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0 auto;">Pros, Save $25 When You Spend $250</p> <span style="display:flex"> <p style="color:#FFFFFF; margin: 0 auto;">In-Store Or Online &amp; Pick Up In-Store*</p> <span class="arrow-bg" style="--arrow-color:#000000"></span> </span> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="scan-barcode" > <button class="scan-barcode-btn d-none" title="Scan Barcode">Click Here to Scan Barcode</button> </div> <div class="container content-asset-container"> <h1>Privacy Policy</h1> <!-- dwMarker="content" dwContentID="c3606ac80e66ff6ffe751da16f" --> <style> html { scroll-behavior: smooth; } p{ font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif; color: #212322; font-weight:300; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 16px; } ul{ font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif; color: #212322; font-weight:300; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 16px; } ol{ font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif; color: #212322; font-weight:300; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 16px; } li{ font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif; color: #212322; font-weight:300; 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Personal Information. This privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") describes the information we collect about you, how it is used and to whom it is disclosed and explains the rights and choices you have to control how we handle your Personal Information. </p> <p> Our Privacy Policy describes: </p> <ol start="1" type="1"> <li> <a href="#section1">Services and Scope</a> </li> <li> <a href="#section2">Personal Information We Collect</a> </li> <li> <a href="#section3">How We Use Your Personal Information</a> </li> <li> <a href="#section4">How We Disclose Your Personal Information</a> </li> <li> <a href="#section5">Cookies and Similar Technologies</a> </li> <li> <a href="#section6">How We Protect Your Personal Information</a> </li> <li> <a href="#section7">Links to Third-Party Websites</a> </li> <li> <a href="#section8">Retention of Personal Information</a> </li> <li> <a href="#section9">Your Rights and Choices</a> </li> <li> <a href="#section10">State Privacy Laws</a> </li> <ol class="alpha-list"> <li> <a href="#California-Consumer-Policy">California Consumer Privacy</a> </li> <ul type="block"> <li> <a href="#Your-California-Privacy-Rights">Consumer Privacy Rights</a> </li> <li> <a href="#California-Sale-of-Personal-Information">Sale or Sharing of Personal Information</a> </li> <li> <a href="#California-Rights">Other California Rights</a> </li> </ul> <li> <a href="#California-Notice-Of-Financial-Incentive">Notice of Financial Incentive</a> </li> <li> <a href="#Information-For-Nevada-Residents">Information for Nevada Residents</a> </li> <li> <a href="#Other-State-Privacy-Notices">Other State Privacy Notices</a> </li> </ol> <li> <a href="#section11">Children's Privacy</a> </li> <li> <a href="#section12">How to Contact Us</a> </li> </ol> <a class="anchor" id="section1"></a> <div class="sections"> <strong>1. </strong> <strong>Services and Scope</strong> </div> <p> In this Privacy Policy, “GameStop,” “we,” or “our” means GameStop, Inc., Sunrise Publications, Inc. (more commonly known as Game Informer), and our U.S. affiliates (collectively “GameStop”), excluding GME Entertainment, LLC. “Website(s)” means GameStop operated websites and mobile applications, including,, Game Informer and GameStop iOS and Android applications, excluding GME Entertainment, LLC websites and applications. </p> <p> Unless stated otherwise, our Privacy Policy applies to all information GameStop collects that is or reasonably could be associated with you, including your online account information (“Personal Information”). Please read this Privacy Policy before using or accessing the Services. By using our Services, you communicate your understanding and acceptance of this Privacy Policy. </p> <p> This Privacy Policy applies to: </p> <ul> <li> Our Websites, </li> <li> Our mobile applications, </li> <li> Our retail stores located in the United States, </li> <li> Our GameStop Pro&#8482; Program, </li> <li> As well as any other website that is owned or operated by our U.S. affiliates – excluding GME Entertainment, LLC – or any other features, content, mobile applications, and any other communications or services we offer from time to time (“Services”). </li> </ul> <p> This Privacy Policy does not apply to: </p> <ul> <li> GME Entertainment, LLC’s websites or mobile applications, including, but not limited to, the GameStop Wallet webpage (, GameStop NFT Marketplace (, the GameStop Wallet browser extension, and the GameStop Wallet mobile applications.</li> <li> Other GameStop affiliates and brands, including those such as EB Games, located outside of the United States. Each entity has its own privacy policy. </li> <li> Credit-related products (such as the GameStop branded credit card). Each credit issuing bank has its own privacy policy. </li> <li> Information collected by third parties through third-party websites or services that you may access through GameStop Services. </li> </ul> <p> <strong>Updates to our Privacy Policy</strong> </p> <p> Our Privacy Policy may change from time to time. We will notify you of changes by posting a revised version of the Privacy Policy on this website and updating the “Effective Date” at the top of the Privacy Policy. You should check this website periodically for updates. If we make material changes to the Privacy Policy, then we will provide notice through our Services or by other means, as legally required. You acknowledge that your continued use of our Services after we publish or send a notice about our changes to this Privacy Policy means that the collection, use and sharing of your Personal Information is subject to the updated Privacy Policy. If you object to any changes, you may close your account and discontinue use of the applicable Services. </p> <div class="wrap-collabsible"> <input id="collapsible1" class="toggle" type="checkbox"> <label for="collapsible1" class="lbl-toggle" tabindex="0"> Expand for PDF download and previous versions. </label> <div class="collapsible-content"><div class="content-inner"> <p> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">Privacy Policy v.24.10.15</a> </p> <p> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">Privacy Policy v.24.07.01</a> </p> <p> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=" Privacy Policy v2024.05.24">Privacy Policy v.24.05.24</a> </p> <p> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=" Privacy Policy v2023.05.23_">Privacy Policy v.23.05.23</a> </p> <p> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=" Policy v.23.01.01_1">Privacy Policy v.23.01.01</a> </p> </div></div></div> <a class="anchor" id="section2"></a> <div class="sections"> <strong>2. </strong> <strong>Personal Information We Collect</strong> </div> <p> <strong>Information You Provide to Us:</strong> </p> <p> We collect information you provide to us directly, and through third parties or service providers acting on our behalf, in connection with making purchases or using our services. This may include contact information, payment information, product preferences, among other information. If you choose not to provide certain information, this may limit your ability to take advantage of some features, promotions, or other Services. </p> <div class="wrap-collabsible"> <input id="collapsible2" class="toggle" type="checkbox"> <label for="collapsible2" class="lbl-toggle" tabindex="0"> Expand for more information </label> <div class="collapsible-content"><div class="content-inner"> <ul> <li> <strong>Contact and Profile Information:</strong> Such as your name, contact information, email address, username, and password. </li> <li> <strong>Transaction Information:</strong> Such as your purchase history, payment card information, payment account, billing and shipping addresses, digital asset wallet information, and other information related to your transactions. </li> <li> Blockchain Information: Such as network public key (public address) and digital wallet contents including cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and tokens. </li> <li> <strong>Loyalty Program and Account Information:</strong> Such as contact details, address, password, birthday, user preference, rewards/points history, payment information, and third-party account information. </li> <li> <strong>Interests and Preference Information:</strong> Such as wish lists, gift lists, alerts or notifications that you choose to create on our Websites. </li> <li> <strong>Questionnaires, surveys, or contests:</strong> Information you provide when participating in competitions, surveys, or contests that GameStop may run from time to time. </li> <li> <strong>Interactions with GameStop:</strong> Audio, visual, and other communications and requests to GameStop including store associates, customer service, social media, and other interactions. </li> <li> <strong>Content you post to our Websites:</strong> Comments or products reviews that you post to our Websites, forums, and discussion areas. </li> <li> <strong>Trade-ins, or Returns:</strong> As part of completing a trade-in, or processing a return, you may be asked to provide government issued identification numbers and valid proof of information. </li> <li> <strong>Credit programs:</strong> As part of applying for credit you may be asked to provide contact information, date of birth, social security number, occupation, and income information. </li> <li> <strong>Information you give us about others. </strong> You may give us information about other people, such as the name, contact information, and address of a gift recipient or someone who will pick up items for you at a store. We will only use this information for the specific reason you provide it. </li> <li> <strong>Other information you provide:</strong> Such as username, signature, photos, or avatars that you may upload to your online profiles. </li> <li> <strong>Party or Event Information:</strong> If you disclose any personal information relating to other people to us or to our service providers, you represent that you have the authority to do so and permit us to use the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. </li> </ul> </div></div></div> <p> <strong>Information We Collect Through Your Interaction With Us:</strong> </p> <p> We and our affiliates, service providers, business partners, and select businesses with whom we have marketing relationships, may use technologies such as cookies, beacons, tags, and scripts, to analyze trends, administer our Websites, improve functionality, and to gather information about our user base as a whole. </p> <div class="wrap-collabsible"> <input id="collapsible3" class="toggle" type="checkbox"> <label for="collapsible3" class="lbl-toggle" tabindex="0"> Expand for more information </label> <div class="collapsible-content"><div class="content-inner"> <ul> <li> <strong>Device Information:</strong> including your IP address, MAC address, browser information, device type, and device IDs.