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That means all code that is on our servers, from images to CSS to JS to the PHP code, has to meet that requirement. This is an extra requirement than just the standard one of derivative code, but we strongly feel that proprietary content has no need to be in our repository. If your code needs to be split licensed, or you have to included proprietary code for any reason, we can’t host you on .org, but that has no bearing on how neat and cool your code might be.</p> <p>For a list of various licenses, and their compatibility with GPLv2 please read this: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> – We know not all of you are lawyers, and thankfully that list makes it easy to check what licenses do and don’t mesh. If something doesn’t have a license, ask the author please, and don’t assume.</p> <p>The following code bases are popular (which is to say we see submissions with them pretty regularly), but at the time of this post, are not licensed GPL-compatible. None of this means you can’t or shouldn’t use this code on your sites or plugins, just that we can’t host it <em>here</em> if you do.</p> <ul> <li><a href="">Adobe Air</a></li> <li><a href="">FancyBox v2 or later</a></li> <li><a href="">FancyZoom</a></li> <li><a href="">Font Awesome</a> (<strong>Edit</strong>: Version 3.0 of may or may not be compatible, it’s confusing)</li> <li><a href="">FLV Player</a></li> <li><a href="" rel="nofollow">Highcharts</a></li> <li><a href="">Highslide</a></li> <li><a href="">HTML 5 Music Player (Code Base Hero)</a> (only pre version 1.0.1 – <a href="">you can use this version</a>)</li> <li><a href="">Imageflow</a></li> <li><a href="">Isotope</a></li> <li><a href="">JpGraph</a></li> <li><a href="" rel="nofollow">jquery Lightbox</a></li> <li><a href="">LightBox2</a></li> <li><a href="">MagicToolbox</a></li> </ul> <p>If there are plugins you find using these (or any non-GPL-Compatible) code bases in their plugin, please <strong>email plugins AT</strong> and we’ll get in touch with the developer. If you’re the author of one of those code bases, please consider re-releasing your code under a GPLv2 Compatible license! We’d love to be able to host your work here.</p> </div> <div class="discussion" style="display: none"> <p> <img alt="" src="" class="avatar avatar-16 photo" height="16" width="16"/> imranpak, <img alt="" src="" class="avatar avatar-16 photo" height="16" width="16"/> <a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)</a>, <img alt="" src="" class="avatar avatar-16 photo" height="16" width="16"/> <a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">takien</a>, and 7 others are discussing. <a href="#" class="show-comments">Toggle Comments</a> </p> </div> <div class="bottom-of-entry"> </div> <ul id="comments-113" class="commentlist inlinecomments"> <li id="comment-25839" class="comment byuser comment-author-mikeschinkel even thread-even depth-1"> <img alt="" src="" class="avatar avatar-32 photo" height="32" width="32"/> <h4> <a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">Mike Schinkel</a> <span class="meta"> <abbr title="2012-12-20T17:44:57Z">5:44 pm <em>on</em> December 20, 2012</abbr> <span class="actions"> <a class="thepermalink" href="" title="Permalink">Permalink</a> | <a rel="nofollow" class="comment-reply-link" href="" title="Reply" onclick="return addComment.moveForm("commentcontent-25839", "25839", "respond", "113")">Reply</a> </span> </span> </h4> <div id="commentcontent-25839" class="commentcontent"><p>Great points <a href="" class="mention">@ipstenu</a>. </p> <p>It would be helpful if you could explicitly clarify something though. In some cases the required functionality is really only available via commercially licensed software; I’m working on just such a plugin right now. I assume that it’s acceptable to publish a GPLv2+ licensed plugin that requires the commercially licensed software as a library but that puts the onus on the user to acquire a copy of said commercially licensed software? Thanks in advance.