2 class="title">Analysis of the Aerogel Market Supply Chain</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A multi-billion dollar material, technology, and service provider was looking to assess the potential opportunities within the aerogel market supply chain. IDTechEx provided comprehensive technical analysis of the manufacturing processes for all types and form of aerogels, both at present and with a look to emerging developments. This included a bespoke 10-year forecast for specific consumption values and a critical assessment of current and future industrial-scale projects. The client used the insight gained from our research to provide a deeper understanding and clarity for their global strategy in this field.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-1">Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics</div> <h2 class="title">IDTechEx provides in-depth tutorials</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>IDTechEx provided an in-depth tutorial on the entire printed, flexible and electronics market landscape for an early stage investment company. This covered other appraisals of existing technologies and markets. The session then looked at companies meeting our Clients' investment criteria.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="36"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-36">Sensors and Haptics</div> <h2 class="title">IDTechEx assessed a new type of sensor for a multi billion Dollar company that provides unique capabilities.</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>IDTechEx assessed a new type of sensor for a multi billion Dollar company that provides unique capabilities. Using a benchmarking system we assessed over 100 potential applications of the sensor to prioritise the top five most likely to need the capabilities offered by the sensor. A deep dive was then conducted on each to provide strategic recommendations for market entry in the top two chosen applications.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-1">Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics</div> <h2 class="title">Entering the flexible electronics market</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>IDTechEx helped a company providing vacuum equipment that wanted to enter the flexible electronics market. We did a study of potential competitors, their success and assessed the research centers and companies in a position to buy vacuum processing equipment and why they needed it. We then provided introductions to our client with potential purchasers of their equipment.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-1">Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics</div> <h2 class="title">A multi billion Euro company involved in inks wanted to move into the electronics industry.</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A multi-billion Euro company involved in inks wanted to move into the electronics industry. IDTechEx provided a two day workshop where our experts assessed their technology and capabilities, and then taught them about the relevant markets and competitive landscape. The workshop them went through approaches the company could take, finalizing an actionable plan tailored to the strengths of the company.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-1">Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics</div> <h2 class="title">Helping a traditional printer diversify into printed electronics</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A European printing house was facing declining markets and wanted to leverage its assets and printing know-how to diversify into the growing printed electronics. It recruited IDTechEx as its advisor. We taught them about the different markets and associated technical challenges, helping them narrow their discussion to three relevant and achievable segments of large-area electronics. Our recommendation were presented to the board, which is currently deliberating on the final course of action to take.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="34"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-34">Wearable Technology</div> <h2 class="title">Developing an e-textile ecosystem for a traditional textile manufacturer</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A multi-billion-dollar textile company wanted to diversify its product portfolio by offering smart or electronic textiles. It had constructed a dedicated team and put aside substantial budget to fund this innovation. It needed to identify promising partners or acquisition targets globally. IDTechEx identified 50 relevant companies in the field, interviewed the twenty most promising ones, and recommend the top six that had the best match. Our client is now negotiating with this firms to help build its innovation ecosystem.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="41"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-41">Inks</div> <h2 class="title">Accelerating business development for silver nano-particle inks</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A new innovative start-up had just launched a new conductive ink. It wanted to accelerate its commercialisation efforts. We leveraged our market insight and contacts to identify potential customers across many application sectors and across the globe. We used our relationships to help open doors for our client. As a result, our client is already in advanced discussions with potential buyers.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="40,41"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-41">Inks</div> <h2 class="title">New powder supply opportunities</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A major Asian material supplier wanted to keep an eye out on a promising but fast changing market that was adjacent to its core business. IDTechEx established three on-site briefings for their team in Asia over the course of one year. At each session, IDTechEx briefed the customer about the latest market developments and growing opportunities/ threats. In the end, the client, decided to put its plan for this market on hold as the market conditions deteriorated into a brutal consolidation phase during that year.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-40" title="Functional films"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="19"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-19">Energy Storage</div> <h2 class="title">Opportunities for binders in ultracapacitors</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A $6 billion chemical company, in the business of supplying binders for the lithium battery sector, was interested in understanding the market opportunities in the emerging ultracapacitor industry. We provided a comprehensive analysis of the industry, technologies and binder materials. We analyzed the evolution of the role of binders in ultracapacitors now, and provided a detailed value chain map including an analysis of the main players supplying binders to the industry and their market share.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="19,38"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-19">Energy Storage</div> <h2 class="title">Opportunities for nanocarbon material in post lithium-ion battery technologies</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A major chemical company wanted to evaluate the business opportunity for its carbon-based nanomaterial in energy storage applications. We helped by outlining the current progress, identifying key technical challenges, soliciting honest feedback from current suppliers, and performing voice-of-customer analysis. The client used our research and advice to allocate more resource to its research while giving it a better direction.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-38" title="Nanomaterials"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="38,19"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-"></div> <h2 class="title">Potential of silicon material in battery anodes</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A startup was looking to have an independent assessment of their silicon material for lithium ion batteries. We outlined the competitive landscape, benchmarked their technology against competitors and forecast the future demand. We further set them performance targets that they had to hit before reading the market. We are now finding them appropriate development partners.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-19" title="Energy Storage"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="19,44"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-19">Energy Storage</div> <h2 class="title">Opportunities for material supply in photovoltaics and energy strorage</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A material company claimed that it had developed an innovative ink material that could be applied to the photovoltaic and energy storage applications. It wanted IDTechEx to present its assessment of the end market to its board.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-44" title="Photovoltaics"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="36,1"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-36">Sensors and Haptics</div> <h2 class="title">Detailed production cost model for a backplane factory</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A major chemical company taking an innovating sensing material from its lab to the market. We had engaged with them from the first stage of its innovation management process. At gate three, the upper management needed to be convinced of the business case. In particular, it wanted to know the manufacturing cost at scale. IDTechEx developed a detailed production cost model, taking into account the production process, material/equipment costs, likely yield levels, etc. This model was used to help our client advanced to the next stage and receive further internal funding.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="41,40,1"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-41">Inks</div> <h2 class="title">Keeping an eye on adjacent markets</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A major Asian material supplier wanted to keep an eye out on a promising but fast changing market that was adjacent to its core business. IDTechEx established three on-site briefings for their team in Asia over the course of one year. At each session, IDTechEx briefed the customer about the latest market developments and growing opportunities/ threats. In the end, the client, decided to put its plan for this market on hold as the market conditions deteriorated into a brutal consolidation phase during that year.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-40" title="Functional films"></span><span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="30"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-"></div> <h2 class="title">Impact of 3D printing on supply chain of the medical industry</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A major healthcare device provider wanted to understand the impact of additive manufacturing and 3D printing technologies on the business models and supply chains in the medical market. IDTechEx studied the triggers of the transition to additive manufacturing, changes in business models throughout the value chain, the loss and gain of economic value, and the total economic impact on these industries. This included primary interviews with players throughout the value chains of both industries to establish the effects of transitioning to a new technology.