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Allen","List of works by Eyvind Aln\u00e6s","List of works by Vladislav Aloiz","List of works by Johann Christoph Altnikol","List of works by Aleksandr Alyabyev","List of works by Joachim Andersen","List of works by Jalen Anderson-Clarke","List of works by Volkmar Andreae","List of works by Artem Andreasyan","List of works by Conrad Ansorge","List of works by Max Ansorge","List of works by Konstantin Antipov","List of works by Mikhail Antsev","List of works by Michio Aramaki","List of works by Anton Arensky","List of works by Frances Arkwright","List of works by Carl Arnold","List of works by Alexandre Joseph Art\u00f4t","List of works by Nikolay Artsybushev","List of works by Boris Asafyev","List of works by Joseph Ascher","List of works by Algernon Ashton","List of works by Frank Peabody Atherton","List of works by Wilhelm Attern","List of works by Leopold Auer","List of works by Tor Aulin","List of works by Georges Auric","List of works by Charles Avison","List of works by Mikhail Azanchevsky","List of works by Valentine Azpeitia"],"B":["List of works by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach","List of works by Johann Christian Bach","List of works by Johann Sebastian Bach","List of works by Otto Bach","List of Works by Francis Edward Bache","List of works by Agathe Backer-Gr\u00f8ndahl","List of works by Johann Georg Heinrich Backofen","List of works by Carl Baermann","List of works by Heinrich Baermann","List of works by Selmar Bagge","List of Works by Mikhail Bagrinovsky","List of works by Nikolay Bakaleynikov","List of works by Mily Balakirev","List of works by Carl Banck","List of works by Granville Bantock","List of works by Hippolyte Barbedette","List of works by Woldemar Bargiel","List of works by Adolf Barjansky","List of Works by Semyon Barmotin","List of works by John Francis Barnett","List of works by Jean-Baptiste Barri\u00e8re","List of works by Wolfgang von Bartels","List of works by Richard Barth","List of works by Homer Newton Bartlett","List of works by B\u00e9la Bart\u00f3k","List of works by Fritz Baselt","List of works by Roderich Bass","List of works by Alexandre Batta","List of works by F\u00e9lix Battanchon","List of works by Charles Baudiot","List of works by Friedrich Baumfelder","List of works by Waldemar von Baussnern","List of works by Paul Bazelaire","List of works by Georgy Bazilevsky","List of works by Antonio Bazzini","List of works by Amy Marcy Beach","List of works by Albert Becker","List of works by D.G. Becker","List of works by Jean Becker","List of works by Reinhold Becker","List of works by Ludwig van Beethoven","List of works by Franz Behr","List of works by Friedrich August Belcke","List of works by Franti\u0161ek Benda","List of works by Victor Bendix","List of works by Josef Bene\u0161","List of works by William Sterndale Bennett","List of works by Peter Benoit","List of works by Hermann Berens","List of works by Alban Berg","List of works by Wilhelm Berger","List of works by Karl M\u00fcller Berghaus","List of works by Micha\u0142 Bergson","List of works by Charles-Auguste de B\u00e9riot","List of works by Hector Berlioz","User:ScoreUpdater\/List of works by Hector Berlioz","List of works by Paul Bernard","List of works by Gastone Bernheimer","List of operatic fantasies by Friedrich Berr","List of Works by Blagoje Bersa","List of works by Henri Bertini","List of works by Julian Raoul Besset","List of works by Victor Beyer","List of works by Heinrich Ignaz Franz von Biber","List of works by Rudolf Bibl","List of works by Yuri Bilstin","List of works by Arthur H. Bird","List of works by Georges Bizet","List of works by Adolphe Blanc","List of works by Emile-Robert Blanchet","List of works by Julius Bleichmann","List of works by Ernest Bloch","List of works by J\u00f3zsef Bloch","List of works by Felix Blumenfeld","List of works by Sigismond Blumenfeld","List of works by Albrecht Blumenstengel","List of works by Joseph von Blumenthal","List of works by Paul Blumenthal","List of works by Luigi Boccherini","List of works by Robert Emile Bockm\u00fchl","List of works by Louis B\u00f6decker","List of works by Ernst Boehe","List of works by Theobald Boehm","List of works by L\u00e9on Bo\u00ebllmann","List of works by Alexandre-Pierre-Fran\u00e7ois Bo\u00ebly","List of works by Carl Bohm","List of works by Karl B\u00f6hmer","List of works by Emil Bohnke","List of works by Ren\u00e9 de Boisdeffre","List of works by Oskar Bolck","List of works by Jo\u00e3o Domingos Bomtempo","List of works by Mel Bonis","List of works by Gaston Borch","List of works by Franz Carl Bornschein","List of works by Aleksandr Borodin","List of works by Sergei Bortkiewicz","List of works by Jean Joseph Bott","List of works by Giovanni Bottesini","List of works by Lili Boulanger","List of works by Adolphe Bouleau-Neldy","List of works by York Bowen","List of works by Ant\u00f4nio Francisco Braga","List of works by Johannes Brahms","List of works by Carl Joseph Brambach","List of works by Alexander Brand","List of works by Jan Brandts-Buys","List of works by Max Brauer","List of works by Clemens Breitenbach","List of works by Tom\u00e1s Bret\u00f3n","List of works by Havergal Brian","List of works by Giulio Briccialdi","List of works by Frank Bridge","List of works by George Frederick Bristow","List of works by Howard Brockway","List of works by Viggo Brodersen","List of works by Hans Bronsart von Schellendorff","List of works by Max Bruch","List of works by Anton Bruckner","List of works by Ignaz Br\u00fcll","List of works by Antoine Brumel","List of works by Olivier de Brunville","List of works by J\u00f3zef Brzowski","List of works by Ferdinand B\u00fcchner","List of works by Ole Bull","List of works by Hans von B\u00fclow","List of works by Carl Burchard","List of works by Friedrich Burgm\u00fcller","List of works by Norbert Burgm\u00fcller","List of works by Willy Burmester","List of works by Ferruccio Busoni","List of works by Dietrich Buxtehude","List of Works by Charles-Wilfrid B\u00e9riot"],"C":["List of works by Juan Cabanilles","List of works by Augusto Caldas","List of works by Giuseppe Maria Cambini","List of works by Bartolomeo Campagnoli","List of works by Andr\u00e9 Caplet","List of works by Michele Carafa","List of works by V\u00edctor Carbajo","List of works by Matteo Carcassi","List of works by Ferdinand Carri","List of works by Walter Carroll","List of works by Alessandro Casorti","List of works by August Casorti","List of works by Gaspar Cassad\u00f3","List of works by Cesare Castelbarco-Visconti","List of works by Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco","List of works by Georgy Catoire","List of works by Ernesto Cavallini","List of works by Alexandre Cellier","List of works by Ernesto Centola","List of works by Emmanuel Chabrier","List of works by George Whitefield Chadwick","List of works by C\u00e9cile Chaminade","List of works by Nicolas-Joseph Chartrain","List of works by Abram Chasins","List of works by Ernest Chausson","List of works by Pavel Chesnokov","List of works by Stanislas Chomentowski","List of works by Fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric Chopin","List of works by Giovanni Battista Cirri","List of works by Wilhelm Claussen","List of works by Muzio Clementi","List of works by Frans Coenen","List of works by Paul Colberg","List of works by Samuel Coleridge-Taylor","List of works by Herbert Collum","List of works by Eug\u00e8ne Cools","List of works by Arcangelo Corelli","List of works by Leland Cossart","List of works by Bernhard Cossmann","List of works by Giovanni Battista Costanzi","List of works by Charles Cottignies","List of works by Carl Courvoisier","List of works by Demetre-Th\u00e9odore Couza","List of works by Robert Coverley","List of works by Henry Cowell","List of works by Johann Baptist Cramer","List of works by Helen C. Crane","List of works by Mathieu Crickboom","List of works by C\u00e9sar Cui","List of works by Angelo Cunio","List of works by Carlo Curti","List of works by Carl Czerny"],"D":["List of works by Alfredo D'Ambrosio","List of works by Jo\u00e3o Guilherme Bell Daddi","List of works by Benjamin Dale","List of works by Eug\u00e8ne Damar\u00e9","List of works by Berthold Damcke","List of works by Leopold Damrosch","List of works by Jules Danb\u00e9","List of works by Arnaud Dancla","List of works by Charles Dancla","List of works by L\u00e9opold Dancla","List of works by Franz Danzi","List of works by Margarethe Danzi","List of works by Aleksandr Dargomyzhsky","List of works by Adolphe David","List of works by Ferdinand David","List of works by Aleksey Davidov","List of works by Ivan Davydov","List of works by Karl Davydov","List of works by Claude Debussy","List of works by Constantin Decker","List of works by Pauline Decker","List of works by Louis Decortis","List of works by Edgardo del Valle de Paz","List of works by L\u00e9o Delibes","List of works by Frederick Delius","List of works by Manuel Dello","List of works by Jules Demersseman","List of works by Ernest Depas","List of works by Vladimir Deshevov","List of works by Bernhard Dessau","List of works by Felix Otto Dessoff","List of works by Ernst Deurer","List of works by Anton Dianov","List of Works by Louis Di\u00e9mer","List of works by Albert Dietrich","List of works by Albert Hermann Dietrich","List of works by Maurice Dietrich","List of works by Friedrich Wilhelm Dietz","List of works by Rudolf Dittrich","List of works by Erazm D\u0142uski","List of Works by Issay Dobrowen","List of works by Ignacy Feliks Dobrzy\u0144ski","List of works by Ern\u0151 Dohn\u00e1nyi","List