OD&D | Necropraxis

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Wickedness</a></li> </ul></div> </nav><!-- #site-navigation --> <a href=""><img src="" class="header-image" width="960" height="132" alt="Necropraxis" /></a> </header><!-- #masthead --> <div id="main" class="wrapper"> <section id="primary" class="site-content"> <div id="content" role="main"> <header class="archive-header"> <h1 class="archive-title"> Tag Archives: <span>OD&amp;D</span> </h1> </header><!-- .archive-header --> <article id="post-5232" class="post-5232 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-campaigns tag-monster tag-odd tag-pahvelorn tag-treasure"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"> <a href="" rel="bookmark">Tangle armor</a> </h1> <div class="comments-link"> <a href="">5 Replies</a> </div><!-- .comments-link --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <div id="attachment_5227" style="width: 224px" class="wp-caption alignright"><a href=""><img class="wp-image-5227 size-medium" src="" alt="zedd2" width="214" height="300" srcset=" 214w, 368w" sizes="(max-width: 214px) 100vw, 214px" /></a><p class="wp-caption-text"><a href="">Image source</a> (processed)</p></div> <p>I was looking through my blog drafts folder, and came across several unfinished posts related to my <a href="">Pahvelorn</a> OD&amp;D campaign (which has been on hold for several years now). This is one of those posts. If it feels somewhat out of left field, that is why. This is a fun item though, so I thought it still worth sharing.</p> <p>In that game, one faction is a group of borg-like demonic invaders. They look like a mixture聽between Lord Zedd, Giger&#8217;s alien, and matte black humanoid crabs. They are highly organized, militaristic, and woven into a psychic mesh which allows telepathic communication. They cannot speak human language but at some point during the game one of the adventurers managed to communicate telepathically with a drone that had been separated from the central consciousness. I described the experience as a series of tangled visual signs and from then on the players referred to the creatures as Tangles. A tangle drone&#8217;s聽exoskeleton can be worn as armor if properly extracted.</p> <p>There are two varieties of tangle armor, soft-shell and hard-shell.</p> <ul> <li><strong>Soft-shell</strong>: AC as medium armor, 5 [14].</li> <li><strong>Hard-shell</strong>: AC as heavy armor, 3 [16].</li> </ul> <p>(Note that in this game, no AC, even for monsters, is ever mechanically better than plate.)</p> <p><strong>Anti-Disintegration</strong>. Wearers of tangle armor are immune to disintegration.</p> <p><strong>Rejuvenation</strong>. Following combat, tangle armor will heal 1d6 points of damage. This only applies to damage just suffered. This causes a head rush in a human聽wearer.</p> <p><strong>Pincer-Claws</strong>. Tangle armor appendages count as armaments (standard 1d6 damage). They also have 18 strength in terms of grip (think alligator jaws: easy to hold closed, hard to pry open). These pincers surround hands but do not interfere with standard hand uses.</p> <p><strong>Creepy</strong>. Wearing tangle armor results in a functional charisma score of 3 when interacting with civilized others.</p> <p><strong>Receptive</strong>. Wearers suffer disadvantage (such as -4 penalty) when resisting psychic attacks.</p> <p><strong>Wearing</strong>. To put on a suit of tangle armor safely,聽cast the <em>bind exoskeleton</em> spell. Otherwise, get naked, slip inside, and save versus stone. If the saving throw fails, roll 1d6:</p> <ol> <li>Armor wearer is psychically attached to the tangle hive consciousness.</li> <li>Armor wearer becomes unable to perform aggressive acts toward creatures with 4 or 6 legs/arms.</li> <li>Armor wearer&#8217;s mouth and larynx are replaced with a mandible-like mechanism that prevents speech. Spells may still be used though interpretive dance. This result is permanent even if the armor is successfully removed later.</li> <li>Armor wearer secretes colony spores whenever resting. There is a 1 in 6 chance that the resting place will become a new hive shortly thereafter. This hive is autonomous from the mother hive on tangle world.</li> <li>Armor wearer becomes a beacon. There is a 1 in 6 chance that a gate will open to tangle world every time the armor wearer rests. The gate will be located in a secluded area within one mile of the rest point and will remain open for one week.</li> <li>The armor fully infiltrates the wearer&#8217;s body, rearranging parts, integrating with organs, and improving resilience. Armor wearer gains one HD permanently and no longer requires oxygen but will collapse into a pile of disaggregated flesh if the armor is ever removed, even with a &#8220;safe&#8221; spell method.</li> </ol> <p>(It may be enjoyable for the referee to keep this result secret assuming the effect would not be obvious to the wearer. But make a note somewhere to remember the per-rest checks!)</p> <p>If the saving throw succeeds, putting the armor on has no side effect other than being permanently integrated with an alien exoskeleton.</p> <p><strong>Removal</strong>. Tangle armor may be removed from a human safely only with <em>dispel evil</em>聽(this destroys the armor) or <em>remove curse</em>聽(after which the armor may be worn by another). The armor may be removed forcefully or聽in a nonconsensual manner (if the wearer is restrained). This causes the wearer 3d6 damage (save versus stone for half). Spell-based聽removal does not protect the wearer from bodily disaggregation based on result 6 above.</p> <p><strong>Extraction</strong>. Defeating a tangle drone in combat damages or destroys the armor. Functional tangle armor can only be extracted from captured, living drones. Extraction kills the drone unless the extractor takes extraordinary measures.</p> <hr /> <p>Tangles have stats as hobgoblins with supplementary abilities consistent with the armor description above. In any raiding party, at least one drone will be armed with disintegration weaponry. Mounts and vehicles are hover platforms that can be psychically controlled. Tangles may be remote-controlled using telepathy (drones get a save to avoid, connecting to the hive mind risks alien psychic mental control and insanity).</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-meta"> This entry was posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Campaigns</a> and tagged <a href="" rel="tag">monster</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">OD&amp;D</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Pahvelorn</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">treasure</a> on <a href="" title="11:41 am" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2016-12-18T11:41:32+00:00">December 18, 2016</time></a><span class="by-author"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by Necropraxis" rel="author">Necropraxis</a></span></span>. </footer><!-- .entry-meta --> </article><!-- #post --> <article id="post-4472" class="post-4472 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-rules tag-magic-user tag-odd"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"> <a href="" rel="bookmark">Dispell as counter-spell</a> </h1> <div class="comments-link"> <a href="">13 Replies</a> </div><!-- .comments-link --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <p>To counter a spell, expend one prepared spell and follow the formula presented for <em>dispell magic</em>:</p> <blockquote><p><strong>Dispell Magic</strong>: Unless countered, this spell will be effective in dispelling enchantments of most kinds (referee&#8217;s option), except those on magical items and the like. This is modified by the following formula. The success of a Dispell Magic spell is a ratio of the dispeller over the original spell caster, so if a 5th level Magic-User attempts to dispell the spell of a 10th level Magic-User there is a 50% chance of success. Duration: 1 turn. Range: 12&#8243;.</p></blockquote> <p>Source: Men &amp; Magic, page 25.</p> <p>That is, any prepared spell can be &#8220;converted&#8221; into an antagonistic <em>dispell magic</em>. One could without issue probably extend that to full <em>dispell magic</em> functionality (thereby doing away with the need to find, learn, or prepare <em>dispell magic</em> as a distinct spell), given that removing enchantments is a relatively core aspect of wizarding, though I could understand wanting to keep the full <em>dispell magic</em> a separate thing.</p> <p>Note that OD&amp;D does this differently <a href="">than AD&amp;D</a>, which works like the BRP resistance table (50% success modified by level differential). To make the difference clear, in OD&amp;D a 9th level magic-user has a 90% chance of successfully dispelling an 10th level magic-user&#8217;s enchantment (9/10), while in AD&amp;D the chance would be only 45% (50% -5% for having one less level).</p> <p>Alternatively, compare spell levels rather than class levels using the OD&amp;D formula. So, expending a second level spell in an attempt to counter a third level spell would have a 2/3 (66%) chance of success. This method might be preferred if you see the countering process as an opposition of specific spell energies rather than a contest between the overall skill of the two magic-users.</p> <p>The burn spells paradigm is becoming increasingly attractive to me. There is some danger of complexity creep, so the possibilities should be limited to a small number of effects. That said, having several default options frees up magic-users to prepare more obscure or interesting spells, which otherwise might not get as much use, much as 3E clerics were able to convert any spells into cures. Further, requiring the expenditure of prepared spells to power such聽effects retains some degree of resource constraint, unlike make other unlimited or at-will approaches, and doesn&#8217;t require tracking any additional information, since spell slots are already managed.</p> <p>The options so far that I have thought about are <a href="">maleficence</a>, <a href="">magical defense</a>, and now <em>dispell magic</em>. I could see adding read magic to that list perhaps, though I am also experimenting with replacing <em>read magic</em> with聽a &#8220;skill&#8221; type d6 roll that comes at the cost of an exploration turn.</p> <p>(This idea came to me when I repurposed dispell magic for <a href="">banishing summoned creatures</a>.)</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-meta"> This entry was posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Rules</a> and tagged <a href="" rel="tag">magic-user</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">OD&amp;D</a> on <a href="" title="8:00 am" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2015-01-19T08:00:07+00:00">January 19, 2015</time></a><span class="by-author"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by Necropraxis" rel="author">Necropraxis</a></span></span>. </footer><!-- .entry-meta --> </article><!-- #post --> <article id="post-4443" class="post-4443 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-rules tag-magic-user tag-odd"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"> <a href="" rel="bookmark">OD&#038;D summoning</a> </h1> <div class="comments-link"> <a href="">3 Replies</a> </div><!-- .comments-link --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <p>Mateo had the (brilliant) <a href="">idea</a> to use the retainer and morale system as the base for a summoner class. His approach adjusts the loyalty rolls based on summoner level, monster HD, and other factors. This allows higher level summoners to control more powerful creatures (on average).</p> <p>Here is another take on the same basic idea, but using the retainer system literally. That is, summoned monsters just occupy retainer slots. Reaction, negotiation, and loyalty rolls are made exactly as if the monster was encountered in the wild. Base rules are 3 LBB OD&amp;D, but I suspect a similar approach would work with other systems. See pages 12 and 13 in Men &amp; Magic and also <a href="">this old post</a> I wrote about OD&amp;D loyalty and morale.</p> <p>Monsters defeated in combat may be subdued and brought into service following the rules in Men &amp; Magic. Now, we could pretty much just end there and have a relatively comprehensive system. Magic-users would need to find minions during adventures and convince them to serve or employ charms. However, I like the idea of magic-users being able to gate in creatures directly, and the only even remotely similar spell in Men &amp; Magic is <em>conjure elemental</em>. The monster summoning spells introduced later are not to my taste. So it seems like at least one new rule is required, in the form of a spell that any magic-user could employ if learned:</p> <blockquote><p><strong>Summon Monster, level 1 magic-user spell</strong></p> <p>In a puff of smoke, a monster appears. Use the dungeon random encounter tables, determining first dungeon level* then monster with dice. Establish reaction normally, adjusting for incentives (2d6: 5- hostile, 9+ friendly). Only one monster is summoned. Do not use the number appearing value.