Testimonials about Modelithics Libraries - Modelithics, Inc.
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Many device and component vendors sponsor <span class="yletters"> <strong>FREE</strong></span> use of models as <span class="yletters"> <strong>Sponsoring</strong> </span> & <span class="yletters"> <strong>Strategic</strong> </span>MVPs. <div> </div> <p class="yletters"><strong>View the available Vendor Sponsored Libraries</strong></p> <div class="col-md-6"> <a href="/MVP"> <img src="/Images/mvp/SponsoringMVP_logo.png" class="img-responsive" height="125" width="165" /></a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <a href="/MVP"><img src="/Images/mvp/StrategicMVP_logo.png" class="img-responsive" height="125" width="165" /></a> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 settext"> <li><a href="/mvp/amotech" style="color:yellow">Amotech</a></li> <li><a href="/mvp/anritsu">Anritsu</a></li> <li><a href="/mvp/hfss">Ansys® HFSS™</a></li> <li><a href="/mvp/nuhertz">Ansys® NuHertz®</a></li> <li><a href="/mvp/api_inmet">API Technologies</a></li> <li><a href="/mvp/atlantic">Atlantic-Tech</a></li> <li><a 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outstanding customer service. <div> </div><strong>Don’t take our word for it… Read what our customers are saying about us!</strong></h4> <head> <!-- CSS --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/Content/jquery.dataTables.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/Content/dataTables.fixedHeader.css"> <!-- Scripts --> <script src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="/Scripts/jquery.dataTables.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="/Scripts/dataTables.fixedHeader.js"></script> </head> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-9 "> <table class="table"> <tr> <br /> <i> My Master´s and PhD students have been using Modelithics CLR and Qorvo GaN models in ADS since 2021. The accuracy of the models has allowed them to successfully design nonlinear circuits prototypes as high efficiency power amplifiers and frequency multipliers for different microwave bands.</i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Monica F. Barciela<br /> Vigo University, Spain </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> I have been using Modelithics CLR models for close to 20 years now in my development of High-Power Doherty Amplifiers. I have found that without these models my design cycle time is negatively impacted due to extra design spins required from empirical tuning. Utilizing Modelithics models greatly aids in reducing my design cycle time and limits the amount of board spins required.</i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Gary Burgin<br /> Sumitomo Electric Device Innovations USA </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> IMS is excited to continue this partnership. Applying bench-test data to scalable models found in their library (<a href=""> Modelithics COMPLETE Library™ </a>) not only provide valuable performance validation, but also benefits our customer design speed and capabilities. High tech customers design with high tech tools that are supported by Modelithics’ software. Modelithics helps our customers gain access to IMS products and data we know can help solve problems in circuit design easily and with accuracy in pre-prototype development.</i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">J.J. Silvia III<br /> International Manufacturing Services, Inc. </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> I have been using Modelithics simulation models for over 10 years now. I have had 100% first pass success record in my designs when I use Modelithics CLR, NLD, NLT models, from simple filters, to LNAs, VCOs and nonlinear GaN HPAs. Their team have done some custom Low noise BJT modeling for us, to use in Low phase noise VCOs. After using their models, measured results were very close to simulations. Designing low noise VCOs is a challenging and time-consuming task but using Modelithics custom models helped me gain good confidence and ensured first pass success. I love their prompt customer service. Keep up the good work!</i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Mohit Shringi<br /> Shure Incorporated </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> Those models do a great job of matching measured results in a rather difficult circuit. Thanks, Modelithics!</i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Roger Williams<br /> 3D RF Energy Corp </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> For years, we resisted purchasing Modelithics models because we had so much experience designing resonant circuits using our internal design compensation rules. Our technicians could “tune up a bad day” and were proud to do so. With the advent of newer communication bands and the availability of precision lumped element components, we could no longer stay ahead of our competitors and deliver to customer expectations. We purchased our first Modelithics license and our engineers immediately began to take advantage of the scalable models. In the years that we’ve been using the library of parts, we’ve seen yield improvements and first pass success on even challenging designs which worked above 18 GHz. Modelithics does an excellent job of keeping their libraries up-to-date with the latest vendor components so that we can take advantage of the advancing art of discrete SMT passive and semiconductor devices. Our technicians don’t miss the challenge as much as we thought that they would. Rather, they now delight in the performance of the precision engineered design running out of the gate.</i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Walter Gordon, P.E.<br /> Lexatys, LLC </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> Thank you very much for all of your assistance in setting up the Modelithics libraries. Your service is top notch and you should be very proud of it!