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width="560" height="476" title="Sale more by optimizing the lead generation funnel" type="image/webp"> </div> <div class="u-w-full u-text-center md:u-text-left"> <h1 class="b--u-text-4xl b--u-mb-3">Lead Generation Software for Websites</h1> <p class="b--u-text-lg">Improve websites with digital communication tools, self-service, and automation. Establish a streamlined multi-channel pipeline that leads customers to your company's digital doors.</p> <form action="" method="GET" data-controller="signup track" data-action="track#send" data-track-category="Signup" data-track-action="Signup Redirect" data-track-label=""> <div class="u-maxw-6 u-ml-0 u-flex u-flex-col sm:u-flex-row"><input type="email" name="email" class="u-mr-xs u-mb-xs sm:u-mb-0" style="min-width: 14rem; height:58px;" data-signup-target="email" data-expandable-signup-target="input" placeholder="Enter your business email" aria-label="Business Email" required> <input type="hidden" name="source_id" value="hero"> <input type="hidden" name="source_url" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="source_type" value="website"> <button type="submit" class="c-btn v--signup" style="height:58px;">Sign up now</button> </div> </form> <p class="u-Mt-2xs u-mb-0 b--u-text-sm u-text-center md:u-text-left"><span class="b--u-mr-2 u-inline-block u-pb-0"> <svg xmlns="" width="11" height="8" class="b--u-mr-1"><path d="M9.1.3L4 5.4l-2-2c-.3-.3-.7-.4-1-.3S0 3.5 0 4c0 .4 0 .8.3 1l2.8 2.8c. 1 0 0 0-.8-.8c-.4 0-.8 0-1 .3z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> Free 14-day trial </span> <span class="b--u-mr-2 u-inline-block u-pb-0"> <svg xmlns="" width="11" height="8" class="b--u-mr-1"><path d="M9.1.3L4 5.4l-2-2c-.3-.3-.7-.4-1-.3S0 3.5 0 4c0 .4 0 .8.3 1l2.8 2.8c. 1 0 0 0-.8-.8c-.4 0-.8 0-1 .3z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> No credit card required </span></p> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="o-container b--lg:u-mt-12 b--u-mb-12 b--lg:u-mb-20 u-text-center"> <p class="b--u-text-lg b--u-text-bold b--u-mb-3 u-text-gray-200">Trusted by 37,000+ companies</p><img class="u-maxw-12" src="/lead-generation/logotypes_hub986496f82f6367bc5fa20b12fe7cce9_7603_1920x0_resize_q75_h2_catmullrom_3.a2e70842de7c598b34520909f217b1dac9d3f6b81002d92dc543a7cb9fde24e9.webp" alt="Known brands use LiveChat" width="1120" height="60" title="Big brands use LiveChat" type="image/webp"> </section> <section class="b--u-mb-12"> <div class="u-maxw-10 b--u-mx-auto u-text-center"> <h2 class="b--u-text-3xl b--u-mb-3"><span class="u-text-mark">Lead</span> generation funnel<br> with LiveChat software</h2> <p class="b--u-text-lg">An efficient ecommerce business requires proper tools. LiveChat has precisely what your business needs. Like a versatile multitool, it’s handy and resolves various issues.</p> </div> </section> <div style="overflow: hidden;"> <svg preserveaspectratio="none" viewbox="0 0 1440 36" class="u-block" xmlns="" style="width: 100%; height: auto; margin: -1px 0;"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="#fff" /><path d="M1440 36V8.2s-105.6-1.2-160.7-6a877 877 0 00-150.5 2.5c-42.1 3.9-140 15-223 15C754 19.6 700.3 6.8 548.8 7c-143.7 0-273.4 11.5-350 12.6-76.6 1.2-198.8 0-198.8 0V36h1440z" fill="#fff9ed" /> </svg> </div> <div data-controller="toc-highlight" data-scroll-offset="140" class="b--u-pb-10 b--u-mtn-1.5"> <div class="t-lg-toc u-hidden lg:u-block"> <div class="b--u-pt-8"> <ol class="t-lg-toc__list"> <li data-toc-highlight-target="menuItem" class="t-lg-toc__list-element v--active"><a href="" class="t-lg-toc__list-element-a">Attract</a></li> <li data-toc-highlight-target="menuItem" class="t-lg-toc__list-element"><a href="" class="t-lg-toc__list-element-a">Nurture</a></li> <li data-toc-highlight-target="menuItem" class="t-lg-toc__list-element"><a href="" class="t-lg-toc__list-element-a">Convert</a></li> <li data-toc-highlight-target="menuItem" class="t-lg-toc__list-element"><a href="" class="t-lg-toc__list-element-a">Delight</a></li> </ol> </div> </div> <section class="b--lg:u-mtn-30 b--u-bg-yellow-50 b--u-pt-8 b--u-pb-0.25" data-toc-highlight-target="item" id="attract"> <div class="o-container b--u-pt-1"> <div class="lg:u-flex u-justify-end"> <div class="u-basis-10"> <h2 class="b--u-text-3xl">Attract</h2> <section class="o-feature-grid b--xl:u-mtn-6 b--u-mb-10"> <div> <h3 class="b--u-text-2xl b--u-mb-3">Capture user attention</h3> <p>LiveChat offers solutions for both automated and human interactions. For instance, greeting messages can automatically grab users' attention while they browse. Agents can <a href="" target="_blank">manually invite</a> chosen prospects with custom notes, offering website visitors direct communication where it’s most beneficial.</p> </div> <div><img src="/lead-generation/attention_hue4e3ccd1e9dd5b76f4ce4f99d9fc94aa_55986_896x0_resize_q75_h2_catmullrom_3.c51d56a9b0cccda99b68924e604900831f347974aee66a12ec178e8266391b5e.webp" alt="discount for a red shoes from ecommerce website via Live Chat customer window" width="448" height="395" loading="lazy" title="Offer a discount via a live chat widget to generate more leads for the e-commerce store" type="image/webp"> </div> </section> <section class="o-feature-grid v--inverse b--u-mb-10"> <div><img class="u-ml-0 b--u-mb-2" src="/lead-generation/kb-logo.da514243fa898f959ae2311841e5775e328aa7dc5820774de70328b95dfaefea.svg" loading="lazy" style="width: 112px;"> <h3 class="b--u-text-2xl b--u-mb-3">Educate with online content</h3> <p>Use <a href="" target="_blank">KnowledgeBase</a> to host help center articles, FAQs, and self-service guides, enhancing the top of the lead-generated funnel by attracting more online leads.</p> </div> <div> <div class="b--md:u-mrn-4"><img src="/lead-generation/rich-content_hud59147b1da7f1a96996a612d736c582b_45618_896x0_resize_q75_h2_catmullrom_3.b168eca78e28d53af811cbebc61a92016c84d3958cf8e1643e789dcc1504aa19.webp" alt="website enriched content with KnowledgeBase of subscription offers for online software" width="448" height="350" loading="lazy" title="Provide answers directly from Knowledge Base software" type="image/webp"> </div> </div> </section> <section class="o-feature-grid b--u-mb-10"> <div> <h3 class="b--u-text-2xl b--u-mb-3">Transform emails into leads</h3> <p>Add chat leads seamlessly into your newsletter subscriber list, enhancing email click-through rates with marketing software integrations, including <a href="" target="_blank">Mailchimp</a> or <a href="" target="_blank">Autopilot</a>.