</p></blockquote> <p>I like the minions that Mateo crafted, but also find the idea of just leveraging everything in the Monster Manuals compelling.</p> <p>Beyond the new spell, the core of the summoner&#8217;s art lies in the skillful application of other standard spells.</p> <p>Summoned creatures cannot cross a properly prepared circle of protection (requires salt and casting the spell <em>protection from evil</em>). Creatures may be summoned into or outside of such a circle, at the summoner&#8217;s discretion.</p> <p>Other spells that a summoner may want to master: <em>charm person</em>, <em>charm monster</em>.</p> <p>The <em>dispel magic</em>聽spell may be used to banish summoned creatures. The &#8220;original spell caster level&#8221; is the higher of summoner level and monster HD.</p> <p>The <em>polymorph others</em>聽spell may be used in conjunction with <em>flesh to stone</em>聽(using special techniques, they may be cast together, though both must be prepared separately) to transmute minions into figurines, holding them in stasis until recalled using <em>dispel magic</em> (no check required, given that you are dispelling your own enchantment). Such figurines are significant items, and creatures that resist are permitted a single saving throw versus the combined polymorph/stone effect.</p> <p>Thus, higher level magic-users become better summoners because they are more likely to have all the other spells and be able to set up the summon, ward, compel &#8220;combo&#8221; more easily and reliably than a lower level conjurer.</p> <p>In OD&amp;D, I allow magic-users of any level to create scrolls of any spell possessed, even if it is too high level to prepare normally, at the cost of 100 GP per spell level and one downtime action. This rule is based on聽the scroll creation system in Holmes. It essentially allows ritual casting of higher level spells given time and sufficient GP. Thus, with proper access to spell texts and resources, even a low level magic-user could perform a summoning, but it would be a long, expensive, arduous undertaking, and still entail significant risk.</p> <hr /> <p>* Roll 1d6 for dungeon level if using The Underworld &amp; Wilderness Adventures (page 10). The AD&amp;D Monster Manual II probably has the best dungeon encounter tables (page 133), though, so I might use that instead, in which case roll 1d10 for dungeon level. The MMII provides the chance of randomly getting, for example, a duke of hell.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-meta"> This entry was posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Rules</a> and tagged <a href="" rel="tag">magic-user</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">OD&amp;D</a> on <a href="" title="8:00 am" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2015-01-05T08:00:41+00:00">January 5, 2015</time></a><span class="by-author"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by Necropraxis" rel="author">Necropraxis</a></span></span>. </footer><!-- .entry-meta --> </article><!-- #post --> <article id="post-3475" class="post-3475 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized tag-monster tag-odd tag-underworld"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"> <a href="" rel="bookmark">OD&#038;D dungeon monsters</a> </h1> <div class="comments-link"> <a href="">1 Reply</a> </div><!-- .comments-link --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <p>Pages 10 and 11 of <em>The Underworld &amp; Wilderness Adventures</em> (OD&amp;D book three) contain tables for the determination of wandering monsters in the dungeon, one for each dungeon level, down to level six. These tables have eight to twelve entries each. In addition to containing information about implied setting, this collection of monsters functions in a certain way with other rules elsewhere in the game. While OD&amp;D is robust enough to work just fine if other monsters are used, these linkages, and the roles that these monsters serve, are still interesting to consider.</p> <p>Special monster attacks and defenses interact with equipment and character abilities. Monster defenses require special weapons to overcome. Silver weapons are required to damage lycanthropes, magic weapons are needed to combat gargoyles and many kinds of undead, acid or fire is needed to fully destroy trolls. Monster attacks can be resisted by certain defenses or cured by particular resources. The antidote to poison is the fourth-level cleric spell聽<em>neutralize poison</em>, petrification can be fixed by the sixth-level magic-user spell <em>stone to flesh</em>, elves are useful for resisting ghoul paralysis, mummy disease (which impairs recovery) can be handled with <em>cure disease</em>, basilisk gaze attacks can be reflected with mirrors, scrolls of protection are useful against entire monster groupings. And so forth.</p> <p>Another pattern to note is that most levels draw monsters from the same set of categories, though not all levels have examples of monsters from every category. For example, magic-users only show up on levels two and deeper, and giant animals only appear on the first four levels. All the monsters in a particular category may not just be palette-swapped, but they do tend to broadly share qualities such as types of attack and vulnerabilities. The most common wandering monster categories seem to be: fighters, magic-users, undead, humanoids, giant animals, dragon types (though only on the deepest two levels). This is important because these categories communicate threat information to players that can be used profitably against more powerful variants of the same monster type.</p> <p>The content triumvirate of monsters, equipment, and spells work together as a set of interconnected, opposing relationships. Monsters have strengths and weaknesses, which can be defended against, or exploited by, the tools available to players, which include those aforementioned categories. <em>Replacing</em> these elements with new, custom content is a common method of constructing a unique and surprising campaign setting. By no means do I wish to suggest that this is inadvisable. It may even be necessary to engage or challenge experienced players. However, it is probably worth considering these game mechanical relationships and making sure that similar dynamics exist within new collections of monsters as well, rather than making every creature entirely unique and unpredictable.</p> <p>See also, regarding interactions between game constructs:</p> <ul> <li><a href="">Magic-users are awesome</a></li> <li><a href="">Rock, paper, scissors</a></li> </ul> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-meta"> This entry was posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Uncategorized</a> and tagged <a href="" rel="tag">monster</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">OD&amp;D</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">underworld</a> on <a href="" title="8:00 am" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2014-03-17T08:00:46+00:00">March 17, 2014</time></a><span class="by-author"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by Necropraxis" rel="author">Necropraxis</a></span></span>. </footer><!-- .entry-meta --> </article><!-- #post --> <article id="post-2827" class="post-2827 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-reviews tag-odd"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"> <a href="" rel="bookmark">OD&#038;D reprint</a> </h1> <div class="comments-link"> <a href="">3 Replies</a> </div><!-- .comments-link --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <p>I was undecided and leaning against picking up the recent Original Dungeons &amp; Dragons reprint until recently.聽Before buying this set, of the OD&amp;D booklets, I only owned the original 3 little brown books (the OCE set) in print, so getting access to physical copies of the supplements at a somewhat reasonable price was a big draw, and in the end I decided to go for it while it was still available, given that OD&amp;D is one of my favorite RPG frameworks.</p> <p>Though I do not consider myself a collector, nonetheless a big part of the enjoyment of an RPG product for me is the physical artifact itself. As such, most of this review will regard the presentation of the product rather than the contents, which at this point I do not think need much review (go read <a href="">Philotomy&#8217;s Musings</a> if you want an intelligent discussion of how OD&amp;D works). At the bottom of this post, I have included some photos comparing the premium reprint with the OCE set I picked up on Ebay a few years back.</p> <p>Compared to a standard, cardboard game box the wooden case that this set comes in is quite solid, and though it is not of the highest quality wood, it is well-constructed and the etching is attractive. The bottom is covered with some felt-like material, making it sit nicely on hard surfaces. The external design is classy and understated, with simple carved borders, a large dragon-styled ampersand on the top, and the words &#8220;Dungeons &amp; Dragons&#8221; in a traditional font on the side. I would love to see future D&amp;D products with this aesthetic. It has far more presence compared to the standard, loud fantasy art that most in-print RPGs use. That said, the art on the interior of the lid is only okay, and the cardboard &#8220;frame&#8221; could better have been omitted (though note that this does not impact the external appearance at all).</p> <p>Though the box is attractive, it would be a bit unwieldy to use it to actually transport game materials, and it seems designed more to sit on a shelf and look pretty. Hinges and a latch would have been appreciated to make sure that contents would not fall out when carrying it around. It is also a bit larger than it really needs to be, as about a third of the interior volume is dedicated to (high-quality) foam inserts used to hold the dice. And on the topic of the dice, they are quite nice (though there should really be three six-siders, not four). The decorative work is intricate, but readability does not suffer. Despite some minor quibbles, within the context of other game boxes, the housing is nice.</p> <p>The covers of the reprint booklets have a nice texture but are definitely not as thick or sturdy as the originals. They feel like high quality paper rather than card stock. The supplement language has been replaced with a strict booklet numbering (for example, Supplement I: Greyhawk has become Book IV: Greyhawk). Given that many people online reference the supplements by the original numbering, this has the potential to be confusing to a newcomer, though this is a minor issue at most. I have also read <a href="">complaints</a> that the contents do not include Chainmail (and even that the Outdoor Survival map should have been part of the set). (Regarding OD&amp;D and Outdoor Survival, see <a href="">here</a>, <a href="">here</a>, and <a href="">here</a>.) From my perspective, those things are not needed to play the game and are really more historical curiosities, so I do not mind their omission.</p> <p>The booklet covers also have new art, and though there is definitely some charm to the original covers (I particularly like the beholder&#8217;s strange expression on the cover of the <a href="">original Greyhawk</a>), I do not mind the new covers. I actually quite like the summoner on the cover of Eldritch Wizardry (which can be seen in the photos below). The interiors seem mostly unchanged, though I think they use new layouts rather than imaged reproductions.</p> <p><span style="line-height: 1.714285714; font-size: 1rem;">Overall, though it is not exactly as I would have done it, in general I am pleased, and I am glad that the original books are back in print in some form. Ideally, there would also be PDFs and a collected, well-bound hardcover edition. While the second of those wishes does not seem likely (if for no other reason than it would require a new layout, which would be a nontrivial amount of work), it seems like PDFs at some point are within the realm of possibility. While I am considering what I might have done differently, I also think that some separate book explaining a bit of the context might have been good. WotC could have even looked into including a copy of Philotomy&#8217;s Musings (would that not have been fantastic?). Finally, I can see myself actually using this thing at the table, which is, in the end, what really matters for a game.</span></p> <p>I normally would not mention the vendor I used, but in this case the service was particularly good, so I would like to give them a shout-out. I ordered my copy from Barnes &amp; Noble on february third, it shipped on the fifth, and it arrived on the eleventh with no import duties required (this can sometimes be an issue living in Canada). Their price was good, too, relatively speaking (subtotal: $107.99, shipping: $6.48, tax: $5.40, total:聽$119.87).