Choosing The Best Digital Marketing Agency for Small Businesses

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class="btn-link secondry c-dark-blue">Back to blog</a> </section> --> <section class="inside-text-banner inside-text-banner-blog-detail"> <a href="" class="btn-link tertiary c-dark-blue">Back to blog</a> </section> <section class="post-details"> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="post-details-container"> <div class="post-details-container-left"> <h1 class="h2">Choosing The Best Digital Marketing Agency for Small Businesses</h1> </div> <div class="post-details-container-right to to-load"> <img src="" alt="" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="post-details-time"> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="post-details-time-inner"> <div class="post-details-time-inner-date">March, 22, 2024</div> <div class="post-details-time-inner-contributer">Contributor: <a href="javascript:void(0)" style="text-decoration: underline;" role="button">Therese Palmere</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="post-content"> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="post-content-inner"> <div class="post-content-inner-left"> <p>Small businesses must adapt and remain open to utilizing online methods in order to succeed amidst digital advancements. Research indicates that around <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">60%</a> of small businesses are already taking advantage of digital marketing, proving it has become a crucial component for business growth as opposed to an optional one.  And According to a recent <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Taradel</a> marketing survey, 94% of small businesses have plans to boost their marketing spending in 2024.</p> <p>It is evident that customer behavior highly favors computer-based searches when seeking local businesses; this increases the importance of investing in online promotions even more so, with those who do experiencing higher revenue growth than their non-adopting counterparts. With many businesses operating on the internet today, careful consideration is necessary when selecting optimal options for your individual needs.</p> <h2><strong>The Main Benefits Of Digital Marketing</strong></h2> <p>With its diverse benefits for brand development, digital marketing provides a comprehensive approach to expanding businesses. By leveraging various digital platforms, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">companies can increase</a> their brand awareness by 43%, effectively connecting with their intended audience. Moreover, implementing digital marketing strategies leads to a significant improvement in customer loyalty (by up to 41%), which fosters lasting connections and encourages repeat business.</p> <p>In addition, streamlined digital marketing practices have led to a significant 29% increase in the efficiency of operations. This improvement not only saves time and resources but also allows for a more targeted and effective approach to marketing. Additionally, by utilizing digital platforms, businesses can tap into new markets with an expansion potential of up to 27%, enabling them to access audiences outside their usual reach.</p> <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-5454" src="" alt="The Main Benefits Of Digital Marketing" width="661" height="554" srcset=" 940w, 300w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 661px) 100vw, 661px" /></p> <p>Digital marketing, as a strong support system for promotion efforts, plays an important role with a 25% effectiveness rate in driving campaigns and promotions. With targeted ads, captivating content or interactive initiatives; it empowers businesses to connect more intimately with their audience thereby increasing engagement which leads to growth.</p> <p>Small business or startup, managing a profitable marketing department is not easy, and decisions on what should be managed in-house versus through small business marketing companies make it that much harder.</p> <p>That’s why we, at <a href="/" target="_new" rel="noopener">Aumcore Digital Marketing Agency</a>, want to make everything easier for you. So whether you manage your marketing solutions for small businesses through a team of in-house experts, or through a local business marketing agency and are thinking of transferring more burdens from your shoulders to theirs, here are some guidelines, tips and marketing strategies for small business that can tip the balance in your favor.</p> <blockquote style="border-left: 4px solid #ff1e1e; padding: 3%; line-height: 20px; margin-bottom: 12px;"><p><em><strong>Read More About: <a href="/blog/digital-marketing-agency/" target="_new" rel="noopener">What Is a Digital Marketing Agency and What Can It Do?</a></strong></em></p></blockquote> <p>So whether you manage your marketing through our team of experts, take it in-house or through another agency, here are some guidelines, tips and strategies that can tip the balance <em>in your favor</em> for a <a href="" target="_new" rel="noopener">successful digital marketing strategy</a>.</p> <h2><strong>Pros and Cons</strong></h2> <p>Digital marketing is a broad category of services used to describe any campaign in a variety of mediums that are published or broadcasted through digital platforms such as the internet, television, social media and more. <em>(Think anything and everything that’s not primarily for printing purposes)</em>.