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="2"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-2">5G, 6G, RFID & IoT</div> <h2 class="title">Market entry strategy into the RFID tag manufacture value chain</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>IDTechEx provided a strategic advisory service to a multi billion euro company looking to server the RFID and printed electronics market. We assesses their technology and the industry to identify the best way to enter the market and what could realistically be achieved.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="32,1,38"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-38">Nanomaterials</div> <h2 class="title">Market for a speciality nanomaterial</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A multi billion dollar chemical company wanted to understand the actual market size in a speciality material. IDTechEx identified and interviewed the players around the world, including the companies using the material and those supplying equipment for it to verify the market size as much as possible. The detailed analysis helped our client reevaluate the resources it allocates to this business unit.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-32" title="Advanced Materials"></span><span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="34,1,32,36"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-36">Sensors and Haptics</div> <h2 class="title">Performance targets for an emerging device</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A multi billion global materials company was assessing markets for a new technology that they had developed internally. They wanted to assess the feasibility of this technology for use in displays, various sensors and energy harvesting, targeting the wearable technology and consumer electronics space. IDTechEx provided detailed parameter benchmarking of all of incumbent options for each technology type, including performance metrics, and cost evaluations. These were then tied to specific performance targets that must be met if the client was to enter these markets with their new technology offerings. This allowed the client to develop long-term, division-wide strategies based on our findings</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-34" title="Wearable Technology"></span><span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span><span class="related-tag tech-32" title="Advanced Materials"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="30"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-30">3D Printing</div> <h2 class="title">Market assessment for strategy towards 3D printing</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>The objective of this study was to provide a comprehensive overview of the 3D printing industry, including both its current and future states, to help our client make informed decisions about their strategy towards 3D printing. In particular, we assessed challenges, forces, drivers and changes within the 3D printing industry, and assess the impact of 3D printing on other industries. IDTechEx developed a comprehensive competitive map of the industry, both on a product and a company level. We identified the key challenges facing end users in several key target markets, and developed a technology roadmap projecting how various 3D printing technologies are likely to evolve. We also reached out to our network of contacts in the industry to develop interview-based case studies assessing how industries can be disrupted or affected by 3D printing.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="32,38"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-38">Nanomaterials</div> <h2 class="title">Investing in a carbon nanotube company</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>An Asian investment wanted to invest in a US-based carbon nanotube company. We helped our client perform a detailed due diligence. More specifically, we helped them outline the competitive landscape, assess company positioning, built up production cost, identify the uniques of the target company and critically appraise its cost and quality position, assess target markets and estimate the total production capacity and utilization rates now, estimate market size (value and volume) now and forecast its future, and critical evaluate the strengths and weakness of the management team and strategy.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-32" title="Advanced Materials"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids=""> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-"></div> <h2 class="title">Finding new niche markets for flexible glass outside displays</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A major Japanese substrate manufacturer wanted to explore how its product could be applied to the flexible or printed sensor market. IDTechEx carried out an extensive voice-of-customer analysis, analysing the substrate-related wish-list and pain-points of a wide variety of sensor manufacturers. The result was that our client's product was not suitable for this market as it neither offered a must-have performance nor helped lower cost. At least the client has now closed the case and moved on.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-1">Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics</div> <h2 class="title">Identifying key marketing message</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>IDTechEx helped this client develop key marketing messages based on their technology capability versus what was needed by their potential customers. We helped transform the company in this regard, and further provided introductions with several key end users where the company is now having detailed ongoing discussions.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="2"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-2">5G, 6G, RFID & IoT</div> <h2 class="title">Best positioning in the RFID apparel market</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>IDTechEx helped a university spin out understand the RFID apparel market, with advice on best positioning and market entry, in addition to who to talk to. We provided introductions to several relevant parties.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,32,36,34"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-36">Sensors and Haptics</div> <h2 class="title">Competitive landscape for sensor indicators</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>IDTechEx helped a leading supplier of sensor indicators understand the competitive landscape in their field, market trends and drivers (based on interviews with end users across different market segments) and made recommendations to what they should invest in.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span><span class="related-tag tech-32" title="Advanced Materials"></span><span class="related-tag tech-34" title="Wearable Technology"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-1">Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics</div> <h2 class="title">Assessing market opportunities in printed electronics</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A $30 Billion company wanted to assess their opportunities for the printed electronics market. IDTechEx provided an advisory service where we helped the company understand the entire landscape, bottlenecks and opportunities and then we worked with them to create product concepts. The company has now developed several printed electronics solutions, which it will sell, and based on the success of that look to invest further in the technology.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="30"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-30">3D Printing</div> <h2 class="title">Growth opportunities for materials consumed in 3D printing</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A project to investigate the market for materials that may be used in 3D printing, understand the market needs and define options to accelerate participation. IDTechEx established a list of companies to interview based on existing knowledge, desk searches and conference attendance. We leveraged our network, visibility, sales team and also event organisation to arrange interviews. Our topic experts and consultants carried out the interviews, and compiled, analysed and presented the information. IDTechEx highlighted and analyzed the drivers and restraints affecting the entire 3D printing industry and also specific areas of interest. The segment-by-segment focus is crucial because different 3D printing methods and applications will have different market dynamics. Here, external trends, drivers, barriers and other parameters will be identified and fully assessed. Accurate and importantly up-to-date market breakdowns by applications and material types were developed for this fast-changing space. IDTechEx benchmarked competing solutions and material options using material properties and processing parameters, as well as other factors such as technology readiness, cost, and availability. IDTechEx estimated volume demand for materials by end use or application, segmenting the market as much as possible, covering automotive, aerospace, medical, dental, home, consumer products, and construction.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-1">Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics</div> <h2 class="title">Future of inkjet printing in printed electronics</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A major investment firm with a large exposure to the inkjet industry wanted to evaluate the potential opportunities and risks presented by the emergence of printed electronics. IDTechEx developed a custom presentation for the client and sent a team of experts to brief the client's team in an interactive session.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="41,38,1"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-41">Inks</div> <h2 class="title">Acquiring technology for sub-micro particle production</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A $4 billion Asian material company wanted to expand its product offerings. More specifically, it wanted to acquire the technology to develop sub-micron particles more efficiently. This would expand choice for their customers and also act as a hedged bet, protecting their current product line-up against the risk of technology change. IDTechEx identified all the companies with the right technology in Europe and North America. IDTechEx achieved this by first developing a comprehensive list of potential candidates and then narrowing it down based on the technology requirements set by the client. Next, IDTechEx interviewed the top five candidates, further narrowing the list to three recommended companies. Next, we put our client in contact with the recommended firms, enabling them to directly pursue partnership talks.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-38" title="Nanomaterials"></span><span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="30"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-30">3D Printing</div> <h2 class="title">Material supply opportunities into the 3D printing sector</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A $7 billion material company wanted to understand the business landscape for photopolymer supply into the 3D printing sector. IDTechEx identified all the key suppliers in the market and interviewed the right contacts to obtained business-critical primary information. Furthermore, IDTechEx assessed the main trends and drivers impacting the growth of photopolymers in various sector. Finally, IDTechEx developed a granular market assessment, providing ten-year market forecasts for photopolymers in the 3D sector segmented by territory, by end user and by supplier. The client is using our analysis to develop its position and strategy in this market segment.