</p> <p>-Mike</p> </div> <ul class="children"> <li id="comment-25855" class="comment byuser comment-author-ipstenu bypostauthor odd alt depth-2"> <img alt="" src="" class="avatar avatar-32 photo" height="32" width="32"/> <h4> <a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)</a> <span class="meta"> <abbr title="2012-12-20T18:17:38Z">6:17 pm <em>on</em> December 20, 2012</abbr> <span class="actions"> <a class="thepermalink" href="" title="Permalink">Permalink</a> | <a rel="nofollow" class="comment-reply-link" href="" title="Reply" onclick="return addComment.moveForm("commentcontent-25855", "25855", "respond", "113")">Reply</a> </span> </span> </h4> <div id="commentcontent-25855" class="commentcontent"><p>Mike – That’s a real sticky situation, and we try to judge each one individually. If the entire purpose of the plugin requires you to download non GPL software, we probably won’t approve it. But if some additional functionality requires it (like Viper’s Video Quicktags says you have to download FLV if you want to use that), it’s okay.</p> </div> <ul class="children"> <li id="comment-25868" class="comment byuser comment-author-mikeschinkel even depth-3"> <img alt="" src="" class="avatar avatar-32 photo" height="32" width="32"/> <h4> <a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">Mike Schinkel</a> <span class="meta"> <abbr title="2012-12-20T20:04:21Z">8:04 pm <em>on</em> December 20, 2012</abbr> <span class="actions"> <a class="thepermalink" href="" title="Permalink">Permalink</a> | <a rel="nofollow" class="comment-reply-link" href="" title="Reply" onclick="return addComment.moveForm("commentcontent-25868", "25868", "respond", "113")">Reply</a> </span> </span> </h4> <div id="commentcontent-25868" class="commentcontent"><p>Really? Not what I expected to hear.</p> <p>I have an Export Post Content to MS Word plugin I’m working on for a client and it requires PHPDOCX and I have been thinking it would be nice to package it up and put in the plugin repository for those who need MS Word export.</p> <p>P.S. Of course I guess I could limit the functionality significantly and bundle their LGPLversion but that’s take recoding work and I might not get to it anytime soon.</p> </div> <ul class="children"> <li id="comment-25870" class="comment byuser comment-author-ipstenu bypostauthor odd alt depth-4"> <img alt="" src="" class="avatar avatar-32 photo" height="32" width="32"/> <h4> <a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)</a> <span class="meta"> <abbr title="2012-12-20T20:20:37Z">8:20 pm <em>on</em> December 20, 2012</abbr> <span class="actions"> <a class="thepermalink" href="" title="Permalink">Permalink</a> | <a rel="nofollow" class="comment-reply-link" href="" title="Reply" onclick="return addComment.moveForm("commentcontent-25870", "25870", "respond", "113")">Reply</a> </span> </span> </h4> <div id="commentcontent-25870" class="commentcontent"><p>I did say probably. It’s a lot of case-by-case, but we’re trying to avoid situations where you download plugins that outright <em>don’t</em> work, because you have to install other stuff. (Obvious exceptions would be bridge software, that connects WP to other apps.)</p> </div> <ul class="children"> <li id="comment-26316" class="comment byuser comment-author-jenmylo even depth-5"> <img alt="" src="" class="avatar avatar-32 photo" height="32" width="32"/> <h4> <a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">Jane Wells</a> <span class="meta"> <abbr title="2012-12-24T13:27:27Z">1:27 pm <em>on</em> December 24, 2012</abbr> <span class="actions"> <a class="thepermalink" href="" title="Permalink">Permalink</a> </span> </span> </h4> <div id="commentcontent-26316" class="commentcontent"><blockquote><p> we’re trying to avoid situations where you download plugins that outright don’t work</p></blockquote> <p>+1</p> </div> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ul><!-- .children --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li id="comment-31539" class="comment byuser comment-author-imranpak odd alt depth-4"> <img alt="" src="" class="avatar avatar-32 photo" height="32" width="32"/> <h4> imranpak <span class="meta"> <abbr title="2013-03-06T13:50:48Z">1:50 pm <em>on</em> March 6, 2013</abbr> <span class="actions"> <a class="thepermalink" href="" title="Permalink">Permalink</a> | <a rel="nofollow" class="comment-reply-link" href="" title="Reply" onclick="return addComment.moveForm("commentcontent-31539", "31539", "respond", "113")">Reply</a> </span> </span> </h4> <div id="commentcontent-31539" class="commentcontent"><p>Hello Mike,</p> <p>Please share that plugin with me. </p> <p>Thanks,</p> <p>Imran</p> </div> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ul><!