Altmetric – Advances in Remote Sensing and Geo Informatics Applications

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<div class='book-cover'> <div class='placeholder'> <div class='content'> <div class='title'>Advances in Remote Sensing and Geo Informatics Applications</div> <div class='publisher'>Springer International Publishing</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='contents'> <h2>Table of Contents</h2> <ol> <li class='' data-id='53416390' data-type='book'> <a data-id='53416390' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;score=17&amp;types=bbtttttt&amp;size=40);" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title single-line'> <strong>Book Overview</strong> </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416434' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416434' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 1</strong> Strong Interactions Indicated Between Dust Aerosols and Precipitation Related Clouds in the Nile Delta </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416477' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416477' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 2</strong> Exploring Desert Aquifers and Polar Ice Sheets and Their Responses to Climate Evolution: OASIS Mission Concept </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416465' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416465' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 3</strong> Artificial Intelligence and Spatial Modelling in Natural Hazards and Environmental Applications </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416403' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416403' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 4</strong> Visualization of Subsurface Data Using Three-Dimensional Cartograms 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class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 7</strong> Comparative GIS-Based Automated Landform Classifications: Application of Jenness and Shary Methods to the Jebel Chaambi Area (West-Central Tunisia) </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416428' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416428' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 8</strong> A GIS-Based Spatially Distributed Crop Water Demand Modelling for Pullambadi Canal Command Area in Lower Cauvery Basin, Tamil Nadu, India </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416430' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416430' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 9</strong> Solar Power Plant Site Location Suitability Analysis Using GIS Weighted Average Raster Overlay [Lebanon] </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416431' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416431' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 10</strong> Producing a Three Dimensional Model for the University of Baghdad Campus Using GIS Environment </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416393' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416393' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 11</strong> Seasonal Hydrological Loading from GPS Observed Data Across Contiguous United States Using Integrated Apache Hadoop Framework </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416453' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416453' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 12</strong> Characterization of Periodic Signals and Noises of Geocenter Motion from Space Geodesy Techniques Data </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416395' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416395' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 13</strong> Geo-Informatics for Optimal Design of Desalination Plants Using Renewable Energy Sources: The DESiRES Platform Paradigm </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416391' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416391' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 14</strong> Combination of Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) and Hierarchical Analysis Process (HAP) Methods for the Determination of Construction Suitability Zones in the Eastern Part of the Jijel Region (North East Algeria) </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416394' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416394' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 15</strong> Building Segmentation of Aerial Images in Urban Areas with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416392' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416392' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 16</strong> A Hybrid Approach to Super Resolution Mapping for Water-Spread Area and Capacity Estimation of Reservoir Using Satellite Image (India) </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416450' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416450' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 17</strong> Multi-source System for Accurate Urban Extension Detection </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416475' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416475' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 18</strong> 3D Reconstruction of Residential Areas with SfM Photogrammetry </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416433' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416433' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 19</strong> Logistic Regression-based Geomorphological Mapping in the Arabian Platform: Implications for the Paleohydrology and the Paleoclimate of the Arabian Desert </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416451' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416451' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 20</strong> Validation of TRMM