</p> <p>Depending on your business industry and target goals, there are some pros and cons to handling various projects in-house or through an agency.</p> <h4><strong>PROS</strong></h4> <ul> <li>Diverse Levels of Experience</li> <li>The Direction in Achieving KPIs</li> <li>Results-driven Strategy</li> <li>Target Demographic Research</li> <li>Best Quality Media</li> <li>Resources and Connections</li> <li>Project Management</li> <li>Proven Success Stories</li> <li>Informed on Latest Trends</li> </ul> <h4><strong>CONS</strong></h4> <ul> <li>Greater Initial Investment</li> <li>Limited Immediate Turnaround</li> <li>Not Stationed On-site</li> </ul> <p>Let’s first talk about the elephant in the room. Yes – hiring a digital marketing agency for small businesses is going to be an expense that requires some consideration. Not all small businesses can afford to take that leap – and others can’t afford <em>not</em> to.</p> <p>With tight budgets, marketing is often the first department to suffer the loss, and spending the non-existent “extra” cash on marketing is often seen as a con.  But consider if that’s the most logical cut. Marketing has a bad rep for not showing direct gain vs. investment, and for that reason managers are often hesitant to make the commitment.</p> <p>If that’s sounding familiar to your business, consider more secure investments such as SEO or PPC advertisements, and make your goals clear to your marketing department or agency… as well as to yourself.  You may save a dime doing it on your own time, but there are several factors that may be overlooked without consulting a professional.</p> <p>An experienced digital agency for small and medium companies will be able to not only fulfill your marketing needs – <strong>they’ll be able to direct you to the best course of actions according to your budget and specific goals.</strong></p> <p>Some of the top KPI’s SMBs are currently concerned with include incoming calls, website traffic, search engine ranking, store traffic and enquiries</p> <p>One of the certainties when selecting an agency is the advantage of working with distinct professionals in the industry. Sure, you hired the most amazing graphic designer out of college who can also manage social media and some banner ads, but without years of experience under their belts, they’re going to learn some lessons the hard way. The worst part? These lessons are coming right out of your pocket.</p> <p>Another consideration is turnaround time. While an agency is likely to provide a higher quality product, there is some turnaround time involved in producing media according to best practices. There is a need for planning and strategizing before execution to deliver better results.</p> <figure id="attachment_3567" class="wp-caption alignnone" style="width: 600px;"><img decoding="async" src="" alt="" /></figure> <p>Working with a renowned agency, you’ll also have the opportunity to receive projects from several individuals who are skilled specifically in specialized tasks. If you’re working on a campaign that includes multiple channels (social, web, video etc.), working with an agency will actually save you some money by packaging these services and channeling through the people who are best fit to deliver outstanding results.</p> <h2><strong>Why Outsource a Digital Marketing Agency?</strong></h2> <p>Outsourcing a digital marketing agency offers several compelling benefits for businesses:</p> <ol> <li><strong>Expertise:</strong> When it comes to online marketing, digital agencies are capable of providing a wide range of services such as SEO, social media management, content marketing and PPC advertising. A comprehensive agency like the one I&#8217;m thinking of guarantees that they have all the necessary skills and experience required for any project.</li> <li><strong>Cost-Effectiveness:</strong> While recognizing the benefits of building an in-house marketing team, small enterprises encounter financial hurdles due to their limited resources. Bringing on board a marketer allows your business to reduce expenses associated with employing and setting up an internal team that would need constant interaction with you.</li> <li><strong>Focus On Core Activities:</strong> Entrepreneurs or their teams can become side-tracked and waste precious time handling digital marketing duties. Rather than assigning internal resources to these responsibilities, businesses can outsource them to gain more hours for vital activities such as product advancement, customer contentment, and strategic scheming.</li> <li><strong>Scalability:</strong> Scalability is a key advantage of partnering with a digital marketing agency, as they can tailor their services based on the specific needs and outcomes desired. Regardless of whether your business is in early stage development or experiencing significant growth, an experienced agency can swiftly adjust strategies and allocate resources accordingly to align with overall objectives.</li> <li><strong>Access To Technology And Tools:</strong> Digital agencies have access to advanced analytical tools, software and virtual platforms that are often unaffordable for small businesses. By outsourcing digital services through an agency, companies can utilize these tools to track rates, analyze data and optimize campaigns effectively.