Matic to showcase machines for textile sun protection in Orlando -
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Organised by the Advanced Textiles Association (ATA), this show is the flagship event of the textile industry, bringing together over 4,000 attendees.</p><p>Matic will present a wide range of cutting-edge innovations and technologies across different stages of textile creation and design for sun protection, whether its awnings, zip screens, or roller blinds. Matic offers specialised machinery for cutting, welding, sewing, and even packaging textile products, with its latest machine: the Kratos.</p><div style="display:none;" id="shortdesc">Matic will display its latest innovations at the Advanced Textiles Expo from November 1 to 3 in Orlando. Matic's cutting-edge machinery and technologies for sun protection textiles, including cutting, welding, sewing, and packaging solutions, will be showcased. The expo will offer attendees the chance to experience these innovations firsthand.</div><p>The M1 series of cutting machines is one of the best-sellers in the market, as it offers the perfect combination of speed and precision. Variable cutting speeds ensure optimal results, adapting to the unique characteristics of each fabric. Additionally, the pressure bar eliminates any fabric movement during the cutting process. Within this line, the M1-PC is an automatic cutting table that provides cuts on all four sides, eliminating the need to rotate and manipulate the fabric during cutting. It&#39;s ideal for cutting technical fabrics like PVC, screen, clear PVC, blackout, zebra, mosquito nets, etc. On the other hand, the M1 Ultimate can be equipped with multiple cutting tools: ultrasonic, crush cutting, and/or rotary blade, to provide a sealed cut preventing fraying, the company said in a press release.</p><p>Among Matic&#39;s welding machines, the Perseo stands out, featuring a patented and entirely original impulse welding eco-friendly system that breaks away from traditional welding methods. The Perseo incorporates electronic motion control for achieving precision in pocket sizes and joining different fabric types.</p><p>Matic also offers a wide range of automatic sewing machines. Specifically for the sun protection sector, Orion shines as an automatic industrial sewing unit designed specifically for the awning industry. It&#39;s the perfect solution for manufacturers seeking high-quality and performance in the sewing process for acrylic, polyester, technical fabrics, PVC, etc. Equipped with a movable tray that guides the fabric through the sewing area, it ensures the fabric remains positioned and tensioned, guaranteeing perfectly straight seams at all times. Orion also offers the Industry 4.0 kit option, allowing for easy product traceability through QR codes, the release added.</p><p>For the final phase of production, packaging, Matic will present an innovative solution: the Kratos. This fast and efficient packaging machine uses fan fold to automatically package roller blinds. It offers multiple box sizes, and folding and sealing are automated. Kratos provides various options such as automatic label printing and even ink printing to add uniqueness to the packaged product.</p><p>&quot;We are excited to participate once again in the Advanced Textiles Expo, an event that gathers the forefront companies of the textile industry, showcasing the best innovations and technologies in the market. Our goal is to showcase the entire range of state-of-the-art machinery we offer for different stages of textile product creation for sun protection. Our machines are highly efficient, designed to help customers improve productivity and production quality in a straightforward manner,&quot; explained&nbsp;<strong><em>Jordi Carbonell, CEO of Matic</em></strong>.</p><p>Attendees will have the opportunity to firsthand experience and witness the operation of the latest generation machines that Matic will exhibit at their booth, number 1402, throughout the entire event.