</i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Eric Hoppenjans<br /> Indiana Microelectronics, LLC </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> I had the task of designing a repeatable capacitive terminated coupled line filters on substrate which is not known for its microwave performance (Isola 370HR), but which is relatively well characterized for its tangent loss and Dk. After having regular discrepancies between model performance and measured data, specifically with the commonly available S-Parameters for the various AVX/ATC capacitors I was using, I decided to utilize the Modelithics AVX model library. This allowed me to make a seamless integration of the capacitor model’s performance into the circuit file but also the model’s ability to change the pad stack or turn them off completely and use the pads within the AWR Design Environment Axiem simulation. That level of flexibility allowed me to generate extremely accurate simulation correlation with my measured data and also acted as a tuning tool for me to predict exactly which capacitor value was going to tune my filter to resonance with excellent frequency precision. This proves to me that published S-Parameters are ok for making rough order of measure design calculations, but when you need to accurately model the design, and have it work and be tuned to the correct frequency on the first iteration, <b>the Modelithics model libraries are the only way to go.</b></i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Steven Pappas<br /> Rajant Corporation </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> Thanks you for helping us create great designs - faster and with a higher level of quality! Modelithics models allowed us to better predict performance and correct any deficiencies prior to final component selection and prototype fabrication. Yields were also improved as designs were better centered.</i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Theo Pantazopoulos<br /> ThinkRF Corporation </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> We have been using Modelithics models for a gradate course in Microwave Active Circuit Design for two semesters. In this course, students designed, fabricated, and measured active circuits such as gain-matched amplifiers, VCOs, mixers, and low-noise amplifiers. The Modelithics libraries enabled the success of these projects due to their accuracy, ease of use, and breadth of model offerings. We used a wide variety substrate-scalable L,C,R models and diode models for the passives, and BJT/FET non-linear models for the actives. Having all these models available in a single library with the associated layout footprints allowed students to design circuits in a matter of hours, which would simply not be possible otherwise. Of equal importance, the models were quite accurate which resulted in excellent measured/modeled agreement of the circuits that were fabricated. Lastly, the Modelithics team has been extremely supportive, and has helped us by answering many questions along the way. </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Matt Heins<br /> University of Texas at Dallas </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> We are at the point where most MMIC designers won’t do the design unless there is a Modelithics model. [The foundry’s] models work for common circuits. But, for more complex requirements, and when we only got one shot we use your models.</i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Senior MMIC Designer<br /> US Defense Contractor </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> Having access to Modelithics library in ADS has proven to be a boon to student productivity as they can now model realistic circuits and can shorten the design-build-test cycle.</i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Branimir Pejcinovic<br /> Portland State University </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> The Modelithics Qorvo GaN (Angelov based) models used by SARAS in recent designs have yielded very good results in 2 respects. The models have been accurate enough to produce ‘right first pass’ results with good repeatability. Inclusion of self-heating and temperature scaling also allows degradation over temperature parameters to be observed. Secondly, access to the intrinsic I - V sensing nodes has enabled SARAS to carry out the design work at the device plane rather than the package plane, this has been instrumental in achieving high efficiency back-off mode designs whilst achieving a high degree of linearity performance using a waveform engineering approach. The measurement validation notes that accompany the model give a good idea of the device model envelope and finally whilst the device layout / footprint may seem unimportant it is a very welcome addition when laying out the final design in the simulator!</i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Jack Brunning<br /> SARAS TECHNOLOGY </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> My small firm designs MMIC’s for major contractors. In recent years to save costs, contract times decreased 25%. As a result, MMIC designs must achieve production readiness on the first iteration. We shifted from foundry models to Modelithics models and achieved four production-ready first-pass successes in a row. One first pass PA, operating from RF to W band, measured-to-modeled, fit gain within one half dB, power within one half dB and achieved a very competitive PAE over that band. In one LNA, the measured to modeled NF and gain lines were so close, the client thought we forgot to add the measured traces.