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class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> Debunking <strong>Twitter myths</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to take a <strong>Twitter break on Twitter</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>Tweet</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to Tweet with your <strong>voice</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>create a thread</strong> on Twitter </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>delete a Tweet</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>Retweet</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> <strong>Retweet</strong> FAQs </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> About <strong>replies and mentions</strong> <span class="tp02__icon"> <svg xmlns="" x="0px" y="0px" viewbox="0 0 20.6 12.6" xml:space="preserve" class="htc-icon twtr-color-fill--blue-dark"> <polygon class="st0" points="14.4,0 16.8,2.4 11.8,7.5 7.7,3.3 0,11.1 1.5,12.6 7.7,6.3 11.8,10.5 18.3,3.9 20.6,6.3 20.6,0 "/> </svg> </span> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> About your <strong>Twitter timeline</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> About <strong>conversations</strong> on Twitter </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>share a Tweet</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to share a Tweet on <strong>Snapchat</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to share a Tweet on <strong>Instagram Stories</strong> </a> </li> </ul> <ul class="tp02__list twtr-grid__col-24 twtr-grid__col-md-12"> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a 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</li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> Signing up with Twitter </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> About <strong>parental consent</strong> on Twitter </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> <strong>About Spaces</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> About <strong>Birdwatch</strong> on Twitter </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="tp02__item"> <span class="twtr-deeplink" id="adding-content-to-your-tweet"></span> <h2 class="tp02__title twtr-type--bold-28 twtr-color--blue-dark is-title-only">Adding content to your Tweet</h2> <div class="twtr-grid tp02__copy"> <ul class="tp02__list 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</li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>post links in a Tweet</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>create live videos</strong> on Twitter </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> About <strong>Twitter Polls</strong> </a> </li> </ul> <ul class="tp02__list twtr-grid__col-24 twtr-grid__col-md-12"> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> About <strong>media timelines</strong> in profiles </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>make images accessible</strong> for people </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> About <strong>TwitPic</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> About <strong>Twitter's link service</strong> ( </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="tp02__item"> <span class="twtr-deeplink" id="search-and-trends"></span> <h2 class="tp02__title twtr-type--bold-28 twtr-color--blue-dark is-title-only">Search and trends</h2> <div class="twtr-grid tp02__copy"> <ul class="tp02__list twtr-grid__col-24 twtr-grid__col-md-12"> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>use Twitter search</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>use advanced search</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>save searches</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> <strong>Search result</strong> FAQs </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> About <strong>Moments</strong> </a> </li> </ul> <ul class="tp02__list twtr-grid__col-24 twtr-grid__col-md-12"> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> Help with <strong>Twitter search</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>create a Moment</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> <strong>Twitter trends</strong> FAQs </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> Stay informed about important national and global events </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="tp02__item"> <span class="twtr-deeplink" id="following-people-and-groups"></span> <h2 class="tp02__title twtr-type--bold-28 twtr-color--blue-dark is-title-only">Following and unfollowing</h2> <div class="twtr-grid tp02__copy"> <ul class="tp02__list twtr-grid__col-24 twtr-grid__col-md-12"> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>follow people</strong> on Twitter </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>unfollow</strong> people on Twitter </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> <strong>Following</strong> FAQs </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to approve or deny <strong>follower requests</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> Help with common <strong>following</strong> issues </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>upload and manage your contacts</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> About Twitter's <strong>account</strong> suggestions </a> </li> </ul> <ul class="tp02__list twtr-grid__col-24 twtr-grid__col-md-12"> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> About <strong>QR codes</strong> on Twitter </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>use Twitter Lists</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> Help with <strong>Lists</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> <strong>Personalization</strong> based