NSWNMA - The New South Wales Nurses and Midwives Association
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The Association represents the industrial interests of nurses and midwives employed in NSW in the public, private, aged care and disability sectors. Our role is to protect the interests of nurses, midwives and the nursing and midwifery professions.</div><a href="" class="btn btn-primary mt-4">Learn more</a></div></div></div></div></div></li><li class="has-submenu"><a href="" target="" class="">Membership</a><div class="mega-submenu has-featured-text"><div class="container"><div class="flex"><div class="bg-brand-blue w-3/4"><div class="px-6 py-10"><div class="grid grid-flow-col auto-cols-[1fr] gap-8"><div class="flex flex-col gap-y-10"><div class="submenu"><h5 class="submenu-heading">NEW MEMBERS</h5><ul class="flex flex-col"><li><a href="" target="">Why Join NSWNMA</a></li><li><a href="" target="">Students join free</a></li></ul></div><div class="submenu"><h5 class="submenu-heading">EXISTING MEMBERS</h5><ul class="flex flex-col"><li><a href="" target="">Update Membership</a></li><li><a href="" target="">Login to Member Central</a></li><li><a href="" target="">Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Member Circle</a></li></ul></div></div><div class="flex flex-col gap-y-10"><div class="submenu"><h5 class="submenu-heading">MEMBER BENEFITS</h5><ul class="flex flex-col"><li><a href="" target="">Insurance</a></li><li><a href="" target="">iLearn - CPD tool</a></li><li><a href="" target="">Legal Support</a></li><li><a href="" target="">Confidential advice and assistance</a></li><li><a href="" target="">Discounts and offers</a></li><li><a href="" target="">Visa Assist</a></li><li><a href="" target="">Contests and promotions</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank">Merchandise</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div></div><div class="w-1/4 bg-brand-gray"><div class="py-10 pl-10"><div class="aspect-w-6 aspect-h-4"><img src="" alt="" class="w-full h-full object-cover rounded-lg"></div><div class="mt-4"><h5 class="text-base font-semibold">MEMBER BENEFITS</h5></div><div class="text-sm mt-3">By becoming a member, you add to the collective strength of our 76,000+ membership.<br /> You’ll get access to a range of benefits including legal support, insurances, confidential advice and assistance, professional development and our benefits program. <strong>Membership is also fully tax deductible!</strong></div><a href="" class="btn btn-primary mt-4">Learn more</a></div></div></div></div></div></li><li class="has-submenu"><a href="" target="" class="">Campaigns</a><div class="mega-submenu has-featured-text"><div class="container"><div class="flex"><div class="bg-brand-blue w-3/4"><div class="px-6 py-10"><div class="grid grid-flow-col auto-cols-[1fr] gap-8"><div class="flex flex-col gap-y-10"><div class="submenu"><h5 class="submenu-heading">CAMPAIGNS</h5><ul class="flex flex-col"><li><a href="" target="">Value us: public health campaign</a></li><li><a href="" target="">Fix Aged Care</a></li><li><a href="" target="">Primary Health Care - we have your back</a></li><li><a href="" target="">Healthscope Protected Action Campaign</a></li><li><a href="" target="">Safe staffing for Country NSW</a></li><li><a href="" target="">Racism. It stops with Me</a></li><li><a href="" target="">Climate Change and the Health System</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div></div><div class="w-1/4 bg-brand-gray"><div class="py-10 pl-10"><div class="aspect-w-6 aspect-h-4"><img src="" alt="" class="w-full h-full object-cover rounded-lg"></div><div class="mt-4"><h5 class="text-base font-semibold">CAMPAIGNS</h5></div><div class="text-sm mt-3">The Association is involved in a wide range of campaigns and activities. Get involved to help make a real difference to the future of our professions.</div><a href="" class="btn btn-primary mt-4">Learn more</a></div></div></div></div></div></li><li class="has-submenu"><a href="" target="" class="">Education</a><div class="mega-submenu has-featured-text"><div class="container"><div class="flex"><div class="bg-brand-blue w-3/4"><div class="px-6 py-10"><div class="grid grid-flow-col auto-cols-[1fr] gap-8"><div class="flex flex-col gap-y-10"><div class="submenu"><ul class="flex flex-col"><li><a href="" target="">Continuing Professional Development (CPD)</a></li><li><a href="" target="">Education calendar</a></li><li><a href="" target="">Scholarships</a></li><li><a href="" target="">Association Member Training</a></li><li><a href="" target="">Annual Conference</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div></div><div class="w-1/4 bg-brand-gray"><div class="py-10 pl-10"><div class="aspect-w-6 aspect-h-4"><img src="" alt="" class="w-full h-full object-cover rounded-lg"></div><div class="mt-4"><h5 class="text-base font-semibold">EDUCATION</h5></div><div class="text-sm mt-3">Members have access to over 200 CPD modules online via our FREE online education portal. We also offer a range of workshops, study days and webinars throughout the year, which members can enjoy reduced rates. 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By becoming a member, you add to the collective strength of our 77,000+ membership. You’ll share the benefits of belonging and can participate in the wide range of Association activities – as often or as little as you choose. Membership is also fully tax deductible!</div> <div class="mt-4 md:mt-6"><a href="" class="btn btn-secondary hover:!bg-brand-bluedark">Learn more</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide w-full h-full relative z-0"> <div class="absolute inset-0 z-0"> <img src="" alt="" class="object-cover h-full w-full"> </div> <div class="container relative h-full"> <div class="slide-textbox w-11/12 md:w-3/4 bg-brand-blue bg-opacity-90 p-6 pb-20 md:p-8 lg:p-14 absolute z-20 -bottom-10 text-white"> <div class="font-bold mb-4">FEATURED</div> <h3 class="h3 font-light">Healthscope Protected Action Campaign - we deserve better</h3> <div class="mt-4 md:mt-6">Nurses and midwives in Healthscope are standing together and fighting for fair pay and safe staffing reforms, including enforceable nurse/midwife-to-patient ratios.<br /> <br /> Not only are nurses and midwives in NSW paid less than in other states and territories – nurses and midwives at Healthscope hospitals are paid up to 16% less than their colleagues in Healthscope hospitals in Queensland for the same work.