Terms-Conditions | Global Summit on Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering | The Scientistt

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Participants are advised to take adequate personal insurance.</p> <p align="justify"><b>Modification of the Program/talk duration:</b></p> <p align="justify">The conference/summit organizers reserve the right to modify the program/talk duration depending upon the availability of time and slots.</p> <p align="justify"><b>Confirmation:</b> Each participant will receive an automatic registration confirmation email after the registration has been completed online.</p> <p align="justify"><b>Payment Receipt/Invoice:</b> An official invoice will be sent by email within 7 working days after the registration has been received on the conference/summit account by the conference/summit office.</p> <p align="justify"><b>Modes of Payment:</b> A charge of 3.5% of processing charge is applicable on all registration and/or accommodation payments. Payments should be made in advance and in USD/EURO only, using a credit card or by bank transfer. </p> <p align="justify">All bank fees and money transfer costs must be paid by the transmitter with no additional fees for the beneficiary. </p> <p align="justify"><b>Cancellation Policy: </b></p> <p align="justify"><b>Notice of cancellation (e.g. in case of sickness, lack of funding or any other personal reasons)</b> must be made in writing by email to the respective conference secretary. The notification must include all relevant information regarding the bank account to which a possible refund may be remitted (incl. IBAN and BIC). The cancellation will not be effective until a written acknowledgement from the respective conference secretary is received. </p> <p align="justify">Keeping in view of advance payments towards Venue, Printing, Shipping, Hotels and other overheads we have to keep refund</p> policy as follows: <p align="justify"><b>Written cancellation received:</b></p> <ul> <li>Before 60 days of conference: 75% refund</li> <li>Between 60 to 30 days prior conference: 25% refund</li> <li>Within 30 days of conference: No refund of both registration & accommodation fee</li> <li>E-Poster & Video Presentations: Non-refundable</li> </ul> <p align="justify">The date of the email receipt date will be the basis for considering refunds. Refunds will be made after the <b>conference/summit.</b> In the case of excess-payment or double payment, refund requests must be made in writing and sent to the conference secretary.</p> <p align="justify">No refunds will be granted for unattended summits, in case of cancellation of speakers, lack of space in the conference/summit room or any other incidents during the conference/summit which are beyond the control of the conference/summit organizers. By registering to the conference/summit participants agree that neither the organizing committee nor the conference/summit assume any liability whatsoever.</p> <p align="justify"><b>Refunds will be made in the following ways:</b></p> <ul> <li>For payments received by credit or debit cards, the same credit/debit card will be refunded.</li> <li>For all other payments, a bank transfer will be made to the payee nominated account and all bank charges will be for the registrants account.</li> </ul> <p align="justify"><b>Note: </b>In the case of VISA refusal, the paid amount can be transferred to the other conference as per your choice. Participants who availed discounts on registration fee are not eligible for refunds. Except, if the event is cancelled. Cancellation/Postpone of Conference/Summit:</p> <p align="justify">In the event that the congress cannot be held or is postponed due to situation(s) beyond the control of the Conference/Summit organizers or due to events which are not attributable to wrongful intent or gross negligence of the congress organizers, the congress organizers will refund 100% of registration fee but cannot be held liable by participants for any damages, costs, or losses incurred, such as transportation costs, flight booking cancellation charges, accommodation costs, financial losses, etc. </p> <p align="justify"><b>Transfer Policy:</b></p> <p align="justify">A Fully paid registration can be transferred to the other related conferences within the Organization, Only if participant is having a reason for their absence. Transfers are only initiated by requests through emails. If there is a replacement of registered person the details of the person Full name, Contact number, e-mail address, and their presenting Abstract along with Title must be provided to the respective conference secretary. However, Registration fee cannot be transferred if it is not intimated a month prior to the conference. A Registered fee can only be transferred to one conference and not eligible for the refund.</p> <p align="justify"><b>Authorization Policy:</b></p> <p align="justify">By registering the conference you grant permission to The Scientistt to photograph, film or record and use your name, likeness, image, voice and comments and to publish, reproduce, exhibit, distribute, broadcast, edit and/or digitize the resulting images and materials in publications, advertising materials, or in any other form worldwide without compensation. Photography and/or videotaping during any session is prohibited. 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