Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) :: Fedora Docs

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quality Fedora packages available for RHEL and compatible derivatives.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sect1"> <h2 id="_getting_started"><a class="anchor" href="#_getting_started"></a>Getting started</h2> <div class="sectionbody"> <div class="paragraph"> <p>Learn more about getting started using EPEL on the following page:</p> </div> <div class="ulist"> <ul> <li> <p><a href="getting-started/" class="xref page">Getting Started</a></p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sect1"> <h2 id="what_is_extra_packages_for_enterprise_linux_or_epel"><a class="anchor" href="#what_is_extra_packages_for_enterprise_linux_or_epel"></a>What is Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (or EPEL)?</h2> <div class="sectionbody"> <div class="paragraph"> <p>Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) is an initiative within the <a href="">Fedora Project</a> to provide high quality additional packages for <a href="">CentOS Stream</a> and <a href="">Red Hat Enterprise Linux</a> (RHEL).</p> </div> <div class="paragraph"> <p>EPEL packages are usually based on their Fedora counterparts and should not conflict with or replace packages in the base Enterprise Linux distributions. EPEL uses much of the same infrastructure as Fedora, including buildsystem, Bugzilla instance, updates manager, mirror manager and more.</p> </div> <div class="paragraph"> <p>Learn more about EPEL in the following pages:</p> </div> <div class="ulist"> <ul> <li> <p><a href="epel-faq">EPEL FAQ</a></p> </li> <li> <p><a href="epel-about">About EPEL</a></p> </li> <li> <p><a href="epel-policy">EPEL Guidelines and Policies</a></p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sect1"> <h2 id="what_is_epel_next"><a class="anchor" href="#what_is_epel_next"></a>What is EPEL-Next?</h2> <div class="sectionbody"> <div class="paragraph"> <p>EPEL packages are built against RHEL. EPEL Next packages are built against CentOS Stream.</p> </div> <div class="paragraph"> <p>EPEL-Next is not a complete rebuild of all the EPEL packages, but only those packages that need to be rebuilt to install on CentOS Stream. The EPEL-Next repo is meant to be layered on top of the regular EPEL repository.</p> </div> <div class="paragraph"> <p>Learn more about EPEL-Next on the following page:</p> </div> <div class="ulist"> <ul> <li> <p><a href="epel-about-next">EPEL Next</a></p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sect1"> <h2 id="what_packages_and_versions_are_available_in_epel"><a class="anchor" href="#what_packages_and_versions_are_available_in_epel"></a>What packages and versions are available in EPEL?</h2> <div class="sectionbody"> <div class="paragraph"> <p>Since EPEL is part of the Fedora project, you can search the available packages in the <a href="">Fedora Packages web app</a>. This provides an overview of available versions across various EPEL branches. If you find a package that is not yet available in the EPEL branch you would like it to be, please follow <a href="epel-package-request/" class="xref page">this guide</a> to request it.</p> </div> <div class="paragraph"> <p>Alternately, you can browse the repo files directly:</p> </div> <div class="ulist"> <ul> <li> <p>EPEL 10: <a href="">x86_64</a>, <a href="">s390x</a>, <a href="">ppc64le</a>, <a href="">aarch64</a>, <a href="">sources</a></p> </li> <li> <p>EPEL 9: <a href="">x86_64</a>, <a href="">s390x</a>, <a href="">ppc64le</a>, <a href="">aarch64</a>, <a href="">sources</a></p> </li> <li> <p>EPEL 8: <a href="">x86_64</a>, <a href="">s390x</a>, <a href="">ppc64le</a>, <a href="">aarch64</a>, <a href="">sources</a></p> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="paragraph"> <p>You can also browse these same directories on any of our <a href="">mirrors</a>.