ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 - The C++ Standards Committee - ISOCPP
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 - The C++ Standards Committee - ISOCPP</title> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <link rel="author" href=""> </head> <body> Welcome to the home of <br> <h1> <img style="vertical-align: top" src="/pics/iso44.gif" alt="ISO/"> <img style="vertical-align: top" src="/pics/iec44.gif" alt="IEC"> JTC1/SC22/WG21 - The C++ Standards Committee - ISOCPP</h1> 2025-01-14: <a href="docs/standards">standards</a> | <a href="docs/projects">projects</a> | <a href="docs/papers/">papers</a> | <a href="docs/mailings/">mailings</a> | <a href="prot/">internals</a> | <a href="docs/meetings">meetings</a> | <a href="docs/contacts">contacts</a> <hr> <br>News 2025-01-13: <b>The deadline for the 2025-03 post-Hagenberg mailing is Monday 2025-03-17 15:00 UTC</b> <br>News 2025-01-13: The <a href="docs/mailings/papers/2025/2025-01.tar.gz">2025-01 pre-Hagenberg mailing</a> is available (16 MB tar.gz), <a href="docs/papers/2025/#mailing2025-01">individual papers</a> <br>News 2025-01-06: The <a href="docs/cwg_index.html">C++ Standard Core Issues List</a> (Revision 116) is available (<a href="docs/">.zip</a>) <br>News 2024-12-17: The <a href="docs/mailings/papers/2024/2024-12.tar.gz">2024-12 post-Wrocław mailing</a> is available (31000 kB tar.gz), <a href="docs/papers/2024/#mailing2024-12">individual papers</a> <br>News 2024-10-16: The <a href="docs/mailings/papers/2024/2024-10.tar.gz">2024-10 pre-Wrocław mailing</a> is available (33000 kB tar.gz), <a href="docs/papers/2024/#mailing2024-10">individual papers</a> <br>News 2024-09-17: The <a href="docs/mailings/papers/2024/2024-09.tar.gz">2024-09 mailing</a> is available (7000 kB tar.gz), <a href="docs/papers/2024/#mailing2024-09">individual papers</a> <br>News 2024-08-15: The <a href="docs/mailings/papers/2024/2024-08.tar.gz">2024-08 mailing</a> is available (13000 kB tar.gz), <a href="docs/papers/2024/#mailing2024-08">individual papers</a> <br>News 2024-07-22: The <a href="docs/cwg_index.html">C++ Standard Core Issues List</a> (Revision 115) is available (<a href="docs/">.zip</a>) <br>News 2024-07-16: The <a href="docs/mailings/papers/2024/2024-07.tar.gz">2024-07 post-St. Louis mailing</a> is available (20000 kB tar.gz), <a href="docs/papers/2024/#mailing2024-07">individual papers</a> <br>News 2024-05-22: The <a href="docs/mailings/papers/2024/2024-05.tar.gz">2024-05 pre-St. Louis mailing</a> is available (15000 kB tar.gz), <a href="docs/papers/2024/#mailing2024-05">individual papers</a> <br>News 2024-05-10: The <a href="docs/cwg_index.html">C++ Standard Core Issues List</a> (Revision 114) is available (<a href="docs/">.zip</a>) <br>News 2024-04-16: The <a href="docs/mailings/papers/2024/2024-04.tar.gz">2024-04 post-Tokyo mailing</a> is available (32000 kB tar.gz), <a href="docs/papers/2024/#mailing2024-04">individual papers</a> <br>News 2024-02-15: The <a href="docs/mailings/papers/2024/2024-02.tar.gz">2024-02 pre-Tokyo mailing</a> is available (13000 kB tar.gz), <a href="docs/papers/2024/#mailing2024-02">individual papers</a> <br>News 2024-01-16: The <a href="docs/mailings/papers/2024/2024-01.tar.gz">2024-01 mailing</a> is available (4000 kB tar.gz), <a href="docs/papers/2024/#mailing2024-01">individual papers</a> <br>News 2023-12-22: The <a href="docs/cwg_index.html">C++ Standard Core Issues List</a> (Revision 113) is available (<a href="docs/">.zip</a>) <br>News 2023-12-18: The <a href="docs/mailings/papers/2023/2023-12.tar.gz">2023-12 mailing</a> is available (22000 kB tar.gz), <a href="docs/papers/2023/#mailing2023-12">individual papers</a> <!-- <br>News 2013-05-24: The <a href="docs/papers/2013/n3690.pdf">CD</a> for the new C++14 standard is released --!