</p> <p><a href=""><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-3333" alt="IMG_6919 copy" src="" width="800" height="598" srcset=" 800w, 300w, 624w" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" /></a> <a href=""><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-3334" alt="IMG_6920 copy" src="" width="800" height="598" srcset=" 800w, 300w, 624w" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" /></a> <a href=""><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-3335" alt="IMG_6921 copy" src="" width="800" height="598" srcset=" 800w, 300w, 624w" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" /></a> <a href=""><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-3336" alt="IMG_6922 copy" src="" width="800" height="618" srcset=" 800w, 300w, 624w" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" /></a> <a href=""><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-3337" alt="IMG_6923 copy" src="" width="800" height="554" srcset=" 800w, 300w, 624w" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" /></a> <a href=""><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-3338" alt="IMG_6924 copy" src="" width="800" height="598" srcset=" 800w, 300w, 624w" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" /></a> <a href=""><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-3339" alt="IMG_6925 copy" src="" width="800" height="598" srcset=" 800w, 300w, 624w" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" /></a> <a href=""><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-3340" alt="IMG_6926 copy" src="" width="800" height="596" srcset=" 800w, 300w, 624w" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" /></a> <a href=""><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-3341" alt="IMG_6927 copy" src="" width="800" height="598" srcset=" 800w, 300w, 624w" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" /></a> <a href=""><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-3342" alt="IMG_6928 copy" src="" width="800" height="612" srcset=" 800w, 300w, 624w" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" /></a></p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-meta"> This entry was posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Reviews</a> and tagged <a href="" rel="tag">OD&amp;D</a> on <a href="" title="1:50 pm" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2014-02-17T13:50:13+00:00">February 17, 2014</time></a><span class="by-author"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by Necropraxis" rel="author">Necropraxis</a></span></span>. </footer><!-- .entry-meta --> </article><!-- #post --> <article id="post-2394" class="post-2394 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-rules tag-combat tag-odd"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"> <a href="" rel="bookmark">Dodging &#038; movement</a> </h1> <div class="comments-link"> <a href="">5 Replies</a> </div><!-- .comments-link --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <p>Talysman has been discussing <a href="">house rules for dodging</a>. This was one of his proposals:</p> <blockquote><p>A character can try to dodge an attack from a single opponent per round if the character&#8217;s Move rating is higher than the opponent&#8217;s Move rating. The character takes damage only if the damage is greater than a 1d6 roll.</p></blockquote> <p>The essence of this rule is a form of variable damage reduction. Assuming d6 damage, since this is OD&#038;D, this means that characters with higher movement scores (compared to an attacker) will dodge 21 out of every 36 attacks (this is based on enumerating all 36 possibilities), and damage taken has an expected value of approximately 1.94 (compared to the expected value of 3.5 damage in the case with no dodging).</p> <p>I don&#8217;t love the necessity of another die roll for the dodge, but I am intrigued by the idea of basing some form of damage avoidance or dodging on comparative movement scores, as that fits thematically and potentially makes encumbrance that much more important. Yes, mathematically it is always possible to model any kind of defense as a bonus to AC, but that also feels somehow unsatisfactory in this domain (and tends toward systems with constructs like &#8220;flat-footed&#8221; to account for those cases where agility would not come into play).</p> <p>Rather than rolling a die for the dodge, why not give an explicit damage reduction based on the difference between the two movement scores? That is, a character with move 12 would have a DR of 3 when attacked by an enemy with move 9. No extra dice rolls required, and the expected end result is somewhat similar. Any damage result less than this threshold would indicate a successful dodge. This DR would only apply to melee combat (though I could see a class special ability extending it to missile attacks as well, perhaps for a martial arts class like the monk). This also has the added benefit of distinguishing between an attacker with move 9 and move 6 (which would be handled identically in Talysman&#8217;s system, assuming the defender had a movement higher than 9). This also means that characters with very high movement rates would be virtually immune to the attacks from slow creatures. This is not necessarily a problem, though it would be reasonable to cap the dodge-based DR (perhaps at 4 or 5) to maintain a higher level of risk.</p> <p>I&#8217;m not sure I would actually use a rule like this in play, as I&#8217;ve found such added defense rules to be particularly easy to overlook in the heat of combat, but that said this form of comparative damage reduction seems rather attractive.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-meta"> This entry was posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Rules</a> and tagged <a href="" rel="tag">combat</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">OD&amp;D</a> on <a href="" title="11:16 am" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2013-11-23T11:16:38+00:00">November 23, 2013</time></a><span class="by-author"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by Necropraxis" rel="author">Necropraxis</a></span></span>. </footer><!-- .entry-meta --> </article><!-- #post --> <article id="post-2219" class="post-2219 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-rules tag-odd tag-pahvelorn"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"> <a href="" rel="bookmark">OD&#038;D FLAILSNAILS</a> </h1> <div class="comments-link"> <a href=""><span class="leave-reply">Leave a reply</span></a> </div><!-- .comments-link --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <p>Recently I have been thinking that it might be fun to try running some聽<a href="">FLAILSNAILS</a> games using my interpretation of 3 LBB OD&amp;D as a base. Were any players interested in such adventuring, here is how I might run it.</p> <ol> <li><strong>Ability scores do not provide bonuses</strong>, other than +1 to missile attacks from dexterity scores of 13 or higher and +1 HP per hit die for constitution scores of 15 or higher.</li> <li><strong>Magic weapons do not add modifiers to attack or damage</strong>, though some monsters can only be damaged by enchanted weapons.</li> <li><strong>The best AC is 2</strong>. It should be obvious whether a given visitor counts as unarmored (AC 9), lightly armored (AC 7), moderately armored (AC 5), or heavily armored (AC 3). Shields grant another further bonus of one.</li> <li><strong>A per-session HP total using OD&amp;D hit dice should be rolled</strong>. OD&amp;D hit dice only use six-sided dice, with bonuses for partial steps (for example, a second level magic-user gets 1d6+1 HP).</li> <li><strong>Death &amp; dying is handled as a saving throw at zero HP</strong>, with success indicating unconsciousness and failure indicating death (there are no negative HP).</li> </ol> <p>Other than the HP totals, none of these considerations should require any real work. For example, an AD&amp;D paladin in full plate with a magic sword and shield would be AC 2, deal 1d6 &#8220;magic&#8221; damage with the sword, and use the fighter&#8217;s attack matrix values.</p> <p>Enemy numbers follow the same rules (limited range of ACs, hit dice using six-sided dice, etc). Even dragons have no better AC than 2.</p> <p>I generally have PCs re-roll HP per session to represent recovery, so rolling hit dice is something everyone does at the beginning of the session.</p> <p>Some magic items may function slightly differently. For example, in my interpretation, continual light enchantments cannot be placed on objects. These would need to be handled on an ad hoc basis.</p> <p>A summary of OD&amp;D ability scores can be found <a href="">here</a>.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-meta"> This entry was posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Rules</a> and tagged <a href="" rel="tag">OD&amp;D</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Pahvelorn</a> on <a href="" title="8:00 am" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2013-10-23T08:00:47+00:00">October 23, 2013</time></a><span class="by-author"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by Necropraxis" rel="author">Necropraxis</a></span></span>. </footer><!-- .entry-meta --> </article><!-- #post --> <article id="post-2139" class="post-2139 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-rules tag-magic-user tag-odd tag-spell tag-wonder-wickedness"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"> <a href="" rel="bookmark">More Necromancy Spells</a> </h1> <div class="comments-link"> <a href="">2 Replies</a> </div><!-- .comments-link --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <p>Here we have a healing spell (that also allows stealing youth), a method of speaking with the dead inspired by Book 11 of the Odyssey, and a way for sorcerers to collect souls.</p> <p>Also, <a href="">Wonder &amp; Wickedness</a> now has a full complement of 8 spells per category, for 56 in total.</p> <hr /> <h3 id="life-channel">Life Channel</h3> <p>The sorcerer transfers life energy (either youth or vigor) from one creature to another by touch (a saving throw per turn is provided for the non-consensual, though a successful save does not end the spell). If youth is transferred, the source ages one die worth of years per turn and the recipient regains one year of youth. If vigor is transferred, the source takes one die of damage (though only one point of damage is sustained if the source is the sorcerer, with no possibility of corruption) and the recipient 1) regains six hit points but is permanently changed somehow by the dark magic (such as a dim translucency of skin, an aversion by animals, or an emanation that causes small fires nearby to extinguish), 2-5) regains the number rolled worth of hit points, or 6) regains six plus another die worth of hit points.</p> <h3 id="occult-consultation">Occult Consultation</h3> <p>The sorcerer must dig a pit two feet square, into which is poured wine, fragrant herbs, and the blood of a sacrifice slain with a bronze knife. A throng of ghosts is summoned by this ritual, which may be conversed with as desired for the duration of the spell, though truth is not compelled (specific ghosts may be called if the sorcerer has material remains, a possession that was once treasured by the deceased, or a true name). Following the consultation, if desired, the sorcerer may follow the ghosts in katabasis to the land of the dead (along with any number of willing companions), though an easy path of return is not guaranteed.</p> <h3 id="soul-harvest">Soul Harvest</h3> <p>By the casting of this spell a sorcerer traps a disembodied soul (of HD less than or equal to the sorcerer&#8217;s level) within an unoccupied clay jar or flask which has been previously prepared (these vessels are significant for purposes of encumbrance). Souls on their way to the underworld or other final reward may be captured automatically, but free-willed souls (such as incorporeal undead) are permitted a saving throw. A soul may be freed in exchange for a favor from the ghost (standard negotiation procedures apply), traded as sorcerous currency, or consumed for temporary power (such as a bonus to a single roll or a die worth of temporary hit points).</p> <div id="attachment_2148" style="width: 510px" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-2148" alt="Corot - Orpheus Leading Eurydice (source)" src="" width="500" height="405" srcset=" 500w, 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" /></a><p class="wp-caption-text">Corot &#8211; Orpheus Leading Eurydice (<a href="">source</a>)</p></div> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-meta"> This entry was posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Rules</a> and tagged <a href="" rel="tag">magic-user</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">OD&amp;D</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">spell</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Wonder &amp; Wickedness</a> on <a href="" title="8:00 am" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2013-10-11T08:00:26+00:00">October 11, 2013</time></a><span class="by-author"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by Necropraxis" rel="author">Necropraxis</a></span></span>. </footer><!-- .entry-meta --> </article><!-- #post --> <article id="post-2094" class="post-2094 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-speculations tag-fighter tag-magic-user tag-odd tag-thief"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"> <a href="" rel="bookmark">Rogue, sorcerer, warrior</a> </h1> <div class="comments-link"> <a href="">2 Replies</a> </div><!