</p> <p class="text-right f2fdesk">Fibre2Fashion News Desk (RR)</p> </span> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-8 text-left"> <div class="row"> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-8 text-right pagination-txt pull-right"> <div class="row"> <ul class="pagination pagination-lg pull-right"> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <input type="hidden" id = "HidCategoryName" value = "Technical Textiles"> <input type="hidden" id = "HidSubCategoryName" value = "Hometech Textiles"> <input type="hidden" id = "HidCompanyName" value = ""> <input type="hidden" id = "HidCountryName" value = "Spain"> <input type="hidden" id = "HidNewsTag" value = "Technical Textile"> " /> <input type="hidden" id="hdnAudioURL" value="" /> <img style="display:none; visibility:hidden;" src="" /> <section class="latestnews-wrapper"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12 text-left breadcrums"> <div><a href="" title="Home">Home</a> / <a href="" title="News">News</a> / Matic to showcase machines for textile sun protection in Orlando</div> </div> <input type="hidden" id="hdnnewsId" value="289819" /> <input type="hidden" id="hdnuserId" value="" /> <input type="hidden" id="hdnURL" value="" /> <input type="hidden" id="hdnDetail" value=" <div class="news-banner-title text-center"> <a href="/news/technical-textiles-news" target="_blank">Technical Textiles</a> </div> <h1 class="section-title text-center">Matic to showcase machines for textile sun protection in Orlando</h1> <div class="latest-news-date-main"> <div class="latest-news-date"> 31 Aug '23 </div> <div class="latest-news-read"> 3 min read </div> </div> <div class="news-details-img"> <img class="img-responsive" src='' title='Pic: ACCESSWIRE ' alt='Pic: ACCESSWIRE ' /> <div id="dvcaption">Pic: ACCESSWIRE </div> </div> <div class="newsaudio"> <div class="right-speaker"> <button class="slide-toggle volume"><i class="fa fa-volume-up" aria-hidden="true"></i></button> </div> <div id="AudioDiv" class="headerbottombar" style="display: none;"> <span class="news-details-txt selectionShareable"> <div class="audiocls text-center" id="divaudioid"> </div> </span> </div> <div class="clear"> </div> </div> <hr> <div id="summarydesc" class="newsinsights"><h3>Insights</h3> <ul style = "list-style-type:disc;"><li>Matic will display its latest innovations at the Advanced Textiles Expo from November 1 to 3 in Orlando. </li><li>Matic's cutting-edge machinery and technologies for sun protection textiles, including cutting, welding, sewing, and packaging solutions, will be showcased. </li><li>The expo will offer attendees the chance to experience these innovations firsthand.</li></ul></div> <div class="pera-text"> <span class="news-details-txt">Matic, a leading company in the design and manufacturing of comprehensive solutions for the textile industry, will be showcasing its latest innovations at the Advanced Textiles Expo from November 1-3 in Orlando. Organised by the Advanced Textiles Association (ATA), this show is the flagship event of the textile industry, bringing together over 4,000 attendees.</p><p>Matic will present a wide range of cutting-edge innovations and technologies across different stages of textile creation and design for sun protection, whether its awnings, zip screens, or roller blinds. Matic offers specialised machinery for cutting, welding, sewing, and even packaging textile products, with its latest machine: the Kratos.</p><div style="display:none;" id="shortdesc">Matic will display its latest innovations at the Advanced Textiles Expo from November 1 to 3 in Orlando. Matic's cutting-edge machinery and technologies for sun protection textiles, including cutting, welding, sewing, and packaging solutions, will be showcased. The expo will offer attendees the chance to experience these innovations firsthand.</div><p>The M1 series of cutting machines is one of the best-sellers in the market, as it offers the perfect combination of speed and precision. Variable cutting speeds ensure optimal results, adapting to the unique characteristics of each fabric. Additionally, the pressure bar eliminates any fabric movement during the cutting process. Within this line, the M1-PC is an automatic cutting table that provides cuts on all four sides, eliminating the need to rotate and manipulate the fabric during cutting. It&#39;s ideal for cutting technical fabrics like PVC, screen, clear PVC, blackout, zebra, mosquito nets, etc. On the other hand, the M1 Ultimate can be equipped with multiple cutting tools: ultrasonic, crush cutting, and/or rotary blade, to provide a sealed cut preventing fraying, the company said in a press release.</p><p>Among Matic&#39;s welding machines, the Perseo stands out, featuring a patented and entirely original impulse welding eco-friendly system that breaks away from traditional welding methods. The Perseo incorporates electronic motion control for achieving precision in pocket sizes and joining different fabric types.