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</tr> </table> <!--p class=title ondblclick="sdnt_mail()" onmouseover="hide_menu()"> SKC/Seri谩ly - 脷pln茅 zobrazen铆 z谩znamu </p--> <div style="margin-top:15px" class="text1"> V <strong>z谩kladn铆m (standardn铆m) zobrazen铆</strong> z铆sk谩te kliknut铆m na 煤daje v poli <strong>Ve fondu</strong> informace o p艡铆slu拧n茅 knihovn臎, kter谩 dokument vlastn铆. Pokud knihovna poskytla 煤daje k propojen铆 do lok谩ln铆 b谩ze, kliknut铆m na tla膷铆tko <strong>Lok谩ln铆 z谩znam</strong> zjist铆te aktu谩ln铆 stav exempl谩艡暖/jednotek a mo啪nost v媒p暖j膷ky (otev艡e se <strong>samostatn茅 okno</strong> prohl铆啪e膷e). </div> <table style="margin-top:20px"> <tr> <td class=text3>Zvolte form谩t: </td> <td class="text1"> <a href=> Standardn铆</a> </td> <td class="text1"> -- <a href=> Katalogiza膷n铆 z谩znam</a> </td> <td class="text1"> -- <a href=> Stru膷n媒 z谩znam</a> </td> <td class="text1"> -- <a href=> MARC</a> </td> <td class="text1"> -- <a href="javascript: get_cit()"><img src="" align="absmiddle" border=0 title="Vytvo艡it citaci k z谩znamu"></a> </td> </tr> </table> <table width=100%"> <tr> <td class=text3 align=left> Z谩znam 6 z 14 </td> <td class=text3 align=right> <A HREF=><img src= border=0 alt='Previous Record'></A> <A HREF=><img src= border=0 alt='Next Record'></A> </td> </tr> </table> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width=100%> <tr valign=top> <td> <table id="record" cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap>N谩zev</td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>Sv臎tozor : obr谩zkov媒 t媒denn铆k</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap>Nakl. 煤daje</td> <td class=td1><b>Praha</b> : Franti拧ek Skrej拧ovsk媒, 1867-1899</td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap>Popis (rozsah)</td> <td class=td1>33 sv.</td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body-media --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap><br></td> <td class=td1><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'><img src="" border=0 title="Typ souboru: url" alt=" ">Digitalizovan媒 dokument</a> </td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><br></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap>Ve fondu</td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>ABA001 [NK 膶R <b>Praha</b>] -- sign. 54 A 176, 54 A 226, 54 A 1186, 63 A 6, 74 A 49||Roky: 1867-99 ~l</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>ABA007 [KNAV <b>Praha</b>] -- sign. GK P 150||Roky: 1871,75-81,85-89,91-94,99||Svazky: 5,9-15,19-23,26-28,33 -- prezen膷n臎 ~l</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>ABB002 [AV 膶R - M脷A <b>Praha</b>] -- sign. P-Svet||Roky: 1891-1895,1897 ~l</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>ABB048 [AV 膶R - 脷stav d臎jin um臎n铆 <b>Praha</b>] -- sign. Z 14||Roky: 1868,69,71-78,80-99||Svazky: 2-3,5-12,14-33</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>ABB085 [AV 膶R - Knihovna MS脷 <b>Praha</b>] -- sign. PE444, Pol1039||Roky: 1876,1919-20,30||Svazky: 10, zvl. vyd., 20, 26 ~l</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>ABD103 [FSV UK - St艡edisko v臎d. informac铆 <b>Praha</b>]||Roky: 1872-88,90-99 ~l</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>ABE045 [Knihovna VH脷 - Odd.vojensk媒ch knih. <b>Praha</b>] -- sign. P G 115||Roky: 1869,77,85,87,93,94,96||Svazky: 3,11,19,21,27,28,30 ~l</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>ABE306 [NM-Hist.muz.-odd.d臎jin t臎l. v媒ch. <b>Praha</b>] -- sign. C 231, TK 782||Roky: 1867,72-74,78,82-87,88-93,94-95,96-97,98-99||Svazky: 1,6-8,12,16-21,23-27,29,31,33</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>ABE308 [NM - N谩prstkovo muzeum <b>Praha</b>] -- sign. IVa H 2, lokace PK 4 E 1-3 LXXVIII B 5, p艡echod 3||Roky: 1867-1899 ~l</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>ABE309 [Knih. Archivu N谩r. divadla <b>Praha</b>] -- sign. IP 69||Roky: 1880,82-83,88,90,92,94 -- ne煤pln茅 ~l</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>ABE310 [Um臎leckopr暖myslov茅 museum <b>Praha</b>] -- sign. IaB976||Roky: 1867-99</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>ABE311 [N谩rodn铆 technick茅 muzeum <b>Praha</b>] -- sign. E263||Roky: 1867,70-77,80-81,83,85-96,98-99||Svazky: 1,4-11,14-15,17,19-30,32-33 -- Nekompletn铆 ~l</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>ABE336 [Pam谩tn铆k n谩rodn铆ho p铆semnictv铆 <b>Praha</b>]||Roky: 1867-85,87-99||Svazky: 1-19, 21-33 ~l</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>ABE367 [Archiv hl. m. Prahy <b>Praha</b>] -- sign. 3 D 18||Roky: 1867-83,85-99 -- prezen膷n臎</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>ABE400 [N谩rodn铆 galerie <b>Praha</b>] -- sign. ZY8||Roky: 1867-1899||Svazky: 1-33</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>BOA001 [Moravsk谩 zemsk谩 knihovna Brno] -- sign. Nov.