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It is partly a response to Jacques Monod’s ‘Chance and Necessity’</p> <p><strong>Pascal’s Fire</strong> (2006)<br> Pascal spoke of a ‘God of the philosophers’ and a ‘God of Fire’. This book tells the story of the growth of science, which has often generated a god of philosophers, and its close interrelationships with religious faith, with its God of faith. It argues that these are the same God, with both very positive as well as sometimes very negative relations</p> <p><strong>The Big Questions in Science and Religion</strong> (2008)<br> An allegedly even-handed treatment of 10 big questions about science and religion, from how the universe originated to the nature of consciousness</p> <p><strong>Re-thinking Order</strong> (2016) edited with Nancy Cartwright<br> A collection of essays, mostly by scientists, challenging the notion of absolute laws of nature, and offering different views of natural order in the cosmos.</p> </div> <div><a name="personal"></a> <h2>Personal Idealism</h2> <p><strong>In Defence of the Soul/Defending the Soul</strong> (1992)<br> A defence of the idea of the soul, consciousness, and intelligence as emergent elements of the universe</p> <p><strong>More Than Matter?</strong> (2010)<br> A response to my one-time tutor Gilbert Ryle’s book ‘The Concept of Mind’, arguing that there is what he called ‘a ghost ‘ (a private consciousness) in ‘the machine’ (the material body)</p> <p><strong>The Christian Idea of God</strong> (2017)<br> see under <a href="#systematic">SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY</a></p> <p><strong>The Priority of Mind</strong> (2021)<br> &gt;An argument that the ultimate reality is mind, and matter is its expression and medium of knowledge, feeling, and action.</p> <p><strong>My Theology – Personal Idealism</strong> (2021)<br> A short book showing how the philosophy of Idealism can be a foundation for Christian faith</p> </div> <div><a name="bible"></a> <h2>The Bible</h2> <p><strong>What the Bible Really Teaches</strong> (2004)<br> How the Bible says things very different from what many people think, and gives good news of universal salvation, love of all life, and non-violence</p> <p><strong>The Word of God?</strong> (2010)<br> On the nature of the Bible as a developing, diverse, poetic, and richly metaphorical spiritual text</p> <p><strong>Love is His Meaning</strong> (2017)<br> see under <a href="#living">CHRISTIAN LIVING</a></p> <p><strong>The Mystery of Christ</strong> (2018)<br> see under <a href="#living">CHRISTIAN LIVING</a></p> <p><strong>Parables of Time and Eternity</strong> (2021)<br> The parables of Jesus, arranged and expounded so as to express a theology of divine demand, judgment, forgiveness, reconciliation, and universal fulfilment</p> </div> <div><a name="living"></a> <h2>Christian Living</h2> <p><strong>The Christian Way</strong> (1976)<br> Meditations and prayers for Christian living, written for a parish in which I served</p> <p><strong>The Living God</strong> (1984)<br> Christian beliefs – talks given to a parish in which I served</p> <p><strong>The Rule of Love</strong> (1989)<br> see under <a href="#morality">MORALITY</a></p> <p><strong>Love is His Meaning</strong> (2017)<br> How to understand the teaching of Jesus, and the symbolic language he used</p> <p><strong>The Mystery of Christ</strong> (2018)<br> Meditations and Prayers on the person of Christ as portrayed in the Gospels</p> </div> <div><a name="doctrine"></a> <h2>Christian Doctrine</h2> <p><strong>The Turn of the Tide</strong> (1986)<br> Radio talks given on the BBC on Christian faith</p> <p><strong>A Vision to Pursue</strong> (1991)<br> Talks on Christianity given to Religious Studies students at King’s College, London</p> <p><strong>God, Faith, and the New Millenium</strong> (1998)<br> What Christian Faith looks like if modern science is believed</p> <p><strong>Christianity, a Beginner’s Guide/a Short Introduction</strong> (2000)<br> Different interpretations of Christianity discussed and compared</p> <p><strong>Comparative Theology</strong> (2003), ed. T.W.Bartel<br> 18 essays by philosophers and theologians on my work</p> <p><strong>Re-Thinking Christianity</strong> (2007)<br> How Christianity has changed over the centuries, and is still changing</p> <p><strong>Christianity – a Guide for the Perplexed</strong> (2007)<br> A new look at some old Christian doctrines, and a history of the idea of God</p> <p><strong>The Philosopher and the Gospels</strong> (2011)<br> An interpretation of the Gospels as teaching conditional salvation for all, that Christ is a cosmic figure present throughout all the universe, and that Christian faith is primarily about human fulfilment in God</p> <p><strong>Is Religion Irrational?</strong> (2011)<br> Originally a supposedly popular course on reason and faith</p> <p><strong>By Faith and Reason</strong> (2012). Ed. Curtis Holtzen and Roberto Sirvent<br> An edited collection of journal articles by me in journals and other of papers in other books</p> <p><strong>Re-Imagining the Trinity</strong> (2016), a symposium on the Trinity in the journal ‘Philosophia Christi’, vol. 18, number 2<br> 10 contributors discuss my suggestions about the Trinity – see ‘Christ and the Cosmos’ (2015)</p> <p><strong>Spirituality and Christian Belief</strong> (2024)<br> seeing Christian faith as a spiritual way of fulfilment, not an authoritarian set of dogmas.