Eloise Whitebear Pease Collection Inventory | Library @ Little Big Horn College
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2018</b><br /> <a href="" target="new_window">For More Info Click here</a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="center"><div id="squeeze"><div class="right-corner"><div class="left-corner"> <div class="breadcrumb"><a href="/">Home</a> › <a href="/" title="Little Big Horn College Library">LBHC Library</a> › <a href="/index.php?q=node/28" title="Archives">Archives</a> › <a href="/index.php?q=node/28#collections" title="">Collections</a> › Eloise Whitebear Pease</div> <h2>Eloise Whitebear Pease Collection Inventory</h2> <div class="clear-block"> <div id="node-59" class="node"> <div class="content clear-block"> <p>Production of this inventory funded in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities</p> <dl> <dt>Donor Name</dt> <dd>Eloise Whitebear Pease</dd> <dt>Address</dt> <dd>P.O. Box 293, Lodge Grass, Montana 59050</dd> <dt>Accession Number</dt> <dd>06118701</dd> <dt>Processing Start</dt> <dd>10/8/90</dd> <dt>Finish</dt> <dd>11/30/1990</dd> <dt>Processor</dt> <dd>Magdalene Medicine Horse</dd> <dt>Collection Title</dt> <dd>Eloise Whitebear Pease Collection</dd> <dt>Access/Restrictions On Use</dt> <dd>None, open to public use. Donor will have access to the collection and may receive free copies of any materials at expense of archives.</dd> <dt>Terms Governing Use and Reproduction</dt> <dd>All publication rights are held by Eloise Pease. Use for publication must be approved by donor.</dd> <dt>Preferred Citation of Materials</dt> <dd>Eloise Whitebear Pease Collection, Little Big Horn College Archives</dd> </dl> <h2>Physical Description</h2> <dl> <dt>Linear feet</dt> <dd>43 feet</dd> <dt>Comprehensive dates</dt> <dd>1824 - 1990</dd> <dt>Materials included</dt> <dd>41 boxes of manuscript and printed material</dd> <dt>Organization of materials</dt> <dd>the collection consists of original manuscript materials (i.e. Eloise Pease notes), pamphlets, maps, court cases, microfilm, studies, and newspaper/periodical articles. There are 30 series.</dd> </dl> <ol> <li><a href="#series1">Addresses and Mailing Lists, Censuses</a></li> <li><a href="#series2">Coal Reports I</a></li> <li><a href="#series3">Coal Reports II</a></li> <li><a href="#series4">Crow Tribal Finances</a></li> <li><a href="#series5">Crow Tribal Government, Constitution, etc.</a></li> <li><a href="#series6">Crow Tribal Programs</a></li> <li><a href="#series7">Economic Development</a></li> <li><a href="#series8">Health, Education, and Welfare</a></li> <li><a href="#series9">History and Culture - Crow</a></li> <li><a href="#series10">Indian Affairs, General</a></li> <li><a href="#series11">Industrial Development</a></li> <li><a href="#series12">Land</a></li> <li><a href="#series13">Law and Order</a></li> <li><a href="#series14">Lawsuits or Pending Cases</a></li> <li><a href="#series15">Maps</a></li> <li><a href="#series16">Minerals - Coal</a></li> <li><a href="#series17">Minerals (Others)-Oil, Gas and Coal</a></li> <li><a href="#series18">Natural Resources</a></li> <li><a href="#series19">Planning Studies I</a></li> <li><a href="#series20">Planning Studies II</a></li> <li><a href="#series21">Recreation Plans and Development</a></li> <li><a href="#series22">Resolutions and Minutes-Crow Council-1953-1985</a></li> <li><a href="#series23">Resolutions and Minutes-Crow Council-1978, 1987-1989</a></li> <li><a href="#series24">Statute of Limitation Cases and Contracts</a></li> <li><a href="#series25">Synfuel Program #1/CERT</a></li> <li><a href="#series26">Synfuel Program #2/CERT (part one)</a></li> <li><a href="#series27">Synfuel Program #2/CERT (part two)</a></li> <li><a href="#series28">Water and Irrigation</a></li> <li><a href="#series29">Yellowtail Dam #1</a></li> <li><a href="#series30">Yellowtail Dam #2</a></li> </ol> <h2>Biographical/Historical Note</h2> <p>Eloise Whitebear Pease was born on September 1, 1917. She is one-half Crow, one-fourth Welsh, and one-fourth Scottish/Irish. She attended schools in Crow Agency and Hardin, Montana; Compton, California; Denver, Colorado; Eastern Montana College in Billings, and Little Big Horn College in Crow Agency where she received her Associate of Arts degree in 1990.</p> <p>Her employment from 1935 to 1987 consisted of being a secretary, bookkeeper, historian, program developer, teacher, librarian, program director, researcher, and consultant. Some of her affiliations with tribal committees helped her to become more knowledgeable in all aspects of tribal government.</p> <p>She has had material published in “Absaraka” (of which she was editor) in 1968 and 1969, the economic development report in 1970 and its 10 year update, the 1976 county bicentennial history “Grass, Tepees, and Black Gold” (co-editor), and she authored a booklet on the 107th Meridian land issue.</p> <h2>Provenance</h2> <p>Eloise Whitebear Pease collected information on tribal politics, economics, and history which covers the years from 1824 to 1990. Her strong interest in working with the tribal government since 1956 has proven her dedication to her work. in that year, she became involved in the Yellowtail Dam controversy as secretary of the Mountain Crow Club. in 1963, she was declared a tribal historian by the tribal council. This gave her more incentive to continue collecting tribal papers, particularly on the politics and economic status of the Crow tribe. She is a valuable resource and consultant for the Crow tribe as well as an active individual with interest in all aspects of tribal history. Her influence with both outside researchers/scholars and tribal officials has helped her work with the Crow Tribe and she has retained much information of value to the tribe over the years which no one else has kept. Her involvement with the Tribe has been extensive, particularly her service as program director and secretary for many an organization, which has made her aware of the importance and impact of tribal government.</p> <p>The documents that she collected were stored in her home and shed. Mr. Tim Bernardis helped her organize her collection and brought it to the Little Big Horn College Archives on June 11, 1987.</p> <h2>Scope and Content Note</h2> <p>The Whitebear Pease collection represents a variety of information on tribal politics, economics, and government. the material in the collection ranges from 1824 to 1990, with the bulk falling from 1956 to the present.</p> <p>In her collection are included the following topics and types of material: tribal council minutes and resolutions, information on tribal minerals, material from planning committees including studies, legal cases and lawsuits still pending, law and order, health, education, and welfare of the tribe, Crow history and culture, tribal program records, maps of the reservation, natural resources, studies conducted on the Crow reservation, economic impact of various developments, land information, recreational development and its potential, newspaper clippings of tribal news, tribal rights by law, and Indian rights and laws that affect the Tribe itself.</p> <p>It is important to note that Eloise herself created the series arrangement by topic.</p> <h2>Series 1: Addresses & Mailing Lists; Censuses</h2> <p>This series contains material from the Crow census of 1910 with a few pages missing. There is also the census of 1953 and a mailing list from different years on Crow people in general. in addition, there is the entire enrollment ordinance of the Crow Tribe, a few pages from the 1887 Crow Census, plus the 1960 population report.</p> <ol> <li>Crow Census-1910 (p. 68 missing)</li> <li>Crow Census-1953</li> <li>Mailing List-different years-Crow</li> <li>Enrollment Ordinance-Crow Tribe & related matters</li> <li>Crow Census-1887 (a few pages)</li> <li>U.S. Census of Population 1960, Montana</li> </ol> <h2>Series 2: Coal Reports I</h2> <p>This series is a collection of reports on Crow coal on the reservation. It includes all the leases made with the coal companies, drafts of environmental impact statements made by the companies and the Crow Tribe, and the federal government report on the Yellowstone Basin project.