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sect1"> <h2 id="end_of_life_releases"><a class="anchor" href="#end_of_life_releases"></a>END OF LIFE RELEASES</h2> <div class="sectionbody"> <div class="paragraph"> <p><strong>THESE ARE NO LONGER SUPPORTED</strong></p> </div> <div class="admonitionblock note"> <table> <tr> <td class="icon"> <i class="fa icon-note" title="Note"></i> </td> <td class="content"> Due to major security changes in SSL in the last 10 years, older releases may not be able to directly point to these releases. As of 2021-01-22, EPEL-5 and 4 systems do not have the newer TLS 1.2 algorithms that Internet servers are required to use for security reasons. The best method for working with these is to have a newer system mirror the entire archive and then for your systems to point to that mirror. </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="ulist"> <ul> <li> <p>EPEL 7: <a href="" class="bare"></a></p> </li> <li> <p>EPEL 6: <a href="" class="bare"></a></p> </li> <li> <p>EPEL 5: <a href="" class="bare"></a></p> </li> <li> <p>EPEL 4: <a href="" class="bare"></a></p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sect1"> <h2 id="can_i_rely_on_these_packages"><a class="anchor" href="#can_i_rely_on_these_packages"></a>Can I rely on these packages?</h2> <div class="sectionbody"> <div class="paragraph"> <p>The EPEL project strives to provide packages with both high quality and stability. However, EPEL is maintained by a community of people who generally volunteer their time and no commercial support is provided. It is the nature of such a project that packages will come and go from the EPEL repositories over the course of a single release. In addition, it is possible that occasionally an incompatible update will be released such that administrator action is required. By policy these are announced in advance in order to give administrators time to test and provide suggestions.</p> </div> <div class="paragraph"> <p>It is strongly recommended that if you make use of EPEL, and especially if you rely upon it, that you subscribe to the <a href="">epel-announce</a> list. Traffic on this list is kept to a minimum needed to notify administrators of important updates.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sect1"> <h2 id="history_and_background_of_the_project"><a class="anchor" href="#history_and_background_of_the_project"></a>History and background of the project</h2> <div class="sectionbody"> <div class="paragraph"> <p>The EPEL project was born when Fedora maintainers realized that the same infrastructure that builds and maintains packages for Fedora would be great to also maintain add on packages for Enterprise Linux. Much of the early need was driven by what Fedora infrastructure needed on the RHEL machines that built and maintained Fedora. From there things have grown to a large collection of varied packages. See <a href="epel-about-history-philosophy">our history and Philosophy page</a> for more information.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sect1"> <h2 id="how_can_i_contribute"><a class="anchor" href="#how_can_i_contribute"></a>How can I contribute?</h2> <div class="sectionbody"> <div class="paragraph"> <p>EPEL is always looking for interested folks to help out. We always need package maintainers, QA/testers, bug triagers and documentation writers. Please see our <a href="epel-help">Joining EPEL</a> page for more information on how to join EPEL.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sect1"> <h2 id="communicating_with_epel"><a class="anchor" href="#communicating_with_epel"></a>Communicating with EPEL</h2> <div class="sectionbody"> <div class="paragraph"> <p>There are many ways to communicate with EPEL and its members:</p> </div> <div class="ulist"> <ul> <li> <p>The <a href=""></a> channel on offers real-time support for EPEL users and developers.</p> </li> <li> <p>The <a href="">#epel</a> IRC channel on <a href="">Libera Chat</a> is a secondary chat location, but is not bridged to Matrix.</p> </li> <li> <p>The <a href="">epel-devel</a> mailing list is for general EPEL discussion. <a href="">Historic archives</a> are available.</p> </li> <li> <p>The <a href="">epel-announce</a> mailing list is a low volume mailing list for only important announcements.</p> </li> <li> <p>The <a href="">epel-package-announce</a> mailing list is a list that gets information about package updates as they happen in the stable repository.