of works by Jules Domerc","List of works by Joseph Dominik","List of works by Gaetano Donizetti","List of works by Max Donner","List of works by Jakob Dont","List of works by Franz Doppler","List of works by Friedrich Dotzauer","List of works by Felix Draeseke","List of works by Ernesto Drangosch","List of works by Franti\u0161ek Alois Drdla","List of works by Alexander Dreyschock","List of works by Edmondstoune Duncan","List of works by Thomas Dunhill","List of works by Henri Duparc","List of works by Jean-Louis Duport","List of works by Jean-Pierre Duport","List of works by Marcel Dupr\u00e9","List of works by Jacques Dupuis","List of works by Matthias Durst","List of works by Alexander von Dusch","List of works by Jan Ladislav Dussek","List of works by Anton\u00edn Dvo\u0159\u00e1k"],"E":["List of works by Goby Eberhardt","List of works by Anton Eberl","List of works by Carl Ebner","List of works by Ludwig Ebner","List of works by Henry Eccles","List of works by Jules Egghard","List of works by Louis Ehlert","List of works by Andreas Ehrhardt","List of works by Albert Eibenschutz","List of works by Julius Eichberg","List of works by Konstantin Eiges","List of works by Hanns Eisler","List of works by Edward Elgar","List of works by Eduard Eliason","List of works by Louis Eller","List of works by John Lodge Ellerton","List of works by Albert Ellmenreich","List of works by George Enescu","List of works by Joel Engel","List of works by Walter Engelsmann","List of works by Max Erdmannsd\u00f6rfer","List of works by Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst","List of works by Christian Ersfeld","List of works by Paul Ertel","List of works by Heinrich Esser","List of works by Emil Eule","List of works by Joseph Eybler"],"F":["List of Works by Philipp Fahrbach Jr.","List of works by Blair Fairchild","List of works by Clara Faisst","List of works by Frederick James Falconer","List of works by Evelyn Faltis","List of works by Louise Farrenc","List of Works by Manuel Faulhaber","List of works by Gabriel Faur\u00e9","List of Works by Carl Faust","List of works by Samuil Feinberg","List of works by Francesco Ferraris","List of works by Alexander Fesca","List of works by Friedrich Ernst Fesca","List of works by Willem de Fesch","List of works by Oscar Fetr\u00e1s","List of works by Zden\u011bk Fibich","List of works by Carl Filtsch","List of works by Joseph Filtsch","List of works by Marshall Fine","Published compositions by Vivian Fine","List of Works by Gerald Finzi","List of works by Robert Fischhof","List of works by Wilhelm Fitzenhagen","List of works by Otto Fleischmann","List of works by Friedrich von Flotow","List of works by Ernst Fl\u00fcgel","List of works by Carel Anton Fodor","List of works by Josephus Andreas Fodor","List of works by Adolph Martin Foerster","List of Works by Julian Fontana","List of works by Arthur Foote","List of works by Friedrich Forberg","List of works by Alban F\u00f6rster","List of works by Auguste Franchomme","List of works by C\u00e9sar Franck","List of works by Eduard Franck","List of works by Richard Franck","List of works by Jacques Franco-Mend\u00e8s","List of works by Fran\u00e7ois Franc\u0153ur","List of works by Ferdinand Fr\u00e4nzl","List of works by Christian Frehde","List of works by Martin Frey","List of works by Ignaz Friedman","List of works by Wilhelm Fritze","List of works by William Henry Fry","List of works by Albert Fuchs","List of works by Oscar Fuchs","List of works by Otto Fuchs","List of works by Robert Fuchs","List of works by Ernst Fuchs-Sch\u00f6nbach","List of works by Kiyomi Fujii","List of works by Anton Bernard F\u00fcrstenau","List of Works by Fabi\u00e1n de Furundarena","List of works by Johann Joseph Fux","List of works by Julius Fu\u010d\u00edk","List of works by Hans F\u00e4hrmann"],"G":["List of works by Niels Gade","List of works by Constantino Gaito","List of works by Francesco Galeazzi","List of works by Jan Karol Gall","List of works by Louis Ganne","List of works by Carl G\u00e4nschals","List of works by Moritz Ganz","List of works by Jos\u00e9 Maur\u00edcio Nunes Garcia","List of works by Constantin Gavrilov","List of works by Varvara Gaygerova","List of works by Fran\u00e7ois Ren\u00e9 Gebauer","List of works by Aleksandr Gedike","List of works by Shiqi Geng","List of works by Iosif Genishta","List of works by David Geppert","List of works by Edward German","List of works by Friedrich Gernsheim","List of works by Georg Gerson","List of works by Carlo Gesualdo","List of works by Joseph Ghys","List of works by Felice Giardini","List of works by Antoine Gilis","List of works by Ernest Gillet","List of works by Paul Gilson","List of works by Mauro Giuliani","List of works by Aleksandr Glazunov","List of works by Alfred von Glehn","List of works by Reinhold Gli\u00e8re","List of works by Mikhail Glinka","List of works by Christoph Willibald Gluck","List of works by Mikhail Gnesin","List of works by Benjamin Godard","List of works by Charles Godard","List of works by Leopold Godowsky","List of works by Daniel Van Goens","List of works by Hermann Goetz","List of works by Aleksandr Goldenweiser","List of works by Carl Goldmark","List of works by Otto Goldschmidt","List of works by Georg Goltermann","List of works by Yoshinori Claude Gomi","List of works by Richard Gompertz","List of works by Alexandre \u00c9douard Goria","List of works by Vasilisa Gorochnaya","List of works by Louis Moreau Gottschalk","List of works by Achille Gouff\u00e9","List of works by Robert Gound","List of works by Charles Gounod","List of works by Th\u00e9odore Gouvy","List of works by Carl Georg Peter Gr\u00e4dener","List of works by Hermann Gr\u00e4dener","List of works by Paul Graener","List of works by Carl Grammann","List of works by Enrique Granados","List of cantata chorales by Christoph Graupner","List of works by Christoph Graupner","List of works by Aleksandr Grechaninov","List of works by Luise Greger","List of works by Jacques Gregoir","List of works by Adolf Greulich","List of works by Edvard Grieg","List of works by Charles Tomlinson Griffes","List of works by Leo Grill","List of works by Carl Grimm","List of works by Julius Otto Grimm","List of works by Charles Grobe","List of works by Boleslav Grodzky","List of works by Johann Benjamin Gross","List of works by Wilhelm Grosz","List of works by Gabriel Grovlez","List of works by Eugen Gr\u00fcel","List of works by Friedrich Wilhelm Grund","List of works by Alfred Gr\u00fcnfeld","List of works by Hugo Gr\u00fcters","List of works by Friedrich Gr\u00fctzmacher","List of works by Ferdinand Gumbert","List of works by Adolf Gunkel","List of works by Cornelius Gurlitt","List of works by Adolf Gutmann"],"H":["List of works by Pavel Haas","List of works by Rudolf Haase","List of works by George Haddock","List of works by Arthur D'Haenens","List of works by Jacob Adolf H\u00e4gg","List of works by Reynaldo Hahn","List of works by Johan Halvorsen","List of works by Eduard Hamel","List of Works by Asger Hamerik","List of works by Xaver Hammer","List of works by George Frideric Handel","List of works by Joseph Hanisch","List of works by Carl August H\u00e4nsel","List of works by Nicolaj Hansen","List of works by Basil Harwood","List of works by Tobias Haslinger","List of works by Th\u00e9odore Hauman","List of works by Moritz Hauptmann","List of works by Miska Hauser","List of works by Joseph Haydn","List of works by Michael Haydn","List of works by Friedrich Hegar","List of works by Anton Hegner","List of works by Joseph E. Heidenfelder","List of works by Maximilian Heidrich","List of works by Christian Heinemeyer","List of works by Ernst Wilhelm Heinemeyer","List of works by Johann David Heinichen","List of works by Peter Heise","List of works by Alfred Heitsch","List of works by Stephen Heller","List of works by William Henley","List of works by Swan Hennessy","List of works by Carl Wilhelm Henning","List of works by Fini Henriques","List of works by J. Harold Henry","List of works by Fanny Hensel","List of works by Adolf von Henselt","List of works by Karl Friedrich Hering","List of works by Adolphe Herman","List of works by Friedrich Hermann","List of works by Hans Hermann","List of works by Robert Hermann","List of works by Edward Heron","List of works by Eduard Herrmann","List of works by Gottfried Herrmann","List of works by Th. Herrmann","List of works by Henri Herz","List of works by L\u00e9on Herz","List of works by Heinrich von Herzogenberg","List of works by Karl Hess","List of works by Louis Hetsch","List of works by Moritz Hetzel","List of works by Richard Heuberger","List of works by Hildegard","List of works by Wilhelm Hill","List of works by Gustav Hille","List of works by Ferdinand Hiller","List of works by Paul Hiller","List of works by Carl Hillmann","List of works by Paul Hindemith","List of works by Charlie Hine","List of works by Vojt\u011bch Hlav\u00e1\u010d","List of works by Hans Heinrich Bolko Graf von Hochberg","List of works by Franz Alexander Hoffmann","List of works by Heinrich Hofmann","List of works by Richard Hofmann","List of works by Joseph Holbrooke","List of works by Alexis Hollaender","List of works by Gustav Hollaender","List of works by Benoit Hollander","List of works by Joseph Hollman","List of works by Alfred Holmes","List of works by Gustav Holst","List of works by Gottfried August Homilius","List of works by Arthur Honegger","List of works by Robert von Hornstein","List of Works by Amy Elsie Horrocks","List of works by Charles Edward Horsley","List of works by Amadeo von der Hoya","List of works by Fred Hsu","List of works by Jen\u0151 Hubay","List of