-- .children --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ul><!-- .children --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ul><!-- .children --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li id="comment-25840" class="comment byuser comment-author-charlestonsw even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1"> <img alt="" src="" class="avatar avatar-32 photo" height="32" width="32"/> <h4> <a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">Charleston Software Associates</a> <span class="meta"> <abbr title="2012-12-20T17:46:46Z">5:46 pm <em>on</em> December 20, 2012</abbr> <span class="actions"> <a class="thepermalink" href="" title="Permalink">Permalink</a> | <a rel="nofollow" class="comment-reply-link" href="" title="Reply" onclick="return addComment.moveForm("commentcontent-25840", "25840", "respond", "113")">Reply</a> </span> </span> </h4> <div id="commentcontent-25840" class="commentcontent"><p>jQuery Lightbox? There are a ton of plugins I’ve used for client sites that include that script. </p> <p>Does this mean if a plugin sources the script from another source, like Google Code for example, it still is not GPL compliant? For example, the files bundled with the plugin do not contain the actual jQuery Lightbox code but simply a for example?</p> <p>I don’t think any of my plugins are doing this but good to know what the nuances are. Especially since I’m planning a WordPress driven streaming radio plugin + companion client plugin and considered some of the very items you have on this list!</p> </div> <ul class="children"> <li id="comment-25843" class="comment byuser comment-author-charlestonsw odd alt depth-2"> <img alt="" src="" class="avatar avatar-32 photo" height="32" width="32"/> <h4> <a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">Charleston Software Associates</a> <span class="meta"> <abbr title="2012-12-20T17:48:05Z">5:48 pm <em>on</em> December 20, 2012</abbr> <span class="actions"> <a class="thepermalink" href="" title="Permalink">Permalink</a> | <a rel="nofollow" class="comment-reply-link" href="" title="Reply" onclick="return addComment.moveForm("commentcontent-25843", "25843", "respond", "113")">Reply</a> </span> </span> </h4> <div id="commentcontent-25843" class="commentcontent"><p>Keep forgetting my code block on comments! </p> <ul> <li>but simply use an a href = “..otherURL/jqlightbox.js” for example</li> </ul> </div> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li id="comment-25856" class="comment byuser comment-author-ipstenu bypostauthor even depth-2"> <img alt="" src="" class="avatar avatar-32 photo" height="32" width="32"/> <h4> <a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)</a> <span class="meta"> <abbr title="2012-12-20T18:19:19Z">6:19 pm <em>on</em> December 20, 2012</abbr> <span class="actions"> <a class="thepermalink" href="" title="Permalink">Permalink</a> | <a rel="nofollow" class="comment-reply-link" href="" title="Reply" onclick="return addComment.moveForm("commentcontent-25856", "25856", "respond", "113")">Reply</a> </span> </span> </h4> <div id="commentcontent-25856" class="commentcontent"><p>Read the URL we linked to. Says pretty clearly </p> <p>“This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Brazil License.”</p> <p>That’s not compatible. However remember this rule is <em>only</em> to be hosted on .org. We’re not talking about using for clients, just in plugins we host for you <img src="" alt=":)" class="wp-smiley"/> Does that make sense?</p> <p>Edit: As long as the code ins’t included in the plugin we have on .org, it’s okay. We do discourage telling people to download it from external sources (see Mike’s comment above you), but we take them case-by-case.