b'@article{Mantiuk-et-al_TAP06,'b'\nTITLE = {A Perceptual Framework for Contrast Processing of High Dynamic Range Images},\nAUTHOR = {Mantiuk, Rafa{\\l} and Myszkowski, Karol and Seidel, Hans-Peter},\nLANGUAGE = {eng},\nISSN = {1544-3558},\nDOI = {10.1145/1166087.1166095},\nLOCALID = {Local-ID: C125675300671F7B-43FC98F7A2FC192EC1257149002E3B9A-Mantiuk2006:ContrastDomain},\nPUBLISHER = {Association for Computing Machinery},\nADDRESS = {New York, NY},\nYEAR = {2006},\nDATE = {2006},\nABSTRACT = {Image processing often involves an image transformation into a<br> domain that is better correlated with visual perception, such as the<br> wavelet domain, image pyramids, multi-scale contrast<br> representations, contrast in retinex algorithms, and chroma,<br> lightness and colorfulness predictors in color appearance models.<br> Many of these transformations are not ideally suited for image<br> processing that significantly modifies an image. For example, the<br> modification of a single band in a multi-scale model leads to an<br> unrealistic image with severe halo artifacts. Inspired by gradient<br> domain methods we derive a framework that imposes constraints on the<br> entire set of contrasts in an image for a full range of spatial<br> frequencies. This way, even severe image modifications do not<br> reverse the polarity of contrast. The strengths of the framework are<br> demonstrated by aggressive contrast enhancement and a visually<br> appealing tone mapping which does not introduce artifacts.<br> Additionally, we perceptually linearize contrast magnitudes using a<br> custom transducer function. The transducer function has been derived<br> especially for the purpose of HDR images, based on the contrast<br> discrimination measurements for high contrast stimuli.},\nJOURNAL = {ACM Transactions on Applied Perception},\nVOLUME = {3},\nNUMBER = {3},\nPAGES = {286--308},\n}\n'