<strong></strong> </li> <li> <strong>Usage information:</strong> Information about your product searches, browsing behavior, clickstream information, use of our services, and date/time stamps. </li> <li> <strong>Cameras:</strong> Closed Circuit Television or CCTV are used in GameStop locations. </li> <li> <strong>Phone calls:</strong> We may record and summarize your calls for quality assurance, training, improving our services, or other purposes. </li> <li> <strong>Social media information:</strong> Information may be collected from you if you interact with us on social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, Tik Tok, Discord, and Snapchat. </li> <li> <strong>Location Information:</strong> We use various technologies such as GPS, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth to collect information from mobile devices as you move through or near our stores. </li> </ul> </div></div></div> <p> <strong>Information from Other Sources:</strong> </p> <p> We may combine information we receive about you from other sources with your account information or other information we maintain about you to help us correct or supplement our records, improve the quality of our Services to you and prevent or detect fraud. Such sources may include information collected from affiliates, business partners, payment processors, data brokers, marketing companies, AML service and data providers, companies that provide services on our behalf, and shipping carriers. We may combine information we receive about you from other sources with your account information or other information we maintain about you. We will use this information consistent with this Privacy Policy. </p> <div class="wrap-collabsible"> <input id="collapsible4" class="toggle" type="checkbox"> <label for="collapsible4" class="lbl-toggle" tabindex="0"> Expand for more information </label> <div class="collapsible-content"><div class="content-inner"> <ul> <li> <strong>GameStop Corporate Group/Affiliates, Business Partners, and Third-party Partners:</strong> Contact details, Account information, Blockchain information, purchase or redemption information, Credit program information, and usage or page-view information from business partners who operate their own websites and services, or for which we provide any services. </li> <li> <strong>Fraud prevention and investigations:</strong> We may collect information about you from publicly available sources, identity verification services, Anti Money Laundering (AML) and sanctions screening services, and data providers. This data may be used in connection with investigations into fraudulent or criminal activities on our websites, mobile apps, services, and in our stores. </li> <li> <strong>Delivery Information:</strong> Examples of information we receive from other sources include updated delivery and address information from our carriers or other third parties, which we may use to correct our records. </li> <li> <strong>Other Sources:</strong> We may collect information about you from other sources, such as data marketing or advertising service providers, analytics providers, service providers, or publicly available sources. We also create information based on our analysis of the information we have collected from you. </li> </ul> </div></div></div> <a class="anchor" id="section3"></a> <div class="sections"> <strong>3. </strong> <strong>How We Use Your Personal Information</strong> </div> <p> We use your personal information (including through the use of artificial intelligence and large language model tools), to provide you products and services, such as to communicate with you, support you, personalize our services, and develop our Services. We may also use information for other accounting, legal, compliance or security purposes. </p> <div class="wrap-collabsible"> <input id="collapsible5" class="toggle" type="checkbox"> <label for="collapsible5" class="lbl-toggle" tabindex="0"> Expand for more information </label><div class="collapsible-content"><div class="content-inner"> <ul> <li> <strong>To provide you products and services:</strong> </li> <ul> <li> Provide products and services that you request such as physical orders or digital goods. </li> <li> Provide relevant and personalized recommendations for products, Services and, promotional offers based on your engagement with us, both online and in-store. </li> <li> Communicate with you through various channels with transactional or promotional information. </li> <li> Enable subscription services, loyalty programs, and other digital services. </li> <li> Allow you to participate in, or arrange, local community events, promotion, and in-store competitions. </li> <li> Administering surveys or questionnaires and to provide rewards or gifts, where applicable. </li> </ul> <li> <strong>To provide customer services to you:</strong> </li> <ul> <li> Provide customer service when you need help and/or to improve and optimize your experience with GameStop in-store, over the phone, and online. </li> <li> Communicate with you through various channels to advise or provide status updates on your order, requests, inquiries, and applications. </li> <li> We may also use Interactive Voice Response (“IVR”) technology to analyze call recording data. We use call recordings to help train our staff, improve our services, provide quality assurance, and a record of the call in case of complaints or queries. </li> <li> Support with your loyalty and subscription services. </li> </ul> <li> <strong>To market and advertise to you:</strong> </li> <ul> <li> Communicate with you through various channels about our products, services, updates, newsletters, promotions, surveys, and direct mailings. </li> <li> Manage your participation in events and sweepstakes. </li> <li> Publish customer testimonials or photos. </li> <li> Analyze our marketing strategies and trends regarding your use of our website, digital properties, and social media channels. </li> <li> Improve the effectiveness of our product and services, including websites, applications, and marketing campaigns. </li> <li> Send follow-up communications thanking you for your business or inquiring as to your satisfaction. </li> <li> Communicate with you, such as push notifications through our App, to welcome you to a GameStop location or event, show you eligible promotions, including those tailored to your location. </li> </ul> <li> <strong>To administer and enhance our brands:</strong> </li> <ul> <li> Administer our products and services. </li> <li> Track the efficacy of our websites, applications, and locations to help us learn more about our visitors’ and customers’ shopping behavior. </li> <li> Improve our website experience, including for troubleshooting and maintenance purposes. </li> <li> Customize customer experiences on our websites, applications, digital properties and in stores, which may include advertisements or promotions. </li> <li> Conduct research and internal analytics, develop new products and services, perform market research and data analytics, and analyze our products, services, websites, and applications. </li> </ul> <li> <strong>To secure our services, compliance, fraud prevention, and safety, including AML and sanctions:</strong> </li> <ul> <li> Protect against error, fraud, unauthorized transactions, claims and other liabilities. </li> <li> Detecting and preventing fraud and malicious activities on our digital offerings and in your accounts. </li> <li> For security and asset protection purposes across GameStop locations. </li> <li> Assist law enforcement and respond to regulatory enquiries. </li> <li> Comply with applicable legal mandates, our policies, or industry standards. </li> <li> Protect our, your or others’ rights, privacy, safety, or property, including by making and defending legal claims. </li> <li> Enforce the terms and conditions that govern our Services. </li> <li> Protect, investigate, and deter against money laundering (AML), sanctioned countries, entities, or individuals, and other fraudulent, harmful, unauthorized, unethical, or illegal activity. </li> </ul> <li> <strong> For any other purpose not listed here, with your consent. </strong> </li> </ul> <p> In addition to the above purposes, we may collect and summarize customer and visitor information in a non-personal, aggregate format for any purposes, including statistical or research. </p> </div></div></div> <a class="anchor" id="section4"></a> <div class="sections"> <strong>4. </strong> <strong>How