Satellite Rainfall Algorithm for Forest Basins in Northern Tunisia </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416459' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416459' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 21</strong> Contribution of Remote Sensing to Cartography (Application in the Djanet Area, East Hoggar, Algeria) </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416435' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416435' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 22</strong> Producing of Land Cover Map for Marshes Areas in the South of Iraq Using GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416436' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416436' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 23</strong> A Modified Triangle with SAR Target Parameters for Soil Texture Categorization Mapping </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416462' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416462' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 24</strong> Multitemporal Remote Sensing for Monitoring Highly Dynamic Phenomena: Case of the Ephemeral Lakes in the Chott El Jerid, Tunisia </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416437' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416437' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 25</strong> Land Use Land Cover Diachronic Change Detection Between 1996 and 2016 of Region of Gabes, Tunisia </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416438' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416438' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 26</strong> Impact of Land-use Change on Soil Erosion in the Coonoor Watershed, Nilgiris Mountain Range, Tamil Nadu, India </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416452' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416452' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 27</strong> Exploring the Influence of Land Use Type and Population Density on Urban Heat Island Intensity </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416439' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416439' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 28</strong> Land Use Classification and Change Detection Using Multi-temporal Landsat Imagery in Sulaimaniyah Governorate, Iraq </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416396' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416396' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 29</strong> NDWI Based Change Detection Analysis of Qarun Lake Coastal Area, El-Fayoum, Egypt </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416442' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416442' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 30</strong> Effects of Land Use on the Chemical Characterization of Imo River Basin and Its Catchments (Nigeria): A GIS Approach </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416440' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416440' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 31</strong> Toward Satellite-Based Estimation of Growing Season Framing Dates in Conditions of Unstable Weather </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416464' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416464' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 32</strong> Investigating Land Surface Temperature (LST) Change Using the LST Change Detection Technique (Gomishan District, Iran) </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416398' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416398' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 33</strong> Remote Spectral Imaging Using a Low Cost sUAV System for Monitoring Rangelands </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416397' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416397' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 34</strong> Correlation Between Surface Modeling and Pulse Width of FWF-Lidar </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416399' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416399' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 35</strong> An Innovative Technique for Estimating the Radius of Buried Cylindrical Targets Using GPR </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416400' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416400' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 36</strong> Classification of Landslide Features Using a LiDAR DEM and Back-Propagation Neural Network </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416401' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416401' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 37</strong> Building Hights and Floor Estimation Using 3D Maps, Central Part of Kucukcekmece, Istanbul, Turkey </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416463' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416463' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 38</strong> Automatic Building and Height Determination from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Data </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416455' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416455' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 39</strong> Estimating Crown Biomass of Oak Trees Using Terrestrial Photogrammetry in Zagros Forests </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416402' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416402' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 40</strong> Estimation of Available Canopy Fuel of Coppice Oak Stands Using Low-Density Airborne Laser Scanning (LiDAR) Data </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416404' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416404' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 