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Exxelia’s product portfolio includes especially wide ranges of High-Q capacitors, RF chip inductors, frequency tuning components, coaxial and dielectric resonators, ferrites and EMI filters. Exxelia products are used in leading industrial areas such as telecommunication, medical, defense, aviation and space. <br /><br /> <p> Start your next design with the most <a href="/Model/DesignEnv">accurate</a> and <a href="/Model/WellDocumented" target="_blank">well documented</a> RF, microwave and mm-wave simulation models in the industry! Modelithics passive and active, <a href="/Model/Measurement">measurement-based</a> simulation models integrate seamlessly with the latest electronic design automation (EDA) simulation tools. </p> <p> Visit the <a href="/Model">Modelithics COMPLETE Library®</a> for more information on the full capabilities and advantages of Modelithics <strong>high accuracy</strong> models. Our goal is to help you <strong>achieve first pass design success!</strong> </p> </p> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <p> <br /> <a href='/requests/exemplar?company=Exxelia'> <div class="img-offset"> <img src="/Images/Misc/FreeTrial.png" class="img-responsive" width="180" height="80" alt="Model Free Trial"> </div> </a> </p> <p><strong>Request a FREE trial to evaluate Modelithics high accuracy simulation models by clicking the free trial image above.</strong></p> <p> <br /> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="/Images/Misc/RequestPartSamples_blue.png" width="250" height="70" alt="Request vendor parts sample"> </a> </p> </div> </div> <div class="tabbable SpaceTop"> <ul class="nav nav-pills"> <li class="active"><a href="#capacitors" data-toggle="tab">Capacitors</a></li> <li><a href="#presentations" data-toggle="tab">Related Presentations</a></li> <li><a href="#literature" data-toggle="tab">Related Literature</a></li> <li><a href="#promos" data-toggle="tab">News/Promotions</a></li> </ul> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div class="tab-content"> <div id="capacitors" class="tab-pane active"> <table class="table display table-striped table-hover compact table-bordered table-condensed table-responsive"> <thead> <tr class=" text-products"> <th width="2%"> More Info </th> <th width="19%"> <img src="/Images/DownloadIcon/pdf.jpg" width="25" height="25" /> Part Number </th> <th width="25%"> <img src="/Images/DownloadIcon/pdf.jpg" width="25" height="25" /> Model Datasheet </th> <th width="7%"> Body Style </th> <th width="7%"> Max Freq (GHz) </th> <th width="12%"> Part Values </th> <th width="12%"> Downloads </th> <th width="16%"> Features </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr data-key-1=CLR - Passives data-key-2=ADS data-key-3=Available%20%Request%20%Quote data-key-4=CLE data-key-5=%20% data-key-6=The%20%CAP-TMX-4040-001%20%is%20%a%20%substrate%20%scalable%20%Global%20%Mode%20%capacitor%20%family%20%(additional%20%information%20%is%20%available%20%at%20%use%20%with%20%microstrip%20%applications%20%and%20%account%20%for%20%substrate%20%(or%20%printed%20%c%20%Substrate%20%height,%20%dielectric%20%constant,%20%loss%20%tangent,%20%interconnect%20%metal%20%component%20%tolerance%20%are%20%model%20%input%20%parameters.%20%Models%20%account%20%for%20%up%20%to%20%two%20%higher%20%frequency%20%pairs%20%beyond%20%the%20%fundamental%20%series%20%resonant%20%frequency.%20%Accurate%20%effective%20%series%20%resistance%20%(ESR)%20%is%20%modeled%20%over%20%the%20%frequency%20%range.%20%A%20%single,%20%substrate%20%scalable%20%and%20%pad%20%scalable%20%Global%20%Model™%20%is%20%available%20%that%20%accurately%20%emulate%20%all%20%capacitor%20%values%20%w%20%stack%20%effects%20%to%20%be%20%disabled.%20% data-key-8=Capacitor data-key-10="%20%" data-key-11="%20%" data-key-12="%20%"> <td class="details-control"></td> <td> <a href=/models/Vendor/Exxelia/CLE.pdf target="blank">CLE</a> </td> <td width="10%"> <a href="/account/dloadtracker?dtype=25&amp;mvper=33&amp;mdl=221&amp;returnUrl=%2Fmodels%2Fdatasheet%2FCapacitor%2FCAP-TMX-4040-001_datasheet.pdf" target="blank">CAP-TMX-4040-001</a> </td> <td> 4040 </td> <td> 3 </td> <td> 1.0-10,000 pF </td> <td> <a href="/model/getsparams?id1=221" target="_blank">S-Parameters</a> </td> <td> SS: PS: VS: </td> </tr> <tr data-key-1=CLR - Passives data-key-2=ADS data-key-3=Available%20%Request%20%Quote data-key-4=CLX data-key-5=%20% data-key-6=The%20%CAP-TMX-2225-001%20%is%20%a%20%substrate%20%scalable%20%Global%20%Mode%20%capacitor%20%family%20%(additional%20%information%20%is%20%available%20%at%20%use%20%with%20%microstrip%20%applications%20%and%20%account%20%for%20%Substrate%20%height,%20%dielectric%20%constant,%20%loss%20%tangent,%20%interconnect%20%metal%20%component%20%tolerance%20%are%20%model%20%input%20%parameters.%20%Models%20%account%20%for%20%up%20%to%20%two%20%higher%20%frequency%20%pairs%20%beyond%20%the%20%fundamental%20%series%20%resonant%20%frequency.%20%Accurate%20%e%20%is%20%modeled%20%over%20%the%20%frequency%20%range.%20%A%20%single,%20%substrate%20%scalable%20%and%20%pad%20%scalable%20%Global%20%Model™%20%is%20%available%20%that%20%accurately%20%emulate%20%all%20%capacitor%20%values%20%wit%20%stack%20%effects%20%to%20%be%20%disabled.