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,44"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-44">Photovoltaics</div> <h2 class="title">Commercialization roadmap for organic photovoltaics</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A $250 million European company wanted to develop its commercialisation roadmap for its developing organic photovoltaic technology. The client wanted IDTechEx to focus on the solar charger market, particularly focused on the off-grid sector in the developing world. IDTechEx identified all the key existing suppliers and the major distributors into this market, many of which were social enterprises or charities. IDTechEx next interviewed the right contacts at these companies and enterprises, learning about their progress, client feedback, unresolved challenges, product development roadmaps, product pricing and cost structure, etc. IDTechEx is continuing to work with the client to develop its business approach towards for penetrating into this sector, which we think is on the cusp of rapid growth.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="32,38"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-38">Nanomaterials</div> <h2 class="title">Strategic market segmentation for nanostructures</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A $30 billion chemical company wanted to carry out strategic market segmentation for three nanotechnology areas: (1) nanomaterials and functional surfaces. IDTechEx provided granular market segmentation for all these technologies, assessing their potential value propositions and challenges per application sector. IDTechEx interviewed many end users and suppliers for primary information, enabling it to obtain detailed information about the progress, production methods, production capacity, product metric, investment, etc of key players. IDTechEx next developed a granular and systematic ten-year market forecast model, enabling it to estimate the addressable and the actual market per segment. IDTechEx then mapped the value chain and finally provided strategic advice to its next steps.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-32" title="Advanced Materials"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="19"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-19">Energy Storage</div> <h2 class="title">Staying up-to-date with the supercapacitor industry</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>The client has previously acted on IDTechEx's advice to participate in supplying coating electrodes into the energy storage (e.g., supercapacitor) industry. The client then wished to stay up-to-date with the latest developments within the field. To help our client, IDTechEx delivers two customized bi-annual newsletters, each covering the latest market trends and technical progress, up-to-date and segmented market forecasts, presentation files and highlights from relevant events globally, and five interview-based company profiles. Our client finds this an effective method of keeping up-to-date with this fast-moving industry.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="30,1,34"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-1">Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics</div> <h2 class="title">Strategy session for a CPG company</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A multi billion dollar consumer packaged goods (CPG) company, which has a number one market share in its flagship products, sought to understand the latest progress with 3D printing, printed electronics, the Internet of Things and Wearable Technologies. IDTechEx delivered a strategy session on-site to senior members of the CTO office, through which we helped the company understand the state of progress of each technology, key suppliers, costs and roadmaps. Following that we discussed entry points and implications for the company. Our client is now building a few prototypes in the next phase of their work with emerging technologies.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-30" title="3D Printing"></span><span class="related-tag tech-34" title="Wearable Technology"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,2,19,32"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-1">Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics</div> <h2 class="title">Intelligence on competitors' activities in printed electronics</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A $10 billion Japanese company wanted to obtain business intelligence on the activities of players from around the wolrd including Asia, Europe and America. IDTechEx drew up a comprehensive list of players in printed electronics based on its extensive knowledge and developed briefing cards on each players based on fresh primary interviews and secondary researches through its propitiatory knowledgeable. The study enabled our client to develop a detailed understanding of the emerging competitive landscape around many technologies that fall under printed electronics including displays, lighting, logic and memory, material supply, etc</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-2" title="5G, 6G, RFID & IoT"></span><span class="related-tag tech-19" title="Energy Storage"></span><span class="related-tag tech-32" title="Advanced Materials"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="21,32,36"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-36">Sensors and Haptics</div> <h2 class="title">Market opportunity for polymeric actuators</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A $30+ billion Middle Eastern chemical company wanted to identify new opportunities in the actuator world for its polymeric materials. IDTechEx carried out a structured and comprehensive study culminating in a market-driven quantitative technology/requirements roadmap. IDTechEx examined a variety of actuator technologies and applications. In particular, IDTechEx focused on energy harvesting, haptics, auto-focus, vibration-cancellation and touch applications. In each segment, IDTechEx quantitatively benchmarked the relevant technologies, developed an application roadmap, outlined key existing and future applications, assessed competing solutions, listed product parameters on the offer, and developed detailed market forecasts segmented by material, device and addressable market levels. The study involved substantial primary research and the client was weekly updated. The client is now acting on IDTechEx's recommendations.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-21" title="Energy Harvesting"></span><span class="related-tag tech-32" title="Advanced Materials"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="30"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-30">3D Printing</div> <h2 class="title">3D printing competitive landscape & technology hype curve</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A $300 billion Asian company wanted to understand the competitive landscape in 3D printing with a focus on equipment makers. IDTechEx developed a comprehensive excel sheet for the client outlining key information about suppliers including name, country, estimated revenue, equipment line-up, typical prices, number of people, etc. Furthermore, IDTechEx developed two hype charts for the client. The first mapped the various additive manufacturing technologies on the hype cycle, while the second mapped the applications (emerging and existing) on the hype curve.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,32,36"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-36">Sensors and Haptics</div> <h2 class="title">Material supply opportunities into sensor markets</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A major multi-billion chemical corporation wished to evaluate opportunities for material supply into markets for several sensor technology types. IDTechEx defined key sensor technology types, provided segmented detailed information on current and likely future market size for each sensor type at device, film and material levels, benchmarked incumbent and emerging technology options, and identified key suppliers. IDTechEx next completed a deep dive on the top two most promising markets, developing a detailed assessment of the value chain and its dynamics, while making strategic recommendations to its client.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span><span class="related-tag tech-32" title="Advanced Materials"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,40"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-1">Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics</div> <h2 class="title">Competitive advantage in commercialising a barrier technology</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A major multi-billion dollar chemical corporation had invested in acquiring a barrier technology alongside a pilot production line. The company wished to develop a detail and comprehensive picture of the competitive landscape based on primary information. IDTechEx identified, interviewed and profile more than twenty leading suppliers and technology developers. IDTechEx mapped the competitive landscape on the basis of technology performance, solution provision, production capacity, target markets, and likely future technical improvement. IDTechEx made strategic recommendations to its client on how best to position its barrier offerings and how to direct its further developments.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-40" title="Functional films"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,21,32,44"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-44">Photovoltaics</div> <h2 class="title">Organic photovoltaics in the street furniture sector</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A $200 million European company wishes to commercialise organic photovoltaics on an industrial scale. The client had identified street furniture as a major target market. IDTechEx identified key potential end users in this sector, and interviewed them with a view to lean their existing challenges and needs for solar solutions. IDTechEx then worked with its client to identify potential challenges that OPVs might address, and highlighted OPV's potential selling points for this market segment.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span><span class="related-tag tech-21" title="Energy Harvesting"></span><span class="related-tag tech-32" title="Advanced Materials"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="19"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-19">Energy Storage</div> <h2 class="title">Entering the supercapacitor industry</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A $250 million French coating company had decided to supply pre-coated electrode films into the supercapacitor industry. IDTechEx helped its client establish and develop its business relationships. IDTechEx identified key potential customers worldwide and facilitated business conversations and an exchange of samples under NDAs. IDTechEx will soon participate at the client's strategy meeting to choose better prospects and help make the final investment decision.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,32,36"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-36">Sensors and Haptics</div> <h2 class="title">Diversifying sensor portfolio</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A large European sensor manufacturer wanted to diversity its business by making an acquisition. IDTechEx and the client together defined a set of parameters for company selections, factoring in overlap between customer bases, geographical reach, revenue range and manufacturing compatibility with existing product lines. IDTechEx then searched 150+ firms and filtered down the list to top five for further investigation. The client then went on to do a deep dive on recommended firms.