works by Hans Huber","List of works by Heinrich Huber","List of works by Nicolas Joseph H\u00fcllmandel","List of works by Ferdinand H\u00fcllweck","List of works by Ferdinand Hummel","List of works by Johann Nepomuk Hummel","List of works by Aline Hundt","List of works by Ferdinand H\u00e9rold"],"I":["List of works by Jacques Ibert","List of works by Aleksandr Ilyinsky","List of works by Vincent d'Indy","List of works by Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov","List of works by Bras\u00edlio Itiber\u00ea","List of works by Mikhail Ivanov-Boretsky","List of works by Niels Johannes Legarth Iversen"],"J":["List of works by Karl Jacobi","List of works by Salomon Jadassohn","List of works by Alfred Ja\u00ebll","List of works by Rudolf Jaengerich","List of works by Eugen J\u00e1mbor","List of works by Johann Gottlieb Janitsch","List of works by Leopold Jansa","List of works by Jean-Baptiste Janson","List of works by Leo\u0161 Jan\u00e1\u010dek","List of works by Istv\u00e1n J\u00e1ray-Janetschek","List of works by Simone Jennarelli","List of works by Adolf Jensen","List of works by Gustav Jensen","List of works by Max Jentsch","List of works by Reinhold Jockisch","List of works by Charles John","List of works by Niccol\u00f2 Jommelli","List of works by Joseph Jongen","List of works by Scott Joplin","List of works by Josef B\u00f6hm","List of works by Josquin Desprez","List of works by Emil Juel-Frederiksen","List of works by P. Jullien","List of works by Albert Jungmann","List of works by Paul Juon","List of works by Frantz J\u00e9hin-Prume","List of works by Hugo J\u00fcngst"],"K":["List of works by Joachim Kaczkowski","List of works by Oskar Kahl","List of works by Robert Kahn","List of works by Vasily Kalinnikov","List of works by Viktor Kalinnikov","List of works by Arthur Kalkbrenner","List of works by Friedrich Wilhelm Kalkbrenner","List of works by Johann Wenzel Kalliwoda","List of works by Anton\u00edn Kammel","List of works by Karl K\u00e4mpf","List of works by Emanuel Kania","List of works by Jules Kapry","List of works by Josef Karbulka","List of works by Sigfrid Karg-Elert","List of works by Mieczys\u0142aw Kar\u0142owicz","List of works by Leokadiya Kashperova","List of works by Heinrich Ernst Kayser","List of works by Boris Keil","List of works by B\u00e9la K\u00e9ler","List of works by Karl Keller","List of works by Frederick Septimus Kelly","List of works by Joseph Christoph Kessler","List of works by Eug\u00e8ne Ketterer","List of works by Grigory Khodorovsky","List of works by Friedrich Kiel","List of works by Wilhelm Kienzl","List of works by Oliver King","List of works by Cor Kint","List of works by Theodor Kirchner","List of works by Johann Philipp Kirnberger","List of works by Cyrill Kistler","List of works by Halfdan Kjerulf","List of works by Otto Klauwell","List of works by Jan Kleczy\u0144ski","List of works by Bruno Oscar Klein","List of works by Richard Kleinmichel","List of works by Julius Klengel","List of works by Paul Klengel","List of works by Feri Kletzer","List of works by Albert Kleyneke","List of works by Karl Klingler","List of works by August Klughardt","List of works by Julius Kniese","List of works by Leonid Knina","List of works by Iwan Knorr","List of works by Friedrich Ernst Koch","List of works by Zolt\u00e1n Kod\u00e1ly","List of works by Charles Koechlin","List of works by Hans Koessler","List of works by Moritz K\u00f6hler","List of works by Eduard K\u00f6llner","List of works by Jan Konopacki","List of works by Anton de Kontski","List of works by Apollinaire de Kontski","List of works by Karol de Kontski","List of works by Stanis\u0142aw de Kontski","List of works by Georgy Konyus","List of works by Aleksandr Koptyayev","List of works by Aleksandr Kopylov","List of works by Arseny Koreshchenko","List of works by Genary Korganov","List of works by Egon Kornauth","List of works by Erich Wolfgang Korngold","List of works by Viktor Kosenko","List of works by Henning von Koss","List of works by Serge Koussevitzky","List of works by Henri Kowalski","List of works by Max Kowalski","List of works by Leopold Kozeluch","List of works by Anton Kraft","List of works by Emmanuele Krakamp","List of works by Emil Krall","List of works by Arthur Walter Kramer","List of works by Stefan Krasuski","List of works by Anton Krause","List of works by Emil Krause","List of works by Johann Ludwig Krebs","List of works by Stephan Krehl","List of works by Grigory Krein","List of Works by Aleksandr Krein","List of works by Fritz Kreisler","List of works by L\u00e9on Kreutzer","List of works by Emil Kreuz","List of works by Franz Krommer","List of works by Joseph Kromolicki","List of works by Louis Kron","List of works by Emil Kross","List of works by Arnold Krug","List of works by Diederich Krug","List of works by Gustav Krug","List of works by Josef Krug-Waldsee","List of works by Wincenty Kruzi\u0144ski","List of works by Vladimir Kryukov","List of works by Jan Kubel\u00edk","List of works by Friedrich Wilhelm K\u00fccken","List of works by Carl Matthias Kudelski","List of works by Joseph K\u00fcffner","List of works by Friedrich Kuhlau","Sortable list of works by Friedrich Kuhlau","List of works by Ramin Kuliev","List of works by Theodor Kullak","List of works by Friedrich August Kummer","List of works by Kaspar Kummer","List of works by Eduard K\u00fcnneke","List of works by Karol Kurpi\u0144ski","List of works by Aleksandr Kuznetsov","List of works by Mikhail Kvadri","List of works by Heinrich von K\u00e0an-Alb\u00e9st","List of works by Ernesto K\u00f6hler","List of works by Louis K\u00f6hler"],"L":["List of works by Hippolyte Labadie","List of works by Josef Labor","List of works by Samuel Labrecque","List of works by Franz Paul Lachner","List of works by Ignaz Lachner","List of works by Vinzenz Lachner","List of works by Paul Lacombe","List of works by Nikolay Ladukhin","List of works by Ignace Antoine Ladurner","List of works by Josef Alois Ladurner","List of works by B\u00e9noni Lagye","List of works by \u00c9douard Lalo","List of works by Pietro Lanciani","List of works by Josephine Lang","List of works by Samuel de Lange Jr.","List of works by Gustav Lange","List of works by Peter Erasmus Lange-M\u00fcller","List of works by Eduard Langer","List of works by Leopold Langer","List of works by Wilhelm Langhans","List of works by Gustav L\u00e1ska","List of works by Ivan Laskovsky","List of works by Eduard Lassen","List of works by Orlande de Lassus","List of works by Ferdinand Laub","List of works by Joseph Lauber","List of works by Max Laurischkus","List of works by Willy Lautenschl\u00e4ger","List of works by Albert Lavignac","List of works by Sylvio Lazzari","List of works by Luise Adolpha Le Beau","List of works by Arthur Le Jeune","List of works by Olivier Lebierre","List of works by Vittorio Lebrecht","List of works by Josef Lechthaler","List of works by Dezs\u00f6 Lederer","List of Works by Alphonse Leduc","List of works by Louis Lee","List of works by Sebastian Lee","List of works by Jean-Xavier Lef\u00e8vre","List of works by Philip Legge","List of works by Robert Lehmann","List of works by J\u00f3n Leifs","List of works by Guillaume Lekeu","List of works by Cedric Wilmot Lemont","List of works by Wilhelm von Lenz","List of works by Leonardo Leo","List of works by Hubert L\u00e9onard","List of works by Robert Leonard","List of works by Julius Emil Leonhard","List of works by Theodor Leschetizky","List of works by Alexandre Levy","List of Works by Luiz Levy","List of works by Martin Levy","List of works by Max Lewandowsky","List of works by Maximilian Lewinger","List of works by Heinrich Lichner","List of works by Frank Leland Limbert","List of works by August Lindner","List of works by Dinu Lipatti","List of works by Alojzy Lipi\u0144ski","List of works by Karol J\u00f3zef Lipi\u0144ski","List of works by Franz Liszt","List of works by Henry Charles Litolff","List of works by Paolo Litta","List of works by Pablo Fernando Llamazares","List of works by Pietro Antonio Locatelli","List of works by Edward Stefan \u0141odwigowski","List of works by Albert Loeschhorn","List of works by Alessandro Longo","List of works by Karl Adolf Lorenz","List of works by Karl Daniel Lorenz","List of works by Louis Ferdinand, Prince of Prussia","List of works by Nicolas Louis","List of works by L.A. Louli\u00e9","List of works by Arthur Louri\u00e9","List of works by Kazimierz Lubomirski","List of works by Carl L\u00fchrss","List of works by Witold Lutos\u0142awski","List of works by Friedrich Lux","List of works by Anatoly Lyadov","List of works by Sergey Lyapunov"],"M":["List of works by Hamish MacCunn","List of works by Edward MacDowell","List of works by Sir Alexander Campbell Mackenzie","List of works by Marceli Madejski","List of works by Alb\u00e9ric Magnard","List of works by Gustav Mahler","List of works by Gyula Major","List of works by Paul de Maleingreau","List of works by Otto Malling","List of works by Francesco Mancini","List of works by Julius Manigold","List of works by Ferdinand Manns","List of works by Marin Marais","List of works by Louis Marek","List of works by Antoine Fran\u00e7ois Marmontel","List of works by Heinrich Marschner","List of works by Martin Pierre Marsick","List of works by Henri Marteau","List of works by Bohuslav Martin\u016f","List of works by Giuseppe Martucci","List of works by Joseph Marx","List of works by Jules Massenet","List of Works by Georges Mathias","List of works by Andr\u00e9 Mathieu","List of works by Gottfred Matthison-Hansen","List of works by Emil Mattiesen","List of works by Karl Matys","List of works by Ludwig Wilhelm