-- .comments-link --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <p>Why this split? This began as a comment on a Google Plus <a href="">conversation</a>, but I think it&#8217;s worth a blog post. For me, the split is based on two things: problem solving tools and archetypes.聽For archetypes, the inspiration is swords &amp; sorcery. This, in my opinion, is uncontroversial and does not need further elaboration (other than to remark that the cleric, if taken too far away from the original Van Helsing and Solomon Kane inspirations, does not fit so well aesthetically or culturally).</p> <p>Clerics are really a hybrid class in terms of problem solving, and could potentially be either fighter/mages (for the trad crusader vampire hunter that also has some magic) or thief/mages (a version less often seen, but just as thematic for zealous witch hunters or hashashin characters). However, the hybrid nature of the cleric means that it can be understood based on the other three main classes, so no more need be said about the cleric independently.</p> <p>The primary problem solving qualities of the core classes are: combat/renewable resource (fighter), combat/consumable resource (magic-user), utility/renewable resource (thief), and utility/consumable resource (magic-user). Thus, the magic-user is more versatile, but resource-limited (and in most incarnations, more fragile). Obviously there is some bleed between the approaches when you consider the actual implementation (everyone can make melee attacks, fighters can still use some magic items, etc). So that&#8217;s where the split comes from in terms of OD&amp;D game mechanics.</p> <p>Edit: I should also link to Talysman&#8217;s <a href="">post on classes and problem solving</a> here.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-meta"> This entry was posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Speculations</a> and tagged <a href="" rel="tag">fighter</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">magic-user</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">OD&amp;D</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">thief</a> on <a href="" title="2:31 pm" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2013-10-03T14:31:34+00:00">October 3, 2013</time></a><span class="by-author"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by Necropraxis" rel="author">Necropraxis</a></span></span>. </footer><!-- .entry-meta --> </article><!-- #post --> <article id="post-2081" class="post-2081 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-rules tag-magic-user tag-odd tag-spell tag-wonder-wickedness"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"> <a href="" rel="bookmark">Spells Without Levels: Vivimancy</a> </h1> <div class="comments-link"> <a href="">11 Replies</a> </div><!-- .comments-link --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <p>These spells are inspired by <em>confusion</em>, <em>disintegrate</em>, <em>slow</em>, <em>haste</em>, <em>growth of animals</em>, <em>neutralize poison</em>, <em>polymorph self</em>, <em>polymorph other</em>, and <em>stone to flesh</em>.聽See聽<a href="">spells without levels</a>聽for more information about this project. The category name vivimancy was borrowed from <a href="">The City of Iron</a>.</p> <h4 id="bloodlust">Bloodlust</h4> <p>This spell awakens the inner beast, causing the growth of claws and fangs, granting a +1 to attack and damage, and a decrease by 1 to all damage taken (a saving throw is permitted for the unwilling). Any creature so enraged must make a melee attack against the nearest combatant every round in the most violent manner possible (this generally means that the target should be determined randomly). When the spell expires, the subject collapses into unconsciousness if a saving throw is failed, and if this saving throw is a natural 1, the subject contracts lycanthropy.</p> <h4 id="genoplasm">Genoplasm</h4> <p>The sorcerer&#8217;s touch causes the chaotic workings of life to permeate contiguous nonliving matter, approximately the size of one human per level (living creatures touched during the workings of this spell are subject to mutation if a saving throw is failed). One exploration turn of contact leads to softening and weakness, as veins, entrails, and other organic appurtenances metastasize, and after three exploration turns of contact, the matter collapses entirely into warm, pulsing slime. During each turn of contact, there is a 1 in 6 chance of the transforming matter spawning some hitherto unseen organism, though such spawns are almost certainly unviable.</p> <h4 id="indolence">Indolence</h4> <p>All within a melee area are stricken with lethargy, moving at half their normal rate, and acting last in initiative automatically. Creatures of less than or equal HD to the sorcerer&#8217;s level are affected automatically, while others get a saving throw to avoid the effect. Indolence may also be cast on mechanisms or other things that engage in progress or change.</p> <h4 id="quickening">Quickening</h4> <p>Similar to indolence, but the reverse in all ways.</p> <h4 id="ravening">Ravening</h4> <p>The growth processes of several animals are accelerated, inducing ravenous hunger. If sufficient food is not available, the creatures will attempt to consume anything nearby, and will gain sustenance from materials not normally consumable, such as wood or dirt, though food or flesh is preferred. The animals 1) double in size for the duration of the spell and then collapse into unconsciousness afterwards, 2) double in size permanently, or 3) grow until they become gargantuan and are driven insane.</p> <h4 id="serpents-kiss">Serpent&#8217;s Kiss</h4> <p>After casting this spell, the sorcerer grows long, hollow fangs, which may be used for a bite attack as if armed. These fangs may also be used to to draw out venom from someone that has been poisoned, negating the poison, though this process is painful and somewhat gruesome. Venom so extracted is then stored in a new gland that develops within the sorcerer&#8217;s body, and may be delivered by bite during the spell&#8217;s duration.</p> <h4 id="totem">Totem</h4> <p>Every person has two totems, a predator totem and a prey totem, which are connected and should be determined randomly (and recorded): 1) bat/centipede, 2) cat/rat, 3) hawk/newt, 4) owl/frog, 5) serpent/chicken, 6) wolf/sheep. This spell allows the sorcerer to transform into the predator totem animal, or force another into their own prey totem (marked by the sorcerer&#8217;s totem sigil), the enchantment being permanent as long as the sigil is present (though a saving throw applies). Equipment does not transform.</p> <h4 id="vitalize">Vitalize</h4> <p>A form in stone, such as a statue, is endowed with life, viscera, beating hearts, flesh, and so forth. If the stone was once living, that previous existence is permanently restored. Otherwise, when the spell ends the new life will 1) return to stone, 2) dissolve into a mess of biological waste, or 3) be stolen by an incorporeal soul, demon, or spirit for unpredictable purposes.</p> <div id="attachment_2077" style="width: 510px" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-2077" src="" alt="Redon - Flower of Blood (source)" width="500" height="355" srcset=" 500w, 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" /></a><p class="wp-caption-text">Redon &#8211; Flower of Blood (<a href="">source</a>)</p></div> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-meta"> This entry was posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Rules</a> and tagged <a href="" rel="tag">magic-user</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">OD&amp;D</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">spell</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Wonder &amp; Wickedness</a> on <a href="" title="8:00 am" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2013-10-01T08:00:11+00:00">October 1, 2013</time></a><span 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of the art</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Good reviews\'>Good reviews</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2018-6:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Game designers are overrated\'>Game designers are overrated</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Share reviews\'>Share reviews</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Gehennum\'>Gehennum</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Streaming matters for trad play\'>Streaming matters for trad play</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Mettle rules graft v0.1\'>Mettle rules graft v0.1</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Devilspawn\'>Devilspawn</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spell book dilemmas\'>Spell book dilemmas</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2018-5:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Mechanical audience\'>Mechanical audience</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Ryuutama miscellany\'>Ryuutama miscellany</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Stronghold achievements\'>Stronghold achievements</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2018-4:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Ryuutama engine\'>The Ryuutama engine</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Into the Borderlands review\'>Into the Borderlands review</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Eidolon mode\'>Eidolon mode</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadlift playtesting\'>Deadlift playtesting</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2018-3:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Catastrophe magic\'>Catastrophe magic</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Text versus culture\'>Text versus culture</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2018-2:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Mettle, trauma, and grit\'>Mettle, trauma, and grit</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Zines for megadungeons\'>Zines for megadungeons</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Considering short campaigns\'>Considering short campaigns</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2018-1:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Halfway houses\'>Halfway houses</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-12:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Optimal strangeness\'>Optimal strangeness</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-11:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Rich descriptors\'>Rich descriptors</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hazard System v0.3\'>Hazard System v0.3</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Bricks and hexes\'>Bricks and hexes</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-7:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Book of Monsters\'>The Book of Monsters</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-1:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fight off, dodge, or block\'>Fight off, dodge, or block</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Ultimatum games and shared narrative control\'>Ultimatum games and shared narrative control</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Jeff questions for Abelia Caliginous\'>Jeff questions for Abelia Caliginous</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Maze Rats review\'>Maze Rats review</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-12:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Review of Klein\'s The Ceremonies (spoiler-free)\'>Review of Klein\'s The Ceremonies (spoiler-free)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Kingdom Death\'>Kingdom Death</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Tangle armor\'>Tangle armor</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Scavenge Dungeon Move\'>Scavenge Dungeon Move</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Stonehell: Prepare to Die blocking and dodging\'>Stonehell: Prepare to Die blocking and dodging</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-11:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Summoner and Pyromancer Playbooks\'>Summoner and Pyromancer Playbooks</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Stonehell: Prepare to Die weapons\'>Stonehell: Prepare to Die weapons</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Stonehell: Prepare to Die playbook overview\'>Stonehell: Prepare to Die playbook overview</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Stonehell: Prepare to Die\'>Stonehell: Prepare to Die</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-9:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Let It Ride or Push Your Luck\'>Let It Ride or Push Your Luck</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Roles for common adventurer jobs\'>Roles for common adventurer jobs</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-8:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Alternatives to genre\'>Alternatives