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span><span class="related-tag tech-32" title="Advanced Materials"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="21,42"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-42">Thermoelectrics</div> <h2 class="title">Commercializing thermoelectric generators</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A multi-billion dollar US chemical corporation had developed a novel energy harvesting device. It wanted to evaluate the market opportunity and dynamics before making an investment decision. IDTechEx benchmarked the new technology against all competing, incumbent and emerging, solutions, helping define their unique selling points. IDTechEx segmented the market into key target verticals, and outlined existing and forecast price and performance targets in each segment. IDTechEx then established key end users and suppliers, interviewing and profiling all. The analyses enabled the client to learn about the market size and growth rates for each segment and identify unmet needs. IDTechEx finally organised a strategy session at the client's headquarters to develop their commercialisation plan.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-21" title="Energy Harvesting"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="19,1,32,38"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-38">Nanomaterials</div> <h2 class="title">Developing new opportunities for graphene supply</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A graphene start-up with a novel and scalable production method wished to become involved in the supercapacitor industry, a major target market for graphene. IDTechEx identified all the global suppliers of supercapacitors and lithium ion capacitors (LIB). IDTechEx then examined and outlined the material composition and processing techniques used by each company. Here, IDTechEx used patent searches and interviews as its primary information sources. IDTechEx then selected a limited number of potential partners/customers based on (a) compatibility of manufacturing techniques, and (b) potential growth prospects. IDTechEx then facilitated business conversations between client and potential partners/customers. The client is now actively following up the leads.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-19" title="Energy Storage"></span><span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span><span class="related-tag tech-32" title="Advanced Materials"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-1">Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics</div> <h2 class="title">Emerging market opportunities in the value chain of flexible electronics</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A $40+ billion Asian corporation wished to learn future growth opportunities for supplying parts to flexible devices. IDTechEx developed a detailed roadmap for likely system configurations of flexible display and lighting applications. The roadmaps were granular and included the required and likely changes at every layer/component of the system, such as connectors, substrates and barriers, backplane, transparent conductive films, cover glass, and energy storage modules. IDTechEx identified key technological improvements and innovations that were required to enable the realisation of each system configuration. IDTechEx then focused on a particular part, assessing key needs, required performance targets and competing technologies. IDTechEx also interviewed and profiled key competitors and helped the client assess their differentiators. IDTechEx finally forecast the ten-year potential global demand for supplying the part into these emerging value chains. The client has used our analysis and briefing to plan for their future growth business.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-1">Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics</div> <h2 class="title">Connecting with the brand owners</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A large Asian printing company wished to learn the needs and progress of major global brand owners. IDTechEx leveraged its strong contacts with global end users to inform the clients about their key interest areas, and also to facilitate business conversations. The client is now exploring multiple partnership options with several end users directly</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="14"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-14">Electric Vehicles</div> <h2 class="title">Opportunities for small- to medium-sized suppliers into the EV value chain</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>IDTechEx (project leader) and its European consortium partners examined the emerging complex and fast-changing value chain for supplying electric vehicles (passenger cars, buses, forklifts, powertrains, etc) and related technologies. IDTechEx also evaluated opportunities and challenges for European small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). IDTechEx and partners also examined the competitive landscape for SMEs by analysing numerous case studies. In each case study, IDTechEx profiled what products and technologies were being developed, and what expertise and sources, including financial, were being utilised. This study recommended a strategic partnership approach with a larger corporation for maximising value capture and minimising risk exposure for SMEs.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,32"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-1">Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics</div> <h2 class="title">Learning lessons from industry success and failure stories</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A large Asian industry-led consortium focused on printed electronics wanted to learn lessons from past successes and failures in the broad printed electronics space. IDTechEx profiled 30+ companies worldwide based on direct interviews. These profiles were carefully selected to reflect on success and failure cases in a broad range of application sectors and different value chain positions. The technologies covered included OPVs, TFTs, OLED lighting, batteries, conductive inks, etc, and the value chain positions examined include material designs, device manufacturers, system integrators and product developers, and equipment suppliers. IDTechEx delivered its findings in an interactive session where members learned what commercialisation and product positioning strategies were most successful and which ones most likely to fail.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-32" title="Advanced Materials"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,21,44"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-44">Photovoltaics</div> <h2 class="title">Photovoltaic market dynamics and opportunities</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A 15 billion European chemical company wanted to learn about the thin film photovoltaic industry. IDTechEx provided a technology description of all the different types of thin film photovoltaics, including a-Si, CdTe, CGIS, DSSC and OPV. IDTechEx mapped the competitive landscape by identifying and listing all the key players worldwide. IDTechEx provided detailed market forecasts for each technology in terms of monetary value and areal coverage. IDTechEx subsequently mapped the competitive landscape for barrier technologies used in OPVs, and outlined key cost and performance targets. The client used our analysis to evaluate the suitability of their technology for the thin film PV sector and to assess their selling points.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span><span class="related-tag tech-21" title="Energy Harvesting"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,32,19,44"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-44">Photovoltaics</div> <h2 class="title">Learning and entering the DSSC market</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A small-sized material supplier into the supply chain of dye-sensitised solar cells wanted to re-define its product positioning and marketing focus. IDTechEx was tasked with identifying potential customers globally, with gauging feedback and with providing concrete feedback for improving the products and its marketing. IDTechEx interviewed all the leading end users of the products and identified several critical issues. In particular, IDTechEx advised the client to focus on fewer products lines and to tune the marketing message to focus on 'ease of delivery' and 'volume supply'.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span><span class="related-tag tech-32" title="Advanced Materials"></span><span class="related-tag tech-19" title="Energy Storage"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,40"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-40">Functional films</div> <h2 class="title">The business case for applying a novel technology to the transparent conductive film market</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A European start-up had developed a new manufacturing technique enabling it to control the assembly process of nanostructures. The start-up wanted to define its strategic product development and marketing focus for the coming years. IDTechEx carried out a detailed and comprehensive assessment of the transparent conductive film (TCF) space as a potential target market. IDTechEx identified and critically assessed the incumbent and emerging technology options for supplying TCFs. IDTechEx then interviewed and profiled all the key players worldwide supplying each technology option, and defined existing and forecast prevalent prices and performance targets for different applications. Finally, IDTechEx provided a granular area- and value-based market forecast for the touch screen market, broken down both by application and technology type. The client used our findings in its strategy session to define its course of action.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="2,1,21"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-21">Energy Harvesting</div> <h2 class="title">Synergies between Printed Electronics and Wireless Communication</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A national flagship programme had assembled an industry-led consortium to develop functional inks, as well as to design and develop new printing manufacturing techniques. The consortium wanted to identify and explore synergies between Printed Electronics and the Wireless Communication sector, an area of national strength. IDTechEx identified and assessed the key problems and issues that Printed Electronics could solve in the Wireless Communication sector. IDTechEx developed a picture of the emerging value chain for the industry and identified key beneficiaries. The market was then segmented and market opportunity forecast in terms of size and growth rates. IDTechEx recommended a detailed strategy for maximising the current and future capabilities of the consortium. The consortium is now executing our proposed action plan.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-2" title="5G, 6G, RFID & IoT"></span><span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="19,14"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-19">Energy Storage</div> <h2 class="title">Supply opportunities into the Li-ion battery and supercapacitor industries</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A $250 million French coating company wished to become engaged in the lithium ion battery and/or supercapacitor industries. IDTechEx identified suppliers of coating equipment and electrode materials into these industries and profiled their products. IDTechEx then analysed the market size and growth potential by application. IDTechEx recommend a commercialisation strategy to its client, which the client is currently executing.