</i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">David Bever<br /> Aurora Microwave </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> The model works great. PAE of my part was short of simulated with someone else's model. It was scaled a lot though. I just put the Modelithics model in and it's much closer.</i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Senior RF Design Engineer <br /> at a major US Defense Electronics firm </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> Modelithics is the hero of the RF/Microwave engineering profession. I can't think of a single company that has done more to advance our profession from a black art to a science.</i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Jeff Philips<br /> RF Engineer| Microwave Engineer| Analog Engineer | Electrical Engineer| Hardware Engineer </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> EM-co-simulation is a critical design step in achieving first pass success. The Modelithics CLR Library for Sonnet Suites significantly simplifies using Modelithics’ lumped element models with physically based Sonnet modeling. Prior to the advent of the Library, designers would manually perform several tasks to extract s-parameters files from Modelithics’ libraries and then import these files into Sonnet. This included keeping track of filenames and certain Global Model parameters. The new CLR Library for Sonnet with Global Models realizes a huge increase in designer accuracy and efficiency by eliminating the need for extraction and associated data file management. Global Model availability within Sonnet enables comprehensive lumped component analysis, such as parameter sweep, substrate variation, optimization, and current visualization.</i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Rich Carlson <br /> Independent Engineering Services </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> I’ve been using your custom and CLR models for almost 10 years now, and I find them indispensable for accurate component modeling. The integration with AWR Microwave Office is excellent, and support has always been quick and spot-on. Our whole Microwave Design group appreciates the value Modelithics models bring to our circuit designs.</i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Senior RF/Microwave Design Engineer<br /> US Defense Contractor </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> Quickness, professionalism, Best. You and your company give me those images.</i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Thomas Zhang<br /> Ericsson </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> I have been using Modelithics CLR libraries for several years, and have come to rely on them for all my simulation work. The models are accurate, scalable, and easy to use. A big benefit is that they save time. For example, the alternative to get accurate models is to use S-parameter measurement files. But this technique does not work with Monte Carlo, Yield, or Optimization. The scalable Modelithics models do support these analyses. The accuracy saves lab time; I find that the final values of circuit components, which results from lab testing, are almost always within one standard value of the simulation results.</i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Gordon Mapes<br /> Sirius Xm Satellite Radio </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> We recently tested the first LNA circuits that were designed using the most recent device models developed Modelithics for our GaN devices, and we got exceptionally good agreement between measured and simulated performance. Our customer was very pleased with the results. This is the first time in my career that a design was almost dead on in a first design/fab iteration for a completely new device process in which we never made a circuit before. Please give my Kudos to your team. </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Senior Design Engineer<br /> US GaN foundry </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> Once I started using the Modelithics RF Passive Components Library models it became an addiction. The vast selection of RF passive components models, accurate and scalable across substrates and soldering pads, provides for me a substantial chunk of the pieces of the puzzle for a first-time-right design process. I have also used some of the Modelithics non-linear transistor models and they have also proved to be accurate for achieving first-time-right designs. </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Ivan Boshnakov<br /> ETL Systems Ltd </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> We have worked with Modelithics for a few years now and have been very pleased with their work as well as our collaboration as a Strategic Modelithics Vendor Partner. Modelithics always delivers high quality and accurate data and models that expand on our own product data for the benefit of our customers. </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Brian Goodhue<br /> Piconics, Inc. </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> We recently had an excellent experience working with Modelithics on a project to characterize and model pHEMT devices. The model provided exceeded our expectations in terms of non-linear prediction against load-pull data and robustness of convergence in our Simulator. It was a nice bonus to receive it well ahead of schedule as well. We would readily recommend Modelithics and plan to use their services again in the future when additional needs arise. </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Ryan Pratt<br /> CEO Guerrilla RF </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> I’ve been using Modelithics since 2005 and have developed a trust that these models will get me on target in the first spin. In 2015, now working at a new company, the Modelithics’ trial period enabled me to repeatedly demonstrate the value of these models in enabling high frequency simulations to predict reality and drastically reduce design risk. My new employer was so impressed they bought 3 “COMPLETE” licenses. I’m so very glad to continue using these models. It feels like you’re driving blind without them. </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Michael S.