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If your booking was made prior to this date please <a href="/terms-and-conditions">Click Here</a>.</li> <li>Please read these terms and conditions carefully.</li> <li>All bookings made via Participating Websites or with Mantra Group directly are made subject to these terms and conditions and the person making the booking will be deemed to have accepted these Terms and Conditions on behalf of all persons who will be staying at the Participating Property under the booking once any payment is made in relation to the booking.</li> <li>Bookings may also be governed by and subject to additional terms and conditions which are applied by individual Participating Properties. These terms and conditions may relate to items such as payments, deposits and cancellations and are displayed booking. If there is any inconsistency between the Participating Property terms and conditions and these Terms and Conditions, the latter will prevail.</li> <li>For Live@ Bookings of 90 or more days you may be required to enter into a permanent rental agreement with the Participating Property in which case you will be bound by both the permanent rental agreement and these terms except to the extent of any inconsistency in which case the former will prevail to the extent of that inconsistency.</li> <li>If booking via your Travel Agent the terms and conditions provided by your Travel Agent will apply to your booking and you should ask your Travel Agent for a copy of these terms and conditions.</li> <li>Some Terms and Conditions vary according to the property type or booking type which are displayed at the time of booking. You should ensure that you carefully read the terms and conditions displayed at the time of booking together with these Terms and Conditions to ensure you are aware of all of the Terms and Conditions which apply to your particular booking.</li> <li>Any prices, fees, deposit amounts or charges which are specified or referred to in these terms and conditions are in the same currency as the booking to which they relate.</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="heading">Definitions</span> <ol> <li>In these Terms and Conditions: <ol> <li>&ldquo;Best Available Rate&rdquo; means the best rate available on any given day for a particular Participating Property excluding any Live@ rate which is available.</li> <li>&ldquo;Child&rdquo; has the meaning given in clause 21.</li> <li>&ldquo;Live@ Booking means a booking for a14 night or more consecutive nights stay at a Participating Property, where a Live@ rate has been requested by emailing <a href=""><b></b></a> or by calling +61 7 5665 4455 (1800 217 044 Toll Free Australia).</li> <li>&ldquo;Booking Credit&rdquo; means credit which may be applied to future accommodation or accommodation package bookings with Mantra Group subject to clause 12.</li> <li>&ldquo;Gift Card&rdquo; means a gift card bearing the Mantra Group, Peppers&reg;, Mantra&reg; or BreakFree&reg; brand.</li> <li>&ldquo;Infant&rdquo; has the meaning given in clause 21.</li> <li>&ldquo;Mantra Group&rdquo; means Samarad Pty Ltd trading as Mantra Group.</li> <li>&ldquo;Non-refundable Booking&rdquo; means a booking at any Participating Property which is advertised as a booking that has Booking Conditions that states it is a non-refundable booking.</li> <li>&ldquo;PAP Booking&rdquo; means a booking at any Participating Property which is advertised as a booking that has Booking Conditions that do not require a deposit or prepayment to be made to finalise the booking.</li> <li>&ldquo;Participating Properties&rdquo; means any property associated with Peppers&reg;, Art Series, Mantra&reg; and BreakFree&reg; Retreats, Resorts and Hotels.</li> <li>&ldquo;Participating Website&rdquo; means any of the following websites:,,,,, or any website owned by or pertaining to a Participating Property.</li> <li>&ldquo;Password&rdquo; means, if you were a former Mantra+ member, use your previous Mantra+ password.</li> <li>&ldquo;Standard Booking&rdquo; means a booking at any Participating Property other than a PAP Booking, Non-refundable Booking or Live@ Booking.</li> <li>&ldquo;You&rdquo; and &ldquo;Your&rdquo; mean the person who is making the booking.</li> <li>&ldquo;Username&rdquo; means, if you were a former Mantra+ member, your previous Mantra+ username.</li> </ol> </li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="heading">Photographic Identification</span> <ol> <li>When you check-in you may be asked to provide photographic identification.</li> <li>If you are unable to provide such identification your booking may be cancelled and you may be liable to pay Mantra Group an amount equal to the full booking amount plus any other costs incurred by Mantra Group in connection with the booking. Accordingly, any pre-payment you have made in relation to the booking will be forfeited to Mantra Group under this term.