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-14" title="Electric Vehicles"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="21,42"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-42">Thermoelectrics</div> <h2 class="title">Technology roadmap for flexible thermoelectric generators</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A national agency wanted to inspect the current global development landscape for flexible thermoelectric generators. IDTechEx interviewed, profiled and assessed all leading companies and research institutes active in the field. IDTechEx identified key performance and cost targets, as well as market drivers. Using this information, IDTechEx benchmarked the different companies according to the state of their technology and market readiness. This information provided a reference target for guiding the client's research programme.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-21" title="Energy Harvesting"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,39"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-39">Display and Lighting</div> <h2 class="title">Independent technology due diligence on reflective displays</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A client wanted an impartial assessment of its company commercialising a reflective display technology. IDTechEx first learned the details of the client's technologies, carrying out a detailed SWOT analysis. All rival solutions and providers, as well as all major market/driver trends were examined. IDTechEx also provided potential market size forecast and a detailed map of the competitive landscape. The client used our analysis to define its next steps before raising further funds.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="21,44"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-21">Energy Harvesting</div> <h2 class="title">Risk from technology change in the energy harvesting space</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A high-tech company providing solar battery technologies and solutions wanted to understand market opportunities, technology options and market trends in the energy harvesting space. IDTechEx helped the client evaluate the wireless sensor market size for five key market segments. IDTechEx also identified, interviewed and profiled key companies active at different value chain positions of the five sectors. The client used this study for an internal assessment of risks and opportunities arising from the energy harvesting space.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-44" title="Photovoltaics"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="2"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-2">5G, 6G, RFID & IoT</div> <h2 class="title">RFID company selling its business</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A US-based RFID company providing value chain and logistics management solutions wanted to value and sell its business. IDTechEx leveraged its knowledge and global database of contacts to identify a list of potential purchasers based on potential value to acquirer. Initial business conversations were facilitated between our client and potential purchasers.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,32"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-32">Advanced Materials</div> <h2 class="title">Business plan development for a European start-up</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A European start-up with a novel manufacturing technology wanted to appraise the opportunity in a range of markets. IDTechEx assessed the applicability of the technology for several sectors, highlighted key market drivers and trends, benchmarked technology vs. other rival solutions, and provided market forecast and growth figures. IDTechEx developed two business plan scenarios and revenue projections for the client. The results were used to narrow the strategic marketing and product development of the client.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,32,38,41"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-41">Inks</div> <h2 class="title">The business case for carbon nanotube ink supply</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A medium-sized European company had developed carbon nanotube inks and coatings for use in a range of electronic applications. IDTechEx appraised the market opportunity in a range of markets such as sensors, energy harvesting and transparent conductive films. IDTechEx performed a SWOT analysis on carbon nanotubes vs. competing solutions. IDTechEx estimated market share and value of carbon nanotubes at each market sector, and supplied ten-year market forecasts by value and area coverage (or mass).</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span><span class="related-tag tech-32" title="Advanced Materials"></span><span class="related-tag tech-38" title="Nanomaterials"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,32,38"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-38">Nanomaterials</div> <h2 class="title">Graphene and carbon nanotube technology and business acquisition</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A $7 billion company wanted to bring graphene and/or carbon nanotube know-how into its family of technologies by acquiring a start-up. We helped them understand the competitive landscape and to systematically identify companies that offered the best fit to their existing product portfolio and future growth strategy. We identified and assessed a broad range of target companies across the globe. In our due diligence, we accounted for parameters such as IP position, manufacturing cost, scalability, product quality, funding sources, and accessible target markets. Our exercise resulted in recommending top three companies for a further round of detailed evaluation. The client is now following up our recommendations.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span><span class="related-tag tech-32" title="Advanced Materials"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,32,41,38"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-41">Inks</div> <h2 class="title">The business for a novel silver nanoparticle production process</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A $12 billion chemical company had developed a nanoparticle production technique and wanted to commercialise it. We helped them evaluate the market potential. More specifically, we benchmarked their technology against all competitive manufacturing techniques; developed a detailed global competitive landscape; identified, assessed and quantified potential target markets across different verticals; and recommended a commercialisation strategy. The company decide not to invest further as their required revenue projections were not likely to be met.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span><span class="related-tag tech-32" title="Advanced Materials"></span><span class="related-tag tech-38" title="Nanomaterials"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-1">Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics</div> <h2 class="title">Assessing printed electronics technologies with the largest target market</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A $7 billion global chemical company wanted to participate in the printed electronics space. They were looking to invest in high-growth technologies applicable to the broadest possible range of market segments. We identified technologies that would be common across applications such as solid-state lighting, touch screens, photovoltaics, displays, components, etc. We estimated the market pull and growth potential for each technology in each application and weighted our analysis by our estimate of total application market size. Our systematic study identified top three technologies for investment. The top selected technologies were outside the core competencies of the client.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-1">Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics</div> <h2 class="title">Leveraging printing expertise to enter the printed electronics space</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A $600 million multi-national printing company was looking to participate in the printed electronics industry. Their existing markets had become flat or were in decline, and they were looking to diversify into emerging high-growth markets. We outlined the business landscape; identified opportunities and risks in a range of emerging market segments, systematically located a gap in the value chain, and recommended a business model taking into account their expertise, customer base, size and risk appetite. The client now has a prototype on the market.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-1">Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics</div> <h2 class="title">Developing customer/partner base for supplying speciality paper substrates</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A major European paper supplier wished to develop its business network in the printed electronics space, which they had earmarked as a major growth opportunity. IDTechEx identified more than 25 organisations with high potential for being customers and/or partners. IDTechEx facilitated business conversations in all cases.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="14"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-14">Electric Vehicles</div> <h2 class="title">Assessing demand growth for specific metals in the emerging electric vehicles infrastructure</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>An international council wanted a forecast of likely demand for copper created by the growth in electric vehicles and all its associated infrastructure. We carried out a detailed assessment of the markets, identify and analyzed the key components using or likely to use coppers, and developed various detailed market forecast scenarios.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="2"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-2">5G, 6G, RFID & IoT</div> <h2 class="title">Buying equity in an RFID company</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A VC was considering an investment in a passive RFID system company. IDTechEx carried out a due diligence, including a full SWOT analysis and provided RFID granular market data, trends and forecasts. We also highlighted the competitive landscape by identifying major technological competitors and their associated suppliers.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-1">Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics</div> <h2 class="title">Exploiting printed electronics to improve in-store advertisement</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A major French sporting goods chain store wished to learn how printed and/or flexible electronics could be leveraged for in-store advertisement. IDTechEx briefed the client on the performance, likely cost and challenges of various technology options for creating a full advertisement system, consisting of displays, logic, memory, energy storage, and communication elements. The client is now developing a partnership network to develop prototypes.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-1">Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics</div> <h2 class="title">New markets for screen printing equipment</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A printing firm wanted to find new market opportunities for its screen printing equipment. IDTechEx proposed key target markets and outlined required performance parameters for diversification into these markets. IDTechEx provided a list of potential customers.