We Disclose Your Personal Information</strong> </div> <p> We may disclose information we collect to our business partners, advertising companies, and other third parties for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. As explained in greater detail below, we may disclose certain categories of Personal Information with the types of entities set forth in this section for business purposes (as defined by applicable law) or as required to comply with a legal obligation. </p> <div class="wrap-collabsible"> <input id="collapsible6" class="toggle" type="checkbox"> <label for="collapsible6" class="lbl-toggle" tabindex="0"> Expand for more information </label><div class="collapsible-content"><div class="content-inner"> <p> <strong>GameStop Corporate Group:</strong> </p> <p> GameStop may disclose Personal Information to our corporate parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, or divisions for business purposes in accordance with this Privacy Policy. </p> <p> <strong> </strong> </p> <p> <strong>Service Providers:</strong> </p> <p> We may disclose your Personal Information to service providers to perform services on our behalf such as email distribution, sending marketing communications, servicing products, maintenance of your account, conducting research surveys, processing your payments and requests, verifying, and validating information that you have provided to us, delivering products, and providing customer support services (including audio, and other communication information). Service providers will only have access to your Personal Information as reasonably necessary to perform these tasks on our behalf and are not permitted to disclose or use it for other purposes. </p> <p> <strong>Third Parties, Affiliates, Marketing Partners:</strong> </p> <p> We may use the information that you provide us, or that we collect about you, in connection with the promotion of our products and services and those of our affiliates, including by sending or providing you with offers or promotional information. If you accept an offer from one of our third-party marketing partners, we may disclose your contact information to them. We may engage a third party to host or operate any aspect of the Services, including any mechanism through which we send or receive communications, such as our email systems and our Site. </p> <p> <strong>Affiliate Programs:</strong> </p> <p> We offer an affiliate program through a third-party affiliate manager. This program allows other websites to earn money by directing people (through links) to our Website. If you sign up as an affiliate, your Personal Information (such as website address and related information, email address, mailing and payment addresses, and contact information) is sent to the third-party affiliate manager who activates your affiliate status and pays you based on the sales you generate for our Websites. You may apply for this program using an Affiliate Program application. </p> <p> <strong>Public posting and social sharing:</strong> </p> <p> When you post public comments or ratings on our websites, through in-store technologies, on public forums like our social media sites, blogs, and online reviews, your comments are accessible by other members of the public. </p> <p> <strong>Third-Party Advertising:</strong> </p> <p> We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our Website. These companies may use information about your visits to this and other Websites to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. Please refer to the ’Cookies and Similar Technologies‘ section for more information. </p> <p> <strong>Credit Programs:</strong> </p> <p> We may provide you with the opportunity to apply for an offer of credit in our stores or online. To create a more convenient application process, we may provide information from your customer account to a payment card issuer to generate a pre-approved credit offer and/or pre-populate your online credit card application with information from your customer account. By submitting a credit application either in store or online, you acknowledge and agree that we may provide your information to the payment card issuer in accordance with the terms and conditions of the application. For information about the privacy practices associated with your credit application, please contact the credit issuer. </p> <p> <strong>Tournaments:</strong> </p> <p> GameStop may allow you to register for tournaments hosted by third parties through our services. If you register for tournaments through GameStop, we may disclose your Personal Information to the tournament host, and they may use it for internal tracking and analytics. For instance, if you give us your Xbox Live Gamertag for a Microsoft tournament, Microsoft will use that information for internal research or other purposes pursuant to their privacy policy. </p> <p> <strong>Legal Disclosure:</strong> </p> <p> We may disclose information about you when required by law, subpoena, or other legal process or if we have a good faith belief that disclosure is reasonably necessary to (1) investigate, prevent, or take action regarding suspected or actual illegal activities or to assist government enforcement agencies; (2) enforce our agreements with you, (3) investigate and defend ourselves against any third-party claims or allegations; (4) protect your rights or safety or that of others, or to protect the security or integrity of our Service. </p> <p> <strong>Sale or Transfer of Business or Assets:</strong> </p> <p> Your Personal Information may be transferred or disclosed to a purchaser or prospective purchaser in the event of a sale, assignment, or other transfer of all or a portion of our business or assets. </p> </div></div></div> <a class="anchor" id="section5"></a> <div class="sections"> <strong>5. </strong> <strong>Cookies and Similar Technologies</strong> </div> <p> We and our third-party partners use cookies and similar technologies (e.g., web beacons, pixels, ad tags and device identifiers) to recognize you and/or your device(s) on, off and across different Services and devices. This helps us to provide you with the best possible experience when you browse our website and allows us to improve our site. </p> <p> For detailed information on the cookies and similar technologies we and our third-party partners use, the purposes for which we use them, and how to disable them, see below. You can also visit to learn more about managing cookies and similar technologies. </p> <div class="wrap-collabsible"> <input id="collapsible7" class="toggle" type="checkbox"> <label for="collapsible7" class="lbl-toggle" tabindex="0"> Expand for more information </label><div class="collapsible-content"><div class="content-inner"> <p> <strong>Cookies:</strong> </p> <p> We automatically collect information through the use of cookies. Cookies are small text files stored by your Web browser. Cookies allow us to identify and authenticate visitors, track aggregate behavior, and enable important site features (such as storing items placed in your shopping cart between visits). For instance, we or authorized third parties may use cookies to help maintain to help maintain the integrity of video statistics, prevent fraud and to improve the site experience. </p> <p> We use both session ID cookies and persistent cookies. A session ID cookie expires when you close your browser. We use session cookies to improve your shopping experience as you browse through the site. A persistent cookie remains on your hard drive for an extended period of time. We use persistent cookies to maintain your login information so that your cart and login remain available when you return to the site. We also contract with analytics services and third-party advertising companies to collect similar information for specific purposes. The use of cookies by our partners is not covered by this Privacy Policy. </p> <p> <strong>Web Beacons / Pixels:</strong> </p> <p> Web beacons, also called pixel tags or tracking pixels, are invisible images as small as 1x1 pixel in size that are embedded in web pages and emails, requiring a call (which provides device and visit information) to our servers for the pixel to be rendered in those web pages and emails. We use pixels to learn more about your interactions with email content or web content, such as whether you interacted with ads or posts. Pixels can also enable us and third parties to place cookies on your browser. </p> <p> <strong>Local storage:</strong> </p> <p> Local storage enables a website or application to store information locally on your device(s). Local storage may be used to improve your experience, for example, by enabling features, remembering your preferences, and speeding up site functionality. </p> <p> <strong>Other similar technologies:</strong> </p> <p> We also use other tracking technologies, such as mobile advertising IDs, device fingerprinting, and tags for similar purposes </p> <p> <strong> Advertisements on our websites, applications, products, and services: <br/> </strong> Advertisements that appear on our website are sometimes served directly to users by third-party advertisers with whom we have agreements. They may automatically receive your IP address when this happens. These third-party advertisers may also place cookies on your computer or use other technologies such as JavaScript and web beacons to measure the effectiveness of their ads and to personalize advertising content. Doing this allows the advertising network to recognize your device each time they send you an advertisement to measure the effectiveness of their ads and to personalize advertising content. In this way, they may compile information about where individuals using your computer or browser saw their advertisements and determine which advertisements