The Globe podcast — The Boston Globe
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en-US"><head><script id="onetrustCMP" src="" type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8"></script><script type="text/javascript"> (function() { window.addEventListener('load', (event) => { if (typeof window.__tcfapi === 'function') { window.__tcfapi('addEventListener', 2, (tcData, success) => { if (success) { const gdprApplies = tcData.gdprApplies; if (gdprApplies === true) { var tcfScript = document.createElement('script'); tcfScript.async = true; tcfScript.type = 'text/javascript'; tcfScript.src = ''; document.head.appendChild(tcfScript); } } }); } }); })(); </script><script id="onetrustCCPA" src="" type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8"></script><script id="onetrustSDK" src="" type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" data-domain-script="9b7b9f03-e1f2-44d1-89bc-1cfd1f3b8138"></script><script type="text/javascript"> (function () { function wrapperScript() { if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-next-line window.OptanonWrapper = function () { /** * Checks if the user is from a GDPR specific region * using the __tcfapi function which in turn, uses the * getTCData command, which is to retrieve end-user consent * data for IAB purposes, vendors, legitimate interest, publisher * restrictions and more. If the user is from there, we set two localStorage items. */ function gdprHelper() { /* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */ if (typeof window.__tcfapi === 'function') { window.__tcfapi('addEventListener', 2, function (tcData, success) { if (success) { var gdprString = tcData.tcString; var gdprCurrentString = localStorage.getItem('gdprString'); if (tcData.gdprApplies) { localStorage.setItem('gdprApplies', true); } else { localStorage.removeItem('gdprApplies'); localStorage.removeItem('gdprString'); } if (gdprString !== gdprCurrentString) { localStorage.setItem('gdprString', gdprString); } } }); } } /** * It creates a script tag and adds it to the body of the page. * */ function ccpaHelper() { /* The below code is checking if the __uspapi function exists and if it does, * it is calling the function and passing in the parameters. * resources: */ /* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */ if (typeof window.__uspapi === 'function') { window.__uspapi('getUSPData', 1, function (uspData, success) { if (success && uspData.uspString !== '1---') { localStorage.setItem('ccpaString', uspData.uspString); } }); } } /* eslint-enable no-underscore-dangle */ // Assign OnetrustActiveGroups to a custom initial variable so we can compare any changes to this data layer. function OneTrustGetInitialGroups() { window.OptanonWrapperCount = ''; // See window.OTinitGroups = window.OnetrustActiveGroups; } // Returns the OptanonConsent cookie using its name as a parameter. Not parsed. function OneTrustGetCookie(name) { var value = "; ".concat(document.cookie); var parts = value.split("; ".concat(name, "=")); if (parts.length === 2) { return decodeURIComponent(parts.pop().split(';').shift()); } return ''; } // Parses the OptanonConsent Cookie values only. We are interested in the groups (which carry the consent). // Returns an object with all the values of said cookie. function OneTrustGetConsentObject(OTcookie) { var OTConsentObj = {}; OTcookie === null || OTcookie === void 0 ? void 0 : OTcookie.split('&').forEach(function (pair) { if (pair !== '') { var splitpair = pair.split('='); var key = splitpair[0].charAt(0).toLowerCase() + splitpair[0].slice(1).split(' ').join(''); OTConsentObj[key] = splitpair[1]; } }); return OTConsentObj; } // Grabs the OptanonConsent cookie, turns this into an object (using OneTrustGetConsentObject), // targets the 'groups' value, turns it into an array, removes the first element of the array. function OneTrustGetGroups(cookie) { var OTConsentArr = []; var OTConsentGroupsStr = OneTrustGetConsentObject(cookie).groups || ''; OTConsentArr = OTConsentGroupsStr.split(','); OTConsentArr.shift(); return OTConsentArr; } // Sets the consent values based on the groups paramater, // which is an array of consent categories that has been parsed from the OptanonConsent cookie. function OneTrustSetConsentValues(groups) { // Create a json list with the values of each consent. // These values will be updated if the user starts to toggle consent. // We then create a local storage item to read these values in other parts of the theme that require it. // Converted to json in case we need to keep adding items. var jsonConsent = {}; groups.filter(function (str) { return str.includes('C000'); }).forEach(function (str) { var categoryArr = str.split(':'); var category = categoryArr[0]; var hasConsent = parseInt(categoryArr[1], 10); jsonConsent[category] = !!hasConsent; }); var consent = JSON.stringify(jsonConsent); localStorage.setItem('consent_one_trust_bgmp', consent); } /* eslint-enable no-underscore-dangle */ window.onload = function () { if (typeof window.OptanonWrapperCount === 'undefined') { // Consent has not fired. var OTConsentCookieInit = OneTrustGetCookie('OptanonConsent'); var OTConsentGroups = OneTrustGetGroups(OTConsentCookieInit); OneTrustGetInitialGroups(); OneTrustSetConsentValues(OTConsentGroups); gdprHelper(); ccpaHelper(); } }; // OneTrust event listener that fires whenever someone confirms cosent preferences (banner). window.Optanon.OnConsentChanged(function () { // window.OTinitGroups are the initial values of the OptanonConsent before the change and // window.OnetrustActiveGroups after someone has updated the values. window.OTinitGroups = window.OnetrustActiveGroups; var OTConsentCookieChanged = OneTrustGetCookie('OptanonConsent'); var OTConsentGroups = OneTrustGetGroups(OTConsentCookieChanged); OneTrustSetConsentValues(OTConsentGroups); gdprHelper(); ccpaHelper(); }); var optanonWrapperEvent = new CustomEvent('bgOptanonWrapperTrigger', { detail: { onetrustActiveGroups: window.OnetrustActiveGroups } }); window.dispatchEvent(optanonWrapperEvent); }; } } wrapperScript(); })(); </script><script class="optanon-category-C0001" type="text/plain"> (function () { var obj = window.OneTrust; var isGDPR = false; function runPubmaticFunction() { if(window.__tcfapi){ window.__tcfapi('addEventListener', 2, (tcData, success) => { if (success) { const gdprApplies = tcData.gdprApplies; if(gdprApplies){ isGDPR = true; }else{ iSGDPR = false; } } }); } // These variables are defined server-side. var publisher = 159928; var profiles = {"desktop":{"gdpr":13040,"ngdpr":13041},"mobile":{"gdpr":13042,"ngdpr":13045}}; var mobileBreakpoint = 660; var gdprValue; if(isGDPR) { gdprValue = 'gdpr'; }else { gdprValue = 'ngdpr'; } // Nothing below is defined server-side. // Load Pubmatic. window.PWT = window.PWT || {}; var breakpoint = (window.innerWidth <= mobileBreakpoint) ? 'mobile' : 'desktop'; var purl = window.location.href; var url = '//' + publisher + '/' + profiles[breakpoint][gdprValue]; var profileVersionId = ''; if (purl.indexOf('pwtv=') > 0) { var regexp = /pwtv=(.*?)(&|$)/g; var matches = regexp.exec(purl); if (matches.length >= 2 && matches[1].length > 0) { profileVersionId = '/' + matches[1]; } } var pwtNode = document.createElement('script'); pwtNode.async = true; pwtNode.type = 'text/javascript'; pwtNode.src = url + profileVersionId + '/pwt.js'; document.head.appendChild(pwtNode); } // check if onetrust has successfully run. This will check for every 100ms until onetrust is set. var checkObjectInterval = setInterval(function() { if (typeof obj === 'object') { runPubmaticFunction(); clearInterval(checkObjectInterval); } }, 100); })(); </script><script type="text/javascript"> var _typeof2 = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && _typeof2(Symbol.iterator) === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof2(obj); } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof2(obj); }; function _toConsumableArray(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; }return arr2; } else { return Array.from(arr); } } /* Start ActivityMap Module The following module enables ActivityMap tracking in Adobe Analytics. ActivityMap allows you to view data overlays on your links and content to understand how users engage with your web site. If you do not intend to use ActivityMap, you can remove the following block of code from your AppMeasurement.js file. Additional documentation on how to configure ActivityMap is available at: */ function AppMeasurement_Module_ActivityMap(f) { function g(a, d) { var b = void 0, c = void 0, n = void 0;if (a && d && (b = e.c[d] || (e.c[d] = d.split(',')))) for (n = 0; n < b.length && (c = b[n++]);) { if (a.indexOf(c) > -1) return null; }p = 1;return a; }function q(a, d, b, c, e) { var g = void 0, h = void 0;if (a.dataset && (h = a.dataset[d])) g = h;else if (a.getAttribute) if (h = a.getAttribute('data-' + b)) g = h;else if (h = a.getAttribute(b)) g = h;if (!g && f.useForcedLinkTracking && e && (g = '', d = a.onclick ? '' + a.onclick : '')) { b = d.indexOf(c);var l = void 0, _k = void 0;if (b >= 0) { for (b += 10; b < d.length && '= \t\r\n'.indexOf(d.charAt(b)) >= 0;) { b++; }if (b < d.length) { h = b;for (l = _k = 0; h < d.length && (d.charAt(h) != ';' || l);) { l ? d.charAt(h) != l || _k ? _k = d.charAt(h) == '\\' ? !_k : 0 : l = 0 : (l = d.charAt(h), l != '"' && l != "'" && (l = 0)), h++; }if (d = d.substring(b, h)) a.e = new Function('s', 'var e;try{s.w.' + c + '=' + d + '}catch(e){}'), a.e(f); } } }return g || e && f.w[c]; }function r(a, d, b) { var c = void 0;return (c = e[d](a, b)) && (p ? (p = 0, c) : g(k(c), e[d + 'Exclusions'])); }function s(a, d, b) { var c = void 0;if (a && !((c = a.nodeType) === 1 && (c = a.nodeName) && (c = c.toUpperCase()) && t[c]) && (a.nodeType === 1 && (c = a.nodeValue) && (d[d.length] = c), b.a || b.t || b.s || !a.getAttribute || ((c = a.getAttribute('alt')) ? b.a = c : (c = a.getAttribute('title')) ? b.t = c : ('' + a.nodeName).toUpperCase() == 'IMG' && (c = a.getAttribute('src') || a.src) && (b.s = c)), (c = a.childNodes) && c.length)) for (a = 0; a < c.length; a++) { s(c[a], d, b); } }function k(a) { if (a == null || void 0 == a) return a;try { return a.replace(RegExp("^[\\s\\n\\f\\r\\t\t-\r \xA0\u1680\u180E\u2000-\u200A\u2028\u2029\u205F\u3000\uFEFF]+", 'mg'), '').replace(RegExp("[\\s\\n\\f\\r\\t\t-\r \xA0\u1680\u180E\u2000-\u200A\u2028\u2029\u205F\u3000\uFEFF]+$", 'mg'), '').replace(RegExp("[\\s\\n\\f\\r\\t\t-\r \xA0\u1680\u180E\u2000-\u200A\u2028\u2029\u205F\u3000\uFEFF]{1,}", 'mg'), ' ').substring(0, 254); } catch (d) {} }var e = this;e.s = f;var m = window;m.s_c_in || (m.s_c_il = [], m.s_c_in = 0);e._il = m.s_c_il;e._in = m.s_c_in;e._il[e._in] = e;m.s_c_in++;e._c = 's_m';e.c = {};var p = 0, t = { SCRIPT: 1, STYLE: 1, LINK: 1, CANVAS: 1 };e._g = function () { var a = void 0, d = void 0, b = void 0, c = f.contextData, e = f.linkObject;(a = f.pageName || f.pageURL) && (d = r(e, 'link', f.linkName)) && (b = r(e, 'region')) && (c[''] = a.substring(0, 255), c[''] = d.length > 128 ? d.substring(0, 128) : d, c['a.activitymap.region'] = b.length > 127 ? b.substring(0, 127) : b, c['a.activitymap.pageIDType'] = f.pageName ? 