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-1">Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics</div> <h2 class="title">Latest progress in printed electronics markets and technologies</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A European regional development agency wanted to learn about current and likely future status of the broadly-defined printed electronics. IDTechEx presented an overview of the key technological components and trends underpinning printed electronics. IDTechEx then developed qualitative roadmaps, highlighting key technological challenges that are likely to hinder progress. IDTechEx then mapped the global activity in PE, profiling relevant companies, organisations and R&D centres. The client used our findings to identify gaps where its region might have a competitive advantage.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-1">Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics</div> <h2 class="title">Product improvement using printed electronics</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A major healthcare brand owner sought an improved version of its self-heating patch. IDTechEx identified and evaluated existing and emerging technology options that could meet the technical, aesthetic and cost objectives set by the brand owner. IDTechEx recommended the best emerging options for further analysis. IDTechEx then identified a range of centres and companies focused on relevant technology-based product developments, and facilitated business discussions.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="21"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-21">Energy Harvesting</div> <h2 class="title">Opportunities for developing energy-harvesting-powered valve actuators</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A world leader in the business of electro-mechanical components wanted to learn about market trends, needs and opportunities for energy-harvesting-powered actuators for use in valves across different market verticals. IDTechEx identified major value suppliers and users in each vertical. IDTechEx then interviewed these players, first explaining the merits of the technology and next gauging their performance and cost requirements. Using its prior technical and market knowledge as well as the new perspectives, IDTechEx developed a technology and market roadmap, and identified priority sectors and end user groups. The client used our assessment to guide its business development process.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,2,21"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-2">5G, 6G, RFID & IoT</div> <h2 class="title">Identifying best-fit target markets and market entry strategies</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A $2 billion US technology corporation supplying products into the global communications network system wanted to learn about opportunities in printed electronics, RFID and energy harvesting. The client had expertise in thin layer deposition, photovoltaics, material science and coating. IDTechEx segmented the printed electronics, RFID and energy harvesting markets by application, components and materials. IDTechEx then evaluated the opportunity at every level and identified four promising entry points for the client, taking into account the client's expertise as well as market opportunity. The client made its investment decision based on our recommendations.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span><span class="related-tag tech-21" title="Energy Harvesting"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="21,43"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-21">Energy Harvesting</div> <h2 class="title">Emerging markets for piezoelectric energy harvesters in the wireless sensors sector</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A large US-based diversified manufacturer of highly-engineered critical components wanted to learn about commercial opportunities for developing piezoelectric energy harvesters targeted at the wireless sensors sector. IDTechEx provided granular market forecasts segmented into the following categories: buildings, commercial, industrial, oil & gas, military, medical, and home. The end user proposal was validated by carrying out 15+ direct interviews. IDTechEx outlined key customers and competitors within the piezoelectric energy harvesting markets and developed a roadmap of critical technological and cost challenges that must be overcome in the medium-term IDTechEx recommended a commercialisation strategy.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-43" title="Piezoelectrics"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,41"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-41">Inks</div> <h2 class="title">Opportunities for conductive ink supply outside the traditional crystalline silicon photovoltaics space</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A medium-sized Asian printing house wanted accurate data on the past and likely future of the conductive ink and paste business. IDTechEx leveraged its knowledge base to provide detailed granular data. IDTechEx also identified key suppliers of silver and copper pastes, and assessed alternatives to metallic inks. Crucially, IDTechEx identified a list of 60+ customers for conductive paste and inks outside the traditional crystalline silicon photovoltaics space. The client used our information to develop its business further.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,32"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-32">Advanced Materials</div> <h2 class="title">Benchmarking novel silver patterning technique against existing and emerging competition</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A US-based private firm had developed a novel method for creating intricate silver patterns on a range of substrates. IDTechEx carried out a critical SWOT analysis and benchmark the new technology against all competing technologies, both printed and non-printed. This enabled IDTechEx to define the unique selling points of this technology and market segments where it might deliver value. IDTechEx then identified potential end users groups, interviewing them to learn their needs and requirements. Business discussions were then facilitated where the strongest match existed, enabling the client to grow its business.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,21,44"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-44">Photovoltaics</div> <h2 class="title">End user feedback for organic photovoltaic producer</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A start-up European organic photovoltaics manufacturer wanted an independent appraisal of their key target markets including mobile electronics, BIPB, automotive and portable electronics. For each sector, ten companies were interviewed based on a questionnaire developed jointly by IDTechEx and its client. IDTechEx gauged the initial reaction, and outlined crucial technical and cost milestones that must be reached before product penetration takes place. This produced realistic market feedback for the client and its investors.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span><span class="related-tag tech-21" title="Energy Harvesting"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-1">Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics</div> <h2 class="title">Technology and market strategy for participating in the printed electronics space</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A major European security printing firm wanted to develop its commercialisation strategy in the printed electronics field. They had developed a prototype technology manufactured using high-speed printing. IDTechEx first assessed what the technology could deliver by evaluating its potential competitive advantages. We then completed a market compatibility analysis by comparing the technology's performance and cost with market requirements. All rival technologies were discovered and key emerging risks from changing paradigms were discussed. The size, growth rate and market share of applicable target markets were then forecast. A technology and cost roadmap as well as a list of target customers were developed. Customer used our input to set its R&D and commercialisation objectives.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,32,36"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-36">Sensors and Haptics</div> <h2 class="title">Guiding research programme to serve gaps</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A French national research institute had developed a novel organic photo-sensor technology. They wanted to scout the landscape for similar technology platforms emerging anywhere in the world. We identified all key potential competitors and assessed their technologies for technology readiness and similarity with the client's technology. The client used our findings to direct its research programme.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span><span class="related-tag tech-32" title="Advanced Materials"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="21,43"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-43">Piezoelectrics</div> <h2 class="title">Piezoelectric energy harvesting for consumer electronic products</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>An Asian science and technology institute had developed a piezoelectric energy harvesting technology for monitoring tyre pressure. The client wanted to learn whether their technology could be applied to consumer electronic products. They also wanted to identify and connect with potential customer and collaborators for ensuring that their technological solutions was commercialised. IDTechEx assessed the performance and cost requirements of a range of applications including wireless sensors and active RFID; electronic apparel, toys and novelties; MP3 players, laptops and other small electronic products; mobile phones; and chargers for hearing aids. IDTechEx then supplied a detailed market forecast by application. Crucially, IDTechEx contacted more than 175 companies and organisations, and narrowed down the list to top seven based on technical compatibility, market growth potential, geography and estimated funding capacity. The client engaged with all seven recommended partners</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-21" title="Energy Harvesting"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,21,44"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-44">Photovoltaics</div> <h2 class="title">Market forecast and technology roadmap for organic photovoltaics</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A clean-tech government-funded agency was considering a multi-million dollar investment in a new thin film photovoltaic technology (organic photovoltaics). IDTechEx developed technology and price roadmaps based on inputs from a multitude of experts, technology developers and end users. IDTechEx developed a detailed cost breakdown projection, factoring in BoM, manufacturing and labour. IDTechEx also outlined prevalent price points and sales volume for other competing photovoltaic technologies such as CdTe, CIGS and a-Si. IDTechEx assessed the likely market potential based on its roadmaps and interviews with end users. A recommendation about the investment decision was presented.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span><span class="related-tag tech-21" title="Energy Harvesting"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-1">Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics</div> <h2 class="title">Commercializing thin film organic memory</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A large Asian food and chemical company had developed a novel process for manufacturing a material used in thin film organic memory. IDTechEx assessed the competitive technologies and materials, evaluated the need for thin film organic memories, and the market opportunity in printed electronics for memory. IDTechEx advised the client on its commercialisation strategy.