<br /> G3 Technologies, Inc. </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> Inmet’s partnership with Modelithics continues to provide our customer base access to the information needed to speed up their design process and select the appropriate devices for integration into their circuit designs. Providing S-Parameter data as well as equivalent circuit models for some of our commonly used chip resistors and attenuators has generated an easily accessible library intended to ultimately lower the cost and time associated with initial circuit design efforts. Looking forward, we are excited about the new release of a temperature dependent equivalent circuit model for our recently introduced family of temperature variable chip attenuators, which will allow customers to simulate RF performance over temperature as well as frequency. </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Craig Lindberg<br /> API Inmet, Inc. </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> We just finalized the design of several lumped element filters in our new receiver design. Reaching that milestone was a significant achievement in our design effort and Modelithics was largely responsible for that. The models allowed me to come very close to the final design on the first try.</i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Jeff Philips <br /> TCI SPX Corporation </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> All the models I’ve used are working very well. When comparing with my own models, much simpler of course, I can see that even when there are only subtle improvements I can trust much more my designs by using the Modelithics models. </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Ivan Boshnakov                                         <br /> Amplifier Technology Ltd - a Vislink Company  </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> I was pleased that your Noise parameters were dead on. They were as far as I could tell just right. They matched our model but it took you a day and it took us a month.</i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">PhD Sr. Principal Engineer                                         <br /> Major US Defense Contractor    </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> I have used Modelithics models for almost 10 years when designing high power amplifiers operating from low MHz to 6GHz and spanning power levels from 5W to 1KW and have had great success in the predicted performance that these models offer over standard s-parameter models. These models have aided in our single iteration success when moving from the paper design to the bench. </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Tom Kelly                                       <br /> NXP </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> We have used your CLR library in three different power amplifier design projects in the last year. All of the designs have been very successful and very good agreement was achieved between simulations and measurements. </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Mustafa Özen<br /> Chalmers University of Technology </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> Your team is always on my list when I think of quality measurements and models. </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Mike Lyons                                                            <br /> Anokiwave </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> The Modelithics models did help achieve first pass success. The 100W Pin Diode Switch worked the first time! </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Doug Dougas                                                          <br /> BAE </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> The scalable footprints in Modelithics' libraries are very useful, ensuring I can snap my artwork to a grid for EM simulation.</i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Louis Brown<br /> Honeywell </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> I recently used the ATC 600 series 0402 library, and I was impressed with the results. I designed a 2-18 GHz diplexer that has a crossover at 6 GHz, made a crude prototype PCB, and the measured results were very close to the simulation, which verifies the model, at least for that capacitor is very accurate. </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Chris Zuhlke<br /> Aeronix Corporation </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> I have watched Modelithics grow from inception to become a trusted source of high quality models and data for design use. We are pleased to launch this collaboration for the benefit of our customers. </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Harvey Kaylie<br /> Mini-Circuits </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> Inmet’s partnership with Modelithics represents the first step in providing our customer base access to the information needed to speed up their design process and properly select the appropriate devices for integration into their circuit designs. This initial effort to provide S-Parameter data as well as equivalent circuit models for some of our commonly used catalog chip devices represents an easily accessible library intended to ultimately lower the cost and time associated with initial circuit design efforts by our customers. </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Craig Lindberg<br /> Aeroflex / Inmet </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> I have been using the Modelithics libraries for Genesys for a few years. I started