1 : 0); }; = function (a, d) { var b = void 0;if (d) b = g(k(d), e.linkExclusions);else if ((b = a) && !(b = q(a, 'sObjectId', 's-object-id', 's_objectID', 1))) { var c = void 0, _f = void 0;(_f = g(k(a.innerText || a.textContent), e.linkExclusions)) || (s(a, c = [], b = { a: void 0, t: void 0, s: void 0 }), (_f = g(k(c.join('')))) || (_f = g(k(b.a ? b.a : b.t ? b.t : b.s ? b.s : void 0))) || !(c = (c = a.tagName) && c.toUpperCase ? c.toUpperCase() : '') || (c == 'INPUT' || c == 'SUBMIT' && a.value ? _f = g(k(a.value)) : c == 'IMAGE' && a.src && (_f = g(k(a.src)))));b = _f; }return b; };e.region = function (a) { for (var d, b = e.regionIDAttribute || 'id'; a && (a = a.parentNode);) { if (d = q(a, b, b, b)) return d;if (a.nodeName == 'BODY') return 'BODY'; } }; } /* End ActivityMap Module */ /* ============== DO NOT ALTER ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE ! =============== AppMeasurement for JavaScript version: 2.9.0 Copyright 1996-2016 Adobe, Inc. All Rights Reserved More info available at */ function AppMeasurement(r) { var a = this;a.version = '2.9.0';var k = window;k.s_c_in || (k.s_c_il = [], k.s_c_in = 0);a._il = k.s_c_il;a._in = k.s_c_in;a._il[a._in] = a;k.s_c_in++;a._c = 's_c';var p = k.AppMeasurement.Mb;p || (p = null);var n = k, m = void 0, s = void 0;try { for (m = n.parent, s = n.location; m && m.location && s && '' + m.location != '' + s && n.location && '' + m.location != '' + n.location && ==;) { n = m, m = n.parent; } } catch (u) {}a.D = function (a) { try { console.log(a); } catch (b) {} };a.Ga = function (a) { return '' + parseInt(a) == '' + a; };a.replace = function (a, b, d) { return !a || a.indexOf(b) < 0 ? a : a.split(b).join(d); };a.escape = function (c) { var b = void 0, d = void 0;if (!c) return c;c = encodeURIComponent(c);for (b = 0; b < 7; b++) { d = "+~!*()'".substring(b, b + 1), c.indexOf(d) >= 0 && (c = a.replace(c, d, '%' + d.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase())); }return c; };a.unescape = function (c) { if (!c) return c;c = c.indexOf('+') >= 0 ? a.replace(c, '+', ' ') : c;try { return decodeURIComponent(c); } catch (b) {}return unescape(c); };a.tb = function () { var c = k.location.hostname, b = a.fpCookieDomainPeriods, d = void 0;b || (b = a.cookieDomainPeriods);if (c && !a.ya && !/^[0-9.]+$/.test(c) && (b = b ? parseInt(b) : 2, b = b > 2 ? b : 2, d = c.lastIndexOf('.'), d >= 0)) { for (; d >= 0 && b > 1;) { d = c.lastIndexOf('.', d - 1), b--; }a.ya = d > 0 ? c.substring(d) : c; }return a.ya; };a.c_r = a.cookieRead = function (c) { c = a.escape(c);var b = ' ' + a.d.cookie, d = b.indexOf(' ' + c + '='), f = d < 0 ? d : b.indexOf(';', d);c = d < 0 ? '' : a.unescape(b.substring(d + 2 + c.length, f < 0 ? b.length : f));return c != '[[B]]' ? c : ''; };a.c_w = a.cookieWrite = function (c, b, d) { var f = a.tb(), e = a.cookieLifetime, g = void 0;b = '' + b;e = e ? ('' + e).toUpperCase() : '';d && e != 'SESSION' && e != 'NONE' && ((g = b != '' ? parseInt(e || 0) : -60) ? (d = new Date(), d.setTime(d.getTime() + 1E3 * g)) : d == 1 && (d = new Date(), g = d.getYear(), d.setYear(g + 5 + (g < 1900 ? 1900 : 0))));return c && e != 'NONE' ? (a.d.cookie = a.escape(c) + '=' + a.escape(b != '' ? b : '[[B]]') + '; path=/;' + (d && e != 'SESSION' ? ' expires=' + d.toUTCString() + ';' : '') + (f ? ' domain=' + f + ';' : ''), a.cookieRead(c) == b) : 0; };a.qb = function () { var c = a.Util.getIeVersion();typeof c === 'number' && c < 10 && (a.unsupportedBrowser = !0, a.fb(a, function () {})); };a.fb = function (a, b) { for (var d in a) { a.hasOwnProperty(d) && typeof a[d] === 'function' && (a[d] = b); } }; a.L = []; = function (c, b, d) { if ( return 0;a.maxDelay || (a.maxDelay = 250);var f = 0, e = new Date().getTime() + a.maxDelay, g = a.d.visibilityState, h = ['webkitvisibilitychange', 'visibilitychange'];g || (g = a.d.webkitVisibilityState);if (g && g == 'prerender') { if (! for ( = 1, d = 0; d < h.length; d++) { a.d.addEventListener(h[d], function () { var c = a.d.visibilityState;c || (c = a.d.webkitVisibilityState);c == 'visible' && ( = 0, a.delayReady()); }); }f = 1;e = 0; } else d || a.o('_d') && (f = 1);f && (a.L.push({ m: c, a: b, t: e }), || setTimeout(a.delayReady, a.maxDelay));return f; };a.delayReady = function () { var c = new Date().getTime(), b = 0, d = void 0;for (a.o('_d') ? b = 1 :; a.L.length > 0;) { d = a.L.shift();if (b && !d.t && d.t > c) { a.L.unshift(d);setTimeout(a.delayReady, parseInt(a.maxDelay / 2));break; } = 1;a[d.m].apply(a, _toConsumableArray(d.a)); = 0; } };a.setAccount = = function (c) { var b = void 0, d = void 0;if (!'setAccount', arguments)) { if (a.account = c, a.allAccounts) for (b = a.allAccounts.concat(c.split(',')), a.allAccounts = [], b.sort(), d = 0; d < b.length; d++) { d != 0 && b[d - 1] == b[d] || a.allAccounts.push(b[d]); } else { a.allAccounts = c.split(','); } } };a.foreachVar = function (c, b) { var d = void 0, f = void 0, e = void 0, g = void 0, h = '';e = f = '';if (a.lightProfileID) d = a.P, (h = a.lightTrackVars) && (h = ',' + h + ',' +',') + ',');else { d = a.g;if ( || a.linkType) h = a.linkTrackVars, f = a.linkTrackEvents, && (e =, 1).toUpperCase() +, a[e] && (h = a[e].Kb, f = a[e].Jb));h && (h = ',' + h + ',' + a.G.join(',') + ',');f && h && (h += ',events,'); }b && (b = ',' + b + ',');for (f = 0; f < d.length; f++) { e = d[f], (g = a[e]) && (!h || h.indexOf(',' + e + ',') >= 0) && (!b || b.indexOf(',' + e + ',') >= 0) && c(e, g); } };a.q = function (c, b, d, f, e) { var g = '', h = void 0, l = void 0, k = void 0, q = void 0, m = 0;c == 'contextData' && (c = 'c');if (b) { for (h in b) { if (!(Object.prototype[h] || e && h.substring(0, e.length) != e) && b[h] && (!d || d.indexOf(',' + (f ? f + '.' : '') + h + ',') >= 0)) { k = !1;if (m) for (l = 0; l < m.length; l++) { h.substring(0, m[l].length) == m[l] && (k = !0); }if (!k && (g == '' && (g += '&' + c + '.'), l = b[h], e && (h = h.substring(e.length)), h.length > 0)) { if (k = h.indexOf('.'), k > 0) l = h.substring(0, k), k = (e || '') + l + '.', m || (m = []), m.push(k), g += a.q(l, b, d, f, k);else if (typeof l === 'boolean' && (l = l ? 'true' : 'false'), l) { if (f == 'retrieveLightData' && e.indexOf('.contextData.') < 0) switch (k = h.substring(0, 4), q = h.substring(4), h) {case 'transactionID': h = 'xact';break;case 'channel': h = 'ch';break;case 'campaign': h = 'v0';break;default: a.Ga(q) && (k == 'prop' ? h = 'c' + q : k == 'eVar' ? h = 'v' + q : k == 'list' ? h = 'l' + q : k == 'hier' && (h = 'h' + q, l = l.substring(0, 255)));}g += '&' + a.escape(h) + '=' + a.escape(l); } } } }g != '' && (g += '&.' + c); }return g; };a.usePostbacks = 0;a.wb = function () { var c = '', b = void 0, d = void 0, f = void 0, e = void 0, g = void 0, h = void 0, l = void 0, k = void 0, q = '', m = '', n = e = '';if (a.lightProfileID) { b = a.P, (q = a.lightTrackVars) && (q = ',' + q + ',' +',') + ','); } else { b = a.g;if ( || a.linkType) q = a.linkTrackVars, m = a.linkTrackEvents, && (e =, 1).toUpperCase() +, a[e] && (q = a[e].Kb, m = a[e].Jb));q && (q = ',' + q + ',' + a.G.join(',') + ',');m && (m = ',' + m + ',', q && (q += ',events,'));a.events2 && (n += (n != '' ? ',' : '') + a.events2); }if (a.visitor && a.visitor.getCustomerIDs) { e = p;if (g = a.visitor.getCustomerIDs()) for (d in g) { Object.prototype[d] || (f = g[d], (typeof f === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(f)) === 'object' && (e || (e = {}), && (e[d + '.id'] =, f.authState && (e[d + '.as'] = f.authState))); }e && (c += a.q('cid', e)); }a.AudienceManagement && a.AudienceManagement.isReady() && (c += a.q('d', a.AudienceManagement.getEventCallConfigParams()));for (d = 0; d < b.length; d++) { e = b[d];g = a[e];f = e.substring(0, 4);h = e.substring(4);g || (e == 'events' && n ? (g = n, n = '') : e == 'marketingCloudOrgID' && a.visitor && (g = a.visitor.marketingCloudOrgID));if (g && (!q || q.indexOf(',' + e + ',') >= 0)) { switch (e) { case 'customerPerspective': e = 'cp';break;case 'marketingCloudOrgID': e = 'mcorgid';break;case 'supplementalDataID': e = 'sdid';break;case 'timestamp': e = 'ts';break;case 'dynamicVariablePrefix': e = 'D';break;case 'visitorID': e = 'vid';break;case 'marketingCloudVisitorID': e = 'mid';break;case 'analyticsVisitorID': e = 'aid';break;case 'audienceManagerLocationHint': e = 'aamlh';break;case 'audienceManagerBlob': e = 'aamb';break;case 'authState': e = 'as';break;case 'pageURL': e = 'g';g.length > 255 && (a.pageURLRest = g.substring(255), g = g.substring(0, 255));break;case 'pageURLRest': e = '-g';break;case 'referrer': e = 'r';break;case 'vmk':case 'visitorMigrationKey': e = 'vmt';break;case 'visitorMigrationServer': e = 'vmf';a.ssl && a.visitorMigrationServerSecure && (g = '');break;case 'visitorMigrationServerSecure': e = 'vmf';!a.ssl && a.visitorMigrationServer && (g = '');break;case 'charSet': e = 'ce';break;case 'visitorNamespace': e = 'ns';break;case 'cookieDomainPeriods': e = 'cdp';break;case 'cookieLifetime': e = 'cl';break;case 'variableProvider': e = 'vvp';break;case 'currencyCode': e = 'cc';break;case 'channel': e = 'ch';break;case 'transactionID': e = 'xact';break;case 'campaign': e = 'v0';break;case 'latitude': e = 'lat';break;case 'longitude': e = 'lon';break; case 'resolution': e = 's';break;case 'colorDepth': e = 'c';break;case 'javascriptVersion': e = 'j';break;case 'javaEnabled': e = 'v';break;case 'cookiesEnabled': e = 'k';break;case 'browserWidth': e = 'bw';break;case 'browserHeight': e = 'bh';break;case 'connectionType': e = 'ct';break;case 'homepage': e = 'hp';break;case 'events': n && (g += (g != '' ? ',' : '') + n);if (m) { for (h = g.split(','), g = '', f = 0; f < h.length; f++) { l = h[f], k = l.indexOf('='), k >= 0 && (l = l.substring(0, k)), k = l.indexOf(':'), k >= 0 && (l = l.substring(0, k)), m.indexOf(',' + l + ',') >= 0 && (g += (g ? ',' : '') + h[f]); } }break;case 'events2': g = '';break;case 'contextData': c += a.q('c', a[e], q, e);g = '';break;case 'lightProfileID': e = 'mtp';break;case 'lightStoreForSeconds': e = 'mtss';a.lightProfileID || (g = '');break;case 'lightIncrementBy': e = 'mti';a.lightProfileID || (g = '');break;case 'retrieveLightProfiles': e = 'mtsr';break;case 'deleteLightProfiles': e = 'mtsd';break;case 'retrieveLightData': a.retrieveLightProfiles && (c += a.q('mts', a[e], q, e));g = '';break;default: a.Ga(h) && (f == 'prop' ? e = 'c' + h : f == 'eVar' ? e = 'v' + h : f == 'list' ? e = 'l' + h : f == 'hier' && (e = 'h' + h, g = g.substring(0, 255))); }g && (c += '&' + e + '=' + (e.substring(0, 3) != 'pev' ? a.escape(g) : g)); }e == 'pev3' && a.e && (c += a.e); }a.fa && (c += '&lrt=' + a.fa, a.fa = null);return c; };a.C = function (a) { var b = a.tagName;if ('' + a.Pb != 'undefined' || '' + a.Fb != 'undefined' && ('' + a.Fb).toUpperCase() != 'HTML') return '';b = b && b.toUpperCase ? b.toUpperCase() : '';b == 'SHAPE' && (b = '');b && ((b == 'INPUT' || b == 'BUTTON') && a.type && a.type.toUpperCase ? b = a.type.toUpperCase() : !b && a.href && (b = 'A'));return b; };a.Ca = function (a) { var b = k.location, d = a.href ? a.href : '', f = void 0, e = void 0, g = void 0;f = d.indexOf(':');e = d.indexOf('?');g = d.indexOf('/');d && (f < 0 || e >= 0 && f > e || g >= 0 && f > g) && (e = a.protocol && a.protocol.length > 1 ? a.protocol : b.protocol ? b.protocol : '', f = b.pathname.lastIndexOf('/'), d = (e ? e + '//' : '') + ( ? : ? : '') + (d.substring(0, 1) != '/' ? b.pathname.substring(0, f < 0 ? 