</p> </div> <div> <div class="b--md:u-mln-4"><img src="/lead-generation/email-to-lead_hua5802b7314456733d2d7731cb6164ab5_73997_896x0_resize_q75_h2_catmullrom_3.baf50216d8998aaa6c4c3646d4d5df3515777c5a3742596a3cde4666d8f46008.webp" alt="transformation from chat window with customer to email notification with Mailchimp" width="448" height="336" loading="lazy" title="Simple integrate LiveChat with Mailchimp" type="image/webp"> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div style="overflow: hidden;"> <svg preserveaspectratio="none" viewbox="0 0 1440 36" class="u-block" xmlns="" style="width: 100%; height: auto; margin: -1px 0;"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="#fff9ed" /><path d="M1440 36V8.2s-105.6-1.2-160.7-6a877 877 0 00-150.5 2.5c-42.1 3.9-140 15-223 15C754 19.6 700.3 6.8 548.8 7c-143.7 0-273.4 11.5-350 12.6-76.6 1.2-198.8 0-198.8 0V36h1440z" fill="#fff" /> </svg> </div> <section class="b--u-pt-8 b--u-pb-0.25" data-toc-highlight-target="item" id="nurture"> <div class="o-container b--u-pt-1"> <div class="lg:u-flex u-justify-end"> <div class="u-basis-10"> <h2 class="b--u-text-3xl">Nurture</h2> <section class="o-feature-grid b--u-mb-10"> <div> <h3 class="b--u-text-2xl b--u-mb-3">Tag, categorize, resolve</h3> <p>Maintain high levels of customer engagement with <a href="" target="_blank">HelpDesk, a simple ticketing system</a> that provides the right tools for the job. Save time with <a href="" target="_blank">automated Workflows</a>, resolving multiple cases with bulk actions, tagging, categorizing, and prioritizing tasks with ease. Allow your agents to nurture customers with the personal approach they deserve.</p> </div> <div> <div class="b--md:u-mln-4"><img src="/lead-generation/tag_hu3161b6827101bd422af9e253aa7cb013_48615_896x0_resize_q75_h2_catmullrom_3.21eb9afe1f08a8711f0aaa94b393e235078d0f10ad6565f2ca2fa42a04f1bee2.webp" alt="business customer tickets automation system by HelpDesk" width="448" height="300" loading="lazy" title="LiveChat and HelpDesk integration helps to automate customer ticket management" type="image/webp"> </div> </div> </section> <section class="o-feature-grid v--inverse b--u-mb-10"> <div> <h3 class="b--u-text-2xl b--u-mb-3">Enrich messages</h3> <p><a href="" target="_blank">LiveChat Rich Messages</a> and ChatBot Moments ensure clear CTAs to drive leads towards purchasing your products, enhancing customer engagement and satisfaction.</p> </div> <div> <div class="b--md:u-mrn-4"><img src="/lead-generation/rich-messages_huea2a64584dc318110bf8424b6f2caa26_67718_896x0_resize_q75_h2_catmullrom_3.49f6142602faa13aedd09954a8ff976ac241dd2e1491eedcef98b4e9769c6be2.webp" alt="smartwatch ecommerce web offer with buy button for 99$ by Livechat Rich Website Messages" width="448" height="361" loading="lazy" title="Generate leads by selling products directly via chat widget" type="image/webp"> </div> </div> </section> <section class="o-feature-grid b--u-mb-10"> <div> <h3 class="b--u-text-2xl b--u-mb-3">Embrace Visual Customization</h3> <p>Capture your customers’ attention with visually appealing emails, <a href="" target="_blank">custom chat widget</a>, or <a href="" target="_blank">tailored bot conversations</a>. Create leads by gaining their trust with aesthetic messages.</p> </div> <div> <div class="b--md:u-mln-4"><img src="/lead-generation/customization_hu9d12f3674749d65d8d3d24f7aed93841_64692_896x0_resize_q75_h2_catmullrom_3.529341252ab87bfbb28818aca039ae94b9708539dcfc7b41bf7cd13ff3480613.webp" alt="customization presentation process of Live Chat web conversation window" width="448" height="380" loading="lazy" title="Customize LiveChat web conversations window" type="image/webp"> </div> </div> </section> <section class="o-feature-grid v--inverse b--u-mb-10"> <div> <h3 class="b--u-text-2xl b--u-mb-3">Message around the clock</h3> <p>Achieve 24/7 availability with automated bots, offline forms, or asynchronous communication, ensuring your lead generating machine operates without hiccups.</p> </div> <div> <div class="b--md:u-mrn-4"><img src="/lead-generation/messaging-mode_hu76ce9b79b525b21bc908dbab3d49945e_60261_896x0_resize_q75_h2_catmullrom_3.623693bd69cd6f9bf7d27d6eac78d4a6ba8d3e2b41dbe8a1d4df28ec0723ffd5.webp" alt="dark and light modes for web chat window" width="448" height="417" loading="lazy" title="Set dark or light mode for web chat window" type="image/webp"> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div style="overflow: hidden;"> <svg preserveaspectratio="none" viewbox="0 0 1440 36" class="u-block" xmlns="" style="width: 100%; height: auto; margin: -1px 0;"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="#fff" /><path d="M1440 36V8.2s-105.6-1.2-160.7-6a877 877 0 00-150.5 2.5c-42.1 3.9-140 15-223 15C754 19.6 700.3 6.8 548.8 7c-143.7 0-273.4 11.5-350 12.6-76.6 1.2-198.8 0-198.8 0V36h1440z" fill="#fff9ed" /> </svg> </div> <section class="b--u-bg-yellow-50 b--u-pt-8 b--u-pb-0.25" data-toc-highlight-target="item" id="convert"> <div class="o-container b--u-pt-1"> <div class="lg:u-flex u-justify-end"> <div class="u-basis-10"> <h2 class="b--u-text-3xl">Convert</h2> <section class="o-feature-grid b--lg:u-mtn-6 b--u-mb-10"> <div> <h3 class="b--u-text-2xl b--u-mb-3">Optimize your conversion rates</h3> <p>Integrate your CRM systems and analytics with LiveChat. Whether you are measuring ad clicks, checkouts, subscriptions, or any other business metric, LiveChat analytics fits the bill. Our solution can be perfectly tailored to your web environment and ecommerce objectives.</p> </div> <div> <div class="b--md:u-mln-4"><img src="/lead-generation/plug-in_hudfcd7425cd1413e93934aa3eaf19c7fd_29171_896x0_resize_q75_h2_catmullrom_3.9488eb9c596f6941ae4305a0512643a476d9a42e46050ec1bd1f2ab4d2a7ffac.webp" width="448" height="358" loading="lazy" type="image/webp"> </div> </div> </section> <section class="o-feature-grid v--inverse b--u-mb-10"> <div> <h3 class="b--u-text-2xl b--u-mb-3">Integrate the best online applications</h3> <p>Consolidate your online communication tools with <a href="" target="_blank">LiveChat Marketplace integrations</a>, improving rates and enhancing user experience with additional solutions.</p> </div> <div> <div class="b--md:u-mrn-4"><img src="/lead-generation/dial-in_hu77e287785f053db5dbc8de21151c163d_95617_896x0_resize_q75_h2_catmullrom_3.726163a94e43eb1caf3c772aeb9839e2e96f4cc59a200cba755d9fd85b9fec87.webp" width="448" height="450" loading="lazy" type="image/webp"> </div> </div> </section> <section class="o-feature-grid b--u-mb-10"> <div> <h3 class="b--u-text-2xl b--u-mb-3">Sell live through video calls</h3> <p>Close deals effectively with video calls, presenting the human face of your enterprise brand. Facilitate seamless transactions through the LiveChat app.</p> </div> <div> <div class="b--md:u-mln-4"><img src="/lead-generation/facetime_hu1501b1b211466a3ff5702096d9dad4da_442044_896x0_resize_q75_h2_catmullrom_3.819d6aa49251c22c03f8a87bc1f5753de3c642d1413361f7c6af24daa79b8888.webp" width="448" height="463" loading="lazy" type="image/webp"> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div style="overflow: hidden;"> <svg preserveaspectratio="none" viewbox="0 0 1440 36" class="u-block" xmlns="" style="width: 100%; height: auto; margin: -1px 0;"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="#fff9ed" /><path d="M1440 36V8.2s-105.6-1.2-160.7-6a877 877 0 00-150.5 2.5c-42.1 3.9-140 15-223 15C754 19.6 700.3 6.8 548.8 7c-143.7 0-273.4 11.5-350 12.6-76.6 1.2-198.8 0-198.8 0V36h1440z" fill="#fff" /> </svg> </div> <section class="b--u-pt-8 b--u-pb-0.25" data-toc-highlight-target="item" id="delight"> <div class="o-container b--u-pt-1"> <div class="lg:u-flex u-justify-end"> <div class="u-basis-10"> <h2 class="b--u-text-3xl">Delight</h2> <section class="o-feature-grid b--u-mb-10"> <div> <h3 class="b--u-text-2xl b--u-mb-3">Support customers</h3> <p>Provide premium pre-and-post-purchase support to delight customers with ongoing stellar support available 24/7.