AS Domain Registry Policy

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If this Registration Agreement is accepted by <i>AS</i>NIC, and a domain name is registered in <i>AS</i>NIC's domain name database and assigned to the Registrant, Registrant ("Registrant") agrees to be bound by the terms of this Registration Agreement</p> <p>As an express condition and material inducement of the grant of a Registrant's request to register a domain name, Registrant represents and warrants as follows:</p><ul> <blockquote>A) Registrant's statements in the application are true and Registrant has the right to use the domain name as requested in the Registration Agreement;</blockquote> <blockquote>B) Registrant has a bona fide intention to use the domain name on a active basis on the Internet;</blockquote> <blockquote>C) Registrant is not seeking to use the domain name for any unlawful purpose, including, without limitation, tortious interference with contract or prospective business advantage, unfair competition, injuring the reputation of another, or for the purpose of confusing or misleading a person, whether natural or incorporated.</blockquote> <blockquote>D) Registrant is not seeking to use the domain name for any purpose which may be offending to the values and morals of American Samoa, including, without limitation, pornographic or racist material. Registrant agrees that <i>AS</i>NIC shall have the right in its sole discretion to determine if a domain name is offensive.</blockquote> <blockquote>E) Registrant agrees to abide by the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy of <i>AS</i> Domain Registry detailed at <a href="/udrp.cfm"></a>.</blockquote> <blockquote>F) The use or registration of the domain name by Registrant does not interfere with or infringe the right of any third party in any jurisdiction with respect to trademark, service mark, trade name, company name or any other intellectual property right;</blockquote> </ul><br> <ol type="1"> <li><b>Agents</b>. Registrant agrees that if this Registration Agreement is completed by an agent for the Registrant, such as an Internet Service Provider ("ISP"), the Registrant is nonetheless bound as a principal by all terms and conditions herein.<br>&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;</li> <li><b>Fees</b>. Registrant agrees to pay a registration fee of $100.00 as consideration for the registration of each new domain name, or a renewal fee of $50.00 to renew an existing domain name. Payment is due at the time of registration for a new domain name, or within thirty (30) days from the date of the invoice to renew an existing domain name. The non-refundable fee covers a period of two (2) years for each new registration, and one (1) year for each renewal.<br>&nbsp;</li> <li><b>Active Usage</b>. Registrant agrees to actively use its domain name on the Internet and will be responsible to give <i>AS</i>NIC written notice of any technical difficulties which prevent the active use of its domain name within a reasonable time. The failure to abide by this provision shall be considered a material breach of this Registration Agreement and permit <i>AS</i>NIC to immediately withdraw the use and registration of domain name from Registrant.<br>&nbsp;</li> <li><b>Limitation of Liability</b>. Registrant agrees that <i>AS</i>NIC shall have no liability to the Registrant for any loss Registrant may incur in connection with <i>AS</i>NIC's processing of this Registration Agreement, in connection with <i>AS</i>NIC's processing of any authorized modification to the domain name's record during the covered period, or as a result of the Registrant's ISP's failure to pay either the initial registration fee, renewal fee, or modification fee. Registrant agrees that in no event shall the maximum liability of <i>AS</i>NIC under this Registration Agreement for any matter exceed Five Hundred United States Dollars (US$500.00).<br>&nbsp;</li> <li><b>Indemnity</b>. Registrant agrees, in the event the Registration Agreement is accepted by <i>AS</i>NIC and a subsequent dispute arises with any third party, to indemnify and hold <i>AS</i>NIC harmless pursuant to the terms and conditions contained in the Registration Agreement.<br>&nbsp;</li> <li><b>Selection Of Domain Name</b>. Registrant is responsible for its selection of the domain name. Consequently, Registrant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless <i>AS</i>NIC, its officers, directors, employees and agents (collectively, the "Indemnified Parties") for any loss, damage, expense or liability resulting from any claim, action or demand arising out of or related to the use or registration of the domain name, including reasonable attorneys fees. Such claims shall include, without limitation, those based upon trademark or service mark infringement, trade name infringement, dilution, tortious interference with contract or prospective business advantage, unfair competition, defamation or injury to business reputation. The Indemnified Parties agree to give Registrant written notice of any such claim, action or demand within a reasonable time. Registrant agrees that the Indemnified Parties shall be defended by attorneys of their choice at Registrant's expense, and that Registrant shall advance the costs of such litigation, in a reasonable fashion, from time to time. The failure to abide by this provision shall be considered a material breach of this Registration Agreement and permit <i>AS</i>NIC to immediately withdraw the use and registration of domain name from Registrant.