{"title":"Health Risk Assessment in Lead Battery Smelter Factory: A Bayesian Belief Network Method","authors":"Kevin Fong-Rey Liu, Ken Yeh, Cheng-Wu Chen, Han-Hsi Liang","volume":65,"journal":"International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences","pagesStart":936,"pagesEnd":940,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/7665","abstract":"This paper proposes the use of Bayesian belief\nnetworks (BBN) as a higher level of health risk assessment for a\ndumping site of lead battery smelter factory. On the basis of the\nepidemiological studies, the actual hospital attendance records and\nexpert experiences, the BBN is capable of capturing the probabilistic\nrelationships between the hazardous substances and their adverse\nhealth effects, and accordingly inferring the morbidity of the adverse\nhealth effects. The provision of the morbidity rates of the related\ndiseases is more informative and can alleviate the drawbacks of\nconventional methods.","references":"[1] Pearl, J., 1988. Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems: Networks\nof Plausible Inference, Morgan Kaufmann, California.\n[2] Liao, Y., Wang, J., Guo, Y., Zheng, X., 2010. Risk assessment of human\nneural tube defects using a Bayesian belief network. Stochastic\nEnvironmental Research and Risk Assessment 24(1): 93-100.\n[3] Ticehurst, J.L., Curtis, A., Merritt, W.S., 2010. Using Bayesian Networks\nto complement conventional analyses to explore landholder management\nof native vegetation. Environmental Modelling & Software 26(1): 52-65.\n[4] Dawsey, W. J., Minsker, B. S., VanBlaricum, V. L., 2006. Bayesian belief\nnetworks to Integrate Monitoring Evidence of Water Distribution System\nContamination. Water Resources Planning and Management 132(4):\n234-241.\n[5] Newton, A.C., 2010. Use of a Bayesian network for Red Listing under\nuncertainty. Environmental Modelling & Software 25: 15-23.","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 65, 2012"}