to genre</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-7:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Circumplex ability scores\'>Circumplex ability scores</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Tactical Hazard Die\'>Tactical Hazard Die</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Symbaroum starting background\'>Symbaroum starting background</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Traditions and corruption\'>Traditions and corruption</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'They came from gates in the sky\'>They came from gates in the sky</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hexagram Symbaroum prospectus\'>Hexagram Symbaroum prospectus</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Conditions versus hit points\'>Conditions versus hit points</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-6:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spell attunement\'>Spell attunement</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-5:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Adversary\'s Dungeon\'>The Adversary\'s Dungeon</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'If the walls can bleed of course they can heal\'>If the walls can bleed of course they can heal</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Initiation\'>Initiation</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-1:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Damage symmetry\'>Damage symmetry</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Doctrine of proceduralism\'>Doctrine of proceduralism</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-12:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Under the Eclipse\'>Under the Eclipse</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Light quantity\'>Light quantity</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Mechanizing alignment\'>Mechanizing alignment</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-11:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Shadow of the Demon Lord review\'>Shadow of the Demon Lord review</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-9:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Test-driving Dungeon World\'>Test-driving Dungeon World</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Well-written RPG books\'>Well-written RPG books</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-8:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Concise 5E DMG review\'>Concise 5E DMG review</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-7:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Weapons of unusual size\'>Weapons of unusual size</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Afterlands\'>Afterlands</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Alexandreum\'>Alexandreum</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hexagram crafting\'>Hexagram crafting</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Copernican Sovereignty principles\'>Copernican Sovereignty principles</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Boons of Ares\'>Boons of Ares</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Defeating gods\'>Defeating gods</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hexagram reborn\'>Hexagram reborn</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-6:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Great Conjunction and Copernican Sovereignty\'>The Great Conjunction and Copernican Sovereignty</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Well-written RPG book survey\'>Well-written RPG book survey</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Kane ebooks\'>Kane ebooks</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Inverse swarm monsters\'>Inverse swarm monsters</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Ravenloft as setting\'>Ravenloft as setting</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Inventory v.1\'>Inventory v.1</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-5:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Resonance and aimlessness\'>Resonance and aimlessness</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Vulnerability, challenge, & becoming\'>Vulnerability, challenge, & becoming</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Helheim class and review\'>Helheim class and review</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-4:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Optimization and preparation\'>Optimization and preparation</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-3:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deflective shields\'>Deflective shields</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Buried Giant\'>The Buried Giant</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Wonder & Wickedness on RPGNow\'>Wonder & Wickedness on RPGNow</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-2:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Jupiter Ascending\'>Jupiter Ascending</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Training bonuses\'>Training bonuses</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-1:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pits & Perils divergences\'>Pits & Perils divergences</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dispell as counter-spell\'>Dispell as counter-spell</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Slumbering Ursine Dunes\'>Slumbering Ursine Dunes</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'OD&D summoning\'>OD&D summoning</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2014-12:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'An odd toolbox\'>An odd toolbox</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hazard System v0.2\'>Hazard System v0.2</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Wonder & Wickedness released\'>Wonder & Wickedness released</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Vacant Ritual Assembly #1\'>Vacant Ritual Assembly #1</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'B/X 5E\'>B/X 5E</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Wonder & Wickedness draws near\'>Wonder & Wickedness draws near</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Unsolicited aesthetic opinions on the 5E Monster Manual\'>Unsolicited aesthetic opinions on the 5E Monster Manual</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Setting traps in 5E\'>Setting traps in 5E</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Player-safe maps\'>Player-safe maps</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Against genre\'>Against genre</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2014-11:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Simple injury rules\'>Simple injury rules</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Biological imagination\'>Biological imagination</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2014-10:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deep Carbon Observatory exordium\'>Deep Carbon Observatory exordium</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Appropriateness\'>Appropriateness</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2014-9:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Product framing\'>Product framing</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Gorgonthorn and content entities\'>Gorgonthorn and content entities</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2014-8:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Flailsnails between games\'>Flailsnails between games</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Specific beats general\'>Specific beats general</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'On blasted sands\'>On blasted sands</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'OSRCon 2014 Toronto\'>OSRCon 2014 Toronto</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Stats and magics\'>Stats and magics</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2014-7:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dark Souls magic\'>Dark Souls magic</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Derived weapons\'>Derived weapons</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Build your own weapons\'>Build your own weapons</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dark Souls preliminaries\'>Dark Souls preliminaries</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Detect Magic\'>Detect Magic</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Combat and maneuvers\'>Combat and maneuvers</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Trade and arbitrage\'>Trade and arbitrage</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Two approaches to ability scores\'>Two approaches to ability scores</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The rise and fall of the Harbinger\'>The rise and fall of the Harbinger</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2014-6:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Learning spells: risks & investments\'>Learning spells: risks & investments</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Doom-Cave\'>Doom-Cave</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pits & Perils\'>Pits & Perils</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Necromancer class\'>Necromancer class</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Two steps removed\'>Two steps removed</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hiroshige hexcrawl\'>Hiroshige hexcrawl</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'An approach to Flailsnails\'>An approach to Flailsnails</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Complete Vivimancer\'>Complete Vivimancer</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Monster design\'>Monster design</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2014-5:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Delegating dungeons and rotating referees\'>Delegating dungeons and rotating referees</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Stabilized Carcosa hit dice\'>Stabilized Carcosa hit dice</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Proceduralism\'>Proceduralism</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Souls as resource\'>Souls as resource</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dragon class\'>Dragon class</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Banking treasure\'>Banking treasure</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2014-4:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Cleric boons\'>Cleric boons</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'In praise of aborted projects\'>In praise of aborted projects</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Some new ideas for turn undead\'>Some new ideas for turn undead</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Replacing intelligence and wisdom\'>Replacing intelligence and wisdom</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Equipment deterioration simplified\'>Equipment deterioration simplified</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Monological save versus magic\'>Monological save versus magic</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Marking the dead\'>Marking the dead</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lusus Naturae\'>Lusus Naturae</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Coverages\'>Coverages</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2014-3:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Monologic combat example\'>Monologic combat example</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Monologic combat\'>Monologic combat</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dark Lords of Necropraxia\'>Dark Lords of Necropraxia</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'OD&D dungeon monsters\'>OD&D dungeon monsters</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Attack wands\'>Attack wands</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Torchbearer grind record\'>Torchbearer grind record</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Saving throws by HD\'>Saving throws by HD</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Torchbearer primer for D&D players\'>Torchbearer primer for D&D players</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Strictly quantified movement\'>Strictly quantified movement</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2014-2:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Genie binder\'>Genie binder</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'OD&D reprint\'>OD&D reprint</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Eight enchanted objects\'>Eight enchanted objects</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Skeleton class\'>Skeleton class</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overloading the encounter die\'>Overloading the encounter die</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2014-1:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Alternative LotFP bonus