%20% data-key-8=Capacitor data-key-10="%20%" data-key-11="%20%" data-key-12="%20%"> <td class="details-control"></td> <td> <a href=/models/Vendor/Exxelia/CLX.pdf target="blank">CLX</a> </td> <td width="10%"> <a href="/account/dloadtracker?dtype=25&amp;mvper=33&amp;mdl=220&amp;returnUrl=%2Fmodels%2Fdatasheet%2FCapacitor%2FCAP-TMX-2225-001_datasheet.pdf" target="blank">CAP-TMX-2225-001</a> </td> <td> 2225 </td> <td> 5 </td> <td> 1.0-4700 pF </td> <td> <a href="/model/getsparams?id1=220" target="_blank">S-Parameters</a> </td> <td> SS: PS: VS: </td> </tr> <tr data-key-1=CLR - Passives data-key-2=ADS data-key-3=Available%20%Request%20%Quote data-key-4=SHF251 data-key-5=%20% data-key-6=The%20%CAP-EXX-0805-001%20%is%20%a%20%substrate%20%scalable%20%Microwave%20%Global%20%Model™%20%for%20%the%20%Exxelia%20%SHF251xxx%20%surface%20%mount%20%chip%20%capacitor%20%family%20%(,%20%dielectric%20%constant,%20%loss%20%tangent,%20%interconnect%20%metal%20%thickness,%20%component%20%tolerance,%20%component%20%value,%20%pad%20%width,%20%pad%20%length,%20%and%20%pad%20%gap%20%are%20%model%20%input%20%parameters.%20%Models%20%account%20%for%20%up%20%to%20%two%20%higher-order%20%resonant%20%frequency%20%pairs%20%beyond%20%the%20%fundamental%20%series%20%resonant%20%frequency.%20%The%20%model%20%is%20%validated%20%with%20%measured%20%equivalent%20%series%20%resistance%20%(ESR).%20%A%20%single,%20%substrate%20%scalable%20%and%20%pad%20%scalable%20%Microwave%20%Global%20%Model™%20%is%20%available%20%that%20%accurately%20%emulates%20%all%20%capacitor%20%values%20%within%20%the%20%valid%20%capacitance%20%range.%20%A%20%Sim_mode%20%switch%20%allows%20%pad%20%stack%20%effects%20%to%20%be%20%disabled. data-key-8=Capacitor data-key-10="%20%" data-key-11="%20%" data-key-12="%20%"> <td class="details-control"></td> <td> <a href=/models/Vendor/Exxelia/SHF251.pdf target="blank">SHF251</a> </td> <td width="10%"> <a href="/account/dloadtracker?dtype=25&amp;mvper=33&amp;mdl=1080&amp;returnUrl=%2Fmodels%2Fdatasheet%2FCapacitor%2FCAP-EXX-0805-001_datasheet.pdf" target="blank">CAP-EXX-0805-001</a> </td> <td> 0805 </td> <td> 40 </td> <td> 0.3 - 220 pF </td> <td> </td> <td> BB: PS: SS: </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-9"> <h4 class="HeaderTitle">Legend</h4> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> &nbsp; </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-5"> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt class="text-danger">3D</dt> <dd class="text-danger">3D Model</dd> <dt class="text-success">BB</dt> <dd class="text-success"> Broadband Component</dd> <dt class="text-primary">BRK</dt> <dd class="text-primary">3D Brick EM Models™</dd> <dt class="text-info">BW</dt> <dd class="text-info"> Bondwire de-embedding</dd> <dt class="text-success">DRS</dt> <dd class="text-success"> Dynamic Range Selection</dd> <dt class="text-muted">EB</dt> <dd class="text-muted"> Embedded Model</dd> <dt class="text-muted">EOL</dt> <dd class="text-muted"> End of Life</dd> <dt class="text-muted">FL</dt> <dt class="text-warning">IM</dt> <dd class="text-warning"> 3rd order IMD validated</dd> <dt class="text-danger">LP</dt> <dd class="text-danger"> Load Pull</dd> <dt class="text-primary">NL</dt> <dd class="text-primary"> Non-Linear</dd> <dt class="redletters"><img src="/Images/Misc/RedAsterisks8.png" /></dt> <dd> Discontinued or not recommended <br /> for new designs</dd> </dl> </div> <div class="col-md-5 pull-left"> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt class="text-success">NP</dt> <dd class="text-success"> Noise Parameter</dd> <dt class="text-info">OS</dt> <dd class="text-info"> Orientation Selectable</dd> <dt class="text-muted">PD</dt> <dd class="text-muted"> Pad De-embedding</dd> <dt class="text-warning">PS</dt> <dd class="text-warning"> Pad Scaling</dd> <dt class="text-danger">SP</dt> <dd class="text-danger"> S-Parameter Data Model</dd> <dt class="text-primary">SS</dt> <dd class="text-primary"> Substrate Scalable</dd> <dt class="text-primary">SM</dt> <dd class="text-primary"> Super Model</dd> <dt class="text-success">TS</dt> <dd class="text-success"> Temperature Scalable</dd> <dt class="text-info">VS</dt> <dd class="text-info"> Part Value Scalable/Selectable</dd> <dt class="text-primary">XP</dt> <dd class="text-primary"> X-Parameter Data Model</dd> </dl> </div> <div class="col-md-3 pull-left"> <dl class="dl-horizontal"></dl> </div> </div> </div> <div id="literature" class="tab-pane"> <br /> <head> <title>Model Listing</title> <!-- CSS --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/Content/jquery.dataTables.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/Content/dataTables.fixedHeader.css"> <!-- Scripts --> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="/Scripts/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="/Scripts/jquery.dataTables.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="/Scripts/dataTables.fixedHeader.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function () { $('[data-toggle=" tooltip"]').tooltip(); }); </script> </head> <!