</li> </ol> <h2><strong>What Does a Digital Marketing Agency Do?</strong></h2> <p>Digital marketing agencies are sought after by businesses to capitalize on their know-how in the constantly changing domain of online advertising. These firms possess current insights into trends, optimal approaches and essential tools required for success in the digital marketing arena.</p> <p>When you team up with a digital marketing agency, here&#8217;s what to expect:</p> <h3><strong>Amplified Organic Traffic To Your Website </strong></h3> <p>The ultimate goal of any digital marketing campaign is to boost organic traffic directed towards your website. Marketing experts at these agencies possess the knowledge and skills in inbound marketing strategies, customer journey mapping, as well as understanding search engine algorithms intricately. Teamwork with a trustworthy digital marketing agency leads to an influx of organic visitors that ultimately yield more high-quality leads but reduce expenses simultaneously. Improved lead quality enhances conversion rates for maximum impact on business profitability and success.</p> <h3><strong>Generation Of Sales-Ready Leads </strong></h3> <p>Digital marketing agency professionals have an in-depth comprehension of your enterprise, its sales goals, the functioning and progression of customer leads, and its target audience. They are experts at handling various inbound marketing methods such as content creation policies for promotion purposes on different platforms like social media websites, webpage generation techniques to increase traffic throughput optimization practices so that search engines can easily recognize web codes; all aimed towards achieving a cohesive message across relevant outlets leading potential customers down the road through conversion from mere browsers into true clients ready to make purchases or access services offered by you.</p> <h3><strong>Expansion Of Brand Reach </strong></h3> <p>By leveraging the prevalence of consumers in the digital realm, digital marketing agencies can effectively expand a brand&#8217;s reach and cultivate meaningful engagement online. This involves conducting thorough research on relevant keywords and identifying buyer personas to optimize your brand&#8217;s visibility across various channels. Furthermore, delegating social media management responsibilities to these agencies can significantly enhance your presence across multiple platforms and further increase your overall impact within the virtual landscape.</p> <h3><strong>Comprehensive Marketing Enhancement </strong></h3> <p>With flawless integration into your internal marketing team, a well-regarded digital marketing agency can eliminate expertise gaps and improve the overall effectiveness of campaigns. By executing an extensive review of existing strategies, such agencies identify any shortcomings before suggesting customized solutions to resolve them. A skilled agency provides all-encompassing services- from web design and SEO to PR, email advertising or social media management &#8211; that enhance your marketing efforts exponentially.</p> <h2><strong>How Digital Marketing Helps Small Businesses</strong></h2> <p>There&#8217;s no denying the immense power of digital marketing in propelling small businesses to new heights, granting them numerous advantages and leveling up their playing field against larger competitors.</p> <p>With over <a href=",U.S.%20population%20uses%20the%20internet." target="_new" rel="nofollow noopener">4.66 billion</a> users worldwide having access to the internet, various businesses can now extend their reach beyond geographically local markets through these platforms and engage with a much broader audience.</p> <p>Additionally, due to the availability of selective advertising features that enable companies to easily target their customer base while staying within budgetary constraints, digital marketing is an economical option.</p> <p>Small businesses can develop highly targeted campaigns by combining precision with data provided by Facebook and Google analytics, which help understand audience behavior. Digital marketing differs from traditional channels because it produces quickly measurable outcomes through tools such as website traffic trackers, conversion rates analysis and determination of return on investment (ROI).</p> <p>Digital platforms allow local businesses to personalize their interactions with customers and cultivate strong relationships, leading to increased loyalty. In fact, a substantial <a href="" target="_new" rel="nofollow noopener">88%</a> of consumers view this type of ecommerce website as just as trustworthy as personal recommendations – illustrating how essential online retail is for women&#8217;s consumption habits.</p> <p>Small businesses can now compete on an equal footing with larger corporations through digital marketing, creating a more level playing field. By establishing a robust online presence and engaging in effective digital strategies, they have the potential to enhance their brand recognition. This distinction from competitors is coupled with flexibility in adapting to market changes.</p> <h2>What To Look for In a Digital Marketing Agency as A Small Business?