0 : f) + '/' : '') + d);return d; };a.M = function (c) { var b = a.C(c), d = void 0, f = void 0, e = '', g = 0;return b && (d = c.protocol, f = c.onclick, !c.href || b != 'A' && b != 'AREA' || f && d && !(d.toLowerCase().indexOf('javascript') < 0) ? f ? (e = a.replace(a.replace(a.replace(a.replace('' + f, '\r', ''), '\n', ''), '\t', ''), ' ', ''), g = 2) : b == 'INPUT' || b == 'SUBMIT' ? (c.value ? e = c.value : c.innerText ? e = c.innerText : c.textContent && (e = c.textContent), g = 3) : b == 'IMAGE' && c.src && (e = c.src) : e = a.Ca(c), e) ? { id: e.substring(0, 100), type: g } : 0; };a.Nb = function (c) { for (var b = a.C(c), d = a.M(c); c && !d && b != 'BODY';) { if (c = c.parentElement ? c.parentElement : c.parentNode) b = a.C(c), d = a.M(c); }d && b != 'BODY' || (c = 0);c && (b = c.onclick ? '' + c.onclick : '', b.indexOf('.tl(') >= 0 || b.indexOf('.trackLink(') >= 0) && (c = 0);return c; };a.Eb = function () { var c = void 0, b = void 0, d = a.linkObject, f = a.linkType, e = a.linkURL, g = void 0, h = void 0;a.ha = 1;d || (a.ha = 0, d = a.clickObject);if (d) { c = a.C(d);for (b = a.M(d); d && !b && c != 'BODY';) { if (d = d.parentElement ? d.parentElement : d.parentNode) c = a.C(d), b = a.M(d); }b && c != 'BODY' || (d = 0);if (d && !a.linkObject) { var l = d.onclick ? '' + d.onclick : '';if (l.indexOf('.tl(') >= 0 || l.indexOf('.trackLink(') >= 0) d = 0; } } else a.ha = 1;!e && d && (e = a.Ca(d));e && !a.linkLeaveQueryString && (g = e.indexOf('?'), g >= 0 && (e = e.substring(0, g)));if (!f && e) { var _m = 0, q = 0, _n = void 0;if (a.trackDownloadLinks && a.linkDownloadFileTypes) { for (l = e.toLowerCase(), g = l.indexOf('?'), h = l.indexOf('#'), g >= 0 ? h >= 0 && h < g && (g = h) : g = h, g >= 0 && (l = l.substring(0, g)), g = a.linkDownloadFileTypes.toLowerCase().split(','), h = 0; h < g.length; h++) { (_n = g[h]) && l.substring(l.length - (_n.length + 1)) == '.' + _n && (f = 'd'); } }if (a.trackExternalLinks && !f && (l = e.toLowerCase(), a.Fa(l) && (a.linkInternalFilters || (a.linkInternalFilters = k.location.hostname), g = 0, a.linkExternalFilters ? (g = a.linkExternalFilters.toLowerCase().split(','), _m = 1) : a.linkInternalFilters && (g = a.linkInternalFilters.toLowerCase().split(',')), g))) { for (h = 0; h < g.length; h++) { _n = g[h], l.indexOf(_n) >= 0 && (q = 1); }q ? _m && (f = 'e') : _m || (f = 'e'); } }a.linkObject = d;a.linkURL = e;a.linkType = f;if (a.trackClickMap || a.trackInlineStats) a.e = '', d && (f = a.pageName, e = 1, d = d.sourceIndex, f || (f = a.pageURL, e = 0), k.s_objectID && ( = k.s_objectID, d = b.type = 1), f && b && && c && (a.e = '&pid=' + a.escape(f.substring(0, 255)) + (e ? '&pidt=' + e : '') + '&oid=' + a.escape(, 100)) + (b.type ? '&oidt=' + b.type : '') + '&ot=' + c + (d ? '&oi=' + d : ''))); };a.xb = function () { var c = a.ha, b = a.linkType, d = a.linkURL, f = a.linkName;b && (d || f) && (b = b.toLowerCase(), b != 'd' && b != 'e' && (b = 'o'), = 'lnk_' + b, a.pev1 = d ? a.escape(d) : '', a.pev2 = f ? a.escape(f) : '', c = 1);a.abort && (c = 0);if (a.trackClickMap || a.trackInlineStats || a.Ab()) { var b = {}, d = 0, e = a.cookieRead('s_sq'), g = e ? e.split('&') : 0, h, l, k, e = 0;if (g) for (h = 0; h < g.length; h++) { l = g[h].split('='), f = a.unescape(l[0]).split(','), l = a.unescape(l[1]), b[l] = f; }f = a.account.split(',');h = {};for (k in a.contextData) { k && !Object.prototype[k] && k.substring(0, 14) == 'a.activitymap.' && (h[k] = a.contextData[k], a.contextData[k] = ''); }a.e = a.q('c', h) + (a.e ? a.e : '');if (c || a.e) { c && !a.e && (e = 1);for (l in b) { if (!Object.prototype[l]) for (k = 0; k < f.length; k++) { for (e && (g = b[l].join(','), g == a.account && (a.e += (l.charAt(0) != '&' ? '&' : '') + l, b[l] = [], d = 1)), h = 0; h < b[l].length; h++) { g = b[l][h], g == f[k] && (e && (a.e += '&u=' + a.escape(g) + (l.charAt(0) != '&' ? '&' : '') + l + '&u=0'), b[l].splice(h, 1), d = 1); } } }c || (d = 1);if (d) { e = '';h = 2;!c && a.e && (e = a.escape(f.join(',')) + '=' + a.escape(a.e), h = 1);for (l in b) { !Object.prototype[l] && h > 0 && b[l].length > 0 && (e += (e ? '&' : '') + a.escape(b[l].join(',')) + '=' + a.escape(l), h--); }a.cookieWrite('s_sq', e); } } }return c; };a.yb = function () { if (!a.Ib) { var c = new Date(), b = n.location, d = void 0, f = void 0, e = f = d = '', g = '', h = '', l = '1.2', _k2 = a.cookieWrite('s_cc', 'true', 0) ? 'Y' : 'N', _m2 = '', _p = '';if (c.setUTCDate && (l = '1.3', 0 .toPrecision && (l = '1.5', c = [], c.forEach))) { l = '1.6';f = 0;d = {};try { f = new Iterator(d), && (l = '1.7', c.reduce && (l = '1.8', l.trim && (l = '1.8.1', Date.parse && (l = '1.8.2', Object.create && (l = '1.8.5'))))); } catch (r) {} }d = screen.width + 'x' + screen.height;e = navigator.javaEnabled() ? 'Y' : 'N';f = screen.pixelDepth ? screen.pixelDepth : screen.colorDepth;g = a.w.innerWidth ? a.w.innerWidth : a.d.documentElement.offsetWidth;h = a.w.innerHeight ? a.w.innerHeight : a.d.documentElement.offsetHeight;try { a.b.addBehavior('#default#homePage'), _m2 = a.b.Ob(b) ? 'Y' : 'N'; } catch (s) {}try { a.b.addBehavior('#default#clientCaps'), _p = a.b.connectionType; } catch (t) {}a.resolution = d;a.colorDepth = f;a.javascriptVersion = l;a.javaEnabled = e;a.cookiesEnabled = _k2;a.browserWidth = g;a.browserHeight = h;a.connectionType = _p;a.homepage = _m2;a.Ib = 1; } };a.Q = {};a.loadModule = function (c, b) { var d = a.Q[c];if (!d) { d = k['AppMeasurement_Module_' + c] ? new k['AppMeasurement_Module_' + c](a) : {};a.Q[c] = a[c] = d;d.Za = function () { return d.eb; }; = function (b) { if (d.eb = b) a[c + '_onLoad'] = b, + '_onLoad', [a, d], 1) || b(a, d); };try { Object.defineProperty ? Object.defineProperty(d, 'onLoad', { get: d.Za, set: }) : d._olc = 1; } catch (f) { d._olc = 1; } }b && (a[c + '_onLoad'] = b, + '_onLoad', [a, d], 1) || b(a, d)); };a.o = function (c) { var b = void 0, d = void 0;for (b in a.Q) { if (!Object.prototype[b] && (d = a.Q[b]) && (d._olc && d.onLoad && (d._olc = 0, d.onLoad(a, d)), d[c] && d[c]())) return 1; }return 0; };a.Ab = function () { return a.ActivityMap && a.ActivityMap._c ? !0 : !1; };a.Bb = function () { var c = Math.floor(1E13 * Math.random()), b = a.visitorSampling, d = a.visitorSamplingGroup, d = 's_vsn_' + (a.visitorNamespace ? a.visitorNamespace : a.account) + (d ? '_' + d : ''), f = a.cookieRead(d);if (b) { b *= 100;f && (f = parseInt(f));if (!f) { if (!a.cookieWrite(d, c)) return 0;f = c; }if (f % 1E4 > b) return 0; }return 1; };a.R = function (c, b) { var d = void 0, f = void 0, e = void 0, g = void 0, h = void 0, l = void 0;for (d = 0; d < 2; d++) { for (f = d > 0 ? : a.g, e = 0; e < f.length; e++) { if (g = f[e], (h = c[g]) || c['!' + g]) { if (!b && (g == 'contextData' || g == 'retrieveLightData') && a[g]) for (l in a[g]) { h[l] || (h[l] = a[g][l]); }a[g] = h; } } } };a.Qa = function (c, b) { var d = void 0, f = void 0, e = void 0, g = void 0;for (d = 0; d < 2; d++) { for (f = d > 0 ? : a.g, e = 0; e < f.length; e++) { g = f[e], c[g] = a[g], b || c[g] || (c['!' + g] = 1); } } }; = function (a) { var b = void 0, d = void 0, f = void 0, e = void 0, g = void 0, h = 0, l = void 0, k = '', m = '';if (a && a.length > 255 && (b = '' + a, d = b.indexOf('?'), d > 0 && (l = b.substring(d + 1), b = b.substring(0, d), e = b.toLowerCase(), f = 0, e.substring(0, 7) == 'http://' ? f += 7 : e.substring(0, 8) == 'https://' && (f += 8), d = e.indexOf('/', f), d > 0 && (e = e.substring(f, d), g = b.substring(d), b = b.substring(0, d), e.indexOf('google') >= 0 ? h = ',q,ie,start,search_key,word,kw,cd,' : e.indexOf('') >= 0 && (h = ',p,ei,'), h && l)))) { if ((a = l.split('&')) && a.length > 1) { for (f = 0; f < a.length; f++) { e = a[f], d = e.indexOf('='), d > 0 && h.indexOf(',' + e.substring(0, d) + ',') >= 0 ? k += (k ? '&' : '') + e : m += (m ? '&' : '') + e; }k && m ? l = k + '&' + m : m = ''; }d = 253 - (l.length - m.length) - b.length;a = b + (d > 0 ? g.substring(0, d) : '') + '?' + l; }return a; };a.Ta = function (c) { var b = a.d.visibilityState, d = ['webkitvisibilitychange', 'visibilitychange'];b || (b = a.d.webkitVisibilityState); if (b && b == 'prerender') { if (c) for (b = 0; b < d.length; b++) { a.d.addEventListener(d[b], function () { var b = a.d.visibilityState;b || (b = a.d.webkitVisibilityState);b == 'visible' && c(); }); }return !1; }return !0; };a.X = !1;a.J = !1;a.ib = function () { a.J = !0;a.H(); };a.Y = !1;a.S = !1;a.jb = function (c) { a.marketingCloudVisitorID = c.MCMID;a.visitorOptedOut = c.MCOPTOUT;a.analyticsVisitorID = c.MCAID;a.audienceManagerLocationHint = c.MCAAMLH;a.audienceManagerBlob = c.MCAAMB;a.S = !0;a.H(); };a.Sa = function (c) { a.maxDelay || (a.maxDelay = 250);return a.o('_d') ? (c && setTimeout(function () { c(); }, a.maxDelay), !1) : !0; };a.W = !1;a.I = !1; = function () { a.I = !0;a.H(); };a.isReadyToTrack = function () { var c = !0, b = a.visitor;a.X || a.J || (a.Ta(a.ib) ? a.J = !0 : a.X = !0);if (a.X && !a.J) return !1;b && b.isAllowed() && (a.Y || a.marketingCloudVisitorID || !b.getVisitorValues || (a.Y = !0, a.marketingCloudVisitorID ? a.S = !0 : b.getVisitorValues(a.jb)), c = !a.Y || a.S || a.marketingCloudVisitorID ? !0 : !1);a.W || a.I || (a.Sa( ? a.I = !0 : a.W = !0);a.W && !a.I && (c = !1);return c; };a.l = p;a.r = 0;a.callbackWhenReadyToTrack = function (c, b, d) { var f = void 0;f = {};f.nb = c;f.mb = b;f.kb = d;a.l == p && (a.l = []);a.l.push(f);a.r == 0 && (a.r = setInterval(a.H, 100)); };a.H = function () { var c = void 0;if (a.isReadyToTrack() && (a.hb(), a.l != p)) for (; a.l.length > 0;) { c = a.l.shift(), c.mb.apply(c.nb, c.kb); } };a.hb = function () { a.r && (clearInterval(a.r), a.r = 0); };a.ab = function (c) { var b = void 0, d = void 0, f = p, e = p;if (!a.isReadyToTrack()) { b = [];if (c != p) for (d in f = {}, c) { f[d] = c[d]; }e = {};a.Qa(e, !0);b.push(f);b.push(e);a.callbackWhenReadyToTrack(a, a.track, b);return !0; }return !1; };a.ub = function () { var c = a.cookieRead('s_fid'), b = '', d = '', f = void 0;f = 8;var e = 4;if (!c || c.indexOf('-') < 0) { for (c = 0; c < 16; c++) { f = Math.floor(Math.random() * f), b += '0123456789ABCDEF'.substring(f, f + 1), f = Math.floor(Math.random() * e), d += '0123456789ABCDEF'.substring(f, f + 1), f = e = 16; }c = b + '-' + d; }a.cookieWrite('s_fid', c, 1) || (c = 0);return c; };a.t = a.track = function (c, b) { var d, f = new Date(), e = 's' + Math.floor(f.getTime() / 108E5) % 10 + Math.floor(1E13 * Math.random()), g = f.getYear(), g = 't=' + a.escape(f.getDate() + '/' + f.getMonth() + '/' + (g < 1900 ? g + 1900 : g) + ' ' + f.getHours() + ':' + f.getMinutes() + ':' + f.getSeconds() + ' ' + f.getDay() + ' ' + f.getTimezoneOffset());a.visitor && a.visitor.getAuthState && (a.authState = a.visitor.getAuthState());a.o('_s');a.ab(c) || (b && a.R(b), c && (d = {}, a.Qa(d, 0), a.R(c)), a.Bb() && !a.visitorOptedOut && (a.analyticsVisitorID || a.marketingCloudVisitorID || (a.fid = a.ub()), a.Eb(), a.usePlugins && a.doPlugins && a.doPlugins(a), a.account && (a.abort || (a.trackOffline && !a.timestamp && (a.timestamp = Math.floor(f.getTime() / 1E3)), f = k.location, a.pageURL || (a.pageURL = f.href ? f.href : f), a.referrer || a.Ra || (f = a.Util.getQueryParam('adobe_mc_ref', null, null, !0), a.referrer = f || void 0 === f ? void 0 === f ? '' : f : n.document.referrer), a.Ra = 1, a.referrer =, a.o('_g')), a.xb() && !a.abort && (a.visitor && !a.supplementalDataID && a.visitor.getSupplementalDataID && (a.supplementalDataID = a.visitor.getSupplementalDataID('AppMeasurement:' + a._in, a.expectSupplementalData ? !1 : !0)), a.yb(), g += a.wb(), a.cb(e, g), a.o('_t'), a.referrer = ''))), c && a.R(d, 1));a.abort = a.supplementalDataID = a.timestamp = a.pageURLRest = a.linkObject = a.clickObject = a.linkURL = a.linkName = a.linkType = k.s_objectID = = a.pev1 = a.pev2 = a.pev3 = a.e = a.lightProfileID = 0; };a.ta = [];a.registerPreTrackCallback = function (c) { for (var b = [], d = 1; d < arguments.length; d++) { b.push(arguments[d]); }typeof c === 'function' ? a.ta.push([c, b]) : a.debugTracking && a.D('DEBUG: Non function type passed to registerPreTrackCallback'); };a.Wa = function (c) { a.oa(a.ta, c); };a.ra = [];a.registerPostTrackCallback = function (c) { for (var b = [], d = 1; d < arguments.length; d++) { b.push(arguments[d]); }typeof c === 'function' ? a.ra.push([c, b]) : a.debugTracking && a.D('DEBUG: Non function type passed to registerPostTrackCallback'); }; a.Va = function (c) { a.oa(a.ra, c); };a.oa = function (c, b) { if ((typeof c === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(c)) === 'object') { for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) { var f = c[d][0], e = c[d][1].slice();e.unshift(b);if (typeof f === 'function') try { f.apply(undefined, _toConsumableArray(e)); } catch (g) { a.debugTracking && a.D(g.message); } } } }; = a.trackLink = function (c, b, d, f, e) { a.linkObject = c;a.linkType = b;a.linkName = d;e && (a.k = c, a.v = e);return a.track(f); };a.trackLight = function (c, b, d, f) { a.lightProfileID = c;a.lightStoreForSeconds = b;a.lightIncrementBy = d;return a.track(f); };a.clearVars = function () { var c = void 0, b = void 0;for (c = 0; c < a.g.length; c++) { if (b = a.g[c], b.substring(0, 4) == 'prop' || b.substring(0, 4) == 'eVar' || b.substring(0, 4) == 'hier' || b.substring(0, 4) == 'list' || b == 'channel' || b == 'events' || b == 'eventList' || b == 'products' || b == 'productList' || b == 'purchaseID' || b == 'transactionID' || b == 'state' || b == 'zip' || b == 'campaign') a[b] = void 0; } };a.tagContainerMarker = '';a.cb = function (c, b) { var d = a.Xa() + '/' + c + '?AQB=1&ndh=1&pf=1&' + ( ? 'callback=s_c_il[' + a._in + '].doPostbacks&et=1&' : '') + b + '&AQE=1';a.Wa(d);a.Ua(d);a.T(); };a.Xa = function () { var c = a.Ya();return 'http' + (a.ssl ? 's' : '') + '://' + c + '/b/ss/' + a.account + '/' + ( ? '5.' : '') + ( ? '10' : '1') + '/JS-' + a.version + (a.Hb ? 'T' : '') + (a.tagContainerMarker ? '-' + a.tagContainerMarker : ''); }; = function () { return a.AudienceManagement && a.AudienceManagement.isReady() || a.usePostbacks != 0; };a.Ya = function () { var c = a.dc, b = a.trackingServer;b ? a.trackingServerSecure && a.ssl && (b = a.trackingServerSecure) : (c = c ? ('' + c).toLowerCase() : 'd1', c == 'd1' ? c = '112' : c == 'd2' && (c = '122'), b = a.$a() + '.' + c + '');return b; };a.$a = function () { var c = a.visitorNamespace; c || (c = a.account.split(',')[0], c = c.replace(/[^0-9a-z]/gi, ''));return c; };a.Pa = /{(%?)(.*?)(%?)}/;a.Lb = RegExp(a.Pa.source, 'g');a.rb = function (c) { if (_typeof(c.dests) === 'object') { for (var b = 0; b < c.dests.length; ++b) { var d = c.dests[b];if (typeof d.c === 'string' &&, 3) == 'aa.') { for (var f = d.c.match(a.Lb), e = 0; e < f.length; ++e) { var g = f[e], h = g.match(a.Pa), _k3 = '';h[1] == '%' && h[2] == 'timezone_offset' ? _k3 = new Date().getTimezoneOffset() : h[1] == '%' && h[2] == 'timestampz' && (_k3 = a.vb());d.c = d.c.replace(g, a.escape(_k3)); } } } } };a.vb = function () { var c = new Date(), b = new Date(6E4 * Math.abs(c.getTimezoneOffset()));return a.j(4, c.getFullYear()) + '-' + a.j(2, c.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + a.j(2, c.getDate()) + 'T' + a.j(2, c.getHours()) + ':' + a.j(2, c.getMinutes()) + ':' + a.j(2, c.getSeconds()) + (c.getTimezoneOffset() > 0 ? '-' : '+') + a.j(2, b.getUTCHours()) + ':' + a.j(2, b.getUTCMinutes()); };a.j = function (a, b) { return (Array(a + 1).join(0) + b).slice(-a); }; = {};a.doPostbacks = function (c) { if ((typeof c === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(c)) === 'object') { if (a.rb(c), _typeof(a.AudienceManagement) === 'object' && typeof a.AudienceManagement.isReady === 'function' && a.AudienceManagement.isReady() && typeof a.AudienceManagement.passData === 'function') a.AudienceManagement.passData(c);else if ((typeof c === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(c)) === 'object' && _typeof(c.dests) === 'object') for (var b = 0; b < c.dests.length; ++b) { var d = c.dests[b];(typeof d === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(d)) === 'object' && typeof d.c === 'string' && typeof === 'string' &&, 3) == 'aa.' && ([] = new Image(),[].alt = '',[].src = d.c); } } };a.Ua = function (c) { a.i || a.zb();a.i.push(c);a.ea = a.B();a.Na(); };a.zb = function () { a.i = a.Cb();a.i || (a.i = []); };a.Cb = function () { var c = void 0, b = void 0;if (a.ka()) { try { (b = k.localStorage.getItem(a.ia())) && (c = k.JSON.parse(b)); } catch (d) {}return c; } };a.ka = function () { var c = !0;a.trackOffline && a.offlineFilename && k.localStorage && k.JSON || (c = !1);return c; };a.Da = function () { var c = 0;a.i && (c = a.i.length);a.p && c++;return c; };a.T = function () { if (a.p && (a.A && a.A.complete && a.A.F &&, a.p)) return;a.Ea = p;if (a.ja) a.ea > a.O && a.La(a.i),;else { var c =;if (c > 0);else if (c = a.Aa()) a.p = 1, a.Db(c), a.Gb(c); } }; = function (c) { a.Ea || (c || (c = 0), a.Ea = setTimeout(a.T, c)); }; = function () { var c = void 0; if (!a.trackOffline || a.offlineThrottleDelay <= 0) return 0;c = a.B() - a.Ja;return a.offlineThrottleDelay < c ? 0 : a.offlineThrottleDelay - c; };a.Aa = function () { if (a.i.length > 0) return a.i.shift(); };a.Db = function (c) { if (a.debugTracking) { var b = 'AppMeasurement Debug: ' + c;c = c.split('&');var d = void 0;for (d = 0; d < c.length; d++) { b += '\n\t' + a.unescape(c[d]); }a.D(b); } }; = function () { return a.marketingCloudVisitorID || a.analyticsVisitorID; };a.V = !1;var t = void 0;try { t = JSON.parse('{"x":"y"}'); } catch (w) { t = null; }t && t.x == 'y' ? (a.V = !0, a.U = function (a) { return JSON.parse(a); }) : k.$ && k.$.parseJSON ? (a.U = function (a) { return k.$.parseJSON(a); }, a.V = !0) : a.U = function () { return null; };a.Gb = function (c) { var b = void 0, d = void 0, f = void 0; && c.length > 2047 && (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== 'undefined' && (b = new XMLHttpRequest(), 'withCredentials' in b ? d = 1 : b = 0), b || typeof XDomainRequest === 'undefined' || (b = new XDomainRequest(), d = 2), b && (a.AudienceManagement && a.AudienceManagement.isReady() || a.usePostbacks != 0) && (a.V ? = !0 : b = 0));!b && a.Oa && (c = c.substring(0, 2047));!b && a.d.createElement && (a.usePostbacks != 0 || a.AudienceManagement && a.AudienceManagement.isReady()) && (b = a.d.createElement('SCRIPT')) && 'async' in b && ((f = (f = a.d.getElementsByTagName('HEAD')) && f[0] ? f[0] : a.d.body) ? (b.type = 'text/javascript', b.setAttribute('async', 'async'), d = 3) : b = 0);b || (b = new Image(), b.alt = '', b.abort || typeof k.InstallTrigger === 'undefined' || (b.abort = function () { b.src = p; }));b.Ka =;b.xa = function () { try { b.F && (clearTimeout(b.F), b.F = 0); } catch (a) {} };b.onload = = function () { b.Ka && (a.fa = - b.Ka);a.Va(c);b.xa();a.pb();a.Z();a.p = 0;a.T();if ( { = !1;try { a.doPostbacks(a.U(b.responseText)); } catch (d) {} } }; b.onabort = b.onerror = b.Ba = function () { b.xa();(a.trackOffline || a.ja) && a.p && a.i.unshift(a.ob);a.p = 0;a.ea > a.O && a.La(a.i);a.Z();; };b.onreadystatechange = function () { b.readyState == 4 && (b.status == 200 ? : b.Ba()); };a.Ja = a.B();if (d == 1 || d == 2) { var e = c.indexOf('?');f = c.substring(0, e);e = c.substring(e + 1);e = e.replace(/&callback=[a-zA-Z0-9_.[]]+/, '');d == 1 ? ('POST', f, !0), b.send(e)) : d == 2 && ('POST', f), b.send(e)); } else if (b.src = c, d == 3) { if (a.Ha) try { f.removeChild(a.Ha); } catch (g) {}f.firstChild ? f.insertBefore(b, f.firstChild) : f.appendChild(b);a.Ha = a.A; }b.F = setTimeout(function () { b.F && (b.complete ? : (a.trackOffline && b.abort && b.abort(), b.Ba())); }, 5E3);a.ob = c;a.A = k['s_i_' + a.replace(a.account, ',', '_')] = b;if (a.useForcedLinkTracking && a.K || a.v) a.forcedLinkTrackingTimeout || (a.forcedLinkTrackingTimeout = 250), a.aa = setTimeout(a.Z, a.forcedLinkTrackingTimeout); };a.pb = function () { if (a.ka() && !