<br>&nbsp;</li> <li><b>Breach</b>. Registrant agrees that failure to abide by any provision of this Registration Agreement may be considered by <i>AS</i>NIC to be a material breach and that <i>AS</i>NIC may provide a written notice, describing the breach, to the Registrant. If, within thirty (30) days of the date of mailing such notice, the Registrant fails to provide evidence, which is reasonably satisfactory to <i>AS</i>NIC, that it has not breached its obligations, then <i>AS</i>NIC may delete Registrant's registration of the domain name. Any such breach by a Registrant shall not be deemed to be excused simply because <i>AS</i>NIC did not act earlier in response to that, or any other, breach by the Registrant.<br>&nbsp;</li> <li><b>Disputes</b>. Registrant acknowledges and agrees that <i>AS</i>NIC cannot act as an arbiter of disputes arising out of the registration and use of domain names. Disputes are to be settled by the contesting parties using normal legal means.<br>&nbsp;</li> <li><b>Right of Refusal</b>. <i>AS</i>NIC, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to refuse to approve the Registration Agreement for any Registrant. Registrant agrees that the submission of this Registration Agreement does not obligate <i>AS</i>NIC to accept this Registration Agreement. Registrant agrees that <i>AS</i>NIC shall not be liable for loss or damages that may result from <i>AS</i>NIC's refusal to accept this Registration Agreement.<br>&nbsp;</li> <li><b>Revocation</b>. Registrant agrees that <i>AS</i>NIC may delete a Registrant's domain name if this Registration Agreement, or subsequent modification(s) thereto, contains false or misleading information, or conceals or omits any information <i>AS</i>NIC would likely consider material to its decision to approve this Registration Agreement upon thirty (30) calendar days prior written notice, or at such time as <i>AS</i>NIC receives a properly authenticated order from a court of the United States of America.<br>&nbsp;</li> <li><b>No Guaranty</b>. Registrant agrees that, by registration of a domain name, such registration does not confer immunity from objection to either the registration or use of the domain name.<br>&nbsp;</li> <li><b>Severability</b>. Registrant agrees that the terms of this Registration Agreement are severable. If any term or provision is declared invalid, it shall not affect the remaining terms or provisions which shall continue to be binding.<br>&nbsp;</li> <li><b>Entirety</b>. Registrant agrees that this Registration Agreement is the complete and exclusive agreement between Registrant and <i>AS</i>NIC regarding the registration of Registrant's domain name. This Registration Agreement supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether established by custom, practice, policy, or precedent.<br>&nbsp;</li> <li><b>Governing Law</b>. Registrant agrees that this Registration Agreement shall be governed in all respects by and construed in accordance with the laws of American Samoa and the United States of America.<br>&nbsp;</li> </ol> <p style="normal">This is Domain Name Registration Agreement Version Number 2.3. This Registration Agreement is only for registrations under the <i>.AS</i> country code Top Level Domain. By completing and submitting this Registration Agreement for consideration and acceptance by <i>AS</i>NIC, the Registrant agrees that he/she has read and agrees to be bound by the above <i>AS</i>NIC Domain Name Registration Agreement's terms and conditions. </p> <p>If you agree with these terms and conditions <a href="/whois.cfm">click here</a> to register your <i>.AS</i> domain name .</p> <p/> <hr width="50%" align="center"> <table style="font-size:12px; white-space:nowrap;" align="center"><tbody> <tr><td colspan="7" style="text-align:center;">General ccTLD Policy Inquiries: <a href="" onClick="this.href=this.href.replace('','');">domainmaster&#0064;nic&#0046;as</a><br /> General Registry related (non-policy), billing, and technical inquiries:<br /> E. <a href="" onClick="this.href=this.href.replace('','');">registration-staff&#0064;nic&#0046;as</a></td></tr> <tr><td rowspan="2" width="25%">&nbsp;</td> <td style="text-align:right; padding-right: 5px;">T.</td> <td style="text-align:left; padding-left: 5px; width:75px;">+45 69 91 85 21</td> <td style="text-align:center;padding-right:10px; padding-left:10px;">|</td> <td style="text-align:right; padding-right: 5px; width:10px;">T.</td> <td style="text-align:left; padding-left: 5px; width:75px;">+47 21 01 89 84</td> <td rowspan="2" width="25%">&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td style="text-align:right; padding-right: 5px;">T.</td> <td style="text-align:left; padding-left: 5px; width:75px;">+1 212 334 3660&nbsp;</td> <td style="text-align:center;padding-right:10px; padding-left:10px;">|</td> <td style="text-align:right; padding-right: 5px;">F.</td> <td style="text-align:left; padding-left: 5px; width:75px;">+1 212 656 1982</td></tr></tbody></table> <p style="display:none;position:absolute;top=-1000px;left=-1000px;"><a href=""></a></p> </body> </html> </HTML>

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