on where you see Twitter content across the web </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> About <strong>following</strong> on Twitter </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> About <strong>Topics</strong> on Twitter </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="tp02__item"> <span class="twtr-deeplink" id="blocking-and-muting"></span> <h2 class="tp02__title twtr-type--bold-28 twtr-color--blue-dark is-title-only">Blocking and muting</h2> <div class="twtr-grid tp02__copy"> <ul class="tp02__list twtr-grid__col-24 twtr-grid__col-md-12"> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>block accounts on Twitter</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to manage your <strong>block list</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> About <strong>being blocked</strong> </a> </li> </ul> <ul class="tp02__list twtr-grid__col-24 twtr-grid__col-md-12"> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>mute accounts</strong> on Twitter </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>use advanced muting options</strong> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="tp02__item"> <span class="twtr-deeplink" id="direct-messages"></span> <h2 class="tp02__title twtr-type--bold-28 twtr-color--blue-dark is-title-only">Direct Messages</h2> <div class="twtr-grid tp02__copy"> <ul class="tp02__list twtr-grid__col-24 twtr-grid__col-md-12"> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> About <strong>Direct Messages</strong> <span class="tp02__icon"> <svg xmlns="" x="0px" y="0px" viewbox="0 0 20.6 12.6" xml:space="preserve" class="htc-icon twtr-color-fill--blue-dark"> <polygon class="st0" points="14.4,0 16.8,2.4 11.8,7.5 7.7,3.3 0,11.1 1.5,12.6 7.7,6.3 11.8,10.5 18.3,3.9 20.6,6.3 20.6,0 "/> </svg> </span> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> <strong>Direct Message</strong> FAQs </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="tp02__item"> <span class="twtr-deeplink" id="twitter-on-your-device"></span> <h2 class="tp02__title twtr-type--bold-28 twtr-color--blue-dark ">Twitter on your device</h2> <div class="tp04"> <div class="tp04-tertiary-category"> <div class="tp04__item is-closed twtr-grid"> <div class="tp04__category-parent js-category-toggle js-track-click" data-event-category="tertiary-category"> <h4 class="tp04__title twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--blue-dark has-hover"> Twitter app support <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" class="tp04__category-icon twtr-icon--sm twtr-color-fill--blue-dark"> <path opacity="0" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"/> <path d="M20.207 7.043c-.39-.39-1.023-.39-1.414 0L12 13.836 5.207 7.043c-.39-.39-1.023-.39-1.414 0s-.39 1.023 0 1.414l7.5 7.5c. 0-1.414z"/> </svg> </h4> </div> <div class="tp04__category"> <div class="twtr-grid tp04__category-inner"> <ul class="tp04__category-list twtr-grid__col-24 twtr-grid__col-md-12"> <li class="tp04__category-list-item"> <a class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover" href="">How to use <strong>Twitter for iOS</strong></a> </li> <li class="tp04__category-list-item"> <a class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover" href="">How to <strong>log out of the Twitter app</strong> on an iOS device</a> </li> <li class="tp04__category-list-item"> <a class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover" href="">Help with <strong>Twitter for iPhone or iPad</strong></a> </li> <li class="tp04__category-list-item"> <a class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover" href="">How to use <strong>Twitter for Android</strong></a> </li> <li class="tp04__category-list-item"> <a class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover" href="">How to <strong>log out of Twitter for Android</strong></a> </li> </ul> <ul class="tp04__category-list twtr-grid__col-24 twtr-grid__col-md-12"> <li class="tp04__category-list-item"> <a class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover" href="">Help with <strong>Twitter for Android</strong></a> </li> <li class="tp04__category-list-item"> <a class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover" href=""><strong>Twitter for Android</strong> FAQs</a> </li> <li class="tp04__category-list-item"> <a class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover" href="">Help with Twitter app <strong>permissions for Android</strong></a> </li> <li class="tp04__category-list-item"> <a class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover" href="">How to use <strong>Twitter for Mac</strong></a> </li> <li class="tp04__category-list-item"> <a class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover" href="">How to use <strong>Twitter for Windows 10</strong></a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="tp04"> <div class="tp04-tertiary-category"> <div class="tp04__item is-closed twtr-grid"> <div class="tp04__category-parent js-category-toggle js-track-click" data-event-category="tertiary-category"> <h4 class="tp04__title twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--blue-dark has-hover"> Twitter Web support <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" class="tp04__category-icon twtr-icon--sm twtr-color-fill--blue-dark"> <path opacity="0" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"/> <path d="M20.207 7.043c-.39-.39-1.023-.39-1.414 0L12 13.836 5.207 7.043c-.39-.39-1.023-.39-1.414 0s-.39 1.023 0 1.414l7.5 7.5c. 0-1.414z"/> </svg> </h4> </div> <div class="tp04__category"> <div class="twtr-grid tp04__category-inner"> <ul class="tp04__category-list twtr-grid__col-24 twtr-grid__col-md-12"> <li class="tp04__category-list-item"> <a class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover" href="">How to <strong>use