41</strong> Nile Delta Sedimentary Basin—A Big Data Guided Digital Petroleum Ecosystem </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416471' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416471' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 42</strong> Toward Lithological Mapping of Arabian Peninsula Using ASTER Multispectral Thermal Infrared Data </div> </a> </li> <li class='' 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Determination Using Qualitative Site Multifactor Analysis: Case Study—South Africa </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416443' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416443' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 46</strong> Lineament Mapping Using RS and GIS Techniques at Mbateka, SE Cameroon: Implication for Mineralization </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416408' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416408' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric Badge</div> </div> <div class='title'> <strong>Chapter 47</strong> Prediction of Lamination Patterns in Heterolithic Sedimentary Sequence, Offshore Sarawak (Malaysia) </div> </a> </li> <li class='' data-id='53416414' data-type='chapter'> <a data-id='53416414' href=''> <div class='badge-wrapper'> <div style="background-image: url(;" class="badge">Altmetric 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Strong Interactions Indicated Between Dust Aerosols and Precipitation Related Clouds in the Nile Delta</option><option value="53416477" data-url="">2. Exploring Desert Aquifers and Polar Ice Sheets and Their Responses to Climate Evolution: OASIS Mission Concept</option><option value="53416465" data-url="">3. Artificial Intelligence and Spatial Modelling in Natural Hazards and Environmental Applications</option><option value="53416403" data-url="">4. Visualization of Subsurface Data Using Three-Dimensional Cartograms</option><option value="53416407" data-url="">5. GIS Contribution to the Implementation of an EOSID Process Followed in Case of an Engine Failure After the Take-off of a Boeing 737-500 Aircraft from Tabarka-Aïn Draham International Airport (NW of Tunisia)</option><option value="53416456" data-url="">6. On Geo-informatics Ecosystem Framework for Energy Resources Management in the Frontier Sedimentary Basins</option><option value="53416420" data-url="">7. Comparative GIS-Based Automated Landform Classifications: Application of Jenness and Shary Methods to the Jebel Chaambi Area (West-Central Tunisia)</option><option value="53416428" data-url="">8. A GIS-Based Spatially Distributed Crop Water Demand Modelling for Pullambadi Canal Command Area in Lower Cauvery Basin, Tamil Nadu, India</option><option value="53416430" data-url="">9. Solar Power Plant Site Location Suitability Analysis Using GIS Weighted Average Raster Overlay [Lebanon]</option><option value="53416431" data-url="">10. Producing a Three Dimensional Model for the University of Baghdad Campus Using GIS Environment</option><option value="53416393" data-url="">11. Seasonal Hydrological Loading from GPS Observed Data Across Contiguous United States Using Integrated Apache Hadoop Framework</option><option value="53416453" data-url="">12. Characterization of Periodic Signals and Noises of Geocenter Motion from Space Geodesy Techniques Data</option><option value="53416395" data-url="">13. Geo-Informatics for Optimal Design of Desalination Plants Using Renewable Energy Sources: The DESiRES Platform Paradigm</option><option value="53416391" data-url="">14. Combination of Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) and Hierarchical Analysis Process (HAP) Methods for the Determination of Construction Suitability Zones in the Eastern Part of the Jijel Region (North East Algeria)</option><option value="53416394" data-url="">15. Building Segmentation of Aerial Images in Urban Areas with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks</option><option value="53416392" data-url="">16. A Hybrid Approach to Super Resolution Mapping for Water-Spread Area and Capacity Estimation of Reservoir Using Satellite Image (India)</option><option value="53416450" data-url="">17. Multi-source System for Accurate Urban Extension Detection</option><option value="53416475" data-url="">18. 3D Reconstruction of Residential Areas with SfM Photogrammetry</option><option value="53416433" data-url="">19. Logistic Regression-based Geomorphological Mapping in the Arabian Platform: Implications for the Paleohydrology and the Paleoclimate of the Arabian Desert</option><option value="53416451" data-url="">20. Validation of TRMM Satellite Rainfall Algorithm for Forest Basins in Northern Tunisia</option><option value="53416459" data-url="">21. Contribution of Remote Sensing to Cartography (Application in the Djanet Area, East Hoggar, Algeria)</option><option value="53416435" data-url="">22. Producing of Land Cover Map for Marshes Areas in the South of Iraq Using GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques</option><option value="53416436" data-url="">23. A Modified Triangle with SAR Target Parameters for Soil Texture Categorization Mapping</option><option value="53416462" data-url="">24. Multitemporal Remote Sensing for Monitoring Highly Dynamic Phenomena: Case of the Ephemeral Lakes in the Chott El Jerid, Tunisia</option><option value="53416437" data-url="">25. Land Use Land Cover Diachronic Change Detection Between 1996 and 2016 of Region of Gabes, Tunisia</option><option value="53416438" data-url="">26. Impact of Land-use Change on Soil Erosion in the Coonoor Watershed, Nilgiris Mountain Range, Tamil Nadu, India</option><option value="53416452" data-url="">27. Exploring the Influence of Land Use Type and Population Density on Urban Heat Island Intensity</option><option value="53416439" data-url="">28. Land Use Classification and Change Detection Using Multi-temporal Landsat Imagery in Sulaimaniyah