Maurer","List of works by Charles Mayer","List of works by Samuil Maykapar","List of works by Joseph Mayseder","List of works by Jacques F\u00e9r\u00e9ol Mazas","List of works by Joseph Mazzinghi","List of works by Nikolay Medtner","List of works by Ludwig Siegfried Meinardus","List of works by Dmitry Melkikh","List of works by Felix Mendelssohn","List of works by Ludwig Mendelssohn","List of works by Joseph Merk","List of works by Louis Messemaeckers","List of works by Olivier Messiaen","List of works by Wilhelm Meves","List of works by Ludwig Meyer","List of works by Erik Meyer-Helmund","List of works by Max Meyer-Olbersleben","List of works by Giacomo Meyerbeer","List of works by F. A. Michaelis","List of works by Alexander Mignard","List of works by Carl Mikuli","List of works by Teresa Milanollo","List of works by Percy Hilder Miles","List of works by Kerry Mills","List of works by Emil M\u0142ynarski","List of works by Micha\u0142 Modzelewski","List of works by Alfred Moffat","List of works by Leonardo Moja","List of works by Heinrich Molbe","List of works by Bernhard Molique","List of works by Roman Monczy\u0144ski","List of works by Stanis\u0142aw Moniuszko","List of works by Georg Matthias Monn","List of works by Claudio Monteverdi","List of works by H\u00e9l\u00e8ne Montgeroult","List of works by Vittorio Monti","List of works by Ignaz Moscheles","List of works by Franz Joseph Moser","List of works by Moritz Moszkowski","List of works by Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart","List of works by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart","List of works by Emanuel Mo\u00f3r","List of works by Charles-Joseph Muldermans","List of works by August Eberhard M\u00fcller","List of works by Georg Gottfried M\u00fcller","List of works by Sigfrid Walther M\u00fcller","List of works by Modest Mussorgsky","List of works by Nikolay Myaskovsky","List of works by Josef Myslive\u010dek","List of works by Jean-Am\u00e9d\u00e9e Lefroid de M\u00e9reaux"],"N":["List of works by Tivadar Nach\u00e9z","List of works by Arthur Napole\u00e3o","List of works by Eduard N\u00e1pravn\u00edk","List of works by Tamez\u014d Narita","List of works by Jacques-Christophe Naudot","List of works by Ernst Naumann","List of works by Karl Nawr\u00e1til","List of works by Charles Neate","List of works by Hermann Necke","List of works by Oskar Nedbal","List of works by Franz Neruda","List of works by Laura Netzel","List of works by Franz Neuhofer","List of works by Heinrich Neumann","List of works by Ethelbert Nevin","List of works by Casimir Ney","List of works by Sissel Ng","List of works by Jean Louis Nicod\u00e9","List of works by Louis Nicole","List of works by Carl Nielsen","List of works by Rudolf Niemann","List of works by Walter Niemann","List of works by Friedrich Nietzsche","List of works by Leonid Nikolayev","List of works by Aleksandr Nikolsky","List of works by August N\u00f6lck","List of works by Heinrich Gottlieb Noren","List of works by Ludvig Norman","List of works by Zygmunt Noskowski","List of works by V\u00edt\u011bzslav Nov\u00e1k"],"O":["List of works by Florian Oborski","List of works by Andreas Johann Lorenz Oechsner","List of works by Max Oesten","List of works by Theodore Oesten","List of cello works by Jacques Offenbach","List of works by Wilhelm Ohliger","List of Works by Arne Oldberg","List of works by Ole Olsen","List of works by Aryan Omid","List of works by Franti\u0161ek Ond\u0159\u00ed\u010dek","List of works by George Onslow","List of works by Napoleon Orda","List of works by Leo Ornstein","List of works by Anton Ortner","List of works by Fr. von Osten","List of works by Otakar Ostr\u010dil","List of works by Henrique Oswald","List of works by Hisato \u014czawa"],"P":["List of works by Johannes Pache","User:BachFan\/Sandbox","List of works by Johann Pachelbel","List of works by Henryk Pachulski","List of works by W\u0142adys\u0142aw Pachulski","List of works by Ignacy Jan Paderewski","List of works by Niccol\u00f2 Paganini","List of arrangements by Ludwig (Louis) Pagels","List of works by John Knowles Paine","List of works by Johannes Palaschko","List of works by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina","List of works by Zakharia Paliashvili","List of works by Selim Palmgren","List of works by Joseph Panny","List of works by Heinrich Panofka","List of works by Georges Pantillon","List of works by Gerard Pape","List of works by Guido Papini","List of works by Horatio Parker","List of works by Robert G. Patterson","List of works by Ernst Pauer","List of works by Zoltan Paulinyi","List of works by Evgeny Pavlov","List of works by Albert Lister Peace","List of works by Samuel Pegge Jr.","List of works by Otto Peiniger","List of works by Dora Peja\u010devi\u0107","List of works by Emilio Pente","List of works by Ernst Perabo","List of works by Richard von Perger","List of works by Charles Callahan Perkins","List of works by Alfred Pester","List of works by Gregor Peters-Rey","List of works by Ottaviano Petrucci","List of works by Hans Pfitzner","List of works by Max Philippson","List of works by Eugen Philips","List of works by Alfredo Carlo Piatti","List of works by Vaclav Pichl","List of works by Peter Piel","List of works by Gabriel Piern\u00e9","List of works by Eugenio Pirani","List of works by Nicolas-Joseph Platel","List of works by Ignaz Pleyel","List of works by Ede Poldini","List of works by Lew Pollack","List of works by Leonid Polovinkin","List of works by David Popper","List of works by Nicola Porpora","List of works by Leo Portnoff","List of works by Robert J. Poselt","List of works by Joseph William Postlewaite","List of works by Francis Poulenc","List of works by Issac Barrett Poznanski","List of works by Florence Price","List of works by Vasily Prisovsky","List of works by Carl Prohaska","List of works by Sergey Prokofiev","List of works by Sergey Protopopov","List of works by Ebenezer Prout","List of works by \u00c9mile Prudent","List of works by Fran\u00e7ois Prume","List of works by Nikolaos-Laonikos Psimikakis-Chalkokondylis","List of works by Giacomo Puccini","List of works by Wilhelm Maria Puchtler","List of works by Henry Purcell","List of works by Guillaume P\u00e2que","List of works by P\u00e9rotin"],"Q":["List of works by Guglielmo Quarenghi","List of works by Pablo Queipo de Llano"],"R":["List of works by Hippolyte Fran\u00e7ois Rabaud","List of works by Sergei Rachmaninoff","List of works by Robert Radecke","List of works by Rudolf Radecke","List of works by Joachim Raff","List of works by Alfred Rahlwes","List of works by V\u00e4in\u00f6 Raitio","List of works by Jean-Philippe Rameau","List of works by Valentina Ramm","List of works by Emile Pierre Ratez","List of works by Johannes N. Rauch","List of works by Georg Wilhelm Rauchenecker","List of works by Maurice Ravel","List of works by Jean Henri Ravina","List of works by Edward Raymond","List of Works by Claudio Rebagliati","List of works by Napol\u00e9on Henri Reber","List of works by Josef \u0158eb\u00ed\u010dek","List of works by Vladimir Rebikov","List of works by Gustav Rebling","List of works by Alois Reckendorf","List of works by Anton R\u00e9e","List of works by William Henry Reed","List of works by Max Reger","List of works by Theobald Rehbaum","List of works by Fabian Rehfeld","List of works by Joseph Reicha","List of works by Heather W Reichgott","List of works by Carl Reinecke","List of works by Hugo Reinhold","List of works by Carl Gottlieb Reissiger","List of works by August Reissmann","List of works by Ernst Michael Reiter","List of works by Franz Relling","List of works by Jean Remusat","List of works by Joseph Renner Sr.","List of works by Joseph Renner","List of works by Ernst Rentsch","List of works by Ottorino Respighi","List of works by Franz Wilhelm Ressel","List of works by Rudolph R\u00e9ti","List of works by Ludwig Wilhelm Reuling","List of works by August Reuss","List of works by Heinrich Reuss","List of works by Silvestre Revueltas","List of works by Emil von Reznicek","List of works by Josef Gabriel Rheinberger","List of works by Emmanuel Rhen\u00e9-Baton","List of works by Oskar Rieding","List of works by Hugo Riemann","List of works by Ferdinand Ries","List of works by Franz Ries","List of works by Hubert Ries","List of works by Julius Rietz","List of works by Benjamin Righetti","List of works by Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov","List of works by Giovanni Rinaldi","List of works by Jack Rinke","List of works by Alexander Ritter","List of works by E.W. Ritter","List of works by Fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric Louis Ritter","List of works by Hermann Ritter","List of works by Irene Marschand Ritter","List of works by Hayden Roberts","List of works by Pierre Rode","List of Works of Luis Pauta Rodr\u00edguez","List of works by Martin Roeder","List of works by Bernhard Romberg","List of works by Julius R\u00f6ntgen","List of works by Guy Ropartz","List of works by Vjekoslav Rosenberg-Ru\u017ei\u0107","List of works by Isidor Rosenfeld","List of works by Jacob Rosenhain","List of works by Felix Rosenthal","List of works by Nikolay Roslavets","List of works by Marcello Rossi","List of works by Herv\u00e9 Roullet","List of works by Albert Roussel","List of works by Scipion Rousselot","List of works by Alec Rowley","List of works by Ludomir R\u00f3\u017cycki","List of works by Anton Rubinstein","List of works by Mateusz Rudkowski","List of works by Ernst Rudorff","List of works by Cornelius R\u00fcbner","List of works by Philipp R\u00fcfer","List of works by Johann Rufinatscha","List of Works by Nicol\u00e1s Ruiz