Twitter Lite on Android</strong></a> </li> <li class="tp04__category-list-item"> <a class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover" href=""><strong></strong> FAQs</a> </li> <li class="tp04__category-list-item"> <a class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover" href="">Help with <strong></strong></a> </li> </ul> <ul class="tp04__category-list twtr-grid__col-24 twtr-grid__col-md-12"> <li class="tp04__category-list-item"> <a class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover" href="">Help with <strong></strong></a> </li> <li class="tp04__category-list-item"> <a class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover" href="">About <strong> supported browsers</strong></a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="tp04"> <div class="tp04-tertiary-category"> <div class="tp04__item is-closed twtr-grid"> <div class="tp04__category-parent js-category-toggle js-track-click" data-event-category="tertiary-category"> <h4 class="tp04__title twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--blue-dark has-hover"> Twitter SMS support <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" class="tp04__category-icon twtr-icon--sm twtr-color-fill--blue-dark"> <path opacity="0" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"/> <path d="M20.207 7.043c-.39-.39-1.023-.39-1.414 0L12 13.836 5.207 7.043c-.39-.39-1.023-.39-1.414 0s-.39 1.023 0 1.414l7.5 7.5c. 0-1.414z"/> </svg> </h4> </div> <div class="tp04__category"> <div class="twtr-grid tp04__category-inner"> <ul class="tp04__category-list twtr-grid__col-24 twtr-grid__col-md-12"> <li class="tp04__category-list-item"> <a class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover" href="">How to use your <strong>SMS-created account on web</strong></a> </li> <li class="tp04__category-list-item"> <a class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover" href="">About <strong>SMS charges</strong> for Tweets</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="tp02__item"> <span class="twtr-deeplink" id="website-and-app-integrations"></span> <h2 class="tp02__title twtr-type--bold-28 twtr-color--blue-dark is-title-only">Website and app integrations</h2> <div class="twtr-grid tp02__copy"> <ul class="tp02__list twtr-grid__col-24 twtr-grid__col-md-12"> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>embed a Tweet</strong> on your website or blog </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>embed a timeline</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>add Twitter buttons to your website</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>add the Tweet button to your website</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> Help with <strong>Twitter buttons or embedding Tweets</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>add a follow button</strong> to your website </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to use <strong>TweetDeck</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> About <strong>advanced TweetDeck features</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to use the <strong>Teams feature on TweetDeck</strong> </a> </li> </ul> <ul class="tp02__list twtr-grid__col-24 twtr-grid__col-md-12"> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> <strong>TweetDeck</strong> FAQs </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> <strong>Vine</strong> FAQs </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> <strong>Media Studio Overview</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> <strong>Media Studio Library</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> <strong>Media Studio Analytics</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> <strong>Media Studio Producer</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> <strong>Media Studio LiveCut</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> <strong>Media Studio Monetization</strong> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="tp02__item"> <span class="twtr-deeplink" id="using-periscope"></span> <h2 class="tp02__title twtr-type--bold-28 twtr-color--blue-dark is-title-only">Using Periscope</h2> <div class="twtr-grid tp02__copy"> <ul class="tp02__list twtr-grid__col-24 twtr-grid__col-md-12"> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> Periscope <strong>FAQs</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> <strong>Getting started</strong> with Periscope </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to use <strong>hearts and chat</strong> on Periscope </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>navigate</strong> the Periscope app </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>broadcast</strong> on Periscope </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>save a Periscope broadcast</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>hide or delete</strong> a Periscope broadcast </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>share or edit</strong> a Periscope broadcast </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>go live together</strong> on Periscope </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to broadcast with <strong>Periscope Producer</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>watch and search for broadcasts</strong> on Periscope </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>follow people and create groups</strong> on Periscope </a> </li> </ul> <ul class="tp02__list twtr-grid__col-24 twtr-grid__col-md-12"> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to use Periscope on <strong>web</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> <strong>Periscope Beta</strong> program </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>report content and assign moderators</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>connect