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We have received numerous requests to provide certain opportunities in Plerdy, and we are ready to implement some of them soon. Furthermore, we will constantly be adding new items to this page.</p> <b>The last update of this list is January 9, 2025.</b> </div> </div> </section> <section> <div class="container"> <div class="row_plan"> <div class="col_plan"> <div class="bg_plan"> <div class="head_img"><i class="ico_p_2"></i></div> <div class="title_plan">Plan</div> <ul> <li>Tracking keyword positions in Google's SERP.</li> <li>White label.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="col_plan"> <div class="bg_plan"> <div class="head_img"><i class="ico_p_1"></i></div> <div class="title_plan">Doing</div> <ul> <li>SEO AI assistant.</li> <li>Update popup form - Customer Effort Score (CES).</li> <li>Many step-by-step surveys in popup form.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="col_plan"> <div class="bg_plan"> <div class="head_img"><i class="ico_p_3"></i></div> <div class="title_plan">Testing</div> <ul> <li>New data for the UX AI Assistant.</li> <li>AI UX is a new type of web page analysis.</li> <li>New reports in the dashboard.</li> <li>More settings for A/B testing.</li> <li>Saving the heatmap report as a PDF.</li> <li>A time-on-page report showing how users move from one section to another on the website.</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="list_plan_s"> <div class="container"> <div class="title-center">Done</div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date"> <span class="mark_blue">new</span> January 9, 2025</div> <ul> <li>Webhooks have been improved, allowing you to automatically collect all emails in a Google Sheets file. Here's the guide: <a href="">Sync Plerdy Emails to Google Sheets</a>.</li> <li>In A/B testing, you can now add a new element either before or after a selected element. This is done using the `plerdy-tracking-id` attribute added to tags. You can check this by opening "Inspect" in your browser and finding the corresponding tag in the "Elements" tab.</li> <li>The connection for Ecommerce tracking in Shopify has been updated to an event-based system, which improves accuracy. Check out the guide here: <a href="">Connecting Plerdy to Shopify</a>.</li> <li>A search function has been added to the Event Tracking report. Go to: Conversions > Event Tracking.</li> <li>A wider filter has been added to the Conversions > Ecommerce Tracking report.</li> <li>Text in popup forms now updates automatically while editing.</li> <li>It's now possible to continue an A/B test after it has been stopped.</li> <li>Upgraded to modern technologies to improve overall platform performance.</li> <li>Introduced a separate guest account for easier collaboration.</li> <li>Improved the SERP checker algorithm for better data processing.</li> <li>Developed a PDF-based report generation feature that allows sharing dashboards with clients via links.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date"> November 27, 2024</div> <ul> <li>Improved UI design and enhanced data clarity in the Funnel Report.</li> <li>Added the ability to configure two separate events for A/B testing on website pages.</li> <li>Expanded A/B Testing Report with more detailed analytics.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date"> October 23, 2024</div> <ul> <li>Improved the speed of click display on the heatmap, almost 5x faster on large sites with millions of clicks.</li> <li>Added the ability to track clicks within the iframe tag. This can be enabled in the Plerdy account under Heatmap > Set up.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date"> September 12, 2024</div> <ul> <li>Updated the UI/UX design of the popup forms report pages.</li> <li>Fixed minor bugs and applied performance enhancements.</li> <li>Updated the referral program page with new features.</li> <li>Improved overall site speed and responsiveness.</li> <li>Enhanced analytics accuracy for better data insights.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date"> July 23, 2024</div> <ul> <li>Optimized the video session recording feature for faster playback.</li> <li>Enhanced popup form compatibility across all devices and browsers.</li> <li>Improved the overall performance of popup form loading times.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date"> June 07, 2024</div> <ul> <li>We are adding new information about the hours of the day to the dashboard.</li> <li>The final stage: Updating the design of the pop-up settings interface.</li> <li>Optimization of data retrieval for A/B testing.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date"> April 04, 2024</div> <ul> <li>Added a new option for A/B testing with URL redirect capability, split testing.</li> <li>Optimized server performance and speed for better data collection.</li> <li>Simplified guest access opening.</li> <li>Added new instructions on the onboarding page in the account.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date"> February 28, 2024</div> <ul> <li>Updated the UI design of popup form settings, completing the primary phase.</li> <li>Revamped the page structure post-account creation for a faster onboarding experience.