</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="heading">How To Book / Quotes and Reservations</span> <ol> <li>Bookings, other than Live@ Bookings, can be made online via any of the Participating Websites or with Mantra Group direct by calling Central Reservations on 1800 080 878 or + 61 7 5665 4450 if calling from overseas.</li> <li>Bookings are subject to the availability and applicable pricing of the relevant Participating Property at the time of the booking and some conditions and/exclusions may apply including but not limited to minimum stay requirements.</li> <li>Any quote given is an estimate only of price and the price will only be confirmed once a payment is made on the booking and you receive written advice from Mantra Group that the payment has been received and the booking has been confirmed.</li> <li>Any confirmed price is subject to change if: <ul> <li>a payment which is due on a booking is not received by Mantra Group by the date the payment is due; or</li> <li>there is a change in or imposition of a government charge, tax or levy which entitles or necessitates Mantra Group changing the price of your booking.</li> <li>any details relating to your booking are amended, for example your dates of stay, your room type or the number of persons staying under your booking, in which case clause 9 will apply.</li> </ul> </li> <li>If the price of a booking is changed under clause 4.4 you may pay the new price for your booking or cancel your booking and receive a full refund.</li> <li>If you reasonably believe a written confirmation or invoice which has been provided to you is incorrect, you can request that Mantra Group reissue that written confirmation or invoice and you may either pay the amount specified on the reissued written confirmation or invoice by the date which it is specified as being due, or cancel your booking.</li> <li>If you make a booking via a Participating Website you can view details of your booking under the &#39;My Bookings&#39; area once you access the Participating Website using the login details you created when you made the booking.</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="heading">Payment</span> <ol> <li>Payments may be made by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PayPal, JCB, Australian Dollar personal or bank cheques/drafts or Telegraphic Transfer (allow 7 days transaction time) unless the rates for a Property are specified in US Dollars in which case cannot be used.</li> <li>Payments for bookings at Participating Properties in Australia and New Zealand may be made using Gift Cards.&nbsp;</li> <li>If payment is not made for your booking by the time shown in the conditions displayed at the time of booking, then you authorise Mantra Group to charge the credit card used to confirm your booking be charged for the outstanding amount of your booking.</li> <li>Credit card payments relating to hotels in Australia &amp; New Zealand incur a credit card surcharge fee of up to 1.5%. Payments made using PayPal will incur a surcharge fee of 0%.&nbsp;</li> <li> <p>A non-refundable card surcharge will apply to payments made by Visa, Mastercard and American Express. The surcharge applied to these cards may vary and is displayed at the time payment for the booking is to be made.&nbsp;</p> </li> <li>If you pay for your booking by cheque (not available for PAP Bookings): <ul> <li>DO NOT send your cheque to the Participating Property where you have booked your stay;</li> <li>you should post your cheque to the following address:<br /> Mantra Group<br /> Attention: Accounts<br /> P.O. Box 8016 GCMC QLD 9726</li> <li>you must ensure you include the following details with your cheque: <ol> <li>your <strong>booking number reference</strong>;</li> <li>the name your booking was made under; and</li> <li>the dates of your stay</li> </ol> </li> <li>you must ensure that Mantra Group receives your cheque 5 days before the date your payment is due to allow time for your cheque to be cleared; and</li> <li>if your cheque has not cleared prior to your scheduled date of check-in you will not be permitted to check-in unless you provide an alternative form of payment.</li> </ul> </li> <li>Mantra Group accepts no responsibility for monies paid by you to a travel agency until cleared funds are received in the bank account of Mantra Group.</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="heading">Deposit and Final Payment</span> <ol> <li>For bookings other than Live@ Bookings, details of a valid credit card must be entered to confirm your booking.</li> <li>Full payment must be received in accordance with the conditions for payment displayed at the time of booking (&ldquo;Payment Date&rdquo;). . If payment is not made before the Payment Date, full payment (or the remaining portion if part payment has been made) will be charged and you authorise Mantra Group to charge, the credit card entered at the time of booking.