</h2> <p>Whether you are a small business or a large business, consider these 5 factors when looking at how to choose a digital marketing agency.</p> <h4><strong>Experience</strong></h4> <p>Online marketing encompasses many areas of activity. Some companies are full-service, meaning they offer everything from web design, SEO, social media management to email marketing. Other companies focus on specific service areas, such as PPC management.</p> <p>So, when choosing a digital marketing company, it is important to understand the services offered by the company. Do their job offers match your goals?</p> <h4><strong>Knowledge of your Business</strong></h4> <p>In addition to the expertise and services you need, a digital marketing agency should understand your business. Industry experience is a plus. Having worked with other companies in your area, the company will know the unique challenges and geography of your company. They can also add features to your business that have worked for others in the industry.</p> <h4><strong>Good Communication</strong></h4> <p>Another consideration when choosing a digital media company is communication. As with any working relationship, communication is important. If you want to start a new way quickly or if a problem quickly arises, you need a partner company that is receptive and ready to work with you to find a solution.</p> <h4><strong>Testimonials</strong></h4> <p>When you&#8217;re thinking about how to choose a digital advertising agency, reviews and testimonials are helpful tools.</p> <p>The number of reviews for each company will depend on its size, how long it has been in business and other factors. However, content from research holds the most value. Are they usually good? Are customers satisfied? What details are included that can help distinguish the company?</p> <p>Keep in mind, however, that a five-star rating does not mean the company is the best for your business. So, it&#8217;s important that you don&#8217;t rely on research alone and include other factors in your decision.</p> <h4><strong>Reasonable Expectations</strong></h4> <p>When deciding which content marketing agency for small business to hire, be aware of the expectations they set. Top companies will set clear expectations for you. They will be transparent about things like price, the scope of work, timelines, and deliverables. Additionally, they should outline the results you can expect from their work. Be wary of companies that promise too much or promise results that seem too good to be true.</p> <h2><strong>How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Digital Marketing Agency?</strong></h2> <p>The cost of hiring a digital marketing agency can vary based on several factors such as the extent of services required, the size and expertise level of the agency, and its geographical location. However, most agencies provide multiple pricing options to cater to diverse budgets and needs:</p> <ol> <li><strong>Hourly Rates</strong>: <a href="" target="_new" rel="nofollow noopener">Hourly rates</a> can vary greatly among agencies, ranging from $50 to upwards of $500 per hour. The exact amount charged is typically determined by the agency&#8217;s level of expertise and reputation in their field.</li> <li><strong>Monthly Retainer</strong>: Numerous agencies offer <a href="" target="_new" rel="nofollow noopener">monthly retainers</a> wherein the client remunerates a set fee equivalent to either expended hours or specific services. These retainer fees, encompassing all service charges, vary from $1,000 up to $10,000 per month and largely rely on what types of included services there are.</li> <li><strong>Project-Based Pricing</strong>: Agencies have the flexibility to offer project-based pricing for their services, which allows clients to pay a predetermined fee for the successful completion of a specific project or deliverable. The cost of these projects is typically based on factors such as complexity and scope, and can vary from several hundred dollars up to a few thousand dollars.</li> <li><strong>Percentage of Ad Spend</strong>: If the agency is managing paid ad campaigns, they may charge a fixed fee between <a href="" target="_new" rel="nofollow noopener">15% to 20%</a> of the total ad spend. The quoted percentage for media fees typically ranges from 10% to 30%, varying based on both the chosen agency and level of service required.</li> <li><strong>Performance-Based Pricing</strong>: In some cases, agencies may use performance-based pricing where the fee is tied to specific outcomes such as leads generated or sales achieved. Performance-based pricing can be flexible and include a variety of approaches including base fees with added bonuses for meeting certain targets.</li> </ol> <h2><strong>Digital Marketing Spending by Small Businesses</strong></h2> <p>Small businesses are allocating a larger portion of their marketing budgets towards digital platforms, resulting in an upward trend in digital advertising spend. On average, they currently dedicate 42% of their total marketing budget to these efforts; however, predictions suggest this number will only continue to grow.</p> <p>This investment isn&#8217;t limited to one channel but rather spread across various areas such as SEO, PPC advertising, social media campaigns and email outreach.