</div> <div class="mt-4 md:mt-6"><a href="" class="btn btn-secondary hover:!bg-brand-bluedark">Find out more here</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide w-full h-full relative z-0"> <div class="absolute inset-0 z-0"> <img src="" alt="" class="object-cover h-full w-full"> </div> <div class="container relative h-full"> <div class="slide-textbox w-11/12 md:w-3/4 bg-brand-blue bg-opacity-90 p-6 pb-20 md:p-8 lg:p-14 absolute z-20 -bottom-10 text-white"> <div class="font-bold mb-4">FEATURED</div> <h3 class="h3 font-light">Continuing Professional Development (CPD)</h3> <div class="mt-4 md:mt-6">The NSWNMA offers a range of workshops, online webinars and modules, and study days throughout the year, as well as the exciting Professional Day at the NSWNMA Annual Conference each year – members enjoy reduced rates. 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34.6098C3.84748 35.3198 4.28436 35.9377 4.89388 36.3435C5.50339 36.7494 6.24202 36.9142 6.96624 36.8058C7.54622 36.7109 8.11494 36.5484 8.89684 36.369L5.58425 24.8804L4.68974 25.1217" fill="currentColor"/><path d="M10.199 37.0858C10.7806 39.1137 11.3147 41.0033 11.8714 42.8864C11.9257 43.1763 12.0705 43.4416 12.2849 43.6442C13.3499 44.3344 14.275 43.4833 15.2379 43.2476C15.6465 43.147 16.2466 42.6121 16.249 42.2718C16.2651 40.0195 16.142 37.7671 16.0592 35.3909L10.1998 37.0866" fill="currentColor"/><path d="M45.0829 28.2364C43.9311 27.9874 42.7648 27.8106 41.591 27.7071C41.3584 27.7512 41.1407 27.8531 40.9579 28.0036C40.7752 28.154 40.6332 28.348 40.5452 28.5678C40.5558 28.7902 40.6239 29.0061 40.7429 29.1943C40.8619 29.3826 41.0277 29.5367 41.2241 29.6417C42.3857 29.9635 43.5972 30.1123 45.1175 30.385C45.3347 30.1436 45.8029 29.8307 45.9421 29.4108C46.1536 28.7729 45.72 28.3514 45.0789 28.2364" fill="currentColor"/><path d="M37.2204 15.0416C37.8896 15.1703 40.9802 12.387 41.0059 11.5118C40.8636 11.3388 40.6761 10.9487 40.3688 10.7934C40.2112 10.7289 40.0408 10.7015 39.8709 10.7135C39.7009 10.7255 39.5361 10.7765 39.3891 10.8626C38.3881 11.6557 37.4318 12.5035 36.5245 13.4022C36.4212 13.5573 36.3552 13.7343 36.3318 13.9192C36.3083 14.1041 36.3281 14.292 36.3894 14.468C36.4796 14.6169 36.6003 14.745 36.7437 14.8438C36.8871 14.9425 37.0499 15.0096 37.2212 15.0408" fill="currentColor"/><path d="M40.1342 21.1728C40.2025 21.5042 40.7069 21.7455 41.019 22.0263C42.4283 21.5943 43.6985 21.2645 44.9108 20.7867C45.0736 20.6557 45.2006 20.4855 45.2796 20.292C45.3587 20.0985 45.3873 19.8882 45.3629 19.6806C45.2824 19.354 44.7081 18.8601 44.4523 18.9148C43.1396 19.1932 41.8501 19.5716 40.5951 20.0466C40.4304 20.1809 40.3019 20.3544 40.2214 20.5511C40.1409 20.7478 40.1109 20.9615 40.1342 21.1728Z" fill="currentColor"/></svg> </div> <div class="my-4"> <h4 class="text-xl leading-tight text-brand-blue mb-4">Our campaign for a 15% pay rise</h4> <p class="text-gray-500 text-sm">Public sector nurses and midwives in NSW are calling for justified and necessary improvements to help rebuild our public health services.</p> </div> <div> <a href="" class="btn btn-primary">Value us</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="mx-2 md:mx-4 px-6 py-10 lg:px-10 lg:py-14 rounded-lg border border-solid text-center"> <div style="color: #002F56;"> <svg class="svg-icon mx-auto" width="60" height="60" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M44.3312 27.4588C42.9045 27.4588 41.5796 28.376 40.9682 29.599C40.9682 29.599 40.9682 29.599 40.8662 29.599H34.9554L31.0828 19.204C30.7771 18.4907 30.0637 17.9811 29.2484 18.083C28.4331 18.1849 27.8217 18.6945 27.6178 19.5098L25.0701 30.9238L22.6242 4.6308C22.5223 3.81551 21.9108 3.10214 20.9936 3.00023C20.1783 2.89832 19.3631 3.40787 19.0573 4.22316L11.5159 29.3951H1.83439C0.815287 29.3951 0 30.2104 0 31.2295C0 32.2486 0.815287 33.0639 1.83439 33.0639H12.9427C13.758 33.0639 14.4713 32.5544 14.6752 31.7391L19.8726 14.2104L22.5223 42.5416C22.6242 43.4588 23.3376 44.0703 24.1529 44.1722H24.2548C25.0701 44.1722 25.7834 43.5607 25.9873 42.7455L29.758 26.0321L32 31.9429C32.3057 32.6563 32.9172 33.0639 33.7325 33.0639H40.9682C41.0701 33.0639 41.172 33.0639 41.2739 32.962C41.8854 33.9811 43.1083 34.6945 44.3312 34.6945C46.3694 34.6945 48 33.0639 48 31.0257C48 29.0894 46.3694 27.4588 44.3312 27.4588Z" fill="currentColor"/></svg> </div> <div class="my-4"> <h4 class="text-xl leading-tight text-brand-blue mb-4">Ratios for Public Hospitals</h4> <p class="text-gray-500 text-sm">In New South Wales, public hospitals are required to adhere to specific ratios of healthcare staff to patients in order to provide high-quality care.</p> </div> <div> <a href="" class="btn btn-primary">Engage</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="mx-2 md:mx-4 px-6 py-10 lg:px-10 lg:py-14 rounded-lg border border-solid text-center"> <div style="color: #002F56;"> <svg class="svg-icon mx-auto" width="60" height="60" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" width="49" height="48" viewBox="0 0 49 48" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M24.9337 25.6978C25.8598 25.7117 26.7808 25.5595 27.6531 25.2485C29.9733 24.4783 32.293 23.7072 34.6122 22.9353C38.9477 21.4929 43.2826 20.0485 47.6168 18.6022C47.9622 18.4875 48.2915 18.3288 48.5964 18.13C48.7135 18.0812 48.8138 17.9994 48.8851 17.8945C48.9564 17.7896 48.9957 17.6662 48.998 17.5394C49.0004 17.4126 48.9657 17.2878 48.8984 17.1804C48.831 17.0729 48.7338 16.9874 48.6186 16.9343C48.3284 16.732 48.0091 16.575 47.6717 16.4686C46.7077 16.1532 45.7307 15.8711 44.7557 15.5791C38.9573 13.8376 33.1587 12.0961 27.3599 10.3546C25.8414 9.88405 24.2166 9.88087 22.6963 10.3454C15.9462 12.3726 9.19605 14.399 2.44591 16.4249C2.06428 16.5437 1.70292 16.7199 1.37423 16.9473C1.26282 16.9963 1.16798 17.0764 1.10114 17.1781C1.0343 17.2798 0.998331 17.3987 0.997571 17.5203C0.996811 17.642 1.0313 17.7613 1.09686 17.8638C1.16242 17.9663 1.25626 18.0477 1.36704 18.098C1.66473 18.31 1.99251 18.4762 2.33946 18.5911C8.67729 20.7088 15.0173 22.8204 21.3595 24.9259C22.4932 25.4018 23.7048 25.665 24.9337 25.7024M10.4199 23.2501V23.6622C10.4199 26.5736 10.4277 29.485 10.4121 32.3963C10.4018 32.892 10.5815 33.3729 10.9143 33.7404C11.5014 34.3862 12.202 34.919 12.9812 35.3123C16.22 36.9703 19.787 37.887 23.4238 37.9958C25.1639 38.0923 26.9092 38.03 28.6379 37.8096C31.0834 37.5307 33.4755 36.8985 35.7394 35.9327C36.9472 35.4593 38.05 34.753 38.9852 33.854C39.1894 33.6542 39.3503 33.4145 39.4577 33.1497C39.5651 32.885 39.6168 32.601 39.6095 32.3154C39.588 29.4386 39.6004 26.5618 39.6004 23.6844V23.2573C39.4384 23.3023 39.3287 23.3272 39.2223 23.3624C35.4077 24.632 31.5892 25.8898 27.7805 27.1783C26.0203 27.8066 24.0987 27.8169 22.3319 27.2077C19.2625 26.1628 16.178 25.1551 13.1001 24.1317C12.2243 23.8405 11.3479 23.5525 10.4225 23.2462M46.2578 21.0368C45.6667 21.2328 45.1515 21.413 