</li> <li>Updated the principles of launching A/B testing and approaches to result evaluation.</li> <li>Upgraded server infrastructure to enhance data delivery and processing.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date"> January 17, 2024</div> <ul> <li>Added the ability to select an event as a goal for A/B testing.</li> <li>Introduced a choice of how many video sessions to record per day, ranging from 500 to 5000.</li> <li>Fixed issues in popup form reports.</li> <li>Improved the configuration settings for A/B testing.</li> <li>Expanded filters in UX interaction video sessions.</li> <li>New filter in video sessions: "Pages viewed per session".</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date">December 15, 2023</div> <ul> <li>Added Filter in Video Session Report: Filter video sessions by the number of pages viewed per session.</li> <li>New "UX Interaction" Filters: Includes filters for Video Duration (sec.), Hour of Day, Cursor Movement, Page Scroll, Clicks, Rage Clicks, and Page Count.</li> <li>Onboarding Checklist: A new checklist feature for easier interaction and familiarization with Plerdy tools.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date"> November 17, 2023</div> <ul> <li>Custom CSS for individual elements has been added to the A/B Testing tool.</li> <li>Custom CSS for entire website pages has been added to the A/B Testing tool.</li> <li>The ability to modify HTML and add new HTML to any element has been introduced in the A/B Testing tool.</li> <li>A feature to select the country from which the test is conducted has been added to the A/B Testing tool.</li> <li>Device selection capability has been incorporated into the A/B Testing tool.</li> <li>The A/B Testing tool now includes the option to save descriptions.</li> <li>Average session time has been added to the A/B Testing report.</li> <li>Date selection for URL addition in the Google Search Console filter for segmentation has been added.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date"> October 27, 2023</div> <ul> <li>In the A/B testing report, you can now see a table of devices and traffic channels.</li> <li>There's a separate report for UTM tags.</li> <li>Added to the A/B testing table is the average scroll percentage.</li> <li>In popup forms, for headers and subheaders, you can now use the <span> tag and the style attribute to modify a particular word to better emphasize a point in the popup.</li> <li>Added a tracking code post-registration for quick integration if only A/B testing is required.</li> <li>Updated the app for Shopify due to the transition to a new domain:</li> <li>Updated the WordPress plugin which helps add the tracking code to all site pages.</li> <li>Added new fonts for popup forms.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date"> October 16, 2023</div> <ul> <li>Added new features to the A/B testing tool.</li> <li>Integrated with GA4, events are now sent.</li> <li>Added a feature to block interactivity on the page during CSS and HTML editing.</li> <li>Updated the micro events (micro goals) report.</li> <li>Improved receiving AI UX assistant reports.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date"> September 30, 2023</div> <ul> <li>Launched the beta version of the free A/B testing tool.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date"> September 14, 2023</div> <ul> <li>Now you can effortlessly export video sessions data directly to a Google spreadsheet for more accessible analysis.</li> <li>We're rolling out significant improvements in the configuration and editing process of conversion funnels, making it even more user-friendly.</li> <li>Easily export your essential SEO data straight to a Google spreadsheet, streamlining your analysis process.</li> <li>We've revamped the video popup form; now it includes a preview feature and allows you to incorporate your brand's logo for a more personalized touch.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date">August 10, 2023</div> Plerdy is thrilled to unveil its newest innovation, the AI UX Assistant. This dynamic tool does more than just analyze your website pages - it provides invaluable CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) insights to help enhance your webpage. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Here's how it functions</a>: <ul> <li>Step 1: Initiate by producing heat map reports. These graphics illustrate user behaviors, capturing where they click, scroll, and navigate.</li> <li>Step 2: Implement rules to capture video sessions, recording real-time user engagement on your site. But before diving in, decide the number of reports you wish to generate in the popup. Bonus: Two reports are on us for testing!</li> <li>Step 3: When you accumulate over 100 user sessions, an extensive analysis complemented with actionable tips will be at your fingertips.</li> <li>Step 4: Navigate to the Assistant page on Plerdy.</li> <li>Step 5: In a popup, customize your requirements by selecting the desired period and device type. From the dropdown, choose the URLs you're interested in. Note: If data is limited, some URLs might be unavailable.</li> <li>Step 6: Hit the 'Create Report' button.</li> <li>Step 7: Voilà! Access your report and dive into the goldmine of suggestions.