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="2"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-2">5G, 6G, RFID & IoT</div> <h2 class="title">RFID technology for a national post office</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A major national postal service had developed its own internal tracking systems. It however wished to learn of opportunities and threats posed by RFID antennas. IDTechEx spent time educating its client on the technological possibilities, and estimated costs. IDTechEx then compiled a series of cases studies covering organisations and companies that had implemented RFID systems in similar environments. Finally, IDTechEx highlighted convergence areas between RFID systems and the client's home-built internal tracking system.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="2,36"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-36">Sensors and Haptics</div> <h2 class="title">Focusing research programme to deliver competitive edge</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A newly-founded European contract R&D centre wanted to evaluate whether its core competences could give it a competitive edge in the RFID antenna business. IDTechEx assessed multiple RFID antenna manufacturing processes, evaluated production costs, and analysed key commercial success and failure stories. The processes covered include etching, stamping, printing (screen, gravure, flexo, inkjet, etc), electroplating, electroless plating and others. The total market size was segmented by manufacturing market share, and key future trends were highlighted. IDTechEx further provided a detailed cost breakdown of a full RFID tag including chip, substrate attach/assembly. Client used our findings to develop and guide its internal R&D programme.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-2" title="5G, 6G, RFID & IoT"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="2,36"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-36">Sensors and Haptics</div> <h2 class="title">Latest progress in RFID temperature sensors</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A leading global supplier of time-temperature sensors for medical goods wanted to scout the latest RFID trends and developments, progress with RFID temperature monitors, and appraise the market. The study covered passive tags, battery-assisted passive tags and active tags. IDTechEx profiled and interpreted the latest technology and market trends for its client.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-2" title="5G, 6G, RFID & IoT"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,2"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-2">5G, 6G, RFID & IoT</div> <h2 class="title">Improving brand and marketing using RFID and printed electronics</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A leading global food producer wished to identify ways to improve its marketing and enhance its brand using RFID and printed electronic technologies. IDTechEx first educated its non-technical client on RFID and printed electronics, descripting the operation, performance levels, limitations, costs, etc of each technology. IDTechEx developed a graphical timeline capabilities and costs for logic and memory, OLED displays, reflective displays, batteries, photovoltaics, sensors, etc. IDTechEx then identified potential uses of these technologies in the client's global marketing and distribution channels, and determined key suppliers of each technology, profiling their products/technologies and evaluating their technology and market readiness. Client used our findings to define its strategy for using printed electronics in packaging advertisements.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-1">Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics</div> <h2 class="title">Helping an equipment supplier participate in the printed electronics space</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A major European printing equipment supplier wanted to evaluate the emerging business opportunity in the printed electronics sector. IDTechEx first educated its client on the performance, manufacturing, technology readiness, market requirements, and the latest commercialisation progress with different elements of printed electronics. The applications covered include logic and memory, OLED display. OLED lighting, electrophoretic displays, electroluminescent displays, batteries, photovoltaics, conductors and sensors. Specifically, IDTechEx provided a summary of the requirements from the printing perspective, for example, desired resolution, thickness, and printing speed. This requirement set was developed by interviewing technology developers and printers. A comprehensive list of screen printer companies having active programmes on printed electronics was developed and supplied to the client.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="2"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-"></div> <h2 class="title">Investing in an RFID antenna manufacturing process</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A large Russian investment fund wanted to evaluate market requirements, competitive landscape and manufacturing processes for RFID tag antennas. IDTechEx identified the most common RFID antenna manufacturing processes. We then listed major suppliers and mapped the value chain including chip providers and tag making equipment suppliers. IDTechEx provided detailed company profile including SWOT analysis. The different processes were benchmarked on the basis of estimated production costs. IDTechEx then outlined the five-year market opportunity. Our client made its investment decision in a new antenna production technology on the basis of our findings.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,21,44"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-44">Photovoltaics</div> <h2 class="title">End user evaluating OPV and DSSC suppliers</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A large Asian container manufacturer wanted to assess the technology readiness and commercial prospects of two key players commercialising organic photovoltaics and dye-sensitized solar cells. IDTechEx arranged interviews and company visits to the target companies, evaluating their technology, core company information, business model and medium term commercial opportunities.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span><span class="related-tag tech-21" title="Energy Harvesting"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-1">Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics</div> <h2 class="title">Opportunity for supplying specialty substrates in the printed electronics space</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A leading supplier of speciality substrates into the packaging industry wanted to assess emerging opportunities in the printed electronics sector. IDTechEx first identified a list of key end users in the following sectors: flexible displays, organic photovoltaics, dye sensitised solar cells, logic and memory. IDTechEx interviewed the key end users to understand their technological needs (smoothness, permeation levels, etc), cost and other business challenges and needs. IDTechEx then developed its detailed market forecasts for the printed electronics sectors, segmented by application. The client used our findings to assess its product computability with current and future needs in the printed electronics sector, and also to focus its business plan on high-growth areas.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,21,44"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-44">Photovoltaics</div> <h2 class="title">Choosing the best thin film photovoltaic technology for vehicles</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A major European car manufacturer wanted to evaluate technological options, development timelines and the opportunity for vehicle integrated photovoltaics. IDTechEx scouted the technology landscape globally and provided a distilled assessment of the latest progress in the performance, manufacture and cost of CIS/CGS, OPV and DSSC technologies. IDTechEx then identified key commercial players leading the way for each technology. IDTechEx recommend the most promising technology option and potential partners for the client's objectives.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span><span class="related-tag tech-21" title="Energy Harvesting"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,40"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-40">Functional films</div> <h2 class="title">Betting on the best barrier technology</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A major Japanese chemical company scouted the technology area for emerging barrier technologies that fit with its OLED technology. IDTechEx outlined the latest progress, profiled the technology and commercial success of key developers, and highlighted key technological challenges.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-1">Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics</div> <h2 class="title">Technology and commercial roadmaps for printed thin film transistors</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A system integrator company wanted to assess the likely developments in the technology and commercial roadmaps for printed thin film transistors (TFTs). The client wanted to know the product functions as well as applications enabled by each printed TFT technology. The client also wanted an assessment of the materials and components ecosystems that printed TFTs were likely to enable. Client used our findings to prioritize its limited resource allocation strategy to focus on lower hanging fruit.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,19"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-19">Energy Storage</div> <h2 class="title">Investing in radios powered by printed battery</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A European technology giant had developed a low power radio powered by a printed battery. The client wanted to evaluate the market opportunity before investing in full production. IDTechEx carried out an initial analysis of the market sectors, drivers and opportunity. The IDTechEx team then organised an interactive workshop where the client and IDTechEx analysts discussed the various sectors and options at length. A shortlist of three most promising segments was developed and investigated in depth.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="2"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-2">5G, 6G, RFID & IoT</div> <h2 class="title">Price elasticity for using RFID tags in harsh environments</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A passive UHF RFID tag supplier wanted an independent evaluation of the price elasticity in the market for its product range aimed at operation in harsh environments. IDTechEx and client jointly developed a questionnaire. The IDTechEx team then identified key purchases and decision makers in major end users groups, and interviewed them to gauge the product value to them and their maximum purchase price depending on performance. IDTechEx developed a price elasticity range for different market segments (a certain performance level was assumed based on client input). The client modified the revenue projections in its business plan based on our input.