</p> </div> <ul class="children"> <li id="comment-25859" class="comment byuser comment-author-charlestonsw odd alt depth-3"> <img alt="" src="" class="avatar avatar-32 photo" height="32" width="32"/> <h4> <a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">Charleston Software Associates</a> <span class="meta"> <abbr title="2012-12-20T19:11:19Z">7:11 pm <em>on</em> December 20, 2012</abbr> <span class="actions"> <a class="thepermalink" href="" title="Permalink">Permalink</a> | <a rel="nofollow" class="comment-reply-link" href="" title="Reply" onclick="return addComment.moveForm("commentcontent-25859", "25859", "respond", "113")">Reply</a> </span> </span> </h4> <div id="commentcontent-25859" class="commentcontent"><p>@Ipsentnu – Thanks Mika, I get it. I meant that I’m using plugins found on the .org directory that contain jQuery Lightbox scripts IN the trunk svn repo hosted on the .org site. Many of those (see related comments) are carrying along scripts that specifically cite licenses that are NOT GPLv2 compatible, like the jQuery Lightbox script you reference in the original post.</p> <p>Now that those client sites are deployed I’m not so interested in that SPECIFIC issue. However my media streaming system will require pieces that are not readily available in GPLv2 format. I guess, based on your response to Mike, that I’ll have to find a way to marginalize those pieces and keep them out of the repo.</p> <p>Is it OK to say “if you want to use feature X” you will need to download “Y”? In my case I’d need a creative way to get the FLV player installed for the client listener. Thinking out loud here… Maybe hooks + filters that look for a “ride along” plugin that simply extends the feature set with “FLV fallback for non-HTML5 browsers”.</p> <p>Sorry for all the posts. I’m working on a big project and was planning on using WordPress as a key piece for the backend & front-end UI elements. Fully understanding this is kind of important before development starts in earnest next month. </p> <ul> <li>Lance</li> </ul> </div> <ul class="children"> <li id="comment-25865" class="comment byuser comment-author-ipstenu bypostauthor even depth-4"> <img alt="" src="" class="avatar avatar-32 photo" height="32" width="32"/> <h4> <a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)</a> <span class="meta"> <abbr title="2012-12-20T19:41:27Z">7:41 pm <em>on</em> December 20, 2012</abbr> <span class="actions"> <a class="thepermalink" href="" title="Permalink">Permalink</a> | <a rel="nofollow" class="comment-reply-link" href="" title="Reply" onclick="return addComment.moveForm("commentcontent-25865", "25865", "respond", "113")">Reply</a> </span> </span> </h4> <div id="commentcontent-25865" class="commentcontent"><p>The answer is ‘maybe.’</p> <p>If the entire use of your plugin hinges on non GPL code, then probably not. If it’s just an extra feature, then probably yes.</p> <p>And like I said, if you see plugins in the .org repo that are using those specific versions of the code (check the links, lots of people use the same names), then please email us <img src="" alt=":)" class="wp-smiley"/> </p> </div> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ul><!-- .children --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ul><!-- .children --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li id="comment-25857" class="comment byuser comment-author-charlestonsw odd alt depth-2"> <img alt="" src="" class="avatar avatar-32 photo" height="32" width="32"/> <h4> <a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">Charleston Software Associates</a> <span class="meta"> <abbr title="2012-12-20T18:53:34Z">6:53 pm <em>on</em> December 20, 2012</abbr> <span class="actions"> <a class="thepermalink" href="" title="Permalink">Permalink</a> | <a rel="nofollow" class="comment-reply-link" href="" title="Reply" onclick="return addComment.moveForm("commentcontent-25857", "25857", "respond", "113")">Reply</a> </span> </span> </h4> <div id="commentcontent-25857" class="commentcontent"><p>Lets try some examples just so I am really clear on this. I’d hate to put a lot of time into a plugin and have it not listed here after months of work because of a license conflict.