</p> </div> <div> <div class="b--md:u-mln-4"><img src="/lead-generation/support_hu74d5e49d76c3d32118c521fdea903489_224445_896x0_resize_q75_h2_catmullrom_3.9ee4f49529e2d7cb83c1be5291c9ca6d2f153e781cfa907268c830e4d33b8e69.webp" width="448" height="300" loading="lazy" type="image/webp"> </div> </div> </section> <section class="o-feature-grid v--inverse b--u-mb-10"> <div> <h3 class="b--u-text-2xl b--u-mb-3">Survey analysis</h3> <p>Gather feedback through <a href="" target="_blank">customizable forms</a> tailored to your lead generation funnel. Adapt and demonstrate commitment to customer needs.</p> </div> <div> <div class="b--md:u-mrn-4"><img src="/lead-generation/surveys_hu576aa68cec63c37070a6a231aa5c5381_58994_896x0_resize_q75_h2_catmullrom_3.b41c46a316b060d25b5d8a98a5da2a2e75e3a0c7d0ca2d79ceb46381b37fe91d.webp" width="448" height="334" loading="lazy" type="image/webp"> </div> </div> </section> <section class="o-feature-grid"> <div> <h3 class="b--u-text-2xl b--u-mb-3">Engage on social media</h3> <p>Manage all social media channels conveniently in one place with LiveChat integrations. Respond to followers directly from the LiveChat app to drive engagement.</p> </div> <div> <div class="b--md:u-mrn-4"><img src="/lead-generation/social-media_hu0715f26e5e7b7866ca3a54eaaa3a0502_26659_898x0_resize_q75_h2_catmullrom_3.e60b277ff9ca7e3813587cfe2616ac6ed23fc8cd0ae533b7f20cda7ad81b5480.webp" width="448" height="393" loading="lazy" type="image/webp"> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div style="overflow: hidden;"> <svg preserveaspectratio="none" viewbox="0 0 1440 36" class="u-block" xmlns="" style="width: 100%; height: auto; margin: -1px 0;"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="#fff" /><path d="M1440 36V8.2s-105.6-1.2-160.7-6a877 877 0 00-150.5 2.5c-42.1 3.9-140 15-223 15C754 19.6 700.3 6.8 548.8 7c-143.7 0-273.4 11.5-350 12.6-76.6 1.2-198.8 0-198.8 0V36h1440z" fill="#f6f6f7" /> </svg> </div> <section class="b--u-bg-black-50 b--u-pt-16 b--u-pb-8"> <div class="o-container u-relative"> <div class="o-decor"><img class="u-hidden md:u-block u-w-auto o-deco__item b--u-mt-6" src="/lead-generation/deco-1.0ffaeb8633163ed418cdcb9b3cbf6891fedd01c11a59fe55fc914c34d39a7546.svg" width="226" height="232" loading="lazy" style="width: 226px;"> <img class="u-hidden md:u-block u-w-auto o-deco__item v--right b--u-mr-12 b--u-mt-4" src="/lead-generation/deco-2.fa9567bea97d816b55ffe863a287fdf10e8eb6d37be501578f75f4523de00d38.svg" width="222" height="316" loading="lazy" style="width: 222px;"> </div> <div class="b--u-mx-auto u-maxw-7"> <h2 class="b--u-text-3xl u-text-center">Want to grow online?<br> This is where you start.</h2> <div class="b--u-mx-auto u-maxw-6"> <form action="" method="GET" data-controller="signup track" data-action="track#send" data-track-category="Signup" data-track-action="Signup Redirect" data-track-label=""> <div class="u-maxw-6 u-ml-0 u-flex u-flex-col sm:u-flex-row"><input type="email" name="email" class="u-mr-xs u-mb-xs sm:u-mb-0" style="min-width: 14rem; height:58px;" data-signup-target="email" data-expandable-signup-target="input" placeholder="Enter your business email" aria-label="Business Email" required> <input type="hidden" name="source_id" value="case-studies"> <input type="hidden" name="source_url" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="source_type" value="website"> <button type="submit" class="c-btn v--signup" style="height:58px;">Sign up free</button> </div> </form> <p class="u-Mt-2xs u-mb-0 b--u-text-sm u-text-center md:u-text-left"><span class="b--u-mr-2 u-inline-block u-pb-0"> <svg xmlns="" width="11" height="8" class="b--u-mr-1"><path d="M9.1.3L4 5.4l-2-2c-.3-.3-.7-.4-1-.3S0 3.5 0 4c0 .4 0 .8.3 1l2.8 2.8c. 1 0 0 0-.8-.8c-.4 0-.8 0-1 .3z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> Free 14-day trial </span> <span class="b--u-mr-2 u-inline-block u-pb-0"> <svg xmlns="" width="11" height="8" class="b--u-mr-1"><path d="M9.1.3L4 5.4l-2-2c-.3-.3-.7-.4-1-.3S0 3.5 0 4c0 .4 0 .8.3 1l2.8 2.8c. 1 0 0 0-.8-.8c-.4 0-.8 0-1 .3z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> No credit card required </span></p> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div class="o-wrapper"> <section class="b--u-bg-black-50 b--u-pb-6"> <div class="o-container"> <div class="o-fluid-video u-maxw-10 b--u-mx-auto"><iframe loading="lazy" width="928" height="522" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen> </iframe> </div> <h2 class="b--u-text-3xl u-text-center b--u-pt-8 b--u-mb-12">Organizations with <span class="u-text-mark">successful</span><br> lead generation stories</h2> <div class="u-maxw-10 b--u-mx-auto"> <div class="b--u-p-4 b--u-bg-white u-border-rounded u-shadow-lg md:u-flex b--u-mb-6"> <div class="u-basis-3 u-flex u-items-center md:u-item-start b--u-mb-4 b--md:u-mb-0.25 md:u-flex-col u-justify-between b--md:u-pl-1 b--u-py-1"> <div><img class="u-ml-0" src="/lead-generation/nju_hue16d03ec178ad6e3a7edce04e1086842_2541_228x0_resize_q75_h2_catmullrom_3.33482be6fcfe2ab37e58c11121236be5b5d49552005ba539266a1a5a32e9fdc5.webp" width="114" height="64" loading="lazy" style="width: 114px;" type="image/webp"> </div> <div> <p class="b--u-mb-2">Product used:</p><a href="" target="_blank"> <img class="u-ml-0" src="/lead-generation/lc-logo.c18d8ac614dc6a56593768bd58ec583f6e3b0e2563677556a8fa08cebd05c6a1.svg" width="120" height="26" loading="lazy" style="width: 120px;"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="u-basis-9 b--md:u-pl-6 b--md:u-pr-1 b--u-py-1 b--u-mbn-2"> <p class="b--u-text-bold u-flex b--u-mb-3 b--md:u-mb-6"><strong class="b--u-text-2xl b--u-mr-2">2,000</strong> <span class="b--u-py-0.25">conversations with customers each week</span></p> <div class="b--u-text-sm"> <p>Nju Mobile strategically placed customized greetings across its website to encourage ecommerce orders and increase chat engagement, resulting in around 2,000 conversations weekly.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="b--u-p-4 b--u-bg-white u-border-rounded u-shadow-lg md:u-flex b--u-mb-6"> <div class="u-basis-3 u-flex u-items-center md:u-item-start b--u-mb-4 b--md:u-mb-0.25 md:u-flex-col u-justify-between b--md:u-pl-1 b--u-py-1"> <div><img class="u-ml-0" src="/lead-generation/purevpn_huf87238f6be5c44167b6a91aed9ed6677_8149_228x0_resize_q75_h2_catmullrom_3.0b8383bb04dd661217482533d93c099e06f4d7895a79f884647208f261dc488a.webp" width="114" height="107" loading="lazy" style="width: 114px;" type="image/webp"> </div> <div> <p class="b--u-mb-2">Product used:</p><a href="" target="_blank"> <img class="u-ml-0" src="/lead-generation/lc-logo.c18d8ac614dc6a56593768bd58ec583f6e3b0e2563677556a8fa08cebd05c6a1.svg" width="120" height="26" loading="lazy" style="width: 120px;"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="u-basis-9 b--md:u-pl-6 b--md:u-pr-1 b--u-py-1 b--u-mbn-2"> <p class="b--u-text-bold u-flex b--u-mb-3 b--md:u-mb-6"><strong class="b--u-text-2xl b--u-mr-2">15‑20%</strong> <span class="b--u-py-0.25 b--u-pr-4">boost overall product sales due to LiveChat interactions</span></p> <div class="b--u-text-sm"> <p>PureVPN utilized goals on their PWA to track successful checkouts, leveraging buyer behavior and cart data to improve website usability, and boosted sales by 15-20% through LiveChat interactions.