(a.Ia > a.O)) try { k.localStorage.removeItem(a.ia()), a.Ia = a.B(); } catch (c) {} };a.La = function (c) { if (a.ka()) { a.Na();try { k.localStorage.setItem(a.ia(), k.JSON.stringify(c)), a.O = a.B(); } catch (b) {} } };a.Na = function () { if (a.trackOffline) { if (!a.offlineLimit || a.offlineLimit <= 0) a.offlineLimit = 10;for (; a.i.length > a.offlineLimit;) { a.Aa(); } } };a.forceOffline = function () { a.ja = !0; };a.forceOnline = function () { a.ja = !1; };a.ia = function () { return a.offlineFilename + '-' + a.visitorNamespace + a.account; };a.B = function () { return new Date().getTime(); };a.Fa = function (a) { a = a.toLowerCase();return a.indexOf('#') != 0 && a.indexOf('about:') != 0 && a.indexOf('opera:') != 0 && a.indexOf('javascript:') != 0 ? !0 : !1; };a.setTagContainer = function (c) { var b = void 0, d = void 0, f = void 0;a.Hb = c;for (b = 0; b < a._il.length; b++) { if ((d = a._il[b]) && d._c == 's_l' && d.tagContainerName == c) { a.R(d);if (d.lmq) for (b = 0; b < d.lmq.length; b++) { f = d.lmq[b], a.loadModule(f.n); }if ( for (f in { if (a[f]) for (b in c = a[f], f =[f], f) { !Object.prototype[b] && (typeof f[b] !== 'function' || ('' + f[b]).indexOf('s_c_il') < 0) && (c[b] = f[b]); } }if (d.mmq) for (b = 0; b < d.mmq.length; b++) { var _c; f = d.mmq[b], a[f.m] && (c = a[f.m], c[f.f] && typeof c[f.f] === 'function' && (f.a ? (_c = c)[f.f].apply(_c, _toConsumableArray(f.a)) : c[f.f].apply(c))); }if (d.tq) { for (b = 0; b < d.tq.length; b++) { a.track(d.tq[b]); } }d.s = a;break; } } };a.Util = { urlEncode: a.escape, urlDecode: a.unescape, cookieRead: a.cookieRead, cookieWrite: a.cookieWrite, getQueryParam: function getQueryParam(c, b, d, f) { var e = void 0, g = '';b || (b = a.pageURL ? a.pageURL : k.location);d = d || '&';if (!c || !b) return g;b = '' + b;e = b.indexOf('?');if (e < 0) return g;b = d + b.substring(e + 1) + d;if (!f || !(b.indexOf(d + c + d) >= 0 || b.indexOf(d + c + '=' + d) >= 0)) { e = b.indexOf('#');e >= 0 && (b = b.substr(0, e) + d);e = b.indexOf(d + c + '=');if (e < 0) return g;b = b.substring(e + d.length + c.length + 1);e = b.indexOf(d); e >= 0 && (b = b.substring(0, e));b.length > 0 && (g = a.unescape(b));return g; } }, getIeVersion: function getIeVersion() { if (document.documentMode) return document.documentMode;for (var _a = 7; _a > 4; _a--) { var b = document.createElement('div');b.innerHTML = '<!--[if IE ' + _a + ']><span></span><![endif]-->';if (b.getElementsByTagName('span').length) return _a; }return null; } };a.G = 'supplementalDataID timestamp dynamicVariablePrefix visitorID marketingCloudVisitorID analyticsVisitorID audienceManagerLocationHint authState fid vmk visitorMigrationKey visitorMigrationServer visitorMigrationServerSecure charSet visitorNamespace cookieDomainPeriods fpCookieDomainPeriods cookieLifetime pageName pageURL customerPerspective referrer contextData currencyCode lightProfileID lightStoreForSeconds lightIncrementBy retrieveLightProfiles deleteLightProfiles retrieveLightData'.split(' '); a.g = a.G.concat('purchaseID variableProvider channel server pageType transactionID campaign state zip events events2 products audienceManagerBlob tnt'.split(' ')); = 'timestamp charSet visitorNamespace cookieDomainPeriods cookieLifetime contextData lightProfileID lightStoreForSeconds lightIncrementBy'.split(' ');a.P =; = 'account allAccounts debugTracking visitor visitorOptedOut trackOffline offlineLimit offlineThrottleDelay offlineFilename usePlugins doPlugins configURL visitorSampling visitorSamplingGroup linkObject clickObject linkURL linkName linkType trackDownloadLinks trackExternalLinks trackClickMap trackInlineStats linkLeaveQueryString linkTrackVars linkTrackEvents linkDownloadFileTypes linkExternalFilters linkInternalFilters useForcedLinkTracking forcedLinkTrackingTimeout trackingServer trackingServerSecure ssl abort mobile dc lightTrackVars maxDelay expectSupplementalData usePostbacks registerPreTrackCallback registerPostTrackCallback AudienceManagement'.split(' '); for (m = 0; m <= 250; m++) { m < 76 && (a.g.push('prop' + m), a.P.push('prop' + m)), a.g.push('eVar' + m), a.P.push('eVar' + m), m < 6 && a.g.push('hier' + m), m < 4 && a.g.push('list' + m); }m = 'pe pev1 pev2 pev3 latitude longitude resolution colorDepth javascriptVersion javaEnabled cookiesEnabled browserWidth browserHeight connectionType homepage pageURLRest marketingCloudOrgID'.split(' ');a.g = a.g.concat(m);a.G = a.G.concat(m);a.ssl = k.location.protocol.toLowerCase().indexOf('https') >= 0;a.charSet = 'UTF-8';a.contextData = {};a.offlineThrottleDelay = 0;a.offlineFilename = 'AppMeasurement.offline';a.Ja = 0;a.ea = 0;a.O = 0;a.Ia = 0;a.linkDownloadFileTypes = 'exe,zip,wav,mp3,mov,mpg,avi,wmv,pdf,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx';a.w = k;a.d = k.document;try { if (a.Oa = !1, navigator) { var v = navigator.userAgent;if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' || v.indexOf('MSIE ') >= 0 || v.indexOf('Trident/') >= 0 && v.indexOf('Windows NT 6') >= 0) a.Oa = !0; } } catch (x) {}a.Z = function () { a.aa && (k.clearTimeout(a.aa), a.aa = p);a.k && a.K && a.k.dispatchEvent(a.K);a.v && (typeof a.v === 'function' ? a.v() : a.k && a.k.href && (a.d.location = a.k.href));a.k = a.K = a.v = 0; };a.Ma = function () { a.b = a.d.body;a.b ? 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} .react-datepicker__year { margin: 0.4rem; text-align: center; } .react-datepicker__year-wrapper { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; max-width: 180px; } .react-datepicker__year .react-datepicker__year-text { display: inline-block; width: 4rem; margin: 2px; } .react-datepicker__month { margin: 0.4rem; text-align: center; } .react-datepicker__month .react-datepicker__month-text, .react-datepicker__month .react-datepicker__quarter-text { display: inline-block; width: 4rem; margin: 2px; } .react-datepicker__input-time-container { clear: both; width: 100%; float: left; margin: 5px 0 10px 15px; text-align: left; } .react-datepicker__input-time-container .react-datepicker-time__caption { display: inline-block; } .react-datepicker__input-time-container .react-datepicker-time__input-container { display: inline-block; } .react-datepicker__input-time-container .react-datepicker-time__input-container .react-datepicker-time__input { display: inline-block; margin-left: 10px; } .react-datepicker__input-time-container .react-datepicker-time__input-container .react-datepicker-time__input input { width: auto; 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background: white; border-bottom-right-radius: 0.3rem; } .react-datepicker__time-container .react-datepicker__time .react-datepicker__time-box { width: 85px; overflow-x: hidden; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; border-bottom-right-radius: 0.3rem; } .react-datepicker__time-container .react-datepicker__time .react-datepicker__time-box ul.react-datepicker__time-list { list-style: none; margin: 0; height: calc(195px + 1.7rem / 2); overflow-y: scroll; padding-right: 0; padding-left: 0; width: 100%; box-sizing: content-box; } .react-datepicker__time-container .react-datepicker__time .react-datepicker__time-box ul.react-datepicker__time-list li.react-datepicker__time-list-item { height: 30px; padding: 5px 10px; white-space: nowrap; } .react-datepicker__time-container .react-datepicker__time .react-datepicker__time-box ul.react-datepicker__time-list li.react-datepicker__time-list-item:hover { cursor: pointer; background-color: #f0f0f0; } .react-datepicker__time-container .react-datepicker__time .react-datepicker__time-box ul.react-datepicker__time-list li.react-datepicker__time-list-item--selected { background-color: #216ba5; color: white; font-weight: bold; } .react-datepicker__time-container .react-datepicker__time .react-datepicker__time-box ul.react-datepicker__time-list li.react-datepicker__time-list-item--selected:hover { background-color: #216ba5; } .react-datepicker__time-container .react-datepicker__time .react-datepicker__time-box ul.react-datepicker__time-list li.react-datepicker__time-list-item--disabled { color: #ccc; } .react-datepicker__time-container .react-datepicker__time .react-datepicker__time-box ul.react-datepicker__time-list li.react-datepicker__time-list-item--disabled:hover { cursor: default; background-color: transparent; } .react-datepicker__week-number { color: #ccc; display: inline-block; width: 1.7rem; line-height: 1.7rem; text-align: center; margin: 0.166rem; } .react-datepicker__week-number.react-datepicker__week-number--clickable { cursor: pointer; } .react-datepicker__week-number.react-datepicker__week-number--clickable:not(.react-datepicker__week-number--selected, .react-datepicker__week-number--keyboard-selected):hover { border-radius: 0.3rem; background-color: #f0f0f0; } .react-datepicker__week-number--selected { border-radius: 0.3rem; background-color: #216ba5; color: #fff; } .react-datepicker__week-number--selected:hover { background-color: #1d5d90; } .react-datepicker__week-number--keyboard-selected { border-radius: 0.3rem; background-color: #2a87d0; color: #fff; } .react-datepicker__week-number--keyboard-selected:hover { background-color: #1d5d90; } .react-datepicker__day-names { white-space: nowrap; margin-bottom: -8px; } .react-datepicker__week { white-space: nowrap; } .react-datepicker__day-name, .react-datepicker__day, .react-datepicker__time-name { color: #000; display: inline-block; width: 1.7rem; line-height: 1.7rem; text-align: center; margin: 0.166rem; } .react-datepicker__day, .react-datepicker__month-text, .react-datepicker__quarter-text, .react-datepicker__year-text { cursor: pointer; } .react-datepicker__day:hover, .react-datepicker__month-text:hover, .react-datepicker__quarter-text:hover, .react-datepicker__year-text:hover { border-radius: 0.3rem; background-color: #f0f0f0; } .react-datepicker__day--today, .react-datepicker__month-text--today, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--today, .react-datepicker__year-text--today { font-weight: bold; } .react-datepicker__day--highlighted, .react-datepicker__month-text--highlighted, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--highlighted, .react-datepicker__year-text--highlighted { border-radius: 0.3rem; background-color: #3dcc4a; color: #fff; } .react-datepicker__day--highlighted:hover, .react-datepicker__month-text--highlighted:hover, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--highlighted:hover, .react-datepicker__year-text--highlighted:hover { background-color: #32be3f; } .react-datepicker__day--highlighted-custom-1, .react-datepicker__month-text--highlighted-custom-1, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--highlighted-custom-1, .react-datepicker__year-text--highlighted-custom-1 { color: magenta; } .react-datepicker__day--highlighted-custom-2, .react-datepicker__month-text--highlighted-custom-2, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--highlighted-custom-2, .react-datepicker__year-text--highlighted-custom-2 { color: green; 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opacity: 1; } .react-datepicker__day--selected, .react-datepicker__day--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__day--in-range, .react-datepicker__month-text--selected, .react-datepicker__month-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__month-text--in-range, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--selected, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--in-range, .react-datepicker__year-text--selected, .react-datepicker__year-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__year-text--in-range { border-radius: 0.3rem; background-color: #216ba5; color: #fff; } .react-datepicker__day--selected:hover, .react-datepicker__day--in-selecting-range:hover, .react-datepicker__day--in-range:hover, .react-datepicker__month-text--selected:hover, .react-datepicker__month-text--in-selecting-range:hover, .react-datepicker__month-text--in-range:hover, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--selected:hover, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--in-selecting-range:hover, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--in-range:hover, .react-datepicker__year-text--selected:hover, .react-datepicker__year-text--in-selecting-range:hover, .react-datepicker__year-text--in-range:hover { background-color: #1d5d90; 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} .react-datepicker__month--selecting-range .react-datepicker__day--in-range:not(.react-datepicker__day--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__month-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__year-text--in-selecting-range), .react-datepicker__year--selecting-range .react-datepicker__day--in-range:not(.react-datepicker__day--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__month-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__year-text--in-selecting-range), .react-datepicker__month--selecting-range .react-datepicker__month-text--in-range:not(.react-datepicker__day--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__month-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__year-text--in-selecting-range), .react-datepicker__year--selecting-range .react-datepicker__month-text--in-range:not(.react-datepicker__day--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__month-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__year-text--in-selecting-range), .react-datepicker__month--selecting-range .react-datepicker__quarter-text--in-range:not(.react-datepicker__day--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__month-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__year-text--in-selecting-range), .react-datepicker__year--selecting-range .react-datepicker__quarter-text--in-range:not(.react-datepicker__day--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__month-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__year-text--in-selecting-range), .react-datepicker__month--selecting-range .react-datepicker__year-text--in-range:not(.react-datepicker__day--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__month-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__year-text--in-selecting-range), .react-datepicker__year--selecting-range .react-datepicker__year-text--in-range:not(.react-datepicker__day--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__month-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__year-text--in-selecting-range) { background-color: #f0f0f0; 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} .react-datepicker__year-read-view:hover .react-datepicker__year-read-view--down-arrow, .react-datepicker__year-read-view:hover .react-datepicker__month-read-view--down-arrow, .react-datepicker__month-read-view:hover .react-datepicker__year-read-view--down-arrow, .react-datepicker__month-read-view:hover .react-datepicker__month-read-view--down-arrow, .react-datepicker__month-year-read-view:hover .react-datepicker__year-read-view--down-arrow, .react-datepicker__month-year-read-view:hover .react-datepicker__month-read-view--down-arrow { border-top-color: #b3b3b3; } .react-datepicker__year-read-view--down-arrow, .react-datepicker__month-read-view--down-arrow, .react-datepicker__month-year-read-view--down-arrow { transform: rotate(135deg); right: -16px; top: 0; } .react-datepicker__year-dropdown, .react-datepicker__month-dropdown, .react-datepicker__month-year-dropdown { background-color: #f0f0f0; position: absolute; width: 50%; left: 25%; top: 30px; z-index: 1; text-align: center; border-radius: 0.3rem; border: 1px solid #aeaeae; } .react-datepicker__year-dropdown:hover, .react-datepicker__month-dropdown:hover, .react-datepicker__month-year-dropdown:hover { cursor: pointer; } .react-datepicker__year-dropdown--scrollable, .react-datepicker__month-dropdown--scrollable, .react-datepicker__month-year-dropdown--scrollable { height: 150px; overflow-y: scroll; } .react-datepicker__year-option, .react-datepicker__month-option, .react-datepicker__month-year-option { line-height: 20px; width: 100%; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } .react-datepicker__year-option:first-of-type, .react-datepicker__month-option:first-of-type, .react-datepicker__month-year-option:first-of-type { border-top-left-radius: 0.3rem; border-top-right-radius: 0.3rem; } .react-datepicker__year-option:last-of-type, .react-datepicker__month-option:last-of-type, .react-datepicker__month-year-option:last-of-type { -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; border-bottom-left-radius: 0.3rem; border-bottom-right-radius: 0.3rem; } .react-datepicker__year-option:hover, .react-datepicker__month-option:hover, .react-datepicker__month-year-option:hover { background-color: #ccc; } .react-datepicker__year-option:hover .react-datepicker__navigation--years-upcoming, .react-datepicker__month-option:hover .react-datepicker__navigation--years-upcoming, .react-datepicker__month-year-option:hover .react-datepicker__navigation--years-upcoming { border-bottom-color: #b3b3b3; } .react-datepicker__year-option:hover .react-datepicker__navigation--years-previous, .react-datepicker__month-option:hover .react-datepicker__navigation--years-previous, .react-datepicker__month-year-option:hover .react-datepicker__navigation--years-previous { border-top-color: #b3b3b3; } .react-datepicker__year-option--selected, .react-datepicker__month-option--selected, .react-datepicker__month-year-option--selected { position: absolute; left: 15px; } .react-datepicker__close-icon { cursor: pointer; 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This will break the plugin. */ } .elex__ReactPriorityNav_style-module_priorityNav ul { display: inline-block; } .elex__ReactPriorityNav_style-module_priorityNav li { display: inline-block; } .elex__ReactPriorityNav_style-module_priorityNavWrapper { position: relative; } .elex__ReactPriorityNav_style-module_priorityDropdown { display: block !important; white-space: normal; } .elex__ReactPriorityNav_style-module_priorityNavIsVisible { visibility: visible; } .elex__ReactPriorityNav_theme-module_globe .priority-nav__dropdown-toggle { font-family: Benton, sans-serif; cursor: pointer; font-size: 14px; text-decoration: none; color: #787878; padding: 0; position: relative; border: none; background: none; text-align: center; min-width: 185px; } .elex__ReactPriorityNav_theme-module_globe .is-open:after { content: ''; display: block; position: absolute; bottom: -3px; height: 2px; background: #b04343; background: linear-gradient(90deg, #b04343 0%, #6db3bf 100%); width: 60%; left: 20%; } .elex__ReactPriorityNav_theme-module_globe .nav__dropdown { position: relative; 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s.parseUri = new Function('u', '' + 'if(u){u=u+"";u=u.indexOf(":")<0&&u.indexOf("//")!=0?(u.indexOf("/")' + '==0?"/":"//")+u:u}u=u?u+"":window.location.href;var e,' + 'eateElement("a"),l=["href","protocol","host","hostname","port","pat' + 'hname","search","hash"],p,r={href:u,toString:function(){return this' + '.href}};a.setAttribute("href",u);for(e=1;e<l.length;e++){p=l[e];r[p' + ']=a[p]||""}delete a;p=r.pathname||"";if(p.indexOf("/")!=0)r.pathnam' + 'e="/"+p;return r'); s.gtfs = new Function('' + 'var w=window,l=w.location,d=document,u;if(!l.origin)l.origin=l.prot' + 'ocol+"//"+l.hostname+(l.port?":"+l.port:"");u=l!=w.parent.location?' + 'd.referrer:d.location;return{location:s.parseUri(u)}'); const s_doPlugins = function () { // 's_pv' and 's_p6' are cookie names // s.prop37 = s.getPreviousValue(s.pageName, 's_pv'); s.prop73 = s.getPreviousValue(s.prop6, 's_p6'); }; const videoName = (video => { if (video && video.length > 0) { return video.reduce((all, vid) => all ? `${vid.headlines}_${all}` : vid.headlines, ''); } })(; s.doPlugins = s_doPlugins; s.pageName = getPage(globalTracking); = globalTracking.pageLayout === 'HomePage' ? 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'logged in' : 'logged out'; s.prop41 = globalTracking.publicationName; s.prop42 = globalTracking.loginType; s.prop43 = globalTracking.pageUrl; s.prop45 = globalTracking.pageLayout === 'HomePage' || globalTracking.pageOrAssetType && globalTracking.pageOrAssetType.toLowerCase().indexOf('section') !== -1 ? undefined : globalTracking.paywallType; // if user access today's headline article from email, paywall=true and meterNumber="0", // we don't want this according to consumer-3059, set prop48=1 for above situation. if (globalTracking.pageLayout === 'HomePage') { window.s.prop48 = undefined; } else if (globalTracking.meterNumber === '0' || globalTracking.meterNumber === 0) { window.s.prop48 = 1; } else { window.s.prop48 = globalTracking.meterNumber; } // s.prop48 = globalTracking.pageLayout === 'HomePage' ? undefined : globalTracking.meterNumber; s.prop49 = getProp49(globalTracking); s.prop63 = globalTracking.codeVersion; s.prop67 = getProp67(globalTracking); s.prop68 = globalTracking.articleHeadline; s.prop70 = globalTracking.testVariant; // eVars s.eVar1 = queryParams.p1; // s.eVar2 = ''; // s.eVar3 = ''; s.eVar4 = globalTracking.daysOnMeter; s.eVar5 = globalTracking.daysSinceFirstVisit; s.eVar6 = globalTracking.originalMeterCookieDate; s.eVar7 = globalTracking.currentMeterCookieDate; // s.eVar10 = ''; s.eVar12 = globalTracking.registrationID; s.eVar15 = globalTracking.pageLayout === 'NotFoundPage' ? 