> <p> <a href="">ISO</a>/<a href="">IEC</a>   <a href="">JTC1</a>/<a href="/JTC1/SC22/">SC22</a>/<a href="./">WG21</a> is the international standardization working group for the programming language C++. <p>Published <a href="docs/standards">standards and technical reports</a> include: <ul> <li><a href="docs/standards#14882">ISO/IEC 14882:2017 Programming Language C++</a> - <a href="docs/papers/2013/n3797.pdf">draft</a> </li> <li><a href="docs/projects#18015">ISO/IEC TR 18015:2006 Technical Report on C++ Performance</a> - <a href="docs/TR18015.pdf">draft TR</a> </li> <li>ISO/IEC TR 24733:2011 Information technology - Extensions for the programming language C++ to support decimal floating-point arithmetic</li> <li>ISO/IEC TR 19768:2007 Information technology - Technical Report on C++ Library Extensions</li> <li>ISO/IEC 29124:2010 Information technology - Extensions to the C++ Library to support mathematical special functions</li> <li>ISO 18446:2013 Technical Specification for C++ Extensions for Transactional Memory</li> <li>ISO/IEC TS 19217:2015 Information technology - C++ Extensions for concepts</li> </ul> <p> Work on <a href="docs/projects">projects</a> and their <a href="docs/projects#milestones">milestones</a> include: <ul> <li><a href="docs/projects#14882">ISO/IEC 14882: Programming Language C++</a> - <a href="docs/papers/2013/n3797.pdf">latest publicly available draft</a> </li> <li><a href="docs/projects#24733">ISO/IEC TR 24733: C++ decimal floating point arithmetic extensions</a> - <a href="docs/papers/2009/n2849.pdf">draft</a> </li> <li><a href="docs/projects#29124">ISO/IEC 29124: C++ Mathematical Special Functions</a> - <a href="docs/papers/2010/n3060.pdf">draft</a> </li> </ul> Other information: <ul> <li> <a href="">Working draft</a> - of the next standard <li> <a href=""></a> - Some further information on C++ standardization <li> <a href=""></a> - WG21 redirect service <li> <a href="docs/cwg_active.html">C++ Standard Core Issues List</a> <li> <a href="docs/cwg_status.html">C++ Standard Core Language Issues List</a> <li> <a href="docs/lwg-active.html">C++ Standard Library Issues List</a> <li> <a href="">C++ Standard Library Issues List</a> <li> <a href="">C++ Standard Evolution Issues List</a> <li> <a href="docs/papers/">WG papers</a> <li> <a href="docs/mailings/">WG mailings</a> <li> <a href="">File System TS Issues List</a> <li> <a href="">ISO terminology standard ISO/IEC 2382</a> <li> <a href="docs/papers/2011/n3298.htm">WG21 business plan and convener's report 2011</a> <li> Information on past and future <a href="docs/meetings">WG meetings</a> <li> <a href="docs/contacts">Contacts</a>: <a href="docs/contacts#membership">membership</a>, <a href="docs/contacts#liaisons">liaisons</a> and <a href="docs/contacts#related">related work</a> <li><a href="">ISO/IEC TR 24772 Information technology -- Programming languages -- Guidance to avoiding vulnerabilities in programming languages through language selection and use</A> <li> <a href="prot/">WG internal information</a> (For members of the C++ standardization committee) </ul> <p> If you want further information, or want to participate, please contact your national <a href="">member body</a> or one of the <a href="docs/contacts">contact addresses</a> of the WG. <hr> 2024-02-16: <a href="docs/standards">standards</a> | <a href="docs/projects">projects</a> | <a href="docs/papers/">papers</a> | <a href="docs/mailings/">mailings</a> | <a href="prot/">internals</a> | <a href="docs/meetings">meetings</a> | <a href="docs/contacts">contacts</a> <p> <address> This page is sponsored by <a href="">DTU</a>. <a href="/JTC1/SC22/WG99/docs/design#meetings">HTML design</a> by Keld Simonsen. <a href="">Comments</a> welcome! </address> <hr> </body> </html>