44.6251 21.5658C44.5733 21.5737 44.5237 21.5919 44.479 21.6193C44.4344 21.6467 44.3957 21.6828 44.3653 21.7254C44.3348 21.7681 44.3133 21.8163 44.3018 21.8675C44.2903 21.9186 44.2892 21.9714 44.2986 22.023C44.3108 23.8672 44.3108 25.7117 44.2986 27.5564C44.2856 27.8035 44.2269 28.0459 44.1255 28.2716C43.763 29.1584 43.3418 30.0231 43.0153 30.923C42.818 31.3857 42.7553 31.8948 42.8344 32.3916C42.9136 32.8883 43.1313 33.3527 43.4626 33.7312C43.9698 34.254 44.5172 34.7362 45.0999 35.1732C45.1554 35.2031 45.2174 35.2187 45.2805 35.2187C45.3435 35.2187 45.4055 35.2031 45.461 35.1732C45.9557 34.8256 46.4244 34.4423 46.8632 34.0264C47.2641 33.6512 47.545 33.1657 47.6705 32.6311C47.796 32.0965 47.7605 31.5367 47.5685 31.0223C47.2485 30.0975 46.8168 29.2113 46.4517 28.3016C46.3427 28.0556 46.2794 27.7918 46.265 27.5231C46.2499 25.5071 46.2565 23.4904 46.2565 21.4737V21.0368" fill="currentColor"/><path d="M24.9337 25.6978C23.7048 25.6604 22.4925 25.3972 21.3588 24.9213C15.0175 22.815 8.67748 20.704 2.33878 18.5885C1.9922 18.4744 1.66469 18.3091 1.36704 18.098C1.25701 18.0473 1.16388 17.9661 1.09887 17.8638C1.03386 17.7616 0.999682 17.6428 1.00044 17.5217C1.0012 17.4005 1.03685 17.2822 1.10314 17.1808C1.16943 17.0794 1.26353 16.9992 1.37419 16.9499C1.70286 16.7225 2.06422 16.5463 2.44588 16.4275C9.1934 14.3921 15.944 12.3643 22.6963 10.3454C24.2172 9.88115 25.8419 9.8857 27.3605 10.3572C33.1585 12.0987 38.9571 13.8402 44.7563 15.5818C45.7301 15.8743 46.7071 16.1565 47.6736 16.4712C48.011 16.5776 48.3303 16.7346 48.6205 16.9369C48.7357 16.99 48.8329 17.0755 48.9003 17.183C48.9677 17.2905 49.0023 17.4152 48.9999 17.542C48.9976 17.6688 48.9584 17.7922 48.887 17.8971C48.8157 18.002 48.7154 18.0838 48.5983 18.1327C48.2933 18.3313 47.9641 18.49 47.6187 18.6048C43.2841 20.052 38.9491 21.4955 34.6122 22.9353C32.293 23.7072 29.9733 24.4783 27.6531 25.2485C26.7808 25.5595 25.8598 25.7117 24.9337 25.6978Z" fill="currentColor"/><path d="M10.4199 23.2501C11.3473 23.5564 12.2231 23.8444 13.0969 24.1357C16.1748 25.1584 19.2573 26.1687 22.3287 27.2117C24.0955 27.8209 26.0171 27.8105 27.7772 27.1823C31.5853 25.8938 35.4044 24.6353 39.219 23.3664C39.3255 23.3311 39.4352 23.3057 39.5972 23.2613V23.6851C39.5972 26.5619 39.5854 29.4393 39.6063 32.3161C39.6136 32.6017 39.562 32.8857 39.4545 33.1505C39.3471 33.4152 39.1862 33.655 38.982 33.8547C38.0468 34.7538 36.944 35.4601 35.7362 35.9334C33.4723 36.8992 31.0802 37.5315 28.6347 37.8104C26.9059 38.0307 25.1607 38.093 23.4206 37.9965C19.7838 37.8877 16.2167 36.9711 12.978 35.313C12.1988 34.9197 11.4982 34.3869 10.911 33.7411C10.5782 33.3736 10.3986 32.8927 10.4088 32.3971C10.4245 29.4857 10.4167 26.5743 10.4167 23.6629V23.2508" fill="currentColor"/><path d="M46.2572 21.0343V21.4705C46.2572 23.4872 46.2506 25.5032 46.2656 27.5199C46.2801 27.7886 46.3434 28.0524 46.4524 28.2984C46.8168 29.2087 47.2485 30.0943 47.5692 31.0191C47.7612 31.5335 47.7967 32.0933 47.6712 32.6279C47.5457 33.1624 47.2648 33.6479 46.8639 34.0232C46.4251 34.4391 45.9564 34.8224 45.4617 35.17C45.4063 35.1997 45.3444 35.2153 45.2815 35.2153C45.2186 35.2153 45.1566 35.1997 45.1012 35.17C44.5185 34.733 43.9711 34.2508 43.464 33.728C43.1327 33.3495 42.9149 32.8851 42.8358 32.3883C42.7566 31.8915 42.8193 31.3825 43.0166 30.9198C43.3432 30.0205 43.7624 29.1565 44.1269 28.2683C44.2283 28.0427 44.287 27.8002 44.2999 27.5532C44.3138 25.7089 44.3138 23.8644 44.2999 22.0197C44.2906 21.9682 44.2917 21.9153 44.3031 21.8642C44.3146 21.8131 44.3362 21.7648 44.3666 21.7222C44.3971 21.6796 44.4357 21.6435 44.4804 21.6161C44.525 21.5887 44.5747 21.5705 44.6264 21.5626C45.1489 21.4104 45.6648 21.2276 46.2591 21.0336" fill="currentColor"/></svg> </div> <div class="my-4"> <h4 class="text-xl leading-tight text-brand-blue mb-4">iLearn</h4> <p class="text-gray-500 text-sm">Meeting your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) obligations is now even easier with iLearn – our FREE online education portal.</p> </div> <div> <a href="" class="btn btn-primary">iLearn – CPD tool</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="mx-2 md:mx-4 px-6 py-10 lg:px-10 lg:py-14 rounded-lg border border-solid text-center"> <div style="color: #002F56;"> <svg class="svg-icon mx-auto" width="60" height="60" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" width="49" height="48" viewBox="0 0 49 48" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M20.667 43.587C24.5531 43.7123 28.4401 43.3684 32.2438 42.5628C33.5069 42.3026 34.715 41.8246 35.8141 41.15C36.324 40.81 36.7615 40.3723 37.1013 39.8622C37.441 39.352 37.6762 38.7796 37.7933 38.178C37.9104 37.5764 37.907 36.9575 37.7834 36.3572C37.6599 35.7569 37.4185 35.187 37.0733 34.6806C36.0169 33.2603 34.6632 32.0877 33.1068 31.2447C31.0633 30.0417 28.8967 29.061 26.6443 28.3194C26.2978 28.2229 25.9879 28.0253 25.7543 27.7517C25.5207 27.4782 25.3739 27.1412 25.3329 26.7838C25.2398 26.276 25.2604 25.7539 25.3932 25.255C25.5259 24.7561 25.7676 24.2928 26.1007 23.8984C28.529 21.1141 29.9059 17.5675 29.9927 13.8741C30.0842 11.9848 29.6668 10.1056 28.7841 8.43269C26.3095 3.86276 20.396 2.97442 16.4533 5.09124C13.3745 6.74353 12.0615 9.52065 11.8957 12.8675C11.7018 17.0167 13.1573 21.0741 15.9443 24.1541C16.2313 24.4682 16.4362 24.8484 16.5408 25.2608C16.6453 25.6733 16.6463 26.1052 16.5435 26.5181C16.4408 26.931 16.2375 27.3121 15.9519 27.6274C15.6662 27.9428 15.307 28.1826 14.9062 28.3255C14.0724 28.6541 13.2386 28.9851 12.4201 29.3505C10.0476 30.3242 7.85131 31.6813 5.91917 33.3676C5.27928 33.8999 4.77302 34.5747 4.44101 35.3379C4.109 36.1011 3.96048 36.9315 4.00736 37.7625C4.00886 38.3899 4.16497 39.0072 4.46187 39.5599C4.75876 40.1126 5.1873 40.5836 5.70956 40.9312C7.31813 41.9481 9.12737 42.6054 11.0135 42.8584C14.2004 43.4111 17.4332 43.6551 20.667 43.587ZM38.6334 38.6969L38.7102 38.7891C39.3959 38.6885 40.0861 38.6117 40.7656 38.4819C42.1459 38.2958 43.4694 37.8122 44.6445 37.0646C44.9966 36.8396 45.2956 36.5409 45.521 36.1891C45.7463 35.8373 45.8926 35.4407 45.9498 35.0269C46.0622 34.3391 46.025 33.6351 45.8405 32.963C45.6561 32.291 45.3288 31.6666 44.881 31.1326C43.5262 29.5826 41.8709 28.3236 40.0155 27.4318C38.9705 26.8944 37.8196 26.5757 36.7385 26.1058C36.6101 26.0431 36.4971 25.9527 36.4079 25.841C36.3187 25.7293 36.2554 25.5992 36.2226 25.4601C36.1391 24.7125 36.3233 23.9595 36.7424 23.3348C37.0978 22.8181 37.4533 22.3006 37.795 21.7755C39.49 19.4289 40.2339 16.5278 39.8773 13.6552C39.7308 12.6565 39.3689 11.7015 38.8165 10.8566C38.2641 10.0116 37.5345 9.29701 36.6783 8.76224C35.8222 8.22747 34.8599 7.88536 33.8583 7.75964C32.8567 7.63393 31.8397 7.72761 30.8779 8.0342C30.9793 8.14937 31.0407 8.22845 