third-party accounts</strong> to Periscope </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to edit your <strong>Periscope profile</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 twtr-color--dark-gray-neutral has-hover"> How to <strong>manage your Periscope account</strong> </a> </li> <li class="tp02__list-item"> <a href="/web/20210306031424/" class="twtr-type--roman-18 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So let’s break down the common questions and comments we get.", "position": "2" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to take a Twitter break on Twitter", "url": "", "description": "We know the feeling of wanting to stay connected. Luckily with Twitter, we make it easy to take a \"break\" on Twitter while on Twitter.", "position": "3" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to Tweet", "url": "", "description": "An introduction to Tweeting. Learn the basics, including how to post and delete Tweets on Twitter.", "position": "4" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to Tweet with your voice", "url": "", "description": "We’re currently testing the option to Tweet with your voice on the Twitter for iOS app. This feature makes it easier to Tweet on the go.", "position": "5" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to create a thread on Twitter", "url": "", "description": "A thread on Twitter is a series of connected Tweets from one person. With a thread you can provide additional context, an update, or an extended point by connecting multiple Tweets together.", "position": "6" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to delete a Tweet", "url": "", "description": "Learn everything you need to know about deleting your own Tweets.", "position": "7" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to Retweet", "url": "", "description": "A Retweet is when you re-post someone else\u0027s Tweet or one of your own. You can add your own comments before Retweeting, making it a Quote Tweet.", "position": "8" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Retweet FAQs", "url": "", "description": "Learn the answers to commonly-asked questions about Retweets on Twitter.", "position": "9" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "About replies and mentions", "url": "", "description": "What is the difference between a reply and a mention? Get an overview on how to start and participate in Twitter conversations. ", "position": "10" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "About your Twitter timeline", "url": "", "description": "What\u0027s in a timeline? Learn about your Home timeline and how to adjust its settings.", "position": "11" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "About conversations on Twitter", "url": "", "description": "Learn about how to find and join Twitter conversations. From replying to notifications to conversation ranking, we breakdown the basics for you.", "position": "12" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to share a Tweet", "url": "", "description": "Learn how to share a Tweet privately through Direct Message, SMS, or email.", "position": "13" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to share a Tweet on Snapchat", "url": "", "description": "We’ve partnered with Snapchat to make it quick and easy to add a Tweet as a sticker to your Snap", "position": "14" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to share a Tweet on Instagram Stories", "url": "", "description": "We’re currently testing sharing Tweets to Instagram. We know people share Tweets on other social media apps, and we’re exploring how to make it easier for people to share Tweets on Instagram Stories.", "position": "15" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to share a Tweet to WhatsApp ", "url": "", "description": "We’re currently testing sharing Tweets to WhatsApp on Twitter for Android.", "position": "16" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to add your location to a Tweet", "url": "", "description": "You can choose to enable the feature that allows you to Tweet with your location.", "position": "17" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to like a Tweet", "url": "", "description": "Like (formerly known as favorite) a Tweet when you want to show appreciation. You can view liked Tweets through the Likes tab on an account\u0027s profile. ", "position": "18" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to link to a Tweet, Moment, or List", "url": "", "description": "Each individual Tweet and Moment has its own URL, making them easy to link to. ", "position": "19" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "About different types of Tweets", "url": "", "description": "Learn about the types of Tweets you can come across on Twitter, and where to find them.", "position": "20" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Help with Tweeting", "url": "", "description": "Are you having trouble Tweeting? Learn how to troubleshoot If you see errors when trying to send a Tweet or post a link.", "position": "21" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to use hashtags", "url": "", "description": "Get an overview on hashtags, including best practice tips.", "position": "22" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Help with hashtags and replies", "url": "", "description": "You may run into unexpected issues with hashtags and replies. This article explains possible reasons for hashtags and replies not working.", "position": "23" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Help with missing Tweets", "url": "", "description": "Are your Tweets not showing up? Learn why it may appear as though you are missing Tweets on your profile.", "position": "24" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "About Tweet translation", "url": "", "description": "You can view a translation for a Tweet by tapping the globe icon. Find instructions, as well as frequently asked questions, in this article.", "position": "25" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "About election labels on Twitter", "url": "", "description": "US election labels contain additional information about Twitter accounts for specified US political candidates. ", "position": "26" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Signing up with Twitter", "url": "", "description": "Not sure how to sign up for Twitter? Follow our instructions and recommended tips to get started. ", "position": "27" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "About parental consent on Twitter", "url": "", "description": "Twitter requires people using our service to be 13 years of age or older. In some countries, the law requires a parent or guardian to give consent for people older than 13 to use our service.", "position": "28" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "About Spaces on Twitter", "url": "", "description": "Spaces is a place to come together, built around the voices of the people using Twitter, your Twitter community. ", "position": "29" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "About Birdwatch on Twitter", "url": "", "description": "We’re currently testing the option to allow people to write notes on Tweets they believe contain misleading information.", "position": "30" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to post photos or GIFs on Twitter", "url": "", "description": "It\u0027s easy to add photos, or a GIF or video, to your Tweet. Learn the basics––and some advanced tips too.", "position": "31" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to share and watch videos on Twitter", "url": "", "description": "Share videos on Twitter by recording through the app, importing from your device, or uploading to", "position": "32" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to post links in a Tweet", "url": "", "description": "Get an overview on how to post a link in a Tweet on and through your Twitter mobile app.", "position": "33" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to create live videos on Twitter", "url": "", "description": "Learn how to find and create your own live videos on Twitter, and be a part of what\u0027s happening live in the world.", "position": "34" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "About Twitter Polls", "url": "", "description": "Whether you want to create a Twitter poll, or simply participate in one, we break down the basics for you on how to get started.", "position": "35" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "About media timelines in profiles", "url": "", "description": "Learn how to view a chronological timeline of the photos, videos, and GIFs that you or someone else has uploaded in Tweets. ", "position": "36" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to make images accessible for people", "url": "", "description": "Learn how to compose a description of images on Twitter so the content is accessible to people who are visually impaired.", "position": "37" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "About TwitPic", "url": "", "description": "Get in touch with us if you would like to deactivate your TwitPic account.", "position": "38" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "About Twitter\u0027s link service (", "url": "", "description": "Read the answers to our most common questions regarding our Twitter URL shortener.", "position": "39" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to use Twitter search", "url": "", "description": "Use Twitter search to find Tweets from yourself, friends, local businesses, and everyone from well-known entertainers to global political leaders.", "position": "40" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to use advanced search", "url": "", "description": "Find exactly what you are looking for with our advanced search options on ", "position": "41" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to save searches", "url": "", "description": "Learn how to save a search on and through your Twitter for Android app.", "position": "42" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Search result FAQs", "url": "", "description": "In this article, we give you an overview on how you can filter your Twitter search results, and what top Tweets are.", "position": "43" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "About Moments", "url": "", "description": "This article gives you an overview of everything you need to know about Moments on Twitter.", "position": "44" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Help with Twitter search", "url": "", "description": "Learn why your Tweets or your account may not be appearing in Twitter search results. ", "position": "45" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to create a Moment", "url": "", "description": "Twitter Moments are curated stories about what\u0027s happening in the world. Create your Moment by following these instructions. ", "position": "46" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Twitter trends FAQs", "url": "", "description": "Trends on Twitter keep you in the know with what\u0027s happening in the world. Read about where to find them and answers to common questions.", "position": "47" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Stay informed about important national and global events", "url": "", "description": "global, events, twitter, trends, timeline, home", "position": "48" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to follow people on Twitter", "url": "", "description": "You can