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="b--u-p-4 b--u-bg-white u-border-rounded u-shadow-lg md:u-flex b--u-mb-6"> <div class="u-basis-3 u-flex u-items-center md:u-item-start b--u-mb-4 b--md:u-mb-0.25 md:u-flex-col u-justify-between b--md:u-pl-1 b--u-py-1"> <div><img class="u-ml-0" src="/lead-generation/valley-driving-school_hudc9a58a7013f13209ef9b19fe4922e81_3324_240x0_resize_q75_h2_catmullrom_3.bd0909f492f8bd126798859ad9c0dff158b12e8997940828486d7cd64931c325.webp" width="114" height="64" loading="lazy" style="width: 114px;" type="image/webp"> </div> <div> <p class="b--u-mb-2">Product used:</p><a href="" target="_blank"> <img class="u-ml-0" src="/lead-generation/cb-logo.2057218936a98be4fd3528395d775d2a6e11788bab927ff969dee33c8b079a8b.svg" width="120" height="26" loading="lazy" style="width: 120px;"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="u-basis-9 b--md:u-pl-6 b--md:u-pr-1 b--u-py-1 b--u-mbn-2"> <p class="b--u-text-bold u-flex b--u-mb-3 b--md:u-mb-6"><strong class="b--u-text-2xl b--u-mr-2">94%</strong> <span class="b--u-py-0.25">customer satisfaction rate</span></p> <div class="b--u-text-sm"> <p><a href="" target="_blank">VDS chatbot</a> responds within three seconds, enabling 24/7 operation with high customer satisfaction at a fraction of traditional costs.</p> <p>Professional help in every lead generation phase</p> <p>Receive comprehensive support and guidance at every step of the sales funnel with dedicated support teams available 24/7 to assist you.</p> <p>Have questions? Let our support heroes come to the rescue.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div style="overflow: hidden;"> <svg preserveaspectratio="none" viewbox="0 0 1440 36" class="u-block" xmlns="" style="width: 100%; height: auto; margin: -1px 0;"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="#f6f6f7" /><path d="M1440 36V8.2s-105.6-1.2-160.7-6a877 877 0 00-150.5 2.5c-42.1 3.9-140 15-223 15C754 19.6 700.3 6.8 548.8 7c-143.7 0-273.4 11.5-350 12.6-76.6 1.2-198.8 0-198.8 0V36h1440z" fill="#fff" /> </svg> </div> <section class="b--u-pt-10 u-text-center"> <div class="o-container"> <div class="b--u-mb-8"> <h2 class="b--u-text-3xl u-maxw-9 b--u-mx-auto b--u-mb-4">Professional help in every lead generation stage/phase</h2> <p class="u-maxw-7 b--u-mx-auto b--u-mb-6">Setting up a whole eCommerce lead generation funnel can be exhausting. We get that, and that’s why every tool and integration we offer is thoroughly described in Help Center articles. Moreover, each one has a dedicated support team with expert knowledge about their products.</p> <p class="u-maxw-5 b--u-mx-auto"><strong>These support heroes are here to save the day, available 24/7 to guide you on every step of the sale funnel.</strong></p> </div><img src="/lead-generation/support-heroes_hub71372f341a7ed0fee1acf6f640a7c4c_352330_1600x0_resize_q75_h2_catmullrom_3.706d71ef4e168c494fd1722838801045f61e49a4389e4c2153717c9f76480374.webp" width="800" height="237" loading="lazy" style="max-width: 800px;" type="image/webp"> </div> </section> <section class="b--u-bg-yellow-400 b--u-pt-12 b--u-pb-16" style="overflow: hidden;"> <div class="o-container u-relative"> <div class="o-decor"><img class="u-hidden xl:u-block u-w-auto o-deco__item" src="/lead-generation/deco-3.5ce7e26219d297dff8f8755f6255ffdcaa4259c1e4410666b01e98b62d9bb810.svg" width="108" height="310" loading="lazy" style="width: 108px;"> <img class="u-hidden xl:u-block u-w-auto o-deco__item v--right b--u-mr-30" src="/lead-generation/deco-4.5db900550416d3e3837cc0d8f021732be8c9fcc518365010a1f3d6924999d0b6.svg" width="410" height="470" loading="lazy" style="width: 410px;"> </div> <div class="b--u-mx-auto u-maxw-10"> <h2 class="b--u-text-3xl u-text-center">Having questions?<br> Let the heroes come to the rescue</h2> <div class="b--u-mx-auto u-maxw-6"> <form action="" method="GET" data-controller="signup track" data-action="track#send" data-track-category="Signup" data-track-action="Signup Redirect" data-track-label=""> <div class="u-maxw-6 u-ml-0 u-flex u-flex-col sm:u-flex-row"><input type="email" name="email" class="u-mr-xs u-mb-xs sm:u-mb-0" style="min-width: 14rem; height:58px;" data-signup-target="email" data-expandable-signup-target="input" placeholder="Enter your business email" aria-label="Business Email" required> <input type="hidden" name="source_id" value="prefooter"> <input type="hidden" name="source_url" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="source_type" value="website"> <button type="submit" class="c-btn v--signup" style="height:58px;">Sign up free</button> </div> </form> <p class="u-Mt-2xs u-mb-0 b--u-text-sm u-text-center md:u-text-left"><span class="b--u-mr-2 u-inline-block u-pb-0"> <svg xmlns="" width="11" height="8" class="b--u-mr-1"><path d="M9.1.3L4 5.4l-2-2c-.3-.3-.7-.4-1-.3S0 3.5 0 4c0 .4 0 .8.3 1l2.8 2.8c. 1 0 0 0-.8-.8c-.4 0-.8 0-1 .3z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> Free 14-day trial </span> <span class="b--u-mr-2 u-inline-block u-pb-0"> <svg xmlns="" width="11" height="8" class="b--u-mr-1"><path d="M9.1.3L4 5.4l-2-2c-.3-.3-.7-.4-1-.3S0 3.5 0 4c0 .4 0 .8.3 1l2.8 2.8c. 1 0 0 0-.8-.8c-.4 0-.8 0-1 .3z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> No credit card required </span></p> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <section class="b--u-bg-black-50"> <div class="o-container-xl u-w-full u-mx-auto b--u-px-2 b--sm:u-px-4 b--md:u-px-6 b--lg:u-px-12 b--u-py-4 b--md:u-py-12"> <h2 class="b--u-text-xl b--u-mb-3" id="faq">Frequently Asked Questions</h2> <div class="c-faq" data-controller="attribute"> <div class="faq b--o-grid b--o-grid--1 b--md:o-grid--2 b--o-grid--gap-0 b--md:o-grid--gap-4 b--u-mb-6 u-text-left" itemscope itemtype=""> <div itemprop="name" class="u-hidden"> Frequently Asked Questions </div> <div> <div class="c-faq__entry u-bg-white u-rounded-md u-shadow u-hover-lift b--u-mb-2" data-controller="click-focus" itemscope itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype=""><button data-action="click-focus#toggleFocusClass" class="c-faq__entry-question b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-8 b--u-py-2 u-w-full u-block u-text-left u-bg-white u-rounded-md"><span itemprop="name">What is lead generation? The best definition!