regime\'>Alternative LotFP bonus regime</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Optimal Number of Tables\'>Optimal Number of Tables</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Contest winners\'>Contest winners</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Automating Random Tables\'>Automating Random Tables</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Orphone\'s magical item generator\'>Orphone\'s magical item generator</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Ghosts\'>Ghosts</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'New 52 Wonder Woman\'>New 52 Wonder Woman</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'One Page Dungeon Contest 2014\'>One Page Dungeon Contest 2014</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Firearms quick reference\'>Firearms quick reference</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-12:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Compassionate guardians\'>Compassionate guardians</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'GM Lessons from Aliens\'>GM Lessons from Aliens</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Break!! RPG\'>Break!! RPG</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Assassins & poison\'>Assassins & poison</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'20 retainers\'>20 retainers</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Improved area keys\'>Improved area keys</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hangout screenshare fog of war\'>Hangout screenshare fog of war</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-11:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Finchbox rules\'>Finchbox rules</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Strict spell learning\'>Strict spell learning</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lonely Grimmsgate\'>Lonely Grimmsgate</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Equipment deterioration\'>Equipment deterioration</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Improved turn undead spell\'>Improved turn undead spell</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dodging & movement\'>Dodging & movement</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Undle Nine-Fingers\' Life Hook\'>Undle Nine-Fingers\' Life Hook</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Contest submissions\'>Contest submissions</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Elves of Pahvelorn\'>Elves of Pahvelorn</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Final Fantasy IV iOS\'>Final Fantasy IV iOS</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A method of preparation\'>A method of preparation</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Weapons Quick Reference\'>Weapons Quick Reference</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Ryuutama\'>Ryuutama</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spell dice\'>Spell dice</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-10:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Various Magic Systems\'>Various Magic Systems</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Warrior class\'>Warrior class</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Contest update\'>Contest update</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'OD&D FLAILSNAILS\'>OD&D FLAILSNAILS</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pahvelorn initiative\'>Pahvelorn initiative</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical defense\'>Magical defense</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Sorcerer class\'>Sorcerer class</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Rogue class\'>Rogue class</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Referee Book\'>LotFP Referee Book</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'More Necromancy Spells\'>More Necromancy Spells</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Rat Queens\'>Rat Queens</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A method of play\'>A method of play</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Beautiful Thing That Awaits Us All\'>The Beautiful Thing That Awaits Us All</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Wonder & Wickedness preview\'>Wonder & Wickedness preview</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Maleficence\'>Maleficence</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Rogue, sorcerer, warrior\'>Rogue, sorcerer, warrior</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spells Without Levels: Vivimancy\'>Spells Without Levels: Vivimancy</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-9:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spells Without Levels: Psychomancy\'>Spells Without Levels: Psychomancy</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spells Without Levels: Translocation\'>Spells Without Levels: Translocation</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spells Without Levels: Spiritualism\'>Spells Without Levels: Spiritualism</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spells Without Levels: Necromancy\'>Spells Without Levels: Necromancy</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spells Without Levels: Elementalism\'>Spells Without Levels: Elementalism</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spells Without Levels: Diabolism\'>Spells Without Levels: Diabolism</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spells without levels\'>Spells without levels</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dragon Age Tabletop RPG\'>Dragon Age Tabletop RPG</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Degree of success as damage\'>Degree of success as damage</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Landmark remix settings\'>Landmark remix settings</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'False Rumors are Hazards\'>False Rumors are Hazards</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'D20 turn undead variant\'>D20 turn undead variant</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Free resources, annotated\'>Free resources, annotated</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-8:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Prydain\'>Prydain</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Five Ancient Kingdoms impressions\'>Five Ancient Kingdoms impressions</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Gravity Sinister Gameplay\'>Gravity Sinister Gameplay</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Death Frost Tower\'>Death Frost Tower</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Games With Others\'>Games With Others</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Contest 2013\'>Contest 2013</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Skills & languages\'>Skills & languages</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Numenera point buy stats\'>Numenera point buy stats</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Inconsistent or unknown\'>Inconsistent or unknown</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'House rules\'>House rules</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The genesis of Cade Casey\'>The genesis of Cade Casey</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-7:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magic-User spell selection\'>Magic-User spell selection</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Second sight\'>Second sight</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Random Wizard Questions\'>Random Wizard Questions</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Religious Influences\'>Religious Influences</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'JRPG Basic Golems\'>JRPG Basic Golems</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Adventurer class\'>Adventurer class</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'JRPG Basic white magic spells level 1\'>JRPG Basic white magic spells level 1</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Appendix NES\'>Appendix NES</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Torchbearer impressions\'>Torchbearer impressions</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'JRPG Basic combat positioning\'>JRPG Basic combat positioning</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'JRPG Basic Black Magic Spells Level 1\'>JRPG Basic Black Magic Spells Level 1</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'JRPG Basic Spell Properties\'>JRPG Basic Spell Properties</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'On the Non-Player Character\'>On the Non-Player Character</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-6:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'JRPG basic magic\'>JRPG basic magic</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'JRPG Basic Town Inventory\'>JRPG Basic Town Inventory</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'JRPG Basic Starting Weapons\'>JRPG Basic Starting Weapons</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'JRPG Basic Retainers\'>JRPG Basic Retainers</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'JRPG Basic Skills\'>JRPG Basic Skills</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'JRPG Basic Classes\'>JRPG Basic Classes</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'JRPG Basic Ability Scores\'>JRPG Basic Ability Scores</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'JRPG Basic\'>JRPG Basic</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Vio-Lance\'>Vio-Lance</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Echo of Fitzwalter\'>Echo of Fitzwalter</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Shamans of Pahvelorn\'>Shamans of Pahvelorn</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Basic feats\'>Basic feats</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Telekinetic sword\'>Telekinetic sword</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'AC by class AND level\'>AC by class AND level</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magic-Users and armor\'>Magic-Users and armor</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Weapons Revisited\'>Weapons Revisited</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-5:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Affordances and aesthetics\'>Affordances and aesthetics</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Barbarians of the ruined colonies\'>Barbarians of the ruined colonies</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Monstrous armor\'>Monstrous armor</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Purple Acid Blast\'>Purple Acid Blast</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Crucilest\'>Crucilest</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Wardrobe malfunction\'>Wardrobe malfunction</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Another stunt system\'>Another stunt system</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'S Series Handouts\'>S Series Handouts</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Session Record Sheet\'>Session Record Sheet</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Marching order and roles\'>Marching order and roles</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'OSRCon 2013\'>OSRCon 2013</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-4:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Simple corruption\'>Simple corruption</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Thief Roll\'>Thief Roll</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Reactions\'>Reactions</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Monstrosities\'>Monstrosities</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Interception\'>Interception</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Coming full circle\'>Coming full circle</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Sui generia\'>Sui generia</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Last Gasp\'>Last Gasp</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Feat creep\'>Feat creep</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hit dice as attack bonus\'>Hit dice as attack bonus</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Simulacrum strengths\'>Simulacrum strengths</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'2d6 casting again\'>2d6 casting again</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Solipsistic hexes\'>Solipsistic hexes</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Chases\'>Chases</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Viole Falushe on refereeing\'>Viole Falushe on refereeing</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Chaos Engines\'>Chaos Engines</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Monster XP as treasure\'>Monster XP as treasure</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hyphenation\'>Hyphenation</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-3:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hexenbracken\'>Hexenbracken</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Doors of Edinburgh\'>Doors