are clicked. Third-Party Advertisers may also serve advertisements to you on other websites, based on their tracking of what content you viewed or interacted with on our Websites, Apps, or other GameStop property. We do not have control over how these third-party advertisers use information from these technologies, nor is that activity governed by this Privacy Policy. For more information about this practice and the choices you have to restrict the information used by these companies, please refer to the ’Your Rights and Choices‘ section of this privacy policy. </p> <p> <strong>Digital Advertising:</strong> </p> <p> Third-party advertising companies serve ads on our behalf across the Internet. They may collect information about your browsing activities through cookies on other sites, and then display personalized ads on various sites that you visit. Data collected on our websites and applications may be provided to third-party advertising partners, such as LiveRamp (<a href=""></a>) or Criteo (<a href=""></a>). This information may also be provided to their demand partners for interest-based advertising. </p> <p> <strong>Social Media:</strong> </p> <p> Our Sites include social media features, such as the Facebook ’Like‘ button and widgets, the ’share this‘ widget, or interactive mini programs that run on our site. These features may collect your IP address, which page you are visiting on our Site, and may set a cookie to enable the feature to function properly. Social media features and widgets are either hosted by a third-party or hosted directly on our Sites. Your interactions with these features are governed by the privacy statement of the company providing it. We may post GameStop information on social media sites. Your comments and other reactions will be visible if you respond. </p> <p> <strong>Analytics:</strong> </p> <p> We also use cookies and similar technologies to gather information about the success of our ad campaigns and use of our products and services. These technologies include Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, and others. </p> <p> <strong>Location:</strong> </p> <p> If you have provided our app or other apps with access to your location, our mobile advertising partners may use your location to direct advertisements to you. You can use the location features on your device to disable this personalized advertising. </p> <p> <strong>Mobile App Advertising and Tracking:</strong> </p> <p> We may collect personal information from your mobile device, including unique advertising identifiers and the names and IDs of apps you have installed, as well as information about how you use our mobile applications and other unaffiliated applications. We and our partners use this personal information to enable interest-based advertising you receive through our Services and within third-party apps and other marketing channels. </p> <p> <strong>Session Analytics:</strong> </p> <p> We use web analytics tools to improve the user experience of our Services. These tools use cookies and similar technologies to collect and analyze information about user behavior on the Services, such as mouse movements, clicks, user inputs, scrolling, access times, visit duration, pages viewed, IP address (including approximate location), operating system, and page reloading. This information helps us understand what works and what doesn't work for users of the Services and allows us to identify and fix technical issues that may be hindering the functionality of the Services. The web analytics tools do not record users' experiences with the Services, but rather help us reconstruct the user experience to better understand where users may be encountering problems. </p> </div></div></div> <a class="anchor" id="section6"></a> <div class="sections"> <strong>6. </strong> <strong>How We Protect Your Personal Information</strong> </div> <p> <strong>Security:</strong> </p> <p> We implement appropriate security safeguards designed to protect your Personal Information. However, no method or transmission over the internet or electronic system is completely secure, so there is no guarantee that data may not be accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed in connection with a breach of our physical, technical, organizational, or managerial safeguards. </p> <p> <strong>Choosing a Password:</strong> </p> <p> When you register as a user and create an online account on our Website, you will be prompted to select a personal password. To maximize your level of protection, you should choose a strong and unique password. You are solely responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your password and any account information. </p> <a class="anchor" id="section7"></a> <div class="sections"> <strong>7. </strong> <strong>Links to Third-Party Websites</strong> </div> <p> Links to third-party websites are provided as a convenience to you. Once you leave our website, we neither control nor have responsibility for third-party sites, their content, or their privacy practices. We encourage you to read the terms and conditions and privacy policy of each third-party service that you access or utilize. Some of our pages utilize framing techniques to serve content from our partners while preserving the look and feel of our website. Please be aware that you are providing your Personal Information to these third parties and not to one of our websites. </p> <a class="anchor" id="section8"></a> <div class="sections"> <strong>8. </strong> <strong>Retention of Personal Information</strong> </div> <p> We retain your personal information only for as long as is reasonably necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected. However, if necessary, we may retain your personal information for longer periods of time, until set retention periods and deadlines expire, for instance where we are required to do so in accordance with legal, tax and/or accounting requirements set by a legislature, regulator, or other government authority. </p> <p> To determine the appropriate duration of the retention of personal information, we consider the amount, nature and sensitivity of the personal information, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of personal information and if we can attain our objectives by other means, as well as our legal, regulatory, tax, accounting, and other applicable obligations. </p> <p> Therefore, we retain personal information for as long as you use our services for the purposes explained in our Privacy Policy, including maintaining a user account. When you discontinue the use of our services, we will retain your personal information for as long as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, to resolve disputes and defend claims, as well as for any additional purpose based on the choices you have made, such as to receive marketing communications. </p> <p> Once retention of your personal information is no longer necessary for the purposes outlined above, we will either delete or de-identify the personal information or, if this is not possible (for example, because personal information has been stored in backup archives), then we will securely store your personal information and isolate it from further processing until deletion or deidentification is possible. </p> <a class="anchor" id="section9"></a> <div class="sections"> <strong>9. </strong> <strong>Your Rights and Choices</strong> </div> <p> Consistent with applicable law, you may exercise privacy rights described in this section such as Right to Access, Delete or Correction of your Personal Information. Please note that some of the rights may vary depending on your state of residence. These rights are described below. </p> <div class="wrap-collabsible"> <input id="collapsible8" class="toggle" type="checkbox"> <label for="collapsible8" class="lbl-toggle" tabindex="0"> Expand for more information </label><div class="collapsible-content"><div class="content-inner"> <p> <strong> Rights Regarding Your Personal Information </strong> </p> <p> Depending on your jurisdiction, you may have the right, in accordance with applicable data protection laws, to make requests related to your “personal information” or “personal data” (as such terms are defined under applicable law, and collectively referred to herein as “personal data”). Specifically, you may have the right to ask us to: </p> <ul> <li> Inform you about the categories of personal information we collect or disclose about you; the categories of sources of such information; the business or commercial purpose for collecting your personal information; and the categories of third parties with whom we disclose personal information. </li> <li> Provide you access to and/or a copy of certain personal information we hold about you. </li> <li> Correct or update inaccurate personal information we hold about you. </li> <li> Delete certain personal information we have about you. </li> </ul> <p> You may also have the right to opt out of the Sale of your information and Sharing of your information for cross-context behavioral or targeted advertising, as described below. If you are a California resident, please see the “California Consumer Privacy” section below for more information about our privacy practices and your rights. </p> <br> <p> As provided in applicable law, you may also have the right to not be discriminated against for exercising your rights. Please note that certain information may be exempt from such requests under applicable law. For example, we need to retain certain information to provide our Services to you or to ensure the security and integrity of our Services. If you ask us to delete certain information, we may not be able to provide our Services to you. We also need to take reasonable steps to verify your identity before responding to a request, which