Espadero","List of works by Christian Rummel","List of works by Adolf Ruthardt","List of works by Antoni Rutkowski","List of works by Napoleon Rutkowski","List of works by Pyotr Ryazanov"],"S":["List of works by Boris Sabaneyev","List of works by Leonid Sabaneyev","List of works by Julius Sachs","List of works by Gustav Saenger","List of works by Julio Salvador Sagreras","List of works by Richard Sahla","List of works by Heinrich von Sahr","List of works by Joseph Bologne Saint-Georges","List of works by L\u00e9on de Saint-Lubin","List of works by Camille Saint-Sa\u00ebns","List of works by Prosper Sainton","List of works by Joseph Salmon","List of works by Albert Sammons","List of works by Adolf Sandberger","List of works by Gustave Sandr\u00e9","List of works by Vasily Sapelnikov","List of works by August Saran","List of works by Pablo de Sarasate","List of works by Arnoldo Sartorio","List of works by Erik Satie","List of works by Emil von Sauer","List of works by \u00c9mile Sauret","List of works by Guillaume Sauvlet","List of works by Auguste de Sayve","List of works by Rosario Scalero","List of works by Alessandro Scarlatti","List of works by Domenico Scarlatti","List of works by Nicolaus Albert Schaffner","List of works by Philipp Scharwenka","List of works by Xaver Scharwenka","List of works by Carl Schatz","List of works by Gustavo Scheller","List of works by Joseph Schillinger","List of works by Max von Schillings","List of works by Anton Schindler","List of works by Hugo Schlem\u00fcller","List of works by Harry Schloming","List of works by Josef Schmid","List of works by Ernst Schmidt","List of works by Aloys Schmitt","List of works by Florent Schmitt","List of works by Anton Schmoll","List of works by Hugo Schneider","List of works by Johann Schobert","List of works by Othmar Schoeck","List of works by Arnold Schoenberg","List of works by Henry Schoenefeld","List of works by Herrmann Scholtz","List of works by Bernhard Scholz","List of works by Richard Scholz","List of works by Moritz Sch\u00f6n","List of works by Leo Schrattenholz","List of works by Robin Schreiber","List of works by Carl Schr\u00f6der","List of works by Hermann Schr\u00f6der","List of works by Louis Schubert","List of works by Franz Schubert","List of works by Carl Schuberth","List of works by Erwin Schulhoff","List of works by Julius Schulhoff","List of works by Johann Paul Schulthesius","List of works by Clemens Schultze-Biesantz","List of works by Camillo Schumann","List of works by Clara Schumann","List of works by Gustav Schumann","List of works by Robert Schumann","List of works by Eduard Sch\u00fctt","List of works by Ludvig Schytte","List of works by Dirk Sch\u00e4fer","List of works by Cyril Scott","List of works by Aleksandr Scriabin","List of works by Hans Seeling","List of works by Friedrich Seitz","List of works by Prosper Seligmann","List of works by Friedrich Wilhelm Sering","List of works by Aleksandr Serov","List of works by Adrien-Fran\u00e7ois Servais","List of works by Otakar \u0160ev\u010d\u00edk","List of works by Edmund Severn","List of works by Arthur Seybold","List of works by Giovanni Sgambati","List of works by Yury Shaporin","List of works by Nikolay Shcherbachyov","List of works by Vissarion Shebalin","List of works by Percy Sherwood","List of works by Ivan Shishov","List of works by Dmitry Shostakovich","List of works by Jean Sibelius","List of works by Christian Siedentopf","List of works by Anton Simon","List of works by Achille Simonetti","List of Works by Caleb Simper","List of works by Christian Sinding","List of works by Jean Baptiste Singel\u00e9e","List of works by Edmund Singer","List of works by Leone Sinigaglia","List of works by Hans Sitt","List of works by Camillo Sivori","List of works by Emil Sj\u00f6gren","List of works by Jan Slun\u00ed\u010dko","List of works by Bed\u0159ich Smetana","List of works by David Stanley Smith","List of works by Emil S\u00f6chting","List of works by Nikolay Sokolov","List of works by Otto Soldan","List of works by Karol So\u0142tyk","List of works by Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji","List of works by Konstantin Sorokin","List of works by John Philip Sousa","List of works by Adam So\u0142tys","List of Works by Mieczys\u0142aw So\u0142tys","List of works by Ludwig Spamer","List of works by Aleksandr Spendiarov","List of works by Ernst Spiess","List of works by Fritz Spindler","List of works by Louis Spohr","List of works by Alfred von Sponer","List of works by William Henry Squire","List of works by Gwendolyn Staheli","List of works by Friedrich Stahl","List of works by Louis Stainlein","List of works by Aleksey Stanchinsky","List of works by Charles Villiers Stanford","List of works by Max Stange","List of works by Robert Stark","List of works by Ludwig Stasny","List of works by Ludv\u00edk \u0160\u0165astn\u00fd","List of works by Bernhard Stavenhagen","List of works by Daniel Steibelt","List of works by Fritz Steinbach","List of Works by Maksimilian Steinberg","List of works by Mikhail Steinberg","List of works by Hugo von Steiner","List of works by Wilhelm Stenhammar","List of works by Constantin von Sternberg","List of works by Jacques Steveniers","List of works by Gabriel Stidham","List of works by Heinrich Stiehl","List of works by Richard St\u00f6hr","List of works by Petar Stojanovi\u0107","List of works by Sigismond Stojowski","List of works by Ewald Straesser","List of works by Josef Stransky","List of works by Tillmann Strater","List of works by Josef Strauss","List of works by Johann Strauss Jr.","List of works by Johann Strauss Sr.","List of works by Eduard Strauss","List of works by Richard Strauss","List of works by Igor Stravinsky","List of works by Ernst Streben","List of works by Joseph Street","List of works by Anton Strelezki","List of works by George Templeton Strong","List of works by Fritz Struss","List of works by Arthur Stubbe","List of works by Josef Suk","List of works by Emil Sulzbach","List of works by Hermann Suter","List of works by Johan Svendsen","List of works by Jules de Swert","List of works by Leopold Szuk","List of works by Karol Szymanowski"],"T":["List of works by Stanis\u0142aw Taborowski","List of works by Thomas T\u00e4glichsbeck","List of Works by Adrien Talexy","List of works by Aleksandr Taneyev","List of works by Sergey Taneyev","List of works by Theodore Xavier Tanner","List of works by Wilhelm Taubert","List of works by Aloys Tausig","List of works by Carl Tausig","List of works by Pyotr Tchaikovsky","List of works by Aleksandr Tcherepnin","List of works by Nikolay Tcherepnin","List of works by Georg Philipp Telemann","List of works by Thomas Dyke Acland Tellefsen","List of works by Nikolay Tereshchenko","List of works by Adolf Terschak","List of works by Sigismond Thalberg","List of works by Ferdinand Thieriot","List of works by Max Thomale","List of works by Emile Thomas","List of works by Francis Thom\u00e9","List of works by Ludwig Thuille","List of works by Rudolf Tillmetz","List of works by Edgar Tinel","List of works by C\u00e9lestin Tingry","List of works by Aleksandr Tinyakov","List of works by Theodore Moses Tobani","List of works by Ernst Toch","List of works by Henry Tolhurst","List of works by L\u00e9onie Tonel","List of works by Donald Francis Tovey","List of works by Tommaso Traetta","List of works by Jean Balthasar Tricklir","List of works by Arnold Trowell","List of works by Jean-Louis Tulou","List of works by Joaqu\u00edn Turina"],"U":["List of works by Edmund Uhl","List of works by Hugo Ulrich","List of works by Giuseppe Unia","List of works by Heinrich Urban","List of works by Anton Urspruch","List of works by Jos\u00e9 Mar\u00eda Usandizaga"],"V":["List of works by Rudolf Valashek","List of works by Fartein Valen","List of works by Edgard Var\u00e8se","List of works by Sergey Vasilenko","List of works by Ralph Vaughan Williams","List of works by Franz von Vecsey","List of works by V\u00e1clav Veit","List of works by Josef Venzl","List of works by Francesco Maria Veracini","List of works by Gabriel Verdalle","List of Works by Pauline Viardot","List of works by Tom\u00e1s Luis de Victoria","List of works by Georg Vierling","List of works by Louis Vierne","List of works by Henri Vieuxtemps","List of works by Lucien Vieuxtemps","List of works by Heitor Villa-Lobos","List of Works by Vasili Villoing","List of Works by Auguste Vincent","List of works by Leonardo Vinci","List of works by Giovanni Battista Viotti","List of works by J\u0101zeps V\u012btols","List of works by Antonio Vivaldi","List of works by Robert Volkmann","List of works by Charles Vollweiler","List of works by Charles Voss"],"W":["List of works by Richard Wagner","List of works by Paul de Wailly","List of works by Eug\u00e8ne Walckiers","List of works by Ernest Walker","List of works by August Walter","List of works by Eduard Walter","List of works by Richard Henry Walthew","List of works by Carl Maria von Weber","List of works by Gustav Weber","List of works by Joseph Miroslav Weber","List of works by Anton Webern","List of works by Hugo Wehrle","List of works by Hieronymus Weickmann","List of works by Felix Weingartner","List of works by Josef Weiss","List of works by Julius Weiss","List of works by Sylvius Leopold Weiss","List of works by Egon Wellesz","List of works by Charles Wels","List of works by Hermann Wenzel","List of works by Oskar Wermann","List of works by Josef Werner","List of works by Alfred Wernicke","List of works by Moritz Weyermann","List of works by Christoph Ernst Friedrich Weyse","List of works by Benjamin Whelpley","List of works by Hermann Wichmann","List of works by Georg Wichtl","List of works by Charles-Marie Widor","List of works by Marie Wieck","List of works by Ludwig Wiedemann","List of works by J\u00f3zef Wielhorski","List of works by Adam Tadeusz Wieniawski","List of works by Henri Wieniawski","List of works by J\u00f3zef Wieniawski","List of works by Paul Wiggert","List of works by John Wilbye","List of works by August Wilhelmj","List of works by Willem Willeke","List of Works by Alberto Williams","List of works by Rudolf Willmers","List of works by Arthur Willner","List of works by Nicolai von Wilm","List of works by Johann Wilhelm Wilms","List of works by August Wiltberger","List of works by August Winding","List of works by Aleksandr Winkler","List of works by Louis Winkler","List of works by Edmund Winterle","List of works by Georg Hendrik Witte","List of works by J\u00f3zef Dominik Witwicki","List of works by Heinrich Wohlfahrt","List of works by Robert Wohlfahrt","List of works by Hugo Wolf","List of works by Ludwig Wolf","List of works by Albert Wolfermann","List of works by C.G. 