of Edinburgh</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'1d12\'>1d12</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Ragemoor\'>Ragemoor</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Petitions\'>Petitions</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A tale of two books\'>A tale of two books</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Inherent and Learned\'>Inherent and Learned</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Rationalized hit dice\'>Rationalized hit dice</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Necropraxis\'>Necropraxis</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Raise dead\'>Raise dead</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Alternate cleric magic\'>Alternate cleric magic</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The plague city\'>The plague city</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'OSR Dogma Recency\'>OSR Dogma Recency</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spell competency and other competencies\'>Spell competency and other competencies</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-2:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dungeon World bag of holding\'>Dungeon World bag of holding</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Favorable and unfavorable saves\'>Favorable and unfavorable saves</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dungeon World weapons\'>Dungeon World weapons</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'OD&D deluxe reprint\'>OD&D deluxe reprint</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'OD&D moves\'>OD&D moves</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Balance redux\'>Balance redux</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Counter-spell\'>Counter-spell</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magic save as magic defense\'>Magic save as magic defense</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Escape or Initiative\'>Escape or Initiative</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Necrology: Drona\'>Necrology: Drona</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Vance without DRM\'>Vance without DRM</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Forgotten Realms Adventures\'>Forgotten Realms Adventures</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Point buy alternative\'>Point buy alternative</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-1:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Necrology: Satyavati\'>Necrology: Satyavati</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'5E goals\'>5E goals</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Combat & movement\'>Combat & movement</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Giants of Pahvelorn\'>Giants of Pahvelorn</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'An embarrassment of riches\'>An embarrassment of riches</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Basic wands\'>Basic wands</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Judgments & hazards\'>Judgments & hazards</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Simplified spell progression\'>Simplified spell progression</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Previous Resolutions\'>Previous Resolutions</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'2012 Fiction Readings\'>2012 Fiction Readings</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Combat dice\'>Combat dice</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-12:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spellblade class\'>Spellblade class</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deferred Hit Points\'>Deferred Hit Points</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Experiments in Dungeon Keying\'>Experiments in Dungeon Keying</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'An XP System\'>An XP System</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Tales of the Scarecrow\'>Tales of the Scarecrow</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'2d6 Vancian Variant\'>2d6 Vancian Variant</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Were creatures\'>Were creatures</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Desiderata\'>Desiderata</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Shield saves\'>Shield saves</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Petard\'>Petard</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Firebomb\'>Firebomb</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-11:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magic, Evil, and Chaos\'>Magic, Evil, and Chaos</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'2d6 fantasy game\'>2d6 fantasy game</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hero weapons\'>Hero weapons</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Carousing and friends\'>Carousing and friends</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Retainer advancement\'>Retainer advancement</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'War dog class\'>War dog class</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Brewing Potions\'>Brewing Potions</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Finery and social class\'>Finery and social class</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Ghost traps\'>Ghost traps</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lamentations of the monk\'>Lamentations of the monk</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Barrowmaze\'>Barrowmaze</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Agency preserving illusions\'>Agency preserving illusions</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Random robot generator\'>Random robot generator</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Using Attack Ranks Defensively\'>Using Attack Ranks Defensively</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Adjusted Attack Ranks\'>Adjusted Attack Ranks</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Random appearance table\'>Random appearance table</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Ratlings in Pahvelorn\'>Ratlings in Pahvelorn</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spectrum systems\'>Spectrum systems</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Another encumbrance system\'>Another encumbrance system</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Wandering in Carcosa\'>Wandering in Carcosa</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Theorems & Thaumaturgy\'>Theorems & Thaumaturgy</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Silvered weapons\'>Silvered weapons</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-10:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Thief skills\'>Thief skills</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Role playing\'>Role playing</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Energy Drain & Max HP\'>Energy Drain & Max HP</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Marked by the Grave\'>Marked by the Grave</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Peek Inside Rappan Athuk\'>A Peek Inside Rappan Athuk</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Sustained Spells\'>Sustained Spells</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Devil\'s in the Details\'>Devil\'s in the Details</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Robe Wards\'>Robe Wards</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Wizard Robes\'>Wizard Robes</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Armor by Class\'>Armor by Class</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Author Versus Player\'>Author Versus Player</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hexagram Treasure Overview\'>Hexagram Treasure Overview</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Sorcerer Patrol\'>Sorcerer Patrol</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Black Sun Rising\'>Black Sun Rising</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-9:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The God That Crawls\'>The God That Crawls</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Shaping Raw Chaos\'>Shaping Raw Chaos</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Chaos Overload\'>Chaos Overload</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Chaos Leaks\'>Chaos Leaks</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Arcane stress\'>Arcane stress</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Church Sorcerers\'>Church Sorcerers</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Level as saving throw\'>Level as saving throw</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Abstracting missiles\'>Abstracting missiles</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hexagram Ability Scores\'>Hexagram Ability Scores</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dimensionality\'>Dimensionality</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Difficulty mode\'>Difficulty mode</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Balance & trade-offs\'>Balance & trade-offs</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hexagram Backgrounds & Rewards\'>Hexagram Backgrounds & Rewards</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Rock, paper, scissors\'>Rock, paper, scissors</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Three hearts and three lions\'>Three hearts and three lions</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hexagram Path of Guile Draft\'>Hexagram Path of Guile Draft</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hexagram Path of Sorcery Draft\'>Hexagram Path of Sorcery Draft</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-8:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hexagram Path of Steel Draft\'>Hexagram Path of Steel Draft</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hexagram Character Generation Draft\'>Hexagram Character Generation Draft</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hexagram Advancement Draft\'>Hexagram Advancement Draft</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hexagram Introduction Draft\'>Hexagram Introduction Draft</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lead Character Charisma\'>Lead Character Charisma</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Another Approach to Races\'>Another Approach to Races</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Turning Variations\'>Turning Variations</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Weapons & parrying draft\'>Weapons & parrying draft</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Willpower in Traveller\'>Willpower in Traveller</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'OD&D loyalty & morale\'>OD&D loyalty & morale</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dying Earth Spells for D&D\'>Dying Earth Spells for D&D</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Blogging\'>Blogging</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Types of Ability Check\'>Types of Ability Check</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Solutions? The monolith owes you none\'>Solutions? The monolith owes you none</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'OSRCon 2\'>OSRCon 2</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Level Drain\'>Level Drain</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Types of Preparation\'>Types of Preparation</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magic-Users are awesome\'>Magic-Users are awesome</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'In Praise of Modules\'>In Praise of Modules</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'City of the Beast\'>City of the Beast</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Attack Ranks as Attack Bonuses\'>Attack Ranks as Attack Bonuses</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'THAC2, OD&D AC, and Combat Ranks\'>THAC2, OD&D AC, and Combat Ranks</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'D&D Phase Shifts\'>D&D Phase Shifts</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Research Assistance\'>Magical Research Assistance</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Planet Hulk\'>Planet Hulk</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Sightseer\'s Guide to Zorfath\'>Sightseer\'s Guide to Zorfath</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-7:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Why I Love Saving Throws\'>Why I Love Saving Throws</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'3 LBB Thief\'>3 LBB Thief</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Cleric XP\'>Cleric XP</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Converting GP to XP\'>Converting GP to XP</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Some DCC Thoughts\'>Some DCC Thoughts</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'An Added Incentive\'>An Added Incentive</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Weapon & Armor Strengths\'>Weapon & Armor Strengths</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Only