</li> <li>For Live@ Bookings: <ol> <li>unless charge back has been authorised, the first week&#39;s accommodation must be paid on arrival and future payments must then be made in advance, either weekly or fortnightly as advised at the time of booking;</li> <li>unless otherwise advised by the Mantra Group, payments may be made at the Participating Property reception desk by cash, credit card or EFTPOS.</li> <li>if charge back has been authorised, payments must be made in accordance with the terms of that charge back arrangement.</li> </ol> </li> <li>If any deposit or final payment is not received by the Payment Date, Mantra Group reserves the right to cancel the booking.</li> <li>Once final payment of your booking has been made confirmation of that payment and your booking will be sent to you via email or post to the email or postal address you provided at the time you made the booking.</li> </ol> </li> </ol> <p>For more information regarding Live@ bookings, please refer to our terms and conditions&nbsp;<a href="">here</a>.&nbsp;</p> <ol> <li><span class="heading">Rates and Charges</span> <ol> <li>The currency applicable to any quoted rates will be specified with the quoted rate. All quoted rates are subject to change at any time until full payment is received.</li> <li>Quoted rates are inclusive of all compulsory government or regulatory charges and taxes (for example GST) where applicable.</li> <li>Quoted rates do not include transport to or from the Participating Property or items of a personal nature including but not limited to laundry, telephone, taxis, room service, meals or transfers, airport taxes), unless otherwise indicated.</li> <li>If you have been quoted a rate that includes meals and or transport you should contact the relevant Participating Property directly to obtain details of these inclusions.</li> <li>Some rates which are quoted are valid only for a minimum number of nights and if the number of nights included in your booking changes the rate may also change.</li> <li>For information on rates for Children, Infants and extra persons, please refer to clauses 21 and 22.</li> <li>Please visit the relevant Participating Property website or contact that Participating Property direct for further information on specific inclusions and exclusions.</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="heading">Refunds</span> <ol> <li>Any amount paid by you to Mantra Group for your booking (including deposits) shall be dealt with as stated in the conditions displayed at the time of booking and these Terms and Conditions.</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="heading">Amendments</span> <ol> <li>All amendments are subject to the availability and applicable pricing of the relevant Participating Property at the time the amendment is requested.</li> <li>The conditions applying to amendments for bookings will be displayed at the time of booking.</li> <li>Amendments to Live@ Bookings may only be requested up to 72 hours prior to your scheduled check-in time. If you wish to extend a Live@ Booking then subject to availability the rates for the additional nights will be the same as the rest of your booking.</li> <li>Other than for Live@ Bookings, amendments may be requested in the following manner: <ol> <li>Up to 14 days prior to your scheduled check-in time: via a Participating Website or via our Central Reservation service by calling 1800 080 878.</li> <li>Within 14 days of your scheduled check-in time: via our Central Reservation service by calling 1800 080 878.</li> </ol> </li> <li>Amendments to Live@ Bookings may be requested by emailing <a href=""><b></b></a> or by calling +61 7 5665 4455 (1800 217 044 Toll Free in Australia).</li> <li>If the rate which applies to an amended booking is greater than the rate which applied to the original booking, you must pay the difference along with any amendment fee in full at the time the amendment is approved.</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="heading">Cancellation</span> <ol> <li>The conditions applying to the cancelation of your booking will be displayed at the time of booking.</li> <li>Any cancellation fees payable by you will be deducted from any monies paid by you to Mantra Group and if insufficient funds are available or if your booking is a PAP Booking, Mantra Group may charge, and you authorise Mantra Group to charge, the credit card the details of which you provided at the time of making your booking.</li> <li>Any surcharge applied to credit cards at the time payment for the booking is made will not be refunded.</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="heading">No-Shows or Terminations</span> <ol> <li>If you do not show up for your booking or terminate your booking early after you have checked in you will be charged a 100% cancellation fee and will be required to pay to Mantra Group the full amount of your booking less any amount which you have already paid.