</p> <p>For instance: usual expenditures for small companies spend around <a href="" target="_new" rel="nofollow noopener">$17000</a> each month on digital marketing services with targeted expenses ranging between <a href="" target="_new" rel="nofollow noopener">$3000-$10000</a> monthly spent optimizing PPC ad-campaigns.</p> <p>Email outreach has its own allocated range where it is common practice among smaller firms that the sum can vary anywhere from <a href="" target="_new" rel="nofollow noopener">$9</a> all way through reaching higher figures like $1000 mark per single-month . This increase shows an elevated awareness when regarding efficiency placed into effect by utilizing well-researched and time-proven tips-and-tricks considered very useful amongst experienced marketers within the field focused strictly upon high-impact strategies operating throughout diverse mediums widely praised seen vital measures taken implementing successful business practices while performing at maximum capacity achievable!</p> <p><a href=""><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-5458" src="" alt="Digital Advertising Spending Worldwide" width="695" height="583" srcset=" 940w, 300w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 695px) 100vw, 695px" /></a></p> <h2>Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency</h2> <p>Now that you understand the pros and cons of hiring small business marketing firms, the next step is to make your selection! There are hundreds of agencies out there that all have their own unique style, voice and marketing perspective. With the overwhelming amount of options, it can seem like a difficult choice to make, but the real challenge is to choose the right small digital agency that will accurately represent your brand.</p> <p>During the production process, this agency will be working directly with your team, and will essentially be a functioning part of your business. Similar to interviewing a candidate for an internal role, there are some questions you need to ask in order to determine whether or not the agency will be the right fit. Below are the top five small business digital marketing agency questions that we get asked the most:</p> <p>Below are the top five small business creative agency questions that we get asked the most:</p> <p><strong>Have you worked with small businesses before?</strong> When it comes to marketing a small business, the needs are not quite the same as that of a bigger company. Your digital marketing agency will need to understand the restrictions that come with working with a smaller business and know how to navigate their way around it.</p> <p><strong>Can you show us some small business strategy examples of your best written content? </strong>Top digital marketing agencies for small businesses will usually offer copywriting as one of their services to help improve SEO. One way to determine whether or not their written style is for your brand is to ask for a sample of their best posts.</p> <p><strong>Who are your previous clients?</strong> Being able to see who they’ve worked with as well as what they’ve done is important. But in some cases, reaching out to their previous clients will help paint a better picture of what it is they are able to do for your business.</p> <p><strong>What information will you need from me?</strong> Oftentimes, brands won’t understand what information will be needed, or how they can help their digital marketing campaign. Asking this question helps give both sides a clear understanding of what’s expected.</p> <p><strong>How does your team optimize your content for search engines?</strong> When asking this question, your goal is to get the small business SEO company to start talking about their process and how their team approaches search engine optimization.</p> <p><strong>Which platforms do you recommend?</strong> Does the agency think beyond the standard social media channels that everyone tries to punt? How is their approach to content sharing different? This will help you determine of the agency is able to think on their feet, or if they follow a cookie cutter model.</p> <p><strong>What metrics does your team track?</strong> Even a newer digital marketing agency for startups should be able to explain metrics like bounce rates, CPC, conversions, and ROI to its clients. If the agency you’re interviewing doesn’t know how to explain these terms, or if it doesn&#8217;t provide reports on how your PPC campaigns are doing&#8230; that’s a red flag!</p> <p><strong>How do you measure success?</strong> Does the agency set and track realistic goals, and if so, do they share this information with you throughout the process? The last thing you want to do is waste money on a project that reaps no real benefits.</p> <p><strong>When will I be able to see results?</strong> One of the downsides to SEO, PPC and <a href="" target="_new" rel="noopener">demand generation</a> for small business is that agencies can’t give you a definitive date on when you will be able to see results. These campaigns take time, but usually you will be able to notice results within 6 &#8211; 12 months.</p> <p>Hopefully, these questions to ask a digital marketing agency will help you poke and prod a bit further into the inner workings of each prospective agency your team is considering. If you have a question about the agency, their previous works, their collaboration process, or anything, ask it!