may include, at a minimum, depending on the sensitivity of the information you are requesting and the type of request you are making, verifying your name and email address. </p> <p> <strong>How to Exercise Your Information Rights:</strong> </p> <p> You may exercise your information rights by submitting a request to the ’Individual Rights‘ icon below or contacting us via one of the methods in the ‘How to Contact Us’ section. If you have registered for an account, you can access, review, and manage many changes yourself via your Account Dashboard on our Websites or Mobile Applications. Within the Dashboard, you can do things like update your profile information and view your personal information. </p> <p> <a href="" > <img border="0" width="auto" height="50" src="" style="margin:25px 0;" /> </a> </p> <p> <strong>Verifying Requests:</strong> </p> <p> For security purposes, we will verify your identity – in part by verifying your email account or requesting certain information from you - when you request to exercise your information rights. Once we have verified your identity (and your agent, as applicable), we will respond to your request as appropriate. </p> <p> <strong>Right to Appeal a Denial of a Rights Request</strong> </p> <p> Depending on your jurisdiction of residence, you may have the right to appeal the denial of an information rights request. An appeal can be submitted here: </p> <p> <a href=""> <img alt="Appeal of Denied Privacy Right Request" border="0" width="auto" height="50" src="" style="margin:25px 0;" /> </a> </p> <p> <strong>Right to Opt Out of the Sale and Sharing of Personal Information</strong> </p> <p> Depending on your jurisdiction, you may also have the right to opt out of the Sale of your information and Sharing of your information for cross-context behavioral or targeted advertising. To opt out, click here: </p> <p> <a href="#" onclick="optOutDataTracking()"> <img border="0" width="auto" height="50" src="" style="margin:25px 0;"/> </a> </p> <p> You can also choose to opt out by clicking the ’Your Privacy Choices’ link at the bottom of the pages of our website, or go to the ‘Do Not Sell Or Share My Personal Information’ or ‘Your Privacy Choices’ option in the Account menu of the GameStop mobile app, and following the on-screen instructions. GameStop also recognizes the Global Privacy Control (GPC) signal which will direct a user to follow onscreen instructions to opt-out from the Sale and Sharing of your personal information for the browser that sends this signal. </p> <div class="wrap-collabsible"> <input id="collapsible13" class="toggle" type="checkbox"> <label for="collapsible13" class="lbl-toggle" tabindex="0"> Expand for more information </label><div class="collapsible-content"><div class="content-inner"> <p> When you opt-out we will place a cookie on your device to identify and register your preference. This only applies to the browser you were using and only for the device you were using at the time you registered your preference. If you access GameStop websites from other browsers or devices, you will also need to make this selection on each browser and device. If you clear cookies on your browser after opt-out, your browser will no longer remember your preference, and you will need to reset your preference. </p> <br> <p> GameStop also recognizes the Global Privacy Control (GPC) signal which will direct a user to follow onscreen instructions to opt-out from the Sale and Sharing of your personal information for the browser that sends this signal. You will need to turn this on for each browser you use. To learn more about the GPC, visit the <a href="">Global Privacy Control</a> website. </p> <br> <p> For our GameStop mobile application, go to the ’Do Not Sell Or Share My Personal Information‘ or ‘Your Privacy Choices’ option in the Account menu, and following the on-screen instructions. </p> </div></div></div> <p> <strong>Marketing Communications opt-out:</strong> </p> <p> You may opt out of receiving marketing emails from us at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link in our emails. You may also be able to adjust your Communication Preferences in your Account Dashboard. You will continue to receive service-related emails (e.g., order status). </p> <p> If you receive direct mail from us, you may opt out by submitting your request via email at <a href=""></a>, or contact us at 1-800-883-8895. Include your First Name, Last Name, and Physical Address (Street address, City, State, and ZIP Code) in your request. </p> <p> If you receive receiving marketing SMS messages from us, you may opt out by replying “STOP”. </p> <p> <strong>Interest-based advertising opt-out: </strong> </p> <p> You can tell us not to use certain cookies by using the ’Cookie Preferences‘ or ’Your Privacy Choices’ tools at the bottom of our e-commerce websites to exercise choices to manage the use of your information through certain types of cookies and similar technologies. These options vary by geographic region and GameStop website. </p> <p> You may opt-out of our personalized advertising and the personalized advertising of certain providers by visiting the DAA consumer opt-out page at <a href=""></a>. Also, you can generally opt-out of receiving personalized ads from member of the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) by visiting the NAI consumer opt-out page at <a href=""></a>. Opting out will not mean that you will no longer receive our ads, rather, it just means that those ads will not be personalized to you based upon data collected from you on our online Services. </p> <p> To withdraw your consent to all Criteo services you can do so by following this <a href="">link.</a> You may opt-out of LiveRamp Opt-out personalized advertising by following this <a href="">link</a>. You may opt-out of Rakuten personalized advertising by following this <a href="">link</a>. </p> <p> <strong>App opt-out tools: </strong> </p> <p> You may use the DAA's AppChoices program to opt-out of certain interest-based advertising in apps (see: <a href=""></a>). Further information on opting out on mobile devices can also be found on the NAI's website (<a href=""></a>). </p> <p> You may also select a system level advertising preference feature on your device to opt out your device from interest-based advertising in apps. On Apple iOS devices, system level advertising preference may be accessed via Settings – Privacy &amp; Security – Tracking. On Android devices, system level advertising preference may be accessed via Settings – Privacy – Google – Ads. Additional Android advertising settings may exist in the Privacy menu depending on your operating system and device model. </p> <p> <strong>Browser Opt-out tools:</strong> </p> <p> Most browsers allow you to control cookies through their settings, which may be adapted to reflect your consent to the use of cookies. Further, most browsers also enable you to review and erase cookies, including GameStop cookies. To learn more about browser controls, please consult the documentation that your browser manufacturer provides. </p> <p> <strong>Analytics opt-out:</strong> </p> <p> You may opt-out of Google Analytics by following this <a href="">link</a>, and you may opt-out of Adobe analytics by following this <a href="">link</a>. You can also manage your privacy settings for Adobe Flash player by visiting the Website Storage Settings Panel and the Global Storage Settings Panel. </p> <p> <strong>Do Not Track:</strong> </p> <p> Do Not Track (“DNT”) is a privacy preference that users can set in certain web browsers. We are committed to providing you with meaningful choices about the information collected on our Services for third-party purposes, and that is why we provide the variety of opt-out mechanisms listed above. However, we do not currently recognize or respond to browser initiated DNT signals. </p> </div></div></div> <a class="anchor" id="section10"></a> <div class="sections"> <strong>10. </strong> <strong>State Privacy Laws</strong> </div> <a class="anchor" id="California-Consumer-Policy"></a> <div class="sections"> <strong>A. California Consumer Privacy</strong> </div> <p>The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (&ldquo;CCPA&rdquo;) provides certain rights to residents of California. This section of the Privacy Notice applies if you are a natural person who is a resident of California and uses our Services. This notice supplements the information in the Privacy Policy. Certain terms used below have the meanings given to them in State Privacy Laws.</p> <p>The following sets forth the categories of information we collect and purposes for which we may use a consumer&rsquo;s Personal Information.