31.1083 8.29755C32.4676 9.63478 33.2641 11.4411 33.3349 13.3466C33.6638 17.1666 32.6401 20.9807 30.4426 24.1226C30.2434 24.3958 30.0847 24.6963 29.9712 25.0148C29.8495 25.2489 29.7857 25.5089 29.7852 25.7728C29.7848 26.0367 29.8476 26.2968 29.9685 26.5314C30.0893 26.766 30.2647 26.9682 30.4799 27.121C30.695 27.2738 30.9437 27.3727 31.205 27.4095C32.7154 27.8618 34.1595 28.5114 35.5001 29.3413C37.4189 30.4192 39.0135 31.992 40.1176 33.8959C40.9376 35.4131 40.7994 36.3528 39.627 37.6289C39.2991 37.9867 38.9667 38.3407 38.6365 38.6961" fill="currentColor"/><path d="M20.667 43.587C17.4332 43.6551 14.2004 43.4111 11.0135 42.8584C9.12739 42.6053 7.31917 41.9481 5.71056 40.9313C5.18834 40.5836 4.75985 40.1126 4.46295 39.56C4.16606 39.0073 4.00993 38.39 4.00835 37.7626C3.96144 36.9317 4.10914 36.1011 4.44101 35.3379C4.77302 34.5747 5.27928 33.8999 5.91917 33.3676C7.85052 31.682 10.0459 30.3252 12.4173 29.3514C13.2357 28.9859 14.0696 28.655 14.9034 28.3264C15.3042 28.1835 15.6634 27.9436 15.949 27.6283C16.2347 27.313 16.4379 26.9319 16.5407 26.519C16.6434 26.1061 16.6425 25.6742 16.538 25.2617C16.4334 24.8493 16.2285 24.4691 15.9414 24.155C13.1546 21.0749 11.6995 17.0175 11.8936 12.8684C12.0618 9.52076 13.3747 6.74364 16.4543 5.09134C20.3962 2.97529 26.3105 3.86287 28.7851 8.43279C29.6678 10.1057 30.0842 11.9848 29.9927 13.8741C29.9058 17.5682 28.5293 21.1155 26.1002 23.9C25.767 24.2944 25.5253 24.7577 25.3926 25.2566C25.2598 25.7555 25.2392 26.2776 25.3324 26.7854C25.3734 27.1428 25.5201 27.4798 25.7537 27.7533C25.9873 28.0269 26.2972 28.2245 26.6438 28.321C28.8964 29.0626 31.0632 30.0433 33.1071 31.2463C34.6633 32.0896 36.0169 33.2621 37.0735 34.6822C37.4188 35.1886 37.6603 35.7585 37.7839 36.3588C37.9076 36.9591 37.9109 37.578 37.7938 38.1797C37.6767 38.7813 37.4415 39.3538 37.1017 39.8639C36.7619 40.374 36.3244 40.8117 35.8143 41.1517C34.7153 41.8263 33.5071 42.3043 32.2441 42.5644C28.4404 43.3703 24.5533 43.7142 20.6672 43.5886" fill="currentColor"/><path d="M38.6374 38.6967C38.9676 38.3405 39.3 37.9873 39.6279 37.6295C40.8003 36.3511 40.9378 35.4136 40.1185 33.8965C39.0144 31.9926 37.4198 30.4198 35.501 29.3419C34.1605 28.5119 32.7163 27.8624 31.2059 27.4101C30.9449 27.3732 30.6966 27.2742 30.4817 27.1216C30.2668 26.9689 30.0916 26.767 29.9708 26.5327C29.85 26.2985 29.7871 26.0386 29.7873 25.775C29.7875 25.5115 29.8509 25.2517 29.9721 25.0177C30.0856 24.6992 30.2444 24.3987 30.4435 24.1255C32.6415 20.983 33.6653 17.1679 33.3358 13.3472C33.2651 11.4417 32.4685 9.63537 31.1092 8.29815C31.0393 8.22828 30.9779 8.14996 30.8788 8.03479C31.8405 7.7282 32.8568 7.63402 33.8583 7.75964C34.8599 7.88536 35.8222 8.22747 36.6783 8.76224C37.5345 9.29701 38.2641 10.0116 38.8165 10.8566C39.369 11.7013 39.7316 12.6556 39.8782 13.6543C40.2348 16.5269 39.4909 19.428 37.7959 21.7745C37.4543 22.2997 37.0988 22.8172 36.7433 23.3339C36.3242 23.9586 36.1401 24.7116 36.2235 25.4592C36.2563 25.5983 36.3196 25.7284 36.4088 25.84C36.4981 25.9517 36.611 26.0422 36.7394 26.1049C37.8205 26.574 38.9714 26.8965 40.0164 27.4309C41.8719 28.3227 43.5271 29.5817 44.8819 31.1316C45.3297 31.6657 45.657 32.29 45.8415 32.9621C46.0259 33.6342 46.0632 34.3381 45.9507 35.0259C45.8935 35.4398 45.7472 35.8363 45.5219 36.1881C45.2965 36.54 44.9975 36.8387 44.6454 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16.5552 15.491 16.7635 15.3579C16.9719 15.2248 17.1448 15.0431 17.2674 14.8283L23.5589 3.7711C23.6993 3.52397 23.9061 3.32104 24.1558 3.18523C24.4055 3.04942 24.6882 2.98614 24.972 3.00254C25.2557 3.01894 25.5293 3.11438 25.7617 3.27805C25.9941 3.44173 26.1761 3.66714 26.2871 3.92881L31.2326 15.6507C31.3286 15.8786 31.4784 16.0798 31.6692 16.2372C31.8599 16.3945 32.0859 16.5034 32.3278 16.5544L44.7863 19.1225C45.0643 19.1805 45.3206 19.315 45.5264 19.5108C45.7321 19.7066 45.8791 19.9559 45.9507 20.2308C46.0223 20.5056 46.0158 20.795 45.9318 21.0663C45.8478 21.3376 45.6898 21.5801 45.4754 21.7664" fill="currentColor"/></svg> </div> <div class="my-4"> <h4 class="text-xl leading-tight text-brand-blue mb-4">Visa Assist</h4> <p class="text-gray-500 text-sm">Free Immigration and Visa Service for NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association members.</p> </div> <div> <a href="" class="btn btn-primary">Learn more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="mx-2 md:mx-4 px-6 py-10 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23.2501V23.6622C10.4199 26.5736 10.4277 29.485 10.4121 32.3963C10.4018 32.892 10.5815 33.3729 10.9143 33.7404C11.5014 34.3862 12.202 34.919 12.9812 35.3123C16.22 36.9703 19.787 37.887 23.4238 37.9958C25.1639 38.0923 26.9092 38.03 28.6379 37.8096C31.0834 37.5307 33.4755 36.8985 35.7394 35.9327C36.9472 35.4593 38.05 34.753 38.9852 33.854C39.1894 33.6542 39.3503 33.4145 39.4577 33.1497C39.5651 32.885 39.6168 32.601 39.6095 32.3154C39.588 29.4386 39.6004 26.5618 39.6004 23.6844V23.2573C39.4384 23.3023 39.3287 23.3272 39.2223 23.3624C35.4077 24.632 31.5892 25.8898 27.7805 27.1783C26.0203 27.8066 24.0987 27.8169 22.3319 27.2077C19.2625 26.1628 16.178 25.1551 13.1001 24.1317C12.2243 23.8405 11.3479 23.5525 10.4225 23.2462M46.2578 21.0368C45.6667 21.2328 45.1515 21.413 44.6251 21.5658C44.5733 21.5737 44.5237 21.5919 44.479 21.6193C44.4344 21.6467 44.3957 21.6828 44.3653 21.7254C44.3348 21.7681 44.3133 21.8163 44.3018 21.8675C44.2903 21.9186 44.2892 21.9714 44.2986 22.023C44.3108 23.8672 44.3108 25.7117 44.2986 27.5564C44.2856 27.8035 44.2269 28.0459 44.1255 28.2716C43.763 29.1584 43.3418 30.0231 43.0153 30.923C42.818 31.3857 42.7553 31.8948 42.8344 32.3916C42.9136 32.8883 43.1313 33.3527 43.4626 33.7312C43.9698 34.254 44.5172 34.7362 45.0999 35.1732C45.1554 35.2031 45.2174 35.2187 45.2805 35.2187C45.3435 35.2187 45.4055 35.2031 45.461 35.1732C45.9557 34.8256 46.4244 34.4423 46.8632 34.0264C47.2641 33.6512 47.545 33.1657 47.6705 32.6311C47.796 32.0965 47.7605 31.5367 47.5685 31.0223C47.2485 30.0975 46.8168 29.2113 46.4517 28.3016C46.3427 28.0556 46.2794 27.7918 46.265 27.5231C46.2499 25.5071 46.2565 23.4904 46.2565 21.4737V21.0368" fill="currentColor"/><path d="M24.9337 25.6978C23.7048 25.6604 22.4925 25.3972 21.3588 24.9213C15.0175 22.815 8.67748 20.704 2.33878 18.5885C1.9922 18.4744 1.66469 18.3091 1.36704 18.098C1.25701 18.0473 1.16388 17.9661 1.09887 17.8638C1.03386 17.7616 0.999682 17.6428 1.00044 17.5217C1.0012 17.4005 1.03685 17.2822 1.10314 17.1808C1.16943 17.0794 1.26353 16.9992 1.37419 16.9499C1.70286 16.7225 2.06422 16.5463 2.44588 16.4275C9.1934 14.3921 15.944 12.3643 22.6963 10.3454C24.2172 9.88115 25.8419 9.8857 27.3605 10.3572C33.1585 12.0987 38.9571 13.8402 44.7563 15.5818C45.7301 15.8743 46.7071 16.1565 47.6736 