</p> <ol> <li>Draft, 8/17/1976, Crow Ceded Area Coal Lease Tracts II and III, Westmoreland Resources, V. 1</li> <li>Draft Environmental Statement, Proposed 20 Year Plan of Mining and Reclamation, Westmoreland Resources Tract III</li> <li>Final Environmental Statement, Proposed 20 Year Plan of Mining and Reclamation, Westmoreland Resources Tract III</li> <li>Draft Programmatic Environmental Statement, Jan. 16, 1975, Projected Coal Development Crow Indian Reservation</li> <li>Report, Yellowstone Basin and Adjacent Coal Area, Vol. 7</li> <li>Report, Yellowstone Basin and Adjacent Coal Area, Vol. 6a, 1977</li> <li>Report, Yellowstone Basin and Adjacent Coal Area, Vol. 6, 1977</li> <li>Report, Yellowstone Basin and Adjacent Coal Area, Vol. 5, 1978</li> <li>Report, Yellowstone Basin and Adjacent Coal Area, Vol. 4, 1978</li> <li>Report, Yellowstone Basin and Adjacent Coal Area, Vol. 2, 1978 (2 copies)</li> <li>Report, Yellowstone Basin and Adjacent Coal Area, Vol. 3, 1978</li> </ol> <h2>Series 3: Coal Reports II</h2> <p>The reports made on Crow coal in this series are from the designated directors. They include the Young’s Creek Coal Mine Plane in 1974, the statements of quantification and coal analysis of the Crow tribe, the Big Horn Canyon Recreation Project, the geology report from Shell Oil Company and environmental impact statement material.</p> <ol> <li>Board of Directors meeting 1981, CERT</li> <li>Young’s Creek Coal Mine Plan, 1974</li> <li>Circular A-102 (Revised), 1/1981</li> <li>Pre-Planning Studies for Young’s Creek Area, V. II, Part A</li> <li>Statement of Quantifications and Cost Analysis for Services to the Crow Nation</li> <li>Wehrman Consultants Associated, Inc.</li> <li>Big Horn Canyon</li> <li>Agreement, Morrison-Knudsen Company, Inc.</li> <li>Socioeconomic Impact Assessment, a Methodology Applied to Synthetic Fuels, 1978</li> <li>Comments on Environmental Impact Statement for Crow/Shell Coal Lease, 1981</li> <li>The Em-Kayan Magazine of “M-K”, August 1975</li> <li>Final Environmental Impact Statement, Rosebud Mine</li> <li>Report, Energy Impact Assistance</li> <li>CERT, Funding Proposal and Five Year Operational Plan</li> <li>Geology of the Shell Crow Coal Lease</li> <li>Mined Land Rehabilitation Procedures for the Proposed Young’s Creek Mine</li> <li>Environmental Assessment for the Proposed Young’s Creek Mine, V. 1</li> <li>Environmental Impact Statement Form</li> <li>Preliminary Final Environmental Impact Statement-Crow/Shell Coal Lease, 1981</li> <li>Pre-Planning Studies of the Young’s Creek Area, V. 2, Part B</li> <li>Pre-Planning Studies of the Young’s Creek Area, V. 2, Part A</li> </ol> <h2>Series 4: Crow Tribe Finances</h2> <p>This series contains material about how the Crow Tribe used its money to keep the government functioning from the Yellowtail Dam case in 1964 to the (alleged) theft of Crow Tribal funds by a travel agency in 1977. Included is the amount of money placed in trust funds for tribal use, material on work incentives for the people of the Crow Nation, letters and appeals, and notices that were mailed out.</p> <p>Items shown in grey are temporarily unavailable.</p> <ol> <li>Crows win $2,575,000 in Yellowtail Dam Case 4/04/1964</li> <li>Regarding Crow Judgment Funds, Directive on removal of Committee members and replacement 10/18/1962</li> <li>Request for Funds-Richard Real Bird Testimony presented to Subcommittee on Interior Appropriations 3/17/1987</li> <li>Crow Tribal Budget as of 12/31/1983</li> <li>Crow Tribal C-123 Financial reports October through June 1982</li> <li>Letter regarding invention 1/25/1982, news clipping “Absalokaa News” 1/23/1982</li> <li>Receipts for copy material-various</li> <li>Work Incentive Program April 1974</li> <li>Economic Analysis of Crow Indian Reservation 1982 (approximate date)</li> <li>Crow Council 7/11/1981 (not recognized by Bureau of Indian Affairs)</li> <li>Crow Tribe’s Abandoned Mines Reclamation Plan 1st contract 8/24/1979</li> <li>Mail Directive 1/28/1982</li> <li>Crow Tribe Industrial Development Commission-Administrative Management Plan, 1/28/1982</li> <li class="unavail">Draft of Excellent Letter Regarding Finances of Crow Tribe 1/23/1989</li> <li class="unavail">Notice of Appeal-Clara Nomee to Norris M. Cole, Area Director 11/23/1988, and Copy of Bureau of Indian Affairs & Crow Tribe’s Agreement of 11/16/1988</li> <li>State of Montana vs. the United States and Crow Tribe, 1980</li> <li>Clara Nomee vs. Richard Real Bird, 8/26/1988</li> <li>Clara Nomee vs. Richard Real Bird, 6/10/1988</li> <li>Westmoreland Severance Tax for Quarter Ending 6/30/1988</li> <li class="unavail">Letters-Requesting Debt Waiver, Crow Tribal Officials to Bureau of Indian Affairs, 12/18/1987</li> <li>Letter-Response to Request-for Debt Waiver, Bureau of Indian Affairs to Crow Tribe, 4/20/1988</li> <li>Crow Act of 6/01/1944 regarding Loan Fund</li> <li>Crow Trust Funds Proceeds of Labor 6/30/1983</li> <li>Crow Trust Funds Proceeds of Labor 5/31/1983</li> <li>Crow Trust Funds Proceeds of Labor 4/1983</li> <li>Crow Trust Funds Summary 3/31/1983</li> <li>Crow Trust Funds Summary 2/28/1983</li> <li>Crow Trust Funds Summary 1/31/1983</li> <li>Crow Trust Funds Summary 11/30/1982</li> <li>Summary Crow Trust Fund 10/31/1982</li> <li>“Rip Offs”-Crow Tribe -Travel Agency 8/31/1977 and 9/16/1977</li> <li class="unavail">Income Estimate-Crow Tribe Fiscal Year 1989</li> <li class="unavail">Income Sources-Crow Tribe-Fiscal Year 1989</li> <li class="unavail">Letter from Secretary of Interior Regarding Adopting a Budget for 1981, 10/07/1989</li> </ol> <h2>Series 5: Crow Tribal Government; Constitution, etc.</h2> <p>This series covers all aspects of tribal government, from the proposed plan of operations of the Executive Committee to council Meetings and the protest of meetings with signed petitions. Also included is a Crow Claims funds report along with tribal budgets. in addition, there are some old resolutions with Bureau of Indian Affairs guidelines on the constitution and by-laws of the Crow Tribe.</p> <ol> <li>Proposed plan of Operations for Crow Executive Committee (tabled) 7/8/1978</li> <li>Solicitor’s Opinion regarding validity of Crow Council meeting of 1/27/1973</li> <li>Crow Constitutional Amendment Resolution #221, 7/2/1959</li> <li>Executive Order of Crow Tribe 11/20/1986</li> <li>Utility Tax Hearing Notices (various dates)</li> <li>Area Director Whitesell’s letter, 10/05/1984</li> <li>Chairman Stewart’s letter to Whitesell and other tribal officials, 8/30/1987</li> <li>Memorandum of agreement signed by all Crow tribal officials regarding finances 7/2/1982</li> <li>Regarding validity of Crow Council-7/11/1981</li> <li>Crow Tribe vs. State of Montana regarding Severance Tax 7/13/1981</li> <li>Regarding Taxation-cars, Crow reservation</li> <li>Jicarilla Apache Tax Case 1/25/1982</li> <li>Protest on Council Call 8/24/1958</li> <li>Crow Tribal Budget, Fiscal Year 1986</li> <li>Bureau of Indian Affairs guidelines regarding drafting constitutions 1981</li> <li>Constitutions-Crow</li> <li>Constitution Councils 6/11/1948 and 6/14/1948</li> <li>Bureau of Indian Affairs-Crow Tribe (various)</li> <li>Constitution-1948 & amendments</li> <li>Opinions & letters-Solicitor’s office</li> <li>Crow Tribal Tax Code-proposed 1987</li> <li>Opinions-Bureau of Indian Affairs Request for Crow Tribe</li> <li>Plan of Operations - Resolution 203 and Amendments</li> <li>Miscellaneous Crow Government matters</li> <li>Crow Claims Funds-Report, 4/7/1973</li> <li>Budget-Crow Tribe 1983</li> <li>Budget-Crow Tribe 1975</li> <li>Miscellaneous letters, petitions of Crow Tribal Members</li> <li>Crow Tribal Council matters 1988</li> <li>Old Council Resolutions-various subjects</li> <li>Elections Ordinances-various</li> <li>Proposed Constitutions-not adopted-Crow Tribe</li> <li>Crow Tribal Council 1/13/90</li> <li>Copies of Resolutions proposed, Council of 4/9/1983</li> <li>Crow Tribal Council-1/14/1978</li> </ol> <h2>Series 6: Crow Tribal Programs</h2> <p>This series consists of material from Crow Tribal programs and their many projects. the newspaper Absaraka was published from 1968 to 1969 along with other activities undertaken by the Crow Tribe in the treaty centennial year of 1968. Also included are many campaign speeches made by Crow candidates, railroad resolutions by the tribe, statistics on the number of Crows who would work in the labor force, and information on jurisdictional responsibility and on the termination of tribal officials.</p> <p>Items shown in grey are temporarily unavailable.