Important Notices
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See our <a href="/web/20130513202139/">Security</a> section for details.</p> <p>The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is committed to ensuring the personal privacy of our website visitors. See our <a href="/web/20130513202139/">Privacy statement</a> for details.</p> <p>Want to copy something from our site? See our <a href="/web/20130513202139/">Copyright/permission to reproduce</a> section for details.</p> <p>Some of the information on this site has been supplied to the CRA by external sources. See our <a href="/web/20130513202139/">Disclaimer</a> section for details.</p> <p>The CRA respects the Official Languages Act and is committed to ensuring all information and services on this site is available in both English and French. See our <a href="/web/20130513202139/">Official languages notice</a> for details.</p> <p>Links to Web sites not under the control of the Government of Canada (GoC) are provided solely for the convenience of users. See our <a href="/web/20130513202139/">Hyperlinking notice</a> for details.</p> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> </div> <!-- CONTENT ENDS | FIN DU CONTENU --> <!-- TWO COLUMN LAYOUT ENDS | FIN DE LA MISE EN PAGE DE DEUX COLONNES --> <!-- FOOTER BEGINS | DEBUT DU PIED DE LA PAGE --> <div class="footer"> <div class="footerline"></div> <div class="foot1"> <!-- DATE MODIFIED BEGINS | DEBUT DE LA DATE DE MODIFICATION --> Date Modified: <span class="date"> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="Updated date" -->2009-04-22 <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></span> <!-- DATE MODIFIED ENDS | FIN DE LA DATE DE MODIFICATION --> </div> <!-- <noindex> --> <div class="foot2"><a href="#tphp" title="Return to Top of Page"><img class="uparrow" src="/web/20130513202139im_/" width="19" height="12" alt=""/><br/>Top of Page</a></div> <div class="foot3"><a href="/web/20130513202139/" title="Important Notices - Privacy statement, Security, Copyright, Disclaimer, Official languages, and Hyperlinking">Important Notices</a></div> <!-- </noindex> --> </div> <!-- FOOTER ENDS | FIN DU PIED DE LA PAGE --> </div> </div></div> </body> <!-- InstanceEnd --> </html><!-- FILE ARCHIVED ON 20:21:39 May 13, 2013 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 05:33:23 Feb 26, 2025. 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