</li> <li>For Live@ Bookings, if you terminate your booking early and this results in your stay being less than 14 nights you will be charged the difference between the rate applied to your booking and the Best Available Rate for the relevant Participating Property on the Best Available Rate stayed nights.</li> <li>For Live@ Bookings of 28 nights or more, if you terminate your booking early and this results in your stay being less than 28 nights but more than 14 nights, you will be charged the difference between the rate applied to your booking and the applicable 14 night Live@ rate for the stayed nights.&nbsp;</li> <li>For PAP Booking, Mantra Group may charge, and you authorise Mantra Group to charge, the credit card the details of which you provided at the time of making your booking.</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="heading">Booking Credit</span> <ol> <li>If you have been issued with Booking Credit to be applied to future accommodation or accommodation package bookings with Mantra Group such credit will remain valid for twelve months from the day the booking is cancelled.</li> <li>Booking Credit may only be used to pay for bookings at Participating Properties located within the same currency jurisdiction as the cancelled or refunded booking which generated the Booking Credits.</li> <li>Booking Credit may only be used to pay for the accommodation portion of your booking and may not be used for non-accommodation items such as restaurants, car parking, transfers, laundry, telephone, spa services, tours or taxes not included in accommodation rates.</li> <li>To redeem Booking Credit you must make your booking via Mantra Group Central Reservations by calling 1800 080 878.</li> <li>Any stay to be fully or partly paid for using Booking Credit must be booked and paid for in full prior to the expiry of the 12 month validity period.</li> <li>Any Booking Credit not redeemed at the expiry of the 12 month validity date will be forfeited in its entirety to Mantra Group.</li> <li>Administration fees may apply to bookings made using Booking Credit.</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="heading">Checkin</span> <ol> <li>Standard check-in time is 2:00pm but times may vary for particular Participating Properties and you should confirm the check-in time with the relevant Participating Property prior to your scheduled check-in day.</li> <li>If you wish to guarantee your ability to check-in prior to 2:00pm you must book an additional nights stay and pay the applicable rate for that additional night.</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="heading">Check-out: Standard</span> <ol> <li>Standard check-out time is 10:00am but times may vary for particular Properties and you should confirm the check-out time with the relevant Property prior to your scheduled check-out day.<span class="heading"></span></li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="heading">Late Check-out</span> <ol> <li>If you wish to check-out later than the standard check-out time you must obtain approval from property management at least 12 hours prior to your scheduled check-out time.</li> <li>Property management may approve a request for late check-out in their absolute discretion.</li> <li>If you check-out of a <strong>non-capital city property</strong> after 10:00am the following additional charges will be applied to your account and will be payable by you on check-out: <ul> <li>a surcharge of $20.00 per hour for every hour after 10:00am that you fail to check-out; or</li> <li>if you check-out after 2pm a charge equivalent to the fully daily rate which applies to your booking.</li> </ul> </li> <li>If you check-out of a capital city property after 10:00am the following additional charges will be applied to your account and will be payable by you on check-out: <ul> <li>if you check out before 12:00 noon with prior approval from property management no surcharge will apply;</li> <li>if you check-out between 12:00 noon and 1:00pm a surcharge of $60.00;</li> <li>if you check-out between 1:00pm and 2:00pm a surcharge of $100.00; or</li> <li>if you check-out after 2pm a charge equivalent to the fully daily rate which applies to your booking.</li> </ul> </li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="heading">Security Deposits</span> <ol> <li>You must provide a credit card authorisation or imprint when you check-in and for a PAP Booking you must make full payment for your booking at that time.</li> <li>The authorisation may be used to cover incidental items including but not limited to telephone charges, security bond or deposit for any breakages or damage incurred during your stay or cleaning charges in excess of the normal level of cleaning.</li> <li>For Live@ Bookings this authorisation may also be used to settle any outstanding payments owed by you in relation to your booking including payments for the balance of your booking should you vacate the premises prior to your scheduled check-out date.