out with just a couple of libraries, and gradually expanded to the full Genesys library suite for active and passive devices after seeing how well the measured performance consistently matched the simulated performance. I do a lot of circuit design, development, and prototyping in my consulting practice in the frequency range of a couple of MHz to about 22 GHz. I have used the Modelithics in everything from active LNA's and power amplifiers in the MHz and GHz range, to such critical circuits as band pass filters in the frequency range of about 70 MHz to about 1 GHz. I have even designed a 2 stage power splitter that worked from 8 to 20 GHz using the Modelithics resistor models. In every case, the measured data was almost exactly like the simulated data. If I had to change a value of a capacitor to get a "perfect" match from simulation to measurement on a filter, it was rarely by more than 1 pf, and usually no changes were necessary. What a tremendous time saver! </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Ed Troy<br /> Aerospace Consulting </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> I do a lot of RF tuning simulation in the 2-3 GHz range, use the Modelithics CLR models right out of the box, and have had impressive success. We have already been able to use the results to help customers, including major wireless component suppliers, develop a systematic method for solving difficult multi-band matching problems. They in turn are quite pleased. When I spend more time with the user manual and application notes, I suspect the results will be even more amazing! </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Don Lee<br /> Advantest </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> I have been using Modelithics models to design lumped element circuits such as filters and bias networks in MWO for several years with first pass success. The increasing variety of component families offered in the Modelithics libraries makes part selection easier as well. Rather than dig through lab stock or spend time searching the web for parts, I find that I usually end up designing with components that are readily available in our Modelithics libraries. I'd like to see vendors offer more such models for their parts instead of basic SnP files that don't seem to work in most cases. </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Tamir Moran                           <br /> National Instruments </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> I use Modelithics extensively, it has been crucial to minimizing iterations. The amount of BOM cost I have been able to save for clients by designing rather than buying blocks makes the library worth every penny. I wish more vendors would just get Modelithics to create models to support all the key software packages, I gravitate towards devices that are in the Modelithics Library. </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Lance Lascari<br /> LLC </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> Even though the passive models that I utilize in my simulations include parasitic C and L (or s-parameter models), the simulations on a 5GHz circuit still did not match my measured performance. When I utilized the Modelithics ATC capacitor models the simulated performance correctly simulated a 5dB rolloff that I measured at the upper end of the band. I am very impressed! </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Ted Longshore<br /> Quasonix </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> I have had modelithics libraries as part of my RF Toolbox for a number of years. I very much enjoy being able to switch off my brain when it comes to the non ideal nature of passive components in different environments and am comfortable pushing the limits knowing that running out of Q at frequency or a nasty resonance will show up in my simulations. This affords me the luxury of first pass successes and being able to focus wholly on the particular design challenge or problem to be solved. Many thanks to the helpful people at Modelithics.</i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Phil Jobson                                                           <br /> Phil Jobson Consulting </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> I recently completed a really good exercise in obtaining a 'Special Order' PIN diode model from Modelithics. The model gave me much better confidence in re-working a prior design and greatly reduced the risk in our program </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Christopher Bye                                                      <br /> BAE Systems </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> The Modelithics libraries allows us to achieve first-pass success for GHz designs on printed circuit boards </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Justin Magers                                                         <br /> National Instruments </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> I have been using the modelithics CLR and NLT libraries in the last 6 months for my Ph.D. research, I find these 2 libraries very interesting and have very good models compared to models provided by the vendors themselves. I have designed class AB power amplifiers at 900 MHz and at 2.14 GHz, using the modelithics model of Sirenza/RFMD Si LDMOS 4 transistor (SLD-1083CZ), the model performance was very good in small-signal and large-signal. Based on the above testing, I have designed a Doherty power amplifier(DPA) for the GSM900 band, which showed very good results in terms of efficiency at backoff power, the results of this DPA design were accepted for publication at the German microwave conference in Munich.