-- Get Tabs--> <h4> Application Note </h4> <table class="table table-striped table-hover display compact table-responsive"> <thead> <tr> <th width="3%"> &nbsp; </th> <th> Note # </th> <th width="52%"> Title </th> <th width="14%"> Date </th> <th width="30%"> Example Files </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td width="3%"> <a href=/Downloads/AppNotes/AN052_Nuhertz_final.pdf target="blank"><img src="/Images/DownloadIcon/pdf.jpg" width="25" height="25" /></a> </td> <td> 52 </td> <td width="52%"> <a href="/account/dloadtracker?dtype=7&amp;lit=1328&amp;returnUrl=%2FDownloads%2FAppNotes%2FAN052_Nuhertz_final.pdf&amp;littype=1" target="blank" title="It is the purpose of this application note to outline a robust yet flexible method for the design of lumped element filters using Modelithics Microwave Global Models™, Nuhertz Technologies’ FilterSolutions&amp;#174; software, and NI/AWR Design Environment™ software, specifically AXIEM&amp;#174; electromagnetic (EM) simulation. The procedure involves the integrated use of three commercial software tools and separately addresses filter synthesis, working with component models, and performing accurate circuit, yield, and EM analysis on the design. Four example filters designed and tested with this procedure are presented, with measured results impressively close to the predictions in a single design pass. ">A Design Flow for Rapid and Accurate Filter Prototyping </a> </td> <td width="14%"> 6/29/2015 </td> <td width="30%"> <a class="awr" href="/account/dloadtracker?dtype=15&amp;lit=1328&amp;;littype=1"> </a> </td> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <td width="3%"> <a href=/Downloads/AppNotes/AN051_Procedure_for_AXIEM_Co-Simulation_Setup_Final.pdf target="blank"><img src="/Images/DownloadIcon/pdf.jpg" width="25" height="25" /></a> </td> <td> 51 </td> <td width="52%"> <a href="/account/dloadtracker?dtype=7&amp;lit=1327&amp;returnUrl=%2FDownloads%2FAppNotes%2FAN051_Procedure_for_AXIEM_Co-Simulation_Setup_Final.pdf&amp;littype=1" target="blank" title="When designing high frequency circuits, parasitic effects can drastically deteriorate circuit performance if not appropriately addressed. It is not enough to simply run a schematic level simulation even if including transmission line interconnect effects. The best chance a designer has at first-pass design success is through incorporating high-accuracy parasitics models for all lumped elements or active devices in a design, combined with accurate electromagnetic analysis for any passive interconnect structure. ">AXIEM Co-Simulation with Modelithics Models </a> </td> <td width="14%"> 6/23/2015 </td> <td width="30%"> <a class="awr" href="/account/dloadtracker?dtype=15&amp;lit=1327&amp;;littype=1"> </a> </td> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <td width="3%"> <a href=/Downloads/AppNotes/AN050_Fabrication_Impact_On_Lumped_Filter_Success_final.pdf target="blank"><img src="/Images/DownloadIcon/pdf.jpg" width="25" height="25" /></a> </td> <td> 50 </td> <td width="52%"> <a href="/account/dloadtracker?dtype=7&amp;lit=1326&amp;returnUrl=%2FDownloads%2FAppNotes%2FAN050_Fabrication_Impact_On_Lumped_Filter_Success_final.pdf&amp;littype=1" target="blank" title="This document provides a comparison of three fabrication techniques used to generate a simple three element 250 MHz low pass filter (LPF) design. For each of the three scenarios, the filter will be fabricated using the values of the passive lumped elements obtained in the ideal LPF design process; it is expected that the measured data will differ from the ideal LPF design due to the parasitic effects present at high frequencies. Parasitic elements will be added incrementally to the design in order to illustrate the progression towards better measured to model agreement; the final full parasitic LPF model design will contain transmission line (TL) elements and Modelithics CLR models for the passive lumped elements. ">Good, Better And Best: Techniques For Achieving First Pass Success In Lumped Element Pcb -Based Filter Designs </a> </td> <td width="14%"> 3/18/2015 </td> <td width="30%"> <a class="ads" href="/account/dloadtracker?dtype=15&amp;lit=1326&amp;;littype=1"> </a> </td> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <td width="3%"> <a href=/Downloads/AppNotes/AN048_Momentum_Ports_Final_Update_150707.pdf target="blank"><img src="/Images/DownloadIcon/pdf.jpg" width="25" height="25" /></a> </td> <td> 48 </td> <td width="52%"> <a href="/account/dloadtracker?dtype=7&amp;lit=38&amp;returnUrl=%2FDownloads%2FAppNotes%2FAN048_Momentum_Ports_Final_Update_150707.pdf&amp;littype=1" target="blank" title="With the increased complexity of today’s circuits, designers are increasingly dependent on electromagnetic (EM) simulations during the design phase. With the trend towards smaller circuits and multi-layered boards, EM simulation is needed to accurately model internal circuit interactions. The use of discrete components helps to reduce a circuit’s overall footprint but introduces a level of complexity to the design process. A good understanding of the proper EM port configurations and calibration types is required to ensure accurate EM-Circuit co-simulation results. This application note is intended to help users of Agilent’s Advanced Design System (ADS) and Modelithics models accurately and efficiently simulate RF and microwave circuits. The focus is on finding the optimum port setup for EM simulation of circuit layouts that include surface mount devices. Several new features and improvements were introduced to Momentum, the 3D planar EM simulator in ADS, starting with the ADS 2011 release. Of particular interest are the new port calibration types and their impact on co-simulations when using Modelithics models. This application note explains the port nomenclature in ADS, presents multiple co-simulations between Momentum and Modelithics models, shows the impact of the various port shapes and calibration types, and provides recommendations based upon comparisons to measured data. The content is organized into three main areas. The first area provides detailed information concerning Momentum port types and calibration definitions. Following the calibration definitions is the results section, which includes examples that provide insight into port and calibration performance. The final section contains the recommended calibration type