</li> <li>The pre-authorisation process validates your credit card, and protects both the cardholder and merchant from increasing fraud incidents.</li> <li>The pre-authorised amount is set aside by the card issuer for a period of up to 14 days from the date of pre-authorisation and the pre-authorisation will affect your available funds balance or spending limit. For more information on this practice please contact your card issuer.</li> <li>Once a pre-authorisation has been made, Mantra Group cannot release, remove or lower the authorised amount, until we process the final account on departure. This is a restriction imposed by the card issuer, and cannot be negotiated.</li> <li>Where a credit card is not available a minimum $200.00 cash deposit will be required on check-in. (The actual amount required may be higher at some Participating Properties) (Note: FV by Peppers, Peppers Broadbeach, Peppers Soul and Mantra Circle on Cavill only accept credit cards and no cash deposit is available)</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="heading">Room Allocation</span> <ol> <li>In the unlikely event that Mantra Group cannot provide accommodation at the Participating Property for which you have booked, Mantra Group will at no additional expense to you relocate you into an alternative property which in the reasonable opinion of Mantra Group is of comparable quality and in a comparable location.</li> <li>If a property of comparable quality in a comparable location is not available, Mantra Group may relocate you to a property of less comparable quality or less comparable location in which case Mantra Group will pay you an amount which it reasonably believes represents the difference between the rate payable for the alternate property and the rate paid by you for the Participating Property at which you had booked.</li> <li>Should you wish to be relocated to an alternative property other than the property chosen by Mantra Group under this term, you will be required to pay any difference in price between the Mantra Group&#39;s choice of property and your chosen property.</li> <li>If you and Mantra Group cannot agree on an alternative property under this clause then you may request Mantra Group cancel your booking and issue you with a Booking Credit for the full amount of that booking less any amounts which you owe to Mantra Group.</li> <li>If you and Mantra Group cannot agree on an alternative property under this clause and you do not wish to be issued a Booking Credit under clause 18.4 then you may request that Mantra Group cancel your booking and provide you with a refund for the full amount of that booking less any amounts which you owe to Mantra Group.</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="heading">Hotel and Apartment Servicing</span> <ol> <li>If your booking is for a <strong>BreakFree</strong> branded property your booking does not include room servicing unless your stay is for eight (8) nights or more in which case your room will be services on the fourth (4th) day of your stay.</li> <li>If your booking is for a <strong>non-capital city Mantra</strong> branded property, your booking may not include room servicing or may include a daily or weekly room servicing depending on the rate which has been quoted and you should confirm at the time of your booking whether your booking includes room servicing.</li> <li>If your booking is for a <strong>capital city Peppers, Art Series or Mantra</strong> branded property your booking will include daily room servicing unless the rate booked specifically states otherwise.</li> <li>If your booking does not include room servicing a &#39;Refresh&#39; service is available for separate purchase at the Participating Property.</li> <li>You can inquire about this &#39;Refresh&#39; service when you check-in to the Participating Property.</li> <li>If your booking is a Live@ Booking, your booking will include weekly room servicing (unless otherwise specified at the time of booking). Additional room services can be arranged directly with the Participating Property and charges will apply. If the guest/s staying under a Live@ Booking changes part way through the booking, a full check-out service will be required and additional charges will apply.</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="heading">Kids Club</span> <ol> <li>If a Kids Club is offered by a Participating Property, additional charges will apply if you wish to use any Kids Club services and you may obtain information on Kids Club services and charges by contacting the relevant Participating Property direct.