Ten\'>Only Ten</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Encumbrance Again\'>Encumbrance Again</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Preparation & Meaningful Choices\'>Preparation & Meaningful Choices</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'OD&D Equipment\'>OD&D Equipment</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Sextet of Sorceresses\'>A Sextet of Sorceresses</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Relative power levels\'>Relative power levels</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'MU004 Diamond Ray of Disappearance\'>MU004 Diamond Ray of Disappearance</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Retainers\'>Retainers</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Delve! first issue\'>Delve! first issue</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Legends of Pahvelorn: Doorcreeper\'>Legends of Pahvelorn: Doorcreeper</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pahvelorn 20 Setting Questions\'>Pahvelorn 20 Setting Questions</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The OD&D Engine\'>The OD&D Engine</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pahvelorn Side & Over Views\'>Pahvelorn Side & Over Views</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Monster Defaults\'>Monster Defaults</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Seal Evil\'>Seal Evil</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pahvelorn player map\'>Pahvelorn player map</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Speed factors & multiple attacks\'>Speed factors & multiple attacks</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Uses of Monsters\'>The Uses of Monsters</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Healing & Aging (Again)\'>Healing & Aging (Again)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The books of magic\'>The books of magic</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pahvelorn Summary\'>Pahvelorn Summary</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pahvelorn 20 Rules Clarifications\'>Pahvelorn 20 Rules Clarifications</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Vaults of Pahvelorn\'>Vaults of Pahvelorn</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Mighty Fortress Gunpowder Rules\'>A Mighty Fortress Gunpowder Rules</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Clerics\'>Clerics</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-6:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dexterity Influenced Initiative\'>Dexterity Influenced Initiative</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Excursion Format\'>Excursion Format</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Diegetic Character Options\'>Diegetic Character Options</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Chaos Titans\'>Chaos Titans</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Iron Heroes & Adventure Motivation\'>Iron Heroes & Adventure Motivation</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Precompiling\'>Precompiling</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Affinity Draft\'>Magical Affinity Draft</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Sturluson\'s Dwarves\'>Sturluson\'s Dwarves</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Cantrips as encounter powers\'>Cantrips as encounter powers</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Youth as a Resource\'>Youth as a Resource</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Alexandrian Hex Crawling\'>Alexandrian Hex Crawling</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Power Levels\'>Power Levels</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Prometheus\'>Prometheus</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Evasion & Armor\'>Evasion & Armor</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Wilderness Rumors\'>Wilderness Rumors</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hex Stocking Interlude\'>Hex Stocking Interlude</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hex Stocking II\'>Hex Stocking II</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hacking D&D\'>Hacking D&D</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Meaning first\'>Meaning first</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'First Level Clerics & Spells\'>First Level Clerics & Spells</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Maturity & Gaming\'>Maturity & Gaming</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hex Stocking\'>Hex Stocking</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magic Disciplines\'>Magic Disciplines</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-5:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'OD&D ability scores\'>OD&D ability scores</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'5E Playtest Reactions\'>5E Playtest Reactions</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Caves of Chaos Player Map\'>Caves of Chaos Player Map</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'5E preliminary notes\'>5E preliminary notes</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Varying mortality and lethality\'>Varying mortality and lethality</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Skill Taxes and Ability Scores\'>Skill Taxes and Ability Scores</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Elric by P. Craig Russell\'>Elric by P. Craig Russell</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Faerie Level Limits\'>Faerie Level Limits</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Seven Secret Crafts\'>The Seven Secret Crafts</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Desiderata\'>Desiderata</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Constraint & Creativity\'>Constraint & Creativity</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Persistent Campaign Settings\'>Persistent Campaign Settings</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Gods are Fickle\'>The Gods are Fickle</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'5E Wizards\'>5E Wizards</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Thulsa Doom is Skeletor\'>Thulsa Doom is Skeletor</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Chaotic Henchmen and WMLP\'>Chaotic Henchmen and WMLP</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Quag Keep\'>Quag Keep</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Mapping to the Battlemat\'>Mapping to the Battlemat</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Morale, Cool, and Sanity\'>Morale, Cool, and Sanity</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Halfling Magic-Users\'>Halfling Magic-Users</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Confined Zombie Horde\'>Confined Zombie Horde</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'XP for Roleplaying\'>XP for Roleplaying</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Wisdom from 1986\'>Wisdom from 1986</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Cities of Bone\'>Cities of Bone</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'OD&D alignment diagram\'>OD&D alignment diagram</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Generative Games\'>Generative Games</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-4:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'This and That\'>This and That</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'One For All or All For One\'>One For All or All For One</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Play Aids\'>Play Aids</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'D&D Board Game Figures\'>D&D Board Game Figures</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Two Monsters\'>Two Monsters</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'5E Backgrounds & Themes\'>5E Backgrounds & Themes</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Beginner Box 3\'>Pathfinder Beginner Box 3</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Secret Door Techniques\'>Secret Door Techniques</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Beginner Box 2\'>Pathfinder Beginner Box 2</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Beginner Box 1\'>Pathfinder Beginner Box 1</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'One Edition to Rule Them All\'>One Edition to Rule Them All</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Find Traps as Saving Throw\'>Find Traps as Saving Throw</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Empire of the Petal Throne\'>Empire of the Petal Throne</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Cantrip Scrolls\'>Cantrip Scrolls</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Dice Know\'>The Dice Know</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'TV Adventuring Parties\'>TV Adventuring Parties</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dragonlance\'>Dragonlance</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Archetypal multiclassing\'>Archetypal multiclassing</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dungeonesque Compendium\'>Dungeonesque Compendium</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Save or Die Again\'>Save or Die Again</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Social Combat is Asymmetric\'>Social Combat is Asymmetric</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-3:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Mars is Yellow\'>Mars is Yellow</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Visitors\'>Visitors</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Loviatar 8 & Roads\'>Loviatar 8 & Roads</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'OPD Modules\'>OPD Modules</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'John Carter\'>John Carter</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Brewing Poison\'>Brewing Poison</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Starting above first level\'>Starting above first level</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Minor actions considered harmful\'>Minor actions considered harmful</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Isle of the Dead Visuals\'>Isle of the Dead Visuals</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Ritual of Return\'>Ritual of Return</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Castle Greyhawk Elevation\'>Castle Greyhawk Elevation</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Shared Languages\'>Shared Languages</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Abulafia Accounts\'>Abulafia Accounts</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Shadow People\'>The Shadow People</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Counterspells Draft\'>Counterspells Draft</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Two Hanging Scrolls\'>Two Hanging Scrolls</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Wacky Multiclassing\'>Wacky Multiclassing</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Tower of the Stargazer\'>Tower of the Stargazer</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Selectivity\'>Selectivity</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Two Vancian Magic Variants\'>Two Vancian Magic Variants</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Loviatar 7 & Petrification\'>Loviatar 7 & Petrification</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magic Item Experimentation\'>Magic Item Experimentation</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Tracking Resources\'>Tracking Resources</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Generative tables\'>Generative tables</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Save or Die Legitimacy\'>Save or Die Legitimacy</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Scout Draft\'>Scout Draft</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Nalfeshnee hack monsters\'>Nalfeshnee hack monsters</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Caves of Chaos Area 12\'>Caves of Chaos Area 12</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'False TPKs\'>False TPKs</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Season of the Witch\'>Season of the Witch</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dungeon Crawl #1\'>Dungeon Crawl #1</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Death Frost Doom\'>Death Frost Doom</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Luck Throw\'>The Luck Throw</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-2:2'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Debt to Orcus\'>A Debt to Orcus</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Some Rules Clarifications\'>Some Rules Clarifications</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Helmets\'>Helmets</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Wilderness Movement Costs\'>Wilderness Movement Costs</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Traveller: Characters &amp; Combat\'>Traveller: Characters &amp; Combat</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'20 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