</p> <ol> <li>Absaraka-1968 March</li> <li>Absaraka-1969 December</li> <li>Absaraka-1969 January</li> <li>Crow Travel</li> <li>Absaraka-Crow Tribal Treaty Centennial Issue-1868-1968</li> <li>Special Crow Council-12/30/1988</li> <li>Enrollment Resolution 80-01, 10/13/1979</li> <li>Campaign Data for 1988 Election Crow Tribal Officials</li> <li>Crow Tribal Officials Election 1988</li> <li>Letter from Superintendent Moran to Credit Committee, 9/24/1987</li> <li>Proposed Contract-Crow Tribal & Centennial Association 7/17/1987</li> <li>Senator Melcher regarding Nuclear Weapon, 7/13/1977</li> <li class="unavail">Council Resolution Regarding Railroad, 1/1987</li> <li class="unavail">Recommendations Regarding Problem Areas that Concern Crow Tribal Rights, 10/20/1986</li> <li>Crow Tribal Newsletter, 10/10/1986 and 1/01/1987</li> <li>Crow Tribal Index of Resolutions, 3/1953-10/1972</li> <li>Index of Crow Tribal Resolutions, 1953-1972</li> <li>Sheridan, Wyoming Press copies of articles</li> <li>Interest Table ($1.00 @ 4%) 1958</li> <li>Crow Council Minutes 8/27/1921, with Commissioner of Indian Affairs Charles H. Burke</li> <li>Town of Lodge Grass-Jurisdictional, etc.</li> <li>Crow Constitution Proposal Rosenfelt Opinion</li> <li>Termination of Tribal Officials</li> <li>Labor Force-Crow Tribe-1980</li> <li>Job Preference-Crows-Opinion</li> <li>Gilbert T. Glenn regarding Food Stamps, Speech (1974 ) and other Data</li> <li>Akbar Fund Inc.-grant-1976</li> <li>Data on 1976 Crow Tribal Election</li> </ol> <h2>Series 7: Economic Development</h2> <p>This series contains material on the economic development of the Crow Tribe in the 1960s and 1970s, particularly the planning undertaken under an Economic Development Administration planning grant and the reports made by Eloise, who was the director of the grant program. the focus was on developing a better economy for the Crow Tribe.</p> <ol> <li>Economic Development Administration Planning Grant-Crow Tribe, 1976-1977</li> <li>Economic Development Handbook</li> <li>Toward Economic Development for Native American Communities, submitted to the Joint Economic Committee, v. 1 & 2, 1969</li> <li>Crow Industrial Development Stationary</li> <li>Programs-Edison Real Bird Administration</li> <li>The Crow Tribe of Indians of Montana, Annual Overall Economic Development Program Progress Report, 1967</li> <li>Annual Overall Economic Development Program Progress Report, 1971</li> <li>Indian Reservation Planners Handbook</li> <li>Planning District Guidelines, Department of Commerce/Economic Development Administration/Crow</li> <li>Progress Reports, Economic Development Administration District-Crow Tribe</li> <li>Reports from Economic Development Administration, Department of Commerce on Planning, etc.</li> <li>Economic Development Administration Planning Reports</li> </ol> <h2>Series 8: Health, Education, Welfare</h2> <p>This series contains information on the education of the Crow Tribe from 1882 to 1989, including a list of boarding schools and reports from the Agent/Superintendent. Also here is a report on housing by the Department of Housing and Urban Development and information on the first Health Board that was begun in 1956.</p> <ol> <li>First Life Insurance Offer to Crow Tribe 8/29/1957</li> <li>Sending Crow Students away to school, 1882</li> <li>Catholic Schools, American Missionary Association, regarding church schools, various dates 1886-1887, 1896-1895</li> <li>Indian Education Speech, Robert Bennett Commissioner, 9/16/1967</li> <li>Bilingual Education for American Indians, 1971</li> <li>Lodge Grass High School News Sheet, 3/5/1975</li> <li>Reports of Indian Agents, School Reports, Crow Tribe-1898-1896</li> <li>Crow Students Funded by Bureau of Indian Affairs-1985-1989</li> <li>List of Crow Graduates Funded by Bureau of Indian Affairs</li> <li>National Education Association</li> <li>Montana Institute of the Arts-1954</li> <li>United States Public Health information Miscellaneous</li> <li>Education-Crow Reservation, Historical & Later</li> <li>Regarding Housing and Urban Development-housing -Eloise Pease & John Melcher Letters 5/21/72-5/24/72</li> <li>Bond School Data</li> <li>Health Committee-1st for Crow Tribe, minutes, 4/14/1956</li> <li>Indian Education-1970</li> <li>Little Big Horn College-Life Magazine article</li> <li>School Lunch Law-1970</li> <li>Education Committee-resignation of member</li> <li>Rehabilitation Research & Demonstration Grant Programs, October 1968</li> </ol> <h2>Series 9: History & Culture - Crow</h2> <p>This series consists of information on Crow history and culture. Some of the more significant items include Custer stories, Crow business council information, old tribal council minutes and first edition publications of Robert H. Lowie.</p> <p>Items shown in grey are temporarily unavailable.</p> <ol> <li>Custer story-Brave Bear statement retold by Robert Yellowtail</li> <li>George Hogan’s work for Montana Works Progress Administration Writer’s Project, 1941-1942</li> <li>1st Crow Indian Fair-1907, the Yellowstone Monthly, December 1907 and Crow Fair Expenses of 1912</li> <li>Crow Stories collected by Eloise Pease</li> <li>Maps and other data used in writing booklet Grass, Teepees, and Black Gold 1976</li> <li>Data used to develop book, “Grass, Teepees, and Black Gold” 1976</li> <li>Robert H. Lowie-Crow Language Text</li> <li class="unavail">Regarding Custer Battlefield Preservation Committee 6/29/1987</li> <li>Crow Indian Agents-list 1874-1900</li> <li>1920 Act-Crow-Copy & 1940 Amendment to same</li> <li>Historical Data Compiled for Crow Claims Case by Dr. M. Burlingame of Montana State University (Emeritus)</li> <li>Various Crow Acts-4/1982, 9/1982, 11/1886, 6/1888, 2/1889, 3/1891, 1892</li> <li>Frank Shively (Crow) story regarding name Origin of Nez Perce</li> <li>Buildings Repairs-Education-Schools-1910</li> <li>Buildings on Crow Reservation-correspondence regarding, 2-1909</li> <li>Max Big Man-Beaver Dance & Adoption</li> <li>Agent Armstrong and Clerk Barstow letters 1882-1883</li> <li>Agent Armstrong letter, August 15, 1882, regarding Crow farmers</li> <li>Crow business council regarding Cree Indians 1913</li> <li>Business Council-Crow Tribe-1921</li> <li>Old Council Minutes 2/16/1944</li> <li>Crow Council Minutes 3/14/1944</li> <li>Crow Council Minutes 4/7/1944</li> <li>Crow Council Minutes 4/20/1944</li> <li>Crow Council Minutes 5/13/1944</li> <li>Crow Council Minutes 5/16/1944</li> <li>Crow Council Minutes 6/6/1944</li> <li>Crow Council Minutes 11/1/1944</li> <li>Crow Council Minutes 6/15/1945</li> <li>Crow Council Minutes 10/12/1945</li> <li>Crow Council Minutes 1/23/1946</li> <li>Crow Council Minutes 8/27/1946</li> <li>Crow Council Minutes 10/9/1946</li> <li>Crow Council Minutes 12/13/1946</li> <li>Crow Council Minutes 1/11/1954</li> <li>Crow Council Minutes 3/24/1956</li> <li>Crow Council Minutes 7/14/1956</li> <li>Crow Health Committee</li> <li>Crow History, Joe Medicine Crow (3 copies)</li> <li>Crow Records-Seattle Archives Preliminary Inventory</li> <li>Log Building, across at Crow Agency-1954</li> <li>Treaty of 1825-Crow</li> <li>Ledger from Pease store & Post Office</li> <li>Regarding 1920 Act-Robert Yellowtail vs. Senator Walsh, 1919</li> <li>Early Christian Regional Development Crow Reservation</li> <li>Crow Tribal Conditions-1883-Commissioner’s Report</li> <li class="unavail">Plenty Coos-Chief of Crows</li> <li>Robert Yellowtail picture/newspaper</li> <li>Ben Pease letter regarding selling hay and other products to Bureau of Indian Affairs etc.-1925</li> <li>Housekeeping Needs</li> <li>Sun Dance-Verne Dusenberry, 1959</li> <li>Treaties & Acts of Congress, 1920 Act, etc.</li> <li>Sun Dance-Crow-by Lowie</li> <li>Treaty 1851-regarding validity, 5/11/1958</li> <li>P. Nabokov Map regarding Two Leggins life story locations</li> <li>Indian Religion vs. Dusenberry, 1959</li> <li>Kappler and Merillat hired by Crow 1909</li> <li>History Data-from Statute of Limitations cases</li> <li>Signed Articles regarding Crow & General History</li> <li>Crow Indians, 1953-House of Representatives report 2503, 82:2</li> <li>Family Structure-Indian vs. Dusenberry</li> <li>Foundation of North American Indian Culture 1963</li> <li>Native American Church-on National Conference 6/6/1957; also other Data regarding “peyote”</li> <li>Native American Church Annual Convention at Lodge Grass, 1957</li> <li>Works Progress Administration-Writers Workshop-Crow Stories</li> <li>Pease Family History-brief</li> <li>Flashes-Bureau of Indian Affairs News Sheet</li> <li>Anthropological Papers/Lowie, Minor Ceremonies of the Crow Indians</li> <li>Peyote-various Data</li> <li>Chester Medicine Crow’s letter regarding Yellowtail Dam 1958</li> <li>Missionary Burgess-Congregational</li> <li class="unavail">Missionaries & Church-Crow Reservation-Various Data</li> <li>Crow Chieftains and Coup Record</li> <li>Congressional Record, J. F. O’Connor’s speech 1937</li> <li>Senate Report #283-3/7/1884, Dawes report on Crows</li> <li>Hearing-Crows Proposed move-Stillwater to Little Horn 8/7/1883</li> <li>Crow Council 7/19/1881</li> <li>Garden Seed for Crows, 2/22/1923</li> <li>Crow Brand Book (pages from)</li> <li>Lowie, Crow Sun Dance</li> <li>1st Trip Through Big Horn Canyon, Ed Gillette 1891</li> <li>Military Scouts 9/9/1939</li> <li>Treaties, Memorandums, and Letters, regarding Indians West of Mississippi and About Crow Indians 1/1894 -1/1871</li> <li>Correspondence-Old, Historical regarding Crow Tribe & Crow People</li> <li>Copies of “Indians at Work,” 1/4/1944</li> <li>Father De Smet’s Visit to Crow Tribe & entire Trip account, 11/1/1842</li> <li>Early Railroad Passes for Crow Indians</li> <li>Width of Railroad for Big Horn Southern, Letters to George Pease, etc.