</li> <li>Kids Club services are provided at the absolute discretion of a Participating property, and no guarantee is given that any Kids Club services will be provided. However, as a general guide: <ul> <li>if a child requires one on one care, adequate notice (at least 48 hours) is required and an extra fee may be involved;</li> <li>Kids Club will only be available to children checked into a property where a Kids Club is located, and during Queensland and New South Wales school holiday periods;</li> <li>Kids Clubs do not operate at any Peppers Retreats;</li> <li>Age restrictions apply to most Kids Clubs; and</li> <li>a minimum of four children are usually required to operate a Kids Club and Mantra Group and/or a Participating Property reserve the right at any time to refuse service if adequate care cannot be provided, or if minimum numbers are not reached.</li> </ul> </li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="heading">Child Policy</span> <ol> <li>For the purposes of this clause &ldquo;Child&rdquo; or &ldquo;Children&rdquo; means a person or persons aged between 2 years and 11 years; &ldquo;Infant&rdquo; means a person under the age of 2 years; and &ldquo;Adult&rdquo; means a person aged over 18 years. All ages will be determined from the date at which accommodation commenced.</li> <li>Subject to sub paragraph 21.4, Children and Infants sharing a room with their parents or guardians may do so free of change if using existing beds and linen and not exceeding the maximum occupancy for the given room type.</li> <li>Children and Infants may not stay in any room without an Adult.</li> <li>Additional charges will apply if extra beds or linen (including rollaways, sofa beds or cots) are required. These are charged at the extra person rate. Extra person rates will be charged on a Room Only basis, unless otherwise stated.</li> <li>The following exceptions apply to the Child policy: <ul><!-- <li>Peppers Ruffles Retreat and Spa does not cater to persons aged 14 years or under; </li>--> <li>Peppers Cradle Mountain applies the following charges for persons between the age of 4 years and 15 years, regardless of whether additional beds and linen are required: <ol> <li>$30 per person, per night, (includes breakfast)</li> </ol> </li> </ul> </li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="heading">Extra Person Policy</span> <ol> <li>Persons aged over 12 years (or in the case of Pepper Cradle Mountain, over the age of 15 years) will be charged Extra Person rates for each person staying in a room which exceeds the maximum occupancy for the room type, or where extra beds or linen are required.</li> <li>Extra person room rates will be charged on a Room Only basis, unless otherwise stated.</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="heading">Facilities and Services</span> <ol> <li>Whilst care is taken to ensure that the description of facilities and services of the Mantra Group is accurate, these are continually being changed, upgraded, and on occasion taken out of service and if any feature/facility is essential to you in choosing a particular property, it is your responsibility to confirm with the property prior to making your booking that the feature/facility will be available during your stay.</li> <li>To the extent permitted by law Mantra Group is not liable for omissions, errors or changes to the facilities and services at a property, whether temporary or permanent.</li> <li>Accommodation facilities listed may not apply to all room types.</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="heading">Special Requests</span> <ol> <li>Whilst Mantra Group attempts to satisfy all special requests, Mantra Group does not guarantee that special requests can be accommodated.</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="heading">Maps and Images</span> <ol> <li>Map images, if shown, are for general information and may not necessarily reflect actual routings, locations or services provided.</li> <li>Destination shots may have been supplied to Mantra Group by third parties and Mantra Group does not guarantee the accuracy of any destination shots.</li> <li>Photos and floor plans are indicative only. Actual rooms occupied may vary in decor and inclusions from those shown.</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="heading">Travel Insurance</span> <ol> <li>Mantra Group strongly recommends that at the time of booking you purchase comprehensive travel insurance to cover items including but not limited to: loss of booking amount through cancellation, loss or damage to personal baggage, loss of money and medical expenses.</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="heading">Gift Cards</span> <ol> <li>Gift Cards are not refundable or redeemable for cash.</li> <li>Gift Cards are valid for 12 months from the date of issue (or any longer period prescribed by law).</li> <li>Additional values cannot be added to an existing Mantra Group Gift Card.</li> <li>A surcharge will apply if Gift Cards are purchased using a credit or debit card.</li> <li>Gift Cards are to be treated like cash and if they are defaced, mutilated, altered, lost or stolen they will not be replaced, refunded or redeemed.</li> <li>Mantra Group does not accept any responsibility for lost or stolen Gift Cards.