follow someone on Twitter through a Tweet, account profile page, SMS, or a QR code.", "position": "49" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to unfollow people on Twitter", "url": "", "description": "You can unfollow someone on Twitter through a Tweet, your following list, an account profile page, or SMS.", "position": "50" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Following FAQs", "url": "", "description": "Get an overview on followers and following on Twitter, including commonly asked questions. ", "position": "51" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to approve or deny follower requests", "url": "", "description": "Learn how to approve or deny follower requests through the Twitter for iOS or Android apps and", "position": "52" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Help with common following issues", "url": "", "description": "Read about common following issues on Twitter.", "position": "53" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to upload and manage your contacts", "url": "", "description": "Find people you already know on Twitter by uploading your contacts to your account.", "position": "54" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "About Twitter\u0027s account suggestions", "url": "", "description": "Twitter’s account suggestions are personalized just for you. Learn about how we suggest accounts for you and how to control them.", "position": "55" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "About QR codes on Twitter", "url": "", "description": "Read about Twitter QR codes and how to quickly find and follow people.", "position": "56" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to use Twitter Lists", "url": "", "description": "A Twitter List is a curated group of Twitter accounts. Create your own or subscribe to a List created by someone else to view a streamlined timeline. ", "position": "57" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Help with Lists", "url": "", "description": "Read about the most common issues people experience when creating or managing Lists––and how to troubleshoot them.", "position": "58" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Personalization based on where you see Twitter content across the web", "url": "", "description": "Twitter gives you personalized suggestions based on content we\u0027d think you\u0027d like. Learn more, including how to turn off this feature. ", "position": "59" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "About following on Twitter", "url": "", "description": "Read about Twitter\u0027s follow limit and why you may not be able to follow people.", "position": "60" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "About Topics on Twitter", "url": "", "description": "Following a topic allows you to stay informed on what’s happening and see more relevant content, including Tweets, Events, and ads, about that topic. ", "position": "61" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to block accounts on Twitter", "url": "", "description": "Learn how to use Twitter\u0027s block feature when you want to restrict an account from following you or viewing your Tweets. ", "position": "62" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to manage your block list", "url": "", "description": "Learn how to share and manage your list of blocked accounts on Twitter. ", "position": "63" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "About being blocked", "url": "", "description": "Read this article if you\u0027ve been blocked on Twitter and want to learn more, including how to report an account that has blocked you.", "position": "64" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to mute accounts on Twitter", "url": "", "description": "Learn how to use Twitter\u0027s mute feature to remove an account\u0027s Tweets from your timeline without unfollowing or blocking them.", "position": "65" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to use advanced muting options", "url": "", "description": "You can mute specific words, hashtags, usernames, and emojis from your Home timeline, replies, and notifications. Learn how.", "position": "66" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "About Direct Messages", "url": "", "description": "This article gives you a robust overview of everything you need to know about Direct Messages on Twitter.", "position": "67" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Direct Message FAQs", "url": "", "description": "Read the answers to commonly-asked questions regarding Direct Messages on Twitter. ", "position": "68" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to embed a Tweet on your website or blog", "url": "", "description": "Interested in embedding a Tweet on your website or blog? Here\u0027s how.", "position": "69" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to embed a timeline", "url": "", "description": "Interested in embedding a timeline to your website? Here\u0027s how.", "position": "70" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to add Twitter buttons to your website", "url": "", "description": "Interested in adding Twitter buttons to your website? Here\u0027s how.", "position": "71" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to add the Tweet button to your website", "url": "", "description": "Interested in adding the Tweet button to your website? Here\u0027s how.", "position": "72" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Help with Twitter buttons or embedding Tweets", "url": "", "description": "If you\u0027re having trouble with Twitter buttons or embedding Tweets, check out these troubleshooting tips for help. ", "position": "73" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to add a follow button to your