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Crane","List of works by Mathieu Crickboom","List of works by C\u00e9sar Cui","List of works by Angelo Cunio","List of works by Carlo Curti","List of works by Carl Czerny"],"D":["List of works by Alfredo D'Ambrosio","List of works by Jo\u00e3o Guilherme Bell Daddi","List of works by Benjamin Dale","List of works by Eug\u00e8ne Damar\u00e9","List of works by Berthold Damcke","List of works by Leopold Damrosch","List of works by Jules Danb\u00e9","List of works by Arnaud Dancla","List of works by Charles Dancla","List of works by L\u00e9opold Dancla","List of works by Franz Danzi","List of works by Margarethe Danzi","List of works by Aleksandr Dargomyzhsky","List of works by Adolphe David","List of works by Ferdinand David","List of works by Aleksey Davidov","List of works by Ivan Davydov","List of works by Karl Davydov","List of works by Claude Debussy","List of works by Constantin Decker","List of works by Pauline Decker","List of works by Louis Decortis","List of works by Edgardo del Valle de Paz","List of works by L\u00e9o Delibes","List of works by Frederick Delius","List of works by Manuel Dello","List of works by Jules Demersseman","List of works by Ernest Depas","List of works by Vladimir Deshevov","List of works by Bernhard Dessau","List of works by Felix Otto Dessoff","List of works by Ernst Deurer","List of works by Anton Dianov","List of Works by Louis Di\u00e9mer","List of works by Albert Dietrich","List of works by Albert Hermann Dietrich","List of works by Maurice Dietrich","List of works by Friedrich Wilhelm Dietz","List of works by Rudolf Dittrich","List of works by Erazm D\u0142uski","List of Works by Issay Dobrowen","List of works by Ignacy Feliks Dobrzy\u0144ski","List of works by Ern\u0151 Dohn\u00e1nyi","List of works by Jules Domerc","List of works by Joseph Dominik","List of works by Gaetano Donizetti","List of works by Max Donner","List of works by Jakob Dont","List of works by Franz Doppler","List of works by Friedrich Dotzauer","List of works by Felix Draeseke","List of works by Ernesto Drangosch","List of works by Franti\u0161ek Alois Drdla","List of works by Alexander Dreyschock","List of works by Edmondstoune Duncan","List of works by Thomas Dunhill","List of works by Henri Duparc","List of works by Jean-Louis Duport","List of works by Jean-Pierre Duport","List of works by Marcel Dupr\u00e9","List of works by Jacques Dupuis","List of works by Matthias Durst","List of works by Alexander von Dusch","List of works by Jan Ladislav Dussek","List of works by Anton\u00edn Dvo\u0159\u00e1k"],"E":["List of works by Goby Eberhardt","List of works by Anton Eberl","List of works by Carl Ebner","List of works by Ludwig Ebner","List of works by Henry Eccles","List of works by Jules Egghard","List of works by Louis Ehlert","List of works by Andreas Ehrhardt","List of works by Albert Eibenschutz","List of works by Julius Eichberg","List of works by Konstantin Eiges","List of works by Hanns Eisler","List of works by Edward Elgar","List of works by Eduard Eliason","List of works by Louis Eller","List of works by John Lodge Ellerton","List of works by Albert Ellmenreich","List of works by George Enescu","List of works by Joel Engel","List of works by Walter Engelsmann","List of works by Max Erdmannsd\u00f6rfer","List of works by Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst","List of works by Christian Ersfeld","List of works by Paul Ertel","List of works by Heinrich Esser","List of works by Emil Eule","List of works by Joseph Eybler"],"F":["List of Works by Philipp Fahrbach Jr.","List of works by Blair Fairchild","List of works by Clara Faisst","List of works by Frederick James Falconer","List of works by Evelyn Faltis","List of works by Louise Farrenc","List of Works by Manuel Faulhaber","List of works by Gabriel Faur\u00e9","List of Works by Carl Faust","List of works by Samuil Feinberg","List of works by Francesco Ferraris","List of works by Alexander Fesca","List of works by Friedrich Ernst Fesca","List of works by Willem de Fesch","List of works by Oscar Fetr\u00e1s","List of works by Zden\u011bk Fibich","List of works by Carl Filtsch","List of works by Joseph Filtsch","List of works by Marshall Fine","Published compositions by Vivian Fine","List of Works by Gerald Finzi","List of works by Robert Fischhof","List of works by Wilhelm Fitzenhagen","List of works by Otto Fleischmann","List of works by Friedrich von Flotow","List of works by Ernst Fl\u00fcgel","List of works by Carel Anton Fodor","List of works by Josephus Andreas Fodor","List of works by Adolph Martin Foerster","List of Works by Julian Fontana","List of works by Arthur Foote","List of works by Friedrich Forberg","List of works by Alban F\u00f6rster","List of works by Auguste Franchomme","List of works by C\u00e9sar Franck","List of works by Eduard Franck","List of works by Richard Franck","List of works by Jacques Franco-Mend\u00e8s","List of works by Fran\u00e7ois Franc\u0153ur","List of works by Ferdinand Fr\u00e4nzl","List of works by Christian Frehde","List of works by Martin Frey","List of works by Ignaz Friedman","List of works by Wilhelm Fritze","List of works by William Henry Fry","List of works by Albert Fuchs","List of works by Oscar Fuchs","List of works by Otto Fuchs","List of works by Robert Fuchs","List of works by Ernst Fuchs-Sch\u00f6nbach","List of works by Kiyomi Fujii","List of works by Anton Bernard F\u00fcrstenau","List of Works by Fabi\u00e1n de Furundarena","List of works by Johann Joseph Fux","List of works by Julius Fu\u010d\u00edk","List of works by Hans F\u00e4hrmann"],"G":["List of works by Niels Gade","List of works by Constantino Gaito","List of works by Francesco Galeazzi","List of works by Jan Karol Gall","List of works by Louis Ganne","List of works by Carl G\u00e4nschals","List of works by Moritz Ganz","List of works by Jos\u00e9 Maur\u00edcio Nunes Garcia","List of works by Constantin Gavrilov","List of works by Varvara Gaygerova","List of works by Fran\u00e7ois Ren\u00e9 Gebauer","List of works by Aleksandr Gedike","List of works by Shiqi Geng","List of works by Iosif Genishta","List of works by David Geppert","List of works by Edward German","List of works by Friedrich Gernsheim","List of works by Georg Gerson","List of works by Carlo Gesualdo","List of works by Joseph Ghys","List of works by Felice Giardini","List of works by Antoine Gilis","List of works by Ernest Gillet","List of works by Paul Gilson","List of works by Mauro Giuliani","List of works by Aleksandr Glazunov","List of works by Alfred von Glehn","List of works by Reinhold Gli\u00e8re","List of works by Mikhail Glinka","List of works by Christoph Willibald Gluck","List of works by Mikhail Gnesin","List of works by Benjamin Godard","List of works by Charles Godard","List of works by Leopold Godowsky","List of works by Daniel Van Goens","List of works by Hermann Goetz","List of works by Aleksandr Goldenweiser","List of works by Carl Goldmark","List of works by Otto Goldschmidt","List of works by Georg Goltermann","List of works by Yoshinori Claude Gomi","List of works by Richard Gompertz","List of works by Alexandre \u00c9douard Goria","List of works by Vasilisa Gorochnaya","List of works by Louis Moreau Gottschalk","List of works by Achille Gouff\u00e9","List of works by Robert Gound","List of works by Charles Gounod","List of works by Th\u00e9odore Gouvy","List of works by Carl Georg Peter Gr\u00e4dener","List of works by Hermann Gr\u00e4dener","List of works by Paul Graener","List of works by Carl Grammann","List of works by Enrique Granados","List of cantata chorales by Christoph Graupner","List of works by Christoph Graupner","List of works by Aleksandr Grechaninov","List of works by Luise Greger","List of works by Jacques Gregoir","List of works by Adolf Greulich","List of works by Edvard Grieg","List of works by Charles Tomlinson Griffes","List of works by Leo Grill","List of works by Carl Grimm","List of works by Julius Otto Grimm","List of works by Charles Grobe","List of works by Boleslav Grodzky","List of works by Johann Benjamin Gross","List of works by Wilhelm Grosz","List of works by Gabriel Grovlez","List of works by Eugen Gr\u00fcel","List of works by Friedrich Wilhelm Grund","List of works by Alfred Gr\u00fcnfeld","List of works by Hugo Gr\u00fcters","List of works by Friedrich Gr\u00fctzmacher","List of works by Ferdinand Gumbert","List of works by Adolf Gunkel","List of works by Cornelius Gurlitt","List of works by Adolf Gutmann"],"H":["List of works by Pavel Haas","List of works by Rudolf Haase","List of works by George