</li> <li>If a Gift Card is issued in Australian dollars (AUD): <ul> <li>the value nominated on the Gift Card may only be used to fully or partially pay for bookings for Australian Participating Properties;</li> <li>bookings <strong>must be made in accordance with clauses 27.9 and 27.10 below</strong>.</li> </ul> </li> <li>If a Gift Card is issued in New Zealand dollars (NZD): <ul> <li>the value nominated on the Gift Card may only be used for bookings for New Zealand Participating Properties;</li> <li>bookings <strong>must be made by calling the relevant New Zealand Participating Property directly</strong>; and</li> <li>bookings cannot be made by calling Mantra Group Central Reservations.</li> </ul> </li> <li>BreakFree&reg; branded Gift Cards: <ul> <li>may only be used to pay for bookings made by calling Mantra Group Central Reservations on 1800 080 878 or via a Participating Website; and</li> <li>may only be used to pay for accommodation and accommodation packages and may not be used for non-accommodation items such as restaurants, car parking, transfers, laundry, telephone, spa services, tours or taxes not included in accommodation rates.</li> </ul> </li> <li>Mantra Group&reg;, Peppers&reg; and Mantra&reg; branded Gift Cards: <ul> <li>may only be used to pay for bookings made by calling Mantra Group Central Reservations on 1800 080 878, via a Participating Website or directly with a Participating Property;</li> <li>may be used to pay for accommodation, accommodation packages and any costs that a guest is permitted to charge to their room account; and</li> <li>may be used to pay for costs incurred at some Participating Property food and beverage outlets however you should confirm prior to incurring such costs that you can use your Gift Card to make payment.</li> </ul> </li> <li>For Accor Gift Cards Terms and Conditions, please view <a href="">here</a>.</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="heading">Unaccompanied Minors</span> <ol> <li>All guests under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult such as a parent, step-parent, guardian or other adult who has parental rights and responsibilities for the under 18 year old guest.</li> <li>If a guest is found to be a person under the age of 18 who is not accompanied by a responsible adult Mantra Group may immediately cancel the guest&#39;s booking and the full booking amount will be forfeited to Mantra Group under this clause.</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="heading">Third Party Products and Services</span> <ol> <li>Third party products or services are sometimes sold together with accommodation provided by Mantra Group. In such circumstances the third party is entirely responsible for supplying the products or services to you and any involvement Mantra Group has in facilitating your booking with the third party is as the third party&#39;s agent. Mantra Group is in no way the supplier of the products and services and to the extent permitted by law Mantra Group is not liable for any failure by the third party to provide the products or services, nor for any act, error, omission, default or negligence of the third party.</li> <li>All third party coupons, vouchers, receipts and tickets are issued subject to the terms and conditions specified by those third parties.</li> <li>Mantra Group does not warrant the accuracy of any information, statements or representations made by third parties</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="heading">Release, indemnity and proportionate liability</span> <ol> <li>To the extent permitted by the law, you agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless, Mantra Group and its current and former officers, employees, contractors, sub-contractors/consultants (including their respective employees and contractors) and agents against, from and in respect of all expenses, costs, liabilities, claims, actions, proceedings, damages, judgments and losses of any kind whatsoever (including but not limited to consequential and economic losses, property loss/damage and damages for injury, including personal injury and death) arising out of, caused by, attributable to or resulting from your booking or your stay at the relevant Participating Property except to the extent such expense, cost, liability, claim, action, proceeding, damage, judgment or loss arose out of, was caused by, attributable to or resulted from Mantra Group&#39;s negligence, wrongful act/omission or breach of these terms and conditions.</li> <li>To the extent permitted by law the aggregate of Mantra Group&#39;s liability to you is limited to an amount not exceeding the amount paid by you for your booking.</li> <li>Each indemnity in these terms and conditions is a continuing and independent obligation and survives the termination or expiry of these terms and conditions.