</li> <li>Step 8: The convenience doesn’t end there. You have the option to download the report as a PDF or share access with your team or clients.</li> </ul> Want to explore further? Visit the <a href="">product page</a> for all the detailed features and benefits. </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date"> July 20, 2023</div> <ul> <li>Enhanced product funnel: Now includes traffic channels and countries for a deeper understanding of conversion.</li> <li>Updated calendar in the conversion funnel.</li> <li>Improved affiliate program.</li> <li>Reduced the request time for webhooks in email export from popup forms. Now, the number of allowed email read requests is 1 per 30 seconds.</li> <li>Revised calendar feature in the dashboard.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date"> June 21, 2023</div> <ul> <li>Precise Data Collection: The tool boasts pinpoint accuracy, revealing crucial information about Google's TOP10 competitors and enabling real-time competitor tracking. For more information, visit <a href="">Plerdy's SERP Checker</a>.</li> <li>Customize your SERP Checker: Easily add keywords and customize language, country, and Google region settings for precise site rankings and Google SERP data.</li> <li>Competitor SERP Analysis: The SERP Checker provides deep insights into your top-10 competitors in the SERPs, including their URLs, Titles, Descriptions, H1 content, word counts, and SERP position shifts.</li> <li>Top and Stop Word Analysis: The SERP Checker identifies frequently used industry-specific top words and stop words that hinder SEO performance in your competitors' URLs. This feature helps fine-tune your SEO strategy.</li> <li>Content Enhancement: The SERP Checker tool provides in-depth text analysis, identifying opportunities for content improvement, fresh content ideas, and competitor keywords.</li> <li>Competitor SEO Structure: Gain valuable insights into your competitors' SEO structure, including their H1, H2, and H3 tags, image sections, and lists.</li> <li>SEO Content Planning: The SERP Checker's Content Brief feature helps create captivating content that drives growth in Google Search Console metrics.</li> <li>Add comments to a video session.</li> <li>Add comments to a heatmap report.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date"> June 6, 2023</div> <ul> <li>New videos and explanations for onboarding and training.</li> <li>Added a commenting function to each URL in the Google Search Console report. It is convenient to add what was done to the page, how it was optimized, and so on.</li> <li>Improved the UI of the menu bar in the heatmap report.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date"> April 19, 2023</div> <ul> <li>The user interface, filters, and header of have been updated for a more streamlined and user-friendly experience.</li> <li>An added feature now allows users to disable any unnecessary charts on the dashboard, promoting a cleaner and more personalized view.</li> <li>The WordPress plugin has been updated, ensuring compatibility with the latest WordPress versions and providing enhanced performance and functionality.</li> <li>Preparations are being made to introduce new products, indicating continuous innovation and development for user satisfaction.</li> <li>New graphical representations have been added to the SEO report, providing a more visual and understandable view of your SEO metrics.</li> <li>The updated SEO data report offers more accurate and comprehensive information to help optimize your website's SEO performance.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date">February 07, 2023</div> <ul> <li>Combined adding events with the report of events and goals. The add events page has been removed.</li> <li>Updated Shopify app as Shopify moved to domain -</li> <li>Updated heatmap table in Heatmaps > Clicks</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date">January 18, 2023</div> <ul> <li>Design updates for reports of clicks, scrolling, traffic and more.</li> <li>Updated report display and heatmap settings.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date"> December 13, 2022</div> <ul> <li>Various optimization tasks and fixes.</li> <li>Checkout page design update.</li> <li>Improved the usability of the calendar in the heat map report.</li> <li>Updated the design of popup form reports.</li> <li>Design update for creating support tickets.</li> <li>Added the ability to add a screenshot to a support ticket.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date"> October 26, 2022</div> <ul> <li>Updated the usability of the calendar in the video session report.</li> <li>Changes to the Shopify app integration API.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date"> September 21, 2022</div> <ul> <li>Data segmentation based on tags from Google Search Console.</li> <li>Dashboard updated.</li> <li>E-commerce report updated.</li> <li>User ID in popup form reports.</li> <li>The video session recording playback page has been updated.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date"> September 2nd, 2022</div> <ul> <li>Add a Slack channel to receive lead reports from popup forms.</li> <li>Updated email reports.</li> <li>Integration with Semrush.</li> <li>Optimization of obtaining SEO data from Google Search Console.