</p><p>Matic also offers a wide range of automatic sewing machines. Specifically for the sun protection sector, Orion shines as an automatic industrial sewing unit designed specifically for the awning industry. It&#39;s the perfect solution for manufacturers seeking high-quality and performance in the sewing process for acrylic, polyester, technical fabrics, PVC, etc. Equipped with a movable tray that guides the fabric through the sewing area, it ensures the fabric remains positioned and tensioned, guaranteeing perfectly straight seams at all times. Orion also offers the Industry 4.0 kit option, allowing for easy product traceability through QR codes, the release added.</p><p>For the final phase of production, packaging, Matic will present an innovative solution: the Kratos. This fast and efficient packaging machine uses fan fold to automatically package roller blinds. It offers multiple box sizes, and folding and sealing are automated. Kratos provides various options such as automatic label printing and even ink printing to add uniqueness to the packaged product.</p><p>&quot;We are excited to participate once again in the Advanced Textiles Expo, an event that gathers the forefront companies of the textile industry, showcasing the best innovations and technologies in the market. Our goal is to showcase the entire range of state-of-the-art machinery we offer for different stages of textile product creation for sun protection. Our machines are highly efficient, designed to help customers improve productivity and production quality in a straightforward manner,&quot; explained&nbsp;<strong><em>Jordi Carbonell, CEO of Matic</em></strong>.</p><p>Attendees will have the opportunity to firsthand experience and witness the operation of the latest generation machines that Matic will exhibit at their booth, number 1402, throughout the entire event.</p> <p class="text-right f2fdesk">Fibre2Fashion News Desk (RR)</p> </span> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-8 text-left"> <div class="row"> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-8 text-right pagination-txt pull-right"> <div class="row"> <ul class="pagination pagination-lg pull-right"> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <input type="hidden" id = "HidCategoryName" value = "Technical Textiles"> <input type="hidden" id = "HidSubCategoryName" value = "Hometech Textiles"> <input type="hidden" id = "HidCompanyName" value = ""> <input type="hidden" id = "HidCountryName" value = "Spain"> <input type="hidden" id = "HidNewsTag" value = "Technical Textile"> " /> <div class="col-lg-8 latestnews latestnews-detail"> <div class="detail-text p-t-none"> <input id="hdnIsDisplayAudioPlayer" name="hdnIsDisplayAudioPlayer" type="hidden" value="True" /> <div class="news-banner-title text-center"> <a href="/news/technical-textiles-news" target="_blank">Technical Textiles</a> </div> <h1 class="section-title text-center">Matic to showcase machines for textile sun protection in Orlando</h1> <div class="latest-news-date-main"> <div class="latest-news-date"> 31 Aug '23 </div> <div class="latest-news-read"> 3 min read </div> </div> <div class="news-details-img"> <img class="img-responsive" src='' title='Pic: ACCESSWIRE ' alt='Pic: ACCESSWIRE ' /> <div id="dvcaption">Pic: ACCESSWIRE </div> </div> <div class="newsaudio"> <div class="right-speaker"> <button class="slide-toggle volume"><i class="fa fa-volume-up" aria-hidden="true"></i></button> </div> <div id="AudioDiv" class="headerbottombar" style="display: none;"> <span class="news-details-txt selectionShareable"> <div class="audiocls text-center" id="divaudioid"> </div> </span> </div> <div class="clear"> </div> </div> <hr> <div id="summarydesc" class="newsinsights"><h3>Insights</h3> <ul style = "list-style-type:disc;"><li>Matic will display its latest innovations at the Advanced Textiles Expo from November 1 to 3 in Orlando. </li><li>Matic's cutting-edge machinery and technologies for sun protection textiles, including cutting, welding, sewing, and packaging solutions, will be showcased. </li><li>The expo will offer attendees the chance to experience these innovations firsthand.</li></ul></div> <div class="pera-text"> <span class="news-details-txt">Matic, a leading company in the design and manufacturing of comprehensive solutions for the textile industry, will be showcasing its latest innovations at the Advanced Textiles Expo from November 1-3 in Orlando. Organised by the Advanced Textiles Association (ATA), this show is the flagship event of the textile industry, bringing together over 4,000 attendees.