Governorate, Iraq</option><option value="53416396" data-url="">29. NDWI Based Change Detection Analysis of Qarun Lake Coastal Area, El-Fayoum, Egypt</option><option value="53416442" data-url="">30. Effects of Land Use on the Chemical Characterization of Imo River Basin and Its Catchments (Nigeria): A GIS Approach</option><option value="53416440" data-url="">31. Toward Satellite-Based Estimation of Growing Season Framing Dates in Conditions of Unstable Weather</option><option value="53416464" data-url="">32. Investigating Land Surface Temperature (LST) Change Using the LST Change Detection Technique (Gomishan District, Iran)</option><option value="53416398" data-url="">33. Remote Spectral Imaging Using a Low Cost sUAV System for Monitoring Rangelands</option><option value="53416397" data-url="">34. Correlation Between Surface Modeling and Pulse Width of FWF-Lidar</option><option value="53416399" data-url="">35. An Innovative Technique for Estimating the Radius of Buried Cylindrical Targets Using GPR</option><option value="53416400" data-url="">36. Classification of Landslide Features Using a LiDAR DEM and Back-Propagation Neural Network</option><option value="53416401" data-url="">37. Building Hights and Floor Estimation Using 3D Maps, Central Part of Kucukcekmece, Istanbul, Turkey</option><option value="53416463" data-url="">38. Automatic Building and Height Determination from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Data</option><option value="53416455" data-url="">39. Estimating Crown Biomass of Oak Trees Using Terrestrial Photogrammetry in Zagros Forests</option><option value="53416402" data-url="">40. Estimation of Available Canopy Fuel of Coppice Oak Stands Using Low-Density Airborne Laser Scanning (LiDAR) Data</option><option value="53416404" data-url="">41. Nile Delta Sedimentary Basin—A Big Data Guided Digital Petroleum Ecosystem</option><option value="53416471" data-url="">42. Toward Lithological Mapping of Arabian Peninsula Using ASTER Multispectral Thermal Infrared Data</option><option value="53416473" data-url="">43. Research Issues on Geovisual Analytics for Petroleum Data Management</option><option value="53416441" data-url="">44. Spatial Variations Prediction in Carbonate Porosity Using Artificial Neural Network: Subis Limestones, Sarawak, Malaysia</option><option value="53416458" data-url="">45. Potential Artisanal to Small Scale Cement Production Site Determination Using Qualitative Site Multifactor Analysis: Case Study—South Africa</option><option value="53416443" data-url="">46. Lineament Mapping Using RS and GIS Techniques at Mbateka, SE Cameroon: Implication for Mineralization</option><option value="53416408" data-url="">47. Prediction of Lamination Patterns in Heterolithic Sedimentary Sequence, Offshore Sarawak (Malaysia)</option><option value="53416414" data-url="">48. Investigation of Aqueous and Light Non-aqueous Phase Liquid in Fractured Double-Porosity Soil</option><option value="53416406" data-url="">49. A Review on Soil Erosion Control Studies</option><option value="53416409" data-url="">50. Spatial Estimation of Soil Organic Matter Content Using Remote Sensing Data in Southern Tunisia</option><option value="53416445" data-url="">51. Applicability of Landsat TM Images to Detect Soil Salinity of Coastal Areas in Bangladesh</option><option value="53416448" data-url="">52. Monitoring Dynamics of Date Palm Plantations from 1984 to 2013 Using Landsat Time-Series in Sahara Desert Oases of Algeria</option><option value="53416410" data-url="">53. VegMeasure: Image Processing Software for Grassland Vegetation Monitoring</option><option value="53416444" data-url="">54. Assessing the Impact of Vegetation Cover on Total Column Ozone Over West Africa</option><option value="53416454" data-url="" selected="selected">55. Contribution of Satellite Imagery to Study Salinization Effect of Agricultural Areas at Northern Eastern Oasis Algerian Region</option><option value="53416472" data-url="">56. Monitoring of Grasslands Management Practices Using Interferometric Products Sentinel-1</option><option value="53416457" data-url="">57. On the Drying Trends Over the MENA Countries Using Harmonic Analysis of the Enhanced Vegetation Index</option><option value="53416446" data-url="">58. Case Study of Debris-Flow Alluvial Fan at Dabaini Catchment, Yunnan Province, China</option><option value="53416413" data-url="">59. Spatial Modeling of Gully Erosion Using Different Scenarios and Evidential Belief Function in Maharloo Watershed, Iran</option><option value="53416469" data-url="">60. Mapping Information of Fire Events, from VGI Source (Twitter), for Effective Disaster Management (in Greece); The Fire of North-East Attica, August 2017, (Greece) Case Study</option><option value="53416426" data-url="">61. Sinkhole Susceptibility Hazard Zones Using GIS Framework and Heuristic Method</option><option value="53416415" data-url="">62. Two Dimensional Flood Inundation Modelling in Urban Areas Using WMS, HEC-RAS and GIS (Case Study in Jeddah City, Saudi Arabia)</option><option value="53416416" data-url="">63. Detecting Recent Deformation Patterns Using Geomorphometric Indices and Remote Sensing: A Case Study from the Sahel of Sfax (Eastern Tunisia)</option><option value="53416447" data-url="">64. GIS Based Multi-criteria Analysis for Flood Risk Assessment: Case of Manouba Essijoumi Basin, NE Tunisia</option><option value="53416470" data-url="">65. Adaptation of MEDALUS Method for the Analysis Depicting Land Degradation in Oued Labiod Valley (Eastern Algeria)</option><option value="53416386" data-url="">66. Measuring and Monitoring Land Subsidence and Earth Fissures in Al-Qassim Region, Saudi Arabia: Inferences from InSAR</option><option value="53416419" data-url="">67. GIS and Remote Sensing-based Approach for Desert Risk Reduction</option><option value="53416417" data-url="">68. Quantification of Groundwater Storage Variations and Stressed Areas