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date"> August 16, 2022</div> <ul> <li>Updated the design of the popup UI settings.</li> <li>Integrated into popup forms.</li> <li>Integrated into popup forms of videos: Youtube shorts and TikTok.</li> <li>Activity logging in the user account. You can view it in the Plerdy account profile.</li> <li>Improved recording of rage clicks.</li> <li>Updated the design of the site list page.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date"> July 14, 2022</div> <ul> <li>Added country chart to report popup forms and dashboard.</li> <li>Report on popup forms combined on one page.</li> <li>Redesigned conversion funnel UI.</li> <li>Two-Factor Authentication.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date"> June 30, 2022</div> <ul> <li>Improve the usability of the report popup forms.</li> <li>Submit events to Google Analytics 4 from popup forms based on closing data or a successful click on the form. </li> <li>Information in the video session recording that the user is online/offline/ended. </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date"> June 15, 2022</div> <ul> <li>Popup forms API Сonstant Сontact. </li> <li>Popup forms API Zoho.</li> <li>Popup forms API Moosend.</li> <li>Custom display of data in video sessions, which the user in the form fills in.</li> <li>Site source code history in the SEO report. </li> <li>Define the length of the title & meta description in the SEO report. </li> <li>Data on the number of images with and without the ALT attribute in the SEO report. </li> <li>Open Graph Protocol information in the SEO report. </li> <li>Information about external links from the site page, given in the SEO report. </li> <li>Information about duplicate internal links on the site page, given in the SEO report. </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date"> May 25, 2022</div> <ul> <li>Update All reports to the dashboard.</li> <li>Animation of the appearance of popup forms on the site page.</li> <li>Combine any domains and subdomains into one account to record shared user session data (cross-domain tracking).</li> <li>Chart - user session data in the traffic report.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date"> May 13, 2022</div> <ul> <li>Save filters.</li> <li>New languages: Japanese, Italian and Polish.</li> <li>Popup forms API Hubspot.</li> <li>Popup forms API Mailerlite.</li> <li>Popup forms API Intercom.</li> <li>Popup forms API ClickUp.</li> <li>Popup forms API Zapier.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date"> April 20, 2022</div> <ul> <li>New popup form — you could create a popup form by adding a video.</li> <li>Popup forms API Convertkit.</li> <li>Popup forms API Klaviyo.</li> <li>Popup forms API ActiveCampaign.</li> <li>New filters in video sessions — new and returning users.</li> <li>Custom user ID in video sessions, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">guide</a>.</li> <li>API Webhooks for popup forms.</li> <li>Added the effect of moving the mouse cursor, which can be seen while watching a video session.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date"> March 24, 2022</div> <ul> <li>Shopify e-commerce tracking - <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>.</li> <li>German, French, and Portuguese in the user's account.</li> <li>Added more SEO metrics for exporting to Google Spreadsheets.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date"> Feb 22, 2022</div> <ul> <li>More settings for email reports.</li> <li>Shopify App - <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></li> <li>Google Search Console new report on page graphs of impressions, clicks, average position and CTR. </li> <li>Optimize popup forms. </li> <li>New click style on the site page. </li> <li>Set the popup form to the desired location on the page using an iframe. </li> <li>Spanish in Plerdy's account. </li> <li>If you find an error in the word, press Windows (ctrl + enter) or Mac (control + return). </li> <li>Separate popup form with fortune wheel. </li> <li>In the conversion funnel, each step has a choice of exact or contains in the URL. </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_2"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date"> Jan 13, 2022</div> <ul> <li>Added user group to video session rule.</li> <li>Updated design of popup.</li> <li>New graphs in the report of popup forms.</li> <li>UX optimization for popup forms.</li> <li>Updated WordPress plugin, automatically add tracking code Plerdy Sale Performance -</li> <li>Updated Opencart plugin, automatically add tracking code Plerdy Sale Performance -</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_3"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date">December 7, 2021</div> <ul> <li>Report about events "Hate click" in video sessions.</li> <li>Macroconversion analysis and analysis of the elements that affect this final conversion. You can find this in Conversions > Macro Conversion.</li> <li>Popup forms are divided into separate: custom polls, "Smile" polls and NPS.</li> <li>Updated popup form design.</li> <li>Optimized video session settings.