</li> <li>Early Housing for Crows</li> </ol> <h2>Series 10: Indian Affairs/General</h2> <p>The series contains information on Indian affairs in general including the following: task force information, Bureau of Indian Affairs streamlining of work in the office, conferences in Washington D.C. concerning national tribal affairs, claims, Indian rights, termination of Montana Indians, Governors Interstate Council (formed in 1952), federal assistance to Crow Tribe, Robert Yellowtail letters, a water task force on the Navajo Reservation, and Fort Belknap and Blackfeet tribal information.</p> <ol> <li>Task Force Report on Bureau of Indian Affairs</li> <li>B.I.A. suggestions to streamline Agency work, 3/12/1943</li> <li>National Tribal Governments conference in Washington D.C., 5/6-7/1981</li> <li>Miss Indian America XXII Kiowa-Otoe</li> <li>NCAI (National Congress of American Indians) News, 2/6/1982</li> <li>Indian Affairs-Speech-Robert Yellowtail</li> <li>Indian Claims Commission data, 1956</li> <li>Manual - Indian rights affairs-1975</li> <li>American Indian Fund and News sheet, Association on American Indian Affairs</li> <li>Information on Termination of Montana Indians from minutes of Flathead Reservation, 1953</li> <li>Governors Interstate Indian council 1952</li> <li>National Congress of American Indians, 12th Annual convention-1955 and other year’s data and their preamble</li> <li>Papers given to Eloise Pease by Robert Yellowtail, various subjects</li> <li>Revenue Sharing Guidelines, 1981</li> <li>Federal Register 11/4/1975 p. 1, P.L. 93-638</li> <li>Klamath Tribe-Termination 8/13/1954</li> <li>Subcommittee on Indian Affairs 1972</li> <li>Forrest Gerrard-National Tribal Chairmen’s Association, 1/8/1979 Speech regarding 93rd Congress</li> <li>American Indians-Answers & reading list</li> <li>Prominent Indians of 20th Century</li> <li>Termination -83rd Congress Lee Metcalf</li> <li>Navajo Water-news clippings</li> <li>Presidential Task Force, 1978</li> <li>The Indian Historian, volume #1, 12/1967</li> <li>The Fort Belknap Reservation Area</li> <li>Blackfeet tribe</li> <li>Clyde W. Hobbs, papers</li> </ol> <h2>Series 11: Industrial Development</h2> <p>This series contains information on the Crow Tribe and its industrial development. the Lodge Grass District has employment in the Guild Arts and Crafts developed by the Catholic Church. the city also has a Women’s Club that still functions today. There are small businesses on the reservation run by individual tribal members. the tribe helped build a feed mill, a park in Crow Agency, and a motel called the “Sun Lodge.”</p> <ol> <li>Guild Arts and Crafts Building at Lodge Grass, 9/17/1969</li> <li>Lodge Grass Women’s Club 1964</li> <li>Data on Operating Various Small Business establishments</li> <li>Industrial Development - Crow Feed Mill (Crow Industries)</li> <li>Powers of Industrial Development Committee and Resolution, 1966</li> <li>Industrial Park-Crow Agency</li> <li>Industrial Development Sun Lodge-Crow Tribe</li> <li>Tipi Smoke</li> <li>Urban Business Profile</li> <li>Rural Lines, December 1957</li> </ol> <h2>Series 12: Land</h2> <p>This series contains information on how the Crow Tribe has managed its tribal lands. Also included are documents relating to the Treaty of 1851, amendments to the sale of Crow lands, leases made with white people, information on the location of Crow boundaries such as the arguments over the 107th Meridian, material on different kinds of land zones and who is using them, and documents on the first land surveys on the Reservation.</p> <p>Items shown in grey are temporarily unavailable.</p> <ol> <li>Crow Land Purchase Program-Plan of Operations</li> <li>Timber Sales 9/23/1988</li> <li>Indian Resource Development Act, 1967</li> <li>Treaty of 1851-Documents</li> <li>Land Foreclosure-Dillon/J. Whiteman, Sheriff’s Sale, 11/17/1978</li> <li>Proposed Court Action on Section II, 4/9/1958</li> <li>Land Sale Moratorium-Lifting Same, 3/26/1982</li> <li>Proposed Land Consolidation Bill, 6/10/1976</li> <li>Report on & Minutes of meeting in Washington D.C. on Section II</li> <li>Section II of 1920 Act-Hearings, 10/18-19/1957</li> <li class="unavail">Lease Regulations Amending 131.15 Title 25 10/3/1963</li> <li class="unavail">Amendment to Section Ii of 1920 Allotment Act, 6/8/1940</li> <li>Presidential Proclamation on Crow Lands, 10/15/1892</li> <li>Land Operations-1969</li> <li>Bureau of Indian Affairs Land Department 1968</li> <li class="unavail">Livestock in Crow Country, a History</li> <li>Indian Land Consolidation Act, 1/2/1983</li> <li>Proposed Sale of Land in Pryor Area, 6/1/1913</li> <li class="unavail">Crow Council Action Regarding Allotment Act, 1919</li> <li>Commission Agreement with Crows, on Hatchitt Allotments, 9/4/1892</li> <li>Crow Act of 2/19/1926, Allotments</li> <li>Act on Crow Adoptions, 3/3/1931; Act on Custer Battlefield, 4/15/1930</li> <li>Crow Act of April 27th, 1904 on Ceded Area</li> <li>107th Meridian Data, 1968 to Present</li> <li>Indian Lands Program-1975, Indian Finance Act</li> <li class="unavail">Right of Way Documents Listed-Crow Reservation, 1980</li> <li>Memorandum on 107th Meridian, 1983</li> <li>Bureau of Indian Affairs Rights Protection Office-requests, 12/23/1981</li> <li>107th Meridian Data, 1968 and earlier</li> <li>107th Meridian Booklet & Maps</li> <li>Custer Battlefield Road Right of Way, 1937</li> <li>Bureau of Land Management-Information & Data</li> <li>Energy Resource Development & Indian Lands-Conference, 1978</li> <li>Crow Tribal Allotments</li> <li>Southern Boundary Crow Reservation</li> <li>Drought Needs & Data, 1977</li> <li>T.A.P. Report regarding Purchase of Little Horn Ranch, 1968</li> <li>Competent Leasing & Land Conference Notes</li> <li>Land Sale Advertisement, 1979</li> <li>Crow Land Purchase Program</li> <li>Collier Letter-Range Unit Information 1933 & 1937</li> <li>Competent Lease Report, 1973</li> <li>Congressional Record on Land, 1963</li> <li>Early Allotments-Crow</li> <li>Sale of Crow Land, 1879</li> <li>Crow Resolution on fences on Reservation 1975</li> <li>First Land Surveys, 1890</li> <li>List of Lessees on Crow Lands, 1970</li> <li>Land Leasing, Solicitor’s Opinion, 1962</li> <li>Land Sales-Restricted-1933</li> <li>Crow Land Owners Association</li> <li>Land Restoration Data</li> <li>Zoning and Land Use Planning-Crow Reservation</li> </ol> <h2>Series 13: Law & Order</h2> <p>The law and order enforcement in post-settlement tribal history goes back to 1883. the materials in this series cover a wide span of time from problems with law in the late 1800s to letters from Bert Kronmiller (Tribal Attorney) in 1951. in 1885, troops were sent to protect the Crow Tribe. in 1978, there were petitions made out to help the tribe develop a law and order code. There are also the regulations of court procedures, the Law and Order Code used today, as well as P.L. 280 on state jurisdiction.