2025 KAMEHA CON | Atlantic City Convention Center

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</span><span class="m-date__rangeLast"><span class="m-date__day">15</span><span class="m-date__year">, 2025</span></span> </span> </div> <div class="details"> <ul class="eventDetailList"> <li class="item sidebar_event_date"> <span class="add-to-cal">+ Add to Calendar</span> <div class="label">Date</div> <span><span class="m-date__rangeFirst"><span class="m-date__month">June </span><span class="m-date__day">13</span></span><span class="m-date__separator"> - </span><span class="m-date__rangeLast"><span class="m-date__day">15</span><span class="m-date__year">, 2025</span></span></span> </li><li class="item sidebar_event_venue"> <div class="label">Venue</div> <span>Atlantic City Convention Center</span> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="event_showings"> <ul class="list clearfix"> <li id="showing_313" class="listItem clearfix listItehasNoLink"> <span class="wrapper"> <span class="cell showings_date" aria-label="June 13 2025 on TBA"> <span class="m-date__singleDate"><span class="m-date__month">June </span><span class="m-date__day">13</span><span class="m-date__year">, 2025</span></span> <span class="time cell"> TBA </span> </span> <a href="" class="ical" title="Add to Calendar for June 13 2025 on TBA"><span class="add-to-cal">+ Add to Calendar</span></a> </span> <span class="buttons cell"> <a href="" class="ical" title="Add to Calendar for June 13 2025 on TBA"><span class="add-to-cal">+ Add to Calendar</span></a> </span> <a href="" class="ical" title="Add to Calendar for June 13 2025 on TBA"><span class="add-to-cal">+ Add to Calendar</span></a> </li> <li id="showing_314" class="listItem clearfix listItehasNoLink"> <span class="wrapper"> <span class="cell showings_date" aria-label="June 14 2025 on TBA"> <span class="m-date__singleDate"><span class="m-date__month">June </span><span class="m-date__day">14</span><span class="m-date__year">, 2025</span></span> <span class="time cell"> TBA </span> </span> <a href="" class="ical" title="Add to Calendar for June 14 2025 on TBA"><span class="add-to-cal">+ Add to Calendar</span></a> </span> <span class="buttons cell"> <a href="" class="ical" title="Add to Calendar for June 14 2025 on TBA"><span class="add-to-cal">+ Add to Calendar</span></a> </span> <a href="" class="ical" title="Add to Calendar for June 14 2025 on TBA"><span class="add-to-cal">+ Add to Calendar</span></a> </li> <li id="showing_315" class="listItem clearfix listItehasNoLink"> <span class="wrapper"> <span class="cell showings_date" aria-label="June 15 2025 on TBA"> <span class="m-date__singleDate"><span class="m-date__month">June </span><span class="m-date__day">15</span><span class="m-date__year">, 2025</span></span> <span class="time cell"> TBA </span> </span> <a href="" class="ical" title="Add to Calendar for June 15 2025 on TBA"><span class="add-to-cal">+ Add to Calendar</span></a> </span> <span class="buttons cell"> <a href="" class="ical" title="Add to Calendar for June 15 2025 on TBA"><span class="add-to-cal">+ Add to Calendar</span></a> </span> <a href="" class="ical" title="Add to Calendar for June 15 2025 on TBA"><span class="add-to-cal">+ Add to Calendar</span></a> </li> </ul> </div> <h2 class="detail">Event Details</h2> <div class="event_description expandable" data-options="event_detail" tabindex="0"> <p>Kameha Con is back for another exciting year, returning on June 13th-15th with a thrilling twist! 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