16.4712C48.011 16.5776 48.3303 16.7346 48.6205 16.9369C48.7357 16.99 48.8329 17.0755 48.9003 17.183C48.9677 17.2905 49.0023 17.4152 48.9999 17.542C48.9976 17.6688 48.9584 17.7922 48.887 17.8971C48.8157 18.002 48.7154 18.0838 48.5983 18.1327C48.2933 18.3313 47.9641 18.49 47.6187 18.6048C43.2841 20.052 38.9491 21.4955 34.6122 22.9353C32.293 23.7072 29.9733 24.4783 27.6531 25.2485C26.7808 25.5595 25.8598 25.7117 24.9337 25.6978Z" fill="currentColor"/><path d="M10.4199 23.2501C11.3473 23.5564 12.2231 23.8444 13.0969 24.1357C16.1748 25.1584 19.2573 26.1687 22.3287 27.2117C24.0955 27.8209 26.0171 27.8105 27.7772 27.1823C31.5853 25.8938 35.4044 24.6353 39.219 23.3664C39.3255 23.3311 39.4352 23.3057 39.5972 23.2613V23.6851C39.5972 26.5619 39.5854 29.4393 39.6063 32.3161C39.6136 32.6017 39.562 32.8857 39.4545 33.1505C39.3471 33.4152 39.1862 33.655 38.982 33.8547C38.0468 34.7538 36.944 35.4601 35.7362 35.9334C33.4723 36.8992 31.0802 37.5315 28.6347 37.8104C26.9059 38.0307 25.1607 38.093 23.4206 37.9965C19.7838 37.8877 16.2167 36.9711 12.978 35.313C12.1988 34.9197 11.4982 34.3869 10.911 33.7411C10.5782 33.3736 10.3986 32.8927 10.4088 32.3971C10.4245 29.4857 10.4167 26.5743 10.4167 23.6629V23.2508" fill="currentColor"/><path d="M46.2572 21.0343V21.4705C46.2572 23.4872 46.2506 25.5032 46.2656 27.5199C46.2801 27.7886 46.3434 28.0524 46.4524 28.2984C46.8168 29.2087 47.2485 30.0943 47.5692 31.0191C47.7612 31.5335 47.7967 32.0933 47.6712 32.6279C47.5457 33.1624 47.2648 33.6479 46.8639 34.0232C46.4251 34.4391 45.9564 34.8224 45.4617 35.17C45.4063 35.1997 45.3444 35.2153 45.2815 35.2153C45.2186 35.2153 45.1566 35.1997 45.1012 35.17C44.5185 34.733 43.9711 34.2508 43.464 33.728C43.1327 33.3495 42.9149 32.8851 42.8358 32.3883C42.7566 31.8915 42.8193 31.3825 43.0166 30.9198C43.3432 30.0205 43.7624 29.1565 44.1269 28.2683C44.2283 28.0427 44.287 27.8002 44.2999 27.5532C44.3138 25.7089 44.3138 23.8644 44.2999 22.0197C44.2906 21.9682 44.2917 21.9153 44.3031 21.8642C44.3146 21.8131 44.3362 21.7648 44.3666 21.7222C44.3971 21.6796 44.4357 21.6435 44.4804 21.6161C44.525 21.5887 44.5747 21.5705 44.6264 21.5626C45.1489 21.4104 45.6648 21.2276 46.2591 21.0336" fill="currentColor"/></svg> </div> <div class="my-4"> <h4 class="text-xl leading-tight text-brand-blue mb-4">Students join free</h4> <p class="text-gray-500 text-sm">Nursing and midwifery students can become Associate Members of the Association for free.</p> </div> <div> <a href="" class="btn btn-primary">Learn more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="mx-2 md:mx-4 px-6 py-10 lg:px-10 lg:py-14 rounded-lg border border-solid text-center"> <div style="color: #002F56;"> <svg class="svg-icon mx-auto" width="60" height="60" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M44.8495 11H3.1505C2.84562 11.0008 2.55346 11.1223 2.33787 11.3379C2.12228 11.5535 2.00081 11.8456 2 12.1505V36.5372C2.00081 36.8421 2.12228 37.1343 2.33787 37.3499C2.55346 37.5655 2.84562 37.687 3.1505 37.6878H44.8495C45.1544 37.687 45.4465 37.5655 45.6621 37.3499C45.8777 37.1343 45.9992 36.8421 46 36.5372V12.1505C45.9992 11.8456 45.8777 11.5535 45.6621 11.3379C45.4465 11.1223 45.1544 11.0008 44.8495 11ZM42.5852 33.4082L41.1238 35.1805L28.9992 25.2052L27.0207 26.4476C26.0805 26.9073 25.0478 27.1463 24.0012 27.1463C22.9546 27.1463 21.9219 26.9073 20.9817 26.4476L20.8667 26.39L18.934 25.1593L6.7624 35.1805L5.28998 33.4088L16.8968 23.862L5.40504 16.569L6.64736 14.6364L22.0386 24.414C22.6518 24.7038 23.3217 24.8541 24 24.8541C24.6783 24.8541 25.3482 24.7038 25.9614 24.414L41.3526 14.6364L42.595 16.569L31.0457 23.9078L42.5852 33.4082Z" fill="currentColor"/></svg> </div> <div class="my-4"> <h4 class="text-xl leading-tight text-brand-blue mb-4">Reports</h4> <p class="text-gray-500 text-sm">NSWNMA reports/booklets</p> </div> <div> <a href="" class="btn btn-primary">Learn more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="mx-2 md:mx-4 px-6 py-10 lg:px-10 lg:py-14 rounded-lg border border-solid text-center"> <div style="color: #002F56;"> <svg class="svg-icon mx-auto" width="60" height="60" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M45.4825 21.7672L35.8627 30.0954C35.6761 30.2574 35.5314 30.4621 35.4411 30.6921C35.3507 30.922 35.3174 31.1705 35.3439 31.4162L36.7537 44.0614C36.785 44.3439 36.7366 44.6295 36.6141 44.886C36.4915 45.1424 36.2997 45.3595 36.0603 45.5127C35.821 45.6659 35.5435 45.7491 35.2593 45.753C34.9751 45.7568 34.6955 45.6811 34.4521 45.5344L23.5589 38.9566C23.3469 38.8284 23.1069 38.7536 22.8596 38.7389C22.6123 38.7242 22.3652 38.77 22.1396 38.8723L10.5485 44.119C10.2895 44.2361 10.0028 44.2783 9.72104 44.241C9.43925 44.2037 9.17351 44.0882 8.9539 43.9077C8.73429 43.7272 8.56955 43.4889 8.47832 43.2197C8.38709 42.9505 8.37301 42.6611 8.43767 42.3843L11.3252 29.9921C11.3811 29.7517 11.3778 29.5013 11.3156 29.2625C11.2534 29.0236 11.1341 28.8035 10.968 28.6209L2.39691 19.2203C2.20557 19.0101 2.07684 18.7505 2.02528 18.4709C1.97372 18.1913 2.00138 17.9029 2.10514 17.6382C2.2089 17.3735 2.38462 17.1431 2.61244 16.973C2.84026 16.803 3.11111 16.7 3.39438 16.6758L16.0712 15.5924C16.3176 15.5715 16.5552 15.491 16.7635 15.3579C16.9719 15.2248 17.1448 15.0431 17.2674 14.8283L23.5589 3.7711C23.6993 3.52397 23.9061 3.32104 24.1558 3.18523C24.4055 3.04942 24.6882 2.98614 24.972 3.00254C25.2557 3.01894 25.5293 3.11438 25.7617 3.27805C25.9941 3.44173 26.1761 3.66714 26.2871 3.92881L31.2326 15.6507C31.3286 15.8786 31.4784 16.0798 31.6692 16.2372C31.8599 16.3945 32.0859 16.5034 32.3278 16.5544L44.7863 19.1225C45.0643 19.1805 45.3206 19.315 45.5264 19.5108C45.7321 19.7066 45.8791 19.9559 45.9507 20.2308C46.0223 20.5056 46.0158 20.795 45.9318 21.0663C45.8478 21.3376 45.6898 21.5801 45.4754 21.7664" fill="currentColor"/></svg> </div> <div class="my-4"> <h4 class="text-xl leading-tight text-brand-blue mb-4">Media Releases</h4> <p class="text-gray-500 text-sm">Current NSWNMA media releases</p> </div> <div> <a href="" class="btn btn-primary">Media releases</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card-swiper--pagination mt-10 text-center"></div> </div> <script> new Swiper('.infobox-swiper-3', { loop: false, pagination: { el: '.infobox-swiper-3 .card-swiper--pagination', clickable: true, }, watchOverflow: true, slidesPerView: 1, centeredSlides: false, spaceBetween: 0, breakpoints: { 768: { slidesPerView: 2, }, 1024: { slidesPerView: 3, }, }, }); </script> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="" style="border-style: solid;border-top-width: 1px;border-color: rgb(229,231,235);"> <div class="relative pt-0 pb-0"> <div class="flex flex-col lg:hidden"> <div class="w-full"> <div class="aspect-w-16 aspect-h-9"> <img src="" alt="" class="object-cover h-full w-full"> </div> <div class="p-6 pb-8"> <h2 class="h3 text-brand-blue mb-4 mt-4">Why join NSWNMA?