</p> <div class="wrap-collabsible"> <input id="collapsible9" class="toggle" type="checkbox"> <label for="collapsible9" class="lbl-toggle" tabindex="0"> Expand for more information </label><div class="collapsible-content"><div class="content-inner"> <p> <strong>Categories of Personal Information We Collect About You:</strong> </p> <p> Depending on how you interact with us, GameStop may collect categories of information about you as summarized in the table below. The following table also describes how we collect and use such categories of Personal Information. These categories of Personal Information are also disclosed to third parties as described in our main Privacy Policy. </p> <div class="horizontal-scroll" align="center" style="width:100%; margin:30px auto;"> <table class="my-table" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10" width="900" bgcolor="ffffff"> <tbody> <tr> <td bgcolor="c6c6c6" width="198" valign="top"> <p> <strong>Categories of information collected</strong> </p> </td> <td bgcolor="c6c6c6" width="217" valign="top"> <p> <strong>Sources of Personal Information</strong> </p> <p> <strong> </strong> </p> </td> <td bgcolor="c6c6c6" width="265" valign="top"> <p> <strong>Purposes of use</strong> </p> <p> <strong> (see ’How We Use Your Personal Information‘ above for more details) </strong> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="198" valign="top"> <p> <strong> Identifiers and Contact or Account Information, </strong> </p> <p> e.g., name, email address, postal address, phone number, wireless device address, account username or screen name, password, Ethereum public address, and third-party account information </p> </td> <td width="217" valign="top"> <ul> <li> From you </li> <li> Our affiliates </li> <li> Social media networks, in accordance with your privacy preferences on such services </li> <li> Data Brokers </li> <li> Business Partners </li> </ul> </td> <td width="265" valign="top"> <ul> <li> Providing Our Services </li> <li> Customer Service </li> <li> Advertising and Marketing </li> <li> Administration </li> <li> Security and Compliance </li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="198" valign="top"> <p> <strong>Protected Class Information,</strong> </p> <p> e.g., gender, marital status </p> <p> (Demographic information) </p> </td> <td width="217" valign="top"> <ul> <li> From you </li> </ul> </td> <td width="265" valign="top"> <ul> <li> Providing Our Services </li> <li> Customer Service </li> <li> Advertising and Marketing </li> <li> Administration </li> <li> Security and Compliance </li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="198" valign="top"> <p> <strong> Biometric information or Sensory-Related data, </strong> </p> <p> e.g., physical characteristics or description, hair color, eye color, height, weight, or audio or visual information.<strong></strong> </p> </td> <td width="217" valign="top"> <ul> <li> From you </li> <li> When you visit our stores </li> <li> When you contact us </li> <li> Social media networks, in accordance with your privacy preferences on such services, e.g., from profile pictures </li> </ul> </td> <td width="265" valign="top"> <ul> <li> Providing Our Services </li> <li> Customer Service </li> <li> Administration </li> <li> Security and Compliance </li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="198" valign="top"> <p> <strong>Financial Information,</strong> </p> <p> e.g., credit or debit card number, verification number, expiration date, payment account number. </p> </td> <td width="217" valign="top"> <ul> <li> From you </li> <li> Third-party payment processors </li> <li> Third-party fraud prevention service providers </li> <li> Business Partners </li> <li> Our affiliates </li> </ul> </td> <td width="265" valign="top"> <ul> <li> Providing Our Services </li> <li> Customer Service </li> <li> Administration </li> <li> Security and Compliance </li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="198" valign="top"> <p> <strong>Commercial Information,</strong> </p> <p> e.g., delivery information and information about your transactions and purchases with us </p> </td> <td width="217" valign="top"> <ul> <li> From you </li> <li> Our affiliates </li> <li> Business Partners </li> </ul> </td> <td width="265" valign="top"> <ul> <li> Providing Our Services </li> <li> Customer Service </li> <li> Advertising and Marketing </li> <li> Administration </li> <li> Security and Compliance </li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="198" valign="top"> <p> <strong>User-generated content,</strong> </p> <p> e.g., photos, videos, audio, any information you submit in public Business forums or message boards, and feedback or testimonials you provide about our Services <strong></strong> </p> </td> <td width="217" valign="top"> <ul> <li> From you </li> <li> Social media networks, in accordance with your privacy preferences on such services </li> <li> Business partners </li> <li> Our affiliates </li> </ul> </td> <td width="265" valign="top"> <ul> <li> Providing Our Services </li> <li> Customer Service </li> <li> Advertising and Marketing </li> <li> Administration </li> <li> Security and Compliance </li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="198" valign="top"> <p> <strong>Customer service information,</strong> </p> <p> e.g., questions and other messages you address to us directly through online forms, by email, over the phone, or by post, summaries or voice recordings of your interactions with customer care </p> </td> <td width="217" valign="top"> <ul> <li> From you </li> </ul> </td> <td width="265" valign="top"> <ul> <li> Providing Our Services </li> <li> Customer Service </li> <li> Advertising and Marketing </li> <li> Administration </li> <li> Security and Compliance </li> <li> Improving Our Services </li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="198" valign="top"> <p> <strong>Device Information and Device Identifiers,</strong> <strong></strong> </p> <p> e.g., IP address; browser type and language; operating system; platform type; device type; software and hardware attributes; and unique device, advertising, and app identifiers </p> </td> <td width="217" valign="top"> <ul> <li> Automatically from you </li> <li> Third-party payment processors </li> <li> Data Brokers </li> <li> Business partners </li> <li> Our affiliates </li> </ul> </td> <td width="265" valign="top"> <ul> <li> Providing Our Services </li> <li> Customer Service </li> <li> Advertising and Marketing </li> <li> Administration </li> <li> Security and Compliance </li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="198" valign="top"> <p> <strong>Internet Connection and Usage Data,</strong> </p> <p> e.g., information about files you download, domain names, landing pages, browsing activity, content or ads viewed and clicked, dates and times of access, pages viewed, forms you complete or partially complete, search terms, uploads or downloads, whether you open an email and your interaction with email content, access times, error logs, and other similar information </p> </td> <td width="217" valign="top"> <ul> <li> Automatically from you </li> <li> Business partners </li> <li> Our affiliates </li> </ul> </td> <td width="265" valign="top"> <ul> <li> Providing Our Services </li> <li> Customer Service </li> <li> Advertising and Marketing </li> <li> Administration </li> <li> Security and Compliance </li> <li> Third-party Advertising </li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="198" valign="top"> <p> <strong>Geolocation (approximate),</strong> </p> <p> e.g., city, state and ZIP code associated with your IP address or derived through Wi-Fi triangulation; and, with your permission in accordance with your mobile device settings </p> <p> <strong> </strong> </p> </td> <td width="217" valign="top"> <ul> <li> Automatically from you </li> <li> Third-party payment processors </li> <li> Business partners </li> <li> Our affiliates </li> <li> Third-party fraud prevention service providers </li> </ul> </td> <td width="265" valign="top"> <ul> <li> Providing Our Services </li> <li> Customer Service </li> <li> Advertising and Marketing </li> <li> Administration </li> <li> Security and Compliance </li> <li> Third-party Advertising </li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="198" valign="top"> <p> <strong>Other Information,</strong> </p> <p> e.g., any other information you choose to directly provide to us in connection with your use of the Services. <strong></strong> </p> </td> <td width="217" valign="top"> <ul> <li> Social media networks, in accordance with your privacy preferences on such services </li> <li> From you when you participate in questionnaires, surveys, or contests </li> <li> Third-party fraud prevention service providers </li> </ul> </td> <td width="265" valign="top"> <ul> <li> Providing Our Services </li> <li> Customer Service </li> <li> Advertising and Marketing </li> <li> Administration </li> <li> Security and Compliance </li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="198" valign="top"> <p> <strong>Sensitive Personal Information,</strong> </p> <p> e.g., Fingerprint, Driver’s License number, Passport, Government identifier, Race, precise geolocation information from GPS-based functionality on your mobile devices </p> </td> <td width="217" valign="top"> <ul> <li> From you </li> </ul> </td> <td width="265" valign="top"> <ul> <li> Providing Our Services </li> <li> Administration </li> <li> Security and Compliance </li> </ul> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p style="text-align: left;">&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: left;"><strong>Disclosing Personal Information for Business Purposes</strong> </p> <p style="text-align: left;">The following table describes the categories of personal information, business purposes, and categories of recipients to whom we may have disclosed your personal information in the last 12 months.