</i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Khaled Bathich<br /> Technische Universitaet Berlin (Berlin Institute of Technology) </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> The CLR Library's advanced and highly scalable models for surface mount components is adding to design confidence and helping TriQuint's improved design flow for miniaturized front-end models. </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Paul Litzenberg                                                      <br /> TriQuint </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> I just ran DC through the NEC 3 Watt device, my measured data compared to Model simulated data,--> Simulated data at 2.255(Vgate) Idrain=1.085A Measured data at 2.255Vg Drain current 1.085 --> They hit exactly !!!! No bull --> Just wanted to let you models know !!! Awesome job !!!!!! </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Dean Pizio<br /> Engenium Technologies, Corp </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> Raytheon SAS has been using Modelithics for the last few years to develop GaN and GaAs nonlinear models for our various HPA projects. We are extremely happy with the results and the accuracy of the models provided by Modelithics </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Dr. Reza Tayrani<br /> Raytheon </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> To verify our module designs prior to tapeout, we reference your inductor and capacitor models to our module substrate, SAW device and LNA models. We've had very good luck with this approach and the use of your models has enabled us to close the loop on the simulation analysis. The simulation results allow us to optimize each of the design components and assemble a product that correlates very well with expected performance.</i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Russ McKinney<br /> RFMD </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> While using your models the measured and simulated performance was remarkably similar on the filters I modeled and fabricated - far different from my original simulations. You saved me many, many hours as well as my reputation! </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Ted Goodman<br /> West Friendship Engineering </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> Recently completed a comparison simulated and measured results of the first 2 test boards of a 1.8-2GHz Class A amp stage designed using the Modelithics FLL120MK model. No tuning was done. The measured P1dB and OIP3 were startlingly on top of the simulations. The design was done using Microwave Office and MultiMatch Amplifier Synthesis Wizard </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Ivan Boshnakov<br /> Aerial Facilities Limited   </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> We had some very good results recently that we wanted to share with you. I am attaching a paper draft for you on a hybrid lumped-microstrip multiplexer whose design and simulation used the Modelithics CLR library extensively. As we state in the paper, the Modelithics models made a first-pass design success possible. </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Chris Galbraith<br /> University of Michigan </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> I know you probably appreciate customer feedback about your models so after finishing my filter design work using Modelithics models, I put together a test report showing the simulated and measured response. I did not bother to cal out the coaxial connectors so there is a little extra loss and delay, but the comparison came out very good. I am very impressed with the results! </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Greg Ramon                      <br /> QinetiQ, Inc. </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> Modelithics makes me look good when a vital RF or microwave circuit simulation must be spot-on or else! For example, I recently completed two GHz bandpass military filter designs that produced first pass measured-to-modeled agreement that was absolutely exceptional -- no tuning of either circuit was required -- and would simply not have been possible using S-parameter (much less ideal) models.</i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Cotter W. Sayre                                 <br /> Radix Technologies </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> I want to personally thank you and your team for the excellent job done on this pHEMT modeling project. I also appreciate the time your staff took above and beyond to get the job done, also I personally learned a great deal during this process. I hope that we can work together again in the future. Thanks again. </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">David Caleb                                                           <br /> US Monolithics </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> Pad dimension inputs? This is a wonderful bonus -- I had always thought this would be our next "new and improved" version -- and it certainly is appreciated. </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Bob Grossbach                                                         <br /> American Technical Ceramics </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> .......... This has been a frustrating problem for me--creating power amplifier load networks. The problem is to transform a 50-ohm load to 2-3 ohms, or even less, at the chip. EVERYTHING matters; even a tenth of a nH at 2 GHz is huge, compared to the 2 or 3-ohm real part. Then, there are the losses in the caps and inductors, which have a significant effect on efficiency and output power. Good chip modeling gives us a chance of getting a handle on these things. ...By the way, I have used the passive chip-component library for making a WCDMA power amplifier test board. I put one together this week, and discovered that it was dead on; no need even to tweak it. I'm seeing 65-70% peak