and the recommended port configurations. ">Recommendations For Port Setup When Using ADS Momentum And Modelithics Models</a> </td> <td width="14%"> 1/1/2014 </td> <td width="30%"> <a class="ads" href="/account/dloadtracker?dtype=15&amp;lit=38&amp;;littype=1"> </a> </td> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <td width="3%"> <a href=/Downloads/AppNotes/AN046_Passive_Model_Yield_Sensitivity_Analysis.pdf target="blank"><img src="/Images/DownloadIcon/pdf.jpg" width="25" height="25" /></a> </td> <td> 46 </td> <td width="52%"> <a href="/account/dloadtracker?dtype=7&amp;lit=36&amp;returnUrl=%2FDownloads%2FAppNotes%2FAN046_Passive_Model_Yield_Sensitivity_Analysis.pdf&amp;littype=1" target="blank" title="This application note presents a method for improved design flow with a goal of cost-effective first-pass design success. Typically, when an RF/Microwave design has to be fine-tuned to fit the design criteria, a design engineer will use the built-in optimization capability in the EDA tool. In a typical case, the optimization engine has to deal with ten or more variables such as component values that can be changed, and at least three to four goals. In the case of a microwave filter, example goals would include in-band insertion loss and return loss, cutoff frequency and out of band rejection. The large number of criteria that the optimization engine has to deal with creates a landscape of ‘solutions’ that are more or less random. No matter which optimization engine one will use, not all possible outcomes will be tested simply because this would be too time consuming. In this paper we propose a solution that maps the impact that individual components have on sub-system performance so that a good trade-off can be made with regard to component values and tolerance (low tolerance=more expensive, larger tolerance=less expensive). This will ultimately lead to lower manufacturing costs and improved yield. The proposed solution requires accurate passive component models that allow yield analysis by means of a tolerance setting, something that is close to impossible with commonly used S-parameter file-based component representations. By combining Modelithics Global Models™ for passive RLC components [1] with AWR microwave Office we allow the software to find an optimal solution that does not only reach the design goal, but will also help the design engineer find an optimum component tradeoff and a high yield.">Improved Microwave Circuit Design Flow Through Passive Model Yield And Sensitivity Analysis</a> </td> <td width="14%"> 1/1/2014 </td> <td width="30%"> <a class="awr" href="/account/dloadtracker?dtype=15&amp;lit=36&amp;;littype=1"> </a> </td> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <td width="3%"> <a href=/Downloads/AppNotes/App_Note_039_Shunt_Caps_Final.pdf target="blank"><img src="/Images/DownloadIcon/pdf.jpg" width="25" height="25" /></a> </td> <td> 39 </td> <td width="52%"> <a href="/account/dloadtracker?dtype=7&amp;lit=29&amp;returnUrl=%2FDownloads%2FAppNotes%2FApp_Note_039_Shunt_Caps_Final.pdf&amp;littype=1" target="blank" title="One of the challenges in developing high-accuracy compact models is enabling sufficient versatility for designers to select layout configurations that are different from the test fixtures used in the characterization and model extraction process. For modeling passive surface -mount components, series two-port fixtures are typically used to obtain the S-parameter data that are subsequently utilized in model fitting. These test fixtures have well-defined reference planes to establish the boundaries of the model. This application note focuses on co-simulation – which combines circuit and numerical electromagnetic (EM) simulation – of surface-mount capacitors in shunt configurations. This is an important topic especially for microwave power amplifier designers, who commonly use shunt mounted capacitors in impedance matching networks that require very precise impedance transformations. The accuracy of the simulations is important at the fundamental design frequency as well as at several harmonics. One situation addressed herein is that when a portion of the mounting pad stack is embedded in the interconnect transmission line that runs orthogonally to the major axis of the component. A second configuration, sometimes used by designers for load sharing purposes, consists of two closely-spaced capacitors mounted side-by-side. The distribution of current on the pad stacks, and how it enters the capacitor(s), varies between the series and shunt two -port fixtures and must be properly emulated in the simulator in order to accurately predict the circuit performance. ">Accurate Co-Simulation Of Surface-Mount Capacitors In Shunt Configurations </a> </td> <td width="14%"> 1/1/2014 </td> <td width="30%"> </td> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <td width="3%"> <a href=/Downloads/AppNotes/AppNote_037_Tips_For_EM.pdf target="blank"><img src="/Images/DownloadIcon/pdf.jpg" width="25" height="25" /></a> </td> <td> 37 </td> <td width="52%"> <a href="/account/dloadtracker?dtype=7&amp;lit=27&amp;returnUrl=%2FDownloads%2FAppNotes%2FAppNote_037_Tips_For_EM.pdf&amp;littype=1" target="blank" title="By default, Modelithics library models include mounting pad effects. Hence, when performing full wave electromagnetic (EM) analyses the pad geometries should not be included in the geometry setup used to define the EM analysis. However, there are reasons to include the pads in the EM simulation instead of having them inside the components models. Some of