</p> <ol> <li>Bert Kronmiller Letter - Jurisdiction, 1951 & other data regarding automobile tax exempt</li> <li>Law & Order Problems-Historical, 1880s</li> <li>Agent Requests Troops to Protect Crow Indians 1885</li> <li>Indian Law Reporter 3/1974, 6/1974</li> <li>Rough Drafts of Petitions on Law & Order 1978</li> <li>Regulations on Courts of Indian Offenses, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior, 25 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), ch. 1, 4/1/1986</li> <li>Montana Law Week-4/13/85, p. 4-La Fountaine default</li> <li>Crow Law & Order Expenses, 7/1/1959 to 7/1/1960</li> <li>Crow Law & Order Code, 1976</li> <li>Revised Law & Order Ordinances of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe of the Northern Cheyenne Reservation Montana</li> <li>Law & Order Code-Criticism of-1975</li> <li>Law & Order-Resolution 1975, 1977</li> <li>Crow Tribe Codes, Law & Order Commission</li> <li>U.S. Code Title 25-Indians</li> <li>Laws-Crow-Missouri River Basin Investigation</li> <li>Public Law 280-State Jurisdiction</li> </ol> <h2>Series 14: Lawsuits or Pending Cases</h2> <p>This series contains material pertaining to court cases that are either pending or where a decision has been reached by the judge. Its also includes cases from the Crow Coal Tax by the State of Montana to the Crow Tribe vs. the United States in 1990. Many of the cases were over tribal rights in regard to such areas as minerals, railroads, and even fishing.</p> <p>Items shown in grey are temporarily unavailable.</p> <ol> <li>Crow Tax-Court Cases, etc.</li> <li>Phoebe Dillon vs. Antler Land Company 4/14/1972</li> <li>Crow Tribe vs. United States of America vs. State of Montana vs. Westmoreland Resources, Inc., 9/19/1988</li> <li>Indian Voices (various issues) 1964, regarding court cases</li> <li>Ella Barnes vs. Crow Tribe, 1963</li> <li>Left Hand vs. Crow Council, Chairman & Executive Committee 3/29/1971</li> <li>Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad case, 1969</li> <li>Burlington Northern Railroad vs. Crow Tribe Request for Declaratory Judgment, etc. 3/4/1986</li> <li>Montana vs. the United States, et. al-Crow-Big Horn River Decision, 3/24/1984</li> <li>Attorney’s Report, 1/24/1982 Fredericks & Pelcyger</li> <li>The United States vs. Phillip Beaumont, Sr. Grand Jury Charges, 4/5/1978</li> <li>Tribal Attorney-Jean Bearcrane, Reports & Crow Tribe’s answer, 1987</li> <li>Squire vs. Capoeman, 4/23/1956</li> <li>Oliphant Case 3/6/1978</li> <li>Pat Stands Appeals Canan’s Decision to Bureau of Indian Affairs Indian Court of Appeals, 11/22/1976</li> <li>Pat Stands Appeal 3/27/1978</li> <li>Pat Stands Complaint 7/28/1977</li> <li class="unavail">Crow Act of 8/31/1937 Removal of Hardin from Reservation; Joint Resolution Regarding Crow Claim, 8/15/1935</li> <li>Bob Kelly sues Montana State and Big Horn County, 12/11/1985</li> <li>Supreme Court-1969 City of Sheridan vs. the United States regarding Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad, discontinuance of passenger trains</li> <li>Crow Tribe vs. the United States, Hodel, Swimmer, Whitesell, Wyman Babby, Superintendent, 1987</li> <li>Crow Tribe vs. the United States-Settlement, 1980</li> <li>McClanahan vs. Arizona State Tax Commission, 3/27/1973</li> <li>Big Horn River-Case & Data, 1981 and other dates</li> <li>Richard Real Bird vs. Clara Nomee, 1/10/1990</li> <li>Kimball vs. State Game Commission of Oregon, 1974</li> <li>Cady, Friends of the Earth vs. Morton, 1975 U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals regarding Crow Coal and Environmental Impact Statement</li> <li>Davis vs. Morton, 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, 1972, on Environmental Impact Statement, on Coal Strip Mining</li> <li>Redding vs. Morton, 1974, complaint on Coal Strip Mining</li> <li>Redding vs. Morton, 1974</li> <li>Redding vs. Morton, Motion to Deny Summary Injunction, 1974</li> <li>Case Against Chairman Donald Steward, Sr., on Resolution 85-32, 4/13/1985</li> <li>Santa Clara Pueblo vs. Martinez on Enrollment</li> <li>Talton vs. Mayes, 5/18/1896, on Tribal Jurisdiction</li> <li>Cady vs. Morton & Friends of the Earth, regarding Environmental Impact Statement in Ceded Area Coal Lands, 1975</li> <li>R. Bailey vs. Northern Cheyenne Tribe, 1973 on Tribal Voting Rights</li> <li>Kleppe decision on Crow Coal, 1977</li> <li>Davis vs. Morton, 1972, on Environmental Impact</li> <li>Finch Case, (fishing), 1976</li> <li>Winters Cases on Water, 1908</li> <li>Crow Claim Case, 1960</li> <li>Taunah vs. Internal Revenue Service on Income Tax from Trust Land or Royalties from same</li> <li>Crow Tribe vs. Cecil Andrus, suit on coal leases</li> <li>107th Meridian Area Values, 1979</li> <li>107th Meridian Committee Proposal 12/10/85</li> <li class="unavail">Condemnation Case #1825-U.S. vs. Crow Lands for Yellowtail Dam</li> <li>Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad - passenger service discontinued, Crow Tribe objects</li> <li>State of Montana vs. Crow Tribe & U.S. of America, in Supreme Court, 10/1980</li> <li>Microfilm-Crow Claims Case</li> </ol> <h2>Series 15: Maps</h2> <p>This collection consists of a variety of maps from the Hardin Unit’s ownership to the Yale Oil Pipeline Survey. There is also material on the National Resource lands in Pryor, Montana, the public lands in the Beartooth Mountains, and treaty area lands in Montana and Wyoming. Additionally, there are topographic maps, photographic maps, Yellowstone valley maps, and finally maps of the pipeline done by the Husky Company.</p> <p>Items shown in grey are temporarily unavailable.</p> <ol> <li class="unavail">Hardin Unit Ownership Map, Crow Indian Reservation, January 1949 2-12-Y13 (REGARDING MISSOURI RIVER BASIN)</li> <li>National Resource Lands in Montana, Pryor 36</li> <li>Public Lands in Montana, Beartooth 35</li> <li>Crow Indian Reservation Montana/Wyoming as Established by Treaty of September 17, 1851</li> <li>Topographic-Map Sheets</li> <li>Photograph of Relief Map of Crow Reservation</li> <li>Maps-Pryor Mountain Area & Bureau of Land Management Area</li> <li>Map-Custer National Forest (Ashland Division)</li> <li>Topographic Quadrangle-Maps</li> <li>Yellowstone Valley Electric Cooperative Map</li> <li>Yellowstone Valley Cooperative Crow Reservation Map</li> <li>Husky Pipe Line</li> <li>Billings-Yellowtail - 230 KV Map Montana Power Company</li> <li>Yale Oil Pipeline-Map</li> </ol> <h2>Series 16: Minerals-Coal</h2> <p>This series contains material on Crow coal and all concerns of the Crow tribe in regard to coal. the companies of Westmoreland and Shell are involved in developing Crow coal resources. Coal related resolutions that have been considered and/or voted on by the Tribal Council are presented in this series.</p> <p>Also included is the agreement on the tracts of land mined on the Crow Reservation, the guidelines for purchase or coal, maps of who has ownership of the land that is being mined, the impact statement of a committee which conducted a study of coal and its values to the reservation, and information on the harassment of mineral lessees concerning Crow Coal.</p> <ol> <li>Crow information sheets-office of coal research</li> <li>Westmoreland’s Pemberton Hutchinson letter regarding Melcher</li> <li>Mineral Reservation, resolutions 64-30 plus other data</li> <li>Various Coal resolutions & data on coal</li> <li>Crow-Shell agreement 1980 +</li> <li>Crow Ceded area Coal Lease Tract II & III Westmoreland Resources</li> <li>Shell-ethics-tribal attorneys 1977</li> <li>C.L. Lipton recommendations regarding Coal 10/1/1976</li> <li>Coal Data-Notes & miscellaneous</li> <li>Crow Coal Authority-1st resolution</li> <li>Stands letter to Shell, 3/12/1976 regarding coal</li> <li>Stevens, Phil-Ultra Systems Inc.</li> <li>Resolutions regarding coal-proposed by Shell (never adopted), 4/1976</li> <li>Coal - Crow Young’s Creek & Tanner Creek socioeconomic profile</li> <li>Mineral committee-Crow-74-21</li> <li>Crow coal permits & related data</li> <li>Employment guidelines-coal-Navajo</li> <li>Coal sale prices-1978</li> <li>Coal information-Slides, other data & miscellaneous letters</li> <li>Important Coal Resolutions</li> <li>Mineral Committee of 1981-Crow</li> <li>Coal Data-formulated by Robert Yellowtail</li> <li>Ownership map of Shell area-Coal, other data-Shell lease</li> <li>Coal values-Compare -Shell vs. Ethyl offers</li> <li>Shell proposed-Tanner Creek Development</li> <li>Coal Information Data-Crow</li> <li>Montana Severance Tax regarding coal</li> <li>Resolution on harassment of mineral Lessees, etc.</li> <li>Mineral Committee-Office of Economic Opportunity/Community Action Program</li> </ol> <h2>Series 17: Minerals (Others)-Oil, Gas and Coal</h2> <p>This series contains information concerning the Crow Tribe and its minerals (such as oil, gas and coal), leased lands, and the surface rights and who holds them. Other topics covered are water and ethyl. Information on the different investors and their responsibilities in taking care of business is found in correspondence that addresses this issue.