-0022.809||Roky: 1867-99||Svazky: 1-33 ~l</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>BOE303 [Moravsk谩 galerie Brno] -- sign. E12495||Roky: 1873,76,80,82,84-89,91-98 ~l</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>CBA001 [JVK 膶esk茅 Bud臎jovice] -- sign. 膶A36||Roky: 1867,71-73,76-77,79-99 ~l</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>CLE301 [Vlastiv臎dn茅 muzeum a galerie 膶esk谩 L铆pa] -- sign. PC||Roky: 1867,1872,1876-79,1886,1888-89,1893-94,1897||Svazky: Ro膷. 1, 6,10-13,20,22-23, 27-28, 31 -- Ne煤pln茅 ro膷n铆ky</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>CRE301 [Region谩ln铆 muzeum Chrudim]||Roky: 1867-91,93-99 ~l</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>HKA001 [Studijn铆 a v臎deck谩 knihovna Hradec Kr谩lov茅] -- sign. II-409 680, II-409 681||Roky: 1867-99 ~l</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>HOE802 [Vlastiv臎dn茅 muzeum Kyjov] -- sign. C 23||Roky: 1895,1897</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>JHE002 [St谩tn铆 okresn铆 archiv Jid艡ich暖v Hradec]||Roky: 1892-94,97-98,1906</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>KAE801 [Muzeum T臎拧铆nska 膶esk媒 T臎拧铆n]||Roky: 1873-74,87-88,96</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>KLG001 [St艡edo膷esk谩 v臎deck谩 knihovna Kladno] -- sign. II/443||Roky: 1891-94 ~l</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>KME301 [Muzeum Krom臎艡铆啪ska Krom臎艡铆啪] -- sign. A 6h||Roky: 1870-72,74-76,80,82-84,86-92,94-99</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>KOE801 [Podlipansk茅 Muzeum 膶esk媒 Brod]||Roky: 1867,69,71-72,78-81,83,86-98 -- Ulo啪eno: knihovna ~l</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>LIA001 [Kraj. v臎d. knihovna Liberec] -- sign. PC 147||Roky: 1868-71,73-79,81-90,91-99||Svazky: 2-5,7-13,15-16,18-24,26-31,33 ~l</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>LNE301 [Oblastn铆 muzeum Louny]||Roky: 1867,69-91,94-98</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>MOE002 [Oblast. muz. v Most臎, p.o.] -- sign. 25766||Roky: 1886-88,92,94-96||Svazky: 20-22, 26, 28-30</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>NAE802 [M臎st. muzeum Jarom臎艡]||Roky: 1867,1869-73,1875,1877,1880-81,1883-84,1886</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>OLA001 [V臎deck谩 knihovna Olomouc] -- sign. III 68.346||Roky: 1867-99||Svazky: 1-33 ~l</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>OPE301 [SZM - knihovna Opava] -- sign. I 106||Roky: 1867-87,89-99||Svazky: 1-21,23-33 -- V谩z., monograf., ne煤pln茅</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>OSA001 [Moravskoslezsk谩 v臎d.knihovna Ostrava] -- sign. 108 Z||Roky: 1870,72-73,80-84,86-87,89-93,95 ~l</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>PAE301 [V媒chodo膷es. muz. Pardubice] -- sign. 膶 68||Roky: 1867-1897||Svazky: 1-31</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>PAE303 [NP脷 - 脷OP Pardubice] -- sign. HP012||Roky: 1891,1893,1936||Svazky: 1891(1-52), 1893(1-52), 1936(1-26) ~l</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>PNA001 [Studijn铆 a v臎deck谩 knihovna Plze艌] -- sign. 36A1398, 755, 4A1, 20B3486||Roky: 1867-69,71-76,78,80-99 ~l</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>PNE303 [Z谩pado膷esk茅 muz. v Plzni]||Roky: 1875,1877-99||Svazky: 9, 11-33 ~l</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>ULE301 [Muzeum m臎sta 脷st铆 nad Labem] -- sign. MP 397||Roky: 1895-97||Svazky: 30-31</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>ULG001 [Knihovna 脷steck茅ho kraje 脷st铆 nad Labem] -- sign. 