</h2> <div class="prose"> <p>By becoming a member, you add to the collective strength of our 80,000+ membership. You’ll get access to a range of benefits including legal representation, insurances, confidential advice and assistance, professional development and our benefits program. Membership is also fully tax deductible!</p> </div> <div class="mt-4"> <a href="" class="btn btn-primary">Learn More</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container hidden lg:block"> <div class="flex flex-col lg:flex-row"> <div class="w-full lg:w-1/2"> <div class="py-8 lg:pr-16 lg:py-20"> <h2 class="h3 text-brand-blue mb-8 mt-8">Why join NSWNMA?</h2> <div class="prose"> <p>By becoming a member, you add to the collective strength of our 80,000+ membership. You’ll get access to a range of benefits including legal representation, insurances, confidential advice and assistance, professional development and our benefits program. Membership is also fully tax deductible!</p> </div> <div class="mt-8"> <a href="" class="btn btn-primary">Learn More</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="hidden lg:block absolute top-0 right-0 bottom-0 left-1/2 h-full" style="left: 50%; right: 0;"> <img src="" alt="" class="object-cover h-full w-full"> </div> </div> </section> <section id="" style="border-style: solid;border-top-width: 1px;border-color: rgb(229,231,235);"> <div class="relative pt-0 pb-0"> <div class="flex flex-col lg:hidden"> <div class="w-full"> <div class="aspect-w-16 aspect-h-9"> <img src="×-433-px-6.png" alt="" class="object-cover h-full w-full"> </div> <div class="p-6 pb-8"> <h2 class="h3 text-brand-blue mb-4 mt-4">Become a member today</h2> <div class="prose"> <p>Our members across the public, private, aged care and other sectors make significant contributions to our profession. By joining us, you will gain access to a variety of benefits, such as Professional Indemnity Insurance, Journey Accident Insurance, discounted CPD seminars, and our unwavering support at your workplace.<br /> <br /> Join Us today by clicking below.</p> </div> <div class="mt-4"> <a href="" class="btn btn-primary">Join NSWNMA</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container hidden lg:block"> <div class="flex flex-col lg:flex-row lg:justify-end"> <div class="w-full lg:w-1/2"> <div class="py-8 lg:pl-16 lg:py-20"> <h2 class="h3 text-brand-blue mb-8 mt-8">Become a member today</h2> <div class="prose"> <p>Our members across the public, private, aged care and other sectors make significant contributions to our profession. By joining us, you will gain access to a variety of benefits, such as Professional Indemnity Insurance, Journey Accident Insurance, discounted CPD seminars, and our unwavering support at your workplace.<br /> <br /> Join Us today by clicking below.</p> </div> <div class="mt-8"> <a href="" class="btn btn-primary">Join NSWNMA</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="hidden lg:block absolute top-0 right-0 bottom-0 left-1/2 h-full" style="left: 0; right: 50%;"> <img src="×-433-px-6.png" alt="" class="object-cover h-full w-full"> </div> </div> </section> <section id="benefits" style="background-color:#f4f8ff;"> <div class="relative pt-10 lg:pt-16 xl:pt-28 pb-4 lg:pb-6 xl:pb-14"> <div class="container"> <div class="w-full lg:w-1/2"> <h2 class="h3 text-brand-blue mb-4 md:mb-8 md:mt-8">Benefits of your membership</h2> </div> <div class="flex flex-col lg:flex-row lg:items-end"> <div class="w-full lg:w-1/2"> <div class="prose"> <p>The most significant advantage of being a member of NSWNMA is the ability to leverage the collective "strength in numbers" of our membership during negotiations for workplace terms, conditions, and industrial entitlements.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-10 overflow-x-hidden"> <div id="carousel-67d44976d0cf2" class="content-carousel--swiper"> <div class="swiper-wrapper"> <div class="swiper-slide max-w-screen-xl"> <div class="container"> <div class="bg-white flex flex-col md:flex-row rounded-lg overflow-hidden shadow-xl"> <div class="w-full order-2 md:order-1 md:w-4/12"> <div class="p-4 md:p-8 lg:p-12"> <h3 class="text-2xl text-brand-bluedark font-medium mb-6">Professional Indemnity Insurance</h3> <div class="prose text-sm"> <p>Professional Indemnity and Public Liability Insurance is included in NSWNMA membership. The policy includes cover for nursing work secondary to main employment (independent contract work, short-term interstate or overseas work, or volunteer work) and also for members whose employer does not provide PII cover (or their policy fails to cover you). Additionally, if covered, you can automatically attest that you comply with the NMBA requirements if required. Members undergoing supervised practice to re-register are also covered.</p> </div> <div class="mt-8"> <a href="" class="font-medium text-brand-redchili hover:text-brand-red">Learn more »</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full order-1 md:order-2 md:w-8/12"> <div class="aspect-w-16 aspect-h-9"> <img src="" alt="" class="object-cover h-full w-full"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide max-w-screen-xl"> <div class="container"> <div class="bg-white flex flex-col md:flex-row rounded-lg overflow-hidden shadow-xl"> <div class="w-full order-2 md:order-1 md:w-4/12"> <div class="p-4 md:p-8 lg:p-12"> <h3 class="text-2xl text-brand-bluedark font-medium mb-6">Journey Accident Insurance</h3> <div class="prose text-sm"> <p>Journey Accident Insurance provides cover for members who are injured in an accident while travelling between their home and work. A key benefit is that it provides income replacement while members are off work due to their injuries. A 14-day waiting period applies.</p> </div> <div class="mt-8"> <a href="" class="font-medium text-brand-redchili hover:text-brand-red">Learn more »</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full order-1 md:order-2 md:w-8/12"> <div class="aspect-w-16 aspect-h-9"> <img src="" alt="" class="object-cover h-full w-full"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide max-w-screen-xl"> <div class="container"> <div class="bg-white flex flex-col md:flex-row rounded-lg overflow-hidden shadow-xl"> <div class="w-full order-2 md:order-1 md:w-4/12"> <div class="p-4 md:p-8 lg:p-12"> <h3 class="text-2xl text-brand-bluedark font-medium mb-6">Legal Advice and Representation</h3> <div class="prose text-sm"> <p>Membership offers the security of knowing that if you need assistance with a situation arising from work, eg. workers compensation, coroner’s inquest or professional disciplinary hearings, we will provide you with appropriate legal representation.