Haddock","List of works by Arthur D'Haenens","List of works by Jacob Adolf H\u00e4gg","List of works by Reynaldo Hahn","List of works by Johan Halvorsen","List of works by Eduard Hamel","List of Works by Asger Hamerik","List of works by Xaver Hammer","List of works by George Frideric Handel","List of works by Joseph Hanisch","List of works by Carl August H\u00e4nsel","List of works by Nicolaj Hansen","List of works by Basil Harwood","List of works by Tobias Haslinger","List of works by Th\u00e9odore Hauman","List of works by Moritz Hauptmann","List of works by Miska Hauser","List of works by Joseph Haydn","List of works by Michael Haydn","List of works by Friedrich Hegar","List of works by Anton Hegner","List of works by Joseph E. Heidenfelder","List of works by Maximilian Heidrich","List of works by Christian Heinemeyer","List of works by Ernst Wilhelm Heinemeyer","List of works by Johann David Heinichen","List of works by Peter Heise","List of works by Alfred Heitsch","List of works by Stephen Heller","List of works by William Henley","List of works by Swan Hennessy","List of works by Carl Wilhelm Henning","List of works by Fini Henriques","List of works by J. Harold Henry","List of works by Fanny Hensel","List of works by Adolf von Henselt","List of works by Karl Friedrich Hering","List of works by Adolphe Herman","List of works by Friedrich Hermann","List of works by Hans Hermann","List of works by Robert Hermann","List of works by Edward Heron","List of works by Eduard Herrmann","List of works by Gottfried Herrmann","List of works by Th. Herrmann","List of works by Henri Herz","List of works by L\u00e9on Herz","List of works by Heinrich von Herzogenberg","List of works by Karl Hess","List of works by Louis Hetsch","List of works by Moritz Hetzel","List of works by Richard Heuberger","List of works by Hildegard","List of works by Wilhelm Hill","List of works by Gustav Hille","List of works by Ferdinand Hiller","List of works by Paul Hiller","List of works by Carl Hillmann","List of works by Paul Hindemith","List of works by Charlie Hine","List of works by Vojt\u011bch Hlav\u00e1\u010d","List of works by Hans Heinrich Bolko Graf von Hochberg","List of works by Franz Alexander Hoffmann","List of works by Heinrich Hofmann","List of works by Richard Hofmann","List of works by Joseph Holbrooke","List of works by Alexis Hollaender","List of works by Gustav Hollaender","List of works by Benoit Hollander","List of works by Joseph Hollman","List of works by Alfred Holmes","List of works by Gustav Holst","List of works by Gottfried August Homilius","List of works by Arthur Honegger","List of works by Robert von Hornstein","List of Works by Amy Elsie Horrocks","List of works by Charles Edward Horsley","List of works by Amadeo von der Hoya","List of works by Fred Hsu","List of works by Jen\u0151 Hubay","List of works by Hans Huber","List of works by Heinrich Huber","List of works by Nicolas Joseph H\u00fcllmandel","List of works by Ferdinand H\u00fcllweck","List of works by Ferdinand Hummel","List of works by Johann Nepomuk Hummel","List of works by Aline Hundt","List of works by Ferdinand H\u00e9rold"],"I":["List of works by Jacques Ibert","List of works by Aleksandr Ilyinsky","List of works by Vincent d'Indy","List of works by Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov","List of works by Bras\u00edlio Itiber\u00ea","List of works by Mikhail Ivanov-Boretsky","List of works by Niels Johannes Legarth Iversen"],"J":["List of works by Karl Jacobi","List of works by Salomon Jadassohn","List of works by Alfred Ja\u00ebll","List of works by Rudolf Jaengerich","List of works by Eugen J\u00e1mbor","List of works by Johann Gottlieb Janitsch","List of works by Leopold Jansa","List of works by Jean-Baptiste Janson","List of works by Leo\u0161 Jan\u00e1\u010dek","List of works by Istv\u00e1n J\u00e1ray-Janetschek","List of works by Simone Jennarelli","List of works by Adolf Jensen","List of works by Gustav Jensen","List of works by Max Jentsch","List of works by Reinhold Jockisch","List of works by Charles John","List of works by Niccol\u00f2 Jommelli","List of works by Joseph Jongen","List of works by Scott Joplin","List of works by Josef B\u00f6hm","List of works by Josquin Desprez","List of works by Emil Juel-Frederiksen","List of works by P. Jullien","List of works by Albert Jungmann","List of works by Paul Juon","List of works by Frantz J\u00e9hin-Prume","List of works by Hugo J\u00fcngst"],"K":["List of works by Joachim Kaczkowski","List of works by Oskar Kahl","List of works by Robert Kahn","List of works by Vasily Kalinnikov","List of works by Viktor Kalinnikov","List of works by Arthur Kalkbrenner","List of works by Friedrich Wilhelm Kalkbrenner","List of works by Johann Wenzel Kalliwoda","List of works by Anton\u00edn Kammel","List of works by Karl K\u00e4mpf","List of works by Emanuel Kania","List of works by Jules Kapry","List of works by Josef Karbulka","List of works by Sigfrid Karg-Elert","List of works by Mieczys\u0142aw Kar\u0142owicz","List of works by Leokadiya Kashperova","List of works by Heinrich Ernst Kayser","List of works by Boris Keil","List of works by B\u00e9la K\u00e9ler","List of works by Karl Keller","List of works by Frederick Septimus Kelly","List of works by Joseph Christoph Kessler","List of works by Eug\u00e8ne Ketterer","List of works by Grigory Khodorovsky","List of works by Friedrich Kiel","List of works by Wilhelm Kienzl","List of works by Oliver King","List of works by Cor Kint","List of works by Theodor Kirchner","List of works by Johann Philipp Kirnberger","List of works by Cyrill Kistler","List of works by Halfdan Kjerulf","List of works by Otto Klauwell","List of works by Jan Kleczy\u0144ski","List of works by Bruno Oscar Klein","List of works by Richard Kleinmichel","List of works by Julius Klengel","List of works by Paul Klengel","List of works by Feri Kletzer","List of works by Albert Kleyneke","List of works by Karl Klingler","List of works by August Klughardt","List of works by Julius Kniese","List of works by Leonid Knina","List of works by Iwan Knorr","List of works by Friedrich Ernst Koch","List of works by Zolt\u00e1n Kod\u00e1ly","List of works by Charles Koechlin","List of works by Hans Koessler","List of works by Moritz K\u00f6hler","List of works by Eduard K\u00f6llner","List of works by Jan Konopacki","List of works by Anton de Kontski","List of works by Apollinaire de Kontski","List of works by Karol de Kontski","List of works by Stanis\u0142aw de Kontski","List of works by Georgy Konyus","List of works by Aleksandr Koptyayev","List of works by Aleksandr Kopylov","List of works by Arseny Koreshchenko","List of works by Genary Korganov","List of works by Egon Kornauth","List of works by Erich Wolfgang Korngold","List of works by Viktor Kosenko","List of works by Henning von Koss","List of works by Serge Koussevitzky","List of works by Henri Kowalski","List of works by Max Kowalski","List of works by Leopold Kozeluch","List of works by Anton Kraft","List of works by Emmanuele Krakamp","List of works by Emil Krall","List of works by Arthur Walter Kramer","List of works by Stefan Krasuski","List of works by Anton Krause","List of works by Emil Krause","List of works by Johann Ludwig Krebs","List of works by Stephan Krehl","List of works by Grigory Krein","List of Works by Aleksandr Krein","List of works by Fritz Kreisler","List of works by L\u00e9on Kreutzer","List of works by Emil Kreuz","List of works by Franz Krommer","List of works by Joseph Kromolicki","List of works by Louis Kron","List of works by Emil Kross","List of works by Arnold Krug","List of works by Diederich Krug","List of works by Gustav Krug","List of works by Josef Krug-Waldsee","List of works by Wincenty Kruzi\u0144ski","List of works by Vladimir Kryukov","List of works by Jan Kubel\u00edk","List of works by Friedrich Wilhelm K\u00fccken","List of works by Carl Matthias Kudelski","List of works by Joseph K\u00fcffner","List of works by Friedrich Kuhlau","Sortable list of works by Friedrich Kuhlau","List of works by Ramin Kuliev","List of works by Theodor Kullak","List of works by Friedrich August Kummer","List of works by Kaspar Kummer","List of works by Eduard K\u00fcnneke","List of works by Karol Kurpi\u0144ski","List of works by Aleksandr Kuznetsov","List of works by Mikhail Kvadri","List of works by Heinrich von K\u00e0an-Alb\u00e9st","List of works by Ernesto K\u00f6hler","List of works by Louis K\u00f6hler"],"L":["List of works by Hippolyte Labadie","List of works by Josef Labor","List of works by Samuel Labrecque","List of works by Franz Paul Lachner","List of works by Ignaz Lachner","List of works by Vinzenz Lachner","List of works by Paul Lacombe","List of works by Nikolay Ladukhin","List of works by Ignace Antoine Ladurner","List of works by Josef Alois Ladurner","List of works by B\u00e9noni Lagye","List of works by \u00c9douard Lalo","List of works by Pietro Lanciani","List of works by Josephine Lang","List of works by Samuel de Lange Jr.","List of works by Gustav Lange","List of works by Peter Erasmus Lange-M\u00fcller","List of works by Eduard Langer","List of works by Leopold Langer","List of works by Wilhelm Langhans","List of works by Gustav L\u00e1ska","List of works by Ivan Laskovsky","List of works by Eduard Lassen","List of works by Orlande de Lassus","List of works by Ferdinand Laub","List of works by Joseph Lauber","List of works by Max Laurischkus","List of works by Willy Lautenschl\u00e4ger","List of works by Albert Lavignac","List of works by Sylvio Lazzari","List of works by Luise Adolpha Le Beau","List of works by Arthur Le Jeune","List of works by Olivier