</p> </div> <div><a name="religions"></a> <h2>Religions</h2> <p><strong>Concepts of God/Images of Eternity</strong> (1987)<br> Ideas of Ultimate Reality in Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism – their affinities and differences</p> <p><strong>The Case for Religion</strong> (2004)<br> A short comparative history of world religions, and its future prospects</p> <p><strong>Is Religion Dangerous?</strong> (2006)<br> A response to claims that religion is dangerous, by pointing out that is is also of immense and unique goodness</p> <p><strong>Religion in the Modern World</strong> (2019)<br> A more formal account of the place of religion in the contemporary world, and the prospects for the future of world religions</p> </div> <div><a name="comparative"></a> <h2>Comparative Theology</h2> <p><strong>Religion and Revelation</strong> (1994)<br> The first of a five volume series considering central doctrines in Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam. This one is on revelation and its analogates</p> <p><strong>Religion and Creation</strong> (1996)<br> The second volume, on the origin and ultimate nature of the universe</p> <p><strong>Religion and Human Nature</strong> (1998)<br> The third volume, on differing ideas of the human person</p> <p><strong>Religion and Community</strong> (1999)<br> The fourth volume, on types of religious institution</p> <p><strong>Religion and Human Fulfilment</strong> (2008)<br> The fifth volume, on the diverse moral principles and goals of religion</p> </div> <div><a name="systematic"></a> <h2>Systematic Theology</h2> <p><strong>Christ and the Cosmos</strong> (2015)<br> Expounding Christ as the cosmic pattern and all-including goal of the universe, manifest in human form on this planet in Jesus of Nazareth; and expounding the Trinity as three inseparable aspects of God</p> <p><strong>The Christian Idea of God</strong> (2017)<br> A Personal Idealist concept of God, as a cosmic mind of supreme value, who manifests as love in relation to autonomous created persons</p> <p><strong>Sharing in the Divine Nature</strong> (2020)<br> The idea of the goal of all things as a union of self-shaped persons and values in a creative communion of being in God.</p> <p><strong>Karl Barth on Religion: a Critique</strong> (2024)<br> A detailed critique of Barth’s ‘Church Dogmatics’, vol. one/two. It defends a liberal theology against Barth’s attacks</p> </div> <div><a name="biography"></a> <h2>Personal Biography</h2> <p><strong>Confessions of a Recovering Fundamentalist</strong> (2019)<br> A light-hearted account of my alleged progress in religious understanding</p> <p><strong>Adventures in Belief</strong> (2022)<br> Another light-hearted but mostly accurate account of my life, in which most things seem to have happened by accident</p> </div> </div> </section> <!-- end article section --> <footer class="article-footer"> </footer> <!-- end article footer --> </article> <!-- end article --> </div> <!-- end #main --> <div class="sidebar fourcol last clearfix" id="sidebar1" role="complementary"> <div class="widget widget_text" id="text-4"> <!--<h4 class="widgettitle"><i style="padding-right: 10px; vertical-align: inherit;" class="font-awesome icon-book"></i>Forthcoming</h4> <div class="textwidget"> <p><em>Parables of Time and Eternity</em>, Cascade, 2021</p> <p><img src="/assets/books/parables-of-time.jpg" alt="Parables of Time and Eternity book cover"></p> <p><em>My Theology: Personal Idealism</em>, Darton, Longman and Todd, 2021<br> <a href="/books-all/#forthcoming">Read more</a></p> </div> --> <h4 class="widgettitle"><i class="font-awesome icon-book" style="padding-right: 10px; vertical-align: inherit;"></i>Recent books</h4> <div class="textwidget"> <p><em>Adventures in Belief: How I Discovered the Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything (Possibly)</em> <br><a href="">Cascade</a>, 2022</p> <p><a href="" target="new" title="Publisher book details"><img alt="Adventures in Belief book cover" data-cms-original-src="/assets/books/adventures-in-belief.jpg" src="/assets/books/adventures-in-belief.jpg?_cchid=1de63a9d4a58eb8bd883e924e0a343f2"></a></p> <hr> <p><em>My Theology: Personal Idealism</em><br><a href="" target="new" title="Publisher book details">Darton, Longman and Todd</a>, 2021</p> <p><a href="" target="new" title="Publisher book details"><img alt="My Theology book cover" data-cms-original-src="/assets/books/mytheology.jpg" src="/assets/books/mytheology.jpg?_cchid=9fd9b7a1885d95a97c97d9fd59c27d53"></a></p> </div> </div> <!-- end #sidebar1 --> </div> <!-- end #inner-content --> </div></section> </div> <footer class="footer" role="contentinfo"> <div class="wrap clearfix" id="inner-footer"> <nav role="navigation"> </nav> <p class="source-org copyright">All text and imagery © 2024 Keith Ward.</p> </div> <!-- end #inner-footer --> </footer> <!-- end footer --> </div> <!-- end #container --> <script data-cms-original-src="/scripts/scripts.js" src="/scripts/scripts.js?_cchid=c7577d7a98edf4a2d593b66bd462f492" type="text/javascript"></script> </body></html>

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