these reasons are: • Use of a pad size different from the one included with the model, or outside the range of pad dimensions if using a pad-scalable model. • Including the step effect when the feed line is different from the pad width. This step can also be included using an analytical model in a circuit simulation. • Including the effects of coupling between the pads and another part of the circuit. • Desire to simulate the pads along with other printed circuit patterns as a standard practice. Modelithics models include a feature that allows the pads to be deembedded from the model, thus leaving the part effectively without the pads. This feature,named simulation mode 2, is useful in the case thatthe pads need to be included in an EM simulation. The purpose of this application note is to provide some guidelines for the use of Modelithics models when the effect of the pads is included in EM simulations.The EM simulations are performed using the Sonnet Software Suites.">Performing Em-Circuit Co-Simulation With Modelithics Models Using Sonnet Suites</a> </td> <td width="14%"> 1/1/2014 </td> <td width="30%"> </td> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <td width="3%"> <a href=/Downloads/AppNotes/AppNote_036_Overmolding_Effects.pdf target="blank"><img src="/Images/DownloadIcon/pdf.jpg" width="25" height="25" /></a> </td> <td> 36 </td> <td width="52%"> <a href="/account/dloadtracker?dtype=7&amp;lit=26&amp;returnUrl=%2FDownloads%2FAppNotes%2FAppNote_036_Overmolding_Effects.pdf&amp;littype=1" target="blank" title="This application note discusses the effects of over-molding,or encapsulation, on the frequency response of surface mount inductors and capacitors. The following parts were tested: Toko LLV0603-F 0201 inductors, Coilcraft 0402CS 0402 inductors, Murata GRP1555C1H 0402 capacitors and Murata GRP0335C1E 0201 capacitors. Sparameter measurements weremade on 5 and 31 mil-thick FR4 test fixtures with and without a Loctite FP4460 coating. Since the addition of the coating increases parasitic capacitance it manifests as a down-wardshift in the resonant frequency of the components. The effect of the coating is significantly more pronounced on the thicker substrate. ">Effects Of Over-Molding On Surface Mount Capacitors And Inductors</a> </td> <td width="14%"> 1/1/2014 </td> <td width="30%"> </td> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <td width="3%"> <a href=/Downloads/AppNotes/AppNote_035_Proximity_Effects.pdf target="blank"><img src="/Images/DownloadIcon/pdf.jpg" width="25" height="25" /></a> </td> <td> 35 </td> <td width="52%"> <a href="/account/dloadtracker?dtype=7&amp;lit=25&amp;returnUrl=%2FDownloads%2FAppNotes%2FAppNote_035_Proximity_Effects.pdf&amp;littype=1" target="blank" title="Accounting for coupling effects that occur in circuits comprised of high frequency interconnects and surface mount devices (SMDs) is a complex problem. Very accurate equivalent circuits for the SMDs can be obtained through careful characterization and modeling, while numerical electromagnetic simulation tools can precisely capture the behavior of the interconnect traces. However, there is no consistent way to account for coupling between the SMDs and neighboring devices and/or traces. As a result, the performanceof hybrid circuits with SMDs and traces in close proximity may prove difficult to predict. In this paper the effects of proximity coupling are investigated using the two-component test fixture. Tests were performed using different values of 0402 and 0603 ATC capacitors (600L and 600S series) and 0402 and 0603Coilcraft inductors (0402CS and 0603CS series). For conciseness, only the results for 24 pF and 24 nH components are included herein, although the trends were similar for all part values tested. The substrate used was 60 mil-thick Rogers 4003. Comparisons are given between measurement data, equivalent circuit simulation data, and simulation data based on a combination ofequivalent circuit models for the SMDs and EM-simulation data (using Agilent Technologies Momentum) for the interconnects; the latter is referred to as EM co-simulation. The lumped models used are CAP-ATC-0402/0603-101 and IND-CLC-0402/0603-101 Global models from the Modelithics CLR Library. For the electromagnetic simulations, internal ports were used at connection points corresponding to the outer edges of the component mounting pads. Accordingly, the pad stack effects were included in the SMD equivalent circuits and excluded from the EM simulations. The results that follow pertain to tests performed with one SMD mounted and the second location unpopulated, and with SMDs mounted in both locations.">Proximity Effects In Closely-Spaced Surface Mount Passive Components</a> </td> <td width="14%"> 1/1/2014 </td> <td width="30%"> </td> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <td width="3%"> <a href=/Downloads/AppNotes/MDLX_APP_NOTE_GENESYS_LOWPASS_FILTER_SYNTHESIS_029.pdf target="blank"><img src="/Images/DownloadIcon/pdf.jpg" width="25" height="25" /></a> </td> <td> 29 </td> <td width="52%"> <a href="/account/dloadtracker?dtype=7&amp;lit=19&amp;returnUrl=%2FDownloads%2FAppNotes%2FMDLX_APP_NOTE_GENESYS_LOWPASS_FILTER_SYNTHESIS_029.pdf&amp;littype=1" target="blank" title="This application note covers the design and optimization of a 5 th order lumped element low-pass filter using the Modelithics CLR library in concert with Agilent Genesys software. A demonstration circuit was fabricated and measured using a 16-mil thick Rogers 4003 substrate. The design process began with a conventional Chebyshev