膶1019||Roky: 1869,84-85,88,93,95-96,99 ~l</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>UOE802 [Region谩ln铆 muzeum Vysok茅 M媒to] -- sign. L 13||Roky: 1867-70,1873-74,1877,1884-85,1887,1889-91,1893-96,1898 ~l</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>ZLE002 [Kraj. galerie v媒tv. um臎n铆 Zl铆n] -- sign. P||Roky: 1872,78,95-99||Svazky: 6,12,30-31,33</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>ZLE302 [Muz. jihov媒ch. Moravy Zl铆n]||Roky: 1881,84-89,93,95-98</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1>**</td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap>Digitalizace</td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>ABA001 [NK 膶R <b>Praha</b>] - zdigitalizov谩no||Roky: 1867-99||</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>ULG001 [Knihovna 脷steck茅ho kraje 脷st铆 nad Labem] - zdigitalizov谩no||Roky: 1867-99||</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><br></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap>膶铆slo n谩r.bibl.</td> <td class=td1>cnb001302354</td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap>ISSN</td> <td class=td1>1805-0921</td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap>Vyd谩v谩no</td> <td class=td1>Ro膷. 1 (1867)-ro膷. 33 (1899)</td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap>Sou膷. periodicita</td> <td class=td1>1x za 2 t媒dny, 1886-1899</td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap>D艡铆v. periodicita</td> <td class=td1>1x t媒dn臎</td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap>P艡铆loha</td> <td class=td1>Bazar (E. Gr茅gr), ISSN 1804-9982</td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap>D谩le jako</td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'><b>Zlat谩</b> <b>Praha</b>, ISSN 1801-2493</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap>Pozn谩mka</td> <td class=td1>Zm臎ny podn谩zv暖: Obr谩zkov媒 膷asopis (1880-1882), bez podtitulu (1882), Obr谩zkov媒 t媒denn铆k (1883-1886), Obr谩zkov媒 t媒denn铆k pro z谩bavu a pou膷en铆, um臎n铆 a p铆semnictv铆 (1887-99)</td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1>Pozd臎j拧铆 vydavatel茅: Vojt臎ch Konstantin Mayerhofer (1877-79), Primus Sobotka (1879-83), Franti拧ek 艩im谩膷ek (1883-99)</td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1>Speci谩ln铆 p艡铆lohy. P艡铆lohy postupn臎 se samostatn媒m str谩nkov谩n铆m a 膷铆slov谩n铆m, mnohdy nedochov谩ny, n臎kter茅 p艡铆lohy a ob谩lky vev谩z谩ny za ostatn铆 text</td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1>Nedochovan谩 beletristick谩 p艡铆loha: Rom谩nov谩 p艡铆loha Sv臎tozora (vych谩zela od r.1886)</td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1>ISSN dopln臎no dodate膷n臎 p艡i digitalizaci titulu (po odd臎len铆 od Sw臎tozoru)</td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><br></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap>Skupina Konspektu</td> <td class=td1>793 - Spole膷ensk谩 z谩bava</td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap>P艡edm臎t. heslo</td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>ka啪dodenn铆 啪ivot</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><img src= alt='Link' border=0 alt=''><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>spole膷nost</A></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap>Forma a 啪谩nr</td> <td class=td1>* spole膷ensk茅 膷asopisy</td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><br></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><br></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><br></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><br></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><br></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1><br></td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap>Google</td> <td class=td1>NBN:cnb001302354</td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap></td> <td class=td1>ISSN:1805-0921</td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-999-body --> <tr style="display:none" valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=bold width=15% nowrap>Syst茅m. 膷铆slo</td> <td class=td1>000092567</td> </tr> <!-- filename: full-set-tail --> </table> </td> <td class="text1" style="padding-left:15px" width="250"> <div id="obalky_knih" style="margin-top:5px; 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