'Page Not Found' :; s.eVar19 = googleAnalyticsUTM(); s.eVar20 = s.prop35; s.eVar21 = meterStatus.incognito ? 'Private' : undefined; s.eVar41 = globalTracking.publicationName; s.eVar42 = s.prop42; s.eVar45 = s.prop45; s.eVar67 = s.prop67; s.eVar68 = globalTracking.BCSessionID; s.eVar70 = globalTracking.testVariant; // GLOBE-303-310 - this is null on tag and gallery pages, needs the includes check const bgtLandingPage = globalTracking === null || globalTracking === void 0 ? void 0 : (_globalTracking$prima = globalTracking.primaryTaxonomy) === null || _globalTracking$prima === void 0 ? void 0 : _globalTracking$prima.includes('boston-globe-today'); if (getProp4(globalTracking) === 'LeafPage' || bgtLandingPage) { s.prop15 = globalTracking.videoName; s.eVar17 = globalTracking.videoName; s.prop59 = globalTracking.videoDuration; s.prop60 = globalTracking.videoType; s.prop61 = globalTracking.videoCategory; s.prop62 = globalTracking.videoHost; s.prop64 = globalTracking.firstPublishDate; s.prop65 = globalTracking.videoUuid; s.prop66 = globalTracking.dayOfTheWeek; s.prop75 = globalTracking.videoSections; } // use analytics determined by the meter updateMeterAnalyticsValues(); // lists s.list1 = globalTracking.featuresToRender; s.list2 = list2Prop; // events const events = []; if (queryParams.event && queryParams.event !== '') { queryParams.event.split(',').forEach(event => events.push(event)); } if ( && !== '') {',').forEach(event => events.push(event)); } let onetrustStorageConsent; try { onetrustStorageConsent = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('consent_one_trust_bgmp') || '{}'); } catch (err) { onetrustStorageConsent = {}; } if (globalTracking.oneTrustActive && onetrustStorageConsent && onetrustStorageConsent.C0002 === false) { return; } s.linkTrackEvents = events.toString(); = events.toString(); s.t(); // Switch account for all other omniture events s.account = globalTracking.customLinkReportSuiteIDs; s.linkTrackVars = 'None'; s.linkTrackEvents = 'None'; }; window.track = function(){var globalTracking =; var user =;globalTracking.pageLayout = "Curated";globalTracking.pageUrl = window.location.href;globalTracking.trackEvent = props => { try { const { instance, eventName, dynamic, videoGlobalTracking = { isVideoAnalytics: false } } = props; const { globalTracking, meterStatus, user } =; let combinedEventName = eventName; const QueryString = () => { const vars = {}; window.location.href.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, (m, key, value) => { vars[key] = value; }); return vars; }; const queryParams = QueryString(); /* eslint-disable */ const formattedLeafString = globalTrackingObj => globalTrackingObj.storyThread.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + globalTrackingObj.storyThread.substring(1); const getPage = globalTrackingObj => { switch (globalTrackingObj.pageLayout) { case 'LeafPage': return `${globalTrackingObj.siteSection} | ${formattedLeafString(globalTrackingObj)} | ${globalTrackingObj.articleHeadline}`; default: return; } }; const getProp4 = globalTrackingObj => { switch (globalTrackingObj.pageLayout) { case 'HomePage': return undefined; case 'TagPage': return 'Automated'; case 'LeafPage': return 'LeafPage'; default: return globalTrackingObj.pageLayout; } }; const getPageType = globalTrackingObj => { switch (globalTrackingObj.pageLayout) { case 'HomePage': return 'homepage'; case 'NotFoundPage': return 'Error page'; case 'SearchPage': return 'Search Page'; case 'LeafPage': if (window.meterObject && window.meterObject.meterState && window.meterObject.meterState.paywall) { return globalTrackingObj.pageOrAssetType; } else { return `${formattedLeafString(globalTrackingObj)} Page`; } case 'ComicPage': return 'Comics Page'; default: return globalTrackingObj.pageOrAssetType; } }; const getProp6 = globalTrackingObj => { const pageType = getPageType(globalTrackingObj); if ((pageType === null || pageType === void 0 ? void 0 : pageType.toLowerCase()) === 'video page') { const videoType = globalTrackingObj.videoType; if (videoType === 'segment') return `${pageType} | Segment`; if (videoType === 'episode') return `${pageType} | Episode`; } return pageType; }; const googleAnalyticsUTM = () => { const { utm_source: utmSource, utm_medium: utmMedium, utm_campaign: utmCampaign } = queryParams; const utmArray = [utmSource, utmMedium, utmCampaign]; const utmString = => typeof utmValue === 'string' && utmValue !== '' ? decodeURIComponent(utmValue).replace(/\|/g, ':') : 'none').join('|').toLocaleLowerCase(); return utmString; }; /* eslint-enable */ // NOTE: list2Prop derived from page ==> return `${this.config.query.ansValue} | BGC Homepage` // { page } from AnalyticsFormatter.js const list2Prop = globalTracking.pageLayout === 'TagPage' ?' |')[0] : globalTracking.taxonomyTags; window.s.account = globalTracking.customLinkReportSuiteIDs; window.s.pageName = getPage(globalTracking); = globalTracking.pageLayout === 'HomePage' ? 'homepage' : globalTracking.siteSection; window.s.campaign = queryParams.s_campaign; // lists window.s.list1 = globalTracking.featuresToRender; window.s.list2 = list2Prop; // props window.s.prop1 = globalTracking.pageLayout === 'HomePage' ? 'homepage' : globalTracking.primaryTaxonomy; window.s.prop2 = queryParams.rss_id; window.s.prop3 = globalTracking.contentCreator; window.s.prop4 = getProp4(globalTracking); window.s.prop5 = globalTracking.otherSections; window.s.prop6 = getProp6(globalTracking); window.s.prop7 = queryParams.p1; window.s.prop8 = globalTracking.publishDate; window.s.prop9 = globalTracking.wordCount; window.s.prop13 = props.galleryPage; window.s.prop14 = props.galleryName ? props.galleryName : (gallery => { if (gallery && gallery.length > 0) { return gallery.reduce((all, item) => all ? `${item.headlines}_${all}` : item.headlines, ''); } return null; })(; window.s.prop15 = (video => { if (video && video.length > 0) { return video.reduce((all, vid) => all ? `${vid.headlines}_${all}` : vid.headlines, ''); } return null; })(; window.s.prop17 = 'Arc'; window.s.prop18 = globalTracking.environmentTier; window.s.prop19 = googleAnalyticsUTM(); window.s.prop26 = queryParams.s_campaign; if (window.meterObject && window.meterObject.meterState && window.meterObject.meterState.paywall) { window.s.prop28 =; } else if (window.meterObject && window.meterObject.meterState && window.meterObject.meterState.progressBar) { window.s.prop27 = globalTracking.freeviewArticleCount; } window.s.prop35 = user.loggedIn === 'true' ? 'logged in' : 'logged out'; window.s.prop41 = globalTracking.publicationName; window.s.prop42 = globalTracking.loginType; window.s.prop43 = globalTracking.pageUrl; // if user access today's headline article from email, paywall=true and meterNumber="0", // we don't want this according to consumer-3059, set prop48=1 for above situation. if (globalTracking.pageLayout === 'HomePage') { window.s.prop48 = undefined; } else if (globalTracking.meterNumber === '0' || globalTracking.meterNumber === 0) { window.s.prop48 = 1; } else { window.s.prop48 = globalTracking.meterNumber; } // window.s.prop48 = globalTracking.pageLayout === 'HomePage' ? undefined : globalTracking.meterNumber; window.s.prop63 = globalTracking.codeVersion; window.s.prop67 = globalTracking.pageLayout === 'HomePage' || globalTracking.pageOrAssetType && globalTracking.pageOrAssetType.toLowerCase().indexOf('section') !== -1 || globalTracking.pageOrAssetType === 'Election Results' ? undefined : globalTracking.articleID; window.s.prop68 = globalTracking.articleHeadline; // eVars window.s.eVar1 = queryParams.p1; window.s.eVar4 = globalTracking.daysOnMeter; window.s.eVar5 = globalTracking.daysSinceFirstVisit; window.s.eVar6 = globalTracking.originalMeterCookieDate; window.s.eVar7 = globalTracking.currentMeterCookieDate; window.s.eVar12 = globalTracking.registrationID; window.s.eVar15 =; window.s.eVar19 = googleAnalyticsUTM(); window.s.eVar21 = meterStatus.incognito ? 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margin_bottom" style="font-size:18px"><span id="headline-f0fa3zmJAEe016z-LEW4AV5GQVBOPCIZ7IAK2MALHI-0">The Satanic Temple’s quest to protect religious freedom</span></h2><div class="deck | border_box inline_block font_tertiary padding_bottom" style="font-size:14px;line-height:1.3"><span id="deck-f0fa3zmJAEe016z-LEW4AV5GQVBOPCIZ7IAK2MALHI-0" class="display_block">As one of the most provocative religious organizations in the country, the Satanic Temple is no stranger to inciting controversy - it’s one of their main tactics.<!-- --> </span></div></div></a></div></div></div><div class="container | align_items_start inline_block col ws-4 desktop-4 tablet-4 width_full"><div mobileAppPackage="[object Object]" class="s_c | align_items_start grid padding_horizontal width_full"><div class="card | inline_block padding_none margin_top margin_left margin_right margin_bottom width_full i_h_d"><a class="card color_inherit" href="/2024/10/23/sports/red-sox-podcast/" aria-label="‘I guarantee you that baby will be out before the end of the game’: Red Sox fans remember the joy of 2004"><div><div id="" class="image | relative margin_bottom_16 width_full false false "><figure class="font_primary margin_center false false " style="height:auto" id="img-f0fa3zmJAEe016z-PFSLVOE2KBDQDJ3MAMSG5ZBMQY-1"><img id="img-f0fa3zmJAEe016z-PFSLVOE2KBDQDJ3MAMSG5ZBMQY-1-image" alt="Eight-year-old Colin Jones and 10-year-old Walter Hannon were right in front at the Red Sox' rolling rally on Oct. 30, 2004." class="height_a width_full invisible width_full--mobile width_full--tablet-only" data-src=",5" data-srcset=",5 1440w,,5 1280w,,5 1024w,,5 820w,,5 600w,,5 420w,,5 240w" src=",5" srcSet=",5 1440w,,5 1280w,,5 1024w,,5 820w,,5 600w,,5 420w,,5 240w" loading="lazy"/><figcaption class=" img_caption | margin_horizontal_0--mobile margin_horizontal_0--tablet text_align_right"><span class="credit uppercase"></span></figcaption></figure></div><h2 class="headline | bold border_box font_secondary margin_bottom" style="font-size:18px"><span id="headline-f0fa3zmJAEe016z-PFSLVOE2KBDQDJ3MAMSG5ZBMQY-1">‘I guarantee you that baby will be out before the end of the game’: Red Sox fans remember the joy of 2004</span></h2><div class="deck | border_box inline_block font_tertiary padding_bottom" style="font-size:14px;line-height:1.3"><span id="deck-f0fa3zmJAEe016z-PFSLVOE2KBDQDJ3MAMSG5ZBMQY-1" class="display_block">In the epilogue of our special podcast series, hear directly from New Englanders whose lives were forever touched by the Red Sox.