implementation in Genesys using ideal inductor and capacitor models. The simulation was then refined by the addition of Modelithics CLR models and careful modeling of the transmission line connections.">Lumped Element Low-Pass Filter Design And Optimization Using Agilent Genesys Software</a> </td> <td width="14%"> 1/1/2014 </td> <td width="30%"> <a class="genesys" href="/account/dloadtracker?dtype=15&amp;lit=19&amp;;littype=1"> </a> </td> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <td width="3%"> <a href=/Downloads/AppNotes/MDLX_APP_NOTE_PI_Network_026.pdf target="blank"><img src="/Images/DownloadIcon/pdf.jpg" width="25" height="25" /></a> </td> <td> 26 </td> <td width="52%"> <a href="/account/dloadtracker?dtype=7&amp;lit=16&amp;returnUrl=%2FDownloads%2FAppNotes%2FMDLX_APP_NOTE_PI_Network_026.pdf&amp;littype=1" target="blank" title="Designing matching networks is one of the key aspects of RF/Microwave design. A lossless network that matches an arbitrary load to real impedance has to have at least two reactive elements. However, two elements do not give control over the bandwidth and the degree of match simultaneously. Three-element matching networks, i.e. Pi- and Tee-networks, provide additional control of the frequency response. In this application note we explore the idea of designing an all-capacitor Pi matching network by using one of the elements beyond its self-resonant frequency, when it has become inductive rather than capacitive. Essentially, the effective series inductance (ESL) of the series element in the Pinetwork is utilized. The design process is enabled via the broad-band accuracy of the Modelithics Global capacitor models, in particular those for ATC 600L 0402 capacitors. The use of method of moments co-simulation, wherein numerical electromagnetic simulation is used to represent the distributed interconnects and discrete models are used for the lumped components, is also demonstrated.">Capacitor PI Network For Impedance Matching</a> </td> <td width="14%"> 1/1/2014 </td> <td width="30%"> </td> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <td width="3%"> <a href=/Downloads/AppNotes/modelithics25an.pdf target="blank"><img src="/Images/DownloadIcon/pdf.jpg" width="25" height="25" /></a> </td> <td> 25 </td> <td width="52%"> <a href="/account/dloadtracker?dtype=7&amp;lit=15&amp;returnUrl=%2FDownloads%2FAppNotes%2Fmodelithics25an.pdf&amp;littype=1" target="blank" title="The choice of mounting pad dimensions used for surface mount components is often a tradeoff between the optimum for component-to-board assembly and solderability, and the optimum for RF performance. The parasitic contribution of the mounting pad plays an important role in the overall insertion loss and frequency response of the components. This application note presents several different aspects that should be considered when selecting a pad geometry, using newly developed pad-scalable models for the Milli-Cap (0402), C11UL (55x55) and Opti-Cap (0603) families from Dielectric Laboratories. The primary conclusions can be summarized as follows: ♦ Using the Milli-Cap and C11UL models, it is shown that for a given pad size the decrease in S21that results from using thin and/or high dielectric constant substrates is strongly dependent upon the capacitor value. The loss in performance due to substrate effects can be regained by reducing the pad dimensions. On thick substrates where |S 21| is less affected by substrate coupling, changes in pad dimensions can still be used to control the series resonance frequency. ♦ Using the Opti-Cap (100 nF) model, it is shown that pad size is still important for large-value capacitors when used in broad-band applications. ">The Importance Of Pad Geometry In Maximizing Surface Mount Component Performance (Also Published Electronically By RF Globalnet)</a> </td> <td width="14%"> 1/1/2014 </td> <td width="30%"> </td> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <td width="3%"> <a href=/Downloads/AppNotes/MDLX_APP_NOTE_PartValue_Tolerance_022.pdf target="blank"><img src="/Images/DownloadIcon/pdf.jpg" width="25" height="25" /></a> </td> <td> 22 </td> <td width="52%"> <a href="/account/dloadtracker?dtype=7&amp;lit=13&amp;returnUrl=%2FDownloads%2FAppNotes%2FMDLX_APP_NOTE_PartValue_Tolerance_022.pdf&amp;littype=1" target="blank" title="The part value tolerance specified by component manufacturers for surface mount RLCs is given as either a percentage of the nominal value (e.g. 1 pF +/- 20%), or as a +/- deviation (e.g. 1 +/- 0.2 pF). This type of specification generally carries with it the assumption that the part value distribution is Gaussian about the nominal value. In practice, however, the actual distribution may be bi-modal; instead of 1 +/- 0.2 pF the distribution may be closer to 0.9 +/- 0.1 pF and/or 1.1 +/- 0.1 pF. This type of distribution is sometimes referred to as “rabbit ears” and occurs when the manufacturer must selectively sort parts that are closer to the nominal value in order to supply the “tight tolerance” version of the components. Thus, tight tolerance parts tend to follow Gaussian distributions about the nominal value while looser tolerance parts tend to have bi-modal distributions. Unfortunately, there is not a convenient way to represent bi-modal distributions in most of today’s popular electronic design automation tools. The available options are typically either a Gaussian distribution or a uniform distribution. The purpose of this application note is to investigate different simulation scenarios concerned with statistical distributions