Lebierre","List of works by Vittorio Lebrecht","List of works by Josef Lechthaler","List of works by Dezs\u00f6 Lederer","List of Works by Alphonse Leduc","List of works by Louis Lee","List of works by Sebastian Lee","List of works by Jean-Xavier Lef\u00e8vre","List of works by Philip Legge","List of works by Robert Lehmann","List of works by J\u00f3n Leifs","List of works by Guillaume Lekeu","List of works by Cedric Wilmot Lemont","List of works by Wilhelm von Lenz","List of works by Leonardo Leo","List of works by Hubert L\u00e9onard","List of works by Robert Leonard","List of works by Julius Emil Leonhard","List of works by Theodor Leschetizky","List of works by Alexandre Levy","List of Works by Luiz Levy","List of works by Martin Levy","List of works by Max Lewandowsky","List of works by Maximilian Lewinger","List of works by Heinrich Lichner","List of works by Frank Leland Limbert","List of works by August Lindner","List of works by Dinu Lipatti","List of works by Alojzy Lipi\u0144ski","List of works by Karol J\u00f3zef Lipi\u0144ski","List of works by Franz Liszt","List of works by Henry Charles Litolff","List of works by Paolo Litta","List of works by Pablo Fernando Llamazares","List of works by Pietro Antonio Locatelli","List of works by Edward Stefan \u0141odwigowski","List of works by Albert Loeschhorn","List of works by Alessandro Longo","List of works by Karl Adolf Lorenz","List of works by Karl Daniel Lorenz","List of works by Louis Ferdinand, Prince of Prussia","List of works by Nicolas Louis","List of works by L.A. Louli\u00e9","List of works by Arthur Louri\u00e9","List of works by Kazimierz Lubomirski","List of works by Carl L\u00fchrss","List of works by Witold Lutos\u0142awski","List of works by Friedrich Lux","List of works by Anatoly Lyadov","List of works by Sergey Lyapunov"],"M":["List of works by Hamish MacCunn","List of works by Edward MacDowell","List of works by Sir Alexander Campbell Mackenzie","List of works by Marceli Madejski","List of works by Alb\u00e9ric Magnard","List of works by Gustav Mahler","List of works by Gyula Major","List of works by Paul de Maleingreau","List of works by Otto Malling","List of works by Francesco Mancini","List of works by Julius Manigold","List of works by Ferdinand Manns","List of works by Marin Marais","List of works by Louis Marek","List of works by Antoine Fran\u00e7ois Marmontel","List of works by Heinrich Marschner","List of works by Martin Pierre Marsick","List of works by Henri Marteau","List of works by Bohuslav Martin\u016f","List of works by Giuseppe Martucci","List of works by Joseph Marx","List of works by Jules Massenet","List of Works by Georges Mathias","List of works by Andr\u00e9 Mathieu","List of works by Gottfred Matthison-Hansen","List of works by Emil Mattiesen","List of works by Karl Matys","List of works by Ludwig Wilhelm Maurer","List of works by Charles Mayer","List of works by Samuil Maykapar","List of works by Joseph Mayseder","List of works by Jacques F\u00e9r\u00e9ol Mazas","List of works by Joseph Mazzinghi","List of works by Nikolay Medtner","List of works by Ludwig Siegfried Meinardus","List of works by Dmitry Melkikh","List of works by Felix Mendelssohn","List of works by Ludwig Mendelssohn","List of works by Joseph Merk","List of works by Louis Messemaeckers","List of works by Olivier Messiaen","List of works by Wilhelm Meves","List of works by Ludwig Meyer","List of works by Erik Meyer-Helmund","List of works by Max Meyer-Olbersleben","List of works by Giacomo Meyerbeer","List of works by F. A. Michaelis","List of works by Alexander Mignard","List of works by Carl Mikuli","List of works by Teresa Milanollo","List of works by Percy Hilder Miles","List of works by Kerry Mills","List of works by Emil M\u0142ynarski","List of works by Micha\u0142 Modzelewski","List of works by Alfred Moffat","List of works by Leonardo Moja","List of works by Heinrich Molbe","List of works by Bernhard Molique","List of works by Roman Monczy\u0144ski","List of works by Stanis\u0142aw Moniuszko","List of works by Georg Matthias Monn","List of works by Claudio Monteverdi","List of works by H\u00e9l\u00e8ne Montgeroult","List of works by Vittorio Monti","List of works by Ignaz Moscheles","List of works by Franz Joseph Moser","List of works by Moritz Moszkowski","List of works by Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart","List of works by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart","List of works by Emanuel Mo\u00f3r","List of works by Charles-Joseph Muldermans","List of works by August Eberhard M\u00fcller","List of works by Georg Gottfried M\u00fcller","List of works by Sigfrid Walther M\u00fcller","List of works by Modest Mussorgsky","List of works by Nikolay Myaskovsky","List of works by Josef Myslive\u010dek","List of works by Jean-Am\u00e9d\u00e9e Lefroid de M\u00e9reaux"],"N":["List of works by Tivadar Nach\u00e9z","List of works by Arthur Napole\u00e3o","List of works by Eduard N\u00e1pravn\u00edk","List of works by Tamez\u014d Narita","List of works by Jacques-Christophe Naudot","List of works by Ernst Naumann","List of works by Karl Nawr\u00e1til","List of works by Charles Neate","List of works by Hermann Necke","List of works by Oskar Nedbal","List of works by Franz Neruda","List of works by Laura Netzel","List of works by Franz Neuhofer","List of works by Heinrich Neumann","List of works by Ethelbert Nevin","List of works by Casimir Ney","List of works by Sissel Ng","List of works by Jean Louis Nicod\u00e9","List of works by Louis Nicole","List of works by Carl Nielsen","List of works by Rudolf Niemann","List of works by Walter Niemann","List of works by Friedrich Nietzsche","List of works by Leonid Nikolayev","List of works by Aleksandr Nikolsky","List of works by August N\u00f6lck","List of works by Heinrich Gottlieb Noren","List of works by Ludvig Norman","List of works by Zygmunt Noskowski","List of works by V\u00edt\u011bzslav Nov\u00e1k"],"O":["List of works by Florian Oborski","List of works by Andreas Johann Lorenz Oechsner","List of works by Max Oesten","List of works by Theodore Oesten","List of cello works by Jacques Offenbach","List of works by Wilhelm Ohliger","List of Works by Arne Oldberg","List of works by Ole Olsen","List of works by Aryan Omid","List of works by Franti\u0161ek Ond\u0159\u00ed\u010dek","List of works by George Onslow","List of works by Napoleon Orda","List of works by Leo Ornstein","List of works by Anton Ortner","List of works by Fr. von Osten","List of works by Otakar Ostr\u010dil","List of works by Henrique Oswald","List of works by Hisato \u014czawa"],"P":["List of works by Johannes Pache","User:BachFan\/Sandbox","List of works by Johann Pachelbel","List of works by Henryk Pachulski","List of works by W\u0142adys\u0142aw Pachulski","List of works by Ignacy Jan Paderewski","List of works by Niccol\u00f2 Paganini","List of arrangements by Ludwig (Louis) Pagels","List of works by John Knowles Paine","List of works by Johannes Palaschko","List of works by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina","List of works by Zakharia Paliashvili","List of works by Selim Palmgren","List of works by Joseph Panny","List of works by Heinrich Panofka","List of works by Georges Pantillon","List of works by Gerard Pape","List of works by Guido Papini","List of works by Horatio Parker","List of works by Robert G. Patterson","List of works by Ernst Pauer","List of works by Zoltan Paulinyi","List of works by Evgeny Pavlov","List of works by Albert Lister Peace","List of works by Samuel Pegge Jr.","List of works by Otto Peiniger","List of works by Dora Peja\u010devi\u0107","List of works by Emilio Pente","List of works by Ernst Perabo","List of works by Richard von Perger","List of works by Charles Callahan Perkins","List of works by Alfred Pester","List of works by Gregor Peters-Rey","List of works by Ottaviano Petrucci","List of works by Hans Pfitzner","List of works by Max Philippson","List of works by Eugen Philips","List of works by Alfredo Carlo Piatti","List of works by Vaclav Pichl","List of works by Peter Piel","List of works by Gabriel Piern\u00e9","List of works by Eugenio Pirani","List of works by Nicolas-Joseph Platel","List of works by Ignaz Pleyel","List of works by Ede Poldini","List of works by Lew Pollack","List of works by Leonid Polovinkin","List of works by David Popper","List of works by Nicola Porpora","List of works by Leo Portnoff","List of works by Robert J. Poselt","List of works by Joseph William Postlewaite","List of works by Francis Poulenc","List of works by Issac Barrett Poznanski","List of works by Florence Price","List of works by Vasily Prisovsky","List of works by Carl Prohaska","List of works by Sergey Prokofiev","List of works by Sergey Protopopov","List of works by Ebenezer Prout","List of works by \u00c9mile Prudent","List of works by Fran\u00e7ois Prume","List of works by Nikolaos-Laonikos Psimikakis-Chalkokondylis","List of works by Giacomo Puccini","List of works by Wilhelm Maria Puchtler","List of works by Henry Purcell","List of works by Guillaume P\u00e2que","List of works by P\u00e9rotin"],"Q":["List of works by Guglielmo Quarenghi","List of works by Pablo Queipo de Llano"],"R":["List of works by Hippolyte Fran\u00e7ois Rabaud","List of works by Sergei Rachmaninoff","List of works by Robert Radecke","List of works by Rudolf Radecke","List of works by Joachim Raff","List of works by Alfred Rahlwes","List of works by V\u00e4in\u00f6 Raitio","List of works by Jean-Philippe Rameau","List of works by Valentina Ramm","List of works by Emile Pierre Ratez","List of works by Johannes N. 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