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="2"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-2">5G, 6G, RFID & IoT</div> <h2 class="title">Benchmarking RFID tag manufacturing processes</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A client wanted to benchmark its own RFID tag manufacturing process against the competition; to compare the equipment set required for its manufacturing process; and to assess end user validation of the market emphasis on process greenness and vertical integration (design, prototype and volume manufacture). The client also wanted to know the major trends in the industry and how these might lead to a paradigm shift. The client used our study to define and highlights its USPs in a competitive marketplace.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,39"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-39">Display and Lighting</div> <h2 class="title">OLED lighting and display technology and market trends</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A Japanese chemical company wanted to research the latest trends and future forecasts for OLED markets, by product category, display size as well as covering other (non-display) applications. IDTechEx leveraged its contact network, prior knowledge, internal technology assessment and access to end user groups to forecast the market. The forecasts have proved correct five years on, as have our predictions about display size, flexibility and the fortunes of OLED lighting.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="2,1"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-2">5G, 6G, RFID & IoT</div> <h2 class="title">Evaluating business opportunities in the printed RFID field</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A Korean client had a small scale operation manufacturing etched RFID antennas. They wanted to evaluate business opportunities in the printed RFID business. IDTechEx helped its client answer the following questions: (1) what are the business opportunities?; (2) what are the unresolved issues; (3) who is the competition; (4) who are the customers?; (5) what could be the client's selling points/differentiators; and (6) how far are copper inks from market and technology readiness? IDTechEx leveraged its contact network, prior knowledge and access to end user groups to find concrete answers to the client's questions.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="2"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-2">5G, 6G, RFID & IoT</div> <h2 class="title">Investing in low-cost electronic locating equipment</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A venture capital firm was considering investing in an early stage company supplying low-cost electronic locating equipment. The company was exposed to the Real Time Locating Systems market, which was rapidly growing. IDTechEx identified key market drivers and forecast the likely market opportunity in the medium term. IDTechEx then analysed the likely role that the target company could play in the growing RTLS sector, given its technology and product and the state of the competition. IDTechEx developed two revenue projection scenarios, highlighting the key milestones that underpinned each projection. Client made its investment decision based on our models and assessment.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="2"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-2">5G, 6G, RFID & IoT</div> <h2 class="title">Identifying and selecting RFID tag manufacturer acquisition targets</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A smart card manufacturer wanted to expand its business into new areas by making an acquisition. IDTechEx worked with the client to understand its business objectives and investment constraints before searching its database and leveraging its network to identify potential target companies. In particular, IDTechEx identified companies primarily involved in tag manufacture (i.e., making antennas, tags or inlays, etc) with revenues larger than $10 million. IDTechEx further filtered target companies by their value chain position and target markets. Three top companies were recommended and business conversations were facilitated too.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="2"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-2">5G, 6G, RFID & IoT</div> <h2 class="title">Opportunities for microwave-absorbent material supplier in the UHF RFID market</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A leading supplier of microwave absorbing materials wanted to evaluate the market opportunity for its own materials portfolio. IDTechEx provided granular and segmented market figures for the UHF RFID market. IDTechEx validated the market needs and trends by carrying out exhaustive interviews with end user groups. Finally, IDTechEx provided a list of key suppliers and potential competitors.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="41"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-41">Inks</div> <h2 class="title">Developing customer/partner network for silver powder supply</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A major supplier of silver powders and particles wanted to identify all companies and organisations working on printing low temperature silver inks on flexible substrates worldwide. We used our network and database to identify key companies as well as key points of contact.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="2"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-2">5G, 6G, RFID & IoT</div> <h2 class="title">Using RFID technologies in the oil and gas sector</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>An American conglomerate wanted to develop a RFID-focused tracking solution business aimed at the oil and gas sector. The client was looking for partners/collaborators with credible and established hardware and software solutions, reliable technology in harsh environment, and current exposure to the oil and gas sector. IDTechEx developed a list of potential partner, and profiled each providing company/technology descriptions, core company information, and a detailed SWOT analysis. IDTechEx selected and recommended one company which satisfied all the client's requirements.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,39"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-39">Display and Lighting</div> <h2 class="title">Developing a flexible electrophoretic display with custom driver units</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A €20 billion electrical and electronic company sought to integrate new flexible display technologies in their products, where they have challenges with existing display technologies. They struggled to identify willing suppliers. IDTechEx worked with the client to scope out realistic concepts. We identified, contracted with and managed the suppliers (seven in total) and made one of the worlds first flexible electrophoretic displays, with custom driver units. The project was completed in just five months and the client went on to adopt the display in one of their products commercially, working directly with the vendors after IDTechEx provided introductions.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-1">Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics</div> <h2 class="title">Unique printed electronics based products</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>One of the worlds largest consumer packaged goods (CPG) company, with sales of tens of billions of dollars, engaged IDTechEx to help them conceive and create products based on printed electronics that address their challenges such as the requirement for better consumer interaction with the brand, measurement data, overcoming private label retailer competition with devices that can be patented and improving sales. IDTechEx worked with the research, packaging and product teams in different continents to conceive solutions that are viable. We selected different vendors that could supply the necessary components and provide the integration. We managed risk and IP between the user and vendors. Ultimately, we helped to create two printed electronics based products that were unique. The client evaluated these technologies with their marketing teams.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,32,41,38"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-41">Inks</div> <h2 class="title">Buying equity in a silver nanoparticle producer</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>An investor wanted to buy equity in a nano inks producer. IDTechEx was asked to provide an independent sanity check on the company's business plans and revenue projections. IDTechEx first learnt the details of the producer's technology, assets, customer base and assumptions underlying its revenue projection. IDTechEx advised its client that while the company would grow and remain profitable if a lean structure was adopted, the revenue projections were hugely optimistic, especially when set against out market data and other similar case studies.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span><span class="related-tag tech-32" title="Advanced Materials"></span><span class="related-tag tech-38" title="Nanomaterials"></span></div> </div> </div><div class="consultancy" data-tagids="1,39"> <div> <div class="tech-tag tech-39">Display and Lighting</div> <h2 class="title">Market opportunity for electrochromic displays</h2> <div class="description"><div class="blanksectionheading pagesection"></div> <div class="sectioncontent"><div>A company developing electrochromic displays wanted to evaluate the market opportunity for its technology, understand general industry trends and indicators of market size. The client also wanted to identify and profile its direct and indirect competitors globally, and determine its competitive advantage. IDTechEx identified all competitors, carrying out exhaustive interviews, and performing detailed SWOT analysis on each rival. IDTechEx then assessed the market opportunity in RFID, healthcare packaging, consumer packaged goods, sensors, games and novelties, and large area displays.</div></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="related">Related technologies: <span class="related-tag tech-1" title="Printed, Flexible, and Organic Electronics"></span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <style> .fa-twitter-new:before { content: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 512 512'%3E%3C!--!Font Awesome Free 6.5.2 by @fontawesome - License - Copyright 2024 Fonticons, Inc.--%3E%3Cpath d='M389.2 48h70.6L305.6 224.2 487 464H345L233.7 318.6 106.5 464H35.8L200.7 275.5 26.8 48H172.4L272.9 180.9 389.2 48zM364.4 421.8h39.1L151.1 88h-42L364.4 421.8z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E"); display: block; width: 30px; height: 32px; margin: 4px 10px 0px 8px; filter: invert(100%) sepia(100%) saturate(1%) hue-rotate(172deg) brightness(107%) contrast(101%); } footer#fat-footer .footer-social ul li 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<li><a href="/it/webinar/driving-e-mobility-forward-how-evs-are-shining-a-spotlight-on-aerogels/669">Driving E-Mobility Forward: How EVs Are Shining a Spotlight on Aerogels (09 Apr)</a></li> <li><a href="/it/webinar/understanding-the-critical-materials-in-lithium-ion-batteries-trends-in-demand-supply-and-sustainability/671">Understanding the Critical Materials in Lithium-Ion Batteries: Trends in Demand, Supply, and Sustainability (03 Apr)</a></li> <li><a href="/it/webinar/micro-evs-predicting-massive-success-for-tiny-vehicles/666">Micro EVs: Predicting Massive Success for Tiny Vehicles (02 Apr)</a></li> <li><a href="/it/webinar/meeting-emerging-ev-thermal-runaway-regulations-through-material-choices/668">Meeting Emerging EV Thermal Runaway Regulations Through Material Choices (27 Mar)</a></li> <li><a href="/it/webinar/commercializing-lithium-metal-anode-technologies/670">Commercializing Lithium Metal Anode Technologies (26 Mar)</a></li> <li><a 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