</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="heading">Consumer Law</span> <ol> <li>To the extent permitted by law, all conditions, warranties, guarantees, rights, remedies, liabilities and other terms implied or conferred by statute, custom or the general law that impose any liability or obligation on Mantra Group are excluded under these Terms and Conditions.</li> <li>Nothing contained in these Terms and Conditions excludes, restricts or modifies the application of any provision, the exercise of any right or remedy, or the imposition of any liability under the Australian Consumer Law or under any international consumer protection legislation, provided that, to the extent that such law permits Mantra Group to limit its liability, then Mantra Group&#39;s liability is limited to: <ol> <li>in the case of services, supplying the services again or payment of the cost of having the services supplied again; and</li> <li>in the case of goods, replacing the goods, supplying equivalent goods or repairing the goods, or payment of the cost of replacing the goods, supplying equivalent goods or having the goods repaired.</li> </ol> </li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="heading">Events Beyond Control</span> <ol> <li>Mantra Group is not responsible for any loss arising out of any occurrences or conditions beyond its control, including but not limited to acts of terrorism, act of God, defects in vehicles, war, strikes, theft, delay, cancellation, civil disorder, disaster, Government regulations or changes in itinerary or schedule.</li> <li>All travel documents, observance of laws and government regulations are your responsibility.</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="heading">Use of Information</span> <ol> <li>You consent and authorise Mantra Group and the relevant Participating Property to collect, use and disclose your personal information for the purposes of administering your booking and providing you with any services associated with your booking.</li> <li>You consent to information which you have provided to Mantra Group or the relevant Participating Property as part of your booking being used by Mantra Group, the relevant Participating Property or any of their related bodies corporate for the purpose of informing you about offers and promotions which relate Mantra Group, Mantra Group&#39;s related bodies corporate or Participating Properties.</li> <li>Mantra Group will not provide or disclose any information you have provided to Mantra Group or the relevant Participating Property to any person other than a related body corporate without your prior written consent.</li> <li>Upon request by you and to the extent permitted or required by law, Mantra Group will provide you with access to and/or the ability to correct your personal information however only the person who made the booking will be entitled to access and/or correct personal information pertaining to that booking.</li> <li>For more information, please refer to the Privacy Policy on the website of the relevant Participating Property.</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="heading">General</span> <ol> <li>The Terms and Conditions are governed by and will be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Queensland, Australia.</li> <li>If part or all of any clause of these Terms and Conditions is illegal, invalid or unenforceable then it will be read down to the extent necessary to ensure that it is not illegal, invalid or unenforceable, but if that is not possible, it will be severed from these Terms and Conditions and the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions will continue to have full force and effect.</li> </ol> </li> </ol> </div> <!--Terms end--> </div> </div><!-- End_Module_192936 --></div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div></div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-8 col-sm-7"> <div id="dnn_ContentLeftPane" class="DNNEmptyPane"> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-5"> <div id="dnn_ContentRightPane" class="DNNEmptyPane"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div id="dnn_ContentLowerPane" class="DNNEmptyPane"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="dnn_BottomPaneFull" class="DNNEmptyPane"> </div> </div> </div> <footer> <div class="top-container"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-9 col-sm-9 col-xs-12"> <div id="dnn_FooterTop" class="col-footer-top"> <div class="DnnModule DnnModule-DNN_HTML DnnModule-153885"><a name="153885"></a> <div class="MGContainer"> <div id="dnn_ctr153885_ContentPane"><!-- Start_Module_153885 --><div id="dnn_ctr153885_ModuleContent" class="DNNModuleContent ModDNNHTMLC"> <div id="dnn_ctr153885_HtmlModule_lblContent" class="Normal"> <a class="top-footer-link" href="/contact-us/">Contact Us</a> | <a class="top-footer-link" href="/privacy/">Privacy</a> | <a class="top-footer-link" href="/cookie-policy/">Cookie Policy</a> | <a class="top-footer-link" href="/terms/">Terms &amp; 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