Using Multi-temporal GRACE Data: A Case Study of Upper Indus Plains, Pakistan</option><option value="53416467" data-url="">69. Groundwater Productivity Potential Mapping Using Logistic Regression and Boosted Tree Models: The Case of Okcheon City in Korea</option><option value="53416449" data-url="">70. Radar Space Measurements of the Deforming Trends at Northern Greece Resulting from Underground Water Activity</option><option value="53416421" data-url="">71. Delineation of Groundwater Potential Zones for Hard Rock Region in Karnataka Using AHP and GIS</option><option value="53416422" data-url="">72. Evaluating and Predicting Changes Occuring on Coastal Borders of the Jeddah City Using Satellite Images</option><option value="53416423" data-url="">73. Quantification of Phytoplanktonic Algae Density in Algiers Bay (Algeria) by Combining In Situ Measurements and Landsat Satellite Images</option><option value="53416425" data-url="">74. Active-Fault Controlled Fluvial Geomorphology Along the Coastal Plain of Odisha: East Coast of India</option><option value="53416427" data-url="">75. Evaluation of Coastal Vulnerability and Exposure to the Risk of Erosion and Submersion in the Coasts of Bou Ismail Bay</option><option value="53416432" data-url="">76. Oil Pollution in the Persian Gulf: Satellite-Monitoring Results in 2017</option><option value="53416429" data-url="">77. Aerosol Optical Depth of Dust in Urban and Desert Area of Kuwait</option><option value="53416468" data-url="">78. Seasonal Air Pollution Investigation and Relation Analysis of Air Pollution Parameters to Meteorological Data (Kocaeli/Turkey)</option><option value="53416461" data-url="">79. High Resolution Passive Microwave Sounder Observation on South Indian Region Using Megha-Tropiques Payload</option></select></form> </div> <div class='content-panel'><div class='tab-panel-wrapper'> <div class='tab-panel'> <a class="summary_tab active" href="/details/53416390/chapter/53416454">Summary</a> </div> </div> <div class='content-panel-inner' id='main-content'> <div class='tabbed-panel'> <div class='summary-panel'> <a class='limited-access-warning' href='' target='_blank'> You are seeing a free-to-access but limited selection of the activity Altmetric has collected about this research output. <strong>Click here to find out more</strong>. </a> <div class='summary-document-wrapper'> <div class='summary-document-details'> <div class='document-details-table'> <table> <tr> <th>Chapter title</th> <td> <div class='content-wrapper'> Contribution of Satellite Imagery to Study Salinization Effect of Agricultural Areas at Northern Eastern Oasis Algerian Region </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Chapter number</th> <td>55</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Book title</th> <td> <div class='content-wrapper'> Advances in Remote Sensing and Geo Informatics Applications </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Published by</th> <td> <div class='content-wrapper'> Springer, Cham, December 2018 </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>DOI</th> <td><a target="_blank" href="">10.1007/978-3-030-01440-7_55</a></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Book ISBNs</th> <td> <div class='content-wrapper'>978-3-03-001439-1, 978-3-03-001440-7</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Authors</th> <td> <div class='content-wrapper'> <p class='truncated' data-truncate-collapse='[hide]' data-truncate-expand='[show]' data-truncate-to='100'> Madina Khelifi Touhami, Seyfallah Bouraoui, Mohamed-Chérif Berguig, Khelifi Touhami, Madina, Bouraoui, Seyfallah, Berguig, Mohamed-Chérif </p> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div class='summary-document-actions'> <a target="_blank" class="publisher button" href="">View on publisher site</a> <a class="email email-update-link button" href="/details/email_updates?document_title=Contribution+of+Satellite+Imagery+to+Study+Salinization+Effect+of+Agricultural+Areas+at+Northern+Eastern+Oasis+Algerian+Region&amp;id=53416454">Alert me about new mentions</a> </div> </div> <sl-tab-group id='summary-tabs'> <sl-tab panel='timeline' slot='nav'> Timeline </sl-tab> <sl-tab-panel name='timeline'> <div class='timeline-promo'> <picture> <source height='400' media='(min-width: 1400px)' srcset='/details/assets/components/timeline_promo/Chart-large-99f982b1e7b0ad778e18d1edf4ffcb25cd9a74a1f60db20fe85b2896618ceeef.png' width='1513'> <source height='398' media='(min-width: 960px)' srcset='/details/assets/components/timeline_promo/Chart-medium-4cc29fe8339f07926ce2349960c9e276143cf947507bb959771bb2cc6e67a438.png' width='942'> <img alt='' class='timeline-promo-image' height='557' src='/details/assets/components/timeline_promo/Chart-small-64d94c38d69f046c3ba53a2d94fbe59735ff15de00151846a6c730aad58629ed.png' width='690'> </picture> <div class='timeline-promo-alert'> <div class='timeline-promo-icon'></div> <div class='timeline-promo-message'> <p> <a href='' target='_blank'>Login</a> to access the full chart related to this output. </p> <p> If you don’t have an account, <a href='' target='_blank'>click here to discover Explorer</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </sl-tab-panel> <sl-tab panel='mendeley-demographics' slot='nav'> Mendeley readers </sl-tab> <sl-tab-panel name='mendeley-demographics'> <h2>Mendeley readers</h2> <div class='section-summary'> <div class='link'><a class="contextual-help-link" data-type="readers" title="About this data" data-content="&lt;h3&gt;What am I seeing on this tab?&lt;/h3&gt; &lt;p&gt;Readership data from the online reference manager &lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;Mendeley&lt;/a&gt; are displayed here.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Since the information provided by online reference managers is always anonymised, Altmetric is unable to provide auditable raw data for readers. 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