of capacitor values used in a band-pass filter. The band-pass filter is that described in Modelithics Application Notes 017 and 020 ">Part Value Tolerance In Surface Mount Components</a> </td> <td width="14%"> 1/1/2014 </td> <td width="30%"> </td> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <td width="3%"> <a href=/Downloads/AppNotes/MDLX_APP_NOTE_0201_FILTERS_021.pdf target="blank"><img src="/Images/DownloadIcon/pdf.jpg" width="25" height="25" /></a> </td> <td> 21 </td> <td width="52%"> <a href="/account/dloadtracker?dtype=7&amp;lit=12&amp;returnUrl=%2FDownloads%2FAppNotes%2FMDLX_APP_NOTE_0201_FILTERS_021.pdf&amp;littype=1" target="blank" title="This application note demonstrates the performance of low-pass PCB filters using 0201 surface mount components (Johanson Technology’s (JOH) 0201L capacitors and L_05xxx inductors). Two circuits are presented: a maximally flat low-pass filter and a Chebyshev equal-ripple lowpass filter. Both filters were designed in a Pi-network configuration using five elements - three series inductors and two shunt capacitors. Initial designs were generated using standard filter design theory assuming ideal components, after which values close to the ideal L and C values were selected from the available JOH parts. The measured data was compared to the model circuit, which uses Modelithics Global models for the surface mount components. The model circuit was also compared to the schematic that uses ideal capacitors and inductors. A 14 milthick FR4 test fixture was used.">Filter Design Using 0201 Surface Mount LC&#39;S</a> </td> <td width="14%"> 1/1/2014 </td> <td width="30%"> </td> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <td width="3%"> <a href=/Downloads/AppNotes/MDLX_APP_NOTE_BANDPASS_FILTER_020.pdf target="blank"><img src="/Images/DownloadIcon/pdf.jpg" width="25" height="25" /></a> </td> <td> 20 </td> <td width="52%"> <a href="/account/dloadtracker?dtype=7&amp;lit=11&amp;returnUrl=%2FDownloads%2FAppNotes%2FMDLX_APP_NOTE_BANDPASS_FILTER_020.pdf&amp;littype=1" target="blank" title="This application note covers the design and optimization of a lumped element 5 th order band pass filter using the Modelithics CLR library. The demonstration circuit that is developed uses a 16-mil thick Rogers 4003 substrate. The design process begins with a conventional Chebyshev implementation using ideal inductor and capacitor models and proceeds to refining the simulation with the addition of accurate CLR models and transmission line interconnect models.">Lumped Element Band-Pass Filter Design And Optimization</a> </td> <td width="14%"> 1/1/2014 </td> <td width="30%"> </td> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <td width="3%"> <a href=/Downloads/AppNotes/MDLX_APP_NOTE_HIGHPASS_FILTER_019.pdf target="blank"><img src="/Images/DownloadIcon/pdf.jpg" width="25" height="25" /></a> </td> <td> 19 </td> <td width="52%"> <a href="/account/dloadtracker?dtype=7&amp;lit=10&amp;returnUrl=%2FDownloads%2FAppNotes%2FMDLX_APP_NOTE_HIGHPASS_FILTER_019.pdf&amp;littype=1" target="blank" title="This application note covers the design and optimization of a 5 th order lumped element high pass filter using the Modelithics CLR library. The demonstration circuit that is developed uses a 16-mil thick Rogers 4003 substrate. The design process begins with a conventional Chebyshev implementation using ideal inductor and capacitor models and proceeds to refining the simulation with the addition of accurate CLR models and transmission line interconnect models. ">Lumped Element High-Pass Filter Design And Optimization</a> </td> <td width="14%"> 1/1/2014 </td> <td width="30%"> </td> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <td width="3%"> <a href=/Downloads/AppNotes/MDLX_APP_NOTE_LOWPASS_FILTER_018.pdf target="blank"><img src="/Images/DownloadIcon/pdf.jpg" width="25" height="25" /></a> </td> <td> 18 </td> <td width="52%"> <a href="/account/dloadtracker?dtype=7&amp;lit=9&amp;returnUrl=%2FDownloads%2FAppNotes%2FMDLX_APP_NOTE_LOWPASS_FILTER_018.pdf&amp;littype=1" target="blank" title="This application note covers the design and optimization of a 5 th order lumped element lowpass filter using the Modelithics CLR library. The demonstration circuit that is developed uses a 16-mil thick Rogers 4003 substrate. The design process begins with a conventional Chebyshev implementation using ideal inductor and capacitor models and proceeds to refining the simulation with the addition of accurate CLR models and transmission line interconnect models.">Lumped Element Low-Pass Filter Design And Optimization</a> </td> <td width="14%"> 1/1/2014 </td> <td width="30%"> </td> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <td width="3%"> <a href=/Downloads/AppNotes/MDLX_APP_NOTE_LUMPED_FILTERS_017.pdf target="blank"><img src="/Images/DownloadIcon/pdf.jpg" width="25" height="25" /></a> </td> <td> 17 </td> <td width="52%"> <a href="/account/dloadtracker?dtype=7&amp;lit=8&amp;returnUrl=%2FDownloads%2FAppNotes%2FMDLX_APP_NOTE_LUMPED_FILTERS_017.pdf&amp;littype=1" target="blank" title="Three benchmark filter circuits are introduced in this application note that demonstrate how the Modelithics CLR Library™ can predict performance precisely, improving design flow efficiency. The three filter circuits are: 1) 2.2 GHz low-pass 2) 900 MHz high-pass 3) 5.4 GHz band-pass The filters were designed, fabricated and measured. Excellent agreement was obtained between measurement of the final product and simulations using Modelithics CLR Library models. The CLR Library consists of Global Models™ whose