Stamford/Norwalk JD Directions - CT Judicial Branch

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To request an accommodation under the ADA, please <a href="../../../../ADA/towns.htm"> locate your local ADA contact person</a> for this location.</p> <p><span class="Med_Arial_Bold">Directions:</span></p> <span class="text_large"><strong>I-95 South from Norwalk/Bridgeport:</strong> <ul class="text"> <li>I-95 South to Exit 8 (Elm Street) <li>At the end of ramp take a right onto Elm Street. <li>Follow Elm, which will become Grove Street. <li>At the traffic light at the top of the hill, slight left onto Hoyt Street. <li>Courthouse is the first brick building on the left.</ul> <strong>I-95 North from Greenwich/NY State:</strong> <ul class="text"> <li>North to Exit 8 (Atlantic Street). <li>Take left off ramp onto Atlantic Street. <li>Follow Atlantic Street North to Bedford Street approximately one mile. <li>Turn right at light onto Hoyt Street at the Stamford Police Station. <li>Courthouse is 123 Hoyt.</ul> <strong>Merritt Parkway-South (Route 15) from New Canaan, Norwalk, Wilton, Weston:</strong> <ul class="text"> <li>Merritt Parkway South to Exit 35, at end of ramp turn right onto High Ridge Road. <li>Follow High Ridge Road, which will become Summer Street approximately three miles. <li>Follow Summer Street South; turn left on Hoyt Street. <li>Go through two lights. <li>Courthouse is 123 Hoyt. </ul> <strong>Merritt Parkway-North (Route 15) from Greenwich/New York State:</strong> <ul class="text"> <li>Take Exit 34. Turn right off ramp onto Long Ridge Road. <li>Proceed South approximately three miles until you reach Summer Street. <li>Follow Summer Street South; turn left onto Hoyt Street. <li>Go through two lights. <li>Courthouse is 123 Hoyt. </ul> </span></div> <div style="float: right; width: 30%"> <!-- Direction box begins --> <div id="DirectionBox2"> <div class="Direction_Headings">Telephone Numbers</div> <span class="text">Chief Clerk's Office: 203-965-5308<br>Fax: 203-965-5370<br>Housing Session Fax: 203-965-5788<br />GA 1 Fax: 203-965-5355<br />Adult Probation: 203-965-5302<br> <a href="../../../csc/loc.htm">Court Service Center</a>: 203-965-5328 <br> Juvenile Matters: <a href="../../Juddir.pdf#page=139">Phone Numbers</a><br> <a href="../../../lawlib/staff.htm#STAMFORD">Law Library</a>: 203-965-5250</span><br> <div class="Direction_Headings"><span class="Direction_Headings">Hours</span></div> <span class="text">9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.<br>Doors open at 8:30 A.M.</span><br> <div class="Direction_Headings">Parking</div> <span class="text"> <strong>Public and Juror Parking:</strong> Available on site. </span> <div class="Direction_Headings">Transportation</div> <span class="text">Local Bus Service: <a href="{D1549146-02F9-4566-B5EC-11DF55D27C1D}">CT Transit Bus Lines</a><img alt="External Link" title="External Link - you are leaving the Connecticut Judicial Branch website" height="14" src="../../../Announce/ext_link_trans.gif" width="22"></span><br> <div class="Direction_Headings">Coordinates</div> <span class="text">Latitude: 41.06019, Longitude: -73.53579</span><br> <div class="Direction_Headings">Other Stamford Facilities</div> <span class="text"><a href="../../../directory/directory/directions/1.htm">Geographical Area 1 at Stamford</a></span><br> <div class="Direction_Headings"><a id="DirectionBoxHead10">Wheelchair</a> Access</div> <span class="text">Wheelchair access is through the front door.</span></div> <!-- Direction box ends --> </div> <br style="clear:both"> <div class="map_wrapper"> <iframe src="!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d3008.41340405026!2d-73.5379507844464!3d41.059955324191826!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x89c2a1c1ffea2339%3A0x1f403393bda448c4!2s123+Hoyt+St%2C+Stamford%2C+CT+06905!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sus!4v1558027994824!5m2!1sen!2sus" width="600" height="450" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen> </iframe> </div> <!-- #EndEditable --> </div> </section> </article> </section> </section> </div> <footer id="JudMaster_Footer" class="MasterFooter" style="font-size:1em;"></footer> </form> <script src="/JudMaster/scripts/JudMaster.js?v2" type="text/javascript"></script> </body> <!-- #EndTemplate --> </html>

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