</p> <p>This plugin (a fairly popular one) has a modified port of jQuery Lightbox:<br/> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p>The modified port is itself questionable because it does not retain the original license but instead says “BSD license for details refer to license.txt” (license.txt is missing, BTW which is ANOTHER subtle but important point about software licenses, I’ll leave that discussion for later). The Gnu link provided makes it sound like Original BSD is NOT compatible with GPL only “Modified BSD” or “3-Clause BSD” is compatible.</p> <p>This can/will get confusing in a hurry. Maybe WordPress should host a list of known licenses that will not be accepted and post it somewhere near the plugin authors/submission page. The Gnu list is a great start but could be made easier to follow for non-legalish people like myself.</p> <ul> <li>Lance</li> </ul> </div> <ul class="children"> <li id="comment-25861" class="comment byuser comment-author-otto42 even depth-3"> <img alt="" src="" class="avatar avatar-32 photo" height="32" width="32"/> <h4> <a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">Samuel Wood (Otto)</a> <span class="meta"> <abbr title="2012-12-20T19:11:31Z">7:11 pm <em>on</em> December 20, 2012</abbr> <span class="actions"> <a class="thepermalink" href="" title="Permalink">Permalink</a> | <a rel="nofollow" class="comment-reply-link" href="" title="Reply" onclick="return addComment.moveForm("commentcontent-25861", "25861", "respond", "113")">Reply</a> </span> </span> </h4> <div id="commentcontent-25861" class="commentcontent"><p>There is more than one project named “jQuery Lightbox”, because “Lightbox” itself was quite popular and spawned more than one imitator. Some of these imitators are compatible, some are not. The one you linked to is compatible. The one Mika linked to is not.</p> <p>Regarding “BSD”: nobody uses the “original BSD” license, pretty much ever. When somebody says “BSD-licensed”, it’s an almost 100% certain bet that they are referring to the modified BSD license. I have *never* seen a use of the original BSD license, ever.</p> <p>WordPress has no plans to make any sort of list of which licenses are acceptable or not, because we don’t have to. That list on is fairly extensive and covers the vast majority of licenses out there. Any others we can evaluate on a case by case basis.</p> </div> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ul><!-- .children --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li id="comment-25858" class="comment byuser comment-author-charlestonsw odd alt depth-2"> <img alt="" src="" class="avatar avatar-32 photo" height="32" width="32"/> <h4> <a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">Charleston Software Associates</a> <span class="meta"> <abbr title="2012-12-20T19:00:16Z">7:00 pm <em>on</em> December 20, 2012</abbr> <span class="actions"> <a class="thepermalink" href="" title="Permalink">Permalink</a> | <a rel="nofollow" class="comment-reply-link" href="" title="Reply" onclick="return addComment.moveForm("commentcontent-25858", "25858", "respond", "113")">Reply</a> </span> </span> </h4> <div id="commentcontent-25858" class="commentcontent"><p>Here is another one… as noted, this gets confusing in a hurry…</p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p>This plugin clearly cites AGPL version 3.<br/> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p>AGPL v3 *is* GPL compatible, but here is the catch, it is specifically NOT GPLv2 compatible, thus the entire plugin is considering “not GPLv2″ compatible.<br/> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p>Am I understanding this correctly?</p> </div> <ul class="children"> <li id="comment-25866" class="comment byuser comment-author-ipstenu bypostauthor even depth-3"> <img alt="" src="" class="avatar avatar-32 photo" height="32" width="32"/> <h4> <a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)</a> <span class="meta"> <abbr title="2012-12-20T19:45:05Z">7:45 pm <em>on</em> December 20, 2012</abbr> <span class="actions"> <a class="thepermalink" href="" title="Permalink">Permalink</a> | <a rel="nofollow" class="comment-reply-link" href="" title="Reply" onclick="return addComment.moveForm("commentcontent-25866", "25866", "respond", "113")">Reply</a> </span> </span> </h4> <div id="commentcontent-25866" class="commentcontent"><p>Do me a huge favor. Take a deep breath <img src="" alt=":)" class="wp-smiley"/> You sound like you’re panicking here, and there’s no need to. We’re not making cancer fighting tools here, just code. All this can be fixed and sorted out, if we all stay calm and take our time.