</span></button> <p class="c-faq__entry-answer b--u-text-sm b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-4 u-overflow-auto" itemscope itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""><span itemprop="text">Lead generation is process of identifying and cultivating potential customers in business. It involves <a href="">attracting</a> and potential customers (prospects) into leads, who might become paying customers. Effective online lead generation strategies involve using dedicated lead generation software and communication channels: business website, email, content marketing, affiliations, CRMs and marketplaces. The goal is to generate interest by attracting web users with goods or service offers and capturing (collecting) their contact information.</span></p> </div> <div class="c-faq__entry u-bg-white u-rounded-md u-shadow u-hover-lift b--u-mb-2" data-controller="click-focus" itemscope itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype=""><button data-action="click-focus#toggleFocusClass" class="c-faq__entry-question b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-8 b--u-py-2 u-w-full u-block u-text-left u-bg-white u-rounded-md"><span itemprop="name">What is B2C lead generation?</span></button> <p class="c-faq__entry-answer b--u-text-sm b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-4 u-overflow-auto" itemscope itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""><span itemprop="text">B2C (business-to-customer) lead generation is the process of identifying and cultivating potential individual customers, usually for a product or service through a variety of software tools and marketing channels. These may include strategies such as online ads and remarketing, social media advertising, email campaigns, and search engine optimization. B2C lead generation focuses on building brand awareness and loyalty among individual web users, ultimately driving revenue growth through increased customer acquisition.</span></p> </div> <div class="c-faq__entry u-bg-white u-rounded-md u-shadow u-hover-lift b--u-mb-2" data-controller="click-focus" itemscope itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype=""><button data-action="click-focus#toggleFocusClass" class="c-faq__entry-question b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-8 b--u-py-2 u-w-full u-block u-text-left u-bg-white u-rounded-md"><span itemprop="name">How lead generation services work?</span></button> <p class="c-faq__entry-answer b--u-text-sm b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-4 u-overflow-auto" itemscope itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""><span itemprop="text">Lead generation services use various techniques and strategies to identify and attract potential customers for a business. Basically, lead generation services can be divided into:<br> Leads identification: Identify the target audience for a business's products. This can be done by analyzing customer data, conducting market research, and using dedicated software and tools.<br> Create marketing campaigns: Based on the target audience, the lead generation service will tailor specific actions to <a href="">attract prospects</a>. These include various types of marketing, such as direct outreach, email campaigns, online advertising, and others.<br> Capture leads: typically done through forms on website landing pages and mobile apps. Potential customers can enter their contact information (leave a lead) on an online form in exchange for something of value, such as a technical manual, ebook, PDF, whitepaper, subscription, or other.<br> Qualify leads: with leads captured, the lead generation service will qualify them to determine how likely they are to become customers. This may involve analyzing data on the lead's demographics, behavior, and interests, as well as their engagement with the business's marketing campaigns.<br> Nurture leads: For leads that are not yet ready to become customers, the lead generation service will typically nurture them through a series of automated app notifications, emails, pushes, and live chat messages. These messages are designed to keep the leads engaged and interested in the business's products or services, which manifests in visits to brand websites and app interactions.<br> Deliver leads to the business: Finally, the lead generation service will deliver qualified leads to the business. This can be done in various ways, such as through a CRM system, email, or other means.<br> Overall, the goal of lead generation services is to help businesses attract prospects and them into paying customers. By using a combination of marketing strategies and lead capture and qualification techniques, these services can help businesses increase their revenue and grow their customer base.</span></p> </div> <div class="c-faq__entry u-bg-white u-rounded-md u-shadow u-hover-lift b--u-mb-2" data-controller="click-focus" itemscope itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype=""><button data-action="click-focus#toggleFocusClass" class="c-faq__entry-question b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-8 b--u-py-2 u-w-full u-block u-text-left u-bg-white u-rounded-md"><span itemprop="name">How to build a lead generation website?</span></button> <p class="c-faq__entry-answer b--u-text-sm b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-4 u-overflow-auto" itemscope itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""><span itemprop="text">Building a lead generation website involves creating a page that is user-friendly (has proper UX & UI) and designed to attract and visitors to customers. This typically involves optimizing websites for product or service presentation and establishing a lead-collecting process. Usually, it's done with dedicated software integrations.</span></p> </div> <div class="c-faq__entry u-bg-white u-rounded-md u-shadow u-hover-lift b--u-mb-2" data-controller="click-focus" itemscope itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype=""><button data-action="click-focus#toggleFocusClass" class="c-faq__entry-question b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-8 b--u-py-2 u-w-full u-block u-text-left u-bg-white u-rounded-md"><span itemprop="name">What are the common features of a lead generation website?</span></button> <p class="c-faq__entry-answer b--u-text-sm b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-4 u-overflow-auto" itemscope itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""><span itemprop="text">Common features include:<br><br> - A clear call-to-action (CTA) on each page that encourages visitors to purchase or register.<br> - A lead capture form (signup or registration or SSO login) placed on landing pages and collecting visitor information such as name, email, and phone number.<br> - Product information, price, and other details including content such as blog articles or whitepapers that educates visitors.<br> - Testimonials or case studies to showcase the value of the product or service.<br> - Analytics tracking to monitor visitor behavior and optimize the website for conversions.<br><br> Overall, a lead generation website is an important online tool for businesses (especially ecommerces) to attract and potential customers into leads, increasing sales and revenue.<br><br> Live chat, help desk, chatbots, widgets, and other lead generation software can work with any website type (including PWA & SPA websites) with easy integrations for ecommerces like Shopify and WordPress websites.