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_4"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date">November 3, 2021</div> <ul> <li>Optimized the Plerdy tracking code. </li> <li>Adapted Plerdy tracking code with popular CMS caching plugins. </li> <li>We have optimized the record of the user's countries. </li> <li>Removed cities from the video session report. Because the data quality was low, mobile operators could not pinpoint the city. </li> <li>New graphs for video sessions less than 15 seconds and the number of sessions without events. </li> <li>New graphs in heatmap reports. </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date">October 6, 2021</div> <ul> <li>Improving filters and graphs in reports.</li> <li>Transfer events to Google Analytics 4.</li> <li>A new type of filter - as traffic channels.</li> <li>You can add tags to each video session: <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">screenshot</a></li> <li>You can search for these videos by video session report</li> <li>Added two new charts <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">screenshot</a>. Percent of user sessions that did not click and percent of users who did not go to another page.</li> <li>Added value for each URL and average for the SEO Health Score site. Based on this data, you can very quickly find ineffective URLs in terms of SEO.</li> <li>PopUP can be displayed if the URL has a value of utm_source or utm_medium or utm_campaign.</li> <li>The UI/UX design updates and have started.</li> <li>We gave up cookies, leaving only one for popup forms.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_2"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date">August 20, 2021</div> <ul> <li>SEO reports improve.</li> <li>Improve <a href="">Website SEO Checker</a> Chrome extensions</li> <li>In the Plerdy menu bar, SEO analysis of each page is possible. Open the menu bar and go to the SEO tab - see <a href="">screenshot</a>.</li> <li>Delete all video sessions.</li> <li>New rules for deleting all video sessions over 48 hours and 7 days.</li> <li>SEO relevancy, which top keywords are in the title, description and H1.</li> <li>Improved integration with Google Search Console.</li> <li>Redirect in popup form when data has been successfully filled.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_3"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date">July 14, 2021</div> <ul> <li>Improve Chrome Extension <a href="">SEO-checker</a> </li> <li><a href="">Spanish</a> for the official site.</li> <li>The algorithm for obtaining site page semantics data has been updated.</li> <li>Firefox Extension - <a href="">Full Page Screen Capture</a></li> <li>Improve and fixed bug for Chrome Extension <a href="">Full Page Screen Capture</a></li> <li>Data analysis of competitors' quality of content and semantics based on <a href="">SEO Checker</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_4"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date">Q2 2021</div> <ul> <li>Heatmaps: More detailed segmentation of data by traffic channel.</li> <li>Video session: More detailed data segmentation by traffic channel.</li> <li><a href="">Full Page Screen Capture</a> & Visual Feedback Tool.</li> <li>Conversion funnel version v.2.0 - the ability to configure the funnel from the domain and subdomain.</li> <li>Conversion funnel version v.2.0 - calendar added.</li> <li>Extending events in video sessions.</li> <li>Global Content Delivery Network - CDN ultra-fast static and dynamic content delivery over a global edge network.</li> <li>SSL/TLS encryption, TLS 1.3 - Enable the latest version of the TLS protocol for improved security and performance.</li> <li>HTTP/3 - Accelerates HTTP requests by using QUIC, which provides encryption and performance improvements compared to TCP and TLS.</li> <li>Always Online™ - Keep online Plerdy tracking code for visitors when Plerdy origin servers are unavailable. Always Online serves limited copies of web pages to users instead of errors when Plerdy servers are unreachable.</li> <li>Automatic threat detection and firewall event activation.</li> <li>We also updated the Privacy Policy page and added information about the data center certification according to DIN ISO/IEC 27001, as well as new paragraphs about CCPA and LGPD. If you have not yet added the information from to the description of your site's Privacy Policy, you could do it now.</li> <li>Custom disable data recording. Located in "Settings" > "Custom Tracking".</li> <li>Ability to automatically delete recorded videos in the account.</li> <li>If a SPA site, the ability to record a video session as a whole without refreshing the pages. Finds this in Settings > SPA site.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="block_list block_list_1"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date">Q1 2021</div> <ul> <li>Panel menu for Safari.</li> <li>Made adjustments to the API integration with the Google Search Console.</li> <li>Ability to replace the site in the account.</li> <li>Ability to select the time zone for each account.</li> <li>Calendar improvement (Custom date selection in the calendar).</li> <li>Changing the rules for recording video sessions.</li> <li>General statistics of the limits of each site in the account.</li> <li>Daily heatmap report and SEO.</li> <li>After logging in, open the page of all sites.</li> <li>If you choose to show 20 or 50 lines or another value per page, remember this.