website", "url": "", "description": "Interested in adding a follow button to your website? Here\u0027s how.", "position": "74" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to use TweetDeck", "url": "", "description": "New to TweetDeck? This article goes over the basics to get you started.", "position": "75" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "About advanced TweetDeck features", "url": "", "description": "This article gives you a robust overview of everything you need to know about advanced TweetDeck features.", "position": "76" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to use the Teams feature on TweetDeck", "url": "", "description": "New to the Teams feature on TweetDeck? This article goes over the basics to get you started.", "position": "77" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "TweetDeck FAQs", "url": "", "description": "Read the answers to commonly-asked questions regarding TweetDeck. ", "position": "78" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Vine FAQs", "url": "", "description": "Read the answers to commonly-asked questions regarding Vine. ", "position": "79" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Media Studio Overview", "url": "", "description": "A media library to upload and organize your videos, GIFs and images in a single place. With user roles and permissions that allow you to compose and schedule Tweets across teams and accounts, Media Studio Library simplifies media management on Twitter.", "position": "80" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Media Studio Library", "url": "", "description": "A media library to upload and organize your videos, GIFs and images in a single place. With user roles and permissions that allow you to compose and schedule Tweets across teams and accounts, Media Studio Library simplifies media management on Twitter.", "position": "81" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Media Studio Analytics", "url": "", "description": "Media Studio’s analytics dashboard makes it easy to measure your performance on Twitter, from Tweet and video engagements to earnings from monetized videos. If your organization has multiple accounts, unified analytics give you a bird’s eye view of your organization’s activity on Twitter.", "position": "82" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Media Studio Producer", "url": "", "description": "Launch professionally-produced live broadcasts on Twitter directly from Media Studio with Producer. With self-serve livestreams, Producer makes it easy to add Twitter to your video distribution strategy.", "position": "83" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Media Studio LiveCut in Producer", "url": "", "description": "Launch professionally-produced live broadcasts on Twitter directly from Media Studio with Producer. With self-serve livestreams, Producer makes it easy to add Twitter to your video distribution strategy.", "position": "84" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Media Studio Monetization", "url": "", "description": "Drive revenue from your video content with the Amplify Publisher Program. Monetize the video you publish everyday with the turnkey In-Stream Video Ads program or develop a content package for exclusive sponsorship with In-Stream Sponsorships.", "position": "85" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Periscope FAQs", "url": "", "description": "Twitter has made the difficult decision to wind down the Periscope app. The Periscope iOS and Android apps will no longer be in service as of March 31, 2021.", "position": "86" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Getting started with Periscope", "url": "", "description": "Share what\u0027s happening around you — with the whole world or just a few friends — as it happens live with Periscope.", "position": "87" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to use hearts and chat on Periscope", "url": "", "description": "Hearts are a way for you to share your support and enthusiasm with a broadcaster and fellow viewers.", "position": "88" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to navigate the Periscope app", "url": "", "description": "Learn the basics of navigating the Periscope app.", "position": "89" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to broadcast on Periscope", "url": "", "description": "It only takes a few steps to start a broadcast on Periscope.", "position": "90" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to save a Periscope broadcast", "url": "", "description": "Learn how to save your Periscope broadcasts to your device.", "position": "91" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to hide or delete a Periscope broadcast", "url": "", "description": "You can hide a broadcast on iOS and Android, so only you can see it, by visiting your broadcast’s info panel and tapping Hide Broadcast.", "position": "92" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to share or edit a Periscope broadcast", "url": "", "description": "You can share your broadcasts on Twitter if you’ve connected your Twitter account to your Periscope account. ", "position": "93" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to go live together on Periscope", "url": "", "description": "As a broadcaster, you can invite your viewers to join your live broadcasts as guests. ", "position": "94" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to broadcast with Periscope Producer", "url": "", "description": "Periscope Producer is a way for live video creators to stream high-quality broadcasts.", "position": "95" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to watch and search for broadcasts on Periscope ", "url": "", "description": "You can watch Periscope broadcasts on Periscope and Twitter