dc efficiencies at about 28 dBm, 1.85 GHz amp. Exactly what was expected. Same story on two more I've tested. This is very impressive! </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Dr. Steve Maas<br /> Nonlinear Technologies </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> I've been very pleased with the use of the Modelithics CLR Library, finding it much more cost effective than performing my own TRL calibrated measurements of surface mount components. I've had excellent "First-pass" design success with using the library for optimization of part values for circuits such as LNA matching networks and have decided to base all my future designs on parts that are represented with accurate models in the Modelithics Library. </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Robin Roddewig                                      <br /> GCI </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> During Design I used [Modelithics Library models ] every day on the block converter project. I also used this to design up to 10 GHz lowpass, highpass, lowpass/highpass combos, bandstop filters, and I never needed to tweak. Got it on first design. </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Rick Barber                                                           <br /> Anritsu Company </small> </tr> <br /> <tr> <br /> <i> The Modelithics CLR library has greatly increased my confidence in ADS simulations of lumped element filters and matching networks. First or second pass success is now routine. The convenience and ease of use alone is worth the cost. Thanks. </i><br /> <small id="Testimonial">Mark Smith                                                            <br /> Airnet Communications </small> </tr> <br /> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> <center> <div class="col-md-3"> <div> </div> <strong>Evaluate Modelithics’ highly accurate simulation models for FREE today</strong><br /><br /> <a href="/requests/exemplar?company=Modelithics"><img src="/Images/Misc/FreeTrial.png" class=" img-responsive" width=" 180" height="80"></a> <div> </div> <h4><strong>Check out Modelithics’ other Library Options!</strong></h4> <ul> <li class="HeaderListGroup list-group-item active">Libraries</li> <li class="list-group-item"><a href="/model">Modelithics COMPLETE Library</a></li> <li class="list-group-item"><a href="/model/models3d">COMPLETE + 3D Library</a></li> <li class="list-group-item"><a href="/model/clr">Modelithics CLR Library</a></li> <li class="list-group-item"><a href="/model/mmwave5G">mmWave & 5G Library</a></li> <li class="list-group-item"><a href="/mvp/vsl">Vendor Sponsored Libraries</a></li> <li class="list-group-item"><a href="/model/freemodels">SELECT+ Library</a></li> </ul> <img src="/Images/Misc/DividerS.png" height="5" width="350" /><br /> <strong>Interested in a free, no obligation quote?</strong><br /><br /> <a href="/requests/exemplar?company=Modelithics&qrequest=quote"><img src="/Images/Misc/Quote.png" class=" img-responsive" width=" 162" height="72"></a> <img src="/Images/Misc/DividerS.png" height="5" width="350" /><br /> <a href="/MVP"> <img src="/Images/Misc/mvp1.png" /></a> <img src="/Images/Misc/DividerS.png" height="5" width="350" /><br /> <h3><strong>See what our customers have to say about us ! <a href="/home/testimonials">Testimonials</a></strong></h3> <img src="/Images/Misc/DividerS.png" height="5" width="350" /><br /> <center><a href="/home/fixtures"> <img src="/Images/Misc/fixtures.jpg" class=" img-responsive" width=" 300" height="300" /></a></center> <img src="/Images/Misc/DividerS.png" height="5" width="350" /><br /> <center><a href="/requests/qorvogan"><img src="/Images/Misc/Qorvo-Library---8.jpg" class=" img-responsive" width=" 350" height="300"></a></center> <center><a href="/requests/MacomGaN"><img src="/Images/Misc/macom_Gan_Request.jpg" class=" img-responsive" width=" 350" height="350"></a></center> </div> </center> </div> </div> <hr /> <div class="jumbotron footer2"> <div class="row" id="panel-footer"> <div class="col-md-4"> <ul> <li class="footer2"><a href="/home/privacy">Privacy Statement</a></li> <li><a href="/home/terms">Terms of use</a></li> </ul> <p class="small">© 2025 - Modelithics</p> </div> <!-- End About Us MD4 --> <div class="col-md-5 footer3"> <strong><i>Excellence in Modeling Since 2001!</i></strong> <br /> <h5 class="small">We value your feedback about our products and services</h5> <a class="btn btn-default footer3" href="" target="_blank">Website feedback and suggestions »</a> </div><!-- End Contact Sales MD4 --> <div class="col-md-3"> <h4>Connect with us</h4> <p> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/Images/SocialMedia/facebook.png" class="img-thumbnail img-responsive" width="32" height="32"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/Images/SocialMedia/linkedin.png" class="img-thumbnail img-responsive" width="32" height="32"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/Images/SocialMedia/YouTube.png" class="img-thumbnail img-responsive" width="32" height="32"></a> </p> </div> <!--End Connect with us MD4 --> </div> </div> <!--End Jumbotron--> <input id="searchBox" type="hidden" placeholder="search" /> </div> <!--End Body Content--> <!--Page Related Scripts--> <script src="/bundles/bootstrap?v=oGiR7sOX6BKMRORe0vmnBki0IEjhw5-XzIUtfAza53Q1"></script> <!--Update how Registration trademark is displayed--> <script> $("p,h1,h2,h3,h4,li,a").each(function () { $(this).html($(this).html().replace(/®/gi, '<sup>®</sup>').replace(/®/gi, '<sup>® </sup>')); }); </script> <script src="" data-cfasync="false"></script> <script> window.cookieconsent.initialise({ "palette": { "popup": { "background": "#edeff5", "text": "#838391" }, "button": { "background": "#4b81e8" } }, "type": "opt-out", "content": { "message": "We use cookies to analyze our traffic. 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