</p> <p>No question is “stupid,” especially when you’re considering where to spend your marketing budget. Remember that the agency you hire will be an extension of your business, so it’s important to get to know each team as best as you can during the hiring process.</p> <h2><strong>Digital Marketing Services for Small Business</strong></h2> <p>Digital marketing services for small businesses encompass a range of strategies and tactics tailored to help them establish a strong online presence, attract customers, and drive growth. Some key digital marketing services for small businesses include:</p> <h4><strong>1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)</strong>:</h4> <p>The primary goal of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is to increase visibility on search engine results pages(SERPs), while also generating higher organic traffic. Studies show that <a href=",Did%20you%20know%20that%2068%25%20of%20online,begin%20with%20a%20search%20engine%3F&amp;text=That's%20why%20SEO%2C%20or%20search,more%20traffic%20to%20your%20site." target="_new" rel="nofollow noopener">68%</a> of online experiences begin with a search engine, emphasizing the importance of ranking well.</p> <p><strong>2. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising</strong>:</p> <p>Running search engine marketing (SEM) campaigns and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising on Google Ads, Bing Ads, as well as social media platforms to draw in potential customers and cultivate them towards generating leads or sales via Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC). PPC visitors are <a href="" target="_new" rel="nofollow noopener">50%</a> more likely to make a purchase than organic visitors.</p> <p><strong>3. Social Media Marketing (SMM)</strong>:</p> <p>Our focus will be on <a href="" target="_new" rel="noopener">Social Media Marketing</a> (SMM) &#8211; devising and executing plans to reach our target audience through popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and TikTok. We aim to boost brand recognition among users while supporting active customer engagement and enhancing website traffic. Over <a href="" target="_new" rel="noopener">3.6 billion</a> people worldwide use social media, making it a powerful tool for reaching and engaging with potential customers.</p> <p><strong>4. Content Marketing</strong>:</p> <p><a href="" target="_new" rel="noopener">Content marketing</a> involves creating and dispersing top-notch, applicable content across various social media platforms and communication channels aimed towards a distinct audience. This targeted group responds to the content with lucrative actions. Content marketing generates <a href="" target="_new" rel="nofollow noopener">3 times</a> as many leads as traditional outbound marketing.</p> <p><strong>5. Email Marketing</strong>:</p> <p>Email marketing involves conceptualizing and executing newsletters that aim to nurture prospects, raise awareness of products or services among customers, and foster engagement with clients to convert them into paying customers. It boasts an impressive ROI of <a href=";text=Email%20marketing%20is%20king%20for,Goods%20sector%20at%2045%3A1." target="_new" rel="nofollow noopener">$42</a> for every $1 spent, making it one of the most cost-effective digital marketing channels.</p> <p><strong>6. Website Design and Development</strong>:</p> <p><a href="" target="_new" rel="noopener">Website Design and Development</a> usually involves the creation or renovation of visually appealing, easy-to-use websites with exceptional performance that provide customers with positive experiences. Consequently, many visitors become loyal consumers. <a href=",every%20year%20%E2%80%93%20Source%3A%20Econsultancy." target="_new" rel="nofollow noopener">88%</a> of online consumers are less likely to return to a website after a bad experience, underscoring the importance of a well-designed website.</p> <p><strong>7. Analytics and Reporting</strong>:</p> <p>Utilizing tools such as Google Analytics, analyzing crucial performance indicators and reporting observations while also recommending ways to enhance marketing strategies and increase ROI via these reports falls under analytics and reporting duties. Over <a href="" target="_new" rel="nofollow noopener">80%</a> of marketers believe that data-driven decision-making significantly improves the effectiveness of their marketing efforts.</p> <p><strong>8. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)</strong>:</p> <p>CRO, or Conversion Rate Optimization involves breaking down and analyzing specific areas of a website or marketing campaign that aim to increase the likelihood of successful transactions such as completing purchases or filling out inquiry forms. Even a modest <a href="" target="_new" rel="nofollow noopener">1%</a> increase in conversion rates can result in a substantial boost in revenue for businesses.</p> <p><strong>9. Online Reputation Management (ORM)</strong>:</p> <p>Online Reputation Management (ORM) entails monitoring consumer reviews and comments, handling negative feedback, and effectively conveying positive sentiment to manage one&#8217;s online reputation. <a href="" target="_new" rel="nofollow noopener">88%</a> of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations, highlighting the importance of maintaining a positive online reputation.