</span></p> </div> <div class="c-faq__entry u-bg-white u-rounded-md u-shadow u-hover-lift b--u-mb-2" data-controller="click-focus" itemscope itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype=""><button data-action="click-focus#toggleFocusClass" class="c-faq__entry-question b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-8 b--u-py-2 u-w-full u-block u-text-left u-bg-white u-rounded-md"><span itemprop="name">What are the best lead generation strategies?</span></button> <p class="c-faq__entry-answer b--u-text-sm b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-4 u-overflow-auto" itemscope itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""><span itemprop="text">Businesses can use several effective lead-generation strategies to attract and <a href="">convert potential customers</a>. These include content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), paid advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, and event marketing. The best lead generation strategies for a particular business will depend on its target audience, industry, and marketing goals. It's important to experiment with different tactics and measure their success to determine the most effective approach.<br> In addition, it's important to continuously optimize and refine lead generation strategies based on customer feedback (from surveys and reviews) and data analysis. By implementing a comprehensive lead generation strategy that incorporates multiple channels and tactics, businesses can improve their chances of success and drive growth.</span></p> </div> <div class="c-faq__entry u-bg-white u-rounded-md u-shadow u-hover-lift b--u-mb-2" data-controller="click-focus" itemscope itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype=""><button data-action="click-focus#toggleFocusClass" class="c-faq__entry-question b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-8 b--u-py-2 u-w-full u-block u-text-left u-bg-white u-rounded-md"><span itemprop="name">How to generate leads in sales?</span></button> <p class="c-faq__entry-answer b--u-text-sm b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-4 u-overflow-auto" itemscope itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""><span itemprop="text">Lead generation in sales refers to identifying, targeting, and <a href="">nurturing</a> potential customers who have shown interest in a product or service. By nurturing those relationships through targeted marketing and outreach efforts sales dep can extend its contact base. Effective lead generation tactics include a constant improvement on ecommerce product cards, email marketing, affiliate programs, and referral marketing.<br><br> To create an effective lead generation strategy, businesses must clearly understand their audience and the communication channels they use to engage with them. By providing valuable content and personalized offers, businesses can move potential customers further down the sales funnel and increase the likelihood that they will turn into paying customers. Don’t forget about effective customer service, which helps transfer leads to sales and can support prospects and customers with more complex issues.</span></p> </div> <div class="c-faq__entry u-bg-white u-rounded-md u-shadow u-hover-lift b--u-mb-2" data-controller="click-focus" itemscope itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype=""><button data-action="click-focus#toggleFocusClass" class="c-faq__entry-question b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-8 b--u-py-2 u-w-full u-block u-text-left u-bg-white u-rounded-md"><span itemprop="name">What are the examples of lead generations?</span></button> <p class="c-faq__entry-answer b--u-text-sm b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-4 u-overflow-auto" itemscope itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""><span itemprop="text">Lead generation tactics are diverse and can be implemented through various communication channels, including digital and traditional marketing. Some popular lead generation examples include:<br> - installing on a website software like a <a href="">live chat widget app</a> - to enhance prospect-to-brand communication<br> - improve sale procedures - notification, follow-ups, addressing individual queries, etc.<br> - affiliate programs,<br> - content marketing (such as webinars, blog posts, videos, and e-books),<br> - referral programs, or paid advertising through platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads,<br> - hosting in-person events or conferences,<br> - free trials or demos of products or services.<br> By leveraging these tactics, businesses can attract potential customers, capture their interest, and move them down the sales funnel toward conversion.</span></p> </div> <div class="c-faq__entry u-bg-white u-rounded-md u-shadow u-hover-lift b--u-mb-2" data-controller="click-focus" itemscope itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype=""><button data-action="click-focus#toggleFocusClass" class="c-faq__entry-question b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-8 b--u-py-2 u-w-full u-block u-text-left u-bg-white u-rounded-md"><span itemprop="name">What are types of leads?</span></button> <p class="c-faq__entry-answer b--u-text-sm b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-4 u-overflow-auto" itemscope itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""><span itemprop="text">There are several types of leads that businesses can generate, including the source of leads:<br><br> - Marketing qualified leads (MQLs): These leads have shown interest in your business or product through marketing efforts, such as downloading a whitepaper or subscribing to a newsletter.<br> - Sales qualified leads (SQLs): These are leads that have been vetted by the sales team and are deemed ready for direct contact and follow-up.<br> - Product qualified leads (PQLs): These are leads that have used your product and demonstrated an interest in purchasing or upgrading.<br> - Service qualified leads (SQLs): These are leads that have expressed an interest in your services, such as consulting or implementation services.<br><br> Another popular classification is by interest in:<br><br> - Hot leads: ready to buy product or service.<br> - Warm or fresh leads: newly acquired or somewhat interested in buying.<br> - Cold leads: with little to no interest in the offer.</span></p> </div> <div class="c-faq__entry u-bg-white u-rounded-md u-shadow u-hover-lift b--u-mb-2" data-controller="click-focus" itemscope itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype=""><button data-action="click-focus#toggleFocusClass" class="c-faq__entry-question b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-8 b--u-py-2 u-w-full u-block u-text-left u-bg-white u-rounded-md"><span itemprop="name">How can lead generation help small businesses?