Baseball Almanac Error

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the research you were looking for has been moved and we apologize for the inconvenience. Growth requires change, and with those changes, errors due occur. We truly do strive to be nothing less than a perfect game, and sometimes the official scorer (you) finds an error, and we are going to fix it! <!-- Are we using flycast? --> </div> <!-- End Intro Box --> <!-- Begin Quote Box --> <div class="topquote"> <img src="/images/typewriter-with-paper.png" alt="Baseball Almanac Top Quote" /> <p>&quot;You can't be afraid to make errors. No one can ever master the game of baseball, or conquer it. You can only challenge it.&quot; &mdash; <a href='' title='Lou Brock Baseball Stats | Baseball Almanac'>Brock, Lou</a>. Baseball and the Meaning of Life. Leventhal, Josh. Author. Voyageur Press. 1 January 2005. Page 50.</p> </div> <!-- End Quote Box --> <!-- Begin Page Body --> <div class="ba-table"> <table class="boxed"> <tr> <td class='header'> <h2>Page Not Found Error</h2> <p>Foul Ball</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class='banner'>Please Read the Following Brief Baseball Almanac Message</td> </tr> <tr> <td class='datacolBox'> <p>Dear Baseball Almanac Fan:</p> <p>We apologize for the inconvenience and literally meant what we said above. Maybe we renamed the page. Maybe we removed it. Maybe it never existed. Since you are seeing this message, the link you followed is invalid.</p><p>The good news, you actually did not strike out. You simply got hit by a pitch! The solution is simple.</p> <p>On first, the menu above. Click on any option there and I guarantee you'll find what you were looking for.<br /> On second, you may contact us directly. A link to our contact form is in the fast facts below.<br /> On third, a search engine box appears at the top of the site. 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