</p> <p><strong>10. Strategy and Consultation</strong>:</p> <p>Developing comprehensive digital marketing strategies tailored to client&#8217;s unique requirements and goals. They offer guidance and assistance throughout the entire campaign process, guaranteeing its favorable outcome. Businesses with a documented digital marketing strategy are 2.5 times more likely to achieve their goals and objectives than those without a strategy in place.</p> <h2><strong>AI in Small Business Marketing</strong></h2> <p>The implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) tools is becoming more prevalent among small businesses as a means to enhance efficiency and minimize expenses. According to a report from the <a href="" target="_new" rel="nofollow noopener">Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council</a> (SBEC), roughly half of all small enterprises have incorporated AI technology into their operations within the past year, while many others have been using them for one or two years. These flexible resources simplify an array of tasks such as marketing and human resources, enabling companies to save valuable time and reduce costs.</p> <p>The use of AI technology empowers businesses with a plethora of capabilities, from composing business plans to steering projects and creating website content or social media posts. Small-scale enterprises are now able to channel their resources towards pivotal aspects such as customer engagement, innovation, and growth opportunities due to the incorporation of AI. Despite its numerous advantages though, utilizing AI tools that encompass high-end robotics may pose challenges like sporadic inaccuracies in output generation and failure understanding human emotions alongside exorbitant costs associated with advanced technologies.</p> <p>The demand for AI tools is increasing among small businesses due to the necessity of competing in a challenging labor market and keeping pace with technological innovations. Despite facing obstacles, <a href="">integrating AI</a> remains an essential tactic for achieving success in today&#8217;s ever-changing business environment as companies navigate both opportunities and risks.</p> <h2>Digital Marketing Agencies for Small Businesses</h2> <p>It can be tricky to find the right small business marketing agency, so to help you on your path to success, here are a few sources that help you to find the best marketing agencies for small businesses.</p> <h4><strong>Aumcore</strong></h4> <p>Aumcore is a digital marketing agency for small business and is committed to fully integrating itself into the business and industry of its clients. The company offers services from planning to execution and has a team focused on delivering amazing results. It is done by working faster, delivering better services, and improving efficiency. The company also wants to give its customers a head starts with the latest digital marketing technology.</p> <p>Find out why Aumcore is the perfect fit</p> <ul> <li>Aumcore is Featured as a Top Digital Advertising Agency by <a href="" target="_new" rel="noopener"></a>.</li> <li>Aumcore is Featured as Award-winning Digital Marketing Agencies in New York by <a href="" target="_new" rel="noopener">Digital Agency Network</a>.</li> <li>Aumcore is Featured as a Top Digital Marketing Agency by <a href="" target="_new" rel="noopener"></a>.</li> <li>Aumcore is Featured as a Top Digital Marketing Agency in New York (NYC) by <a href="" target="_new" rel="noopener"></a>.</li> </ul> <h2><strong>And Most Importantly…</strong></h2> <p>If you <em>do</em> choose to manage some or all of your marketing through an agency, choose one who is a proven success in the business to ensure your dollars are well spent and aligned for the highest return.</p> <p>While we might be a <em>bit</em> partial, Aumcore <em>was</em> just listed as a top Digital Marketing Agency in NY… and proving<a href="" target="_new" rel="noopener"> digital marketing services for small businesses</a> driven by results is not just our mission, <em>it’s our passion</em>. And we’re proud to continue delivering digital marketing solutions to small, medium and enterprise business in NY and beyond. Be sure to <a href="" target="_new" rel="noopener">check out our portfolio</a> for some of our favorite success stories.</p> <!-- <div class="article-tag"> <h3>Article tags</h3> <div class="tag-list desktop-only"> <a href='' title='Digital Marketing Agency Tag' class='digital-marketing-agency'>Digital Marketing Agency</a> <a href='' title='Digital Marketing Agency For Small Businesses Tag' class='digital-marketing-agency-for-small-businesses'>Digital Marketing Agency For Small Businesses</a> <a href='' title='Digital Marketing Service Tag' class='digital-marketing-service'>Digital Marketing Service</a> </div> <div class="tag-list mobile-only"> <a href='' title='Digital Marketing Agency Tag' class='digital-marketing-agency'>Digital Marketing Agency</a> <a href='' title='Digital Marketing Agency For Small Businesses Tag' class='digital-marketing-agency-for-small-businesses'>Digital Marketing Agency For Small Businesses</a> <a href='' title='Digital Marketing Service Tag' 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