</p><p>Matic will present a wide range of cutting-edge innovations and technologies across different stages of textile creation and design for sun protection, whether its awnings, zip screens, or roller blinds. Matic offers specialised machinery for cutting, welding, sewing, and even packaging textile products, with its latest machine: the Kratos.</p><div style="display:none;" id="shortdesc">Matic will display its latest innovations at the Advanced Textiles Expo from November 1 to 3 in Orlando. Matic's cutting-edge machinery and technologies for sun protection textiles, including cutting, welding, sewing, and packaging solutions, will be showcased. The expo will offer attendees the chance to experience these innovations firsthand.</div><p>The M1 series of cutting machines is one of the best-sellers in the market, as it offers the perfect combination of speed and precision. Variable cutting speeds ensure optimal results, adapting to the unique characteristics of each fabric. Additionally, the pressure bar eliminates any fabric movement during the cutting process. Within this line, the M1-PC is an automatic cutting table that provides cuts on all four sides, eliminating the need to rotate and manipulate the fabric during cutting. It's ideal for cutting technical fabrics like PVC, screen, clear PVC, blackout, zebra, mosquito nets, etc. On the other hand, the M1 Ultimate can be equipped with multiple cutting tools: ultrasonic, crush cutting, and/or rotary blade, to provide a sealed cut preventing fraying, the company said in a press release.</p><p>Among Matic's welding machines, the Perseo stands out, featuring a patented and entirely original impulse welding eco-friendly system that breaks away from traditional welding methods. The Perseo incorporates electronic motion control for achieving precision in pocket sizes and joining different fabric types.</p><p>Matic also offers a wide range of automatic sewing machines. Specifically for the sun protection sector, Orion shines as an automatic industrial sewing unit designed specifically for the awning industry. It's the perfect solution for manufacturers seeking high-quality and performance in the sewing process for acrylic, polyester, technical fabrics, PVC, etc. Equipped with a movable tray that guides the fabric through the sewing area, it ensures the fabric remains positioned and tensioned, guaranteeing perfectly straight seams at all times. Orion also offers the Industry 4.0 kit option, allowing for easy product traceability through QR codes, the release added.</p><p>For the final phase of production, packaging, Matic will present an innovative solution: the Kratos. This fast and efficient packaging machine uses fan fold to automatically package roller blinds. It offers multiple box sizes, and folding and sealing are automated. Kratos provides various options such as automatic label printing and even ink printing to add uniqueness to the packaged product.</p><p>"We are excited to participate once again in the Advanced Textiles Expo, an event that gathers the forefront companies of the textile industry, showcasing the best innovations and technologies in the market. Our goal is to showcase the entire range of state-of-the-art machinery we offer for different stages of textile product creation for sun protection. Our machines are highly efficient, designed to help customers improve productivity and production quality in a straightforward manner," explained <strong><em>Jordi Carbonell, CEO of Matic</em></strong>.</p><p>Attendees will have the opportunity to firsthand experience and witness the operation of the latest generation machines that Matic will exhibit at their booth, number 1402, throughout the entire event.</p> <p class="text-right f2fdesk">Fibre2Fashion News Desk (RR)</p> </span> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-8 text-left"> <div class="row"> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-8 text-right pagination-txt pull-right"> <div class="row"> <ul class="pagination pagination-lg pull-right"> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <input type="hidden" id = "HidCategoryName" value = "Technical Textiles"> <input type="hidden" id = "HidSubCategoryName" value = "Hometech Textiles"> <input type="hidden" id = "HidCompanyName" value = ""> <input type="hidden" id = 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