</p> <div class="horizontal-scroll" align="center" style="width:100%; margin:30px auto;"> <table class="my-table" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10" width="900" bgcolor="ffffff" style="margin:0 auto;"> <tr> <td width="224" valign="top"><p><strong>Categories of Personal information</strong></p></td> <td width="224" valign="top"><p><strong>Business Purposes for Disclosure</strong></p></td> <td width="224" valign="top"><p><strong>Categories of Recipients</strong></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="224" valign="top"><ol> <li>Identifiers and Contact or Account Information</li> <li>Device Identifiers</li> <li>Personal Records</li> <li>Characteristics</li> <li>Internet/Network Activity</li> <li>Customer Records/Commercial Information</li> <li>Geolocation Data</li> <li>Inferences</li> <li>Payment Information</li> </ol></td> <td width="224" valign="top"><ul> <li>To provide you with products and services</li> <li>To operate our business</li> <li>To conduct marketing, personalization, and advertising</li> <li>To communicate with you</li> <li>To design and develop new product and service offerings</li> <li>To conduct business analytics</li> <li>For safety and security purposes</li> <li>To improve our products and service offerings</li> <li>For other internal business purposes</li> <li>To fulfill our legal obligations</li> <li>Payment processing</li> </ul></td> <td width="224" valign="top"><ul> <li>Service Providers</li> <li>Marketing/Advertising Agencies</li> <li>Analytics &amp; Retail Merchandising Vendors</li> <li>Marketing Measurement Providers, </li> <li>SaaS Providers, Technology Platforms, Performance Measurement, and other Service Providers</li> <li>Social Networks</li> <li>Our Affiliates</li> <li>Governmental Authorities and Agencies</li> <li>Payment processors</li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p></td> </tr> </table> </div> <p> <p> <strong>Sensitive Personal Information</strong> </p> <p> Sensitive Personal Information is a subcategory of personal information defined by applicable law that includes information like precise geolocation, certain health-related data, and data concerning potentially sensitive subjects like an individual’s sexual orientation, national origin, race, ethnicity, or religion. </p> <p> GameStop may collect the following Sensitive Personal Information from you: </p> <p> <ul> <li> Fingerprint </li> <li> Driver’s license number, State ID, and passport number </li> <li> Precise geolocation data. </li> </ul> </p> <p> We use this sensitive information to comply with legal and regulatory requirements such as Pawn and Secondhand dealer laws, providing location based Services to you (e.g., find my closest store), or as otherwise permissible for our internal business purposes consistent with applicable laws. </p> <p>We do not Sell your sensitive personal information, or Share it for cross-context behavioral advertising, or otherwise process or share sensitive information for any purpose other than business purposes. </p> <div> <div> </div> </div> </div></div> <a class="anchor" id="Your-California-Privacy-Rights"></a> <div class="sections"> <strong>California Consumer Privacy Rights</strong> </div> <p> California Consumers have the right to request that we disclose what Personal Information we collect, to delete that information, to correct their information and to opt-out of the Sale and Sharing – for cross-context behavioral advertising – of their Personal Information, without being discriminated against. These rights are subject to certain restrictions. You also have the right to designate an agent to exercise these rights on your behalf. In addition to the "Your Rights and Choices" section, this section describes how to exercise those rights and our process for handling those requests. We may charge a reasonable fee to comply with your request, to the extent permitted by applicable law. </p> <div class="wrap-collabsible"> <input id="collapsible10" class="toggle" type="checkbox"> <label for="collapsible10" class="lbl-toggle" tabindex="0">Expand for more information</label> <div class="collapsible-content"> <div class="content-inner"> <p> <strong>Right to Opt-out of the Sale or Sharing of Your Personal Information:</strong> </p> <p> For more information refer to the ‘California Sale or Sharing of Your Personal Information’ section. Please note that we do not knowingly sell or share the Personal Information of minors under 16. </p> <p> <strong>Right to Non-Discrimination:</strong> </p> <p> We will not deny, charge different prices for, or provide a different level of quality of goods or services if you choose to exercise these rights. </p> <p> <strong>How to Exercise Your Rights:</strong> </p> <p> California Consumers may exercise their California privacy rights by submitting a request to the ’Individual Rights‘ icon below or contacting us via one of the methods in the ‘How to Contact Us’ section. </p> <p> <strong> <a href=""><img border="0" width="auto" height="50" src="" style="margin:25px 0;" /></a> </strong> </p> <p> <strong>How to Remove Precise Geolocation Consent</strong> </p> <p> GameStop does not collect or process your precise geolocation without your consent. In order for GameStop to receive your precise geolocation, you must opt-in to sharing your location through your mobile device. </p> <p> You can remove permission for your mobile device to provide your geolocation to GameStop by adjusting your device settings. </p> <br> <p> To turn off location access on an iPhone or iPad </p> <p> <ul> <li> Tap on your device's Settings app </li> <li> Tap Privacy </li> <li> Tap Location Services </li> <li> Scroll down to the GameStop app icon </li> <li> Select Never </li> </ul> </p> <p> To turn off location access on an Android device </p> <p> <ul> <li> Tap on your device's Settings </li> <li> Tap Location </li> <li> Tap App access to location </li> <li> Select the relevant GameStop icon </li> <li> Select Don’t allow under “Location access for this app” </li> </ul> </p> <p> <strong>Authorized Agents:</strong> </p> <p> You may designate an agent to make requests to exercise your rights under CCPA as described above. We will take steps both to verify the identity of the person seeking to exercise their rights as listed above, and to verify that your agent has been authorized to make a request on your behalf through providing us with a signed written authorization or a copy of a power of attorney. </p> <p> <strong>CCPA Metrics 2023:</strong> </p> <div class="horizontal-scroll" align="center" style="width:100%; margin:30px auto;"> <table class="my-table" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10" width="900px" bgcolor="#ffffff"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="283"> <p> <strong> </strong> </p> </td> <td width="79"> <p align="center"> <strong>Received</strong> </p> </td> <td width="76"> <p align="center"> <strong>Fulfilled</strong> </p> </td> <td width="76"> <p align="center"> <strong>Identity Verification Expired</strong> </p> </td> <td width="76"> <p align="center"> <strong>Denied</strong> </p> </td> <td width="76"> <p align="center"> <strong>Mean Duration (days)</strong> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="283"> <p> Requests to <strong>know</strong> that the business received, complied with in whole or in part, and denied </p> </td> <td width="79"> <p align="center"> <strong>11</strong> </p> </td> <td width="76"> <p align="center"><strong>7</strong></p> </td> <td width="76"> <p align="center"> <strong>3</strong> </p> </td> <td width="76"> <p align="center"><strong>1</strong></p> </td> <td width="76"> <p align="center"><strong>12</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="283"> <p> Requests to <strong>delete</strong> that the business received, complied with in whole or in part, and denied </p> </td> <td width="79"> <p align="center"><strong>1559</strong></p> </td> <td width="76"> <p align="center"><strong>1062</strong></p> </td> <td width="76"> <p align="center"><strong>496</strong></p> </td> <td width="76"> <p align="center"><strong>1</strong></p> </td> <td width="76"> <p align="center"><strong>14</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="283"> <p> Requests to <strong>opt-out</strong> that the business received, complied with in whole or in part, and denied </p> </td> <td width="79"> <p align="center"><strong>6688</strong></p> </td> <td width="76"> <p align="center"><strong>6688</strong></p> </td> <td width="76"> <p align="center"> <strong>0</strong> </p> </td> <td width="76"> <p align="center"> <strong>0</strong> </p> </td> <td width="76"> <p align="center"> <strong>0</strong> </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> <a class="anchor" id="California-Sale-of-Personal-Information"></a> <div class="sections"> <div id="Sale-of-Personal-Information"> <strong>California Sale or Sharing of Personal Information</strong> </div> </div> <p> We may allow certain third parties (such as certain advertising partners) to collect your personal information via automated technologies on our websites and applications in exchange for non-monetary consideration (such as an enhanced ability to serve you content and targeted advertisements that may be of interest to you). </p> <p> <p> To opt-out of the Sale and Sharing of your personal information, click here: </p> <a href="#" onclick="optOutDataTracking()"> <img border="0" src="" style="margin:25px 0; height: auto; width: 100%; max-width: 442.42px;"/> </a> </p> <p> You can also choose to opt out by clicking the ’Your Privacy Choices’ link at the bottom of the pages of our website, or go to the ‘Do Not Sell Or Share My Personal Information’ or ‘Your Privacy Choices’ option in the Account menu of the GameStop mobile app, and following the on-screen instructions. GameStop also recognizes the Global Privacy Control (GPC) signal which will direct a user to follow onscreen instructions to opt-out from the Sale and Sharing of your personal information for the browser that sends this signal. </p> <div class="wrap-collabsible"> <input id="collapsible11" class="toggle" type="checkbox"> <label for="collapsible11" class="lbl-toggle" tabindex="0"> Expand for more information </label><div class="collapsible-content"><div class="content-inner"> <p> California law defines the Sale of your information and Sharing of your information for cross-context behavioral broadly. Depending on the product/services you use and how you use them, we may have Sold or Shared, the following categories of personal information about you in the last 12 months to categories of third-parties such as data analytics providers and advertising networks: Identifying information, connection or usage data, cookie or device information, browser or device fingerprints, IP or approximate geolocation information, commercial information, browsing history, and