</p> <ol> <li>Proposed bill-S. 1894-regarding tribes to enter into mineral agreements, 1981</li> <li>Crow Act of 9/16/1959-regarding minerals</li> <li>Soap Creek Oil-Crow</li> <li>Mineral Bill introduced-1967</li> <li>Mineral Committee Minutes & Data</li> <li>Crow Indian Reservation Regional Scale Analysis and Evaluation of the Oil and Gas Potential, May 7, 1981</li> <li>Mineral Rights-Homestead patents-Crow allottees</li> <li>Shell Oil Company Coal Leases</li> <li>Notice of 10/2/1986 Quarterly Council meeting with resolutions</li> <li>Ethyl-Information-etc.</li> <li>Mineral Reservation-Private</li> <li>Attachments to C.E.R.T. Testimony</li> <li>Coal Data - Shell & Westmoreland, etc.</li> <li>Investor Responsibility Research Center, Inc., Crow-Northern Cheyenne surface mining Report</li> <li>Letter from Washington D.C. 4/6/1982 from Office of Surface Mining</li> <li>Coal Mine-Shaw-Wolf Mountains</li> <li>Petition Letter 90-308; 82 Stat. 123</li> <li>Letter, 1/12/1982 Washington D.C., from Office of Surface Mining</li> <li>Letter, 3/22/1982 Washington D.C., from Office of Surface Mining</li> <li>Letter, 4/4/1982 Washington D.C. from Office of Surface Mining</li> <li>Tongue River, Montana Petition Evaluation Document</li> <li>Coal lands-State Taxation</li> <li>Coal Seminar & planning meetings notes, 1975, etc.</li> <li>Maps, Westmoreland</li> </ol> <h2>Series 18: Natural Resources</h2> <p>In this collection on the natural resources of the Crow Tribe, there are studies of water, wildlife, fishing rights, and recreation laws. There are also letters from Homer L. Rouse of Big Horn Canyon National Recreation Area</p> <ol> <li>Indian Natural Resource Management Project 2/13/1981, a 2-year college class proposal</li> <li>Little Horn Project-in Wyoming on headwaters of Little Big Horn River 1987</li> <li>Memorandum of Agreement regarding Big Horn River 3/21/1978</li> <li>Little Big Horn River & Wild & Scenic Rivers Act 1968</li> <li>Trip Through Big Horn Canyon by Green, 1931</li> <li>Application to Economic Development Administration for Sewage Treatment Facilities, Crow Agency, Montana</li> <li>Wildlife Management Proposal, 1977</li> <li>Regarding Indians’ Fishing Rights, 1979</li> <li>Environmental Impact Statement regarding 1976 & other data</li> <li>Fishing & River Navigation Crow</li> <li>Laws, Recreation, Water, Land, etc.</li> <li>Letter from Homer L. Rouse of Big Horn Canyon; article on Tribal Water Right 2/26/1982</li> </ol> <h2>Series 19: Planning Studies I</h2> <p>This series contains information on different studies that concern the Crow Tribe. Its also contains some old tribal ledgers. Some of the studies included are: an energy study conducting and analysis of financial, social, and economic barriers to the development of energy resources on Indian land, a study on Crow Coal by Shell Oil Company at the Young’s Creek site, and a study on a medical facility on the Northern Cheyenne Reservation.</p> <p>Other studies of significance include a study on the status of the Crow Tribe of Indians regarding eligibility to receive a H.U.D. 701 planning grant and a study conducted by the Council of Energy Resource Tribes (C.E.R.T.) to advise the tribe about a power generation project and where to locate it one the reservation. At one time, the Crow tribe was offered an opportunity to reacquire former Crow land now part of the Little Horn Ranch located on the reservation in Wyola, Montana. a study of the feasibility and cost was conducted and is also to be found in this series.</p> <p>Items shown in grey are temporarily unavailable.</p> <ol> <li>Old Ledgers</li> <li>Comprehensive Analysis of issues regarding Energy development on Indian Reservations 9/14/1976</li> <li>Socio-Economic Impact Analysis, proposed Young’s Creek Mine, Crow Indian Reservation, Southeastern Montana</li> <li>The feasibility of and need for, additional medical service facilities on the Northern Cheyenne Reservation at Lame Deer, Montana</li> <li>Building Minority Enterprise</li> <li>Selected information sources for urban specialists</li> <li>Status of Crow Tribe of Indians</li> <li>Gaffney, Cline, and Associate, petroleum and natural gas advisors</li> <li class="unavail">Status of Crow Tribe of Indians and Eligibility to Receive H.U.D. 701 Planning Grants</li> <li>Crow Electric Power Generation Project, 10/1981</li> <li>Minority Business Opportunities</li> <li>Montana Outfitters and Dude Ranchers Annual</li> <li>Summary of the T.A.P. Report on proposed purchase of the Little Horn Ranch and Livestock Company by the Crow Tribe</li> <li>Indian Affairs 1967</li> <li>Turning the Tide</li> <li>Area Development, June 1969</li> <li>Federal Assistance programs for Minority Business Enterprise, September 1969</li> <li>Crow Tribe of Indians SynFuels Feasibility Study, vol, IV, August 1982</li> </ol> <h2>Series 20: Planning Studies II</h2> <p>This series includes information on the different planning committees that put the Bulletin News together from a tribal grant, a planning and preservation board for Custer Battlefield and the future development of the Crow Reservation. It also contains the first draft of the overall Economic Development Plan (O.E.D.P.) for Big Horn Economic Development Corporation.</p> <p>Items shown in grey are temporarily unavailable.</p> <ol> <li>Information Bulletin regarding Economic Development Specialists etc., 2/11/1972</li> <li>Proposed planning grant to continue Absalokaa News sheet 1981</li> <li>Report-701 Planner 3/17/1975 to 4/4/1975</li> <li class="unavail">Custer Battlefield Preservation Committee (Organized 1982)</li> <li>Indian Craft-Data</li> <li>Planning District Economic Development-Federal</li> <li>Crow Indian Nation Future Development Plan October 1981</li> <li>Overall Economic Development Plan, Draft for Big Horn Economic Development Corporation</li> </ol> <h2>Series 21: Recreation Plans and Development</h2> <p>This series contains information on how the Crow Tribe plans to use its land for recreation development to benefit the tribe. This covers the many programs developed (and who helped developed them) and a study on what land the Crows could use to bring in tourists. All of this pertains to recreation plans of the Crow Tribe.</p> <p>Items shown in grey are temporarily unavailable.</p> <ol> <li>Recreation Committee Minutes 1972</li> <li>Proposal to Revise & Update the Master Plan Regarding Recreation Development Prospects for the Crow Indian Tribe at Big Horn Canyon 1971</li> <li class="unavail">Crow Tourism Commission, 3/10/1987</li> <li>Montana Travel Study</li> <li>Big Horn Canyon, January 1980 Draft, June 1981 Final</li> <li>Recreation Development & Planning at Yellowtail Dam, regarding National Park Service, Crow Tribe</li> <li>Beginning of Sun Lodge & Heritage Village, Recreation Committee Minutes & Papers</li> <li>Minutes & Papers, 1970-Recreation Committee</li> <li>Arts & Crafts-Crow, Northern Cheyenne Management Study</li> <li>Recreation Committee</li> <li>Land Agreement - National Park Service & Crows, Big Horn Canyon Area, 1967</li> <li>Recreation Commission Minutes, 4/1970</li> <li class="unavail">Recreation Area-Big Horn Canyon, National Park Service and Crow Tribe, Etc.</li> </ol> <h2>Series 22: Resolutions and Minutes - Crow Council - 1942-1990</h2> <p>This series contains information on respective tribal chairman’s council meetings from 1942 to 1990. Some of the resolutions are not signed by the tribal chairman’s. Other information includes: notice of meetings, memos, petitions, etc.</p> <ul> <li>Sub-series 22A <ul> <li>22a:1 Henry Pretty On Top-1942-1948</li> <li>22a:1:1 Resolutions</li> <li>22a:1:2 Minutes</li> <li>22a:2 Robert Yellowtail-6/1948-5/1954</li> <li>22a:2:1 Resolutions</li> <li>22a:2:2 Minutes</li> <li>22a:3 William Wal-5/1954-5/1956</li> <li>22a:3:1 Resolutions</li> <li>22a:3:2 Minutes</li> </ul> </li> <li>Sub-series 22B <ul> <li>22b:1 Edward Whiteman-5/1956-5/1960</li> <li>22b:1:1 Resolutions</li> <li>22b:1:2 Notices</li> <li>22b:1:3 Petitions</li> <li>22b:1:4 Minutes</li> <li>22b:1:5 Memos</li> <li>22b:2 John B. Cummins-5/1960-7/1964</li> <li>22b:2:1 Resolutions</li> <li>22b:2:2 Minutes</li> <li>22b:2:3 Memos</li> </ul> </li> <li>Sub-series 22C <ul> <li>22c:1 John E. Wilson, Sr. - 7/1964-7/1966</li> <li>22c:1:1 Resolutions</li> <li>22c:2 Edison Real Bird</li> <li>22c:2:1 Resolutions</li> <li>22c:2:2 Minutes</li> <li>22c:2:3 Notices</li> <li>22c:3 David Stewart-1972-1974</li> <li>22c:3:1 Resolutions</li> <li>22c:3:2 Minutes</li> <li>22c:3:3 Notices</li> <li>22c:4 Patrick Stands Over Bull-1974-1977</li> <li>22c:4:1 Resolutions</li> <li>22c:4:2 Minutes</li> <li>22c:4:3 Notices</li> <li>22c:4:4 Impeachment Resolutions</li> <li>22c:4:5 Petitions</li> <li>22c:4:6 Memos</li> </ul> </li> <li>Sub-series 22D <ul> <li>22d:1 Forrest Horn-1977-1981</li> <li>22d:1:1 Resolutions</li> <li>22d:1:2 Minutes</li> <li>22d:1:3 Memos</li> <li>22d:1:4 Notices</li> <li>22d:2 Donald Stewart-1981-1986</li> <li>22d:2:1 Resolutions</li> <li>22d:2:2 Minutes</li> <li>22d:2:3 Notices</li> <li>22d:3 Richard Real Bird-1986-1990</li> <li>22d:3:1 Resolutions</li> <li>22d:3:2 Minutes</li> <li>22d:3:3 Notices</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <h2>Series 23: Election Propaganda</h2> <p>This series contains election propaganda from various years.