</li> <li>Sorting and storing in the table of all sites.</li> <li>Dashboard page redesign.</li> <li>Improve the appearance of graphs on product pages.</li> <li>Improving guest access.</li> <li>Added a column about traffic channels in the video session report.</li> <li>Added the ability to go to the desired page in the video session report.</li> <li>E-mail API SendFox.</li> <li>E-mail API SendinBlue.</li> <li>Making control of the delivery of reports by mail in separate settings.</li> <li>Ability to block the recording of data on certain pages. Finds this in Settings > Custom Tracking.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="title-center">Pause</div> <div class="block_list block_list_5"> <div class="w_list"> <div class="head_date">(few votes)</div> <ul> <li>AMP version of the site.</li> <li>Popup forms API Salesforce.</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="foot_updates"> <div class="container"> <div class="row_foot_updates"> <b>P.S. Note that this list is not complete. So follow our updates here :)<br> With love, Plerdy team :)</b> </div> </div> </section> <section class="bottom_blog"> <div class="container"> <div class="title-center"> <h2>Articles from the blog</h2> </div> <p class="sub-title-center"> Content for UX designers, SEO specialists, and business owners </p> <div class="row_blog"> <div class="wrap_col"> <article class="col_article"> <div class="img_article"> <img width="300" height="175" src="" class="attachment-news size-news wp-post-image" alt="The Role of UX Analytics: How Plerdy Helps You Understand Your Users &#8211; 0000" loading="lazy" width="360" height="180" decoding="async" srcset=" 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1200w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </div> <a href="" class="category_article">User Experience (UX)</a> <a href="" class="title_article"> <span class="title_text"> The Role of UX Analytics: How Plerdy Helps You Understand Your Users </span> </a> <div class="p_data">Mar 05, 2025</div> </article> </div> <div class="wrap_col"> <article class="col_article"> <div class="img_article"> <img width="300" height="175" src="" class="attachment-news size-news wp-post-image" alt="How to Improve Website Usability with Plerdy’s UX Tools &#8211; 0000" loading="lazy" width="360" height="180" decoding="async" srcset=" 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1200w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </div> <a href="" class="category_article">User Experience (UX)</a> <a href="" class="title_article"> <span class="title_text"> How to Improve Website Usability with Plerdy’s UX Tools </span> </a> <div class="p_data">Mar 05, 2025</div> </article> </div> <div class="wrap_col"> <article class="col_article"> <div class="img_article"> <img width="300" height="175" src="" class="attachment-news size-news wp-post-image" alt="Types of E-commerce Payment Systems &#8211; 0000" loading="lazy" width="360" height="180" decoding="async" srcset=" 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1200w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </div> <a href="" class="category_article">Business</a> <a href="" class="title_article"> <span class="title_text"> 6 Types of E-commerce Payment Systems for 2025 </span> </a> <div class="p_data">Feb 25, 2025</div> </article> </div> <div class="wrap_col"> <article class="col_article"> <div class="img_article"> <img width="300" height="175" src="" class="attachment-news size-news wp-post-image" alt="Key Stages of the Entrepreneurship Process &#8211; 0000" loading="lazy" width="360" height="180" decoding="async" srcset=" 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1200w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </div> <a href="" class="category_article">Business</a> <a href="" class="title_article"> <span class="title_text"> The 5 Key Stages of the Entrepreneurship Process for 2025 </span> </a> <div class="p_data">Feb 25, 2025</div> </article> </div> <div class="wrap_col"> <article class="col_article"> <div class="img_article"> <img width="300" height="175" src="" class="attachment-news size-news wp-post-image" alt="Top Ecommerce Companies &#8211; 0000" loading="lazy" width="360" height="180" decoding="async" srcset=" 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1200w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </div> <a href="" class="category_article">Business</a> <a href="" class="title_article"> <span class="title_text"> 20 Top Ecommerce Companies for 2025 </span> </a> <div class="p_data">Feb 25, 2025</div> </article> </div> <div class="wrap_col"> <article class="col_article"> <div class="img_article"> <img width="300" height="165" src="" class="attachment-news size-news wp-post-image" alt="Successful Entrepreneurs &#8211; 0000" loading="lazy" width="360" height="180" decoding="async" srcset=" 300w, 768w, 1000w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </div> <a href="" class="category_article">Business</a> <a href="" class="title_article"> <span class="title_text"> 10 Successful Entrepreneurs Who Began from Scratch </span> </a> <div class="p_data">Feb 24, 2025</div> </article> </div> <div class="wrap_col"> <article 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