SLK - Info
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The level of records is different, from the complete ones to the abbreviated, created right in the lending process. For the present, the records may not contain units of all copies, which is reflected in particular in the records of the periodicals, multivolume works and editions. <br> <br> <b>Incompletely catalogued</b> remains the collection of the Czech production (records are added continually in alphabetical order (letter S is processed currently). Furthermore, some of the multivolume publications and editions are not fully covered. Records of early printed books are also added continually. <br> <br> If you cannot find the publication you are looking for in the electronic catalogue, <a href="" target=_blank> <b>we recommend you to search our card catalogues (closed in 1997) or their scanned version RetrIS</b>.</a> <br> <br> The registered readers can place <b>requests</b> for loan online, while the unregistered ones may use the so-called pre-registration and subsequently place their requests on books. <br> <br> <b>Delivery (in connection with the reconstruction of the Klementinum): </b> <br> <br> Documents stored in the Klementinum are delivered to users who are there in person while they wait. <br> On-line requests from remote users are expedited every hour on the hour. <br> Requests for the most recent issues of periodicals are dealt with twice a day (in the on-line catalogue in "Holdings" there is information in the "Collection" menu titled <b>Periodicals depot</b>). Upon request, documents stored in the library's safe (in the "Collection" menu titled <b>Library's safe</b>) are available the <b>next working day at the earliest</b>. <br> Documents stored in the Hostiva艡 depository are expedited a day after being requested. <br> Newspapers stored in the Hostiva艡 depository will be available <b>in the local study room</b> after order confirmation. <br> <b>Users receive an e-mail confirmation when the requested documents are ready for loan.</b> <br> <br> <b>The Reading room and Service desk</b> has already moved to another part of the building. The services of the library are available, although under provisional conditions and in a limited space. On the other hand, it is possible to use a lift. <br> <br> <!-- filename: copyrights --> <br> <div id="copyright" class="copyright"> © 2015 Ex Libris<br> The National Library of the Czech Republic makes its databases available as <a href="" target="_blank">open data under the CC0 license</a></div> <br> </body> </html>