</p> </div> <div class="mt-8"> <a href="" class="font-medium text-brand-redchili hover:text-brand-red">Learn more »</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full order-1 md:order-2 md:w-8/12"> <div class="aspect-w-16 aspect-h-9"> <img src="" alt="" class="object-cover h-full w-full"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide max-w-screen-xl"> <div class="container"> <div class="bg-white flex flex-col md:flex-row rounded-lg overflow-hidden shadow-xl"> <div class="w-full order-2 md:order-1 md:w-4/12"> <div class="p-4 md:p-8 lg:p-12"> <h3 class="text-2xl text-brand-bluedark font-medium mb-6">Workplace health and safety</h3> <div class="prose text-sm"> <p>Safety of members is a priority for the NSWNMA. Our workplace health and safety service provides advice that can protect you and your colleagues and if problems arise we can insist on WHS improvements on your behalf.</p> </div> <div class="mt-8"> <a href="" class="font-medium text-brand-redchili hover:text-brand-red">Learn more »</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full order-1 md:order-2 md:w-8/12"> <div class="aspect-w-16 aspect-h-9"> <img src="" alt="" class="object-cover h-full w-full"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide max-w-screen-xl"> <div class="container"> <div class="bg-white flex flex-col md:flex-row rounded-lg overflow-hidden shadow-xl"> <div class="w-full order-2 md:order-1 md:w-4/12"> <div class="p-4 md:p-8 lg:p-12"> <h3 class="text-2xl text-brand-bluedark font-medium mb-6">iLearn</h3> <div class="prose text-sm"> <p>Meeting your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) obligations is now even easier with iLearn – our online education portal. Get FREE access to over 200 highly visual and interactive CPD modules online you can do at your own pace, with personalised ePortfolio and CPD tracker so you can easily provide evidence to the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) or Nursing and Midwifery Council of NSW (NMC) of your CPD activities if requested.<br /> </p> </div> <div class="mt-8"> <a href="" class="font-medium text-brand-redchili hover:text-brand-red">Learn more »</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full order-1 md:order-2 md:w-8/12"> <div class="aspect-w-16 aspect-h-9"> <img src="" alt="" class="object-cover h-full w-full"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide max-w-screen-xl"> <div class="container"> <div class="bg-white flex flex-col md:flex-row rounded-lg overflow-hidden shadow-xl"> <div class="w-full order-2 md:order-1 md:w-4/12"> <div class="p-4 md:p-8 lg:p-12"> <h3 class="text-2xl text-brand-bluedark font-medium mb-6">Confidential advice and assistance</h3> <div class="prose text-sm"> <p>Nursing and midwifery careers are stimulating, challenging and rewarding. There will be times in your career, though, when you need information, advice or assistance. In some instances this will be help that only the union is able to provide. See our Member Assistance Policy here. If you’re a member seeking advice, please contact the NSWNMA.</p> </div> <div class="mt-8"> <a href="" class="font-medium text-brand-redchili hover:text-brand-red">Contact NSWNMA »</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full order-1 md:order-2 md:w-8/12"> <div class="aspect-w-16 aspect-h-9"> <img src="" alt="" class="object-cover h-full w-full"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide max-w-screen-xl"> <div class="container"> <div class="bg-white flex flex-col md:flex-row rounded-lg overflow-hidden shadow-xl"> <div class="w-full order-2 md:order-1 md:w-4/12"> <div class="p-4 md:p-8 lg:p-12"> <h3 class="text-2xl text-brand-bluedark font-medium mb-6">Professional development</h3> <div class="prose text-sm"> <p>As a member you can attend our range of industrial, legal and professional education programs, seminars and conferences at subsidised or reduced rates.</p> </div> <div class="mt-8"> <a href="" class="font-medium text-brand-redchili hover:text-brand-red">Learn more »</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full order-1 md:order-2 md:w-8/12"> <div class="aspect-w-16 aspect-h-9"> <img src="" alt="" class="object-cover h-full w-full"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide max-w-screen-xl"> <div class="container"> <div class="bg-white flex flex-col md:flex-row rounded-lg overflow-hidden shadow-xl"> <div class="w-full order-2 md:order-1 md:w-4/12"> <div class="p-4 md:p-8 lg:p-12"> <h3 class="text-2xl text-brand-bluedark font-medium mb-6">Discounts and Offers Program </h3> <div class="prose text-sm"> <p>As a member of the NSWNMA, you are eligible to access thousands of iSave program benefits, from everyday savings on fuel and groceries, to wholesale pricing at The Good Guys, to discounts on dining out, gym memberships, movie tickets and much more.<br /> <br /> Everything to help you save on what you need and spoil yourself with what you want.</p> </div> <div class="mt-8"> <a href=" " class="font-medium text-brand-redchili hover:text-brand-red">Learn more »</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full order-1 md:order-2 md:w-8/12"> <div class="aspect-w-16 aspect-h-9"> <img src="" alt="" class="object-cover h-full w-full"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide max-w-screen-xl"> <div class="container"> <div class="bg-white flex flex-col md:flex-row rounded-lg overflow-hidden shadow-xl"> <div class="w-full order-2 md:order-1 md:w-4/12"> <div class="p-4 md:p-8 lg:p-12"> <h3 class="text-2xl text-brand-bluedark font-medium mb-6">Visa assist </h3> <div class="prose text-sm"> <p>The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association, Unions NSW and the Immigration Advice and Rights Centre (IARC) have partnered to deliver expert immigration advice for Association members. <br /> <br /> This expert legal advice covers all types of visas provided to workers in Australia such as student, working holiday and sponsorship visas. The service is completely confidential, free and can be given over the phone or in person. IARC also has interpreters if needed.