</p> <p>AGPL is messy. We’ll have to look into that one closely. I don’t have an answer for you right now.</p> <p>And note: GPLv2 <em>or later</em>. GPLv3 is okay.</p> <p><em>Edit: Actually he can just upgrade to the MIT version of the code – <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> – I’ll email him.</em></p> </div> <ul class="children"> <li id="comment-25871" class="comment byuser comment-author-charlestonsw odd alt depth-4"> <img alt="" src="" class="avatar avatar-32 photo" height="32" width="32"/> <h4> <a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">Charleston Software Associates</a> <span class="meta"> <abbr title="2012-12-20T20:36:13Z">8:36 pm <em>on</em> December 20, 2012</abbr> <span class="actions"> <a class="thepermalink" href="" title="Permalink">Permalink</a> | <a rel="nofollow" class="comment-reply-link" href="" title="Reply" onclick="return addComment.moveForm("commentcontent-25871", "25871", "respond", "113")">Reply</a> </span> </span> </h4> <div id="commentcontent-25871" class="commentcontent"><p>Thanks Mika. Not panicked, just trying to get clarification with some examples for reference.</p> <p>Another company I worked with had plugin listings pulled from .org for non-compliance. Related premium add-on sales went from $250/day to $0 instantaneously. Before I put months of effort into my new project I want to make sure I do all I can to maintain a good relationship with .org. </p> <p>It is 100% clear now. There may be some gray area that will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. In over-simplified terms, don’t use the directory as a “free advert” for non-GPLv2 stuff.</p> </div> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ul><!-- .children --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ul><!-- .children --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ul><!-- .children --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li id="comment-25901" class="comment byuser comment-author-toscho even thread-even depth-1"> <img alt="" src="" class="avatar avatar-32 photo" height="32" width="32"/> <h4> <a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">toscho</a> <span class="meta"> <abbr title="2012-12-21T02:47:34Z">2:47 am <em>on</em> December 21, 2012</abbr> <span class="actions"> <a class="thepermalink" href="" title="Permalink">Permalink</a> | <a rel="nofollow" class="comment-reply-link" href="" title="Reply" onclick="return addComment.moveForm("commentcontent-25901", "25901", "respond", "113")">Reply</a> </span> </span> </h4> <div id="commentcontent-25901" class="commentcontent"><p>Please close the last link. <img src="" alt=":)" class="wp-smiley"/> </p> </div> <ul class="children"> <li id="comment-25906" class="comment byuser comment-author-ipstenu bypostauthor odd alt depth-2"> <img alt="" src="" class="avatar avatar-32 photo" height="32" width="32"/> <h4> <a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)</a> <span class="meta"> <abbr title="2012-12-21T03:54:04Z">3:54 am <em>on</em> December 21, 2012</abbr> <span class="actions"> <a class="thepermalink" href="" title="Permalink">Permalink</a> | <a rel="nofollow" class="comment-reply-link" href="" title="Reply" onclick="return addComment.moveForm("commentcontent-25906", "25906", "respond", "113")">Reply</a> </span> </span> </h4> <div id="commentcontent-25906" class="commentcontent"><p>Whoops! Thanks <img src="" alt=":)" class="wp-smiley"/> </p> </div> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ul><!-- .children --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li id="comment-25935" class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1"> <img alt="" src="" class="avatar avatar-32 photo" height="32" width="32"/> <h4> Fabien <span class="meta"> <abbr title="2012-12-21T11:44:31Z">11:44 am <em>on</em> December 21, 2012</abbr> <span class="actions"> <a class="thepermalink" href="" title="Permalink">Permalink</a> | <a rel="nofollow" class="comment-reply-link" href="" title="Reply" onclick="return addComment.moveForm("commentcontent-25935", "25935", "respond", "113")">Reply</a> </span> </span> </h4> <div id="commentcontent-25935" class="commentcontent"><p>Many thanks to you for what you are doing for the free software community ! Long live the GPL !