format and advantages are well described in a separate application note 1 . This note discusses the design process, each simulation and optimization step, and measured and simulated results for each filter. The design methods followed for these filters, which all demonstrate “close-the-loop” measurement and simulation results in one pass, can easily be emulated for filter, matching, and bias network design in your environment. The availability of complete hardware and simulation kits for these filters allows interested designers the opportunity to thoroughly understand how the simulations are set up, and to make their own measurements of the filter circuits presented. ">Lumped Element Filter Design And Optimization</a> </td> <td width="14%"> 1/1/2014 </td> <td width="30%"> </td> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <td width="3%"> <a href=/Downloads/AppNotes/MDLX_APP_NOTE_PART_COUNT_015.pdf target="blank"><img src="/Images/DownloadIcon/pdf.jpg" width="25" height="25" /></a> </td> <td> 15 </td> <td width="52%"> <a href="/account/dloadtracker?dtype=7&amp;lit=6&amp;returnUrl=%2FDownloads%2FAppNotes%2FMDLX_APP_NOTE_PART_COUNT_015.pdf&amp;littype=1" target="blank" title="This application note demonstrates that accurate, substratescalable Modelithics models can be used to reduce circuit size, part count and cost. A baseline (ideal element) 5 th order low-pass filter is assumed to provide the required performance over the band of interest. The response of this same topology, when simulated using vendor-provided Sparameter data for the inductors and capacitors, will differ due to parasitic effects associated with the components. Additionally, since the parasitic effects are in fact substrate dependent, the Modelithics models can be used to investigate the performance of the filter as a function of substrate height and dielectric constant. The part scaling feature of the Modelithics models also allows circuit designers to rapidly optimize the L- and C-values, and in this example it is shown that a 3rd order filter provides nearly an identical response to the ideal 5th order topology.">Reducing Part Count In Low-Pass Filter Designs</a> </td> <td width="14%"> 1/1/2014 </td> <td width="30%"> </td> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <td width="3%"> <a href=/Downloads/AppNotes/MDLX_APP_NOTE_14_Tee_Network.pdf target="blank"><img src="/Images/DownloadIcon/pdf.jpg" width="25" height="25" /></a> </td> <td> 14 </td> <td width="52%"> <a href="/account/dloadtracker?dtype=7&amp;lit=5&amp;returnUrl=%2FDownloads%2FAppNotes%2FMDLX_APP_NOTE_14_Tee_Network.pdf&amp;littype=1" target="blank" title="The Tee-network shown below was built and characterized to demonstrate the substrate-scaling functionality of the Modelithics Global™ capacitor models. The schematic includes three instances of the CAP_ATC_0805_001 model, each set to 0.5 pF. On 59 mil-thick FR4, the network provides a simple solution for a moderate bandwidth, 2.5 GHz high-pass filter that has ~20 dB low-band isolation, without using inductors. However, the performance is seriously degraded when using a 5 mil-thick FR4 substrate.">Capacitor Tee Network Characteristics</a> </td> <td width="14%"> 1/1/2014 </td> <td width="30%"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br /> <!-- Get Tabs--> <br /> <!-- Get Tabs--> <script> $(document).ready(function () { $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); }); </script> <br /> <!-- Get Tabs--> <!-- Get Tabs--> <h4 class="HeadingTitleMVP">White Papers (Registration not required)</h4> <table class="table display"> <thead> <tr> <th width="3%"> &nbsp; </th> <th width="42%"> Title </th> <th width="40%"> Author </th> <th width="14%"> Date </th> <th>Example</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td width="3%"> <a href=/FreeDownloads/WhitePapers/WhPaper_Equiv_Circuit_Model_Note_Final_ADS.pdf target="blank"><img src="/Images/DownloadIcon/pdf.jpg" width="25" height="25" /></a> </td> <td width="45%"> <a href="/account/dloadtrackerfree?dtype=10&amp;lit=220&amp;returnUrl=%2FFreeDownloads%2FWhitePapers%2FWhPaper_Equiv_Circuit_Model_Note_Final_ADS.pdf&amp;littype=11" target="_blank">Understanding S-Parameter Vs. Equivalent Circuit-based Models For RLC Component Simulations In Keysight ADS And Genesys</a> </td> <td width="40%"> Modelithics: Scott Skidmore, Laura Levesque, And Scott Muir, Along With Jason Boh And How-siang of Keysight Technologies </td> <td width="14%"> 12/4/2014 </td> <td> <a class="ads" href="/account/dloadtrackerfree?dtype=15&amp;lit=220&amp;;littype=11"> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <td width="3%"> <a href=/FreeDownloads/WhitePapers/WhPaper_Equiv_Circuit_Model_Note_Final.pdf target="blank"><img src="/Images/DownloadIcon/pdf.jpg" width="25" height="25" /></a> </td> <td width="45%"> <a href="/account/dloadtrackerfree?dtype=10&amp;lit=1354&amp;returnUrl=%2FFreeDownloads%2FWhitePapers%2FWhPaper_Equiv_Circuit_Model_Note_Final.pdf&amp;littype=11" target="_blank">Understanding S-Parameter Vs Equivalent Circuit-based Models For RLC Component Simulations With NI/AWR Microwave Office</a> </td> <td width="40%"> Modelithics, Inc. </td> <td width="14%"> 11/20/2014 </td> <td> <a class="awr" href="/account/dloadtrackerfree?dtype=15&amp;lit=1354&amp;;littype=11"> </a> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br /> <!-- Get Tabs--> <br /> <!-- Get Tabs--> <h4 class="HeadingTitleMVP"> Press Release</h4> <table class="table display"> <thead> <tr> <th width="3%"> &nbsp; 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