</p> </div> <div class="mt-8"> <a href="" class="font-medium text-brand-redchili hover:text-brand-red">Learn more »</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full order-1 md:order-2 md:w-8/12"> <div class="aspect-w-16 aspect-h-9"> <img src="" alt="" class="object-cover h-full w-full"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide max-w-screen-xl"> <div class="container"> <div class="bg-white flex flex-col md:flex-row rounded-lg overflow-hidden shadow-xl"> <div class="w-full order-2 md:order-1 md:w-4/12"> <div class="p-4 md:p-8 lg:p-12"> <h3 class="text-2xl text-brand-bluedark font-medium mb-6">Scholarships</h3> <div class="prose text-sm"> <p>Each year members and associate members are invited to apply for education, conference and research scholarships provided by the Edith Cavell Trust. Annually the Edith Cavell Trust provides approximately $100,000 to assist members with their professional development and further studies.</p> </div> <div class="mt-8"> <a href="" class="font-medium text-brand-redchili hover:text-brand-red">Learn more »</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full order-1 md:order-2 md:w-8/12"> <div class="aspect-w-16 aspect-h-9"> <img src="" alt="" class="object-cover h-full w-full"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide max-w-screen-xl"> <div class="container"> <div class="bg-white flex flex-col md:flex-row rounded-lg overflow-hidden shadow-xl"> <div class="w-full order-2 md:order-1 md:w-4/12"> <div class="p-4 md:p-8 lg:p-12"> <h3 class="text-2xl text-brand-bluedark font-medium mb-6">Information</h3> <div class="prose text-sm"> <p>Every three months you’ll receive a copy of our magazine The Lamp, and you have access to Lamp Online which will keep you up to date with news of the profession and NSWNMA activities. Branch officials from your workplace can assist you with most queries relating to pay and conditions of employment. Or you can contact the Association for help with more complex or confidential issues.</p> </div> <div class="mt-8"> <a href="" class="font-medium text-brand-redchili hover:text-brand-red">The Lamp online »</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full order-1 md:order-2 md:w-8/12"> <div class="aspect-w-16 aspect-h-9"> <img src="" alt="" class="object-cover h-full w-full"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide max-w-screen-xl"> <div class="container"> <div class="bg-white flex flex-col md:flex-row rounded-lg overflow-hidden shadow-xl"> <div class="w-full order-2 md:order-1 md:w-4/12"> <div class="p-4 md:p-8 lg:p-12"> <h3 class="text-2xl text-brand-bluedark font-medium mb-6">Retirement</h3> <div class="prose text-sm"> <p>The union has ongoing involvement in the improvement of both public and industry superannuation funds. Union representatives work to ensure that your superannuation funds are focused on securing your financial future. You can also join the NSWNMA Retired Member Activist Group (RMAG). </p> </div> <div class="mt-8"> <a href="" class="font-medium text-brand-redchili hover:text-brand-red">Retired Member Activist Group »</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full order-1 md:order-2 md:w-8/12"> <div class="aspect-w-16 aspect-h-9"> <img src="" alt="" class="object-cover h-full w-full"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-x-6 justify-center py-6 md:py-10"> <div class="content-carousel--button-prev p-3 rounded-full bg-brand-bluedark shadow-lg flex items-center justify-center cursor-pointer text-white hover:bg-white hover:text-brand-bluedark transition duration-300"> <svg class="svg-icon rotate-180" width="16" height="16" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M7.83335 3C8.04724 2.99978 8.25297 3.08408 8.40754 3.23534L16.7405 11.3785C16.8226 11.4589 16.8878 11.5554 16.9324 11.6623C16.977 11.7692 17 11.8842 17 12.0004C17 12.1166 16.977 12.2316 16.9324 12.3385C16.8878 12.4454 16.8226 12.542 16.7405 12.6223L8.40754 20.7645C8.32834 20.842 8.23487 20.9026 8.13266 20.943C8.03044 20.9834 7.92142 21.0026 7.81189 20.9997C7.70236 20.9968 7.59456 20.9717 7.49455 20.9259C7.39454 20.8801 7.30438 20.8145 7.22926 20.7329C7.07727 20.5677 6.99512 20.3478 7.00073 20.121C7.00633 19.8942 7.09922 19.6788 7.25917 19.5217L14.9562 12.0004L7.25917 4.4792C7.09894 4.32202 7.00587 4.10639 7.00027 3.87935C6.99466 3.6523 7.07699 3.43219 7.22926 3.26693C7.30683 3.18263 7.40036 3.11546 7.50425 3.06955C7.60814 3.02364 7.72019 2.99998 7.83335 3Z" fill="currentColor"/></svg> </div> <div class="content-carousel--button-next p-3 rounded-full bg-brand-bluedark shadow-lg flex items-center justify-center cursor-pointer text-white hover:bg-white hover:text-brand-bluedark transition duration-300"> <svg class="svg-icon" width="16" height="16" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M7.83335 3C8.04724 2.99978 8.25297 3.08408 8.40754 3.23534L16.7405 11.3785C16.8226 11.4589 16.8878 11.5554 16.9324 11.6623C16.977 11.7692 17 11.8842 17 12.0004C17 12.1166 16.977 12.2316 16.9324 12.3385C16.8878 12.4454 16.8226 12.542 16.7405 12.6223L8.40754 20.7645C8.32834 20.842 8.23487 20.9026 8.13266 20.943C8.03044 20.9834 7.92142 21.0026 7.81189 20.9997C7.70236 20.9968 7.59456 20.9717 7.49455 20.9259C7.39454 20.8801 7.30438 20.8145 7.22926 20.7329C7.07727 20.5677 6.99512 20.3478 7.00073 20.121C7.00633 19.8942 7.09922 19.6788 7.25917 19.5217L14.9562 12.0004L7.25917 4.4792C7.09894 4.32202 7.00587 4.10639 7.00027 3.87935C6.99466 3.6523 7.07699 3.43219 7.22926 3.26693C7.30683 3.18263 7.40036 3.11546 7.50425 3.06955C7.60814 3.02364 7.72019 2.99998 7.83335 3Z" fill="currentColor"/></svg> </div> </div> </div> <script> new Swiper('#carousel-67d44976d0cf2', { loop: true, navigation: { nextEl: '#carousel-67d44976d0cf2 .content-carousel--button-next', prevEl: '#carousel-67d44976d0cf2 .content-carousel--button-prev', }, slidesPerView: "auto", centeredSlides: true, spaceBetween: 0, }); 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We pay our respects to their Elders past and present. </div> </div> <div class="lg:w-2/3 lg:pt-8 lg:pl-10"> <div class="flex flex-col lg:flex-row gap-y-6 text-sm justify-between lg:gap-x-16"> <div class="w-full lg:w-1/2"> <strong class="uppercase">SYDNEY OFFICE</strong><br /> <div class="mb-4">50 O’Dea Avenue, Waterloo, NSW 2017<br /> (Limited visitor parking available underground)</div> <div></div> <div><strong>Metro tel:</strong> (02) 8595 1234<br /> <strong>Fax:</strong> (02) 9662 1414<br /> <strong>Email:</strong></div> </div> <div class="w-full lg:w-1/2"> <strong class="uppercase">HUNTER OFFICE</strong><br /> <div class="mb-4">8-14 Telford Street, Newcastle East,<br /> NSW 2300</div> <div></div> <div><strong>Regional tel:</strong> 1300 367 962</div> </div> </div> <div class="flex lg:gap-x-16 lg:justify-end"> <div class="lg:w-1/2 lg:pl-8"> <div class="mt-4"> <div class="flex gap-x-2"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="flex justify-center items-end text-white p-2 rounded-full 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