<!-- --> </span></div></div></a></div></div></div><div class="container | align_items_start inline_block col ws-4 desktop-4 tablet-4 width_full"><div mobileAppPackage="[object Object]" class="s_c | align_items_start grid padding_horizontal width_full"><div class="card | inline_block padding_none margin_top margin_left margin_right margin_bottom width_full i_h_d"><a class="card color_inherit" href="/2024/10/10/sports/red-sox-history-podcast-2004/" aria-label="‘A biblical kind of sports story’: Recounting the incredible run of the 2004 Red Sox"><div><div id="" class="image | relative margin_bottom_16 width_full false false "><figure class="font_primary margin_center false false " style="height:auto" id="img-f0fa3zmJAEe016z-MMOH45XUC5ES7C2CXDGWMC5ZIM-2"><img id="img-f0fa3zmJAEe016z-MMOH45XUC5ES7C2CXDGWMC5ZIM-2-image" alt="" class="height_a width_full invisible width_full--mobile width_full--tablet-only" data-src=",5" data-srcset=",5 1440w,,5 1280w,,5 1024w,,5 820w,,5 600w,,5 420w,,5 240w" src=",5" srcSet=",5 1440w,,5 1280w,,5 1024w,,5 820w,,5 600w,,5 420w,,5 240w" loading="lazy"/><figcaption class=" img_caption | margin_horizontal_0--mobile margin_horizontal_0--tablet text_align_right"><span class="credit uppercase"></span></figcaption></figure></div><h2 class="headline | bold border_box font_secondary margin_bottom" style="font-size:18px"><span id="headline-f0fa3zmJAEe016z-MMOH45XUC5ES7C2CXDGWMC5ZIM-2">‘A biblical kind of sports story’: Recounting the incredible run of the 2004 Red Sox</span></h2><div class="deck | border_box inline_block font_tertiary padding_bottom" style="font-size:14px;line-height:1.3"><span id="deck-f0fa3zmJAEe016z-MMOH45XUC5ES7C2CXDGWMC5ZIM-2" class="display_block">In this special podcast miniseries, the Globe revisits the team of misfits and underdogs known as the “Idiots” who defied the odds to break the curse that had loomed over Fenway Park for 86 years.<!-- --> </span></div></div></a></div></div></div></div></div></section><section id="sp-top-rail" class="sp | top-rail col grid inline_block mobile_12 desktop-4 ws-3"></section><section id="sp-middle-fw" class="sp | middle-fw col grid width_full"></section><section id="sp-middle-main" class="sp | middle-main align_items_start col grid mobile_12 desktop-8 ws-9"><div class="section_feed_container | padding_16 width_full"><h4 class="title | bold capitalize font_primary margin_top">Latest stories</h4><hr class="horizontal_rule | color_main"/><div class="section_feed_item | no-padding font_primary"><div class="content | grid border_1 border_bottom border_gray padding_vertical_24 width_full"><div class="text | col padding_right"><a href="/2024/11/24/metro/chuck-woolery-smooth-talking-game-show-host-love-connection-scrabble-dies-83/" class="color_main"><div class="section_feed_image_container | col float_right padding_left_16 width_100px--mobile"><div id="" class="image | relative margin_bottom_none width_full false false "><figure class="font_primary margin_center false false " style="height:auto" id="img-section-feed-5YZKTPKB55HV3HHICK7CP4JD7E"><a href="/2024/11/24/metro/chuck-woolery-smooth-talking-game-show-host-love-connection-scrabble-dies-83/"><img id="img-section-feed-5YZKTPKB55HV3HHICK7CP4JD7E-image" alt="Mr. Woolery, in 2007." class="height_a width_full invisible width_full--mobile width_full--tablet-only" data-src=",5" data-srcset=",5 1440w,,5 1280w,,5 1024w,,5 820w,,5 600w,,5 420w,,5 240w" src=",5" srcSet=",5 1440w,,5 1280w,,5 1024w,,5 820w,,5 600w,,5 420w,,5 240w" loading="lazy"/></a><figcaption class=" img_caption | margin_horizontal_0--mobile margin_horizontal_0--tablet text_align_right"><span class="credit uppercase"></span></figcaption></figure></div></div><h4 class="section_feed_headline | bold font_secondary font_size_28"><span class="color_main">Chuck Woolery, smooth-talking game show host of ‘Love Connection’ and ‘Scrabble,’ dies at 83</span></h4></a><p class="dec | font_tertiary font_size_14">The original host of "Wheel of Fortune" would later become a right-wing podcaster.<!-- --> </p></div></div></div><div class="section_feed_item | no-padding font_primary"><div class="content | grid border_1 border_bottom border_gray padding_vertical_24 width_full"><div class="text | col padding_right"><a href="/2024/11/24/metro/fred-r-harris-oklahoma-senator-who-ran-president-dies-94/" class="color_main"><div class="section_feed_image_container | col float_right padding_left_16 width_100px--mobile"><div id="" class="image | relative margin_bottom_none width_full false false "><figure class="font_primary margin_center false false " style="height:auto" id="img-section-feed-AFR75YEHMFF7RCBAURGHKG55KU"><a href="/2024/11/24/metro/fred-r-harris-oklahoma-senator-who-ran-president-dies-94/"><img id="img-section-feed-AFR75YEHMFF7RCBAURGHKG55KU-image" alt="Then-Senator Harris held a copy of the report of the Kerner Commission as he and two other members of the commission discussed the study on the program "Issues and Answers" 1968." class="height_a width_full invisible width_full--mobile width_full--tablet-only" data-src=",5" data-srcset=",5 1440w,,5 1280w,,5 1024w,,5 820w,,5 600w,,5 420w,,5 240w" src=",5" srcSet=",5 1440w,,5 1280w,,5 1024w,,5 820w,,5 600w,,5 420w,,5 240w" loading="lazy"/></a><figcaption class=" img_caption | margin_horizontal_0--mobile margin_horizontal_0--tablet text_align_right"><span class="credit uppercase"></span></figcaption></figure></div></div><h4 class="section_feed_headline | bold font_secondary font_size_28"><span class="color_main">Fred R. Harris, Oklahoma senator who ran for president, dies at 94</span></h4></a><p class="dec | font_tertiary font_size_14">His populist campaign challenged politics as usual and proposed a redistribution of wealth in America and other far-reaching changes.<!-- --> </p></div></div></div><div class="section_feed_item | no-padding font_primary"><div class="content | grid border_1 border_bottom border_gray padding_vertical_24 width_full"><div class="text | col padding_right"><a href="/2024/11/24/metro/wildfires-massachusetts-drought-fire-rain/" class="color_main"><div class="section_feed_image_container | col float_right padding_left_16 width_100px--mobile"><div id="" class="image | relative margin_bottom_none width_full false false "><figure class="font_primary margin_center false false " style="height:auto" id="img-section-feed-MMSEU5KT6VDVNJL4KYKMWZZH5E"><a href="/2024/11/24/metro/wildfires-massachusetts-drought-fire-rain/"><img id="img-section-feed-MMSEU5KT6VDVNJL4KYKMWZZH5E-image" alt="Sharon firefighter Kurt Simpson puts out hot spots on a trail as firefighters were still on the scene at a massive wildfire at the Blue Hills Reservation." class="height_a width_full invisible width_full--mobile width_full--tablet-only" data-src=",5" data-srcset=",5 1440w,,5 1280w,,5 1024w,,5 820w,,5 600w,,5 420w,,5 240w" src=",5" srcSet=",5 1440w,,5 1280w,,5 1024w,,5 820w,,5 600w,,5 420w,,5 240w" loading="lazy"/></a><figcaption class=" img_caption | margin_horizontal_0--mobile margin_horizontal_0--tablet text_align_right"><span class="credit uppercase"></span></figcaption></figure></div></div><h4 class="section_feed_headline | bold font_secondary font_size_28"><span class="color_main">Over 20 wildfires still raging through Massachusetts</span></h4></a><p class="dec | font_tertiary font_size_14">Drought-induced fires can burn deep into the ground, making them extremely difficult to extinguish.<!-- --> </p></div></div></div><div class="section_feed_item | no-padding font_primary"><div class="content | grid border_1 border_bottom border_gray padding_vertical_24 width_full"><div class="text | col padding_right"><a href="/2024/11/24/metro/madeleine-riffaud-battler-nazis-france-foreign-correspondent-vietnam-dies-100/" class="color_main"><div class="section_feed_image_container | col float_right padding_left_16 width_100px--mobile"><div id="" class="image | relative margin_bottom_none width_full false false "><figure class="font_primary margin_center false false " style="height:auto" id="img-section-feed-ZFOASSQ2GZDVHBJYH3AFSXPPGA"><a href="/2024/11/24/metro/madeleine-riffaud-battler-nazis-france-foreign-correspondent-vietnam-dies-100/"><img id="img-section-feed-ZFOASSQ2GZDVHBJYH3AFSXPPGA-image" alt="A French poet, war correspondent, and member of the French Resistance, Ms. Riffaud posed for a photo session last year at her home in Paris." class="height_a width_full invisible width_full--mobile width_full--tablet-only" data-src=",5" data-srcset=",5 1440w,,5 1280w,,5 1024w,,5 820w,,5 600w,,5 420w,,5 240w" src=",5" srcSet=",5 1440w,,5 1280w,,5 1024w,,5 820w,,5 600w,,5 420w,,5 240w" loading="lazy"/></a><figcaption class=" img_caption | margin_horizontal_0--mobile margin_horizontal_0--tablet text_align_right"><span class="credit uppercase"></span></figcaption></figure></div></div><h4 class="section_feed_headline | bold font_secondary font_size_28"><span class="color_main">Madeleine Riffaud, a battler of Nazis in France and a foreign correspondent in Vietnam, dies at 100</span></h4></a><p class="dec | font_tertiary font_size_14">Although she was lionized as “the girl who saved Paris,” Ms. Riffaud portrayed her exploits as nothing unusual for the desperate times in which she and her comrades fought.<!-- --> </p></div></div></div><div class="section_feed_item | no-padding font_primary"><div class="content | grid border_1 border_bottom border_gray padding_vertical_24 width_full"><div class="text | col "><a href="/2024/11/24/metro/dorchester-shooting-police/" class="color_main"><h4 class="section_feed_headline | bold font_secondary font_size_28"><span class="color_main">Police investigating Dorchester shooting that left man hospitalized</span></h4></a><p class="dec | font_tertiary font_size_14">At 9:15 p.m., officers responded to reports of a person shot near 10 Morrill St. where they located a male victim at the scene.<!-- --> </p></div></div></div></div></section><section id="sp-middle-rail" class="sp | middle-rail col grid inline_block mobile_12 desktop-4 ws-3"><div class="arc_ad | background_transparent border_box border_none container color_gray column text_align_center width_full ad_position_ad_sectfront1" id="ad_position_ad_sectfront1"><div id="bg_unknown-section_ad_sectfront1"></div></div></section><section id="sp-lower-fw" class="sp | lower-fw col grid width_full"></section><section id="sp-lower-main" class="sp | lower-main align_items_start col grid mobile_12 desktop-8 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