</p> <h2>Series 24: Statute of Limitations Cases and Contracts</h2> <p>This series has materials from court cases that are either pending in court or where a decision has already been reached by the judge. the cases range from private to Crow Tribal matters. Eloise herself conducted much of the research.</p> <p>Items shown in grey are temporarily unavailable.</p> <ol> <li>Statute of Limitations Cases and Data</li> <li>Airport-Hardin</li> <li>Cemetery-Lodge Grass</li> <li>Deeds-1948 Act, Forced Patents, etc.</li> <li>Electric Rights of Way</li> <li>Contracts-Eloise Pease-Statute of Limitations Cases</li> <li class="unavail">Grey Blanket Road-Right of Way</li> <li>Harold Male Bear (Harold Stone) Core Drilling/Peabody</li> <li>John Hayden #2</li> <li>Hayden, John-Plays-Research contract etc. #1</li> <li>Inherited Interests-Crow</li> <li>John Fights Well Known (Chicken) - Will</li> <li>Liens-Crows-Old Age Assistance & Others-Legal services</li> <li>Martha Longneck-Estate</li> <li>Elinore Medicine Crow-Estate</li> <li>Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Company-Right of Way, 1918</li> <li>Old Age Pensions-Crow vs. State</li> <li>George Pease-regarding forced patent</li> <li>Wallace Pease-restricted deed-own minerals</li> <li>Pease, Wallace-Trailer House</li> <li>Pup Plays Estate</li> <li>Railroad right of way-Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, and Northern Pacific</li> <li>Railroad and Road-Right of Way problems</li> <li class="unavail">Reports-Rights of Way</li> <li class="unavail">Right of Way Data-Rough Draft</li> <li>Road Right of Way-Pryor, Big Horn Railroad</li> <li>Road Right of Way, etc.</li> <li>Rough drafts - Statute of Limitations cases</li> <li>Suspected Forced Patents, 1923</li> <li>Statute of Limitations-Early Data</li> <li>Tax-Town of Lodge Grass-restricted deeds and removal of same</li> <li>Utility rights of way & pipelines-General</li> <li>Clara White Hip (not the Madame Chairman)-will and tax data</li> <li>Old Age - J. Wilson-Trust Property</li> <li>Francis Geisdorff-patent-Illegal, 1919</li> <li>Patents and Acts of 1906-Crow</li> <li class="unavail">Resolution 65-5, Crow Tribe Accepts Pl. 88-452, 11/7/1964-the Economic Opportunity Act</li> <li>Pease Construction Company, 3/7/1970</li> <li>Bi-centennial Committee-Crow Tribe, 2/28/1975</li> <li>West Magazine, 1956, article on Robert Yellowtail</li> <li>Data regarding Individuals</li> <li class="unavail">Deeds-Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad At Hardin</li> <li>Project and research notebook</li> <li class="unavail">Notebook-Case Development Income & Expense Lists, Receipts</li> <li>Checking Account Statements & Blank Checks</li> <li>Check register for Statute of Limitations research</li> </ol> <h2>Series 25: Synfuel Program #1/C.E.R.T.</h2> <p>This series contains materials on the Synthetic Fuel (synfuel) Council of Energy Resource Tribes (CERT) project that the tribe undertook. the chairman at that time was Donald Stewart. There are ledgers on the cash flow of the project as well as the drafts of studies that were conducted as part of the project. There are maps giving the locations of minerals on Crow Lands. the project itself was undertaken with the state of Montana.</p> <p>Items shown in grey are temporarily unavailable.</p> <ol> <li>Synfuel Conference 9/30/1981</li> <li class="unavail">Hold Until Confirmed By Eloise Pease-Notes to Chairman Donald Stewart About Revenue Sharing to Individual People in 1985 (?), Personal Notes to the Chairman. Use Restriction Until Cleared By Archivist for Public Review</li> <li>Ledgers on cash flow to employees</li> <li>Brown and Caldwell Consulting Engineers, Statement of Qualifications</li> <li>Slide Information and pictures, synfuel</li> <li>CERT Feasibility Study Crow Electric Power Generation Project, October 1981</li> <li>Manual, Environmental Review Process for the Crow Tribe Synfuels Project, 4/1982</li> <li>Crow Tribe-Montana Project, High BTU Coal Gas, Vol. 1</li> <li>Coal Gasification, a Technical Description</li> <li>CERT, Response to Department of Energy Solicitation for Feasibility Studies: Coal Liquids and Gas, 1980</li> <li>Maps, Synfuels Awards article</li> <li>Final Draft-Environmental Review-Crow Synfuel Project, 3/25/1982</li> </ol> <h2>Series 26: SynFuel Program #2/C.E.R.T. (Part One)</h2> <p>This series consists of information on the Crow Tribal Council of Energy Resource Tribes (C.E.R.T.) program. Included are all matters and materials from the project: blank checks, audit letters, synthetic fuel (SynFuel) study, expenditures for payment billed to C.E.R.T., gas project information, committee matters and a funding proposal. It also has information on the Crow Tribal Office of Economic Planning and Resource Development, August 1981 through February 1982</p> <ol> <li>Checks</li> <li>Checking account statements, Crow tribal Office of Economic Planning and Resource Development, 8/1981-2/1982</li> <li>C.E.R.T.</li> <li>Audit Letter, pg 1 & 2</li> <li>Audit Letter, pg 3</li> <li>Audit Letter, pg 4</li> <li>Crow Tribe-C.E.R.T.-SynFuel study contract</li> <li>C.E.R.T. matters</li> <li>Expenditures for payment billed to C.E.R.T.</li> <li>Unconventional gas project C.E.R.T.</li> <li>Check copies</li> <li>New Funding Proposal</li> </ol> <h2>Series 27: SynFuel Program #2/C.E.R.T. (Part Two)</h2> <p>This series has additional information about the Synthetic Fuel (SynFuel) Program #2 project, including: travel fo the project director, unemployment taxes paid to the state, checks written on various accounts in 1981, the study by the Council of Energy Resource Tribes (CERT), and correspondence received by the project Director. This series also contains information on the program funding through a grant from C.E.R.T., the various employees, and their working notes.</p> <p>Items shown in grey are temporarily unavailable.</p> <ol> <li>Crow Tribal Office of Economic Planning & Resource Development-Copies of Checks</li> <li class="unavail">Travel Receipts</li> <li class="unavail">Check Register-August & September Check 01 through #359</li> <li>Accounts September thru December 1981</li> <li>Quarterly Reports regarding SynFuel Feasibility Study-Crow</li> <li>Council of Energy Resource Tribes, Environmental Review Process for the Crow Tribe SynFuels Project</li> <li>Sign Out Sheets</li> <li>Little Big Horn College Data</li> <li>Tom Frederick & Associates, Legal</li> <li>Blank Financial Forms including Time Sheets</li> <li>C.E.R.T./Crow/Grants</li> <li>C.E.R.T.</li> <li>Surveyors-Paid in Cash 9/22 and 10/23/81 Receipts for same</li> <li>To be Paid-from Crow Tribe</li> <li>Financial Records</li> <li>Names of those Getting Checks</li> <li>Lehman Brothers Contract</li> <li>Crow Power Plant</li> <li>Methane Gas Project</li> <li>Internal Revenue Service, Montana Unemployment Tax</li> <li>Crow SynFuels Project, Accrued Costs, Projection</li> <li>Anita Haukaas</li> <li>Personnel September thru December 1981</li> <li>Working Notes</li> <li>Yellowstone Office Supply</li> <li>Star Office Machines</li> <li>Account # & Rachel Stewart</li> <li>Check Register - October thru December 1981 Check numbers #360 - #2100</li> <li>Reporter Incorporated</li> <li>Absalokaa News</li> </ol> <h2>Series 28: Water and Irrigation</h2> <p>This series contains materials on the water usage of the Crow Tribe and how such usage affects the tribe as a whole. the series contains the hearings that occurred on the Missouri River Basin and its water marketing base, the report on the Yellowtail Dam and its river base, an inventory of water resources, information on water right of ways, a survey of water, and material on irrigation problems and the historical value of irrigation to the reservation non-Indian farmers.