</p> </li> <li> <p>If you find a bug in a EPEL maintained package, please report it to <a href=""></a> under the "Fedora EPEL" product.</p> </li> <li> <p>Infrastructure issues (mirrors, repos, etc.) should be reported to <a href="">Fedora releng</a>.</p> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="ulist"> <ul> <li> <p>The EPEL Steering Committee meets on Wednesday every week in the <a href="">Fedora Meeting 1</a> Matrix channel. The time is <strong>not</strong> tied to U.S. daylight savings time, so it is at 18:00 UTC regardless of the time of year. Please check the time on the <a href="">epel calendar</a>; sometimes it can change or a meeting can be skipped. Feel free to join us! Logs of past meetings can be viewed in <a href=";type=team">meetbot</a>.</p> </li> <li> <p>The EPEL Steering Committee has <a href="">monthly office hours for the EPEL project</a>.</p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div id="" class="mt-16"> <p class="contribute px-6 py-3 w-fit bg-gray-100 dark:bg-fp-blue-darker rounded-full">Want to help? <a class="" href="">Learn how to contribute to Fedora Docs <span class="ml-2 inline-block text-3xl leading-4 h-max align-top text-black dark:text-white">›</span></a></p> </div> </article> </div> </main> </div> <footer class="flex flex-col bg-fp-gray-lightest dark:bg-fp-blue-darkest dark:text-fp-gray-light text-sm dark:border-t dark:border-gray-800"> <section class="pt-2 pb-6 px-2"> <p class="text-center">All Fedora Documentation content available under <a href="">CC BY-SA 4.0</a> or, when specifically noted, under another <a href="">accepted</a> free and open content license.</p> <div class="container mx-auto flex flex-col lg:flex-row my-4"> <div class="mx-auto lg:mx-0 lg:basis-3/12"> <img src="../_/img/fedora-blue.png" alt="Fedora Logo" class="w-36 mb-4 lg:mb-0" /> </div> <ul class="mx-4 flex items-center grow justify-center gap-4 lg:mx-0 lg:gap-12 xl:gap-20 2xl:gap-28 lg:justify-start" > <li class="list-none"> <a href="/en-US/legal/privacy/" class="text-fp-gray-darkest dark:text-fp-gray transition duration-300 ease-in-out hover:text-fp-gray dark:hover:text-fp-gray-light" >Privacy Statement</a > </li> <li class="list-none"> <a href="/en-US/legal/" class="text-fp-gray-darkest transition duration-300 ease-in-out hover:text-fp-gray dark:text-fp-gray dark:hover:text-fp-gray-light" >Legal</a > </li> <li class="list-none"> <a href="/en-US/project/code-of-conduct/" class="text-fp-gray-darkest transition duration-300 ease-in-out hover:text-fp-gray dark:text-fp-gray dark:hover:text-fp-gray-light" >Code of Conduct</a > </li> <li class="list-none"> <a href="" class="text-fp-gray-darkest transition duration-300 ease-in-out hover:text-fp-gray dark:text-fp-gray dark:hover:text-fp-gray-light" >Sponsors</a > </li> </ul> </div> <p class="text-center text-xs text-fp-gray-dark">Last build: 2025-02-17 15:50:11 UTC | Last content update: 2024-12-03 </p> </section> <!-- Red Hat Sponsorship Section --> <section class="bg-black py-6 text-center md:text-left px-2"> <div class="container mx-auto flex flex-col lg:flex-row"> <div class="mx-auto items-center lg:mx-0 lg:basis-3/12"> <img src="../_/img/logo-sponsored-by-red-hat.png" alt="Sponsored by Red Hat Logo" class="mb-4 xl:mb-0" /> </div> <div class="flex items-center justify-center text-center lg:text-left lg:ml-8 xl:-ml-8 2xl:ml-5"> <p class="text-white"> Fedora is sponsored by Red Hat. <a class="block text-fp-gray xl:ml-2 xl:inline" href=""> Learn more about the relationship between Red Hat and Fedora. </a> </p> </div> </div> </section> </footer> <script id="site-script" src="../_/js/site.js" data-ui-root-path="../_"></script> <script async src="../_/js/vendor/highlight.js"></script> <script async src="../_/js/vendor/datatables.js"></script> <script async src="../_/js/vendor/tabs.js"></script> <script src="../_/js/vendor/lunr.js"></script> <script src="../_/js/search-ui.js" id="search-ui-script" data-site-root-path=".." data-snippet-length="100" data-stylesheet="../_/css/search.css"></script> <script async src="../search-index.js"></script> </body> </html>

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