for iOS, Twitter for Android, and web.", "position": "96" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to follow people and create groups on Periscope", "url": "", "description": "Learn how to follow people and create groups on Periscope.", "position": "97" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to use Periscope on web", "url": "", "description": "Learn how to use Periscope for web if you don\u0027t have an iOS or Android device .", "position": "98" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Periscope Beta program", "url": "", "description": "Betascope is the Periscope Beta tester program.", "position": "99" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to report content and assign moderators", "url": "", "description": "Making Periscope a safe place for our community is a top priority.", "position": "100" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to connect third-party accounts to Periscope", "url": "", "description": "You can connect your Periscope account to your Google account for logging in and finding contacts on Periscope.", "position": "101" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to edit your Periscope profile", "url": "", "description": "It\u0027s easy to edit your Periscope profile. ", "position": "102" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to manage your Periscope account", "url": "", "description": "Your Periscope privacy settings can be edited on iOS, Android, and web.", "position": "103" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "About suspended Periscope accounts", "url": "", "description": "If your account is suspended , you will no longer be able to log in to Periscope and others will not be able to see your profile.", "position": "104" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Copyright complaints on Periscope", "url": "", "description": "If your broadcast is reported in a copyright complaint, you can request a copy of the copyright notice we received.", "position": "105" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How viewership metrics are calculated on Periscope", "url": "", "description": "Periscope counts live and replay viewers towards overall viewership metrics for each broadcast.", "position": "106" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "VIP program on Periscope", "url": "", "description": "The Periscope VIP program is designed to recognize and support broadcasters who create some of the most incredible content on our platform.", "position": "107" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Super Broadcaster program on Periscope", "url": "", "description": "The Super Broadcaster program allows select broadcasters who have applied and been approved to exchange their star balance earned from Super Hearts for cash.", "position": "108" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Periscope Terms of Service and Privacy Policy", "url": "", "description": "We believe you should always know what data we collect from you and how we use it, and that you should have meaningful control over both", "position": "109" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Using Twitter to tell it", "url": "", "description": "Writer, educator, and organizer, Zellie Imani, shares his story on how he helped his community affected by COVID-19. Learn how Twitter helped him get the word out about food insecurity during an already troubling time.", "position": "110" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Get to know Winnieteca", "url": "", "description": "This is the Winnieteca experience. Read Winnie Bueno\u0027s story about how she\u0027s using Twitter to democratize access to knowledge and how her DM chatbot is changing lives -- one book at a time.", "position": "111" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Conversations on Twitter about the right to water", "url": "", "description": "Yásnaya Elena A. Gil\u0027s powerful story on how Twitter can help get the word out while bringing a community together beyond borders during a crisis.", "position": "112" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How Black Girl Gamers used Twitter to change the game ", "url": "", "description": "Jay-Ann Lopez details the growth of Black Girl Gamers and how she used Twitter to change the game. ", "position": "113" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "About Fleets on Twitter", "url": "", "description": "Fleets is a feature that gives you the power to use and tell stories on Twitter in a whole new way.", "position": "114" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "How to Fleet", "url": "", "description": "With just two taps, a Tweet can be uploaded to your Fleets and lasts 24 hours.", "position": "115" }, { "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Fleet a Tweet", "url": "", "description": "You can Tweet your Fleet so you don’t lose the content when it disappears after 24 hours. Share all your best stories.", "position": "116" } ] }, "about": { "@type": "Thing", "name": "Using Twitter" } } </script> <div id="u12" class="u12-data-protection-notice"> <div class="u12-data-protection-notice__item u12-data-protection-notice__item--a"> <div class="js-eu-countries-list" data-eu-countries-list="[AT,BE,BG,CY,CZ,DK,EE,FI,FR,DE,EL,HU,IE,IT,LV,LT,LU,MT,NL,PL,PT,RO,SK,SI,ES,SE,UK,IS,NO,LI,CH]"></div> <div class="u12a-eu-cookie-notice js-eu-cookie-notice" id="u12a" data-cname="eu_cn"> <div class="u12a-eu-cookie-notice__item u12-data-protection-notice__notice"> <div class="u12a-eu-cookie-notice__content"> <div class="u12a-eu-cookie-notice__copy"> <p class="mtc-font twtr-font js-cookie-copy"> By using Twitter’s services you agree to our <a href="" target="_blank">Cookies Use</a>. 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