</p> </div> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li id="comment-29381" class="comment byuser comment-author-takien odd alt thread-even depth-1"> <img alt="" src="" class="avatar avatar-32 photo" height="32" width="32"/> <h4> <a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">takien</a> <span class="meta"> <abbr title="2013-02-08T16:02:50Z">4:02 pm <em>on</em> February 8, 2013</abbr> <span class="actions"> <a class="thepermalink" href="" title="Permalink">Permalink</a> | <a rel="nofollow" class="comment-reply-link" href="" title="Reply" onclick="return addComment.moveForm("commentcontent-29381", "29381", "respond", "113")">Reply</a> </span> </span> </h4> <div id="commentcontent-29381" class="commentcontent"><p>Hello, I’m writing ClipArt plugin (submitted to .org and currently being reviewed).</p> <p>What plugin does:</p> <ul> <li>Search clipart images from, (Images is licensed as Creative Common).</li> <li>Save image into user’s WordPress, and insert into post if they wish.</li> </ul> <p>Will this cause a problem? While images are not hosted here (</p> <p>Thank you.</p> </div> <ul class="children"> <li id="comment-29389" class="comment byuser comment-author-ipstenu bypostauthor even depth-2"> <img alt="" src="" class="avatar avatar-32 photo" height="32" width="32"/> <h4> <a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)</a> <span class="meta"> <abbr title="2013-02-08T19:56:12Z">7:56 pm <em>on</em> February 8, 2013</abbr> <span class="actions"> <a class="thepermalink" href="" title="Permalink">Permalink</a> | <a rel="nofollow" class="comment-reply-link" href="" title="Reply" onclick="return addComment.moveForm("commentcontent-29389", "29389", "respond", "113")">Reply</a> </span> </span> </h4> <div id="commentcontent-29389" class="commentcontent"><p>The images are different.</p> <p>We care if the code and images in the plugin itself are GPL compatible. If the stuff you install to your site later via image uploads isn’t, well that’s on you <img src="" alt=":)" class="wp-smiley"/> That should be fine. (FYI, we’re backlogged on reviews by a couple days)</p> </div> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ul><!-- .children --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ul> <div class="respond-wrap" style="display: none; "> <div id="respond"> <h3 id="reply-title">Reply <small><a rel="nofollow" id="cancel-comment-reply-link" href="/web/20130425151300/" style="display:none;">Cancel reply</a></small></h3> <form action="" method="post" id="commentform"> <p class="comment-notes"> Required fields are marked <span class="required">*</span></p> <p class="comment-form-author"><label for="author">Name <span class="required">*</span></label> <input id="author" name="author" type="text" value="" size="30" aria-required="true"/></p> <p class="comment-form-email"><label for="email">Email <span class="required">*</span></label> <input id="email" name="email" type="text" value="" size="30" aria-required="true"/></p> <p class="comment-form-url"><label for="url">Website</label> <input id="url" name="url" type="text" value="" size="30"/></p> <div class="form"><textarea id="comment" class="expand50-100" name="comment" cols="45" rows="3"></textarea></div> <label class="post-error" for="comment" id="commenttext_error"></label> <span class="progress spinner-comment-new"></span> <p class="form-submit"> <input name="submit" type="submit" id="comment-submit" value="Reply"/> <input type="hidden" name="comment_post_ID" value="113" id="comment_post_ID"/> <input type="hidden" name="comment_parent" id="comment_parent" value="0"/> </p> <p style="display: none;"><input type="hidden" id="akismet_comment_nonce" name="akismet_comment_nonce" value="b5b69d2a18"/></p><p class="comment-subscription-form"><input type="checkbox" name="subscribe_comments" id="subscribe_comments" value="subscribe" style="width: auto; 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