</p> <ol> <li>Missouri River Basin Industrial Water Marketing (Hearing)</li> <li>Report on the Yellowtail Basin & Adjacent Coal Area, Level B Study 1978</li> <li>Report on Inventory of Water Resources</li> <li>Various Rights of Way-Irrigation, 1920</li> <li>Air Quality-Crow Tribe</li> <li>Water Resources Survey Part II</li> <li>Water-William H. Veeder information on</li> <li>Dams-Proposed on Crow Reservation</li> <li>Water Code-Colville Tribe</li> <li>Water-Level B. Missouri River Study</li> <li>Department of Interior’s Water Code Proposal for 25 Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.)</li> <li>Irrigation Data, historical-Later, Crow Tribe</li> <li>Irrigation-5/5/14 regarding Farmers Ditch</li> <li>Irrigation (Eggart Ditch) 6/28/20 & related letters</li> </ol> <h2>Series 29: Yellowtail Dam #1</h2> <p>There were tremendous struggles both within the tribe and with outside interests which raged (mostly) in the 1950s over whether to construct a dam on the Big Horn River and over other related issues. This series contains letters about Yellowtail Dam, hearings, reports from 1932, Supreme Court decisions about the matter, and the resolutions that were presented to the Crow Tribe on the issue of Yellowtail Dam. Two clubs developed out of the battle over whether or not to build the dam, the Mountain Crow club (of which Eloise Pease was secretary), and the River Crow club. There were also the issues of flood control on the Big Horn River and how to use certain Crow lands.</p> <p>The series also includes information on the electors and elections of Big Horn County and the different electrical plants that have been proposed for construction on the Crow Reservation and their possible effects.</p> <p>Items shown in grey are temporarily unavailable.</p> <ol> <li class="unavail">Letters Regarding Yellowtail & Crow Tribal Affairs of the Times</li> <li>Ft. Berthold Reservation Estimate of Reservation value</li> <li>Montana Power Company letter regarding Yellowtail Dam-1956, Payment offer for water-Yellowtail Dam Montana Power letter</li> <li>Mountain Crows, Mountain Crow Club-petitions, letter 1957 from Simon Old Crow, Resolution 1955</li> <li>Original report on Uranium in Yellowtail Dam area</li> <li class="unavail">Letter, 1956, to Mr. Edward P. Whiteman</li> <li>The United States Department of Interior Museum</li> <li>H.R. 8898 and H.R. 10884, 5/1925-26/1932 Hearings</li> <li>Report, 84th congress, 2nd session Report 1626, 3/6/1956</li> <li class="unavail">Federal Power Commission Laws and Hydroelectric Power Development Laws</li> <li class="unavail">Federal Power Commission 12/15/1929 (2 copies)</li> <li>Hearings H.R. 9617, January-March 1958</li> <li>Uranium Ore Price Chart 1955</li> <li class="unavail">Notice-Mountain Crows, 2/10/1958</li> <li>Yellowtail Dam Hearings, 12/9/1955</li> <li class="unavail">Yellowtail Dam Hearings, 2/6/1957</li> <li>Hearings (part 4) on Interior Department appropriations for 1954, 1st Session</li> <li>Notebook</li> <li class="unavail">Report, 85th Congress, 1st Session, Report #216, 4/8/1957</li> <li class="unavail">1938 Term U.S. Supreme Court</li> <li>Yellowtail Hearing, 3/23/1955</li> <li class="unavail">Report, 85th Congress, 1St Session, Report #216, 4/8/1957</li> <li class="unavail">Flathead Power Development</li> <li>Federal Indian Policy Hearings 1957</li> <li class="unavail">Report, 84th Congress, Report #2068, 4/26/1956</li> <li>N.C.A.I. Bulletin, Washington D.C. 2/1/1959</li> <li class="unavail">Report, 85th Congress, 1St Session Report #216, 4/8/1957</li> <li>Supreme Court of the United States, October 1955</li> <li class="unavail">Flood Control Bill Ch. 665, H.R. 4485</li> <li>Indirect Benefits of Irrigation Development, March 1956</li> <li class="unavail">Hydroelectric Power Development Laws, 1941</li> <li class="unavail">Report, 84th Congress, Report #2068, 4/26/1956</li> <li>On the Question of Amending Article XII of the Constitution of the State of Montana</li> <li class="unavail">Hearings, Adjustments in Connection With the Crow Irrigation Project, Crow Indian Reservation, April 13, 1945, April 27, 1946</li> <li class="unavail">Hearing, 3/23/1955, Yellowtail Dam</li> <li class="unavail">Hearing, 12/9/1955 (Part 2), Yellowtail Dam</li> <li class="unavail">Hearing, 12/9/1955 (Part 2), Yellowtail Dam</li> <li class="unavail">Report, 84th Congress, Report #1626, 3/6/1956</li> <li>Report, 80th Congress, Report #1366, 5/21/1948</li> <li class="unavail">84th Congress, 1St Session, Yellowtail Dam 3/8/1955</li> <li class="unavail">Report, 85th Congress, Report #784, 7/10/1957</li> <li class="unavail">Hearings, H.R.9617, 1958</li> <li class="unavail">Hearings, H.R.3061, H.R.4002, H.R.4983, H.R.6195, 1946</li> <li>Notes, January 16, 1960</li> <li class="unavail">Report, 85th Congress, Report #216, April 1957</li> <li>Money Receipts (Unused)</li> <li>List of Electors, Big Horn County, Two Leggings Precinct #1, 6/3/1958</li> <li class="unavail">Report On Crow Indian Tribal Lands March 1950</li> <li class="unavail">Yellowtail Unit - Montana, January 1950 (Definite Plan Report, Vol. I)</li> <li class="unavail">Congressional Record, Vol. 102, June 11, 1956 #96</li> <li>Crow Indian Land Owners, 1/24/1956 (Poster)</li> <li>Steam-Electric Plant Construction, Cost and Annual Production Expenses, 1953</li> <li class="unavail">Bureau of Indian Affairs Missouri River Basin Investigations, Yellowtail Dam and Reservoir Montana, 1949</li> <li class="unavail">The Big Horn Canyon and Power Company Project in Montana, May 1949</li> <li class="unavail">Department of the Interior, August 1950, Appraisal of the Interests of the Indians of the Crow Reservation</li> <li>Boat Ramps and Access Roads, Yellowtail Reservoir</li> <li class="unavail">The Hardin Irrigation Unit, March 1966</li> <li class="unavail">3/29/1957 Letter of the Secretary of the Interior</li> <li>Congressional Record, Vol. 102, #86, 5/24/1956</li> </ol> <h2>Series 30: Yellowtail Dam #2</h2> <p>This series includes the report from the 85th Congress on Yellowtail Dam which covers the right of way, the cost to the Crow Tribe, and the agreements made with the city of Hardin. the series contains the correspondence on Yellowtail Dam and the views of the investigating committee, articles, mailing lists, Robert Yellowtail’s speech on the effects of the Dam, Crow Tribal resolutions and petitions, the maps used to build the Dam and newspaper clippings.</p> <ol> <li>Correspondence -Incoming and Outgoing</li> <li>Scholarship Plan, Minutes Crow Education Committee</li> <li>Articles regarding Yellowtail Dam</li> <li>Mailing list-persons interested in Yellowtail Dam</li> <li>Radio Speeches, Robert Yellowtail, Original Copies</li> <li>Miscellaneous, Mountain Crow Materials</li> <li>Yellowtail Dam (Robert Yellowtail)</li> <li>Maps</li> <li>Crow Tribal Council</li> <li>Speeches and notes of Eloise Pease</li> <li>Clippings from paper</li> <li>Resolutions by Robert Yellowtail 1958</li> </ol> <hr /> <h2>Subject Headings</h2> <ul> <li>Indians of North America-Crow</li> <li>Yellowtail Dam</li> <li>Crow Indians-Tribal Government-Minutes</li> <li>Minerals</li> <li>Natural Resources</li> <li>Coal</li> <li>Oil</li> <li>Gas</li> <li>Water</li> <li>Lawsuits</li> <li>Law and Order</li> <li>Crow Indians - Statute of Limitations - Cases</li> <li>Crow Indians - Statute of Limitations - Contracts</li> <li>Maps</li> </ul> <h2>Significant Personal/Corporate Name Entries</h2> <ul> <li>Pease, Eloise Whitebear</li> <li>Yellowtail, Robert</li> <li>Whiteman, Edward “Posey”</li> <li>Whitebear, Russell</li> <li>Weaver, Otto K.</li> <li>Fights Well Known, Mary</li> <li>White Hip, Clara</li> <li>Pease, Wallace</li> <li>Stone (Male Bear), Harold</li> <li>Stands Over Bull, Patrick</li> <li>Lefthand, Frederick</li> <li>Barnes, Ella</li> <li>Cummins, John</li> <li>Stanton, Harold</li> <li>Kronmiller, Bert</li> <li>Lynaugh, Thomas</li> <li>Veeder, William</li> <li>Horn, Forrest</li> <li>Stewart, Donald</li> <li>Israel, Dan</li> <li>McDermott, Bill</li> </ul> </div> <div class="clear-block"> <div class="meta"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer"><p>Little Big Horn College Library • 8645 South Weaver Drive • P.O. Box 370 • Crow Agency, MT 59022<br />Tel. 406-638-3123 • Fax 406-638-3170</p> <p>©2002-2012 Little Big Horn College. All rights reserved.<br />Crow blanket strip design by Edwin Springfield.</p></div> </div></div></div></div> <!-- /.left-corner, /.right-corner, /#squeeze, /#center --> </div> <!-- /container --> </div> <!-- /layout --> </body> </html>