inferences drawn from this data. </p> <p> When you opt-out we will place a cookie on your device to identify and register your preference. This only applies to the browser you were using and only for the device you were using at the time you registered your preference. If you access GameStop websites from other browsers or devices, you will also need to make this selection on each browser and device. If you clear cookies on your browser after opt-out, your browser will no longer remember your preference, and you will need to reset your preference. </p> <p> GameStop recognizes the Global Privacy Control (GPC) signal which will direct a user to follow onscreen instructions to opt-out from the Sale and Sharing of your personal information for the browser that sends this signal. You will need to turn this on for each browser you use. To learn more about the GPC, visit the <a href="">Global Privacy Control</a> website. </p> <p> For our GameStop mobile application, go to the ’Do Not Sell Or Share My Personal Information‘ or ‘Your Privacy Choices’ option in the Account menu, and follow onscreen instructions. In addition, you may also select a system level advertising preference feature on your device to opt out your device from interest-based advertising in apps. On Apple iOS devices, system level advertising preference may be accessed via Settings – Privacy &amp; Security – Tracking. On Android devices, system level advertising preference may be accessed via Settings – Privacy – Google – Ads. Additional Android advertising settings may exist in the Privacy menu depending on your operating system and device model. </p> <p> <strong>Minor's Opt-In to Sale:</strong> </p> <p> We do not knowingly collect or sell Personal Information from minors under 16 years of age. To the extent we have actual knowledge that we have collected Personal Information from an individual between the ages of 13 and 15, we will not sell that information without obtaining consent. </p> </div></div></div> <a class="anchor" id="California-Rights"></a> <div class="sections"> <strong>Other California Rights</strong> </div> <p> <strong>Shine the Light Disclosure:</strong> </p> <p> The California ’Shine the Light’ law gives California Consumers the right under certain circumstances to request information from us regarding the manner in which we disclose certain categories of Personal Information (as defined in the Shine the Light law) with third parties for their direct marketing purposes. We do not disclose your Personal Information with third parties for their own direct marketing purposes. </p> <p> <strong>Right to Remove Posted Information (California Minors):</strong> </p> <p> If you are under 18 years of age, reside in California, and have a registered account with GameStop or the GameStop Pro™ Program, you have the right to request removal of unwanted information that you publicly post on the GameStop Websites. To request removal of such information, you can contact us using the methods outlined in the ’How to Contact Us‘ section. Upon receiving such a request, GameStop will make sure that the information is not publicly available on our Websites, but the information may not be completely removed from GameStop systems.</p> <a class="anchor" id="California-Notice-Of-Financial-Incentive"></a> <div class="sections"> <strong>B. Notice of Financial Incentives / Loyalty Programs</strong> </div> <p>GameStop may provide special offers and benefits to customers who participate in our Loyalty Program or sign up to receive communications from us via email, text, chat, and social media. The information we request from customers when they sign up may include the customer&rsquo;s email address or phone number as well as name, partial birthdate, product preferences, or other information that allows us to tailor our communications. These incentives may result in differences in our prices or services offered to consumers and may include lower price for goods and services (e.g., discounts and other promotions). </p> <div class="wrap-collabsible"> <input id="collapsible12" class="toggle" type="checkbox"> <label for="collapsible12" class="lbl-toggle" tabindex="0">Expand for more information</label> <div class="collapsible-content"> <div class="content-inner"> <p>Participating in any financial incentive program is entirely optional and participants may withdraw from the program at any time. California Consumers may opt-in online or in stores and can opt out of the programs at any time by using the unsubscribe methods provided for that communication channel such as unsubscribe links in email messages.</p> <p> Each financial incentive or price or service difference related to the collection and use of personal information is based upon our reasonable, good-faith determination of the estimated value of such information to our business, taking into consideration the value of the offer itself and the anticipated revenue generation that may be realized by rewarding brand loyalty and repeat purchases. We calculate the value of the offer and financial incentive by using the expense related to the offer.</p> <p> If you request the deletion of your Personal Information, your GameStop Pro account, including your Rewards, will be deleted, and you will no longer receive GameStop Pro benefits because we will not be able to identify you as a Loyalty Program member. </p> <div> <div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <a class="anchor" id="Information-For-Nevada-Residents"></a> <div class="sections"> <strong>C. Information for Nevada Residents</strong> </div> <p> Under Nevada law, certain Nevada consumers may opt out of the Sale of “Personally Identifiable Information” for monetary consideration to a person for that person to license or sell such information to additional persons. “Personally Identifiable Information” includes first and last name, address, email address, phone number, Social Security Number, or an identifier that allows a specific person to be contacted either physically or online. </p> <p> If you are a Nevada resident who has purchased or leased goods or services from us, you may submit a request to opt out of the Sale of your information by using the ’Your Privacy Choices’ link at the bottom of the webpage.</p> <a class="anchor" id="Other-State-Privacy-Notices"></a> <div class="sections"> <strong>D. Other State Privacy Notices</strong> </div> <p>The disclosures in this section supplement our general privacy notice and are made pursuant state privacy laws such as:</p> <ul> <li>Colorado Privacy Act</li> <li>Connecticut Data Privacy Act</li> <li>Utah Consumer Privacy Act</li> <li>Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act</li> <li>Texas Data Privacy and Security Act</li> <li>Oregon Consumer Privacy Act</li> <li>Montana Consumer Data Privacy Act (MTCDPA)</li> </ul> <div class="wrap-collabsible"> <input id="collapsible14" class="toggle" type="checkbox"> <label for="collapsible14" class="lbl-toggle" tabindex="0">Expand for more information</label> <div class="collapsible-content"> <div class="content-inner"> <p>Depending on your state of residency and subject to certain legal limitations and exceptions, you may be able to exercise some or all of the following rights:</p> <ul type="disc"> <li>Access your personal information.</li> <li>Correct your personal information.</li> <li>Delete your personal information.</li> <li>Opt-out from sale of your information.</li> <li>Opt-out from the sharing of your information for targeted advertising.</li> <li>Obtain a list of the third parties that have received personal data.</li> <li>Appeal your request</li> </ul> <p>You may submit a privacy rights request by following the steps outlined in the &ldquo;Your Rights and Choices&rdquo; section.<br> Additional details about the categories of personal data and sensitive data that we collect about consumers and the purpose for processing your personal data can be found in the &ldquo;California Consumer Privacy&rdquo; section.</p> <p>We do not engage in profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning consumers, as defined in State Privacy Laws.</p> </div> </div> </div> <a class="anchor" id="section11"></a> <div class="sections"> <strong>11. </strong> <strong>Children's Privacy</strong> </div> <p> Our Services are designed for and directed at people 13 years of age or older. We do not knowingly collect information from children under 13. If GameStop learns that a child under the age of 13 has submitted personally identifiable information online, it will take reasonable measures to delete such information from its databases and to not use such information (except where necessary to protect the safety of the child or other as required or allowed by law). If you become aware of any Personal Information we have collected from children under 13, please email us at <a href=""></a>, or contact us at 1-800-883-8895. </p> <p> For additional tips on how to help children stay safe on the Internet, we recommend that you review information published by the FTC <a href=""> here</a>. </p> <a class="anchor" id="section12"></a> <div class="sections"> <strong>12. </strong> <strong>How to Contact Us</strong> </div> <p> If you have questions about how we collect, store, and use Personal Information, please contact us at the following: </p> <p> <strong>Privacy Rights Webform:</strong> </p> <p> <a href="" > <img border="0" width="auto" height="50" src="" /> </a> </p> <p> <strong>Phone:</strong> </p> <p> 1 (800) 883-8895 </p> <script type="text/JavaScript"> function optOutDataTracking() { var isAppSession = $('#app-session').length > 0 ? $('#app-session').val() : false; if (isAppSession === 'true') { var json = { event: 'optOutDataTracking' }; postMessageToRN(JSON.stringify(json)); 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