Judging Panel 2024 // National Sustainability Awards
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Based in London, Mari focuses on integrating sustainability considerations in business processes, and develops risk management frameworks to enable the firm to achieve its ambitious Sustainability Vision. With a background in business and sciences, she is motivated to empower finance professionals to address complex sustainability challenges and she leverages her experience to tailor solutions to different investment strategies.<br> Mari joined CBRE Investment Management and the real assets investment sector in 2019, and has prior experience from the oil and gas industry.</p><p><img alt="Image title" class="fr-fil fr-dii" src="" width="150"></p><p><strong>Lauren Ashwell, Responsible Business Manager, Berkeley Group</strong><br> Lauren started her career in contaminated land remediation before joining the large urban regeneration housebuilder Berkeley Group, where she has worked for the last five years. Her time at Berkeley originated in a site-based operational sustainability role, responding to and educating production teams on environmental management of construction sites. Since then she has moved into a strategic role working on the development, delivery and reporting of the company’s responsible business strategy, Our Vision 2030. Lauren also chairs the Group’s human rights and modern slavery committee and is currently working on the development of Berkeley’s evolving net zero transition plan.</p><p><img alt="Image title" class="fr-fil fr-dii" src="" width="150"></p><p><strong>Mark Evans, Publisher, </strong><strong>Better Society</strong><br> Mark has been in financial journalism for over 20 years, working in charity, technology, finance and retail. He is currently the Publishing Director of PPL. He holds a degree from Cardiff, an MA from Oxford Brookes and an MBA from Henley.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><img alt="Image title" class="fr-fil fr-dii" src="" width="150"></p><p><strong>Dalton Leong, Non-Executive Director, Trustee and Mentor</strong><br> Dalton worked for 21 years in financial services, in various sectors at Barclays. After becoming a founding trustee of Shooting Star Children's Hospice in 1995, he then became Chief Executive in three local and national charities before retiring in 2022. At Shooting Star, he project-managed the construction of the hospice, where energy efficiency was a key feature of the building. During his time at Global, Europe’s largest radio company (owning Capital, Heart and Classic FM amongst others), he was responsible for their Corporate Social Responsibility Programme, including overseeing the Global Going Green project (making the company paperless within six months). At The Children's Trust, he introduced their first Responsible Organisation strategy, with the aim of ensuring that sustainable practices were designed into every aspect of the work. Dalton is now establishing a non-executive portfolio and enjoying more time on the golf course. He likes the greens!</p><p><img alt="Image title" class="fr-fil fr-dii" src="" width="150"></p><p><strong><span style="-webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); color: rgb(0, 0, 0); display: inline !important; float: none; font-family: HelveticaNeue-Light,;">Dominic Plummer, Head of Sustainable Quality Engineering, Enterprise Engineering, Technology, </span>NatWest Group</strong><br> Dominic has 25+ years of practical hands-on IT development experience and is a quality evangelist. He believes that the insights from the quality process can transform both the Software Delivery Life Cycle process and radically reduce the carbon footprint of technology change. Dominic and his team won “Team of the Year” at 2023 National Sustainability Awards and are committed to purposeful and responsible technology carbon reduction.</p><p><img alt="Image title" class="fr-fil fr-dii" src="" width="150"><strong>Gordon Roy, District Surveyor, City of London Corporation</strong><br> Gordon has worked in the Local Authority Building Control for over thirty years. Specialising in sports grounds, Gordon led the building control teams on the Olympic park venues for London 2012 and working with the LDSA Sports Grounds Committee, he helped draft the “Guide to Safety at Sports Grounds During Construction” and the model General Safety Certificate and has been a past Chair of the Core Cities, “Sports Grounds and Public Safety Committee”. He is a member of the BSi and CEN working groups on “Spectator Facilities” and BS 9991” Fire Safety of Residential Buildings”. In 2018, Gordon became the Corporation’s, “District Surveyor and Environmental Resilience Director”, with responsibility for inspection and maintenance of the City’s civil engineering structures, and manages the Corporations Building Control service. The District Surveyors team provide a building control service to the City’s world-famous financial sector which includes some of the highest and most complex buildings in Europe. The team have recently expanded the team to help deliver the Corporations, “Climate Action Strategy”, which will help the Square Mile to become Zero Carbon and a more climate resilient City. In 2016, Gordon was awarded Honorary membership to LABC for his contribution to Local Authority Building Control.</p><p><img alt="Image title" class="fr-fil fr-dii" src="" width="150"></p><p><span style="-webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); color: rgb(0, 0, 0); display: inline !important; float: none; font-family: HelveticaNeue-Light,;"><strong>Mark Trumper, Director of EV Partnerships & Energy Infrastructure, </strong></span><strong style="-webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); box-sizing: inherit; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: HelveticaNeue-Light,;">APCOA Parking UK</strong><br> Mark Trumper leads the APCOA business on adoption of Electric Vehicle Charging Solutions and the wider development of Energy Infrastructure across the UK & Ireland. He is passionate about sustainable value creation and has operated at Board level in both public and private sector organisations since 2009. As Subject Matter Expert for APCOA he is committed to providing customers with both an initial and then scalable infrastructure and charging solution, as they progress on their journey to a carbon zero operating environment well in advance of 2050.<br> APCOA work with clients to optimise their EV solution from truly understanding customers as well as promoting the move to sustainable driving. They were awarded EV Champion of the Year 2023 at the British Parking Awards and Partner of the Year 2023 at the National Sustainability Awards.</p><p><img alt="Image title" class="fr-fil fr-dii" src="" width="150"><strong>Peter Woods, Head of Facilities, Daiwa Capital Markets Europe</strong><br> Peter has worked in the facilities management and real estate industry for over 30 years responsible for multiple sites for Tesco, Santander and other household names. Energy and sustainability have always been at the top of the agenda to ensure an effective service delivery. Currently working for Daiwa they aim to reduce the impact of the firm’s operations on the environment, through the Group 2030 Vision initiative, promoting the “transition to a carbon-free society and realising a resilient society”. The goal is to promote sustainability and environmental awareness at all levels of the firm with various initiatives to do this.</p><p><br></p> </div> </div> <div class="main__sidebar"> <div class="main__sidebar__container"> <a href="booking_form.php" ><div class="main__sidebar__block"><div class="main__sidebar__block__text">BOOK YOUR TABLE</div></div></a><a href="interest.php" ><div class="main__sidebar__block"><div class="main__sidebar__block__text">Register your interest</div></div></a><a href="faq.php" ><div class="main__sidebar__block"><div class="main__sidebar__block__text">FAQ</div></div></a><a href="contact.php" ><div class="main__sidebar__block"><div class="main__sidebar__block__text">Contact Us</div></div></a> <div><center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""><strong><u>Part of National Sustainability News</u></strong></a></center><hr></div> <ul class="carousel--vertical" id="jsCarouselSidebarSponsors"> <li ><h3>Supported by</h3><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a></li><li ><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a></li><li ><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a></li><li ><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a></li><li ><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a></li><li ><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a></li><li ><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a></li><li ><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a></li><li ><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </main> <img style="display:none;" class="banner-image--large"> <img style="display:none;" class="banner-image--small"> <footer> <div class="max-width-limiter"> </div> <p class="footer__final-text">This website is a part of <a href="" target="_blank">Perspective Publishing</a> Limited, registered in England no 2876166. 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