</span></button> <p class="c-faq__entry-answer b--u-text-sm b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-4 u-overflow-auto" itemscope itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""><span itemprop="text">Lead generation can be particularly beneficial for small businesses with limited marketing and advertising resources. By generating leads, small businesses can:<br><br> - Expand their customer base by reaching a wider audience and attracting new customers interested in their products or services.<br> - Increase sales by nurturing leads into paying customers – small companies can increase their revenue and grow their business.<br> - Build brand awareness with engaging content and marketing campaigns – small brands can build awareness and get themselves visible players in their industry.<br> - Improve customer relationships by following up with leads, providing personalized communication, and building loyalty over time.</span></p> </div> </div> <div> <div class="c-faq__entry u-bg-white u-rounded-md u-shadow u-hover-lift b--u-mb-2" data-controller="click-focus" itemscope itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype=""><button data-action="click-focus#toggleFocusClass" class="c-faq__entry-question b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-8 b--u-py-2 u-w-full u-block u-text-left u-bg-white u-rounded-md"><span itemprop="name">What is B2B lead generation?</span></button> <p class="c-faq__entry-answer b--u-text-sm b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-4 u-overflow-auto" itemscope itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""><span itemprop="text">B2B (business-to-business) lead generation refers to the process of identifying and attracting potential business and institutional customers for a product or service. This typically involves strategies such as targeted marketing efforts, account-based operations, targeted advertising, and social networking with industry professionals. B2B lead generation aims to establish stable, strong, long-lasting business partnerships. The goal of B2B lead generation is to increase revenue (ROI) growth through a tailored approach to customer acquisition.</span></p> </div> <div class="c-faq__entry u-bg-white u-rounded-md u-shadow u-hover-lift b--u-mb-2" data-controller="click-focus" itemscope itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype=""><button data-action="click-focus#toggleFocusClass" class="c-faq__entry-question b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-8 b--u-py-2 u-w-full u-block u-text-left u-bg-white u-rounded-md"><span itemprop="name">Why is a lead generation marketing is important for a company?</span></button> <p class="c-faq__entry-answer b--u-text-sm b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-4 u-overflow-auto" itemscope itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""><span itemprop="text">Lead generation marketing is important for businesses because it helps to identify and <a href="">attract potential customers</a> for products or services. It's one of the major mechanisms driving online sales of goods and services. A company that develops a lead generation process gets more customers. It's usually done with websites and software that capture potential customers' interest and nurture them through the sales funnel. Effective lead generation marketing strategies can help businesses grow their loyal customer base, establish brand awareness, and increase revenue.</span></p> </div> <div class="c-faq__entry u-bg-white u-rounded-md u-shadow u-hover-lift b--u-mb-2" data-controller="click-focus" itemscope itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype=""><button data-action="click-focus#toggleFocusClass" class="c-faq__entry-question b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-8 b--u-py-2 u-w-full u-block u-text-left u-bg-white u-rounded-md"><span itemprop="name">How do lead generation companies work?</span></button> <p class="c-faq__entry-answer b--u-text-sm b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-4 u-overflow-auto" itemscope itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""><span itemprop="text"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="dofollow">Lead generation companies</a> work by helping businesses find potential customers or clients. They typically use various marketing tactics and techniques to generate interest and gather information about potential leads. The information is then used to qualify and nurture the leads, ultimately turning them into paying customers for the businesses they serve.</span></p> </div> <div class="c-faq__entry u-bg-white u-rounded-md u-shadow u-hover-lift b--u-mb-2" data-controller="click-focus" itemscope itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype=""><button data-action="click-focus#toggleFocusClass" class="c-faq__entry-question b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-8 b--u-py-2 u-w-full u-block u-text-left u-bg-white u-rounded-md"><span itemprop="name">What is the difference between lead generation and demand generation?</span></button> <p class="c-faq__entry-answer b--u-text-sm b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-4 u-overflow-auto" itemscope itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""><span itemprop="text">Lead generation and demand generation are two marketing strategies with distinct approaches and goals. Lead generation is the process of identifying and <a href="">attracting potential customers</a> and turn them into qualified leads. It involves using targeted messaging and personalized content to capture their interest and persuade them to take action.<br><br> Demand generation focuses on generating brand awareness and interest among potential customers who may not yet be ready to make a purchase. It aims to create a buzz around a brand and generate interest in the long term rather than simply focusing on immediate lead generation. Demand generation downturn is that its effectiveness is often poorly measurable.<br><br> In summary, while both lead generation and demand generation aim to attract potential customers, their approaches and goals differ significantly. Lead generation focuses on them into qualified leads, while demand generation focuses on creating brand awareness and generating interest in the long term.</span></p> </div> <div class="c-faq__entry u-bg-white u-rounded-md u-shadow u-hover-lift b--u-mb-2" data-controller="click-focus" itemscope itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype=""><button data-action="click-focus#toggleFocusClass" class="c-faq__entry-question b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-8 b--u-py-2 u-w-full u-block u-text-left u-bg-white u-rounded-md"><span itemprop="name">What are the best lead generation tools and software?</span></button> <p class="c-faq__entry-answer b--u-text-sm b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-4 u-overflow-auto" itemscope itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""><span itemprop="text">There are various lead generation tools and software available to help businesses capture, qualify, and manage leads. Some popular options include marketing automation platforms (like HubSpot or Mailchimp), web <a href="">live chat widgets</a>, lead capture and management tools, CRM, and other enterprise software and integrations.<br><br> In addition to these tools, various other resources are available to help with lead generation, including social media platforms, email marketing services, and content creation tools. The best lead generation tools and software for a particular business will depend on its specific needs and goals. Hence, it's essential to evaluate options carefully and choose those that align best with your business strategy.</span></p> </div> <div class="c-faq__entry u-bg-white u-rounded-md u-shadow u-hover-lift b--u-mb-2" data-controller="click-focus" itemscope itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype=""><button data-action="click-focus#toggleFocusClass" class="c-faq__entry-question b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-8 b--u-py-2 u-w-full u-block u-text-left u-bg-white u-rounded-md"><span itemprop="name">What is the best lead generation for real estate?</span></button> <p class="c-faq__entry-answer b--u-text-sm b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-4 u-overflow-auto" itemscope itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""><span itemprop="text">Real estate lead generation is critical to identifying potential home buyers and sellers through targeted marketing strategies. Creating a solid online presence is one of the most effective real estate lead generation strategies. This can be accomplished by developing a lead-collecting website, creating valuable content, and leveraging communication channels to reach a wider audience. Additionally, creating well-described sale offers, hosting open houses, offering free home valuations, and networking with industry professionals can be effective tactics to attract potential clients.<br><br> Ultimately, the best lead generation strategy for real estate will depend on the specific needs and goals of the business, as well as the unique characteristics of the target audience. By implementing a lead generation plan that utilizes a mix of these tactics, real estate businesses can effectively generate more leads and turn them into valuable clients, leading to long-term success and growth.</span></p> </div> <div class="c-faq__entry u-bg-white u-rounded-md u-shadow u-hover-lift b--u-mb-2" data-controller="click-focus" itemscope itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype=""><button data-action="click-focus#toggleFocusClass" class="c-faq__entry-question b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-8 b--u-py-2 u-w-full u-block u-text-left u-bg-white u-rounded-md"><span itemprop="name">What is the process of lead generation?</span></button> <p class="c-faq__entry-answer b--u-text-sm b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-4 u-overflow-auto" itemscope itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""><span itemprop="text">The process of lead generation is crucial for businesses looking to expand their customer base and increase sales. It involves identifying and engaging potential customers with targeted marketing and dedicated outreach efforts. By leveraging proper communication channels, businesses can reach a wider audience and attract potential leads to their brand.<br><br> Once potential leads have been identified, the next step is to nurture those relationships through ongoing communication and engagement. This involves creating valuable content, sending personalized emails, and providing targeted offers to move potential customers further down the sales funnel. By doing so, businesses can increase the likelihood that potential leads will eventually turn into paying customers.</span></p> </div> <div class="c-faq__entry u-bg-white u-rounded-md u-shadow u-hover-lift b--u-mb-2" data-controller="click-focus" itemscope itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype=""><button data-action="click-focus#toggleFocusClass" class="c-faq__entry-question b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-8 b--u-py-2 u-w-full u-block u-text-left u-bg-white u-rounded-md"><span itemprop="name">What's a basic lead generation set-up?</span></button> <p class="c-faq__entry-answer b--u-text-sm b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-4 u-overflow-auto" itemscope itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""><span itemprop="text">A basic lead generation setup typically involves the following steps:<br><br> 1. Develop a website or app to sell online.<br> 2. Identify your target audience or buyer persona.<br> 3. Develop a compelling offer or incentive to entice potential customers to share their contact information and leave a lead.<br> 4. Create a landing page with an online form to collect contact information from potential customers (prospects).<br> 5. Drive user traffic to your landing page/app through various marketing channels.<br> 6. Follow up with leads through email, phone, or other channels to nurture and them into paying customers.</span></p> </div> <div class="c-faq__entry u-bg-white u-rounded-md u-shadow u-hover-lift b--u-mb-2" data-controller="click-focus" itemscope itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype=""><button data-action="click-focus#toggleFocusClass" class="c-faq__entry-question b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-8 b--u-py-2 u-w-full u-block u-text-left u-bg-white u-rounded-md"><span itemprop="name">Should I buy leads?</span></button> <p class="c-faq__entry-answer b--u-text-sm b--u-px-2 b--u-pr-4 u-overflow-auto" itemscope itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""><span itemprop="text">Buying leads can be a quick way to increase the volume of potential customers for your business, but it comes with several risks.<br><br> First, purchased leads may not be high-quality, meaning they may not be interested in your product or service. Second, purchased leads may not have opted in to receive communications from your business, which can lead to complaints and damage your brand's reputation. Third, purchased leads can be expensive, and the return on investment may not be worth the cost.<br><br> Instead of buying leads, businesses should create high-quality, engaging content that naturally attracts potential customers and gorganically generates leads.</span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class=" b--u-py-8 u-border-t u-border-gray-800"> <div class="o-container u-maxw-13 u-mx-auto"> <h2 class="b--u-text-lg u-text-center b--u-mb-6">Discover <a href="" target="_blank" class="b--u-text-bold c-link v--reset" data-controller="track" data-track-category="Product Bar" data-track-action="Clicked on Text" data-action="click->track#send">Text</a> products:</h2> <div class="o-columns v--four v--responsive"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="u-flex u-items-center c-link v--reset "> <div class="b--u-mr-3"> <svg width="72" height="72" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g filter="url(#filter0_dd1)"> <rect x="4" y="3" width="64" height="64" rx="10" fill="#fff" 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